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Wiltshire Parish Registers PDF

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PRE F A C E . The Editors re ret that there has been unavoidable delay in g the roduction of this volume but they feel confident that the p ; f subscribers will exonerate them when the many and various ] ‘ duties which fall to the lot of the cler y in country districts and g , ’ the extent to which this work is d e endent u on the ooii p p g offices of. the cler y are considered. Another cause of delay has g , been the fe retted death of Mr. Abraham Coleman of Swindon g , , ‘ whose interest ih , and knowledge of, the Registers of his own , distri t was most valuable to the Editors and whose hel was , p c ' freely and constantly iven. Mr. Coleman had undertaken the g collation of the transcri t bf the Chisledon Marria es at the time p g of his last illness . This volume contains the Marria e Re isters of seven g g arishes four of which commence in the sixteenth century and p , - three in the seventeenth makin n all fift three Wiltshire , g i y arishes the Marria es of which have now been rinted. These p , g p i are i Parish. Parish. Alderton Market Lavin ton g Allin ton Marlborou h St. Mar g g , y Alton Barnes Marlborou h St. Pe ter g , Ashle Me e y r Baverstock Milston Beechin stoke Minet g y Boscombe Newnton Lon , g Britford Newton Ton y Bulford Norton Castle Eaton Patne y Charlton, nr. Pewsey \ Preshute Chirton Purtd n Chisledon Rolle st ne o , Cholderton S alisbur the Cathe dral y , Colerne Sali sbury St. Thomas , Crudwell Sherston Deverill K in ston Somerford Great , , g Deverill , Monkton Somerford, Little ‘ Durrin ton So wénth g p Grittleton/ Southbroom Huish Stert Idmiston Stockton Kemble Urchfont Knoyle Eas Winterslow , y Lei h Delamere Woodborou h g g V L diard Millicent Yatton Ke nell y y Marden Thanks are due to the Rev. D . Percy Harrison the Rev. , F. H. Manley the Rev. . A . Sturton and the Rev. W. Symonds , J , , who have made transcri ts of their own or other Re isters t p g ; o Mr. Victor . , Moulder to Mr. . H. Parry and to Mr. T. H. J , J , Baker for the transcri tion of the Marria es at Chisledon p g 5 , Beechin stoke and Idmiston res ectively. g , p The Editors desire to thank the cler y who have so kindl g y allowed these transcri ts to be made and rinted. Their names p p are mentioned under the res ective arishes. p p ” The next volume will contain the Marria e entitl es ln the g ’ Re ister of St. Martin s Salisbury which will ossess a eneral g , , p g rather than a merely local interest . The Editors desire to oint out that the transcri ts rinte p p p d in these volumes are not evidence in the legal sense of the word. Where such evidence is re uired a lication must as q pp , heretofore be made to the cler yman of the arish in whose cus , g p tody the Re isters are. g 12 C/mmw Lane 4, y November 1 0 . , 9 9 ¢ontent5 . PARISH. Chisledon Lydiard Millicent Minety Market Lavm ton g f Beechin stoke g Woodborou h g Idmiston with Porton , M iltz irc ariz 182 15 1215 . b b afl 9 Marria es at Chisledon , g 16 1 to 18 12 . 4 — NOTE. With this parish is amalgamated, for ecclesiastical purposes, the arish of Draycot Foliat. p The Re isters before 18 1 are contained in six volumes. The first , g 3 about 1 m. b 10 in. is in very fair condition well written on 4 y , , archment bound in leather. Some leave s are loose there are p , ; several blank s aces in the earl art of the book and a lar e p y p g iece has been cut out of the first a e. The volume commence s p p g with the ear 16 1 and the last Marria e entr is dated 26 Feb 4 , g y y ruar 1 . From 166 to 1 12 there are no entrie s and as there y 75 4 9 7 , are a arentl no leaves missin the a must be attributed to pp y g, g p ne lect. g Volumes I I and I I I contain no entries of Marria e. g ' Voltime Iv is made u of the usual r inted forms . I t IS fairl written p p y , x and contains entries of Banns from November 1 to 1 une 3, 7 5 4 J 1 794, then Marriage s from 16 October 1788 to 19 June 1794, and, lastl Marria e s froin 18 ul 1 to 2 Se tember 1 88 . y , g J y 75 4 9 p 7 “ Volume V is a similar. book containin Marria e s from 22 October , g g 1 794 to 19 November 18 12, and, in the lattef part of the book, the Banns . Volume VI is foolsca siz e archment leaves in ood condition p , p , g ? and leather bound. It contains entries of Ba tisms and Burials p from 180 to 18 1 . 3 3 These transcri ts have been made by Mr. Victor . Moulder With p J , the kind permission of the Rev. W. L.Waugh, Vicar of Chisledon, - - and Curate in Char e of Draycot by whos ermission also the g , e p y are rinted. p VonUME I. J John Cook Dorothy Bedfurd 6 May 6 1 1 4 Edninnd Cook Joane Crook 2 May 7 Thomas Crook Mary Cook 2 Ma 7 y No Marrza es in 16 2 . A lea izas a arentl 5 60 2 cut out [ g 4 f pp y ’ - wizzcfi ma izave contained fl ze mine: or 16 16 Mere were y f 43 45 — Wm s. V111. , ' ' ' 2 VVzll skzr e Pamsk Re ister s. g Richard Hayes 8: Anne Kee e p John West Elizabeth Barrett ohn Looker Mar aret Looker J g ' William Looker & Elizabeth Hayes Alli ander Weekes Mary Comb x Edward Reeves Elizabeth Evered als. Webb , James Little Elizabeth W ite h Mr. Richard K in Joane Hawkins g Anthony Kimber als. Allinn Mar aret , , g Hardin g ‘ Henry Micham Joane Rennalls Rob rt Hardin Elizabeth Bakon e g Thomas North Mary Huse Daniel Thomas als. Jenkin 8: Elizabeth Skate , , Thomas Huse Joane Taylor William Lamburne Anne Holiday Thomas Hardin Hannah Comb g John H nt Elizabeth Lord u WilliamKin Mary Naze g Edward Smith Mar aret Combe g Richard a ton of Wanbrow8: Maty North , , , als. Hardin Nov. g 4 James Colle Joane Drue 2 Feb. 166 : ’ From 166 to 1668 induszz/e Me anfries are in Lat n [ 3 , , i ] ' Robert .Ta 1er & Elizabeth Deaream Feb. 166 y 4 2 ' Hannah Webb Alexand r / Kin of Draycott e g, F oliatt Feb. 9 AdamLaford Edith Gibbs 2 May 5 John Ciook Dorothy Taylor 2 2 June ohn Lord 8: Maria Ste to uly J p 3 j acob Cole Anna Stevens July J 3 ohn Hat Judith Cullarn 26 July 1666 T ' Mary Sayam William Bl ake 2 2 A r 166 p 7 John Bath Katherine Malin 28 Se t. 1668 p ’ Thomas F1em 1n in Katherine Bennet 28 Dec. [ ] g William Cullarn : Joane anner 8 Jan. 166 T 3 8 ' Geor e Co lin Isabel Duke 8 Oct. 1 1 g p 7 3 Til e fl ext M arr ia e entered berg is in [ 16 but at fl u: end o Me [ g 7 f l 2 2 Ch isledon M ar r ia es 7 ) g “ 3 ‘ éolzom izas éeeez cut awa and on fl ze r emainin hal are t/ze y , g f ose h Dash 81 Jane Balden 0 Se t. 1 1 p 3 p 7 4 Ir. Ste en Lidiard 81 Mrs. Elizabeth Kemble 2 Dec. ph 3 ohn Oseman 81 Elizabeth Culver 1 Mar. 1 1 ‘ 7 g Iharles Naish 81 Elizabeth Hockley Au . 1 1 9 g 7 5 te hen Smart 81Eliza beth Tailour 1 Au . p 5 g Hester Whiteman 1 Aug; 5 ‘ homas Woolford Ekvanies Webb 1 Au 116 9 g, 7 No M r r ia es in 1 1 a [ g 7 7 ] N ohn K n 81 Judith Tucke r May 1 18 i g 3 7 ohn Se rhou lizabeth Allen May y r E 5 ' ' ’ ‘ ‘ Here is ementr w/zzciz izas been éelfi emzel oblziemzed and an [ y y , — dried note sa s Me m. Some thin s havin been obliterated m y g g " 1e Re ister ifor years 1 18 1 1 1 20 and 1 2 I have en g y 7 , 7 9, 7 , 7 4, 01 eavour i on very ood authority to restore them to their p g t ” ri rnal meanin this 1 th da of Ma 1 . H. Seers Vicar. g g 9 y y 75 9 , ' ’ ‘ zar rza e o Me elzen Vzedr Haber ! Greene and Me Ba tisms o g f , , p f ' { obert Greene Vica 81 Elizabeth Kimber of , f, , { Marlborou h were married 2 May 1 18 g , 9 7 Villiam K in 81 Martha Webb 1 u . g 2 A g Lic ard Ann C ole 1 Nov. h 3 ‘ homas Swain 81 Sarat ooker ohn Edwards 81 oan Coo er Feb. 1 1 J b 4 7 3 ' . ichard Osem an 81 Martha Lambourn 2 1 Ma y 17 19 ~ . obert Walker 81 Jane Crosby May 1 20 9 7 ’ [ atthewDra er 81 Jane Oseman p ’ ~ te hen Mildenhall of Ramsbury 81 Mary Law Oct. p , , 9 ) hn Berry , 81 Mary Cabin 1hn Horn 81 R ebecca Looker 2 4 July, harles vens 81Mary Edmunds 6 Oct. O ‘ badiah Crook 81 Susanna Car enter Feb. 1 2 p 4 7 5 homas Giles . Albourn 81 Jane B onrton . , p , , p Ashbury 1 May 1 2 2 5 7 ‘ eury Sk fin . Am ney St. Peter 81Jane Hi ton 28 May n a zp p , ' illiam Jennin s . Hayden 81Mar Meaden g , p , y , x of D ay ot 1 une r c 7 J

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