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NASA Technical Paper 3184 Wind Tunnel Aerodynamic Characteristics of a Transport-Type Airfoil in a Simulated Heavy Rain Environment Gaudy M. Bezos, R. Earl Dunham, Jr., Garl L. Gentry, Jr., and W. Edward Melson, Jr. August 1992 Summary Until the late 1970’s the recognition of weather- relatedsafetyhazardstoaircraftperformance during A wind tunnel investigation was conducted with take-o(cid:11) and landing operations included lightning, a cambered airfoil representative of typical com- icing, hail, low-altitude wind shear, and microburst mercial transport wing sections in the Langley 14- phenomena. Since 1971, research has been directed by 22-Foot Subsonic Tunnel to determine the aero- at determining the nature and characteristics of dynamic penalty associated with a simulated heavy the wind shear/microburst phenomenon. In 1977, rain encounter. The model was comprised of an the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) con- NACA64-210 airfoil section with a chord of2.5 ft, a ducted a study on aircraft accidents and incidents span of 8ft, and wasmounted on the tunnel center- from 1964 to 1976 in which low-altitude wind shear line between two large endplates. The rain simula- could have been a contributing factor (ref. 1). The tion system manifold, which was located 10 chord study, whichidenti(cid:12)ed 25cases(23approach orland- lengthsupstream ofthe model, produced liquid wa- ing and 2 take-o(cid:11)) involving large aircraft (gross ter contents ranging from 16 to 46 g/m3. Aero- weightsinexcessof12500 lb),indicatedthat10cases dynamic measurements in and out of the simulated had occurred in arain environment, 5 of which were rain environment were obtained for dynamic pres- classi(cid:12)ed asintense orheavy rain encounters. These sures of 30 and 50 psf and an angle-of-attack range (cid:12)ndings led to the consideration of heavy rain, i.e., (cid:14) (cid:14) (cid:14) (cid:14) of0 to20 forthecruisecon(cid:12)guration and 4 to20 high-intensity, short-duration rain, asbeingapoten- for the landing con(cid:12)guration (leading-edge slat and tial weather-related aircraft safety hazard. Speci(cid:12)- trailing-edge double-slotted (cid:13)ap). Both con(cid:12)gura- cally, a pilot of an aircraft encountering low-altitude tions experienced signi(cid:12)cant losses in maximum lift wind shear during take-o(cid:11) or landing operations capability, increases in drag for a given lift condi- would depend upon \dry"aircraftperformance mar- tion,and aprogressive decreaseintheliftcurveslope gins. Ifthewind shearenvironment isimmersed in a at both dynamic pressures as the liquid water con- severe convective rainstorm, the actual performance tent increased. The results obtained on the landing margins may be signi(cid:12)cantly reduced. A determi- con(cid:12)guration also indicated a progressive decrease nation of the e(cid:11)ect of rain on aircraft performance in the angle of attack at which maximum lift oc- is required to provide safe piloting procedures for a curred and an increase in the slope of the pitching- wind shearencounter in a severe rain environment. moment curve asthe liquid water content increased. Accompanying the reduction in the stall angle ofat- The rain environment present in convective tack was the general (cid:13)attening ofthe lift curve past stormshasbeen ofinterestto the meteorologicaland stall as the liquid water contentwas increased. The aviation communities for many years. The parame- NACA64-210 data indicated thatthe severity ofthe tersused tocharacterize rain aretherainfallrateand raine(cid:11)ectappearstobecon(cid:12)guration-dependent and the liquid water content. At ground level, rainfall ismostsevere forhigh-liftcon(cid:12)guration airfoilswith rate, the rate at which rain falls (usually expressed leading- and trailing-edge devicescon(cid:12)gured forland- in eitherin/hr or mm/hr)isgenerally used to char- ing or take-o(cid:11) operations. Experiments were also acterize a rain event. For airborne measurements, conducted toinvestigatethesensitivityoftestresults the relevant parameter is the liquid water content, tothe e(cid:11)ects ofwatersurface tension by introducing which isthe massofliquid watercontained in aunit a surface-tension reducing agentinto the rain spray. volume ofairand is usually expressed in grams per The reduction in the surface tension of water by a cubicmeterofair(g/m3). The relationship between factorof2did notsigni(cid:12)cantly alter the levelofper- liquid water contentand rainfall rate isuniquely de- formance losses for the landing con(cid:12)guration tested. pendent on the type ofstormand the intensity level of the storm as detailed in appendix A. Measure- Introduction mentsmadeabove ground byairplanesinstrumented foratmospheric research have shown thatconvective This investigation is part of a broad National stormscan contain localized regionsofhigh-intensity Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) re- rain. Astheselocalizedregionsofhigh-intensity rain search program to obtain fundamental aerodynamic precipitate toward the ground, gusting winds dis- information regarding the e(cid:11)ect of heavy rain on perse the liquid water over a larger region that re- aircraft performance. The aim of the program is sults in lower ground-based rain intensity measure- to understand the physical phenomena associated ments than actually exist at altitude. The world withany aerodynamic performance penalty thatmay record ground-level rainfall rate of 73.8 in/hr was occur during a rain encounter, particularly during recorded in Unionville, Maryland, for a short time take-o(cid:11) and landing. (approximately 1min)on July 4, 1956, in an intense 1 afternoon thunderstorm (ref. 2). In 1962, Roys and tionsinliftcapability were calculated with empirical Kessler(ref.3)conducted measurementsofliquidwa- data ofroughness e(cid:11)ectsonairfoillift. Theiranalysis tercontent in a thunderstorm with an instrumented indicated that a Boeing 747 transport encountering F-100 airplane. The instrumented airplane recorded a rain cloud with a liquid water content of18 g/m3 an average liquid water content value of approxi- (basedonarainfallrateof39in/hr)wouldexperience mately 8.4 g/m3 with a peak value of44 g/m3. The a 5-percent increase in drag, a 29-percent reduction (cid:14) ground-based radar measurements in those experi- in maximumliftcapability, and a5 reduction in the ments indicated modest rainfall rates of 1.48 in/hr. angle ofattack for maximum lift. These predictions Priorto 1987, all ground-based natural rainfall rate constitute asubstantial loss of performance. measurements were averaged over relatively long time periods, on the order of minutes and hours AtthetimeoftheHaines’ and Luers’analysis, no (ref. 4), which masked the short-duration, high- experimental data existed for veri(cid:12)cation ofthe pre- intensityrain characteristicsassociated with convec- dictions. Hence in 1981, an experimental research tive storms and wind shear/microburst phenomena. program wasestablished atLangley Research Center Thisresultled to thedevelopment ofaground-based toobtain aheavy rain e(cid:11)ects data base. Small-scale natural rainfall rate measurement technique by Mel- wind tunnel model tests were considered to provide son to acquire data over very short time periods, the most controlled environment for evaluating the as short as one sample per second (ref. 5). His re- e(cid:11)ectsofrain onairfoilperformance. Testtechniques sultsveri(cid:12)ed theexistenceofhigh-intensity rain: over and procedureswere developed and exploratory wind 7000 eventsmeasuredabove 4in/hrwith amaximum tunnel testswereconducted on anNACA0012airfoil rain eventof 29 in/hrforshort time intervalson the section(cid:12)ttedwith asimplyhinged, full-span trailing- orderof 10 to30 sec at ground level. edge (cid:13)ap in the Langley 14- by 22-Foot Subsonic Tunnel (ref. 8). The wind tunnel rain simulation system produced liquid water content levels rang- The earliest analytical work on the e(cid:11)ect of 3 ing from 13 to 22 g/m . A 15-percent reduction in rain on aerodynamic performance was conducted by the maximum lift capability of both the cruise and Rhode in 1941 (ref. 6). His analysis indicated that landing con(cid:12)gurations ofthe airfoil model wasmea- drag increases associated with the momentum im- sured inthe simulated rain environment independent parted to a DC-3 aircraft encountering a rain cloud of the liquid water content level. The exploratory with a liquid water content of 50 g/m3 would cause small-scale wind tunnel results con(cid:12)rmed the exis- an 18-percent reduction in airspeed. Rhode consid- tence of a performance penalty in a simulated rain ered such an encounter to beoflittle consequence to environment. an aircraft (cid:13)ying at 5000 ft. Because low-visibility take-o(cid:11)s and landings were not routine in 1941, the consequences ofa heavy rain encounter during these The objective of the present investigation was phases of (cid:13)ight were not considered. However, for a threefold: (cid:12)rst, todetermine the severity of the rain modern day transport such an airspeed loss during e(cid:11)ecton a cambered airfoil representative of typical take-o(cid:11) or landing would be signi(cid:12)cant. commercialtransportwingsections;second,todeter- mine the aerodynamic penalty over awider range of rain intensities;and third,toexplorethe importance The reconsideration of heavy rain as a potential of surface-tension interactions of water as a scaling weather-related aircraft safety hazard in 1977 led to parameter. The data presented in this report were thedevelopment ofabroad experimentaland analyt- obtained with an NACA 64-210 airfoil model with ical research e(cid:11)ort, spearheaded by NASA to deter- leading- and trailing-edge high-lift devices tested in mine thee(cid:11)ectofheavy rainon aircraftperformance. cruise and landing con(cid:12)gurations. The tests were In 1982, Haines and Luers (ref. 7), under contract conducted in the Langley 14- by 22-Foot Subsonic from Wallops Flight Facility, analytically evaluated Tunnel at dynamic pressures of 30 and 50 psf, the e(cid:11)ect of rain on aircraft landing performance. which correspond to Reynolds numbers of 2:6(cid:2)106 Their study re(cid:12)ned the work of Rhode by estimat- and 3:3(cid:2)106 based on airfoil chord. The rain inten- ing the e(cid:11)ects of rain on a modern day transport. sity wasvariedtoproduce liquid watercontentlevels Their analysis not only included the calculation of ranging from16to46 g/m3. The test resultsarede- the impact momentum of the raindrops, butalso es- scribed in terms of lift, drag, and pitching-moment timatedthe increaseinskin-friction drag byequating characteristicsin and outofthe simulated rain envi- the two-phase (cid:13)ow phenomenon overthe airfoil sur- ronment and represent the baseline data to be used face to an equivalent sandgrain roughness. Reduc- in theevaluation offull-scalemodelingofraine(cid:11)ects. 2 Symbols Apparatus and Procedure b airfoil metric section span, 1 ft Wind Tunneland ModelSupport c airfoil chord, 2.5 ft The present investigation was conducted in the Langley 14- by 22-Foot Subsonic Tunnel, which is c section drag coe(cid:14)cient, Drag/qbc d a closed-circuit atmospheric wind tunnel allowing cl section lift coe(cid:14)cient, Lift/qbc open and closed test section operation (ref. 9). For this investigation, the tests were conducted in the c section pitching-moment coe(cid:14)cient, m closed test section with dimensions of 14.5 ft high Pitching moment/qbc2 by 21.75 ftwide by 50 ft long. A photograph of the D drop diameter, mm testsetup isshown in (cid:12)gure1. The model hardware, aligned laterally with the tunnel centerline, was lo- D arithmetic mean drop diameter, mm 1 cated in the aft bay of the test section. The rain simulation system manifold, which was located ap- D volumetric mean drop diameter, mm 2 proximately 10 wing chord lengths upstream of the H height of rain spray atmodel model location, directed the rain spray horizontally location, ft atthe model. ID innerdiameter of hypodermic-type nozzle, in. Model K conversion constant Themodelused inthisinvestigation had arectan- gularplanform and wassupported between twoend- LWC liquid watercontent, g/m3 (see plates in an attempt to represent a two-dimensional (cid:12)g. 12and appendix A) test setup ((cid:12)g. 2). The airfoil chord was 2.5 ft and the span between the endplates was 8 ft. An N(D) drop size density function NACA64-210 airfoil section was chosen as being Q volumetric (cid:13)ow rate, gal/min representative of a cambered, commercial transport wing section. Themodelwasequipped with leading- q free-stream dynamic pressure, psf and trailing-edge high-lift devices. Details of the R rainfall rate, in/hr cruiseand landing con(cid:12)gurations thatweretestedare shown in (cid:12)gure 3and in tables1(a)and (b). Forthe Re free-stream Reynolds number, landing con(cid:12)guration, the high-lift devices consisted (cid:26) Vc=(cid:22) (cid:14) a a of a leading-edge slat de(cid:13)ected 57 and a trailing- (cid:14) V free-stream velocity, ft/sec edge double-slotted (cid:13)ap de(cid:13)ected 35.75 . For the cruise con(cid:12)guration, the model leading-edge slatwas W width ofrain spray at model stowedand thetrailing-edge (cid:13)ap systemwasreplaced location, ft with acruise(cid:13)ap sectioninstalled (cid:13)ush totheaftend of the main wing section. The stowed leading-edge We Weber number, 0:00328(cid:26)wV2D2=(cid:27)w;a slatproduced an aft-facing step of0.059 in. thatwas x chordwise location ofmodel notfaired to the main wing section contour. geometry, ft The model consisted ofa 1-ftspan metric center z ordinate location corresponding section mounted between two nonmetric outer pan- to x, ft els. The center section was mounted on an internal, three-component, strain-gauge balance and was sep- (cid:11) angle of attack, deg arated fromthe outboard panels by small gaps that (cid:22) viscosity of air, slugs/ft-sec were sealed with athin, (cid:13)exible layerofrubber(den- a tal dam) to approximate two-dimensional (cid:13)ow and (cid:22)w viscosity of water, slugs/ft-sec eliminate three-dimensional e(cid:11)ects caused by leak- age. The sealing technique did not degrade the bal- (cid:26)a density of air, slugs/ft3 ance performance. Aerodynamic data were obtained (cid:26) density of water, slugs/ft3 with the boundary-layer transition (cid:12)xed with No. 80 w grit along the 5-percent chordline on the upper and (cid:27)w;a surface tension between waterand lowersurfacesofthe wingand each high-liftelement air, slugs/sec2 in accordance toreference 10. 3 Rain Simulation System The rain simulation system hardware was de- signed to meet the volumetric (cid:13)ow requirements of The simulation of natural rain in a wind tunnel thefan jetnozzle. Aschematicofthehardwaresetup environment should be able to simultaneously pro- isshown in (cid:12)gure5. The rain simulation systemcon- duce a natural rain drop size distribution, vary the sisted ofa20-gallon watertank accumulator, aman- rain intensity level, and provide uniform rain spray ifold, and three sets of nozzles (5-tube, 7-tube, and coverage at the model location with minimal in(cid:13)u- fan jetnozzleset). Aremotelycontrolled airpressure ence on the tunnel free-streamconditions. The wind valve regulated the water supply to the tank, which tunnel rain simulation technique developed during wasconnected to the manifold. The airsupply pres- theexploratory small-scale tests(ref. 8)identi(cid:12)edan sure wasvaried to control the volume of water pass- inherent di(cid:14)culty in producing large size drops typ- ingthrough themanifold and exitingoutthenozzles. ical ofnatural rain while atthe same time achieving The operating pressure waslimitedtoamaximumof the desired rain intensity and drop size distribution. 100 psig. Thevolumetric (cid:13)owrateand theairsupply Whenwaterisinjectedintoahigh-velocity airstream pressure were both measured and recorded. atavelocitysubstantially lessthan the airstreamve- The rain simulation system manifold was fabri- locity,thelargerdropsthatformbreakupalmostim- cated from streamlined steel tubing having a chord mediately intomuch smaller dropsasdetailed in ref- length of 3.5 in. and a (cid:12)neness ratio (chord length erence 11. Although this di(cid:14)culty can be alleviated to thickness) of 2.2 to minimize the interference ef- byincreasingthe waterinjection pressuresothatthe fect on tunnel free-streamconditions. The manifold initial drop velocity approaches the airstreamveloc- was located 25 ft upstream of the model (approxi- ity, the resulting rain intensity tendstobe toohigh. mately 10 wing chord lengths) to allow time for the The exploratory small-scale tests indicated that the stabilization of the accelerating water droplets and drop size distribution and the rain intensity levels the dispersion of the manifold disturbances on tun- were a function of the nozzle design, waterinjection nelfree-streamconditions. Themanifold wasaligned pressure, and airstream velocity. approximately 6 in. above the chord plane of the model to account for gravity e(cid:11)ects on the water Anextensiveexperimentalresearch e(cid:11)ortwascar- droplets. Comparisons of model aerodynamic data ried out by the Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL)to in and out of the simulated rain environment were develop a nozzle design that would simulate a range measured with the spray manifold in position at all of rain intensity levels and a drop size distribution times. that would include drops 2 mm in size and larger Themanifold hardwareshown in (cid:12)gure 6wasini- (ref. 12). The JPL-designed nozzle consisted of ase- tially designed to immerse the NACA 0012 airfoil riesof0.063-in-diameter hypodermic tubesarranged model in a simulated rain(cid:12)eld (ref. 8). The man- circumferentially around a plenum ((cid:12)g. 4(a)). The ifold was modi(cid:12)ed for the present investigation to hypodermic nozzle design provided the (cid:13)exibility to ensure coverage of the NACA 64-210 model. Two independently vary the rain intensitywhileretaining vertical posts spaced 1 ft apart at the center of the control over the drop size. The rain intensity pro- horizontal bar of the manifold were added as shown duced by the hypodermic nozzle design was a func- in (cid:12)gure 7. The vertical and horizontal spacing of tionoftheairsupply pressure, dynamic pressure,and the three sets of nozzles was determined by trial number of tubes in the particular nozzle con(cid:12)gura- and error. The optimum nozzle spacing (the same tion. The JPL research e(cid:11)ort led to the selection of for all three nozzle sets) is shown in (cid:12)gure 7 with twonozzlecon(cid:12)gurations, a5-and 7-tube (B1N5and a total of four nozzles, two nozzles on each verti- B1N7, respectively), as shown in (cid:12)gure 4(b). Also cal post. Each nozzle is spaced 1 ft apart from the shown in (cid:12)gure 4(b) is a commercially available fan other both horizontally and vertically to completely jetnozzle (1570), previously used in the exploratory immerse the instrumented 1-ft metric center section wind tunnel tests on the NACA 0012 airfoil model. of the NACA 64-210 airfoil model. The simulated This nozzle had an elliptical cross section and pro- rain(cid:12)eld was centered about the model chordline for duced the highest volumetric (cid:13)ow rate of the three. atotalheightofapproximately 4ftand extended ap- The 5- and 7-tube hypodermic nozzles, along with proximately 1.5 ft on eithersideofthe metric center thefan jetnozzle, were each used separately(nomix- section for all the nozzle con(cid:12)gurations tested. ing of nozzle type) in the present investigation to determine the severity of the performance degrada- Rain Simulation System Calibration tionasafunction ofrain intensity. The5-tube hypo- dermic nozzleproduced the lowestrain intensity and As was previously mentioned, the parameters thefan jetnozzleproduced thehighestrain intensity. used to characterize rain are the rainfall rate (R) 4 and the liquid water content (LWC). The relation- droplets produced by the hypodermic-type nozzle ship between R and LWC is uniquely dependent on weremovingatapproximately 92-percentfree-stream thetypeofstormand the intensity levelofthe storm velocity, butatthehigherdynamic pressureof30psf, (refs. 2 and 13). A detailed description of this re- the drop velocity was approximately 89 percent of lationship can be found in appendix A. The wind the free-stream velocity. It is interesting to note tunnel rain system simulates a thunderstorm-type that the measured drop velocities were independent rain that is de(cid:12)ned as being a high-intensity, short- of the drop size at the model location. In summary, duration rain. The wind tunnel simulated rain(cid:12)eld the mean drop size decreased with increasing tunnel wasquanti(cid:12)ed in termsofdrop sizedistribution,drop testspeed and the drop velocitywasmeasured to be velocity, and LWC. about 90 percent of the free-stream velocity for all nozzle con(cid:12)gurations. Aspartofthe nozzledevelopment research e(cid:11)ort, JPL developed ashadowgraph technique tomeasure In a wind tunnel environment, LWC is expressed the drop size and drop velocity distributions pro- as a function of the rain(cid:12)eld area, volumetric (cid:13)ow duced in a wind tunnel environment. The shadow- rate, and free-stream velocity as shown by the re- graph technique used a pulsed ruby laser as shown lationship in (cid:12)gure 12. A (cid:13)owmeter measured the in (cid:12)gure 8. The photographic optics were arranged volume ofwater (cid:13)owing through the manifold. The to sample a small region in the central portion of rain(cid:12)eld width and heightwerephotographically ob- the spray justin frontofthe model location. A typ- tained at the model location with a (cid:13)uorescentdye, ical shadowgraph photograph is shown in (cid:12)gure 9 an ultraviolet strobe light to enhance the photo- for a dynamic pressure of 30 psf. The photographic graphic qualities of the rain(cid:12)eld, and a near(cid:12)eld negatives were digitized on a computerized optical linear-length reference. A photograph of a typical scanner and analyzed to determine drop population simulated rain(cid:12)eld is shown in (cid:12)gure 13. The rain- characteristicsof the hypodermic and fan jet nozzle (cid:12)eldappearstobeuniformly distributed atthemodel types. location. Because of the dynamic nature of water The drop size distribution data were obtained drops, the boundaries of the rain spray region at at dynamic pressures of 15, 30, and 50 psf for the any instant in time are not precise straight lines. hypodermic-type nozzleand 30and 70psfforthefan Therefore, deriving the rain spray by photographic jetnozzle type as tabulated in table 2(a). Drop size means involves subjectively determining the usable was a function of nozzle type, water injection pres- rain spray region boundaries. The rain spray area produced by the three nozzle con(cid:12)gurations is pre- sure, and tunnel test velocity. Note that the drop size and drop velocity characteristics measured for sented in table 2(c) as a function of nozzle type, the JPL-designed hypodermic nozzle are applicable tunnel dynamic pressure, air supply pressure, and forboth the5-and 7-tube con(cid:12)gurationsbecause the volumetric (cid:13)ow rate. nozzles have the same tube geometry (i.e., inner di- ameter, see (cid:12)g. 4(a)). The drop population char- Scalingof Rain E(cid:11)ects acteristics are tabulated in terms of the arithmetic Because of the complexity of the two-phase (cid:13)ow mean drop diameter, the volumetric mean drop di- environment, the established wind tunnel model to ameter,and the ratioofthe drop velocitytothefree- full-scale scaling laws may not be applicable in the stream velocity. The volumetric mean drop diame- rain environment. In 1985, Bilanin (ref. 16) ad- ter is de(cid:12)ned as that drop diameter for which half dressed the subjectof scaling for model tests ofair- the total volume ofthe rain spray is in larger drops foils in simulated rain. Hisanalysisshowed that the and half in smaller drops. The distribution of the following variables, relevant to the rain spray, are drop sizes, shown in (cid:12)gures 10 and 11, indicates a important in scaling the e(cid:11)ects of rain from model large di(cid:11)erence between the geometric and volumet- tests: the density of water, kinematic viscosity of ricmean drop diametersduetotheexistenceofmany water, surface tension interactions of water, mean small drops in the simulated rain(cid:12)eld. The wind drop spacing, volumetric mean drop diameter, and tunnel rain simulation technique did not produce drop velocity. The (cid:12)rst three variables are inher- a natural rain drop size distribution as detailed in entproperties ofwateritselfand the lastthree vari- references13 to 15. ablesaredependent on the testtechnique used. The The laser system also was operated in a double- scaling parameters thatare derived from the group- pulsed mode with about 20 msec between pulses ing ofthe aforementioned variablesare Weber num- to determine drop velocity. Drop velocity data are ber(We),LWC,and R. TheWeistheratioofinertial shown in table 2(b) for the hypodermic-type nozzle. forces to surface tension forces and is a function of At the lower dynamic pressure of 15 psf, the water the density of water, drop velocity, volumetric mean 5 drop diameter, and the surface-tension interactions Test Conditions betweenwaterand air. The LWC isafunction ofthe drop size distribution, drop velocity, and density of The location ofthe rain simulation system man- water. The R is a function of LWC. The sensitivity ifold 10 wing chord lengths upstream of the model ofthewetairfoilaerodynamic characteristicstoeach and 6 in. above themodel chord plane waschosen to ofthe aforementioned parameters must be assessed. mitigate any manifold-induced air(cid:13)ow disturbances. The data of reference 17 indicate the manifold up- stream of the model location produced a slight in- This investigation assessed the sensitivity of a creasein the free-streamturbulencelevel,in addition cambered, commercial transport-type airfoil equip- to a slight increase in drag. Comparisons of model ped with high-lift devices to LWC and We. The aerodynamic data in and out of the simulated rain sensitivitytoLWCwasassessedbyvarying thenozzle environment are with the manifold in position at all type, waterinjection pressure, volumetric (cid:13)ow rate, times. and the tunnel dynamic pressure. The sensitivity of the wet aerodynamic characteristics to Weber number, i.e., surface-tension interactions between During this investigation, no signi(cid:12)cant changes waterand air, alsowasaddressed. Asurface-tension in dynamic pressure were measured at the model reducing agent was added to the water in su(cid:14)cient location in the simulated rain environment. Con- quantity (24 ml/gal of water) to reduce the surface 2 sequently, the calibrated dry air tunnel dynamic tension by afactorof2 (from0.0047965 slug/sec to 0.0021242 slug/sec2), which changed We by a factor pressure was used to nondimensionalize the aero- dynamic data obtained. All data shown were ob- of2. tained with the boundary-layer transition (cid:12)xed as discussed previously. Data Accuracy An internal, three-component, strain-gauge bal- The tunnel dynamic pressure, angle of attack, ance was used in this investigation to measure the and LWC conditions were parametrically varied aerodynamic forces and moments in and out of the to determine the performance degradation of the simulated rain environment. Thisbalance hasan ac- curacy rating of (cid:6)0.5 percent of full-scale loading. NACA64-210 airfoil model equipped with and with- outhigh-liftdevices. Aerodynamic measurementsin The calibration and corresponding error range for and out of the simulated rain environment were ob- each component are asfollows: (cid:14) (cid:14) tained over an angle-of-attack range from 0 to 20 for dynamic pressures of 30 and 50 psf for the cruise con(cid:12)guration and an angle-of-attack range Component Load Error of 4(cid:14) to 20(cid:14) for dynamic pressures of 30 and 50 psf Normal force, lb . . . . (cid:6)600 (cid:6)3.0 for the landing con(cid:12)guration. The rain inten- sity was varied to produce LWC values ranging Axial force, lb . . . . . (cid:6)100 (cid:6)0.5 from16to46 g/m3. The sensitivityofthewetairfoil Pitchingmoment, lb . . . (cid:6)2000 (cid:6)10 characteristics to water surface-tension interactions was also investigated forthe landing con(cid:12)guration. In aerodynamic coe(cid:14)cient form, the correspond- ingerror range isas follows: Presentation of Results The results of this investigation have been re- duced to coe(cid:14)cient form as presented in (cid:12)gures 14 Aerodynamic through 37 and are listed in tabulated form in ap- coe(cid:14)cient q = 30psf q = 50psf pendix B. The data were normalized with respect to c . . . . . . . . (cid:6)0.04 (cid:6)0.024 the dry air dynamic pressure. The pitching-moment l data were measured about the quarter-chord of the cd . . . . . . . . (cid:6)0.0067 (cid:6)0.004 model. The data presented were obtained with the cm . . . . . . . (cid:6)0.053 (cid:6)0.032 rain simulation system manifold in place. A listing ofthe data (cid:12)gures is as follows: 6 Figure Reynoldsnumber e(cid:11)ect . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14, 15 Cruise con(cid:12)guration liftcurve and drag polaratq = 30 psfwith LWC =0, 25, and 39 g/m3 . . . . . 16 Cruise con(cid:12)guration liftcurve and drag polaratq = 50 psfwith LWC =0, 19, and 30 g/m3 . . . . . 17 Cruise con(cid:12)guration drag asa function of angle ofattack atq = 30and 50 psf . . . . . . . . . . . 18 Cruise con(cid:12)guration pitching momentversuslift and angle ofattack at q = 30 and 50 psf . . . . . . 19 (cid:14) (cid:14) Water (cid:13)ow characteristicson upper surface ofcruise con(cid:12)guration at (cid:11)= 0 and 20 and q= 15 psfwith LWC = 17 g/m3 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23, 24 (cid:14) (cid:14) Water (cid:13)ow characteristicson lower surface ofcruise con(cid:12)guration at (cid:11)= 4 and 16 and q= 15 psfwith LWC = 14 g/m3 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25, 26 Landing con(cid:12)guration liftcurve and drag polarat q= 30 psfwith LWC = 0, 29, and 46g/m3 . . . . 27 Landing con(cid:12)guration liftcurve and drag polarat q= 50 psfwith LWC = 0, 16, and 36g/m3 . . . . 28 Landing con(cid:12)guration drag as function ofangle of attack at q= 30 and 50 psf . . . . . . . . . . . 29 Landing con(cid:12)guration pitching moment versus liftand angle ofattack at q = 30 and 50psf . . . . . . 30 (cid:14) (cid:14) Water (cid:13)ow characteristicson upper surface oflanding con(cid:12)guration at(cid:11) =8 and 20 and q= 30 psfwith LWC = 46 g/m3 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32, 33 (cid:14) (cid:14) Water (cid:13)ow characteristicson lower surface oflanding con(cid:12)guration at(cid:11) =4 and 20 and q= 30 psfwith LWC = 29 g/m3 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34, 35 Water surface tension e(cid:11)ectson landing con(cid:12)guration aerodynamics at q= 30 psf . . . . . . . . . . 36 Water surface tension e(cid:11)ectson landing con(cid:12)guration aerodynamics at q= 50 psf . . . . . . . . . . 37 Results and Discussion vestigation and are discussed in detail later in this section. Reynolds NumberE(cid:11)ect The drag data at aconstant lift condition do ap- The dry aerodynamic data presented in (cid:12)g- pear to be sensitive to LWC and dynamic pressure ures 14 and 15 show the e(cid:11)ect of Reynolds number at and beyond stall. For example, the drag data atdynamic pressures of30 and 50 psfforthe cruise in (cid:12)gure 16 for q = 30 psf and LWC = 25 g/m3 and and landingcon(cid:12)gurations. Theresultsindicatethat q = 50psfand LWC = 19g/m3 in (cid:12)gure 17showin- Reynolds number had a negligible e(cid:11)ect on lift co- creasesin drag coe(cid:14)cientataconstantliftcoe(cid:14)cient e(cid:14)cient versus angle of attack for both model con- (cid:12)gurations over the range tested. The data forboth ofcl = 1.0 of 37and 71percent, respectively. An in- crease in drag wasmeasured for both dynamic pres- con(cid:12)gurationsalsoshowsmall di(cid:11)erencesin thedrag suresatlow and moderateanglesofattackas shown polar. in (cid:12)gure 18. The drag data as afunction ofangle of attack and dynamic pressure do notappear to be as Cruise Con(cid:12)guration Aerodynamics sensitive to increases in LWC asthe lift data. The e(cid:11)ect of rain on the NACA 64-210 cruise The e(cid:11)ect of rain on pitching moment for the con(cid:12)guration for q= 30 and 50 psf is shown in (cid:12)g- cruise con(cid:12)guration isshown in (cid:12)gures19(a)and (b) ures16and 17,respectively. Signi(cid:12)cant reductionsin forq = 30 and 50 psf. Prior to stall ((cid:12)g. 19(b)), the maximumliftwere measured asLWC wasincreased, e(cid:11)ect of rain on pitching moment is negligible for on the order of 8 and 11 percent at q = 30 psf both dynamic pressures. The change in the slope of (LWC = 25 and 39 g/m3) and 12and 17percent at the pitching-moment curve ((cid:12)g. 19(a)) is marginal q = 50psf (LWC = 19and 30g/m3). A progressive with increasing LWC for both dynamic pressures, decrease in the lift curve slope with increasing although the break occurs earlier with a more pro- LWC was also observed for the cruise con(cid:12)guration nounced e(cid:11)ect with increasing LWC at a dynamic ((cid:12)gs. 16and 17). Thise(cid:11)ectmaybeexplained by the pressure of 50psf. observed water (cid:13)ow characteristics at low to mod- erate angles of attack discussed by Hastings et al. The progressive decrease in the NACA 64-210 (ref. 18) and Hansman et al. (ref. 19). These char- cruise con(cid:12)guration lift curve slope with increas- acteristics were also observed during the present in- ing LWC may be explained by the water (cid:13)ow 7 characteristics observed during the present investi- and the rivulet(cid:12)eld highlights theseparated (cid:13)ow re- gation. The photographic qualitiesofthe rain spray gions present as shown in (cid:12)gure 24. On the lower (cid:14) were enhanced by the addition of a (cid:13)uorescent dye surface, at (cid:11) =4 , the water (cid:12)lm layer appears to to the water and the use of an ultraviolet strobe extend back to approximately the 40-percent chord- light in a darkened test section to capture the wa- line beforebreaking up intorivulets((cid:12)g.25). Asthe ter(cid:13)ow patterns on the upper and lowersurfacesof angleofattack increases,the chordwise extentofthe the airfoil. The surface blemishes on the upper and water (cid:12)lm increases until it encompasses the entire (cid:14) lowersurfacesoftheairfoilmodelareidenti(cid:12)edin (cid:12)g- length of theairfoil. In (cid:12)gure 26 at(cid:11) =16 , theair- ures 20 and 21 to make the reader aware that these foil has stalled and the water (cid:12)lm layer appears to blemisheswillshow up in anenhanced formatduring extend back to approximately the 75-percent chord- the visualization process. linebefore breaking upintorivulets. Fromvisual ob- servations, the rivulets on the lower surface appear The pattern of the water (cid:13)ow that develops can to be pushed upward around the trailing edge and be qualitatively described in terms of an \ejecta pooled on the upper surface. The cratering of the fog" layer, water (cid:12)lm layer, and \rivulet" (cid:13)ow (cid:12)eld water (cid:12)lm layer by droplet impacts and the break- as sketched in (cid:12)gure 22(a). As the water droplets up of the water (cid:12)lm layer into rivulets simultane- impact the leading edge of the airfoil athigh speed, ously interact with the turbulent airboundary layer a layer ofvery (cid:12)ne dropletsisformed in frontof the resulting in an early de-energization of the airfoil’s leading edge as a consequence. This phenomenon boundary layer and hence, constantly changing the has been de(cid:12)ned as the \ejecta fog" layer. Beneath e(cid:11)ective camber of the airfoil, which adversely af- the ejecta fog layer, a water (cid:12)lm layer develops at fectsthe airfoil’s performance throughout the entire the wing leading edge and extends back toward the angle-of-attack range. trailing edge along the upper and lower surfaces of theairfoil. Atsome pointthewater(cid:12)lmlayerbreaks In summary, the NACA 64-210 cruise con(cid:12)gura- up intorivulets,which are thin capillary-like streams tiondatapresentedin(cid:12)gures16through 19indicated ofwater running chordwise toward the trailing edge the sameperformance trendsasthe cruise con(cid:12)gura- ofthe airfoil. tion data oftheNACA0012 airfoil model previously The chordwise extent of the water (cid:12)lm layer cited in reference 8. Both airfoil sections exhibited has been found to be dependent on the airfoil con- signi(cid:12)cant reductionsinmaximumliftcapability and (cid:12)guration, surface treatment, and angle of attack increasesindrag foragiven liftcondition in the sim- ulated rain environment. The most signi(cid:12)cant dif- (refs. 18and 19). Asthe angle ofattack isincreased, thechordwiseextentofthewater(cid:12)lmlayerdecreases ference between thecruise results ofthese twoairfoil on the uppersurface and increases on the lowersur- sectionswas the sensitivity ofthe NACA 64-210 air- face as shown in (cid:12)gures 23 to 26 forthe cruise con- foil section to LWC. This di(cid:11)erence indicates that (cid:12)guration. Figures 23 and 24 were taken with an there isa rain e(cid:11)ectsensitivity tocamber. Asprevi- overhead camera and show the pattern of the wa- ously mentioned, theNACA0012 performance losses ter (cid:13)ow on the upper surface of the cruise con(cid:12)gu- in the rainenvironment werenotafunction ofLWC. ration at q = 15 psf and LWC =17 g/m3 for angles of attack of 0(cid:14) and 20(cid:14), respectively. Photographs Landing Con(cid:12)guration Aerodynamics in (cid:12)gures 25 and 26 were taken with a camera lo- The e(cid:11)ects of rain on the NACA 64-210 land- cated on the tunnel (cid:13)oor beneath the wing model ing con(cid:12)guration for q = 30 and 50 psf are shown in and show the pattern ofthe water (cid:13)ow on the lower (cid:12)gures27 and 28, respectively. The resultsobtained surface of the cruise con(cid:12)guration atq = 15psf and LWC = 14g/m3 for angles of attack of 4(cid:14) and 16(cid:14), athtestLaWllCforcotnhdeitliaonndionfg3c6ong(cid:12)/gmu3raatitonthiendhiicgahteertdhyat- respectively. Note that the spanwise extent of the namic pressure of 50 psf ((cid:12)g. 28) produced almost water (cid:12)lm layer developing on the wing surface is as great a lift loss (18 percent) as the higher LWC limited to the width of the rain spray produced. condition of 46 g/m3 at the lower dynamic pres- (cid:14) Focusing onthe uppersurface(cid:12)rst, at(cid:11) =0 , the sure of 30 psf (22 percent) ((cid:12)g. 27). In addition, (cid:14) water(cid:12)lm layer appears to extend back to approxi- the greatest reduction in stall angle of attack (8 ) mately the 50-percent chordline before breaking up was also measured at the higher dynamic pressure into rivulets ((cid:12)g. 23). The presence of the rivulet of 50 psf and LWC =36 g/m3. Note that accompa- (cid:12)eld acts as the boundary for attached and sepa- nying the reduction of the stall angle is the general rated (cid:13)ow. The rivulet (cid:12)eld indicatesattached (cid:13)ow (cid:13)attening of the lift curve past stall with increas- at the low angles of attack. As the angle of attack ing LWC forboth dynamic pressures. Similar to the (cid:14) is increased to 20 , the water (cid:12)lm layer disappears cruise con(cid:12)guration data, the landing con(cid:12)guration 8 data also indicated a progressive decrease in the lift the water patterns on the lower surface of the land- curve slope with increasing LWC. The same mecha- ingcon(cid:12)guration atq = 30 psfand LWC = 29g/m3 (cid:14) (cid:14) nism described in the cruise data section appears to foranglesofattack of4 and 20 . be atwork in this case. (cid:14) Focusing on the uppersurface at(cid:11)= 8 ((cid:12)g. 32), Increases in drag were measured for both two interactions can be seen: the formation of a dynamic pressures at low and moderate angles rivulet(cid:12)eld on the main airfoil section and the water of attack as shown in (cid:12)gures 27 and 28. The being driven upward from the underside of each drag data at a constant lift condition do appear high-lift device (leading-edge slat and trailing-edge to be sensitive to LWC and test velocity. For double-slotted (cid:13)aps) through the gap openings onto example, the drag data for q= 30 psf ((cid:12)g. 27) the upper surfaces of the adjacent airfoil element. show increases in drag coe(cid:14)cient at a constant As the angle of attack increases, the presence of lift coe(cid:14)cient of cl= 2.3 of23 and 40 percent for the water reduces the gap openings, which alters 3 LWC = 29and 46g/m , respectively. Atthe higher the separated air(cid:13)ow regions on the upper surface dynamic pressure of 50 psf and the same lift coe(cid:14)- of the airfoil and causes a breakdown of the water cient of 2.3 ((cid:12)g. 28), the drag data show increases (cid:13)ow pattern, which results in regional pooling of of14 and 15 percentforLWC = 16 and 36 g/m3,re- the water, as shown in (cid:12)gure 33 at (cid:11) =20(cid:14). On (cid:14) spectively. Aswaspreviously noted inthecruisecon- the lower surface at (cid:11) =4 ((cid:12)g. 34), the water (cid:12)lm (cid:12)guration data, the landing con(cid:12)guration drag data layer extends back to approximately the 90-percent asafunction ofangleofattackand dynamic pressure chordline on themain airfoil section. Asthe angle of do notappear tobe assensitive toincreasesin LWC attackincreases, the slatand (cid:13)ap mounting brackets atlowtomoderateanglesofattackasdothe liftdata block some of the water (cid:13)ow as indicated by the ((cid:12)g. 29). nearly dry areas on the main airfoil section and (cid:13)ap systemaftofthe bracketsshown in (cid:12)gures33and 35. The e(cid:11)ect of rain on pitching moment for the (cid:14) At (cid:11) =20 , the water (cid:12)lm layer extends back to landing con(cid:12)guration is shown in (cid:12)gures 30(a) and (b) for q = 30 and 50 psf. Prior to stall the trailing edge ofthe main airfoil section ((cid:12)g. 35) and from visual observations the gap openings of ((cid:12)g.30(a)),thereappears tobeaprogressiveincrease all the high-lift devices appear to be signi(cid:12)cantly in the slope of the pitching-moment curve with in- immersed with water. In (cid:12)gure 35, a sheet of water creasing LWC for both dynamic pressures. Similar appearstobecomingfromtheundersideofthewing, tothecruise con(cid:12)guration data, the landing con(cid:12)gu- through the (cid:13)ap gap opening, and outward in the ration data ((cid:12)g. 30) also indicate the break in the direction of the free-stream (cid:13)ow. The photographic pitching-moment curve occurs earlier with a more coverage indicates that the large amount of water pronounced e(cid:11)ectwith increasingLWCatadynamic that(cid:13)owed through thegaps played asigni(cid:12)cant role pressure of 50 psf. Past stall, the rain environment in the performance lossesexperienced by thelanding continues to degrade pitching-moment performance con(cid:12)guration. atboth dynamic pressures. Theq = 30 psfpitching- momentdata versusliftcoe(cid:14)cientappeartobemore In summary, although reductions in maximum sensitive to increases in LWC than the q = 50 psf lift capability and corresponding increases in drag pitching-moment data ((cid:12)g. 30(b)). were measured for both the cruise and landing con- (cid:12)gurations of the NACA 64-210 airfoil model, the Thephotographic coverage ofthewater(cid:13)owchar- landing con(cid:12)guration was more sensitive to the rain acteristics on the upper and lower surfaces of the environment than the cruise con(cid:12)guration. Of par- landing con(cid:12)guration indicates thatfor low to mod- ticularsigni(cid:12)cance wastheassociated decreasein the erateanglesofattack,whereattached (cid:13)owconditions angleofattack atwhich maximumliftoccurred with exist,the wateradherestotheairfoilsurface forming increasingLWC. Accompanying the reduction ofthe a water(cid:12)lm layerand a rivulet (cid:12)eld. An additional stall angle ofattackwasthe general (cid:13)attening ofthe (cid:13)ow complication is the presence ofthe high-liftde- lift curve slope past stall. The severity of the rain vices((cid:12)g. 22(b)). The waterpasses through the gap e(cid:11)ect appears to be dependent on test velocity and openings between the high-lift devices and the main LWC. airfoil section and decreases the air(cid:13)ow through the gap openings. In (cid:12)gure31, thelanding con(cid:12)guration Surface Tension E(cid:11)ects is shown immersed in the simulated rain(cid:12)eld. Fig- ures 32 and 33 show the patterns of the water (cid:13)ow The wetted aerodynamic characteristics of the on the upper surface of the landing con(cid:12)guration at landing con(cid:12)guration are shown in (cid:12)gures36 and 37 q = 30psf and LWC =46 g/m3 for angles of attack with and withoutthe surface-tension reducing agent (cid:14) (cid:14) of 8 and 20 , respectively. Figures 34 and 35 show added to the water at dynamic pressures of 30 9

wind tunnel model tests were considered to provide the most controlled environment for evaluating the e ects of rain on airfoil performance. Test techniques.
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