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William Carlos Williams, Frank O’Hara, and the New York Art Scene .................17540$ $$FM 12-08-0913:39:03 PS PAGE1 .................17540$ $$FM 12-08-0913:39:03 PS PAGE2 William Carlos Williams, Frank O’Hara, and the New York Art Scene Paul R. Cappucci Madison•Teaneck FairleighDickinsonUniversity Press .................17540$ $$FM 12-08-0913:39:04 PS PAGE3 (cid:2)2010byRosemontPublishing&PrintingCorp. Allrightsreserved.Authorizationtophotocopyitemsforinternalorpersonaluse,or theinternalorpersonaluseofspecificclients,isgrantedbythecopyrightowner,pro- videdthatabasefeeof$10.00,pluseightcentsperpage,percopyispaiddirectlyto the Copyright Clearance Center, 222 Rosewood Drive, Danvers, Massachusetts 01923.[978-0-8386-4218-4/10$10.00(cid:3)8¢pp,pc.] AssociatedUniversityPresses 2010EastparkBoulevard Cranbury,NJ08512 ThepaperusedinthispublicationmeetstherequirementsoftheAmerican NationalStandardforPermanenceofPaperforPrintedLibraryMaterials Z39.48-1984. LibraryofCongressCataloging-in-PublicationData Cappucci,PaulR. WilliamCarlosWilliams,FrankO’Hara,andtheNewYorkartscene/PaulR. Cappucci. p. cm. Includesbibliographicalreferencesandindex. ISBN978-0-8386-4218-4(alk.paper) 1.Williams,WilliamCarlos,1883–1963—Knowledge—Art. 2.Williams, WilliamCarlos,1883–1963—Knowledge—Abstractexpressionism. 3.O’Hara, Frank,1926-1966—Knowledge—Art. 4.O’Hara,Frank,1926–1966— Knowledge—Abstractexpressionism. 5.Artandliterature—UnitedStates— History—20thcentury. 6.Artinliterature. I.Title. PS3545.I544Z5826 2010 811(cid:2).52—dc22 2009035099 printedintheunitedstatesofamerica .................17540$ $$FM 12-08-0913:39:04 PS PAGE4 Thisbookisdedicated to Sharon,Daniel,Timothy,James,andMargaret .................17540$ $$FM 12-08-0913:39:04 PS PAGE5 .................17540$ $$FM 12-08-0913:39:04 PS PAGE6 Contents Acknowledgments 9 Introduction 13 1. APoet‘‘Better ThantheMovies’’ 25 2. ‘‘TheAmericanSpirit inArt’’:Williamsand Abstract Expressionism 51 3. Imaginative‘‘BlobsofPaint’’:JacksonPollockintheWork ofWilliamsandO’Hara 72 4. ‘‘ABlossomingoftheSpirit’’:Williams,EmanuelRomano, andtheAuthenticityof ArtisticExpression 98 5. EfficiencyinForm:ArtistryandAuthenticityintheWorks ofWilliams,O’Hara, andSmith 118 Conclusion 146 Notes 151 Bibliography 156 Index 164 7 .................17540$ CNTS 12-08-0913:39:06 PS PAGE7 .................17540$ CNTS 12-08-0913:39:06 PS PAGE8 Acknowledgments G RATEFULACKNOWLEDGMENT ISGIVENTONEWDIRECTIONSPUB- lishing Corporation for permission to reprint the published and un- published works of William Carlos Williams cited in this book. The Autobiography of William Carlos Williams. Copyright 1948. 1951 by WilliamCarlosWilliams.CollectedPoems:VolumeI,1909–1939.Copy- right 1938 by New Directions Publishing Corporation. Copyright (cid:2) 1982, 1986 by William Eric Williams and Paul H. Williams. Collected Poems:VolumeII,1939–1962.Copyright 1944,1953,(cid:2)1962,byWil- liam Carlos Williams. Copyright (cid:2) 1988 by William Eric Williams and Paul H. Williams. The Embodiment of Knowledge. Copyright (cid:2) 1974 by Florence H. Williams. I Wanted to Write a Poem. Copyright (cid:2) 1958by WilliamCarlos Williams.Imaginations. Copyright(cid:2) 1970 by Florence H. Williams. In the American Grain. Copyright 1925 by James Laughlin. Copyright 1933 by William Carlos Williams. Pater- son.Copyright(cid:2)1946,1948,1949,1958byWilliamCarlosWilliams. ARecognizableImage:WilliamCarlosWilliamsonArtandArtists.Copy- right (cid:2) 1978 by the Estate of Florence H. Williams. Selected Essays. Copyright 1954 by William Carlos Williams. Selected Letters of Wil- liam Carlos Williams. Copyright 1957 by William Carlos Williams. Something To Say: William Carlos Williams on Younger Poets. Copyright (cid:2) 1985 by William Eric Williams and Paul H. Williams. Interviews with William Carlos Williams: Speaking Straight Ahead. Copyright (cid:2) 1976 by the Estate of William Carlos Williams. Previously unpub- lished material by William Carlos Williams included in the book (cid:2) 2010bytheEstatesofPaulH.WilliamsandWilliamEricWilliams. I also wish to acknowledge that excerpts appearing from Frank O’Hara’s Art Chronicles, Standing Still and Walking in New York, Amo- rousNightmaresofDelay,andunpublishedlettersarecopyright(cid:2)2010 byMaureenGranville-SmithandarereprintedbypermissionofMau- reen Granville-Smith. Excerpts from ‘‘The Day Lady Died,’’ ‘‘On Rachmaninoff’s Birthday,’’ ‘‘A Step Away from Them,’’ and ‘‘What Sledgehammer? or W.C. Williams’s Been Attacked!’’ are copyright 9 .................17540$ $ACK 12-08-0913:39:13 PS PAGE9 10 ACKNOWLEDGMENTS 1964 by Frank O’Hara and reprinted by permission of City Lights Books. Selections from ‘‘Autobiographia Literaria,’’ ‘‘Today,’’ ‘‘Poem ReadatJoanMitchell’s,’’‘‘WhyIAmNotaPainter,’’‘‘Digressionon Number1,1948,’’‘‘Biotherm(forBillBerkson),’’‘‘ChristmasCardto Grace Hartigan,’’ ‘‘Memorial Day 1950,’’ ‘‘A Walk on Sunday After- noon,’’ ‘‘To A Poet,’’ ‘‘Mozart Chemisier,’’ ‘‘Ode on Causality,’’ and ‘‘Personism: A Manifesto’’ from THE COLLECTED POEMS OF FRANK O’HARA by Frank O’Hara, edited by Donald Allen, copy- right (cid:2) 1971 by Maureen Granville-Smith, Administratrix of the Es- tate of Frank O’Hara. Used by permission of Alfred A. Knopf, a divisionof RandomHouse,Inc. Also, I offer grateful acknowledgment to Julie Dreyfuss Tatum for permission to quote from Emanuel Romano’s unpublished diary and correspondence, as well as to reprint his painting Self Portrait (1956). Finally,IthankBobArnold,literaryexecutorforCidCorman’sestate, for permission to quote from Cid Corman’s unpublished correspon- dence. IalsowishtothankthelibrarystaffsattheBeineckeLibraryatYale University, the Morris Library at the University of Delaware, the Mandeville Special Collections, University of California, San Diego, the Harry Ransom Research Center, University of Texas at Austin, and the Archives and Special Collections at the Thomas J. Dodd Re- search Center at the University of Connecticut, Storrs. I also wish to thank the professional staffs of Fairleigh Dickinson University Press and Associated University Presses for their feedback and efforts to producethisbook. I am indebted to the students, administration, and faculty of Geor- gian Court University. Conversations with several colleagues influ- enced the development of this project: Claire Gallagher, Suzanne Pilgram, Sister Phyllis Bremen, and John Woznicki. I also would like tothankMaryBasso,ResearchLibrarianatG.C.U.,wholocatedvalu- able information on Emanuel Romano. Michelle Depolo, a former student, offered research assistance during the project’s early stages withgeneroussupportfromaG.C.U.SummerResearchGrant.Ialso am grateful to G.C.U. for granting me a sabbatical to complete the writingandrevisingofthismanuscript. On a personal note, I would like to thank Dr. Ian Copestake for providingmewithseveralopportunitiestopresentmywork,including two W. C. Williams conferences held at Johann Wolfgang Goethe UniversityinFrankfurt,Germany.Ialsowouldliketothankmymen- .................17540$ $ACK 12-08-0913:39:13 PS PAGE10

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