Why We Shouldn’t Forget Multicast in Name-oriented Publish/Subscribe Thomas C. Schmidt Matthias Wählisch HAW Hamburg, Dept. Informatik FU Berlin, Inst. für Informatik Berliner Tor 7 Takustraße 9 D–20099 Hamburg, Germany D–14195 Berlin, Germany Email: [email protected] Email: [email protected] 2 Abstract—Name-oriented networks introduce the vision of an model features the following relevant aspects. 1 information-centric, secure, globally available publish-subscribe • Dataispushedtoreceivers,supportingmultipletransport 0 infrastructure.Currentapproachesconcentrateonunicast-based streams in parallel and eliminating the need to ask for 2 pullmechanismsandtherebyfallshortinautomaticallyupdating content changes. content at receivers. In this paper, we argue that an inclu- n sion of multicast will grant additional benefits to the network • Datadistributionsupportsimmediatein-networkforward- a layer, namely efficient distribution of real-time data, a many- ingandissuitableforefficient,scalablereal-timestream- J to-many communication model, and simplified rendezvous pro- ing in particular. This mainly covers the use case of 1 cesses. These aspects are comprehensively reflected by a group- real-time date dissemination without storage or caching oriented naming concept that integrates the various available ] group schemes and introduces new use cases. A first draft of requirements. NI thisname-orientedmulticastaccesshasbeenimplementedinthe • The multicast model contributes many-to-many commu- H∀Mcastmiddleware. nication, which is valuable whenever information is cre- . s Index Terms—Content Centric Networks, Multicast, Naming, ated at distributed origins. Multi-source communication c Addressing, Security, Routing using a single name faces strong conceptual difficulties [ in unicast-based CCNs. 1 I. INTRODUCTION • Multicast group communicationenables rendezvouspro- v 9 The search for future directions in Internet development cesses, as publishers and subscribers remain decoupled 4 has drawn significantattention to name-based communication and unknown to each other. 3 concepts that are built upon the publish/subscribe paradigm. Inthisdiscussionpaper,wecollectargumentsforthecaseof 0 Inspired by the Web use case and widely deployed content multicast communication in name-oriented pub/sub networks. . 1 distribution networks, the proposed Content or Information Led by the observationthat a majority of today’s applications 0 Centric Networks (CCN/ICN) abandon the current Internet rely on group communication,1 we start with a discussion 2 model of connecting end nodes. Instead, consumers shall of various multicast aspects that are missing in the current 1 retrievecontentbynamedirectlyfromanetworkthatprovides CCN models. In the core, we continue with a thorough : v storage, caching, content-based rendezvous, and searching at conceptual examination of naming, addressing, grouping and Xi times. security for multicast communication in information-centric Several proposals have been presented in recent years, networking.We presentan integrativeproposalfor a common r a among them TRIAD [1], DONA [2], NDN [3], [4], multicast access scheme that donates particular attention to PSIRP/LIPSIN[5],andNetInf[6].Theschemesdifferinnam- the programming side, as well as an overview of the various ing/addressing, routing/rendezvous, security/authentication, routing options. forwarding/caching, and minor design choices, but jointly Our naming concepts that include hierarchies and aggrega- consider Multicast at most as a side property of data paths. tionaswellasnamedinstantiationscomplytotheprinciplesof Only very recently, COPSS [7] has broughtup the discussion “push enabled dissemination”, “decoupling of publishers and of relevance for a group distribution model in CCN. COPSS subscribers”, and “support hierarchies and context in naming targets at seamlessly extending NDN by a specific multicast content” as postulated in [7]. In addition, we are able to servicebasedonPIM-typerendezvouspoints,therebyomitting expressfurthergroupconceptssuchasselectivebroadcastand a broader discussion about naming, addressing, routing and selective data origins, and clearly separate content from node security. The present paper attempts to fill this gap. namesin our syntax.Thelatter is of particularimportancefor Multicast is the traditional approach to publish/subscribe buildingconceptuallyclear,type-safeprogrammingmodelson on the Internetlayer [8]. In contrast to CCN networks, which top of our networking concept. also facilitate the consumption of a single (cached) data copy The remainder of this paper is structured as follows. In by multiple receivers, multicast enforces a highly efficient, Section II we discuss the problem space and identify the scalable data forwarding which is even used in MultiCache 1Group communication today is - similar to content distribution - almost [9] to improve the CCN efficiency. In addition, the multicast always implemented ontheapplication layer. unique contributionsthe multicast model can add to the CCN restricted to unbufferedpush. Intermediatenodes do not store paradigm. Section III is dedicated to naming and its implica- content in advance or cache the content for subsequent re- tions for group forming, routing and security. A summary on ceivers.In contrast, CCN/ICN initiates data replicationby the available routing options is presented in Section IV. Finally, network itself. Early previous work in the context of web Section V concludes on the achievements, provides reference cachingconsidersmulticastconjointlywithconsumer-oriented to our implementationand previewson the upcomingsteps in content placement. In the extreme case, a web server would this ongoing work. continuously transmit content to a multicast group that will bejoinedbyWWW clients.However,thisisonlyefficientfor II. WHY DO WE NEEDMULTICASTIN continuous content and may be generalized by push-caching NAME-ORIENTEDNETWORKS? schemes [12]. CCN/ICN-style networks introduce the vision of a secure, efficient, globally available publish/subscribe system. In the B. Ease Content Replication current Internet, the publish/subscribe paradigm has been Contentreplicationdescribestheprocessto disseminatethe implemented by multicast, even though it is not globally same data to different places. The content may be delivered deployed,yet,andonlypresentatthe intra-domainlevel.This directly to the consumers or stored at pre-located content paradigmatic coincidence raises two questions: What are the repositories. Replication provides a consistent view on the differencesbetween multicast and contentcentric networks in distributed content. In this sense it differs from caching, detail? Why should we should care about multicast on the which applies local replacement strategies and thus may lead CCN layer? to inconsistencies. Network layer multicast implements an efficient way to replicate content towards interested peers. A. Recap the Multicast Model Network-based content replication is motivated by two Themulticastcommunicationmodelimplementsthefollow- reasons: the reduction of network costs (i.e., eliminate re- ing functions: dundant data transmission) and the improvement of the end 1) Explicit data subscription by receivers. user experience (i.e., decrease delay). There are three generic 2) Delocalized content storage. applicationscenarios,inwhichthisishelpful(seeFigure1).In 3) Content replication per group. thefirstcase,asinglenodeaccessesthecontentmultipletimes. 4) Open group as well as closed group concept. This may occur due to limited local buffers at lightweight A multicast listener must join a multicast group to re- mobile nodes, for example. To achieve both goals of content ceive the corresponding data. Based on the subscription, replication, the data should be stored as close as possible distribution paths will be established dynamically. Thus, the to the receiver and as long as possible to avoid unnecessary network infrastructure delivers multicast data only to those retransmissions. nodes that requested the data explicitly. This is the nature of The second case describes a host that downloads content publish/subscribe systems and in contrast to current unicast one-time. The delivery should be as fast as possible. In communication,inwhichasendermaytransmitdatatoparties contrast to the previous scenario, the content can be deleted onthenetworklayerthatneveragreedonthecommunication. immediatelyafterthe accessto releasememoryresources,but In principle, the multicast group model splits up in one-to- must be available in advance to diminish network delay. many(SourceSpecificMulticast)andmany-to-manymulticast If multiple nodes request the same content in parallel (Any Source Multicast). The latter is open per se, while (i.e., a case for multicast), the content needs replication at the first allows for closed groups. Securing multicast group several branch points. From a network efficiency perspective, management has been discussed since a while [10], even such replication should not be simply performed close to for the mobile regime, where self-certifying group identifiers contentconsumer,butfocuson a groupperspective.Fromthe have been proposed to prevent a distribution of content by alternative storage point of view, content should be placed in illegitimate sources [11]. the vicinity of the receivers. Any source multicast inherently provides functions to ad- In all three scenarios, an optimal replication strategy de- dress content by an identifier that is fully decoupled from the pends on the use case. To prevent repeated transmissions of actual storing host. On the application side, there is no direct the same content, a distributed storage is important for long- binding between content ID and host address of the source. living data. The subset of participating peers determines the Contentcan be providedby one or multiple arbitrarysources, distance between content repository and the consumers. An while receivers need not resolve the location of content. advanced knowledge about the type of content (multicast vs. From both perspectives, receiver-driven content access and unicast),thus,mayhelptoimprovetheunderlyingdistribution content naming instead of addressing, multicast and content- mechanism. As already noted in [12], a subscription-oriented centric networkingfollow the same paradigm.However,there modeleases the identification of contentthat is of interest for is an importantdifferencein how contentis duplicatedwithin receivers and so improves pre-fetching of the data. Named- the network. data networkingmay benefitfroman explicitconsiderationof Contentreplicationinmulticastisinitiatedbythereceivers. multicast, as this enables to adjust replication strategies,and Multicast on the data link, network, and transport layer is thus reduces complexity and saves costs. does not indicate the absence of a content source, as there are several multicast applications that announce data only sporadically (e.g., NTP). The currentnetworking layer is also not aware of multicast sources on a global scale. Broadcast- like routing schemes such as DVMRP are not suitable for inter-domain routing. On the other hand, protocols based on rendezvouspointssuchasPIM-SMdonotinformparticipating (a) Repeated access: (b) One-time access: (c) Synchronous On-demand replication Storage in advance multi-party access: routers about the arrival of a new source. close to the consumer, closetotheconsumer, Storing of content Content-centric networks may or may not operate similar data caching for further but data can be re- in the vicinity of a to multicast and omit or provide an explicit error signaling access. movedafteraccess. groupofconsumers. on the distributionlayer. Only the correspondingfunctioncan Fig.1. Different content replication scenarios thenbereflectedatthecontentprogramminginterface.Conse- quently, an application programmer needs to handle one (the alternate) case on his own (e.g., by timeouts). However, this C. Synchronous Content Access burdens complexity to the implementation site. The support Multicast describes a distribution mechanism is closely of both mechanisms, pull-oriented unicast and push-awaiting bound to specific content types. Remaining indifferent to multicast, is indeed desirable. multicastandunicastcontentreducestheabilitytoconsiderthe underlying semantic at the application site. Multicast content III. NAMING AND ADDRESSING IN MULTICAST is synchronously accessed by multiple receivers. Any receiver Traditionally, naming and addressing in multicast-type who is interested in the content gets the same (sub-)piece of group communication follow technology. Group addresses dataatthesametime,evenifthecontentdescriptorreferstoa in IP that serve the ASM model have never successfully set of fragments. A video stream, which naturally consists of entered DNS, while no naming standard supports source- multiple sequences, may serve as one example. The pub/sub specific (S,G)-channels. Similarly, overlay and application- paradigmofCCN/ICN grantssufficientflexibilitytoallowfor layer schemes have been built on diverse hashing or naming the identification of any single piece of continuous content, conventions that remain bound to specific use of routing but requires polling of each data packet [13]. or application processing. At present, programmers need to Any abstraction from the packet level in CCN/ICN creates decide on deployment technologies by selecting types for a confusing compexity. For exanmpe, a dedicated scene may names or addresses. be named by time.movie.cnn.com. However, accessing Multicast today does not involve a clear concept of ad- this content leaves the outcome ambiguous: Either the video dressing. On the Internet layer, ‘multicast addresses’ are de- starts playingor the consumerjumpsinto a subsequentscene. localized parameters for routing states, unless unicast route As long as there is no differentiation between multicast and informationisincludedforsources[14]orrendezvous[15].A non-multicast content, only one option can be implemented, similarpictureisvisibleforapplicationlayermulticast,where and there is no meaningful default behavior. rendezvous [16], instantiation [17] or reflector services are the only use of location semantics in multicast group names. D. Application Programming Following such observations, John Day coined “Multicast The programming of multicast applications follows a dif- addresses is a set of distributed application names” [18, p. ferent perspective as compared to unicast. In multicast, a 329].Upuntilnow,traditionalnetworkinghasfailedtodeliver programmer opens a socket, subscribes to content, and waits a uniformly applicable naming and addressing concept for for an arrival of data for the time of interest. An application groups,astheydo notrepresentroutingendpoints.Thenewly program thus decouples the time of data reception from alignedperspectiveofageneralpublish-subscribeparadigmin the instance of its readiness, but attempts to synchronize to networking may encourage to undertake this approach anew. transmission. In the case that content is not available during A. Design Aspects for Multicast Names the subscription period, the application programmer does not experience an error, neither seeing the distribution system at Starting from the plain objective of naming groups, one fail, nor the application layer. In contrast, when a chunk or couldbetemptedtooptforsimplestringidentifiers.However, file is accessed in unicast communication,the connectionend the design of a naming scheme for multicast groups bears pointexperiencesanerrorwheneverthecontentisunavailable. a number of specific aspects that go beyond flat strings or The networking layer triggers an unreachable message for a unicast-type content subscription. We discuss core aspects in connectionthat cannotbe established,or the applicationlayer the following. typically responds with a failure messages (e.g., HTTP 404). 1) Coverage of Group Semantics: A uniform naming The availability of multicast content cannot easily be ver- scheme for multicast should cover the large variety of preva- ified. The content consumer is not aware of any multicast lentgroupsemantics.Inparticular,anapplicationprogrammer source prior to data arrival, and thus cannot check whether should not be forced into selecting an interface or data type a potential content source is available. The absence of data that predefines the kind of group management or distribution technique. Multicast names, instead, need to provide the 4) Hierarchy and Aggregation: Hierarchical naming in- expressivenessofallmulticastflavourswithinasingle(meta-) troduces aggregation, which bears an inherent concept of datatype.Applicationcodeincludinguserinterfacesmaythus grouping. The corresponding expressiveness of names gives remain transparent with respect to the distribution system, rise to a number of group applications. while its corresponding intelligence can be established at the A selective broadcast may for instance become acces- end system or network level. sible by ‘wildcarding’: Suppose there are news channels 2) Namespace Support: The heterogeneity of multicast [email protected],[email protected],etc.Simul- semantic, but also diverse aspects of routing and transport taneouspublishingtoall(possiblyunknown)channelsmaybe request for a variable interpretation and processing of group enabled via *@cnn.com. names. For example, the routing system may need to contact For a subscriber-centric example, consider a layered video a mapping service in some instances, in others multicast data stream blockbuster available at different qualities Q , i may be accessible via distributed content replication servers each of which consist of the base layer plus the sum (e.g., a CDN) that are expressed as a set of instantiations. of EL ,j ≤ i enhancement layers. Each individual layer j A name may further hint to an address mapping in a default may then be accessible by a nameEL .Q .blockbuster, j i technology, or indicate a cryptographic algorithm. j ≤ i, while a specific quality aggregates the corresponding In all these cases, the network, the end system, or the layers to Q .blockbuster,and the full-size movie may be i application are required to identify and process the encod- just called blockbuster. ings and operate accordingly. To allow for an unambiguous It may be useful to aggregate instances of publications, as interpretation and a type-safe implementation, indicators of well. Multiple news channels, for example, may be available namespaces are of versatile use. from [email protected], [email protected],.... A sub- 3) Instantiation: Themodelofsource-specificmulticastre- scribermaywish to select multiplechannelsjointlyexpressed strictssubscriptionsto single-source(S,G) states forthesake in a set of sources, or request for all news channels using of a simplified routing. It resolves the rendezvous problem the group aggregator news. While the latter step resembles of ASM in the special case of a single publisher. SSM-type the transition from SSM to ASM, it is worth noting that a serviceinstantiationshouldbesupportedbyauniformnaming growingnumberofsources(aggregatedinasetorinaBloom scheme,butinadditionmaybeextendedtocovermoregeneral filter) steadily reduces the specificity of the instantiation and cases. therebyimpliesasmoothtransitionfromtheSSMtotheASM Agroupcommunicationsystemcanbeinstantiatednotonly multicast model. by a single source, but by a set of originators that either act Jointly operating on the identifiers for groups and instan- (a)ascontentreplicatorsfollowingananycastsemantic,or(b) tiations, this name-aggregation concept provides rich expres- asa source-grouprepresentingan explicitlynamedorimplicit siveness with heterogeneous deployment options. We should many-source semantic, or (c) as a remote distribution system emphasizethat it transparentlyabstracts froma particularser- (e.g., an overlay) that discloses multicast content on some vice deployment as a multi-source or single-source multicast membership contact. communication. A corresponding syntax, e.g., of the form <group>@ 5) CanonicalSupportfor Stateless Mapping: Many differ- <instantiation>, must comply with this rich set of entdistribution technologiesfor multicast are deployedtoday, semantics. The clause <instantiation> can yield this andheterogeneitymaybeexpectedtopersistinfuturecontent expressiveness (i) as an indirection by pointing to some centric networks. Some technologies use group identifiers of mapping service or rendezvous node, or (ii) by referring to a specific syntax such as IP multicast addresses, overlay hash a bootstrap point for contacting a remote overlay, or (iii) by values, or SIP group conference URIs. A creator of a group explicitly enumerating a set (e.g., {inst1,...,instn}, or (iv) may want to express the desire of using a dedicatedgroupID by implicitly naming a set in the form of a statistical filter in a deployment (s)he prefers. The multicast naming scheme (e.g., a Bloom filter [19]). should provide a corresponding expressiveness that enables a While an instantiation is part of the logical iden- stateless canonical mapping of group names to technological tifier of a multicast group (e.g., [email protected] and identifiers. [email protected] name two different groups), the pro- For example, mcast-ip:// indi- posed syntax clearly distinguishesnamespacesand semantics. cates the correspondence to in the default IPv4 The <group> clause names content without reference to a multicast address space at port 5000. This default mapping network endpoint, whereas <instantiation> refers to a is bound to a technology and may not always be applicable, (groupof)publishingnode(s).MuchlikeintheIP/SSMmodel, e.g., in the case of address collisions. naming (sets of) instantiations can guide the routing layer, an end system, or an application to steer pub/sub contact B. Security in Multicast Naming messages. We note that false positives induced by our use of Bloomfilterscanleadtounwantedcontactpaths,whichsome Multicast content distribution requires measures to ensure distribution technologiesmay mitigate by negotiatingpub/sub the four common components of network security: integrity, with the instantiation nodes in a two way handshake. confidentiality, provenance, and availability [20]. Unlike in unicast, though, group communication imposes the following C. A Naming Scheme for Multicast additional constraints. Following our previousdesign discussion, we now summa- 1) Multicast publishers and subscribers are decoupled and rize an URI-based naming scheme (cf., [22]). commonly allow only for unidirectional signaling. This conflicts with cryptographic handshaking as frequently scheme "://" group "@" instantiation ":" used to create confidentiality or authenticity. port "/" sec-credentials 2) Multiple sources may contribute to the content of a The scheme refers to the specification of the assigned group,makingitdifficulttoproveoriginalandlegitimate identifier (e.g., mcast-ip, sip, ...), group denotesthe groupID, publishers (provenance). instantiation identifies the entity that generates the instance 3) Streaming is a common multicast application. Rather of the group, port identifies a specific application, and sec– than plain content hashes, the use of stream ciphers is credentials add optional cryptographic identities, see [23] for required to ensure integrity. a corresponding approach. Valid group IDs will be mcast- 4) The network infrastructure assists multicast distribution ip:// and sip://[email protected], for (even) more strongly than unicast-based content centric example. networks. Data replication services at a possibly large The proposed syntax of the group name provides scale raise well-known threats to the infrastructure and a consistent term for ASM as well as SSM-type the end systems. Admission control and infrastructure groups on the application layer. For example, mcast- protection are required to ensure availability. ip://[email protected]/groupkey describes an SSM group Multicast names are commonly created by sources (pub- name, where mcast-ip:// denotes a lishers) thatsomehowhavegainedadmissionto injectcontent source–independentmulticast group. streams into the network. It is thus reasonable to use the The syntaxalso allows forflexible namespacesupport.The source identification as a trust anchor [11] when generating group name is defined by the multicast source. A multicast self-certifying names [21] of multicast content. source is enabled to indicate a preferred forwarding scheme In detail, the creator (controller) of a group that has gen- using a namespace that corresponds to a distribution technol- erated its cryptographic ID from a public-private key pair ogy. (K ,K ), will use K to configure a group name G pub sec pub equally as a cryptographic identity. Conflicts within the node Along this line, a multicast application developer opens a ID space can be avoided by adding a counter. In signing URI–aware multicast socket without predefining the distribu- content using K and attaching K , the group controller tion technology. In the case of a receiver subscription, for sec pub will provide cryptographically strong proof of ownership to example: any receiver of the packet. Each intermediate router (or re- ms=createMSocket() ceiver) can verify the source-group-content relationship after ms.join(URI( extracting K and validating the signature. Assuming that pub "mcast-ip://[email protected]\. access permission has been granted at the network edge, /groupkey" multicast replication services can be consequently bound to )). an autonomous packet authentication without feedback loop. Multiple multicast senders contributing to the same mul- Thesocketcanbeusedforanothermulticastgroup,aswell: ticast group require admission by the group controller. This ms.join(URI( admissionauthorityhascreatedthecryptographicgroupname. "sip://[email protected]" BeforeanadditionalmulticastsourceS injectsdata,itrequests )). acertificate.Thegroupcontrollerauthenticatesthesenderand – according to an application policy – issues the certificate, which includes S, the peer membership of G and an optional IV. ROUTING TOGROUPS lifetime. The certificate is signed with the private key corre- Multicast content is targeted at a group of receivers that is spondingtothecreationofG.Amulticastsourcethatwantsto partially unaware of the distribution system. In the following, transmitdataattachesthiscertificateandsignspacketswithits we sketch the options of transporting data from (a group of) own private key. An intermediate router verifies whether the sources to the receivers. group certificate is valid and the group address G has been generated from the group public key. Additionally, the router A. 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