Do you know wythhgabout wark in Ekitaid Try this quiz, I T While youwat~ Sequence 2 &W,* t&~$~@dq€e-bmm$.IP.*) b.. , -... . L1 A:-l . --b I IVWY "I,, UGL Do things somet1 D W What happens in a typical day? What question do people alwavc a. yc bout your job? ow important is yol jb? re anflhing you di! .-&L* **-A -- trained W,a cask Thpn I S' a vital p& lrtf 3fitlsh Airwap du~ owndap.there we low-cast &liAe~>--~ .-:,,.::::I:.. l*E$@!*.$-ki!+,?i m*. ,- m-:@, : .pmUld,tlie&.%:@ 1 ..* .,.-., a. Pea@ say it must he wmM1e atir a*-,&&&.&& ;&k,& . .. U ,thpse dellclaus puddipgw or @mn :t4&:tci,h:&&$3&&,*&#&i-:. d[w. khes. But knees tartingwurk at 9 in , I -. ., , . . ''A ,f -W ,'>, :.,& '. ,. :- *- ;+- . _........, -flk m d gan d vour first job js to try huge l While you watc? U-NIT 2, Sequence 2 Psyr:-~-:. ?Myme& *fir s~b: t a f 4 e a&-:i$@tm,m* m *.F) 1 Watth>&~$pgu&waiipd p:k3@* CEO the end) m 1 wakh'the sqwnw wd mark m;;;:;:- - .- -.- .- -. u.s. l-.*,. d,i~, ... J*-a* ; S-:;;; ;:.: ;.:;;:;;;::l ..?..: -.,:":. =--- ::,,..bA. ,.. I$. .;:.,* .:...C..v:-..-.-. --:lm .-..-. L ,. ..h ...... . Im.-.- . ,.. . .-*r ., .-.....- -Lar ,. -.. , * ...,-. ' ..**... Problem solvihk --,. Is- lo weeks on the Mediterranean island of staylng,in ,a hotel near the beach in a town with plenty of r nts, nightclubs :k in be; amantic Ve aying in a first class hotel loo1 I over the water two weeks in Flo itin9 a I , vimming pool near the beach l aten-day coach tour of Southern Germelly and Austria, staying in three-star hotels, visiting cathedrals and art galleries, and going to concerts in Salzburg and Vienna two months overland to Africa in a group o ten, travelling in two Land-Rove nd ing ,ken? :- bupenl lay=, I, a~aying nail hott ear the centre of town