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OCT - - 2010 . WHY THE WEST RULES- FOR NOW . San Rafael Public Library 1100 E. Street San Rafael, CA 94901 WHY WEST THE RULES-FOR NOW THE PATTERNS OF HISTORY, AND WHAT THEY REVEAL ABOUT THE FUTURE IAN MORRIS FARRAR. srRAUS .'IND (;!ROUX NEW YORK l·AlllCAN. ~t MAUS ANO t.ll<UUX 18 West 18th Stre,·t. New York IIJOI I C:opyrit:ht t,. 2010 by lau Motri, M.ip., :md guph., cnr>•right (!) 20 In hy M 1c:hdc A ngd A II right,; rc,;cncd l'tiutrd 111 th~ UniccJ St.it..:!> of. O,u..:n<.\1 First edmo11. 2Ul0 A poruou ofc lupl('r JI f'Why d'lc \Vt•n I lules ..•" ) one,'lually .)))pt•:m~d. 10 -1.hglnly rhflfrem form. i11 The 11 :111 S1rat JoumiJI. Gr:uefol 3cknowledgment ,., made f<>r perm1<.s1on co reprint the: followmg 1n.ttt'rfal: Excerpt from M.uk .Edward Lewis's parual trJO.l>lation ofa pm·m by (;30 Cao. rc.•printc<I by pt'rmi~,ion oft ht· puhli'\lwr fm111 111r {;,ul)• Clu'ur~• £mpin's: Qi/I 0111/ H,111 by Mark Edward Lc\',,.i(;: Timothy Brook, General Ednor (Cambridge, Mas.,,: l'hc Delkr'llf' Pr~.!>..' u(H;ln.ud UnJ\1t'fl-it}' Prc.\t). copyright() 2007 by chc Prc\i dem :rnd Fellow!. of Hlr\'arJ Colle~e. Excerpt from ·n,r Firmily lusm,ahms of 1l,r C1t1mlf,ulrcr from Thr C.mdJri(lgr /1111Jtr,11rd H,srory <f Clum, hy 1-'.:urici:.1 Ebrey (New York: C;rmbridge Uni\'trsny Pn.'$.". l 996). llcpnntcd by pcnnis<1on ofC a111bridg~ Univcoity PrC'\S, Tr::11'1d.ttio1l of UaoL1i,111\ (T:ao Ch"ien"s) pot:111 "On tht: \V!ly t() Guizong Mouastcq•." rt>priutc.•d with pCrnUl-.-C.lml fr<un G,mmrrtt' dud Stlt'if'if itt SunJ C/iina by 5hib.a Yo,hi11obu (Ann Arbor: Cc,uer for Chine,e Studu:s. U1'11\1er:-ity of Mtchig,m, 1970). Donald U. \Vagnc,··~ tr,111.,Jation of exccrpl~ from "Swnl" Co.al" by Su Shi. (mm hi,; anidc citkd "Ul::m-Furna,c5 m Song. . Yuan China" in F.as1 risl,111 Sricnrr, fr,l111C1f,"gy, am/ Mr,liciur, no. 18 (2001). pp. 41-74. Rcprimc:d by pcrmi'-<ion of Do,utd U. Wagnn. lt.1ch:u·d Str:r.\.-.bC'rg'i. tran-.bm>n of Kong Sh:tngrcu•~ poem ''Trpng 011 Cl:hM,.'\,. . from ,\/11r1.11>: ,\lys1r,h1us Dail)' ,,ml R(lm,wu by Ro1)J)d Piuis ~nd Sus.1n Hcndcrs (eds,), rcpnmrd by pernuss1on of Oxford Um\·trSlt}' Prt'ss (China) Ltd. EXC'trpt from "Hen:. . fmm G,ll,,11•,I H1t•mt by Philip I .. lrki11, ropyrilJht f!I 1988, 2Jl03 by the fat:ih.' ofPhthp brkin, rcpri1m·d by permi\~ion ofFarr:ar, Str.JU(, :md Giroux. LLC. :inJ Fabt'r ,mJ F.1b..:r Ltd. Libr:iry ofCongn·.\t. Cat.tlogi11g-in-Publk.1tio11 0.1t:1 Morn-.. bn, 1960- \Vhy the we:,,t rul..:,-for mm : Lhc p3ttcnh ofhi,;tory• .1 11c.l wl13t tl1t:r rt:\'C,tl about the furn re I l;m Morns. - I st ed. p. (I)\ I ndu<l~ bibliogr;iphical rcforcnccf: .111d intlcx. ISLIN '>78-Cl-37~-290112-.'\ (h.irdco,•cr: ,lk. p.1pcr) I. Cl\·ilizJtion, \Ve-.ctrn. 2. Civ,li2uion. Modern. 3. Coinpar.mve CJ\'Jlization. •t i::..ast and West. I. 1"!idc. Cl!251.M(,8 20IO 9n9·.0t)!i21-llr22 211111005 701 llt9K7(,5~.12 FM Kath}' . Conttents ~r List ll/11s/Tt1/io11s ix In croduction 3 PART I 1 Before East and West 39 2 The Wc:st Takes the Lead 81 3 Taking the Measure of the Past 135 PART II 4 The East Catches Up 175 5 Neck and Neck 227 6 Decline and Fall 280 7 The Eastern Age 331 8 Going Global 384 9 The West Catches Up -!34 IU The Western Age 490 PART Ill 1 I Why the West Rules ... 557 12 ... For Now 582

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