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Wiltshire Parish Registers. Marriages PDF

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One hundred Wiltsh ire P a r i s h e i s ter s . R g ma rria e s. g EDITED BY w. P. W. PHILLIMORE M.A. , , AND OHN SADLER. J I onbon ISSUED TO THE SUBSCRIBERS BY PH ILLIMORE Co. LTD. , , 12 CHANCERY LANE 4, 1 10. 9 P R E F A C E . In this Volume the Editors a re able to ive the Marria e g g Re isters of nine parishes of these only two commence in the g ; , ’ s ixteenth century Clyffe Pypard in 1 6 a nd Eise in 1 five , 5 7 , y 57 5 commence in the seventeenth century and the two remainin in g the ei hteenth. g Two of the nine parishes have lost their earliest Re isters. g ~ At Christian Malford it is recorded in what is now the oldest , that the old parish Re ister was burnt in the house where the g ” curate lived : the house bein fired by li htnin . And at g g g West Kno le a worse misfortune occurred not merely an acci 5 y - dent the result of want of care but a deliberatewron doin which , g g could not have been perpetrated if proper care ha d been ex er cised. Here it is recorded that on 6 anuary 1 1 8 the house of , J 7 one Christopher Fricker was broken into a nd the Re ister then g a nd there burnt a nd destroyed. Several other misfortunes of this _ kind will come to the memory of subscribers who possess the earlier volumes of this series a nd one may be tempted to wonder , that anythin at all remains in parishes where so little care was g taken of these valuable records. As a contrast it is pleasant to come across two parishes where the Re isters have been perfectly g cared for a nd preserved since 1 a nd 1 6 . 5 75 57 ' The followin contra ctions a re used in these volumes g = == b. ba chelor. wid. or w. widow. = -= d. da uhter of. co. in the count of. g y - = sI son of. dioc. in the diocese of. the arish of. p ’ = = widr. or w. widower. Zzc i. ma rria e licence. g The Editors desire to express their thanks to the Cler y of g the vanous parishes who h a ve kindly made thetranscripts or iven g — permission for them to be made their names a re mentioned in ; — the introductor notes especially to the Rev. F H . Manley of , y Great Somerford who transcribed the Marria es of Brinkworth , g a nd Christian Malford a nd to M r. T. H . Bali et who tra nscnbed those of Laverstock a nd M r. A. H . W. F nmore those of Eise . , y y It is advisable to repeat the caution that these transcripts a re “ ” “ not le al evidence of marria e. S uch evidence when desired g g can only be obtained from the cler yman in whose custody the g Re isters a re placed. g The Editors will be reatly obli ed for transcripts of the g g Marria e Re isters of parishes not already supplied it is only by g g the means of such voluntary help that the work can be carried out a nd the information contained in these invaluable record , , s “ preserved from theeffects of such accidents as thosementioned above. W. P. W. P. 1 2 Cha ncer La ne Lon on 4 , y , d , October 1 1 o. 9 ¢ontents. PARI SH . YEARS. PAGE . Laverstock Hankerton Bri kworth n Christian Malford Clyffe Pypard Heytesbury Knock Eise y West Knoyle 7111111 5 1 111 1 8111 11111 382 15 111 5 . 1 9 Marria es at Laverstock , g 1 26 to 1 8 1 2 . 7 — NOTE. The Ma rria ge entries of this pa rish, prior to 1 8 1 3 , a re con ta ined 111 two volumes. Volume I conta ins entries of Ba tisms a nd Buria ls a s well a s p , Ma rria es. I t IS bound i n old ca lf a nd mea sures 1 in. b 8 in. a g , 3 y corner of one lea f conta inin Ba tisms a nd Buria ls in 1 6 l s , g p 7 4 , cut out. The Marria es run from 2 March 1 26 to Februa ry g 9 7 5 1 88. 7 ‘ Volume II is made u of the usua l rinted forms a nd conta ins the p p , entries from 2 Se tember 1 88 to the end of 18 12. 3 p 7 These tra nscri ts ha ve been ma de b Mr. T. H . Ba ker the ha ve p y ; y been colla ted with the ori ina ls a nd a re rinted With the g , p - - permission of the Rev. A. E. Aldworth Curate in Cha r e of , g Laverstock. VOLUME . 1 William Best 81 Mary Collins both of Anstey lit. 2 Mar. 1 26 , , 9 7 eremiah Gorder . St. Clement Danes London J , p , , ' ‘ Elizabeth Os ood of Sarum Zzc. 1 Apr. g , , 5 William Hoare . St. Edmund 81 Mar aret , p , g Vincent of this . 2 8 Se t. , p p Richard Bristow of Sarum 81 Mary Bunnys of , , , Andover Hants 122. , , ' ohn Allen 81 Mary I both of Amsbur lze. J pp, y, Ro er White 81 Elizabeth Lon . St. Martin g g, p , Sarum lit. 2 a n. , 4 J Robert Tuttle 81 Catharine Parker both of , Whiteparish 2 a n. 4 J f William Andrews . St. Thoma s Sarum 81 , p , , 1 Hannah Phillips of this . 2 May 1 2 , p 5 7 7 ohn Phillips of Clarendon Park 81 ane Marks J , , J , ' of Sarum Zzc. , Thomas Curti s 81 Mary Hussey of Sarum , — WILTS. X.

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