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Wing color change by sunlight irradiation in the spotless grass yellow butterfly, Eurema laeta betheseba(Lepidoptera, Pieridae) PDF

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Preview Wing color change by sunlight irradiation in the spotless grass yellow butterfly, Eurema laeta betheseba(Lepidoptera, Pieridae)

TThhee LLeepipdiopdteorpoltoegircaollSoocgieitycal Society ooff JJaapapnan utUre LapidoptetuScience65(1)4:4-49,Apri12014 Wing color change by sunlight irradiati oinn the spotless grass yellow butterflEyu,rema laeta betheseba(LepidoptPeireari,dae) Ichir ToANAHAsHI i), [[bush MiIFuNE 2), Norio HIRAI 3) and Minoru IsHII3) i) Department of Applied Chemistry ,Faculty of Engineering O,saka Institu tofe Technology ,5-16- 1Omiya, Asahi-ku, Osaka,535-8585Japan 2)YbshidaFutagozuka-aza,Nakajima-mura,Nishi-shirakawa-gun,Fukushima,961-O106Japan 3) Entomologica llaborator yG,raduate School of lif eand Environmenta lScience ,Osaka Prefectur Ueniversit yS,akai, Osaka, 599-8531 Japan Abstract Wing color change of the spotless grass yellow butterfi Eyu,rema laet abetheseba ,was compared between specimens exposed to sunlight and others kept in the dark for one month, and between specimens exposed to ultraviolet (wavelen ogf2t54h nm) and green ligh t(S3 2nm) for 8 h, The result sshowed that the color of the ventral surface of the hind wings was changed frem yellow to yellowis hbrown by sunlight irradiati oInr.radiati oofn ultraviole tligh htad more effect on wing coloration than irradiati wointh green Iigh tT.he color change in the wings was more marked in males than in females .Wing color did not change in specimens kept in the clar kM.icroscop iobcservations showed that the color change was derive dfrom changes in pigrnent sin wing scales. The ligh rteflectance increase din the wavelength region of 400-500 nm, whereas it decrease din the region of 500-65 0nm ufter sunlight irradiat iIno nth.e photoluminescence (PL )spectra of the wings measured at room temperature, a broa demission around 500 nm was observed, suggesting the presenceofpterinpigmentsinthescales.IhepeakintensityofPLspectrabeearneslightlysmaileraftersunlightirradiation in both sexes. These results indica ttheat the wing color change in E"retn laaeta betheseb awas due te deteriorati oofn th epter ipnigment isn the scales as a result of ultraviolet ligh tirradiatjon. Key words Euiema laeta betheseba ,photoluminesce nptceer,i npigment,refiectan csepectrum, seasonal form ,wjng colon Introduction The spotless grags yellow ,Eutema laet abetheseba ,is distribu tien dHonshu ,Shikok uand Kyushu in Japan Butterfli heasve a wide variety of beautif uwling colors, (Kawazo eand Wakabayash 1i 9,76) T.his coliadine butterfly wThhiechir vhivaivdel yat ctorlaocrtfeud1 s wciinegnstif airc ea nedit hteerc hdnuoel toog tihcea Hsnelteecrteisyet. iens dlaingsetree didn t shpe eRcieeds Ddautea t Lo tisht e odfe Jgarpaad naast oionfoe hn oafb ithtea mtwosistth absorption of ligh tby pigments in the wing scales or to the 1arva flbod plant C,hamaecrist naomame (Leguminosae) tnKahineno moreestfehirei-ctst iaizaoenndd o Yf bsltsirhugcihto utbkreyas , r2ie0ng u0tl5ha;re slRcyau ltaersor w(asnGgkehid ietr saaclda.le, e sl21 0l9a0an77d,2;; aa(n mdMuil ptniaviso]sst eiot snftre hEye nl vwiiifnter ceyrocnle mien w nittth he,J a apsdeauvnle,tr 2 asl0t 0agg6ee)n .(TeShrihasi tsrpie6 ocpzi nee2usrs0 ,y 0he6aa)sr. WctYohihlejmo rnasatedtiniamou,, nl 22i 00oof00f 71t lh); ieK. gaIbhtto t odit ,yese t mka apnnledo.r wwa2int0nu g1rsi0e n; aYosnafod mmi eahnmus omsetpiceod ctiii eess ttis y(an li.Kt,t ha2iat0at 1atot nb1ehdy)ed, Tbiadhynu dell tuaa cdfrueolv dt brapsyr h l pslnohaootwsnogsp aeetn dtrwshoi eso hdwdoi irnststth,et edr isau ny(m cmssY teerraaessotp n eaa1acnl9t,di7 vf 4etol)hy re.T, mah usae tndu ddmen ottrehs rfe lamo laairnntdmetsder The two rnain subfamilies, Co]iadina (esulf uanrds P)ierinae ventral surfaces of adult wings are yellow with black (white osf t)h,e Pierid aaree distinguish ferdom each other markings in both fbrms. tboy otrhaengier ,wi nagnd c tolhoross; o eftphieorsi noeef c sopleicaiedsi nae rsep ewchiietse. a r1e[ yIeh wleinlgow Isut rifas ckeno owfn t, hhe ohwienvd ewirn ,gtsha t itnh te hge raouutnumd ncol ofror omf v tahrie evse nftrraolm pcsaaootllnilu.sg od,o tmrd2 haeke0tden ni0mot oan5als w te;c Enaotl dfltwhwei dheap nsagri csptdetatl,hr eeaei1r rdcu9eblri 6tuorin8 stascsvm;t iorMopenilosbeoristrfrse tlt(hi in(aioY egnfsuU sa osmtVigare in) s in1eprglte,e9yr cf5aiial4e en,scd; ,u teR ilr2roueeni 0tcs oovo0prgewn 7a dibst)f tketIi.rioa et oneirdmtsnss ybeeHmleeoealerpwgslneee ondrvwcee epitorisr ibmth, eet ribd ois unwu tnnt tchgh ltaereo tafa rrtided heudwiilhas a(shdltclHo ly atfoburasrrc noeistwgs onyy ra(aees rw1lSela9l hlr8o,eois9w pwrj; oMin6uis s2izsfb hb0uarutl0fneo,t6eew ),r f2n . oI0awrtd 0 ithut9hlhat)is.s phenomenon. and sexual identifica itn itohne mating behavio rof pierid species (Obar aand Hidaka, 1968). In this study, effects of sunlight, UV and gree nlight NII-Electronic Library Service TThhee LLeepipdiopdteorpoltoegircaollSoocgieitycal Society ooff JJaapapnan Wing color change of E. Iaeta 45 irradia toni otnhe ground color change of the ventral surface IVietograp iantdy speetroseqpo, wfiuogr suijTace observadon obowbafbyess t tehr hscvepoe aemhtscpiiteaornrbnoedsas dw.c,io npIg ibsnc ead todwfi te Emice,o ann lsmu aatlreehetme ead bannitedsft hffeeesmr eaebal nniaew dcaen dwr eueilmtnsi gic nr coovfosecl Eoso.pr titaictagieaottnead io(IfnSS bRiho-nit3th1am E0c axw0tipz )nU eguwVrsi,t3ih 6mw0ee r0tneh tI ee aqmnpuedialpsa puIernIde e d,tofh we idwttihihtfhe Taw niUan gs sirepneef tciateeprcgpotrpraohanxocittemoi a mssnteppetgehleceyrtrrea, perpendicul atro the probe in the range from 200 to 800 nm. A white reflectance standard (BaS04 w)as used as a Material sand methods reference. The ventral surface of the lef htind wing cut off InsectsLast from the body was used to analyze the color change of the wings, In order to examine the pigments in the wing insta lrarva eof E, laet abetheseb awere collected scales ,the photoluminescenc (ePL )spectra of the wings from C nomame at Shirakaw Caity F,ukushim Parefecture were measured using a He-Cd lase r(32 5nm, 50 mW) as in the [[bhoku region ofJapan, and reared on leave sof C. an excitatien source, The emitted ligh ftrom the specimens nomame under room conditions in Fukushima Cit ylate was detected by a photon-counti nsygstem with a in summer of 2008 .Eightee nadults (1 2males and 6 photomultimet etrhrough a monochromater. female sof) the autumn form obtained from the rearing were ki11 eidmmediate alfyter emergence, and used in two Microscopy sferroiem Nsoofv elmabbeorr taot Do eerxcpyeermibmeenrt, s2,0 0E8x,periment sI and II, The morphology and the color of the wings were observed withalaserscamimgmicroscopewithabluelaser(Keyence Experiment I: ELtll eocftsunli exgpohsutre VKKe9y5eOnOc)eV aEn8d8 w0i0th) a scanning electron microsco8pk e(VSlFEoMr, at an acceleration voltage of Male and femal eadult specimens were prepared with the SEM observations, wing specimens were gold coated fblde wdings and the wings cut off from the body at the by sputtering for 30 s (Sany Eulectro SnC-701) .The base with fin escissors, In order to explore the effect of sputtered specimens were attached to the sample holder sunlight exposure on the wing color change, the specimens using carbon double-si dteadpe. The coloration of the were placed near the window and kept in the dark, wings was also observed by the naked eye. respectively for one month in the laborator oyf Osaka PrefecturUeniversiStayk,aiCityinOsakaPrefectuTrhee, ResultsExperiment specimens were place dhorizonta olnl tyheir righ tside on a desk near the window so that the ventral surface of the I ld6tApwesueuthrt efrhe dahtita oac ni eotDttxnni epo tad oa owrcof osiol. fennl Jid6g agssftpuh onhta trs o2r,nteh - M0cishteenu0eiien t8e vlgbexe)i hopdgwodetxharru tssiao,rumn lnicedlaonni ltpg ggc,tlhiuthlac aet Acat thgeeelhexder d npoone ettuxrchotgie ymhbr ,te Set nos athp1tkee7h cwa e0ii ( im onhCendfoineossuwrt,ry o w s ,2hNfw mi0eTorcr0hhvQe8e.m. Twiiis1iuhnnn)n n e:g,mmlTaaa ihllgg dgeeheritr o , acas suotwdpplhnieeuoedcco rraiicenmm loaceeslslh nntocayssrhno atg pneo hpgfksaeeu e dttobodpfjhfwtee btci fithvo'rnee ettodnt hwthm hhir inyeati gnldseon oaldos nrlnwu eiearko s-nfmwmfga toosacbonen r rt tye hroseohneumfle.lta Ctilmen ohoxoeomepfnd woptl ssihaeuu ybrnrsf eel rith(hilongiFl hwgtntoinsodwpge,cimens ExperimentU;ELCfeoctfUV lighitmadiation of both sexes exposed to sunlight, the resultant ground color ofthe ventral hind wing sumbce was datke rin males In order to explore the effect of UV ligh tirradiati oonn thaninfernales(Fig.2).Microscopicobservationsshowed the wing color change, the ventral surface of the lef thind tha tthe change in wing color as a result of sunlight exposure wings cut off from the body of male and female adults was derive fdrom that in scale color, but there was no was irradia twietdh UV ligh tof 254 nm using a 15-W differe nicn tehe morphology of scales (Fi g3), .The density low-press umerrecury lamp (a germicida llamp) with a ofthe scales of the males was slightly highe rthan tha tof poweT densit oyf 1 .0 mWcm'2 for 8 h at room temperature the females, ([caffa losrarebr Torm8ici me ohchtdo nhu naoeo dtn u2u lbrtcd5ooo tofDgod mrbCIyyr) r, t wtrhei eleranme adwptisi nehpegar sewurt aitltit o uiahoofrnbf n aetog ,mp orraTaloaehe lteweion e glarr r nhiodiydftgeg -hf nhO tt(hestsii5mai gnb 3katoh d ofal2tnyw xmiea1I)n d,.ngu 3s lsmwttWas csic muut' ts2aui l ontsofgeoff Iwr6sreieen5xngf e0giltso ehnnc e mts ( audonr fFiacff fea4itcf 0e ge4ur0o, .)fs- tt .r e5Ththe0hfeeh l0oere e nne cvemfste-luanmen ntocalcrntnieatadglhnh ctsd ephee ic icstirurrnnnarled ciagwar hdisfteineraag di soti nem i sr itddtournh irhnate fedh rd aneveicoge watein aott ivnrai eafnfl olfoevoe nfnichr gs t5btii h0otbnlh0tdee--h NNIII-IE-leEcltreoncitcronic Library Service TThheLee piLcelopptiedroolpogticearlSoolcioetgyical Society ooff JJaapapnan 46 I .TANAHAsH Iet aL wavelengths longer than 650 nm (abou t65% for both sexes) and in the ultraviolet range shorter than 400 nm (abo u5t% in female and a few percen tin male), The SEM observations showed that the scaies on the ventralsurfaceofthehindwingconsistofthicklongitudinal rib ast interv aofl aspproximately l.7-1,8um with a series ofsmallercross-ribsseparatedbyO.9-1.1um(Fig.5).The sca]es were densel ypacked with beads :numerous oval- shaped beads were seen hangin gdown from the 1ongitudinal ribs and cross-ribs into the scale interi oTrh,e densit yof beads was highe rin males than in females. Fig,1. The ventral surface of the ]ef twings of ma]e E. Iaeta betheseba adults exposed to sun1ight{a) and kept in the dark Experiment II (b )foron emonth. The irradiati oofn 254 nm ligh thad a similar effect on the rweafvleelcetnagntche orfe gtihoen h oifn d4 0wi0n-g5 0s0u rnfmac ea:n di tdienccrreeaassee diidnn tthhee the same photoluminescen csepectra as shown in Fig ,7, region of 500-65 n0m after the irradia twhieonn compared with that of a hind wing kept in the dark (Fi g6.) .On the Discussion oihtrihrnerad dwihingaant di k,ao tet np5hte 3 i2rn entfmhiee cwdtasaanrc ekal. moosft th teh eh isanmde wi ansg t haaftt eorf tthhee Iftono tryhmei ols fsl tEoudw yii ast hehbet rvabeoenwttrnha elw shseeunrbf aag crteha oedf uwhiaingnl csd lhway innwggeesrde i fn etrxhpooem sa eyudteuml nltoow Abroademissionpeakingataround500nmwithashoulder sunlight, It was also proved in this study that irradiation around 450 nm was observed in all the photoluminescence by UV ligh t(25 4nm in wavelength) has an efTect similar spectra of th eventral surfaces of hind wings for bot hsexes to that of sunlight, Thus the results of thi sstudy demonstrate (Fi g7,) ,For both sexes, the intensi toyf emission was that a primar yfacto rresponsible for the color change of siightiy smaller in hind wings exposed to sunlight than in ventral hind wings in the autumn form adults after those kept in the dark ,Another specimen showed almost emergence (Hasega w1a9,89; Mifune, 2009) is UV light ,.''t/'t.t-//t.'tt-'..-,t,.t,..,.' .t zv. ' "w .v,tlt. ww-igasth "" Fig ,2. The dorsa ](lef atnd) (right) ventral surfaces of the wmgs ot' male Ctop) and femal e(botto mE), ・ ' laeta betheseba adults ttt/t"1tt t'./・maS't-g.t.' tttt tt titttt at-2 tttt/t, t.t ...t ",-.v .k{ats,ssdi t,th.s.d" t. t/et.tt/:" t'tt .'t { ' , placed horizontall yon theirrightsideonadesk near the window so that the ventral surface of the t'/ left hind wing was exposed to sunlight for awtp onc month. a-1; dersal ' 'tss surface of male wings, a-2; ventral surface of mu[e wings. b-1 ;dorgal suri'aceoffemalewings, b-1 b-2 b-2; vcntral surface of female wings. NII-Electronic Library Service TThheLee piLdeoppteirdoloopgitcaelrSooclieotygical Society oofJfap anJapan Wing color change of E. Iaeta 47 Fig .3. Microseopic views of the ventral surfaee of the right and lef thind wings ef rnale (top a)nd femaie (bottom )E. Iaeta betheseb aadults. The same specimens as shown in Fig ,2 were used. a-1; male right hind wing without sunlight irradiation,a-2:maleleft hind wing with sunlight irradiatibo-nl.tfema]e right hind wing without sunlightirradiation.b-2; femal clef thind wing irradiation, with sunlight 706050403e20too-tnp RH femal e(dark ×) .. . t ttr't.1!."--tr""tt Fig. 4. Refiectanc espectra of the ventrai ges.ee=st ov ,isi '"'' × LH rnale (light) surface of thc hind wings of male and LH female (ljg hx t') 1l,1fxtt/itjtYt'tRiH' mtale (dark) fsaemmesaplece iEme. nstaassehto wabnientFihge.2sweerbea adults. The ¢oet used. RH and LH stand for right and lef tventral hin dwings, respectively, `'light" and C`dark" stand for sunlight irradiatio nand without sunlight irradiation.respectively. 200300400 500 600 700800 Wavelength / nrn (a)Fig. (b)ind 5. SEM photograph sofa scale on thc vcntral h wing oi' male (a )and female (b )E. Iaeta bethese hadaults. NII-Electronic Library Service TThhee LLeepipdiopdteorpoltoegircaollSoocgieitycal Society oofJfap anJapan 48 I .TANAHASHI et al. 70605040302010o2eo3004oo humidity .It is inferre fdrom the results of this study that the browning of ventral hind wings in the Australian gex8g8v subspecies is induce dby UV Iigh itn sunlight. The measurement of diffus erefiectance spectra in this study showed that the color change ofventral hind wings ¢eet in E. Iaet ahetheseh aoccurred at a wavelength between 400 650 itincreased400-5OO decreased and nm: at nm and at 500-650 nm after the one-month sunlight irradiation. The results also demonstra tthea tth e¢olor change of the see 6oo 700800 ventral surface of the hind wing by sunlight is caused by SNlavelen fg ntrhn UV light I.n pieri dbutterfl wiiengs reflectance at the Fig .6. Reflecta nspceectra of the ventral surfhce of the hind wings wavelength of 400-500 nm correlates with the yellowish of male E. taet abetheseba adults exposed to irradiat oifon color(StavengaandLeertouwer,2007)derivedfrompterins 254 and 532 nm ligh ftor8h and kept in the dark at room in scales (Yag i19,54; Rutowski et al,, 2005) .From the temperature for more than one month. refiectance spectra, ligh tin wavelengths of les sthan 400 nm is absorbed in the wings, The absorption peak of zanthopterin was reported to be about 390 nm (Wijn eetn al,, 2007) T,herefo rlei,gh ltes tshan 400 nm in wavelength is effective in creating color change on the ventral surface ca・--=?fi ofthehindwings.Photoluminescencespectraoftheventral surface of hind wings measured in this study showed a broa demission peaking at around 5OO nm with a shoulder )sS・. around 450 nm. The spectra are considered similar to those of already reported pteri pnigments (Park eet ral., 1979). Since the intensi tofy emission slightly decrease dafter s-pt sunlight irradiati oint ,seems that the color change of ventral hind wings is due to the deteriorat ioofn pterin pigments in the scales in E. iaet abetheseha. TheSEM that has observation revealed each scale numerous 300400 500 600 oval-shapecl beads hanging down from longitudin raibls Wavelengt h1nrn700800 and cross-ribs int othe scale interi oirn this species. It is possibl teha tthese bead sconsist of pteri pnigments as in Fig .7. Photoluminescenc espectra of the ventral surface of the other pierid s(Yag i1,954; Rutowski et at,, 2005) ,The hind wings of male and female ofE, laet abetheseb aadults. groun dcolor of the ventral hind wings became darke irn The same specimens as shown in Fig .2 were used. R"Hl iangdht" males than in female safter sunlight irradiati ionn this LH stand for righ atnd ref htin dwings, respectively . species, which may be related to the findin tghat the bead ainrdr"daadrki"asttainodfno,rrsuenslipgehctitriravdeilatyi.onandwithoutsunlight densit ywas highe rin males than in females. Tanaka et al. (2005 i)nferre fdi:o mfiel dobservations that this species has two peaks of adult emergence in autumn individuals laterhavingbrownish in sunlight. The results are consistent with the wide color with emerging ventral variation of ventral hind wings of the autumn fbrm adults hind wings, Moreover, the ground color ofthe ventral hind foun din the fiel Id t.should be noted that the color change wIinsgsla nidn tsh,e autumn fbJramp aadunl(tsKa cowllaeczteod e iWn tahke aYbhaeyyaamsahi, of ventral hind wings by sunlight occurs even in dead and 1976) souSthhwiesmtaernneP refec ture, anJda pan(Mishima, drie dspecimens in thi sspecies. Jones et al, ( 1985) clarified and western 1989) darkbrown, these bIthya eer Jeta aalrpiinangne eeasxtpe aeshr,uaibmss eptnewtcsoie ss ,etah saoEtn ,ta lhlea Afeubts ratbmres atslihmieia slsaneurbb sat pH,oe cotiwheseo,svee Eorf., w(eKrea w twahaszeor aseenodfm eo Wtrciamoekenassbiad eyerxatesrdeh mtie o,l 1yb9e7 6a ; dInj ofmfaetrae ,s2 nu0antb0ds5p )e .cIit eiss Jones et al, (198 5an)d Jones (199 2f)aile tdo fin dfactors also inferre dfrom the results of our study that these causing the groun dcolor of ventral hind wings to change individua lhsad been exposed to UV ligh tin sunlight from yello wto brown in the autumn form of E. Iaeta intense layndror for a long time after emergence. tineat aby controlling temperature, photoperi oadnd NII-Electronic Library Service TThhee  LLeepipdiopdteorpoltoegiroaollogical  SSoooiceityety  ooff  JJaapapnan Wing color change of E. laeta 49 References Shiδrzu T.,2006. 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