WILLARVDA ND YKEA RCHIVE GUIDSEE RINUMEBSE R FOURTEEN CENTEFRO RC REATPIHVOET OGRAPHY UNIVEROSFIA TRYI ZONA WILLARVDA ND YKEA RCHIVE CompilbeyLd e slSiqeu yrCeasl mes GUIDSEE RINEUSM BEFRO URTEEN CENTEFRO RC REATIPVHOET OGRAPHY UNIVEROSFIA TRYI ZONA CentfeoCrrr eaPtihvoet ography ThUen iveorfAs riitzyo na Copyri1g9h9t2© ArizBooanraod fR egents AlRli gRhetsse rved PhotographsV abnDy y kWei llard Copyri1g9h9t2© BarbVaarnDa y ke DesigbnyNe adn cSoyl omon PalaTtyipongor aphy PrinbtyAe rdi zLointah ographers DistribbyCu etnetfoderC r r eaPthiovteo graphy ThUen iveorfAs riitzyo na TucsAorni,z 8o5n7a2 1 ISS0N7 39-4578 ThCeh ilMdursLetean r n, CovePrh:o togruanpknhoewrn WillVaarDndy kfei lming 1940 AnseAld amAsr chive Contents 5 Intrfod uction 9 Grou/p64 b yW illVaarDndy ke 11 ChronoalnoFdgi yl mography WILLAVRADN D YKAER CHIINVVEE NTORY Correspo1n9d2e5n-c1e9,8 7 17 FamiCloyr respo1n9d2e7n-c1e9,8 5 19 BiograMpahtiecr1ai9la1 l5s-,1 987 20 WritainnIdgn st er1v9i2e5w-s1,9 85 21 ActiFviilt1ey9s 3,2 -1986 23 Museuomf M odem FAirl1te9 s6,4 -11998759 , 27 PublicaantCdil oinpsp1 i9n3g4s-,1 987 28 FinanacnIidna slu rRaenccoe1r 9d3s6,- 1987 29 PhotogMraatpehri1ic9a 2l9s-,1 982 30 OthMeart ercia1a.9l 4s0,, 1960-1985 31 RelaRteesodu rces 32 IndteoCx o rrespondence 33 Photographs 36 Thec omeraclia nd docu·nreyun etsso fp hoot gra:'p1haylv oene b eef-aiml li atro 1e1) ubl1bcu,tt he l�gitimautseeo ft hem ed1ausnan ta rtf or1ms c om parativenle.yw T hek noewdlgteh at• hoogtrapchayn records urfatceex tuarnedt onalg radatbieotnt tehra n anyo themrei du1, hasl edt ?t heu seo �pu rep hoto grapa:s1a y m eanfso r; ersoenxarple ssion.Ji o remto s am na ptihoen eeirnts h ifsi eladr eE dwa,rd, es,t on AlfreSdt ie5liPtazuS,lt ranadnd, C narlSeaese lr.e Theiwro rhkas madiet a Jparetnhtap th too3rhayp1 s a livec,o ntem0pyo mertanod rfeocro rdtihngel ife aronudu s,a ndt hrougthh ec hoi0c1el ensc,a mera, Papers,u bjecmta tteert,c .o,n e'osw nr eaicotnt o thCTt llfoe Thesper inttsh,e n, repmryeu sseeon ft;, ure photor5rtaopr heyc owrhda It considteobr e t hes 1g � nif1caonrmte,r ebleya utli,af supecotfst �eA merainc A Scnee. Allo ft 1ep hotogrsahpohwnsh erwee rmea de Witah viceamwe raan dw er.9er 1ntbeydt nec ontact methoudnm,an i;,ulatoendg ,lo sspyap er. Exhibsittiaotne DmeennnWtya, t rGoaulsl ery, CarmCeall,i f1o9rn3i4a , WillVaarnDd y kAer chive Introduction Photogrfaiplhmemrca,uk reartt,eo arc,h er-VWainDl ylkpaeur rds auleoldft hese careeHresi .ps erhbeaspktsn owfnoh rio sv etrh iyretayor fis n volvweimtehn t documenftialramyscs a merapmarno,d ucer,a nsddci rriepcttHwoerri i,ast l esor . remembaesDr ierde ocftt hoFeri lDme partmaettn htMe u seumo fM odeArrnwt h ehree creanteewfd i lpmr ogr(aemss peciaelmlpyh asfiozrienigg n and avaanndt -garde films) addteodt hfiel cmo llections. WillVaarnDd y kmea ybe lewsse lkln owansa f oundmienmgbo eftr h Ger ofu/ p64 . Hiasn Mda rJye annEedtwtaerg dasl'/lsse truyad t68i 3oB rockfhu rst, Oakland, California, waasn i nfogramtahle prliafncogher i f sr ieanndodst haerrti sEtdsw.a Wreds ton wrote inh idsa yboionkt haeu tuomf1n 9 3a2b otuhtfe o rmaotfGi roonuI 64p : "paa rwtays giveexnc lusfiopvrhe oltyo graatWp ihlelrasTr hdo'wse1sh .og atfh earnpedad r toofo k winaen pdh otote.c.hf.no irqmaueg edr owuipt thhp er impaurryp oofsse t imulating inteirnrfe es pathl o togarnaedpn hcyo urnaegwti anlge Gnrto.u"/p6 e4x isatsael do ose confedeorfpa htoitoong rfaoeprsh seenrtsti harlyeleeya f rrso,1m 9 3t2of1 /93645 . Grou/p64 i mse ntiobnyep dh otohiasstas o irginainofsci ccuarnirtnte hnec e develoopfAm meenrti pchaont ogrFaoWprih lyl.Va arnDd y kGer,o up waso nloyn e ofm anayc tiviniw tiheishce hw as invTohleeva erdl.y thait ritimoeefcs r ewaatisn g lastifnrgi endasnfdho ierpx sp erimewnittvahat riidooinur se cftohirio lsni sfW ee. know thhaett urndeodwa np romowtiitSohhn e OliCllo mpainn1y 9 3w1h,i wcohu lhda ve provifdienda senccuira(ilWt eys tdoany'bso tohkhaset)a ;t temtpoft oerdamF ilamn d PhoLetaog uienLo sA nge(lVeaDsn y keu'nsp ublished autobiographical manuscript); and thhaetbe gamna kisnhgof ritl( mosne ea rfliysl cmr siuprtv iif/nhv iepssa pePresr)h.a ps theixsp erimeenxtaptliiaonipn na srt,thl ,ea ocfkp rimsoaurrycm ea teriinta hVleas n DykAer chtiodv oec umheinesat r plhyo togcraarpeGheriroc,u 6 p4 o,rh igsa llaetr y 68B3r ockhWuhriswltre.i thiiansug t obioigntr haeepi hgyhV tainDe ysk,pe e nntehde follonwoitn"eg:aa ti t m ew heI2nw adse epilnyv owlivtefhdi Dl.mL .[ DoroLtnahgeea] calmleet dot emlelh owi mporIth aanbdte e tnop hotogrIda ipshmyi.ts hseiedd ea, but iwta ism portthasanhttsae i di t." AlthoVuagnDh y kdei ndo atc tugailvulepys tpihlolt ogurnatipalhb yo1 u9t3 b8y, theen odf 1 93h4ew abesc omimnogri en teriencs itneedm atoagsarw aapyth oy documesoncti eHteybe .l ietvhedadto cumefnitalrmyma kwionuglp dr otvobee af ast anedf fecwtaiytv oep reseinsts aunetdso c resoactieca hla nIgnie .n terfvrioetmwh se seventiVeasnD, y kael asot tribhuistshe ifsfr tos mt pihlolt ogtroca ipnheym atotgor aphy anu nconsdceisotoiu ersse t aabnli idsehnse tpiatryfa rtoehm if sr iend Edward Weston. Hem ovefdr oOma kltaonN de wY orCki tiyn1 93a5n bde ghainls o nags sociation with documenftialrmym aking. InN ewY orVka,nD ykjeo iNnyekdi Th(neloRa c itavelerFlr re odThn FetRi iilevamrnes wd)ro rkaesad cameraomansen v erfaill AmtsR .a lSpthe irneecro'msm enVdaanDt yikowena ,cs h osen aso noeft hcea merafmoPeran rL eo rentz'si n1 937. isc onsiad ered claAssmiecr idTcohacRenui mveeanrnt,wda a risym poritanen stt ablViasDnhy iknefg'i slc ma reer. Lorehnatgdzi vVeannD ykaeg redaetao lfa utonaonmrdye sponstoii bnitleitrthpyer et fisclrmi pAtf.t er VanD ykbeec amien creafsriunsgtwlriyat hthiel sde voefl 5 responsiabtFi rlointtyiw earas- m-b-ihtaein owdua sn tteodd i rhecitos w nf ilImnsl .a te 193h8ea,T n hRdea lSpTthhe eir neesri fgrnoeFmdr onttiofe orr Amm eriDcoacnu menFtairlym s, City.C ity IncT.h eoiTnrowe n-c,yoe lalra boratiinaosa nt irbreuihstcuu mlotredodeu psi cotifuo rnb an licfael led rafno trw yoe aartts h Nee wY orWko rlFda'beisgr i nniinn g 193V9a.l ley VanD ykepe'rsso nfaalv owraimsta ed,ie n1 94a0n edx amitnhleeis f e ofa nu nemplPoeynends ysltveealnwioaTr hkieyrret.ay or ffs i lmmafkoilnlgo wed in whiVcahnD ykper oduacnedddi recftieldfm ofsro undactihounrsc,h es, anidn dustries, televViasnDi yoknbee.c amwee lkln owfnop rr odudcoicnugm efnitlawmsri yta hso cial statemenftot rha "enc dl aarnibedta yu toyft hiem ages.'t3 By1 96V5a,nD ykwea rse afdoyarc hanWghee.Rn e nde' HarnotnhcDeoi urrectt,o r oft hMeu seumo fM odeAmr otf,f ehrietmdh po es itoifDo inr ecotfto hrFe i lLmi brary theVraenD, y kteo otkhjo eb .H ese rveidnt hciasp afcriotNmyo vem1be5r1, 9 6t5o, Janu1a,1r 9y7 a4n,hd a tdh nea mceh antgote hdDe e parbnoefFn itlt mor eftlhecet broadescnoipeon fag c tivHiititsee sn.uw armase r kedb ym orfeu ndfionfrgi lm preservtahteeis otna,b liosfth hfmeie lsnmtt u cdeyn taentrdh, ie n trodoufnc etwi on fEidlwmaWmreadtsk hteronro.fsu i gplhmr ogramass" Csiuncehp arno"dbeW "h aHta'pspe niHnegw .a"s askbeydJ ohSnza rkowisn1k 9i7t 3od irtechtme u seum1'9s7r 5e trospeecxtihvieb ition, VanD ykbeeg ahni tse acchairnieegn1r 9 7H2e.e stabtlhifesi hlpemrd o gartat mh e StaUtnei veorfNs eiwtY yo raktP urchaansesedr veadst hdee partcmheanitra mnadn taugchotu risenfs i plrmod ucutnito1in9l 8T 1h.see v entailebsosr ouagr hetn ewed inteirnVe asnDt y kee'asrp lhyo togarnaedpx hhyi boiftih oiwsno sr fko lloHwee d. retutrons etpdih lolt ogirna p1ha9yn7t d7r avteoIl reedl taopn hdo togirna p1h9 79 and 1980.l aTyshetae or fs lhiiwfsee rs epe nwtr ithiiansug t obiowghrilalpiehv yiS nagn tai n FeN,e wM exiIcno1 .9 8h5ew ansa metdhf ei rAsrttiL satu rienaR tees idfeonrc e HarvaanrRdda dclHiefp flea.nt nofe idn eidsihtih nimgsa nuscraitHp atr vbaurdtdi ed enr outtoCe a mbriMdagsesa,c husetts. WillVaarnDd y kseen tth Cee ntfeoCrrr eaPtihvoet ogwrhaapwtha yts o bec omet he coroefh icso lleicn1ti 9o8nA5 f.t heidrse ahtihws,i fBea rbdaornaa atdeddi tional materials. Thpea pecrosn toanileni nfeoaoorftc orrespond(e1n9c3e1 T-fh8ime6la )ejo.sr oift y thlee tterfsr otmdhs aeit xett hireostu hgeehi ghtIinecsl.ui dsc eordr espownidtehn ce othpehro tograanpfdhr eiressnu dcashsA nseAld am(s1 932-f8 4C)u,n nIimnoggheanm (1957R-a7l6p)h, S(1t9e7i0na-en8rEd5 d )w,aW reds ton (1931-57). Alft hoWuiglhlV aarnDd y kwea saf oundmienmgbeo rfG rou/p64 ,v erlyi ttle primraerseya rch ambaottuehtgre ri oaiulfsp o uinnhd i cso llecItnifoonr.ma atboiuotn GrouIp i64ds i spertsherdo ugthhpoeau petra snm da ybe fouinnCd o rrespondence FilBeiso,gf r aMpahtiecraAilca tilvsFi,it lyae nsAd,u diovMiastuearlOi fap lasr.t incoutlea r amontgh emsea teriisea xltse ncsoirvree spofnrdoeEmnd cweaW reds t(o1n9 31-i1n9 34) whiGcrho u/p6 a4c tiavridteii sceuss Fseidl.ces o ntatihnoe r igeixnhailb ition announcfermotemhng etr f o ufpi'rsshs otiw n1 93p2h,o tocoofAp niseeAlsd ams correspdoinscduesntschiegen r go (u1p9 32a-n3cd4o )r,r espownidteJhne caTenu cker abotuhtfe i mrasjotGr r ou/p64 r etroshpeeclitdnSi tvL.eo uMiiss,so uirn1i 9,7 A7l.so inclaurdaeev di deoitnatpeedr avtPie enwn sySltvaaUtnneii av eirn1s 9i7t0y where he discfu sCseasl ifpohrontioag irna ptthhhyie ra tineadvs i deotalpeedct auttr hCeee ntfeorr CreaPthiovteo girn1a 9p8hO2yn. ef olcdoenrta pihnost ocoofpp uibelsi cations about Grou/p6 (41 932t-h7wa8et)r a es sembblyVe da nD yke. VanD ykebe'gsi nnaisnac g isn ematoagrrfeaa piwrhelelryrle preseinntt hepeda pers bufte mawt erifarlotsmh m ei ddfloer ttiherso tuhgsehi xetixeisSs itg.n iiftiecimsan n t the coalrlleece ttittooehn ri fssi anMcaeerB ya rnwertittw theihnl ewe a s cameraman for 6 ThRei ver ThCei ty ThBer idge (193fV7ia)lsclT;mrlow ieyanp n tcd l ippfiohnrig dssi rectdoerbiouantl (193a9n)d ; af ilscmr iBepntM ,a ddofwi'dlsim a arnycd,l ippfionrg s (194V2aC)nDa. ym keer'as, wCeilnklen moawf,ni lm (19i4sr0 e)p resewnittfehid ar nsfdti ndarlao fftts h scer ipt, clippainnadgn as r,ti bcylV ea nD yk"eV,a lTloewynH ,ow I Wta sM ade("U .S. 1941O)t.hm eart erdioaclusm ehnitfsii nlgm mackairneegr ifnicscllrmui dpet s creabtyoe tdh er writeDryskw eaw fshi elnm Vparno tdhuOecf eforif Wc faeor r Informa(t1i9o4n3a -nc4dl5 i)p pfiomnrog sostf h is dfuirlitmnhsfg ei fatinesdsi xties. ThMeu seuomf M odeArrnFt i lceosn tmaaitne rdiocaulmse nVtainDn ygk et'esn ure asd irecotfto hrFe i lDme partamneadns t diorftec htmeou rse umE'dsw aWreds ton retrospeecExtidhvwieaWb irein1dsti 9 to75onA.n c .ti vidtociuemse natreVeda nD yke's apaponidn tment retirefmieldnmet p,a rtpmreonjvtea crtisfo,iu selsmr iscersee,n ifnigelsxm,h ibiatinodn s, theex hibition, Relattote hdpi esr iaortdeh e hourseechoorboldod k kse pt byB arbVaarnDa y kteh daett tahigelu easntmdse nufsr osomc ieavle natsssoc iawtietdh VanD ykepo'ssi taitto hnme u seum. Photographifco uimnntad ht ceeo rlilaeciltnsic olonun dheeu ndfrief8dtx y1 0-inch, black-annde-gwaht(ii1tv9ee2 s19 9-7399-,M8 o2sa)tr. ce o pnye gatiavcecso mpbayn ied prinitnisntgr uOctthimeoarnt se.ri inacllsesuv deesn h eeotsfV an Dykep rcioonnftt sa ct at rip made wWietshta onEnCdd h waaWrriidsl sotnoN orthCeairlfno rinn1i 9a3o 7n,e modesrtnu pdryi onfAt n seAld amisnt hteh iratnifdei smv,ode e ms tupdryi wnhtisc h havbeee nc ancepolslseidbb,ylV ya nD ykeT.hc eo lledcotienosonc t o ntVaainDn y ke's filomros r igniengaalt ives. Othteyrp oefrs e seamracthe rfioaulnstd h ei n coilnlcelcmutedideoi nfc ianla,n cial, anlde graelc ordssp.e cniOoaftil eVs a n Dyke'sa u3t2o8b-ipoagmgraean puhscirciaplt thhaetti tl"eOdnP eh otogrJaopuhrneAerny'I ,sl lusMtreamtoeidVr a.nD" y kweo rked ont hmea nuscfroairpp ptr oxitmwaaotn eodln hyea ylefa frrso1 m9 8t2h ouOcgtho ber 198H5i.as u tobiocgornatpdaheiyscn rsi potfhi ioesna Rsrli livyaTfe nherhdCe ,i i f stVr yai,le Tlnoeydww sinht,ih p s TAhnBeserl i dAgdEead.mw saW,re ds taonnDd,o rotLhaenagH eeHd. ii gAschdu vsheseifnssit lumrmea ckairneegr foarp proxi2m00ap taegilenysc lutdhien gf oiflT mhien g and Hea ldsoi scusasetgs r elaetn fgitlhm tihneg televseirsiieosn witLho weTlhlo maUsn.f ortuvnearltyie tiltnylf,eo rmaabotuhitio rsne latiaonnds hips collaborwaititoohtn hfsei rl mmakheiyrses a,ar tts h Meu seuomf M odeAmr otr,h is returnp htoot osgtirigsali plvh eyn . NOTES 1NancNye whaeldl., (NeYwo rTkh:e ApertuFroeu ndaItino1cn9.,73,p ) a,g e 264. TheD ayboookfsE dwarWde stoVno.l uImMex.ei coV,o luImICae.l ifornia. 2WilVlaaDnry dk Neo.t feso aru tobiocga1r.9a 84pW.hi yl,lV aarDndy kAer chCienvtefe,orC r r eaPtihvoet ography, TucsoAnr,i zona. 3HerbReerytn oWlidlslSl,io aaman n,Md a rSittuar kAennn.o tations, Museoufm ModemA rt(.N eYwo rMku:se uomfM odeAmr 1t9,84 p)a,g1 e2 7. CircuFlialLtmii rybn rCgaa ta/cg, 7 EaWsatol tflh Sei efrrroamAs l abHaiml1al9 s3,7 EdwaWreds ton EdwaWreds tAornc hive