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Preview Wind-Tunnel Investigation of a Full-Scale Canard-Configured General Aviation Airplan

https://ntrs.nasa.gov/search.jsp?R=19850011615 2019-03-27T23:06:37+00:00Z FL2827 30SPW/XPOT TECHNICAL LIBRARY r Z, R F Ri BLDG. 7015 U 1_4;7! ?'t.1 Ir ^' N I i 15 ! NASA 806 13th ST., SUITE A , VANDENBERG AFB, CA 93437-5223 VA.""'.Z-J' im Technical Paper 2382 March 1985 Wind-Tunnel Investigation of a Full-Scale Canard-Configured General Aviation Airplane Long P. Yip NASA Technical Paper 2382 1985 Wind-Tunnel Investigation of a Full-Scale Canard-Configured General Aviation Airplane Long P. Yip Langley Research Center Hampton, Virginia NASA National Aeronautics and Space Administration Scientific and Technical Information Branch Summary Introduction As part of the aeronautics program in the area An investigation was conducted in the Langley 30- of stall/spin research at the Langley Research Center, by 60-Foot Tunnel to determine the aerodynamic char- wind-tunnel tests were conducted to assess and docu- acteristics of a powered, full-scale model of a general ment the aerodynamic characteristics of a canard con- aviation airplane employing a canard. Although pri- figuration designed for general aviation use. In the mid- mary emphasis of the investigation was placed on eval- 1970's, a new homebuilt airplane design, the VariEze uating the aerodynamic performance and the stabil- (ref. 1), made a significant impact on the general avia- ity and control characteristics of the basic configura- tion community because of its canard design and other tion, tests were also conducted to study the follow- advanced features. These advanced features included ing effects of varying the basic configuration: effect of use of composite construction for lighter weight and for Reynolds number; effect of canard; effect of outboard smoother surface contours to improve aerodynamic per- wing leading-edge droop; effect of center-of-gravity lo- formance, use of winglets on the main wing for direc- cation; effect of elevator trim; effect of landing gear; tional stability and, at the same time, for reducing drag, effect of lateral-directional controls; effect of power; ef- and use of a canard surface to increase pitch stability fect of fixed transition; effect of water spray; effects of near stall so that the maximum trim angle of attack was canard incidence, canard airfoil section, and canard po- less than wing stall angle of attack. sition; and effects of winglets and upper winglet size. This report presents results of a full-scale research Additional aspects of the study were to determine the model of the VariEze design tested in the Langley 30- by boundary-layer transition characteristics of the airfoil 60-Foot Tunnel for which preliminary results were re- surfaces and the effect of fixing the boundary layer to ported in reference 2. Test data obtained included mea- be turbulent by means of a transition strip near the surements of aerodynamic forces and moments of the to- leading edge. The tests were conducted at Reynolds tal configuration, isolated loads on the canard, pressure numbers from 0.60 x 106 to 2.25 x 106, based on the distributions, propeller torque-thrust loads, and flow vi- wing mean aerodynamic chord, at angles of attack from sualization using tufts and sublimating chemicals. Also —4.5° to 41.5°, and at angles of sideslip from —15° to included in the study were effect of Reynolds number; 15°. effect of canard; effect of outboard wing leading-edge The investigation indicated that employing the ca- droop; effect of center-of-gravity location; effect of el- nard on this configuration was effective in providing in- evator trim; effect of landing gear; effect of lateral- creased stall departure resistance because the canard directional controls; effect of power; effect of fixed tran- stalled before the wing stalled. Influence of the canard sition; effect of water spray; effects of canard incidence, flow field on the wing decreased the inboard loading canard airfoil section, and canard position; and effects of the wing as the outboard loading of the wing in- of winglets and upper winglet size. creased. The increased outboard loading and spanwise flow development on the wing caused wing tip stall. Symbols The addition of a wing outboard leading-edge droop in- creased stall angle of attack and increased pitch stability All longitudinal forces and moments are referred to at low to moderate angles of attack. From tests using a the wind axis system, and all lateral-directional forces chemical sublimation technique, the natural boundary- and moments are referred to the body axis system. layer transition was found to be at 55 percent chord Unless otherwise noted, total-airplane and canard mo- of the canard. Fixing transition near the leading edge ments are presented with respect to a center-of-gravity of the canard resulted in a significant reduction of lift location at fuselage station 99, which was 0.71c ahead of due to flow separation near the trailing edge of the ca- the leading edge of the wing mean aerodynamic chord c, nard and, subsequently, a nose-down trim change and and at a vertical location on waterline 16. Also, unless loss of elevator effectiveness. Variations in the canard otherwise noted, total-airplane and canard aerodynamic airfoil showed that the canard airfoil-section character- coefficients were reduced by using a wing reference area istics can strongly affect the airplane stall and poststall based on the trapezoidal planform of the wing projected characteristics. Moving the canard to a lower position to the fuselage centerline. had little effect on the static longitudinal and lateral- directional aerodynamic characteristics of this configu- wing span, 22.17 ft ration. The lateral-directional stability was generally b,,, upper winglet span, ft satisfactory, but the directional stability became weak at high angles of attack. Larger upper winglets pro- CD total airplane drag coefficient, Drag qS vided significant increases in directional stability of the configuration. CD,c canard drag coefficient, Canard balance drag qs CD,f skin-friction drag coefficient, Skin-friction drag S' exposed canard area, ft2 qS CL total-airplane lift coefficient Lift V free-stream velocity, ft/sec , qS V/nd propeller advance ratio, V/(Propeller rotation CL,, canard lift coefficient based on wing reference speed x Propeller diameter) area Canard balance lift (CL, in computer- X chordwise distance from leading edge, ft generated figures) CL canard lift coefficient based on canard plan- (x/c)T boundary-layer transition location ^ form area, Canard balance lift Y spanwise distance from plane of symmetry, ft q S' CL,o lift coefficient at zero angle of attack Y' distance along winglet span, ft lift-curve slope, per degree a angle of attack relative to WL, deg CL^ a angle of sideslip, deg CI rolling-moment coefficient, Rolling moment qSb ACD incremental drag coefficient rolling moment due to sideslip, per degree Cl,, ACI incremental rolling-moment coefficient C,,, total-airplane pitching-moment coefficient, AC,,, incremental yawing-moment coefficient Pitching moment qSc ACY incremental side-force coefficient C,,,,,, canard pitching-moment coefficient relative to ba aileron deflection based on a setting of equal airplane c.g. Canard balance pitching moment qSc and opposite deflection, positive when right aileron is down, deg C,r,,o pitching-moment coefficient at zero angle of attack 8e elevator deflection, positive trailing edge down, deg C,no. slope of pitchimg-moment curve with respect to angle of attack, per degree b, rudder deflection based on setting one rudder Yawing moment in an outward deflection for directional Cn yawing-moment coefficient, qS6 control, positive left rudder deflected, deg yawing moment due to sideslip, per degree Cn,, 7? propeller efficiency Cp pressure coefficient, n—9p°° Subscripts: CT thrust coeffic ient, ThrSust qs c canard Cy total-airplane side-force coefficient, side force I lower surface qs Cy,, side force due to sideslip, per degree max maximum U upper surface c local chord, ft W winglet c reference wing mean aerodynamic chord, 2.58 ft Abbreviations: cn section normal-force coefficient obtained from BL butt line, in. integration of pressure measurements C. g. center of gravity ic incidence angle of canard relative to WL, FS fuselage station, in. positive trailing edge down, deg L.E. leading edge LID lift-drag ratio WL waterline, in. P local static pressure, lb/ft2 Poo free-stream static pressure, lb/ft2 Model Description and Test Apparatus q free-stream dynamic pressure, lb/ft2 The configuration used in the study was a powered R Reynolds number based on c full-scale model of an airplane intended for the home- built market (ref. 1). The model was constructed of S reference wing area, 53.60 ft2 2 foam covered with fiberglass and epoxy. Body putty the engine inlet and exit areas were sealed and faired was applied to the wing and canard to attain the de- for a no-flow-through condition. No attempt was made sired airfoil-section contours. Geometric characteristics to simulate the internal duct flow due to a reciprocating of the model are given in table I and shown in figure 1. internal combustion engine. A total of 322 pressure orifices were installed in the Overall aerodynamic forces and moments acting on wing, canard, and winglet. The pressure orifice loca- the model were measured on the external scale balance tions are given in table II. Photographs showing the system of the Langley 30- by 60-Foot Tunnel. (See model installed in the Langley 30- by 60-Foot Tunnel ref. 6.) In addition, the model was instrumented with are presented in figures 2 and 3. internal strain-gauge balances to measure isolated loads The basic model configuration is defined as follows: on the canard and the propeller and with scannivalve transducers to measure the surface pressures. Small Outboard wing leading-edge cotton tufts were used in conjunction with fluorescent droop off photography to provide flow visualization of the model. Center of gravity located at FS 99 (See ref. 7.) Tufts were used in flow visualization studies Nose gear removed to examine areas of flow separation and other surface Main wheel pants off flow conditions at angles of attack up to complete wing Propeller removed, spinner on stall. Initially, tufts were installed on the upper surfaces Inlet faired, exit area sealed of the wing, upper winglet, and canard. However, the High canard position with tufts on the canard resulted in premature transition of i, = 00 the boundary layer; thus, there was a large decrement in Canard with GU 25-5(11)8 the lift performance of the canard. Therefore, canard airfoil section (ref. 3) tufts were not installed in later tests because of their Small upper and lower winglets adverse effect on the flow patterns of the canard. A Variations to the basic configuration include the chemical sublimation technique (ref. 8) was used to following: provide information on the extent of laminar flow on the canard, wing, and winglet. Adding a discontinuous outboard wing leading-edge droop Removing canard Test Conditions and Corrections Moving center of gravity to forward and Test conditions included a range of a from —4.5° to aft locations 41.5° and a range of 0 from —15° to 15°. Aerodynamic Varying landing-gear arrangements data were obtained at free-stream tunnel velocities of Adding power effects 26, 68, and 94 mph that correspond to Reynolds num- Varying canard incidence bers based on e of 0.60 x 106, 1.60 x 106, and 2.25 x 106, Changing canard airfoil section respectively. Most of the tests, however, were conducted Changing from high canard position to at a nominal free-stream velocity of 68 mph. low canard position The model was tested upright and inverted to eval- Removing winglets uate the flow angularity and strut tare corrections. An Increasing upper winglet size extensive wind-tunnel calibration was made prior to Range of control settings tested were be = —20° to model installation to determine the horizontal buoy- 24°, 8a, _ —20° to 20°, and 6, = —40° to 40°. Pitch ancy correction, and flow-field surveys ahead of the control was obtained with elevator deflections at a fixed model were made in the manner of reference 9 to de- canard incidence setting. Canard incidences of —4°, 0°, termine the flow-blockage correction. These corrections and 4° were tested. A low canard position (fig. 1(a)) have been applied to the data. Jet-boundary correc- was also tested because of interest in improving pilot tions were made in accordance with the method of ref- visibility. Since earlier studies (refs. 4 and 5) indicated erence 10. Since an electric motor, rather than a recip- that the droop was effective in delaying tip stall, tests rocating engine, was used to power the model and no were conducted with the leading-edge droop installed. attempt was made to simulate the internal duct flow, (See fig. 1(d).) Upper winglets with 50 percent more no corrections were made for cooling drag due to a re- area (figs. 1(b) and 1(c)) were also tested. ciprocating engine. Powered tests were conducted with a 200-HP elec- tric motor to turn a fixed-pitch, 4.83-ft-diameter, two- Presentation of Results bladed propeller. The propeller is a Hendrickson H58G64 propeller designed for climb. The majority of The test results are presented in figures 4 to 44, the tests was conducted with the propeller removed, and which are grouped in the order of discussion as follows: 3 Figure Longitudinal characteristics . . . . . . 39 Effect of Reynolds number . . . . . . . . . . 4 Lateral-directional characteristics . . . . . . 40 Pressure distributions . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 Effect of winglets: Drag characteristics . . . . . . . . . . . 41 Section normal-force distributions . . . . . . 6 Lateral-directional stability . . . . . 42 and 43 Effect of the outboard leading-edge droop: Pressure distributions at angles of sideslip . . 44 Flow visualization with tufts . . . . . . 7 and 8 Longitudinal characteristics . . . . . . . . 9 Discussion of Results Elevator trim requirements . . . . . . . . 10 Drag characteristics . . . . . . . . . . . 11 Effect of Reynolds Number Lateral-directional stability characteristics 12 In order to assess the sensitivity of the configura- Lift and pitching-moment characteristics: tion to Reynolds number effects, data were compared at Effect of canard . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13 Reynolds numbers based on c of 0.60 x 106, 1.60 x 106, Elevator control deflections . . . . . . . . 14 and 2.25 x 106. These data are shown in figure 4. The Effect of center-of-gravity location on lift and pitching-moment characteristics of the basic elevator trim requirements . . . . . . . . 15 configuration and, also, the isolated lift characteristics of the canard obtained from the canard balance indicate Drag characteristics: that at the low Reynolds number this configuration ex- Effect of elevator deflection . . . . . . . . 16 hibited significantly different lift and pitching-moment Trimmed lift-drag ratio . . . . . . . . . . 17 characteristics from those at higher Reynolds numbers. Effect of landing gear . . . . . . . . . . 18 The canard data for low Reynolds number exhib- Configuration effects on lift-drag ratio . . . 19 ited significantly lower lift than the lift obtained at the Lateral-directional characteristics: higher Reynolds numbers and were a primary factor in Stability characteristics . . . . . . . . . . 20 the lower lift level of the total airplane. Also, lift-curve Aileron control . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21 slope of the canard for the low value of R was lower Rudder control . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22 for angles of attack less than 6° and increased with increasing angle of attack. The ineffectiveness of the Power effects: canard to generate lift is probably caused by laminar Propeller efficiency . . . . . . . . . . . . 23 separation of the boundary layer due to the effect of Effect on longitudinal aerodynamic low Reynolds number, whereas the increase in the lift- characteristics . . . . . . . . . . . . 24 curve slope is probably caused by turbulent reattach- Boundary-layer study: ment at the higher angles of attack. Since the canard Extent of natural laminar flow . . . . . . . 25 is located well ahead of the airplane center of gravity, Effect of fixed transition . . . . . . . . . . 26 changes in the lift and lift-curve slope of the canard sig- Effect of transition on canard drag . . . . . 27 nificantly affected C,,,, and C,,,,. of the total airplane, Effect of transition on as shown in figure 4. At the low Reynolds number, pressure distribution . . . . . . . . . . 28 the loss in canard lift shifted C,,,,o to a more negative Effect of transition on elevator value, whereas near az = 6°, the increased canard lift- trim requirements . . . . . . . . . . 29 curve slope caused C,, to be unstable. Although this Sketch of water-spray boom . . . . . . . . 30 Reynolds number is low compared to flight conditions, Effect of water spray on canard the data are presented here to illustrate the sensitivity aerodynamics . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31 of total-airplane lift and pitching moments of canard configurations to subcritical Reynolds number. Effect of canard incidence: The data at mid and high Reynolds numbers indi- Longitudinal characteristics . . . . . . . . 32 cated much better agreement on the lift and pitching- Elevator trim requirements . . . . . . . . 33 moment curves. The data at mid Reynolds number are Effect of canard airfoil section: representative of landing approach speed of the airplane Comparison of section contours . . . . . . 34 at higher angles of attack. The remaining analysis in Longitudinal aerodynamic characteristics . . 35 this report is based on the data obtained at this mid Canard balance lift data . . . . . . . . . 36 Reynolds number. Effect on canard position: Pressure Distributions Photograph of model with canard in low position . . . . 37 Presented in figure 5 are the chordwise pressure dis- Wing-surface flow patterns . . . . . . . . 38 tributions and section normal-force coefficients of the 4 wing, upper winglet, and canard. The data of figure 5 stall. The tuft patterns of the wing with the L.E. droop are presented graphically with the pressure distribu- on show that the leading-edge droop reduced spanwise tions on the configuration so that they could be related flow, kept the flow attached at the wing tip region, and to the spanwise distribution of section normal-force co- thereby delayed wing tip stall to a higher angle of at- efficients. The data are presented for an angle-of-attack tack. The significance of these flow patterns is indi- range from —2.5° to 31.5° for the basic configuration. cated by the lift and pitching-moment data of figure 9, The data of figure 5 indicate that strong favorable which indicate that the leading-edge droop increased pressure gradients, conducive to boundary-layer stabil- CL,,,,ax and increased the pitch stability near a = 4° ity for laminar flow, were obtained on the canard upper which made the pitching-moment curve more linear in surface from the leading edge to about 50 percent chord the mid angle-of-attack range. The effect of leading- at angles of attack up to about 10°. Favorable pressure edge droop on elevator deflection required for trim is gradients were also found on the wing upper surface shown in figure 10 for forward, mid, and aft center-of- at angles of attack less than 5.5° and on the upper sur- gravity locations. The leading-edge droop provided a face of the upper winglet throughout the angle-of-attack larger stall margin between the maximum trimmed CL range presented. and CL,max The chordwise pressure distributions were inte- The effect of leading-edge droop on the trimmed grated to obtain section normal-force coefficients for the drag characteristics of the configuration is shown in wing, upper winglet, and canard. The data of figure 5 figure 11. A drag penalty, OCD = 0.0040, at cruise indicate that the canard operates at a higher section condition of CL = 0.25 was incurred due to the addition loading than does the wing at angles of attack up to of the leading-edge droop. This drag penalty probably 13.5°. The higher canard section loading promotes ca- would not be as large on an airplane with leading- nard stall before wing stall; thus, airplane stall resis- edge droop integrated into the construction of the wing tance is provided. because the test model leading-edge droop was made The section normal-force coefficients c,, of the wing removable and was not fastened to the wing surface and upper winglet are shown in figure 6 for the canard- as smoothly as the original construction surface. At on and canard-off conditions. Figure 6 illustrates the higher lift coefficients corresponding to climb, there was influence of the canard downwash/upwash flow field on no significant drag penalty associated with the leading- the wing and winglet. On the inboard part of the wing, edge droop modification. lower levels of c, were caused by the downwash of the The lateral-directional stability derivatives CY., canard, while higher levels of c,, on the outboard part C,,p, and Cl,, were obtained from tests conducted at of the wing were caused by the upwash outboard of 0 = —5° and 5° and are shown in figure 12. The addi- the canard tip. From a design point of view, the effect tion of the leading-edge droop increased directional sta- of downwash on longitudinal stability and the effect bility C,,,, at angles of attack up to wing stall. Rolling of upwash on wing tip stall must be considered. The moments due to sideslip increased with angle of at- impact of the canard downwash/upwash flow field on tack typical of configurations with wing sweep. The the aerodynamics of this configuration is discussed in addition of the droop reduced the magnitude of dihe- later sections. dral effect —CI. of the configuration for angles of at- tack up to about 20°. At low angles of attack near 2°, Effect of Outboard Leading-Edge Droop this reduction in dihedral effect made the configuration Based on the design philosophy of references 4 marginally stable in Cl,,. However, at higher angles of and 5 on wing leading-edge droop design, an outboard attack, the reduction in dihedral effect may be benefi- wing leading-edge droop was installed on the VariEze cial in reducing the amount of lateral control required to airplane to increase stall resistance and reduce the wing trim the configuration in sideslip, such as in a crosswind rock tendency of the configuration. As reported in ref- landing situation. erences 4 and 5, the outboard leading-edge droop pro- vided attached flow near the wing tip to a higher angle Lift and Pitching-Moment Characteristics of attack and reduced the autorotative moments in the Canard configurations require that the center of poststall region. Wing tip stall was more prevalent for gravity be located between the canard center of lift and the present configuration because of higher wing load- wing center of lift for both positive stability and control. ing outboard, due to the canard, and from the wing If the canard stalls before the wing stalls, longitudinal sweep effect. Wing tuft patterns of the droop-off and stability and airplane stall resistance are increased. droop-on configurations are shown in figures 7 and 8, However, as pointed out in reference 11, many factors respectively. Without leading-edge droop, the tuft pat- must be considered in order to make the configuration terns on the wing show the spread of spanwise flow near stable and controllable as well as stall resistant. These the trailing edge of the wing and the development of tip factors, including airfoil-section characteristics, power 5 effects, and center-of-gravity location, are discussed in pitching-moment coefficients for three center-of-gravity later sections of this report. locations is presented in figure 14 for the basic config- Figure 13 presents data for the canard-on and uration with the L.E. droop on. As expected, the lift canard-off conditions and incremental data obtained by data of figure 14 indicate that increasing the elevator subtracting canard balance data from the total-airplane deflection in the positive direction (trailing-edge down) data. Analysis of the data indicates that the wing lift increases the overall lift. Thus, this canard configura- is influenced by the presence of the canard because of tion does provide a positive increment in trimmed lift its downwash effect. This downwash effect caused the as opposed to a conventional tail arrangement which wing to experience less lift than would be predicted by would normally provide a decrement in trimmed lift. adding the interference-free contributions of wing and However, analysis of the canard balance lift data in- canard individually. A beneficial effect of canard down- dicates that the canard lift is not directly additive to wash is that it delays the stall of the wing; thus, the the total lift because of the increasing downwash due to angle of attack margin between canard stall and wing elevator deflection of the canard on the wing. This in- stall is increased. The data of figure 13(a) indicate that creasing downwash caused a destabilizing effect on the canard stall occurred at about a = 13°, whereas wing total airplane pitching moment at angles of attack be- stall occurred at about 21°. With the canard off, the low canard stall. wing stall occurred at about 19° which is 20 less than Since changes in the center-of-gravity location would with the canard on. not alter the lift curves of figure 14(a), only pitching- Examination of the pitching-moment data of fig- moment data are presented in figures 14(b) and 14(c) ure 13(b) showed three significant changes in pitch sta- for the forward and aft center-of-gravity locations. The bility throughout the test angle-of-attack range. The data of figure 14 indicate that canard stall reduced the first change occurred at about a = 4° where there was effectiveness of the elevator at high angles of attack; a decrease in the lift-curve slope of the wing. This de- thus, the maximum trim angle of attack was limited. crease in CL. caused a reduction in total-airplane pitch The maximum trim angle of attack for the aft center-of- stability since the aerodynamic center of the wing is lo- gravity configuration was obtained with an elevator set- cated aft of the center of gravity. The decrease in CL. ting of 8e = 15°. A plot of elevator deflection required of the wing is caused by the development of spanwise for trim, shown in figure 15, indicates that increasing el- flow due to wing sweep. This development of spanwise evator deflection beyond 15° actually trimmed the con- flow is shown by the tuft photographs of figure 7. This figuration at slightly lower values of lift coefficients. In decrease in pitch stability at a = 4° can also be found all test conditions, the trimmed lift coefficient was less in the canard-off configuration. The second change in than the maximum lift for the configuration; thus, stall pitch stability occurred at about a = 130 where canard resistance to the configuration was provided. stall resulted in a nose-down pitching-moment incre- Drag Characteristics ment to provide a large increase in pitch stability. This increase in pitch stability would require more elevator The effect of elevator deflection on drag character- deflection to trim the configuration. The third change istics of the basic configuration with L.E. droop on is in pitch stability occurred at about a = 21° where wing shown in figure 16. The drag of this canard configu- stall occurred. Because the wing is located aft of the ration increases with increasing elevator deflection for center of gravity, a destabilizing pitching-moment in- a given lift coefficient which indicates a drag penalty crement occurred when the wing stalled. This pitch-up associated with trim. A trimmed lift-drag polar for a tendency would not normally be encountered in flight mid center-of-gravity location is indicated by the dashed as long as the canard provides enough stall resistance line of figure 16. Values of the trimmed lift-drag ra- to limit the airplane angle of attack to that below the tio are plotted in figure 17, and a maximum value of wing stall angle of attack. Although the canard does 12.6 was obtained for this configuration. Incremental provide beneficial increment to stall resistance of this values of drag for the nose gear, main landing gear, configuration, several factors, including elevator con- and wheel pants of the main gear are presented in fig- trol authority, center-of-gravity location, airfoil section, ure 18. As shown in figure 19, these increments were power effects, and surface roughness could adversely af- incorporated into the drag curve of the basic configu- fect the configuration stability and cause the configura- ration to obtain new values of trimmed lift-drag val- tion to trim at angles of attack higher than wing stall. ues. The maximum lift-drag ratio of this configura- Effects of elevator control and center-of-gravity loca- tion was improved by moving the center of gravity aft tion are examined in the following discussion, and the by 0.106 ((L/D)max = 13.1), by adding wheel pants effects of airfoil section, power, and surface roughness ((L/D)max = 14.1), by removing leading-edge droop are discussed in a subsequent section. ((L/D)max = 15.4), and by removing the main landing The effect of canard elevator deflection on lift and gear ((L/D)max = 17.1)• 6 Lateral-Directional Characteristics conditions a nose-down increment of pitching moment is associated with increasing power setting. Although the The lateral-directional stability derivatives Cy,,, thrust line of the propeller is slightly above the center of Cnp, and C1p were obtained from tests conducted at gravity, the moments produced by this offset do not ac- 0 = —5° and 5° and are shown in figure 20 for the count for the nose-down increment of pitching moment basic configuration with L.E. droop on. This configu- due to power. This increment probably comes from the ration was directionally stable at low angles of attack; power-induced flow cleanup of the wing trailing edge however, the directional stability decreased to zero at and from increased suction pressures acting on the base about a = 19°. This configuration exhibited stable area of the cowling. The data of figure 24 also indicate dihedral effect that increased with angle of attack up that there is a slight increase in pitch stability due to the to wing stall. The effect of deflecting the elevator on propeller except for CT = 0.11 at a < 6°. This stabiliz- lateral-directional stability of this configuration is also ing effect is probably due to the rotating propeller disk shown in figure Over the test angle-of-attack range 20. developing a propeller normal force (ref. 11), which on up to the stall, deflecting the elevator caused the direc- a pusher configuration produces a nose-down moment tional stability to decrease and the lateral stability to because the propeller is located behind the center of become more stable. The decrease in directional sta- gravity. Conversely, a propeller located ahead of the bility is probably due to the increase in canard drag center of gravity would have a destabilizing effect, es- ahead of the center of gravity. The increase in the di- pecially if the propeller slipstream immerses the canard hedral effect is probably due to the asymmetric canard and provides increased lift. downwash on the wing with sideslip angle, which causes an incremental increase in rolling-moment contribution Boundary-Layer Transition Study due to sideslip. Several pilots have reported that while flying their The aileron and rudder control authorities of the homebuilt version of this configuration in rain condi- basic configuration are shown in figures and re- 21 22, tions, the airplane exhibited a pitch trim change. This spectively. Both positive and negative control inputs pitch trim characteristic seemed to indicate an effect were tested; results were averaged to reduce effects of caused by changes in the boundary-layer properties model asymmetries and tunnel flow angularity; data are of the canard or wing. In order to investigate the presented for a right roll input (ba, < 0) and right yaw boundary-layer characteristics, tests were conducted to input (b, < 0). The data of these figures indicate that determine the extent to which laminar flow existed on both aileron and rudder control authorities decreased the configuration and to determine the effect of a loss in at higher angles of attack. Also, aileron deflections pro- laminar flow which might occur when the airfoil surfaces duced favorable yawing moments in the normal opera- become contaminated by insect or rain-drop accumula- tional angle-of-attack range (a = 2° to 18°). tions on the leading edges. A chemical sublimation technique (ref. 8) was used Power Effects to locate the boundary-layer transition on the canard, Propeller thrust and torque were measured by wing, and winglets. The technique involved spraying means of a balance mounted between the motor and the a coat of chemical film on the model surface, starting propeller. The data shown in figure 23 indicate that the wind-tunnel airflow, and observing the sublimating a maximum propeller efficiency of 0.75 was obtained. process of the chemicals. Since the surface chemicals This value of propeller efficiency is relatively low com- sublimate at a higher rate in a turbulent boundary layer pared with that for more optimized arrangements. The than in a laminar boundary layer, a definite pattern propeller used in the tests was of low pitch for maxi- of chemical residue is observed on the wing which mum climb performance and was therefore not properly denotes transition. Tests were conducted on the upper matched for cruise conditions. The low value of effec- surface only at an angle of attack of and at a 1.5° tiveness in the tests is consistent with that obtained in Reynolds number based on c of 1.60 x 106. Test results, reference 12 for low propeller blade angle settings. The shown by the photographs of figure 25, indicate that low value of efficiency may also be associated to some transition was located at 55 percent chord of the canard, degree with the pusher arrangement at the rear of the 65 percent chord of the wing, and 60 percent chord of fuselage. Improved shaping of the aft fuselage and en- the winglet. These transition results were confirmed by gine nacelle and careful matching of the propeller geom- flight tests as reported in reference 8. The large amount etry with the fuselage flow field could provide increased of laminar flow on the configuration can be attributed to propeller efficiency. the composite construction of the aircraft which allowed Effects of propeller thrust on the longitudinal aero- for smooth airfoil contour. dynamic characteristics of the configuration are shown In order to simulate conditions in which laminar flow in figure 24. The data of figure 24 indicate that for most would be lost, such as in rain conditions or with insect 7 accumulations, a transition strip of No. 60 carborun- Effect of Canard Incidence dum grit was applied at the 5-percent-chord location In order to obtain an inherently stall-proof airplane of the canard and wing in accordance with the method that employs a canard, it is important that the canard of reference 13. Results of the transition grit tests are incidence be set so that it will stall at an angle of attack shown in figure 26 for test conditions of transition free below the wing stall angle of attack. Canard incidences (no grit applied), transition grit at 5 percent chord of of 0°, —4°, and 4° were tested to determine the effect the canard, and transition grit at 5 percent chord of of canard incidence on the longitudinal aerodynamic both the canard and wing. The data of figure 26 in- characteristics of this configuration. The data from dicate that fixed transition at 5 percent chord of the these tests, presented in figure 32, show the expected canard caused a decrease in the lift-curve slope of the changes in C,,,,,,, and stall angle of attack where positive canard by about 30 percent. This decrease in the canard incidence produced increased C,,,,,o and reduced angle of lift-curve slope resulted in an increase in pitch stabil- attack for canard stall. At an incidence angle of —4°, ity and a large nose-down pitching-moment increment the canard stall angle occurred at about 18° which is at the higher angles of attack. With transition grit on below the wing stall angle of 23°. At a canard incidence the wing and canard, the data of figure 26 indicate that angle of 4°, the pitching-moment curve was more linear the configuration exhibited a slight increase in nose-up in the mid angle-of-attack range (a = 4° to 101. This pitching moments at angles of attack of 4° or below. effect was probably caused by the combination of an This effect of fixed transition at low angles of attack is increased downwash on the wing which delayed the probably due to the nature of the boundary layer on angle of attack where the pitch stability changed near the wing which is indicated by pressure distributions as a = 4° and an increase in pitch stability caused by highly laminar at low angles of attack but quickly be- early canard stall. Elevator settings required to trim come turbulent near the leading edge at angles of attack the configuration with canard incidence settings of —4°, above 4°. Thus, fixed transition would only affect the 0°, and 4° are presented in figure 33 through the trim- laminar flow nature of the wing at low angles of attack. lift-coefficient range. The data of figure 33 indicate that Presented in figure 27 are canard balance lift-drag the effectiveness of the elevator with canard incidence polars. The data of figure 27 indicate significant drag at i, = 4° decreased and was probably caused by the increases due to fixed transition on the canard. An ex- elevator operating in a separated flow region above amination of the chordwise pressure distribution on the a = 8°. (See the data for CL, of fig. 32.) canard, shown in figure 28, indicates that the loss of lift due to a fixed transition is a result of trailing-edge Effect of Canard Airfoil Section separation which was probably caused by the thickened The canard is an important factor in the configura- turbulent boundary layer having to overcome a sharp tion's trim capability and stall characteristics. To de- pressure recovery near the trailing edge. This sepa- termine the effects of the canard airfoil section on the rated flow condition also resulted in a decreased elevator configuration, an NACA 0012 airfoil section was tested control authority as indicated by the data of figure 29. on the configuration. The NACA 0012 section is typical This decreased control authority could become signifi- of airfoil sections used on conventional general aviation cant when flying in rain where loss of laminar flow could airplane horizontal tails. The basic canard airfoil sec- require sudden changes in elevator settings to trim the tion, GU 25-5(11)8, was designed for high lift and low pitching-moment changes encountered. drag at low speeds. (See ref. 3.) This airfoil was rel- In other tests without transition grit, water spray atively thick and highly cambered, and a comparison from a horizontal boom fixture in the wind tunnel was between it and the NACA 0012 airfoil is shown in fig- used to study effects of surface water on transition. The ure 34. As discussed earlier, the basic airfoil section is water-spray boom, shown schematically in figure 30, characterized by large amounts of laminar flow. Test was located approximately 4 canard chord lengths in data comparing the effect of canard airfoil on the total- front of the canard and covered only one side. The airplane lift and pitching moments are shown in fig- spray rate was approximately 1 gal/min. Results from ure 35. The data of figure 35 show the change in C,,, ,o of water-spray tests of the canard, shown in figure 31, are the total airplane which is primarily due to the change similar to results of fixed transition on the canard, that in CL,, of the canard with uncambered NACA 0012 air- is, a reduction in the canard lift-curve slope and an foil section. Changing to the NACA 0012 canard also increase in drag. It should be noted that only about lowers CL,,,,,,x. The poststall lift characteristics, which one-half of the canard was immersed in water spray for are significant to the total-airplane pitch stability, are these tests. If the canard were fully immersed in water examined in more detail in figure 36. A comparison spray, the data would be in closer agreement with the of the canard lift obtained from the canard balance is data obtained with fixed transition. shown in figure 36 based on the canard area. The data

General Aviation Airplane. Long P. Yip figuration designed for general aviation use. water-spray tests of the canard, shown in figure 31, are.
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