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Wiley Encyclopedia of Forensic Science (Five Volume Set) PDF

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Volume 1 A B Editors-in-Chief Allan Jamieson The Forensic Institute, Glasgow, UK Andre Moenssens Forensics and Law Center, Columbia City, IN, USA Thiseditionfirstpublished2009 2009JohnWiley&SonsLtd Registeredoffice JohnWiley&SonsLtd,TheAtrium,SouthernGate,Chichester,WestSussex,PO198SQ,United Kingdom Fordetailsofourglobaleditorialoffices,forcustomerservicesandforinformationabouthow toapplyforpermissiontoreusethecopyrightmaterialinthisbookpleaseseeourwebsiteat www.wiley.com. Bomb-PulseDating,pp.418–422;RadiocarbonDating,pp.2231–2233;DissociativeDisorders, pp.784–792;FootwearandFootImpressions:FootImpressionsandLinkingFoottoShoe, pp.1244–1248;FootwearandFootImpressions:Overview,pp.1252–1255;ForgedandCounterfeit Documents,pp.1255–1276,areallUSGovernmentworksinthepublicdomainandnotsubjectto copyright. Accreditation:Laboratory,pp.1–10,iscopyrightofTheAmericanSocietyofCrimeLaboratory Directors/LaboratoryAccreditationBoard(ASCLD/LAB)andisusedherewiththeirconsent. JuvenileJustice:AdolescentDevelopment,pp.1608–1612,andJuvenileJustice:TransfertoAdult, pp.1612–1618,arecopyrightoftheJohnD.andCatherineT.MacArthurFoundationandareused herewiththeirconsent. BloodstainPatternInterpretation,pp.97–134,iscopyrightoftheauthorandisusedherewithhis consent. Therightoftheauthorstobeidentifiedastheauthorsofthisworkhasbeenassertedinaccordance withtheCopyright,DesignsandPatentsAct1988. Allrightsreserved.Nopartofthispublicationmaybereproduced,storedinaretrievalsystem, ortransmitted,inanyformorbyanymeans,electronic,mechanical,photocopying,recordingor otherwise,exceptaspermittedbytheUKCopyright,DesignsandPatentsAct1988,withoutthe priorpermissionofthepublisher. Wileyalsopublishesitsbooksinavarietyofelectronicformats.Somecontentthatappearsinprint maynotbeavailableinelectronicbooks. Designationsusedbycompaniestodistinguishtheirproductsareoftenclaimedastrademarks.All brandnamesandproductnamesusedinthisbookaretradenames,servicemarks,trademarksor registeredtrademarksoftheirrespectiveowners.Thepublisherisnotassociatedwithanyproduct orvendormentionedinthisbook.Thispublicationisdesignedtoprovideaccurateandauthoritative informationinregardtothesubjectmattercovered.Itissoldontheunderstandingthatthepublisher isnotengagedinrenderingprofessionalservices.Ifprofessionaladviceorotherexpertassistanceis required,theservicesofacompetentprofessionalshouldbesought. LibraryofCongressCataloging-in-PublicationData Wileyencyclopediaofforensicscience/editorsinchief,AllanJamieson,AndreMoenssens. p.;cm. Includesbibliographicalreferencesandindex. ISBN978-0-470-01826-2(set:cloth) 1.Forensicsciences–Encyclopedias.I.Jamieson,Allan.II.Moenssens,AndreA. III.Title: Encyclopediaofforensicscience. [DNLM:1.ForensicMedicine–Encyclopedias–English.2.Forensic Sciences–Encyclopedias–English.W613W7142009] HV8073.W552009 363.2503–dc22 2009001881 AcataloguerecordforthisbookisavailablefromtheBritishLibrary. Setin91//111/ptTimesbyLaserwordsPrivateLimited,Chennai,India 2 2 PrintedandboundbyGrafosS.A.,Barcelona,Spain Editorial Board Editors-in-Chief Allan Jamieson Andre Moenssens The Forensic Institute Forensics and Law Center Glasgow Columbia City, IN UK USA Editors BEHAVIORAL SCIENCES DNA ANALYSIS OF BIOLOGICAL FLUIDS Carl Edwards Allan Jamieson Four Oaks Institute The Forensic Institute Dover, MA Glasgow USA UK BIOLOGICAL SCIENCES FIRE ANDEXPLOSIVES Allan Jamieson John J. Lentini The Forensic Institute Scientific Fire Analysis, LLC Glasgow Big Pine Key, FL UK USA CRIMINALISTICS INVESTIGATION& LAW ENFORCEMENT Claude Roux Allan M. Scott University of Technology (UTS) University of Central Lancashire (UCLAN) Sydney, New South Wales Preston Australia UK DIGITAL EVIDENCE,MULTIMEDIA LAW AND ENGINEERING Andre Moenssens Zeno Geradts Forensics and Law Center Netherlands Forensic Institute Columbia City, IN Den Haag USA The Netherlands vi Editorial Board MEDICINE TOXICOLOGY AND DRUG ANALYSIS Pekka J. Saukko Olaf H. Drummer University of Turku Monash University Turku Southbank, Victoria Finland Australia STATISTICSANDTHEEVALUATIONOFEVIDENCE TRACE Christophe Champod Sheila Willis Institut de Police Scientifique Forensic Science Laboratory, University of Lausanne Department of Justice, Equality and Lausanne Law Reform Switzerland Garda Headquarters Dublin Tacha N. Hicks Ireland Institut de Police Scientifique University of Lausanne Lausanne Switzerland Contents VOLUME 1 Automatism as a Defense to Crime 253 Autopsy 256 Accreditation: Laboratory 1 Autoradiograph 262 Accreditation: Organizational 10 Acid Phosphatase 17 Addictions 18 Battered Child Syndrome 263 Adversary Systems of Justice 23 Battered Spouse Syndrome 270 Aggression 24 Battered Woman’s Reality 272 Aggression: Gender Differences in 36 Bayesian Networks 276 Airbags 51 Behavioral Science Evidence 281 Alcohol 58 Behavioral Toxicology 290 Alcohol: Analysis 81 Benzodiazepines 293 Alcohol: Behavioral and Medical Best Evidence Rule 298 Effects 99 Biological Agents 299 Alcohol: Interaction with Other Biological Stains 314 Drugs 108 Biological Swabs 320 Alcohol: Use, Abuse, Tolerance, and Biometric Devices 321 Dependency 120 Blood Grouping 338 Allelic Designation 126 Bloodstain Pattern Interpretation 359 Alterations: Erasures and Obliterations Blunt Force Trauma 396 of Documents 128 Bomb Scene Management 411 Amphetamine 134 Bomb-Pulse Dating 418 Amplified Fragment Length Botany 422 Polymorphism 140 Analysis: Computer Network 141 Analysis: Neutron Activation 150 VOLUME 2 Anthropology 152 Anthropology: Age Determination of Cannabis 431 Remains 179 Capacity Assessment 437 Anthropology: Aging the Living 188 Capacity for Independent Living 444 Anthropology: Ancestry and Stature Capacity to Consent to Medical Determination 191 Treatment 450 Archaeology 199 Capacity to Stand Trial 456 Arson Investigation: Misconceptions Capacity to Waive Miranda Rights 463 and Mythology 207 Cardiac and Natural Causes of Asphyxia 224 Sudden Death 468 Assault: Sexually Motivated 234 Case Assessment and Interpretation 483 Autoerotic Deaths 243 Ceiling Principle: DNA 497 Automated Fingerprint Identification Chain of Possession of Tangible System 249 Evidence 498 viii Contents Chemical, Biological, Radiological, Discovery: Depositions 772 and Nuclear Investigations 500 Discovery: Discovery Motions 774 Chemical Warfare Agents 507 Discovery in the United States: Child Sexual Abuse 529 Civil Cases 775 Child Sexual Abuse Accommodation 537 Discovery in the United States: Children: as Defendants 542 Criminal Cases 778 Children: as Witnesses 549 Discovery of Expert Findings 781 Children: Suggestibility of 553 Dissociative Disorders 784 Civil Commitment 556 DNA 792 Civil Law Systems of Justice 561 DNA: an Overview 800 Cocaine 562 DNA: Degraded Samples 816 Cofiler/CofilerPlus 569 DNA: Sources of 821 Compulsion 571 DNA Databases and Evidentiary Compulsion Defense 576 Issues 831 Computer Animation and Simulation Documents: Authentication of 840 Evidence 579 DQα 842 Computers 584 Drug Analysis 844 Confessions: Evidentiary Drug Profiling 851 Reliability of 588 Drug Testing: Urine 860 Confirmation Testing: Toxicology 595 Drug-Facilitated Sexual Assault 868 Crime Scene Documentation 602 Drug-Impaired Driving 877 Crime Scene Investigation 614 Duty to Warn 885 Crime Scene Management 619 Crime Scene Photography: US Earprints: Interpretation of 891 Perspective 625 Education and Accreditation in Crime Victims’ Decision to Report Forensic Science 897 Crime 643 Elder Abuse: Policy 902 Criminalization of the Mentally Ill 649 Elder Abuse: Risk 912 Cross-Examination: Impact on Elderly in Court 916 Testimony 656 Electrical Engineering 920 Cross-Examination of Experts 662 Entomology 934 Environmental Science 946 Dangerousness: Risk of 667 Enzymes 954 Databases 677 Error Rates in Forensic Methods 955 Dating: Document 684 Daubert v. Merrell Dow Ethics: Codes of Conduct for Expert Pharmaceuticals 692 Witnesses 957 Death: Time of 697 Evidence: Rules of 963 Death Penalty and Age 717 Evidence Collection and Preservation: Deception: Detection of 720 Casting 963 Deception: Detection of and Brain Evidence Interpretation: a Logical Imaging 724 Approach 968 Deception: Truth Serum 728 Evil: Illusion of 977 Delusions 741 Examination of Fibers and Textiles 985 Demonstrative Evidence 745 Expert Opinion: Appeal v. Trial 998 Diatoms 748 Expert Opinion: United States 1001 Differential Extraction 757 Expert Opinion: United Kingdom, Direct Examination of Experts 758 Canada, and Australia 1003 Disaster Mental Health 760 Expert Opinion in Court: Disaster Victim Identification 764 a Comparison of Approaches 1004 Contents ix Expert Opinion in Court: Civil Law Footwear and Foot Impressions: Foot Jurisdictions (France, Germany, Impressions and Linking Foot to Italy, and Spain) 1007 Shoe 1244 Expert Witness: Who Is? 1012 Footwear and Foot Impressions: Expert Witnesses: Selection and Intelligence 1248 Investigation of Credentials 1013 Footwear and Foot Impressions: Explosions: Scene Investigation 1019 Overview 1252 Explosion Debris: Laboratory Forged and Counterfeit Documents 1255 Analysis of 1028 Foundation Testimony 1276 Friction Ridge Examination Extraction 1060 (Fingerprints): Interpretation of 1277 Eyewitness: Suggestibility of 1065 Friction Ridge Skin: Comparison Eyewitness Lineups: Identification and Identification 1282 from 1072 Friction Ridge Skin: Fingerprint Eyewitness Testimony 1075 Detection and Recovery Techniques 1292 Friction Ridge Skin: Interaction VOLUME 3 between Fingerprint Detection Facial Comparison 1081 and DNA/Biological Material 1318 Facial Reconstruction 1086 Friction Ridge Skin: Morphogenesis Falsifiability Theory 1093 and Overview 1322 Federal Rule of Evidence 702 1095 Frye v. United States 1331 Fibers 1095 General Acceptance Test for Novel Fire: Chemistry of 1103 Expert Evidence 1333 Fire: Dynamics and Pattern General Electric v. Joiner 1334 Production 1112 Genomics and Behavioral Evidence 1335 Fire: Scene Investigation 1122 Geographical Identification by Viral Fire and Explosion Investigations: Genotyping 1342 Overview 1136 Glass 1348 Fire Debris: Laboratory Analysis of 1137 Glass Evidence: Fire Investigator: Standardization, Bayesian Approach to 1351 Accreditation, and Certification 1171 GSM Analysis and PDAs 1360 Fire Modeling and Its Application Guardianships of Adults 1371 in Fire Investigation 1175 Gunshot Wounds 1380 Firearm Discharge Residue: Analysis of 1189 Hair: Animal 1403 Firearm Examination: Ballistics 1200 Hair: Microscopic Analysis 1415 Firearms: Bullet and Cartridge Case Hair: Toxicology 1427 Identification 1204 Hallucinations 1432 Firearms: Identification of Handling Handwriting and Signatures, of Firearms/Trace Metal Comparison of 1436 Detection 1211 Handwriting and Signatures, Firearms: Overview 1216 Interpretation of Comparison Firearms: Scene Investigation 1219 Results 1451 Firesetting 1225 Hardy-Weinberg Equilibrium 1458 Footwear and Foot Impressions: Head Injury: Neuropsychological Comparison and Identification 1230 Assessment 1459 Footwear and Foot Impressions: Hearsay Evidence 1465 Databases 1240 Histology 1468

“This is an excellent and indispensable encyclopedia…it is virtually a goldmine of information.” - Internet Journal of Forensic Medicine and ToxicologyThis A-Z encyclopedia provides a definitive and comprehensive reference on the main areas of specialist and expert knowledge and skills used by
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