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Wild multidegrees of the form (d,d_2,d_3) for given d greather than or equal to 3 PDF

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Preview Wild multidegrees of the form (d,d_2,d_3) for given d greather than or equal to 3

WILD MULTIDEGREES OF THE FORM (d,d ,d ) FOR GIVEN d 2 3 GREATHER THAN OR EQUAL TO 3 MAREKKARAS´,JAKUBZYGADL O 2 1 Abstract. Let d be any number greather than or equal to 3. We show that the intersection of the 0 set mdeg(Aut(C3))\mdeg(Tame(C3)) with {(d1,d2,d3) ∈ (N+)3 : d = d1 ≤ d2 ≤ d3} has infinitely 2 manyelements, wheremdegh=(degh1,...,deghn)denotes the multidegree of apolynomial mapping h=(h1,...,hn):Cn →Cn. In other words, we show that there is infiniltely many wild multidegrees n oftheform(d,d2,d3),withfixedd≥3andd≤d2≤d3,whereasequences (d1,...,dn)∈Nn isawild Ja multidegree ifthereisapolynomialautomorphismF ofCn withmdegF =(d1,...,dn),andthereisno tameautmorphimofCn withthesamemultidegree. 3 ] 1. Introduction G A In the following we will write Aut(Cn) for the group of the all polynomial automorphisms of Cn and . Tame(Cn) for the subgroup of Aut(Cn) containing all the tame automorphisms. Let us recall that a h polynomialautomorphismF iscalledtame ifF canbeexpressedasacompositionoflinearandtriangular t a automorphisms, where G = (G ,...,G ) ∈ Aut(Cn) is called linear if degG = 1 for i = 1,...n, and 1 n i m H = (H ,...,H ) ∈ Aut(Cn) is called triangular if for some permutation σ of {1,...,n} we have 1 n ∗ [ Hσ(i)−ci·xσ(i) belongs to C[xσ(1),...,xσ(i−1)] for i=1,...,n and some ci ∈C =C\{0}. Here degh denotes the total degree of a polynomial h∈C[x ,...,x ]. 1 1 n v Let F = (f1,...,f3) ∈ Aut(Cn). By multidegree of F we mean the sequence mdegF = (degf1,..., 4 degfn). One can consider the function (also denoted mdeg) mapping Aut(Cn)) into Nn+ = (N\{0})n. 3 It is well-known [1, 2] that 7 0 (1) mdeg(Aut(C2))=mdeg(Tame(C2))={(d ,d )∈N2 : d |d or d |d }, 1 2 + 1 2 2 1 . 1 but in the higher dimension (even for n = 3) the situation is much more complicated and the question 0 about the sets mdeg(Aut(Cn) and mdeg(Tame(Cn)) is still not well recognized. The very first results 2 1 [4] about the sets mdeg(Tame(Cn)) for n > 2, say that (3,4,5)∈/ mdeg(Tame(C3)) and (d1,...,dn) ∈ : mdeg(Tame(Cn))foralld ≤d ≤...≤d withd ≤n−1.Next,in[5]itwasprovedthatforanyprime v 1 2 n 1 numbers p >p ≥3 andd ≥p , we have(p ,p ,d )∈mdeg(Tame(C3)) if andonly ifd ∈p N+p N. i 2 1 3 2 1 2 3 3 1 2 X The complete characterization of the set mdeg(Tame(C3))∩{(3,d ,d ) : 3 ≤ d ≤ d } was given in 2 3 2 3 r [6]. The result says that (3,d ,d ), with 3≤d ≤d , belongs to mdeg(Tame(C3)) if and only if 3|d or a 2 3 2 3 2 d ∈3N+d N.The similarresultaboutthe setmdeg(Tame(C3))∩{(5,d ,d ) : 5≤d ≤d }andmore 3 2 2 3 2 3 other results are given in [7]. In the rest of the paper we will work with n = 3 and we will write C[x,y,z] instead of C[x ,x ,x ]. 1 2 3 Let (2) W =mdeg(Aut(C3)))\mdeg(Tame(C3)) and (3) W =W ∩{(d ,d ,d )∈N3 :d=d ≤d ≤d }. d 1 2 3 + 1 2 3 Note that for the famous Nagata automorphism x x−2y(y2+zx)−z(y2+zx)2     (4) N :C3 ∋ y 7→ y+z(y2+zx) ∈C3,     z z     1 whichisknowntobewildautomorphism,i.e. N ∈/ Tame(C3),wehavemdegN =(5,3,1)∈mdeg(Tame(C3)). Thus, mdegN is not an element of W (in other words, mdegN is not a wild multidegree). Besides of this the autors proved that the set W is not empty, and even more that this set is infinite [8]. Now we show the following refinement of that result: Theorem 1.1. Let d>2 be any number. The set W = mdeg(Aut(C3))\mdeg(Tame(C3)) ∩{(d ,d ,d )∈(N )3 :d=d ≤d ≤d } d 1 2 3 + 1 2 3 (cid:2) (cid:3) is infinite. The proof of the theorem will be given separetly for odd numbers d ≥ 3 (section 2), even numbers d>4 (section 3) and finally for d=4 (section 4). Note also the following remarks: Remark 1.2. The sets W and W are empty, i.e. if d ∈ {1,2} then for every d ,d ∈ N such that 1 2 2 3 + d≤d ≤d one can show a tame automorphism F of C3 satisfying mdegF =(d,d ,d ). 2 3 2 3 For d = 1 one can take F(x,y,z) = (x,y+xd2,z+xd3), while for d = 2 one can use [7, Cor. 3.3] or [4, Cor. 2.3]. Remark 1.3. Let d≤e and define W ={(d ,d ,d )∈N3 :d=d ,e=d ≤d }. Then the set W d,e 1 2 3 + 1 2 3 d,e is finite. The proof of the above result can be found in [11] or [7, Thm. 8.1]. 2. The case of odd number d 2.1. Elements of mdeg(Aut(C3)). In this section we show the following two lemmas. Lemma 2.1. Let r,k ∈N . If r ≡1(mod 4),then + (5) (r,r+2k,r+4k)∈mdeg(Aut(C3)). Proof. Since r ≡1(mod 4), we have r =4l+1 for some l∈N . Let + (6) F =(T ◦N )◦(T ◦N ), k l ∗ where T (x,y,z)=(z,y,x) and for any m∈N x x−2y(y2+zx)m−z(y2+zx)2m (7) N :C3 ∋ y 7→ y+z(y2+zx)m ∈Cn. m     z z     Onecanseethatmdeg (T ◦N )=(1,1+2l,1+4l).Moreover,ifweput(f,g,h):=T◦N ,theng2+fh= l l Y2+ZX. Thus F = (T ◦N )◦(f,g,h) k = h,g+h(Y2+ZX)k,f −2g(Y2+ZX)k−h(Y2+ZX)2k . (cid:0) (cid:1) Since degh>max{degf,degg}, one can see that (8) mdegF =(4l+1,(4l+1)+2k,(4l+1)+4k). (cid:3) Lemma 2.2. For every r,k ∈N , we have + (9) (r,r+k(r+1),r+2k(r+1))∈mdeg(Aut(C3)). Proof. Assume that r >1. Let (10) (f,g,h)=(X,Y,Z+Xr) and put (11) F =(T ◦N )◦(f,g,h). k 2 Since (12) F = h,g+h(g2+fh)k,f −2g(g2+fh)k−z(g2+fh)2k (cid:0) (cid:1) and degh=r >max{degf,degg}, one can see that deg g2+fh =r+1 and so (cid:0) (cid:1) (13) mdegF =(r,r+k(r+1),r+2k(r+1)). If r=1, then one can take F =T ◦N . (cid:3) k 2.2. Elements outside mdeg(Tame(C3)). In this section we show the following two lemmas. Lemma 2.3. Let r,k ∈N . If r >1 is odd and gcd(r,k)=1, then + (14) (r,r+2k,r+4k)∈/ mdeg(Tame(C3)). Lemma 2.4. Let r,k ∈N . If r >1 is odd and gcd(r,k)=1, then + (15) (r,r+k(r+1),r+2k(r+1))∈/ mdeg(Tame(C3)). In the proofs of the above lemmas we will use the following Theorem 2.5 ([8], Thm. 2.1). Let d ≥d >d ≥3 be positive integers. If d and d are odd numbers 3 2 1 1 2 such that gcd(d ,d )=1, then (d ,d ,d )∈mdeg(Tame(C3)) if and only if d ∈d N+d N, i.e. if and 1 2 1 2 3 3 1 2 only if d is a linear combination of d and d with coefficients in N. 3 1 2 Proof of Lemma 2.3. Note that the numbers r and r+2k are odd. Moreover, (16) gcd(r,r+2k)=gcd(r,2k), and since r is odd, (17) gcd(r,2k)=gcd(r,k)=1. Assume that r+4k ∈rN+(r+2k)N. Since 2(r+2k)>r+4k and r ∤(r+4k), we have (18) r+4k=r+2k+mr, for some m ∈ N. By (22), 2k = mr. Since r is odd, the last equality means that r|k, a contradiction. Thus r+4k∈/ rN+(r+2k)N, and by Theorem 2.5 we obtain a thesis. (cid:3) Proof of Lemma 2.4. Since r+1 is even, it follows that the numbers r and r+k(r+1) are odd. Moreover, (19) gcd(r,r+k(r+1))=gcd(r,k(r+1)), and since gcd(r,k)=1, (20) gcd(r,k(r+1))=gcd(r,r+1)=gcd(r,1)=1. Similarily (21) gcd(r,r+2k(r+1))=gcd(r,2k(r+1))=gcd(r,r+1)=1. In particular r ∤r+2k(r+1). Assumethatr+2k(r+1)∈rN+(r+k(r+1))N.Since2(r+k(r+1))>r+2k(r+1)andr ∤r+2k(r+1), we have (22) r+2k(r+1)=r+k(r+1)+mr, for some m ∈ N. By (22), k(r+1) = mr. Since gcd(r,k) = 1, the last equality means that r|r +1, a contradiction. Thus r+2k(r+1)∈/ rN+(r+k(r+1))N, and by Theorem 2.5 we obtain a thesis. (cid:3) 3 2.3. Proof of the theorem in the case of odd d. Takeanyoddnumber d>1.If d≡1(mod 4), then by Lemmas 2.1 and 2.3 we have (23) {(d,d+2k,d+4k):gcd(d,k)=1}⊂mdeg(Aut(C3))\mdeg(Tame(C3)). If d≡3(mod 4), then by Lemmas 2.2 and 2.4 we have {(d,d+k(d+1),d+2k(d+1)):gcd(d,k)=1} ⊂ mdeg(Aut(C3))\mdeg(Tame(C3)). Since the set {k ∈N :gcd(d,k)=1} is infinite, the result follows. + 3. The case of even number d>4 3.1. Preparatory calculations. Fix even number d > 4 and take k ∈ N such that gcd(d,k) = 1. + Consider the automorphisms of C3: (24) H (x,y,z)=(x,y,z+xd) d and N defined as in (7). Note that N = exp(D·σk), where D = ∂ +z ∂ −2y ∂ and σ = y2+xz. k k ∂z ∂y ∂x One can easily check that D is locally nilpotent derivation on C[x,y,z] and σ ∈ kerD, so σk ·D is also locally nilpotent. We will consider automorphisms F of the form: d,k (25) F =T ◦N ◦H d,k k d where T is defined as in the proof of Lemma 2.1. An easy calculation shows (even for d=4) that (26) mdegF =(d,d+k(d+1),d+2k(d+1)) d,k and writing d =d, d =d+k(d+1) and d =d+2k(d+1) gives 1 2 3 (27) gcd(d ,d )=gcd(d,d+k(d+1))=gcd(d,k)=1 1 2 (28) gcd(d ,d )=gcd(d+k(d+1),d+2k(d+1))=gcd(d+k(d+1),d)=1 2 3 and (29) gcd(d ,d )=gcd(d,d+2k(d+1))=gcd(d,2k)=gcd(d,2)=2. 1 3 We will prove that no tame automorphism of C3 has the same multidegree as F . Suppose to the d,k contrary that F = (F ,F ,F ) ∈ Tame(C3) and mdegF = (d ,d ,d ). As F is not linear, due to the 1 2 3 1 2 3 result of Shestakovand Umirbaev [9, 10], F must admit an elementary reduction or a reduction of types I-IV (see e.g. [9, Def. 1-3]). 3.2. Elementary reductions. Recall that an elementary reduction on i-th coordinate F of F occurs i whenthereexistsG(x,y)∈C[x,y]suchthatdeg(F −G(F ,F ))<degF ,where{i,j,k}={1,2,3}. We i j k i will use extensively the following Proposition 3.1 (see e.g. [7, Prop. 2.7] or [9, Thm.2]). Suppose that f,g ∈ C[X ,...,X ] are alge- 1 n braically independent and such that f¯∈/ C[g¯] and g¯ ∈/ C[f¯] (h¯ denotes the highest homogeneous part of h). Assume that degf <degg, put degf (30) p= gcd(degf,degg) and suppose that G(x,y)∈C[x,y] with deg G(x,y)=pq+r, 0≤r <p. Then y (31) degG(f,g)≥q(pdegg−degg−degf +deg[f,g])+rdegg SupposethatF admitsanelementaryreductiononfirstcoordinate,i.e. deg(F −G(F ,F ))<degF = 1 2 3 1 d for some G ∈ C[x,y]. Consequently degG(F ,F ) = d . By (28), we know that p := d2 = d . 1 2 3 1 gcd(d2,d3) 2 Thus, from the above proposition applied to f =F and g =F we get 2 3 (32) degG(F ,F )≥q(pd −d −d +deg[F ,F ])+rd ≥q(d −1)(d −1)+rd 2 3 3 3 2 2 3 3 2 3 3 Since d < (d −1)(d −1) and d < d we obtain that q = 0 and r = 0. That is deg G(x,y) = 0 and 1 2 3 1 3 y G(x,y)=u(x). But then d =degG(F ,F )=degu(F )=d ·degu, which is a contradiction. 1 2 3 2 2 4 Similarly,supposethatF admitsanelementaryreductiononthirdcoordinate,i.e. deg(F −G(F ,F ))< 3 1 2 degF =d for some G∈C[x,y]. So degG(F ,F )=d . Since p:= d1 =d≥3 by (27), it follows 3 3 1 2 3 gcd(d1,d2) that applying Proposition 3.1 to f =F and g =F we get 1 2 (33) degG(F ,F )≥q(pd −d −d +deg[F ,F ])+rd ≥q(2k(d+1)+d+2)+rd . 1 2 2 2 1 1 2 2 2 Now, since d < 2k(d+1)+d+2 and d < 2d , we obtain that q = 0 and r ∈ {0,1}. If r = 0, we 3 3 2 get deg G(x,y) = 0 and so G(x,y) = u(x). But then d = degG(F ,F ) = degu(F ) = d ·degu, y 3 1 2 1 1 which is a contradiction because gcd(d ,d ) ≤ 2 < d . If r = 1, we get G(x,y) = u(x)+yv(x) and so 3 1 1 d =degG(F ,F )=deg(u(F )+F v(F )). Since degF and degF are coprime, deg(u(F )+F v(F )) 3 1 2 1 2 1 1 2 1 2 1 mustbe equaleithertod ·deguortod +d ·degv. Consequently,d =d ·deguord =d +d ·degv. 1 2 1 3 1 3 2 1 First case leads to a contradiction since gcd(d ,d ) = 2 < d and second since gcd(d − d ,d ) = 3 1 1 3 2 1 gcd(k(d+1),d)=1<d . 1 NowsupposethatF admitsanelementaryreductiononsecondcoordinate. Thendeg(F −G(F ,F ))< 2 1 3 degF = d for some G ∈ C[x,y] and so degG(F ,F ) = d . Let us put p = d1 and apply 2 2 1 3 2 gcd(d1,d3) Proposition 3.1 to f =F and g =F . We will show that deg G(x,y)=0. By (29), p= d ≥2 and so 1 3 y 2 degG(F ,F ) ≥ q(pd −d −d +deg[F ,F ])+rd 1 3 3 3 1 1 3 3 d−2 ≥ q( (2k(d+1)+d)−d+2)+rd 3 2 ≥ q((d−2)k(d+1)+2)+rd ≥q(k(d+1)+d+2)+rd 3 3 Sinced <k(d+1)+d+2andd <d ,weobtainthatq =0andr =0sodeg G(x,y)=0. Consequently, 2 2 3 y we get G(x,y) = u(x). But then d = degG(F ,F ) = degu(F ) = d ·degu, which is a contradiction 2 1 3 1 1 since gcd(d ,d )=1<d . 2 1 1 To summarize: if F is a tame automorphism with multidegree equal to mdegF , then F does not d,k admit an elementary reduction. 3.3. Shestakov-Umirbaev reductions. Bytheprevioussubsectionandthefollowingtheoremweonly need to check that no autmorphism of C3 with multidegree (d ,d ,d )=(d,d+k(d+1),d+2k(d+1)) 1 2 3 admits a reduction of type III. Theorem 3.2 ([7, Thm. 3.15]). Let (d ,d ,d ) 6= (1,1,1), d ≤ d ≤ d , be a sequence of positive 1 2 3 1 2 3 integers. To prove that there is no tame automorphism F of C3 with mdegF =(d ,d ,d ) it is enough to 1 2 3 show that a (hypothetical) automorphism F of C3 with mdegF = (d ,d ,d ) admits neither a reduction 1 2 3 of type III nor an elementary reduction. Moreover, if we additionally assume that d3 = 3 or 3∤d ,then d2 2 1 it is enough to show that no (hypothetical) automorphism of C3 with multidegree (d ,d ,d ) admits an 1 2 3 elementary reduction. In both cases we can restrict our attention to automorphisms F : C3 → C3 such that F(0,0,0)=(0,0,0). But, since d is even, it follows that 2 ∤ d by (27). Hence, no automorphism of C3 with multidegree 1 2 (d ,d ,d ) admits a reduction of type III by the following remark. 1 2 3 Remark 3.3 ([7,Rmk. 3.9]). If an automorphism F of C3 with mdegF =(d ,d ,d ), 1≤d ≤d ≤d , 1 2 3 1 2 3 admits a reduction of type III, then (1) 2|d , 2 (2) 3|d or d3 = 3. 1 d2 2 4. The case of d=4 Let us consider the mapping F defined as in (25) for k ∈ N with gcd(4,k) = 1 (in other words, 4,k + for odd k). By (27) and (29), we know that d is odd and d is even. Then, since d −d = 5k > 1 2 3 3 2 and mdegF =(4,4+5k,4+10k)=:(d ,d ,d ) by (26), it follows that the result of Theorem 1.1, for 4,k 1 2 3 d=4, is a consequence of the following Theorem 4.1 ([7, Thm. 6.10]). If d ≥ 5 is odd and d ≥ d is even such that d −d 6= 1, then 2 3 2 3 2 (4,d ,d )∈mdeg Tame C3 if and only if d ∈4N+d N. 2 3 3 2 (cid:0) (cid:0) (cid:1)(cid:1) 5 In fact, if we assume that d ∈ 4N+d N, then we get d = d +4m for some m ∈ N, since 2d > d 3 2 3 2 2 3 and 4∤d . Hence, 5k =d −d =4m. Since k is odd, this is a contradiction. 3 3 2 References [1] H.W.E.Jung,UberganzebirationaleTransformationenderEbene,J.reineangew.Math.184(1942), 161-174. [2] W.vanderKulk,Onpolynomialringsintwovariables,NieuwArchiefvoorWiskunde(3)1(1953), 33-41. [3] A. van den Essen, Polynomial Automorphisms and the Jacobian Conjecture, Birkhauser Verlag, Basel-Boston-Berlin (2000). [4] M. Kara´s, There is no tame automorphism of C3with multidegree (3,4,5), Proc. Am. Math. Soc., 139, no. 3 (2011) 769-775. 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L ojasiewicza 6 30-348 Krako´w Poland e-mail: [email protected] and Jakub Zygad lo Instytut Informatyki, Wydzia l Matematyki i Informatyki Uniwersytetu Jagiellon´skiego ul. L ojasiewicza 6 30-348 Krako´w Poland e-mail: [email protected] 6

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