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William Lougher & Son Ithaca Alphabetical Directory PDF

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Preview William Lougher & Son Ithaca Alphabetical Directory

1954-MANNING'S ITHACA DIRECTORy-1954 153 William Lougher & Son Roofing and Sheet Metal Work Furnace and Furnace Repair 109 TITUS AVE. Office Phone 8768 ITHACA, N. Y. MANNING'S Ithaca Alphabetical Directory 1954 Copyright 1964 bv H. A. Manning Co. PUBLISHERS' NOTICE Theinformationinthisdirectory iso:;c,inedas far?.5 possible by actual canvass,cornpiled m away\;Qinsllrem3.ximClmaccuracy. While'ohep'lblis"herswillinnowaybeheldresponsible for any errors 'ch3.t may occur, they will be ple::Lsed w have any in::Lccuracies called to their attemion, for correction in succeeding edi'cions. TO FIND ANAME YOU MUST KNOW HOW TO SPELL IT Thereare manywaysofspellingsomenameswithpractically the same pronunciation Abbreviations-Adv, advertisement; as;'G, agen~~; asst, assistant; av, avenue; bkpr, book keeper; bldg, bLlilding;blvd, boulevard; byd, beyond; c, corner; elk, clerk; Co, Comp::my; com trav, commerci-:'.l trcLVeler; conl, con'cracwr; Corp, corpora'cion; dep'c, dep-u'cment; dist, dis tri~'c; do, di'cw; E, Eas'c; ES, E:1st Side; elec, elec'crician; emp, employed; en~, engineer; ext, extension; gen, general; h, house; hskpr, housekeeper; Ms, heiC(;1'Cs; ins, insurance; inst, in strucwr, Jr, junior; lab, laborer; loco, locomo'oive; mfg, man'Jfacturin'~; mfr m'J.nufacturer; mgr, m~n3.ger;N, Nonh; NS, North Side; oc, out ofci'cy; opr, operator; phone, telephone; pI, place;pres, president;prof, professor; prop, proprietor;r,rooms;rd, rold; RD, Rural Delivery; res,residence; RR,railroad; Ry,railway;S, South;SS, SouthSide;slsm, salesmetn;stet, station ary; s'cen, s'cenographer; supt, superimendent; tel, telegraph; IV, West; IV'S, West Side; wid, widow; wkr, worker Wife's name is shown in pl.renthese3 following h.1s'nnd's n::tme; when wife's nl.me is un obtainable the word (Mrs) is printed. Cayuga Heights Cay Hts New York State Electric &Gas Corp Co-operative GLF Exchange Inc GLF NYSE&GCorp CornellUniversity CU New York TelephoneCo NYTelCo Driscoll Bros & Co DB&Co Renwick Ren First National Bank of Ithaca FNB of I Robinson&Carpenter R&C GLF-see Co-operative GLF etc Rothschild Bros RBros HCT Motor Co HCTMCo Soil Conservation Service US Dept Agr Herman M Biggs Memorial Hospital SCSUS Dept Agr HMB Mem Hosp Tompkins County Memorial Hospital Ithaca College IC TCM Hosp Ithaca Flying Service Inc IFS Tompkins County Trust Co TCTCo Ithaca Gun Co IGCo Treman King & Co TK&Co Ithaca Ice Cream Co Inc IICCo United StatesArmy USA Ithaca Ice & Coal Co II&CCo United StatesAir Force USAF Ithaca Journal IJ United States Coast Guard USCG Ithaca Railway Inc IRylnc United States Marine Corps USMC IthacaSchools IS United States Merchant Marine USMM Ithaca Scientific Instrument Co lSI UnitedStates Navy USN J B LangEngine&Garage Co LE&GCo Willard Straight Hall WSH J G Pritchard &Son P&Son Montgomery Ward &Co MW&Co Women's Army Corps WAC MorseChainCo MCCo Women's Auxiliary Volunteer Emergency NationalCashRegisterCo NCRCo Service WAVES AU HEADQUARTERS Ralph R Kingsley Jr Aaronson Morton (Paula) grad student CU mgr dir 210 N Aurora hlOO W Buffalo {IF) AAA SERVICE STATIONS Don Streeter 211 W Abbe Elfriede M scientific artist Botany CU State and Comers Service Station' 907 r24 Woodcrest av Hanshaw rd see p 61 " Frieda wid Cleveland Jr124Woodcrest ABC EXTERMINATING CO Ernest Falke prop Abbott Amelia v-pres Ithaca Textiles Inc 631 Elm see top lines res 11ecklenburg rd 1-54------1954-MANNING'S ITHACA DIRECTORY-1954 ---- Abbott Amelia J emp NYSE&GCorp r903 " Arthur H (Ruth V) slsm FairmontFoods N Cayuga Co Inc 1206 Utica " Anna wid Abraham res Mecklenburg rd Bristow 0 (Luella F) prof emeritus CD tt " Catherine J clk CU r903 N Cayuga 1202 Fall Creek dr " ClariceB (Mrs Edward P) empGLFh905 Carol F (Mrs Everett W) officemgrWSH tt N Cayuga res RD2 " David M (Rosemary) pres Ithaca Tex CatherineVwid Robert M h314 Ithacard tt tiles Inc and dir Chamber of Commerce Diana W Mrs sec CU 1'134 Judd Falls rd tt M16 Hanshaw rd Dwight (Mary) emp CU h114 Grandview tt ABBOn EDWARD P (Clarice B) lawyer 121 E ct Seneca (504) h905 N Cayuga " Eleanor clk CU r202 Fall Creek dr " George A (Janice) sec-treas Ithaca Tex Eleanor L sec CU r202 Fall Creek dr tt tiles Inc h108 Iroquois rd Elmae R student 1'206 Utica tt " Joseph N (Ruth M) prop Abbott's IGA " Emma B Mrs librarian TCMHosp r1l5 Store h113 Park pi Valentine Mary Hemp IthacaTextilesr210 N Corn " Emma Mrs 1'228 Renwick dr Ren Hts tt " Michael (Catherine M) M05 S Geneva Everett W (Carol F) game room mgr tt " Richard (Helen) student CU h931 EState WSH CU res RD2 " Robert inst CU r102 Triphammer rd " Genevieve M clk I Loan Finance Inc " Robinson asst CU r117 Oak av 1'1040 E Shore dr " Ruth J office clk Ithaca Textiles r502 " George P Jr (Evelyn) prof CU h309 Roat W State RD1 Solomon G (Abbott's Cash Store) h502 Hazard inst CU 1'134 Judd Fall rd tt tt W State Herman (Patricia) grad student CD rIO tt " Theodore N (Ruth J) (Abbott's Cash The Byway Store) h106 N Corn Herman P asst CU 1'1072 The Byway tt " Virginia wid John M h903 N Cayuga JQ(IreneB) empNYSE&GCorpresRD2 tt Abbott's Cash Store (Solomon G and Theo " Josephine U wid Harrison h128 Linn dore N Abbott) 104 N Corn Leonard P prof CU r Warren rd RD1 tt " IGAStoreJoseph N Abbottpropgroceries Leonard W lecturer CU r225 McGraw tt 912 W State tt Lucy F hskpr 202 E Tompkins l' do Aber Felix (Hanna) rabbi Temple Beth-El Lucy Mae sten 304 W Seneca h308 do tt h906 N Cayuga " Patricia (Mrs Herman) tchr Forest Home Abraham Catherine emp GLF res Myers Dr Sch rIO The Byway Fred slsm Syracuse r405 W Green Robert (Elaine) asst prof CU h126 N tt tt " John N (Emma M) barber Ithaca Hotel Chestnut h405 W Green Robert C USA 1'110 Fifth tt Abrams Leo (Lunetta) const wkr h119 Cleve Robert M (Elaine) asst prof CD rl26 tt land Chestnut Meyer H (Ruth C) assoc prof CU h512 Ruth V Rev minister emeritush206 Utica tt tt Highland rd " Sally tchr Nursery Sch 1'108 Parker Acacia Fraternity Robert Vanderhoock Adamson George E (Theresia) inst CD h1l3 steward 318 Highland rd Cay Hts Cobb Acitelli Mario A asst CU r RD2 Theresia 11 (Mrs George E) emp Van tt ACKERMAN DORIS (Mrs Henry W) elk Acker Natta Office Equipment Co h113 Cobb man Furniture h Bundy rd RD3 Adamy Marcia L asst CU r Balch Hall ACKERMAN HENRY W (Doris D) prop Acker Addis Doris (Mrs Richard R Jr) sten Clf man Furniture h Bundy rd RD3 r220 Triphammer (5-1C) ACKERMAN FURNITURE Henry W Ackerman " Richard R Jr (Doris) asst CU 1'220 Trip prop 313-317 College av see p 106 hammer (5-1C) Ackles Florence E city elk h107 Fayette Addy Douglas USAF r205 Elm " Horace A retired h111 l'vionroe Roland R (Virginia B) emp NYTelCo tt John R emp Lakeview Dairy h1023 W r123 Columbia tt State " Virginia L (Mrs Ronald R) emp GLF " S Ellen wid Merritt 1'1023 W State r123 Columbia Ackley Doris emp C Laundry 1'218 Pleasant Adelmann Howard B prof CU MlO Colum bia Acme Super Market Leo F Davis mgr 324 Adelson Stephen J student h114 Summit av 328 W State (4) ADAMS ARMAND L (Louise H) lawyer 121 E Ader Robert asst CU r201 College av Seneca (504) h121 E Remington rd see p Adesso Louis J (Mary H) professional golf 129 instr Newman Golf Course h137 Haw ADAMS ARTHUR G(Minerva A) lawyer fire in thorne pI surance and notary 114 N Tioga (306) AdjarianMax (Rose)asstCUh108Terracepi tel 2674 h702 N Aurora tel 4-0408 see " Rosa (Mrs Max) asst CU h108TerracepI see p 118 and 129 Adler Howard I asst CU 1'804 E Seneca 1954~MANNING'S ITHACA DIRECTORy~1954 Dean of Ithaca, Inc. Chartered .Busses TruckIng 401-409 E. STATE ST. DIAL 4-0511 " Martha V1\1rslabtech CUr804E Seneca " Shoe Repair Shop Alfredo Fontana prop Adventures In Good EaTing Inc chr bd Dun 401 Eddy can Hines, treas Roy H Park, sec V " Smoke Shop John Solomon prop 118 S STe-.vart Underwood 408 EState Aurora AEROMAYFLOWER TRANSIT CO DeanofIthaca ALBANESEANTHONYJ(Bernice) propAlbanese Inc agents 401-409 E State see top lines Plumbing & Heating Co res Newfield Agard Frances (Mrs Frederick B) children's ALBANESE FRANK (Miriam F) lawyer First librarian Cornell Public Library h315 National Bank Building (504-605) res Pleasant Newfield see p 129 " FlorenceBwidHarryBh700Stewart (16) ALBANESE PLUMBING & HEATING CO Anthony " FrederickB (Frances) assocprofCUh315 J Albanese prop 304 W Seneca see p 90 Ple.c'lsant " Ralph (Stella) emp T C Hgwy Dept h118 " J Richard (Beverly G) agt Prud Life Ins Fayette Co h425 N Aurora Albee Beatrice F wid Allan Hchaperone603 AGARD MERRITT (Maude) (Taughannock E Seneca h do Farms Inn) res Trumansburg RD3 AlbertCalvinD profemeritusCUh205Eddy Agnew Ralph P (Anne W) prof CU h416 " Helen (Mrs Tbomas) beautician Beauty Highland rd Cay Hts Box res East Shore dr RD1 AgostiniArmando USN r311 Park pI " Thomas J (Helen A) prop Albert's Gulf " Louis USN r311 Park pI Service h East Store dr RDI " Louis A (Assunta) lab h311 Park pI Albrectsen Raymond (Louise J) prof CU res " Mary sten IJ r311 Park pI RD3 Trumansburg Agricultural Advertising and Research Inc Albright Alice Mrs r108 W Seneca 416 E StatepresRoy H Park " H Drakes (Elizabeth N) assoc prof CU " Conservation Program~see US Dept h921 EState Agriculture " R W asst prof CU res Slaterville RD2 " Economics Bldg off Reservoir av Campus Albritton Rogers instr CU r210Stewart av " Engineering Research Lab prop Orval C AlbroCarolineD r314 N Aurora French head eng CU Tower rd " Wayne R (Gladys ~'f) farmer h Triph:lm " Experiment Station NY State College of mer rd Agriculture Roberts Hall Campus Alby August (Angelina) retired h316 Wa"h Aguero Cesar asst CU r230 Linden av ing-ton Aguilar Domingo (Lucy 0) emp IGCo h521 ALBY LO,UIS (Martha) (A1by & Sons) h605 N Albany Cascadilla " Domingo Jr USA r521 N Albany " Mary (MrsAnthony) nurseh1304 N Cay " Gustavo (Esther V) emp IGCo h107 uga Second ALBY & SCNS (Louis Alby and Samuel SC8m Ahmadi AhmadA asst CU r301 Bryant av ardo) contractsconcretewcrkandblack Ahmann J Stanley(June)asst prof CU h112 top walks and driveways 605 Cascadilla Blackstone av see p 78 Ahre1sDonH (Virginia) eng h126 Hudson " -see Volpicelli Aid to the Blind (Welfare) John Post comm AlderWinslowF (VirginiaM) scoutexecBoy New County Court House Scouts h329 N Geneva Aiken Edi-ch wid Fredrl015 N Cayuga Alderman MaryLee empCUr405Drydenrd Aines Philip D (Ann S) asst CU res Dryden Aldrich C E elk CU res Freeville AindeeHarryR (Virginia)profCUh117Cres- " Cassie R wid Henry R emp cafeteria cent pI Senior High Sch h510 Utica " Neilon J emp Bieber-Isaacs Factory " Edward A (Mary Jane) mech h625 W Storer117 Crescent pI Clinton Ainslie ElsieM (Mrs Kearney M) prop Ains " Mary Jane (Mrs Edward A) emp Nat lie's Beauty Sloop h202 Center Cash Register h625 W Clinton " Kearney 1\1 (ElsieM) plumbingandheat " SamuelR (Ruth B) profCU h130 Blair ing 202 Center h do Alex George J USN rll0 College av Ainslie's Beauty Shop Mrs Elsie M Ainslie " John (Nicoletta) chef College Spa hll0 prop 202 Center College av Ainsworth Charles A (Evelyn) emp Tailing's " Marysec114 N Tioga(308)rll0Collegeav Plumbing Co h520 Titus " Peter J (June) student hll0 College av Airline LimousineService (Robert Srnka and Alexander Alex (Josephine) retired h Five Charles W Tour) 218 EState Mile dr AivaliotisJohn M L (Alexandra) retiredh234 " Attilio (Mary) emp MCCo r211 N Com " Augusto (Rose) retired h319 Cascadilla Linden " Dominic (Mary) emp Met Life Ins Co Akers Cornelia A wid AlfredE rlOlO EState h214 Park pI " EdwardT (MildredA) hlOlOEState " EarlG (Ethel M) prop IthacaHotel Bar AI's Dairy Bar Albert Schaufler prop 321 ber Shop and prop Ithaca Hotel Beauty College av Shop h1202 EState 156 1954-MANNING'S ITHACA DIRECTORy-1954 R~lAl Italian Food PAlM R[SIAURANI a Specialty DRYDENROAD PHONE4-9119 AlcX'inderFloraC MrsempMCCoh307Eddy " HowardIV (E'ehel M) emp NYSE&GCorp " FrankB tech CUres Dryden h115 Pe?rs~.ll pI " Frederick J (Jacqueline) patrolman IPD " Ida L (:\lrs Irving W) emp Allen Tractor h309 Second & Eq;lipment Service h233 Elm " FriedaE (J\lrsJohnW) elkCUM15Linn " Irving W (Ida L) prop Allen Tractor & " GladysR Mrs'echrIHSr337StoneQuarry Equipment Service h233 Elm rd " Irving W Jl' s'~'-ldent1'233 Elm " HelenVemp NYSE&GCorpr211 N Corn " James W (Carrie L) chef Normandy Iu', '0 C wid Is~.dore B h106 Linn h113Y2 SPlain " Jacqueline (Mrs Fred J) elk A&P Tea Co " JaneT wid FayE MIO N C2,yuga h309 Second " John (R!.rbara)elkCUresCalkinsrdRD5 " John IV (Frieda E) prop I B Grill M15 " John R IV physician 111 E Seneca h do Linn " J0:111 T (An'voni3. M) me'~ermancity wa " Mary (I\lrs AUilio) tailor The Sport Shop ter dep'c h1308 N C:!y"uga 11211 N Corn " Lillian R wid El1SWOl"ch E prop The Bar " 1\1eXY R (Mrs Dominic P) dental asst b8.in Shop h109 S Tio::;," Drecking h214 Park " Loren A emp GLF r20·h Forest dr " l\linnie wid WilliJ.m J r203 Prospect " M Llcille wid George E sec Roy H Park " Phillip 1\1 b:crber h617 C:cscadilla 1'205 E 1\hrsh~.l1 " R:J.1ph,~ss'c profandphysici:"nCUresRD4 " Mabel \V wid Thomas R h107 Miller " Robert J (Mary Rose) acn 11208 E Lewis " Mark (Daisy) mgr Strand Theatre res " Ross l' Tio·~'l. Ho'cel Freeville Alfreds Clara wid Cbrence h910 W CO·.1rt " Minnie E wid William E r133 EState " 1\kry(i\lrsWilliamH) empCasey&King " Philip emp S'cemmim:;s 1'105 W Green T,wghann08k blvd RD3 " Phyllis emp GT~F 1'203 W Green " William H (I\lary) prop Alfred's Taxi h " Reginald H re'cirei h603~2 N C'quga IV Shore rd " Rich3.rd D (Frances E) emp MCCo h32ti Algonq'.1in Lodge (Co-op CU) 526 Stewart Cen'eer Alisjahball3. Sami,ti asst CU r202 College av " ROJert N (Patricia) asst prof CU h129 N Alkadhimi Ali (E-,mice) asst CU 11235 Cod- S'-lnset dr RD1 dingvon rd " R.tth C wid Perry A h205 W Green " E--lnice (Mrs Ali) elk P IV Wood & Son " Tractor & Eq".1ipment Service (Allis 11235 Coddin<on rd Chalmers Tracwrs) prop Irving WAllen Allabcn Ch2.rles ~I (Mary G) emp l\·ICCo Elmira rd 11509 TImer pI ALLEN-WAl.ES ADDING MACHINE see National Allanson Clifford A (Estelle K) pres Allan Cash Register Co adding machine divi son's and exec mgr NY St'ite CO'-lncil of sion 616 S Aurora Retail J\Terchants h508 Hanshaw rd Allen'sTO"lris'c Home MrsRc1th CAllenprop " Estelle K ('\[rs Clifford A) v-pres-sec 205 W Green A11anson's h508 Hanshaw rd Alles William (Cynthia) (Alles Goodspeed A11anson's Inc dept store 145 E State pres Nation3.1 Brands Store) h Ta"ughannock Clifford A A11anson, v-pres-sec Estelle blvd RD3 K A11anson " & Goodspeed National Brands Store Alhrd Ronald E (Irene B) flight agt Mohawk (William Alles and Alvin Goodspeed) Airlines res Van Etten RD1 430 N Cayuga Allee David (Martha L) asst prof CU h322 Allick George (Mildred C) emp Therm-Elec Highland rd Cay Hts Me'cers h211 Willow av " Martha L (Mrs David) asst libr h322 " Mildred C (Mrs George) office sec NYFB Highland rd Cay Hts Federation h211 Willow av Allen Arthur A (Elsa G) prof CU 11208 Kline Alling David W (Irene) physician HMB rd Mem Hosp l' do " Barbara F :\Irs sten CU r208 Franklin " John T si/-ldent h623 Hudson Annex Vernon W (Vera) freight agt Lehigh Val " Beatrice F empGLF res Newfield ley RR h623 Hudson " Carl J (R-lth) emp NYSE&GCorp res " Vernon W Jr (Jane L) (Alling's Transfer Homer Co) h261 Coddington rd " Carl J Jr USAF res Homer Alling's Transfer Co (Vernon IV Alling Jr) " Clarence custodian CU r104 N Aurora 316 Ta"c1gh'mnock blvd " David G 1'208 Kline rd Allmandinger Chris"cine elk CU res Slaterville " Derek grad s'c\ldent CU r809 S Aurora " Walter farm foreman CU res Slaterville " Draper C emp CU h1033 W Seneca Springs " Elsa G (MrsArth'c1r A) research assoc CU Allred Keith R (Virginia B) instr CU h321 E r208 Kline Veterans pI " Edith A wid J Herbert h608 N Cayuga Almo-see Elmo " Gladys B Mrs elk RobertsHall CU h118 Almy Henry S (Aline) emp NYSE&GCorp W Court res Spencer -:1:....:9:...:5:...:4:--.:.:M.:.:A~N:.:..N:.:.::IN..:...:G:..'..:.s.....:I:.:T::H.:.:A.:..:C::.A=_=D:..I::R.:.:E:..:C:.:T-=o.:..:R:..:.Y_~19:....:5:....:4:......- ______ 157 Dodge Brothers and Plymouth WM. T. PRITCHARD Sales and Service Dodge Brothers Trucks 304-312 S. CAYUGA ST. Phone 2733 Alo Ernest S r313 E Fall Ames Barbara Mrs asst CU r704 E Buffalo " Frank (Gladys M) clinical tech IC and " Irving asst CD r704 E Buffalo physical therapy 322 N Aurora h103 E " R J assoc prof CD res RD2 Spencer AMES WELDING" SUPPLY CO (Willis B Ames Alpha Chi Rho House 726 University av Jr, Ronald A Taylor Jr and Miles Lum " Chi Sigma Fraternity 113 Oak bard) 618 W Buffalo see p 87 " Delta Phi House 777 Stewart av AMES WILLIS BJR (Jane C) (Ames Welding& " Epsilon Phi Sorority 435 Wyc:wff av Supply Co) h915 Danby rd " Epsilon Pi Fraternity216 Cas~adillapk Amici Dominick J (Caroline) const wkr r202 " Gamma Rho Fraternity 203 Highland av Third " Omicron Pi Sorori-cy The Knoll Cor Hts " Gaetano (Maria) lab h204 Fourth " Phi Delta 515 Stewart av " Lysle A Mrs nurse HMB Mem Hospr103 " Phi Sorority 411 Thurston av Cascadilla " Sigma Phi (Rockledge) Stewart av " ThomasJ (Viola M) lab h204 Third " Tau Omega FraLernity 625 University av Amoroso Anna Marie (Mrs Sebastian B) " Xi Delta Sorori'cy 228 Wait av (Anna Marie Beauty Salon) h206 W " Zeta Lodge 214 Th-Jrswn av Green Alpine Bar & Grill Thomas 0 Connor prop " Sebastian B (Anna Marie) (Anna Marie 120-122 N Aurora Beauty Salon) h206 W Green Alston John C mech Mohawk Airlines res AMSTERDAM CASUALTY CO (Howell & Stevens) Freeville 612 First National Bank Building Altman David (Jennie R) prop Altman's Anabel Taylor Hall Central av h212 W Buffalo Anagnost Margaret P (Mrs Theodore E) sec " Edward (Al'cman & Green) res Syracuse CU h315 College av " Phyllis assL CU r109 Prospect " Theodore E (Margaret P) prop Chris " & Green (Edward Altman and Harold topher George Apts and emp Mohawk Greens'.;ein) Frank G Hammer mgr Airlines h315 College av Jewelers 144 E S-.;ate Anchor Post Fence Co Ned Welding Service Altman's ladies' re3.dy-'co-wear David Alt exclusive agt 325 Taughannock blvd man prop 106 W Scate Andersen Arthur P emp NYSE&GCorp res ALTMAN WILLIAM C(Ruth M) auditor Ithaca Freeville RD2 Journal h1006 Trumansburg rd RD3 " Per (Liv) assoc CD h311 S Aurora AlumniA-chIe-vic EquipmentCoInc pres--creas AndersonAlton F (Vera) emp MCCoh319 W BenA Light, v-presJoseph M Gluck, sec Buffalo LaVerne Light 109 W SLate " Alfred L (Evelyn) assoc prof CU h200 E " House Naval ROTC Col John B Bouker Upland rd 3 East av " Anne (Mrs John W) tech CU res Elmside Alvord Elmer W (Hazel L) mgr Honey But RD1 ter Prod-Jcts Corp h407 Hector " Anne A Mrs tech CU res RD1 Alwoto BrJno r Tiog3. Hotel ANDERSON BRITTON G(Edith E) (Dassance & Amandes Barbara bkpr TCTCo r407 S Anderson) h603 S Titus av Aurora " Donald(Shirley) asstCU h173Veterans pi " Christ (Marion) chef h407 SAurora " Edmund W (Jean L) slsm Amer Cabinet Amato Margaret T emp Wilcox Press r406 Hardware Corp h107 Hillview pi W Green " Emma hskpr r315 Taughannock blvd " Pasquale emp MCCo r412 W State " Frank r Odd Fellows Home Amberge Herman emp CD res Newfield RD2 " HelenW wid FrankG h130 Sears " Hilda emp GLF res Newfield " Herbert Jrassoc prof CU r135 Grandview Ambese Carmelo Joseph r623 W Green ct " Dominick P emp NCRCo r623 W Green " Herbert R Sr (Marjorie B) assoc CU h135 " Grace M wid Johnh623 W Green Grandview ct " James J lab r623 W Green " James F asst CU r114 Cook Ambesy-see Ambese " John B asst CU r Hanshaw rd RD1 Amemiya Hiroshi asst CU r113 Glen pi " John J asst CU r227 Valley rd American Agriculturist Frank E Gannett chr " John M (Jean M) prof CU h311 Hudson of the board, E Curry Weatherby sec " John W (Anne) asst CU res ElmsideRDI treas-circulation mgr, Irving W Ingalls " John W asst CU res RD1 v-pres-adv mgr, Edward R Eastman " Katherine Mrs clk CU r258 Bundy rd pres-editor Savings Bank Bldg ~418) " Lester emp NCRCo h311 S Aurora " DailY Cattle Club Leland W Lamb pres " Lindsey B ~Ruth I) student CU h226 213 E Seneca Linden av " Legion Home 415 Stewart av " Marion S wid David h311 Hillview pI " Red Cross office Mrs Rita H Comfort " Per (Liv K) assoc CU h213 Pleasant Tompkins County Chapter and dir " Robert r311 Hillview pi Home ServiceMrs Mary H Sykes201 W " Ruth (Mrs Lindsay) empCUh226 Linden Clinton av 158 1954-MANNING'S ITHACA DIRECTORy-1954 Want to Sell Something Tomorrow? UseaJOURNAL Want l\d-DiaI2321 Anderson Shirley L Mrs emp NYTelCo 1'612 Angell Cecil E (Jane S) physicist GE Lab IV Clinton 11433 N Tioga " W P asst CU 1'131 N Quarry " Robert G (Mary P) foreman IthacaJour " Walfred A (Agnes B) prof CU h.512 Dry nal Inc h311 W Seneca den I'd Angelo'sDryCleanersAngeloPaolangeliprop " William D (Katherine) emp Crispell Bros 219 N Aurora I' Bundy I'd Angelover Joseph A emp CU res Dryden ,- William S~Lila) asst CU h175 Veterans pI Angers Eleanor S emp GLF rI018 Danby I'd Andrae Willi,till C (Ida R) assoc prof CU " Edward E emp GLF 1'1018 Danby I'd h200 Miller Angevine Emeline Mrs asst CU1'317 Eddy Andreasen Eleanor IV (:\1rs Richard C) elk " Jay B grad s'cudent CU h317 Eddy CU h20·1 Universitv av Angstrom Clement I lab dir CUres Kingston ,- Richard C (Eleanor W') asst prof CU h204 Anheier Meda wid George dom 1'1432 Tru Uni\'crsity av mansburg I'd Andreazi Fernando (J\Iaria) student CU h713 Ankrum Paul D (Frances) assoc prof CU EState h107 Oak Hill I'd Andree Robert W (Marie) agt Sinclair Re Anna Marie Beauty Salon (Anna Marie and fining Co h207 Highg-ate I'd Sebastian Amoroso) 206 W Green Andrew Dora D wid William J 1'411 W Green Annis Fred (Marion) stock mgr 131 Green Andrews A (Leroy (Olga W) emeritus CU res Spencer 11409 Mitchell " Maurice L (Beulah) mech 1:)1 Green ,- Annette S (Mrs Gilbert) asst dir of nurses 1'1503 Slaterville I'd TC\1 Hosp h630 Spencer I'd Anthony Alice sten CU h111 Eastwood av ,- Anchony (Ruby) conf308EStateh130 W " Edna E (Mrs Henry D) emp Co-op Con- State sumers Society h527 W Clinton .. Anthony Jr clk 308 EState1'130 W State " Frances B asst CU 1'111 Eastwood av .. Barbara K (Mrs Peter) tchr Sr HI h636 " Henry Sr re'cired 1'629 IV Clinton SLewart ay " Henry D (Edna E) pressman IJ h527 W .. Donna H Mrs sten CU 1'502 S Albany Clinton " Edgar J asst inst CU 1'518 Stewart " William B invest NYS Dept of Agr h115 -- Elizabeth L acct MCCo h202 E Lincoln Stewart av ,- Eugene P (Helen P) prof emeritus CU Anzell Gladys sec-sten CU res Bayonne NJ h3D7 Stewart av Apgar Alice A (Mrs Edwin R) emp Co-op ,- Fern I (Mrs Kenneth) clk MW&Co h702 Store 1'253 Floral av SPlain " Bernard J USA 1'253 Floral a\' " Georgiana H Mrs dressmkr 413 EState " Edwin H (Alice A) custodian CU 1'253 h do Floral av " GilbertE (EleanorL) carph838 N Aurora " Edwin H Jr USA 1'253 Floral av " Gilbert H (Annette S) emp Mohawk Air " Leon W (Elsie) emp MCCo h220 Lakeav lines h629 Spencer I'd " Marian C h125 Sears " Gladys E wid Floyd E h304 Forest Home " Paul E emp Robinson & Carpenter 1'253 dr Floral av " Harold (Ellen E) student h501 S Cayuga " William A (Nellie S) emp CU h3251S " Hattie wid Robert dom h21972 SPlain Cayuga " Kenneth (Fern I B) emp Therm-Electric Appel R Inc Robert Appel prop mfrs wo h702 SPlain men's leather and plastic handbags " Olympia emp Tompkins Co Co-op Ins Pearsall pI 1'130 W State " Robert propR Appel Incres NewYork " Peter (Barbara) graduate student CU Appleby Alice sten CU 1'404 Stewart av h636 Stewart av ApplegateJohn K (Mary) supt CayugaApts " Raymond (Eleanor) custodian StJohns h100 W Buffalo Sch h319 S Geneva APPLETON ROBERT W (Helen) purchasing " Roger D studentCU r304 Forest Homedr agent Morse Chain Co res Slaterville " Ruth J Mrs emp Sage Hall h715 EState Springs " Thomas E retired 11421 N Geneva Apthorp l\Iary Mrs1'142 S Aurora Androsko William emp NYSE&GCorp res Arakengy Albert tech asst CU hln,l Dewitt McKinney's Point RD1 pI Andrus Block l·n EState Aramini Antonio (Helen) trucker h112 S " Ethlyn wid Frank G h921 T\Iitchell Corn " Howard G (Helen S) prof CU h921 Mit " Armando J (Cclomba) emp ;\ICCo h512 chell ext RD2 W Buffalo ANDY SOYRING Mrs Anselm E Soyring prop " George (Josephine) h359 Elmira I'd (trail automotive electric service 108 E Clin er camp) ton see back cover " James J (Nonna M) const foreman h31.1 Andy's Electrical Repairing Andrew J Chur EState (8) e\' prop 402 SPlain " Orlando (1\lary A) h514 IV Buffalo 1954-MANNING'S ITHACA DIRECTORy-1954 159 ~tCltlf()t()ILIE~C~~Inc. Quality Jewe) ers 152 E. STATE ST. DIAL 2598 " -see Romania Arons Beatrice N (Mrs Mark L) adm asst Araniti Ann E (Mrs Frank C) elk I Savings CU W04 Williams Bank r321 Linn " Mark L (Beatrice N) prop Zack Dutky Archer Francis emp Pritchard'sSmart Shop T2.ilors h204 Williams r50 Utica Aronson Freda wid Eli h107 N Quarry :\r·~tic Ice Cre'lm & Milk Co Inc ice cream " Judi'eh E R (Mrs Robert L) asst CU h132 mfrs 402 Taugh,nnock blvd pres Waher Farm (4) R Scholtzhner, sec-tre,s William A " Robert L (Judith E R) assoc prof CU Luce Jr, asst treas-mgr Horace D Brig h132 Farm (4) ham Arquit Gordon J (Nora) assoc CU r303 Hill Arden Laura L sten CU h516 N Tio';(a view pI " Maude E (Mrs Charles) elk R Bros res ARROW EXTERMINATING CO Robert D Foote RD2 prop121E Seneca (102) see p91 _-\n::skog Birger elk CU res Tr..tmansburg ART CRAFT OF ITHACA INC printers pres Floyd Argana !~enaT die-Gi-eim Balch Hall r do M Parke312E Senecaseep148 Argei:sin<?;er Ann sec Ernest Dahman h424 Arthur Doris (Mrs Walter) elk TCrCo r139 IV CO'lrt Hudson " Hilda C (Mrs Henry) bkpr Karl Phillips " Ellswol"'Gh H (Marion C) mgr Ith'lca Tal res Trumansb-lrg rd RD3 low Co h227 Wood .-\rkm Joseph lab tech CU r228 Linden " Lou I'll wid Leslie E h628 W Clinton Armbrus-cer Geror..ldeasst prof CU r3l.') Dry- " Ro~er L (Lois E) boys dir Yo'm~ Men's den rd Chris'Gian Association h445 N Tio')"a Armijo Yolandatech asst CU r212 Lindenav " WaI-Ger (Doris) s'~'ldent CU h139 Hudson Armin Jessie F wid Glenn r211 E CO-lrt Aschmoht Martin R mach CU res Freeville Armi-cage Alfred J (Cora) lab tech CU h315 RD2 Dryden Asdell Mary K tech CU r522 Dryden rd " Cora (:-frs Alfred J) sec CU h138 Linden " Sydney A (Muriel T) prof CU h27 Ren av wick Hts rd " Frankmech CU res Richford ASHBERY RAY Slawyer 504 Seneca bldg and " Lacy experimentalist CU res Richford member Assembly prop Trumansburg RD2 Realty Co res Trumansburg " S L ~'1rs asst CU res Richford RD1 Asher Frederick P (Herta B) physician 518E " Shirley Mrs opr CU res RD2 State h do ARMOUR EVELYN L (Mrs James S) (Kiddie Ashkenas Harry I research assoc CU hl15 Kare) and asst editor Cornell Alumni Stewart av News r220 Eddy tel 3-2478 Ashton Lucy H hIll C1.scadilla av .. James S (Evelyn L) grad student r220 Asiatic Garden Tang Wing Quai prop res Eddy taurant 313 EState Armstrong Alice I'll wid Frank I'll emp NCR Asse George E emp NYSE&GCorp h106 Corp h219 First Hyers ARMSTRONGCHESTER M(EllenM) dogwarden Asselbergs Edward A M (Margaret) asst CU city and mgr Perry Coal Co h151 Maple h319 College av av Associated Credit Bureau of American Inc " Eleanor L r328 S Geneva JaneG McAuliffem';(r302 EState " Inez r1002 N Aurora ASSOCIATION NllRTH AMERICAN DIRECTORY " Lawrence L prop Clinton Hotel Barber PUBLISHERS H A Manning Co member Shop res Dryden Aston Donald E (Dorothy M) emp Therm " Richard H (ElinorL) emp Cityr219 First Elec Meter Co h222 N A..lrora (5) Arnold Carroll C (Ruby S) asst prof CU res " James (Edith T) prop Jim's Fix-it Shop Pine Tree rd hl123 Danby rd " Cassi Mrs emp Palace Laundry h West AthertonMarywidJohnr400Triphammerrd Danby Cay Hts (C2) " George (Mabel) mech J:n Green 1-es RD5 " May F inst CU MOO Triphammer rd Cay " Laura H (1\lrs Leland H) emp Dean of Hts (C2) Ithaca M02 SPlain AtkinsonAnna L wid Earl E h110 FerrispI " Leland H (LauraH) M02 SPlain Atlantic States Gas Co of New York Inc " RichardR (Madaline) asst profCU h1023 Shelby E Jones mgr bottled gas and gas EState appliances 53.5 W State and 111 W Jay Arnts Lucille (;\[rs Otis) emp CU h128 E " & Pacific Super I\larket Webster Gedney mgr 334 W State Spencer " & Pacific Tea Co The Great Harold J " Otis A (Lucille) emp CU h128 E Spencer Driscoll mgr 200 N Aurora " Roberta elk NYSE&GCorp h607 N Cay Atlas Linen SupplyServiceCo Inc Edward L uga Van Slyke mgr 227 Linden Arntzen Etta lihrarian CU h114 Summit av Atsedes Dimetra G wid George P r1:34 Hud (l"i son 160 1954-MANNING'S ITHACA DIRECTORy-1954 Phone ITHACA SAVINGS & LOAN ASSOCIATION 2391 Four convenient savings plans, high-dividends, Christmas Club, Home Loans Owned by members Come in Comer State and Auror~ Atsedes George (Iphigenia) emp College Spa " Ruth D (Mrs E John) elk Mohawk Air- h817 N Tioga lines h905 Triphammer rd " Iphigenia (Mrs George) emp GICCorp " William W (Elizabeth) assoc prof CD h817 N Tioga h119 Heights ct "~Peter (Christine) prop College Spa h134 Autin Johanna h625 W Buffalo ~ Hudson AUTO BODY WORKS (RichardRea andEdward Atteslander Peter M asst CU r390 Oak av MacCarrick) rear 224S Cayuga see p 60 AtwaterAnna H wid FredH h308 N Cayuga " Lock & Speedometer Service Harry B ATWATERS Harold E Wilcox prop groceries Beckley prop 201 Grand View av meats and fish Corners Community AveryAnnaM (MrsRoland) bkprT C Mem- . ,Shopping Center Hanshaw c Tripham- Hosp h708 N Aurora mer rds see p 64 " Helen H (Mrs James W) tchr Belle Atwell Kenneth supvr Mohawk Airlines res Sherman Sch h217 Mitchell Freeville RD2 " JamesC (FlorenceH) accth119Thurston AtwoodGrace D wid Millardh535 Warrenrd av " Janesocial counselor CU r706 E Seneca " James C Jr (Mary H) timekeeper h117 Laura E M02 W Ruffalo ThurstOn "Sanford S (Elizabeth L) prof CU "James W (Helen H) FHA County supvr h522 Wyckoff rd Cay Hts US Dept of Agr Farmer's Home Adm Auble Canneca (Mrs James H) emp Auble's h217 Mitchell Snack Bar h625 W Green " Leola M sec CU r416 W Buffalo " Charles W emp Cayuga Beverage Co "Lydia wid Fred h229 Coddington rd h718 W Green " Maurice C D (Emma 0) emp NYSE&G " George (Pauline) prop Auble's Snack Bar Corp h114 Delaware av h604 W State AVERY RALPH C(Blanche B) mgr-treas Cor- " George A (Camilla) elec Cortright Elec- nell Campus Store h606 Hanshaw rd tric M12 W Green RDI " James H (Carmeta) elec h625 W Green " Richard C student r114 Delaware av " Ruth E h324~ Center " Robert W (Nancy) baker h433 N Aurora Auble's Snack Bar George J Auble prop 105 "Rowland (Anna M) emp IntSaltCoh708 N Meadow N Aurora AubryBeverlyJ empWallaceSteel&Supply "Thurber E (Jay) emp NYSE&GCorp res Co r408 Hudson Newfield " John (Helen) emp MCCo M08 Hudson AxtellCliffordC Sr (GladysI R) retiredh322 Augst Charles M (Martha) emp IGCo Mll Pleasant Spencer " CliffordH Jr (Joyce) patrolmanIPDh322 Augus'cine Anthony J (Julia M) emp MCCo Pleasant MOl Hancock AXTELL DAISY P (Mrs Lew) treas Dean of " John J (Mary) propJohnny'sRepair Ser- Ithaca hU9 S Titus av tel 6671 vice h211 Wood " Joyce E (Mrs Clifford H Jr) emp Mut " Mary R circulation IJ r311 Park pi Benefit Ins Co h322 Pleasant " PeterR (Jean) empMW&CohIll Bridge " Lawrence Hemp GLF r151 Danby rd AultHerbenL (LillianM) reciredM02Utica " Lew J (Daisy P) h119 Titus Aurand Betty Mrs sten CU r102 Pleasant " Mary (Mrs Lawrence) bkpr RBros r Ausenda Paolah114 Summit av (35) Titus rd Austen Albert (Margaret) asst CU h122 Ayers Brigicte R (Mrs Charles) elk CU r313 Veterans pi Auburn " Edward (Gayleen) emp IGCo h526 W "Charles (Brigitte R) mech CU r313 Au- Seneca burn " Gayleen (Mrs Edward) emp IGCo h526 "Frank G emp NYSE&GCorp res Groton W Seneca RD1 " Thomas L (Doris H) USAr309 E Upland "GeorgeJ localmgrTheOutdoorStoreInc rd r206 N Cayuga Austenson Hennan (Ruth) asst prof CU "Harlon C (Esther) emp IGCo h266 Penn- h985 Cliff RD3 sylvania av AusternNonnanresearchassocCUr116Lake "Helen L sten CU rll0 Sage pi Austin Ansel h103 Floral " J C b " Carl F (Jean) emp Head's Camera Shop " . asst prof CU res Trumans urg h209 S Geneva Richard H (Theresa G) emp NCRCo " E John (Ruth D) real estate 309 EState h417 S Aurora h905 Triphammer rd AyotteLawrence (Azilda) carph324 Pleasant " EdwardW (DorisL) sl8mGallagherReal Ayres Helen L sten CU r110 Saye pi Estate res Candor " Ida M emp WSH CU h515 W Buffalo " Evelyn H sten CU res Dryden RD1 " " John H (Pansy B) barber 413 Collegeres Lena S wid Winfred E h115 Ithaca rd Willseyville " -see Ayers 2 1954-MANNING'S ITHACA DIRECTORy-1954 161 VASTENO'S LIQUORi WINESTORE P:::A::· B" HOIL CO INC gas and oil 414 Elmira rd " Clarence W (Sara A) emp Wilcox Press pres C Lee Bostwick, v-pres Elmer T hl06 W Fall Hurst, sec-treasMrs GladysE Bostwick, " Clifford T (Elizabeth M) h313 SPlain mgr Hilda Guterman see p 62 " David F (Marian G) star route carrier Babcock Leo E slsm K L Phillips Inc r516 h308 Linn Stewart av BAILEY DISTRIBUTING CO Carl J Yengo prop " Monroe E (Babcock Poultry Farm) res wholesale beer dist 302 W Lincoln see Krums Corners RD3 p 101 " Sarah M Mrs r515 N Aurora " Ella G ~Mrs Ralph C) emp W H Kresge " Thelma emp Joe's Rest r1040 Danby rd Co h506 S Albany Baber Catherine A wid John sec Board of " Ethel Z curator CU r103 Sage pI Educ h521 EState " Evans W (Viola) emp MCCo h214 S Bach Lawrence E (Evelyn D) tchr IHS h421 Corn Hook pI " Floyd A (Jean) barber Ideal Barber Shop BachelorApartmentsJohn E Paigeprop303 hllO Dey 309 Dryden rd " FrankE apthouseownerhIll HarvardpI " Jennie wid Wilmington r414 E Marshall " Glenna M wid Edwin F r152 EState Bachhofer Robert E emp CD h518 Dryden " Hall CU Garden av Campus rd ~A-2C) " Hiram G (Winifred) emp Ithaca Fuel Back Number Magazine Store Mrs Mabel Supply h224 Floral av Smith O'Neil prop 120 S Cayuga " Hortorium CU William Dress caretaker Backner Anna D receptionist P C Sainburg 109 Sage pI h624 W State " Janet r506 S Albany " Charles pntr r624 W State " Joseph L (Rosa M) retired hIl7 Titus av " Edward M (Dorothy) emp Lougher h145 " Liberty H prof emeritus CU h103 Sage pi Pearsall pI " Maud emp CU hU8 Cascadilla av " Francis (Mary) emp Dean of Ithaca h343 " Milton cashier LVRR res Trumansburg Spencer rd " Ralph C (Ella G) emp H H Foods h506 S " John P (Helene) mgrThe Globe Hotelres Albany RD5 " Robert R mech Therm-Elec Co rIl4 "Margaret (Mrs Stewart) mgr Good Fayette Friends Ladies Clothing h437 N Aurora " T C (Alma) patrolman CU res RDI " Michael P bartender 624 State r do " Walter W emp Mohawk Airlines r215 " Stephen P (Frances C) blacksmith MCCo Aurora h204 Cascadilla av " William B (Blanche M) emp NYSE&G " Stewart (Margaret) USAF h437 N Aurora Corp h302 Lake av " -see Beckna BAILLIERE MARION (Edna) plant controller Bacon Arthur C (Pauline) emp City h202 and asst sec Morse Chain Co hi Straw Floral av berry la " Bettejayne Mrs tech CU res RD2 Bailor Simon poultryman CU res Owego " Donald E mech CU 1es RD3 Baily Anne (Mrs William) emp CU r319A " L T Mrs elk CU res RD3 Ithaca rd " Laura T Mrs elk CU res Ridgecrest rd " Betty Mrs student CU r234 Valley rd " Levi T (Doris H) foreman elec CU res " William (Anne) USAF r319A Ithaca rd RD3 Baird Douglas P (Martha) teaching fellow " Mabel L wid Morgan P v-pres East Lawn CU r310 Bryant av CemeteryAssnh209 Cayuga Hts rd Cay " Harley E asst CU res Cloudcroft NM Hts " John (Evelyn M) div mgr GE h205 Cay " Morgan P Mrs h209 Cayuga Hts rd Cay uga Hts rd Hts " John E (Ruth) chef hIl6 S Cayuga Bacorn Frederick 0 (June) parts mgr Allen " Kerstin (Mrs T J) phys inst CU res Mc Tractor & Equipment Service h233 Elm Kenney's Point Badger Martha tchr W Hill School h316 " Kurt assoc prof CU r512 Highland rd Columbia " Richard S (Olive C) lieut USN h106 " Minnie S wid Theodore r316 Columbia Grand View ct Bagley Clarence emp City r906 Giles " T J Kerstin assoc prof CU res McKin- " Edward B asst CU rIl5 Lake ney's Point " Ezra C emp CU r328 W Clinton Baker Addie wid Olin r409 N Albany " Jean F Mrs r106 Second " Alice G Mrs rIlO Heights ct Bailey Albert steward Mohawk Airlines " Bernal S (Hattie D) mach CU h122 Pear h106~ E Lewis sall pI " Alma L (Mrs Thomas) emp CU res RDI BAKER BERT B(GraceE) slsmEsso Standard " Andrew (Mary) emp T C Highway Dept Oil Co h202 Ridgedale rd h121 Cherry BAKER BERTT(Rose M) lawyerSavingsBank " Ann L Mrs sec CU r319A Ithaca rd Bldg (216-218) 114 N Tioga M18 N " Arthur J slsm r436 N Aurora Cayugatel 4-6006 res tel8620see p 129 162 1954-MANNiNG'S ITHACA DiRECTORy-195-l ghO~ 215 E. STATE ST. 1- DIAL 2758 B'lkerBeverlyJane student IC r320 S Geneva " Richard celtr IRS res RD2 " Bodneil D USAF r117 Renwick ar ell' " Richerd E (Doris) em; GE h103 SO'.1th Hts . RicharJ S cicy fores'eer and supt city II " Bruce W USN r117 Renwick dr Cay Hts cemetery h101 Th',lrs'~on av " CarlS (Bethel M) carph268 Pennsylvania " Robert E (Elizabeth K) chef S·J.nnyside av Rest h333 S Geneva " Caroline P wid Eugene hll0 W Seneca " Ro'Jert H (Jane) emp Mohawk Airlines " Charles (Hazel) houseman 103 McGrawpI h2001A Hancock h529 W State BAKER ROB-ERT Mpres Baker Lumber & Sup " DeWitt T (Yvonne F) veterinarian CU ply Co Inc res Dryden r1411 Slaterville rd RD2 " Robert W student r202 Ridgedale rd " Donald IV (Ruth T) prof CU h117 Ren " Robert \Y 'celler Firs" Nat Rmk r304 The wick dr P~!rk\\ay C:1Y Res " Ernest E fireman R Bros h810 Taber " Ross J" re,"ired h;)08 Hi'!;J:lhnd rd C:lY Ht~ " E-J.geneC (Ka'cherineR) emp :\ICCoh20\; " SCllly Ann s'cudent r202 Ridgedale rd SPlain " Seaneon K r206 S Pbin " E'J.gene S (Dorothy) mech Harry 1\Iiller " Tower \Vest av c Universi'~y av C:lmpus hll-Q(, SPlain " Waher A (I\Ll,dora) emp Wilcox Press " Flore~c~ H \\'id Pliny h914 N Tioga h1008 N Aurora " Fred (Jennie C) hll0 O".kwood la Whieing C (Doro'uhy M) e1ec refrigerator II BAKER FREDERICK W (Winifred) (Ithaca ser h501 S Ches'en'lt Printing Service) res RD3 " William C (Anna C) prof emeritus CU " G Arlene (1\1rs Lmford F) nurse hT20 S h304 The Parkway Cay I-Ls Geneva Bakko Edwin i\l (8'1.1"9. I) a'?;e Socony Vacuum " Gerald (Iva) mech Deal & Merrick res Oil Co h:~30 W Buffalo RD4 " Edwin I\T Jr student r330 W Buffalo " Grace E (Mrs Bert) comm Bd of Elc,'- " Norman (Grace E) insp CU Press h119 tions (R) h202 Ridgedale rd Blair " Gro·J.p West av Campus Balbirnie Dorothy M tchr Fall Creek School " Harold D (Lillian) USN h205 Elm h222 Utica " Harry (M Ina) s'J.pt town highwaysh1417 Balch Halls for Women Thurston av c Wait Slaterville rd av " Hattie D emp GLF rl22 Pearsall pI Balcom Alvin R (Shirley) dist mgr National " Hazel (Mrs Charles S Sr) emp Kappa Grange l\-Iutual Liability Co h144 Pine Sigma h529 W State Tree rd " Ida M wid Clarence D h710 N Cayuga " Charlotte photographer r327 Coddington " James A (Dudley) prof CU res Snyder rd Hill RD2 Bald Konrad H (Liddell) asst CU r221 Eddy BAKER JAMES FREV asst pastor Church of the " Liddell (Mrs Konrad) emp GLF r221 Immaculate Conception r113 N Geneva Eddy " Jean E wid Alfred hll08 N Tioga Baldini Albert (Suzanne) lab tech CU h220 " Jessie emp GLF res Bostwick rd RD5 Pleasant Laboratory of Chemistry 37-41 East av " Delia C emp GLF r411 N Albany I' " Langford F (G Arlene) chiropractor 302 " Ignazia wid Augusto V h312 Esty EState h320 S Geneva " Ralph P (Rose L) dentist 117 E Seneca ,. LeRoyJ sheetmetal wkrWilliamLO'ugher h220 Esty & Son h110 Oakwood la " Ralph (Esther) custodian I Savings Bank " Lillian (:\Irs Paul T) be,mty parlor 1307 h411 N Albany EState h do " Susanne (1\Irs Albert) sten N A Accident BAKER LUMBER & SUPPLY CO INC Robert M Ins Co h412 N Geneva Baker pres building materials 79 W " William Q (Martje) prop Williams Shoes Main Dryden see p 71 h103 Crescent pI " :'.ladora (Mrs Walter A) emp West Hill Balduf Betty tchr h133 Giles Hall School h1008 N Aurora Baldwin Alfred L (Magery) prof CU h20-t " Margaret prop Margaret's Nursing Home KIine Woods rd r1002 Baker " AnneG gradstudentr102 Triphammerrd " Mary L :\IIrsemp NYSE&GCorpres RD5 " Anne G (Mrs Frank C) tchr h102 Trip- " MaryLeenurseF PAsherh306Bryantav hammer rd . " 2\Iildred L 1\Irs bkpr Townsend Oil Co " Anna ;\1 (Mrs Clifford \V) emp 2\Iichiam h309 N Plain Rest h.'i21 S Albany " Norman H Jr asst CU res :"Jewfield RD2 " Barbara (:\1rs William) emp CU h309 N " Paul T (Lillian) emp CU h1307 EState Aurora " Philip 'V elk Sport Shop r1008 N Aurora " R C asst prof CU res Groton RDI " Bernadine :\Irs emp TCo Tuberculosis " Ralph emp Mohawk Airlines h619 Cas & Pub Health h130 Sears e:tailh " Claude A retired h915 EState

keeper; bldg, bLlilding; blvd, boulevard; byd, beyond; c, corner; elk, clerk; Co, Comp::my; com trav, commerci-:'.l .. Argana !~ena T die-Gi-eim Balch Hall r do. Argei:sin
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