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ERIC ZUESSE Winner of the H.L. Mencken Award for Investigative Reporting WHY THE HOLOCAUST HAPPENED Its Religious Cause & Scholarly Cover-Up Eric Zuesse is a cultural anthropologist, general systems theorist, economist, and investigative journalist. He has been published by Dell Publishing Company, Crown Publishing Company, The New York TIMES, REASON, JOURNAL OF ECONOMIC BEHAVIOR, GENERAL SYSTEMS THEORY, and others. Zuesse is a winner of the H.L. Mencken Award for The Year's Best Investigative News Report." The Bible is history told as religion tells it. WHY The Holocaust Happened is history told as science tells it. ...No longer is the challenge to the religious account just Copernicus and Galileo - the Bible got the cosmology wrong. No longer is the challenge to the religious account just Darwin and Mendel - the Bible got the prehistory (i.e. evolution) wrong. Now it is history itself that is at stake; the final fig leaf covering the old myth is ripped away; and what stands exposed this time is rape. People's minds have been raped by a false historical account; and now we know both why it lied, and that the Holocaust was its result. Never again. Dedicated to the victims. "I almost shudder at the thought of alluding to the most fatal example of the abuses of grief which the history of mankind had produced—the Cross. Consider what calamities that engine of grief has produced!" John Adams, letter to Thomas Jefferson, September 3, 1816 * * * "The teachings of Christ have laid the foundations for the battle against Jews as the enemy of Mankind; the work that Christ began, I shall finish." Adolf Hitler, speech to his followers, December 18, 1926 Contents Preface 11 PART I: Hitler's "Holy War" Against "the Jews" A Map of the Argument 24 J: The Problem 27 2: Hitler the Mystery-Man 33 3: Bible 53 4: Mission 67 5: Collateral Damage 84 6: Church Response 95 7: Historical Background 100 8: Hitler's Medievalism 108 9: Anti-Science 121 10: The Cover-Up by Scholars 127 PART II: Where the Bible's Anti-Semitism Came From A Map of the Argument 146 11: Our Methodological Approach 149 12: The Pre-Pauline Background 154 13: Summary of the Case 161 14: How the Scientific Approach Differs from the Religious One 171 15: Paul's Detailed Account of Christianity's Split from Judaism 176 16: Christianity's War Against Judaism 190 CONCLUSIONS 17: Bringing It All Together 216 18: Of Smoking Guns and Hot Bullets 229 19: Completing the Work of Nuremberg 241 20: Policy-Implications 244 Appendix 1: Hitler's Essay, "My Theory of Eugenics" 254 Appendix 2: Random Thoughts on Causation 277 Acknowledgments, and Why I Wrote this Book 353 Index/References 356 PREFACE Why did the Holocaust happen? Of all unexplained historical events, of all Man's irrationalities, is there any that so challenges our understanding? Man has not yet come to terms with the most-systematic and vast genocide in history. Testimony to this sad fact has been provided by each subsequent genocide, all mocking the prevailing platitudes about "the brotherhood of Man." Perhaps the failure to understand the Holocaust's cause has contributed to the ineffectiveness of prevention-efforts, as well as policies after the fact, in places such as Cambodia, Bosnia, and Rwanda, where subsequent ethnocides have occurred. Indeed, how would it even be possible to prevent genocide if the cause of one so vast as the Holocaust remains a mystery? With more than a half-century separating us from the Holocaust, we still have not answered the most basic question: why it occurred. Thus, younger generations of Gentians, both Christians and Jews—as well as the ethnic minorities new to the country—continue even today to debate the issues of guilt. After all this time, the Holocaust remains an unsolved riddle. The implications of this failure reverberate throughout the world, but perhaps nowhere more so than in Europe, the home of the Holocaust. On 2 April 2000, European Affairs correspondent Sylvia Poggioli, on National Public Radio's Weekend Edition program, brilliantly summed up the looming dangers of Europe's failures in this regard by pointing to a recent resurgence there of majority assaults against minorities. She reported a continent slipping back toward racial chaos eerily reminiscent of events that were thought and hoped to belong only to the past, and that were consequently of ominous portent for the future: 11 Preface The most recent case was a four-day rampage in southern Spain against Moroccan immigrants, but there's racist violence everyday, everywhere: in Birmingham, in Frankfurt, in Florence, in Copenhagen, in Marseilles. A typical site is soccer stadiums. In Britain, in France, and in Italy, you can see ultra-right-wing fans carrying banners with pro-Nazi and anti-Semitic slogans, and often Black players in the field are booed and insulted. What's shocking is that xenophobia is gaining acceptability. The populist parties that embrace anti-immigrant platforms are gaining popularity everywhere—not only in France and Austria, but also in Switzerland, in Belgium, in Denmark, and in Norway. The wave of xenophobia has begun to affect the traditional attitudes of many ruling leftist and center-left parties. Voters who used to form the backbone of leftist parties are now attracted to these right-wing anti-immigrant slogans, so governments are introducing political restrictions against immigrants. ... In Denmark, for example, the ruling Social Democrats have made requirements for family reunification very, very difficult. I found everywhere I went, in Italy, in France, in Germany, in Sweden, and in Austria, immigrants live almost exclusively in closed enclaves—ghettos, whatever you want to call them. For example, in Sweden, 1 saw one community outside of Stockholm where the only blue-eyed Swede was the security guard. In Lyons in France in the downtown area, which is the heart of the City, I never saw anyone who wasn't white. And it's a country with a large immigrant community from its former colonies, but I never saw [an immigrant as aj policeman or anchor on TV. And in Germany, most members of the large Turkish minority live in neighborhoods that are known as little Istanbuls. Ms. Poggioli was asked by the interviewer to explain the possible causes of the problem. The first to be raised was the standard explanation: hard economic times. Ms. Poggioli, however, quickly rejected this: Racism and xenophobia are strongest in the most affluent of European countries—in Austria, in Switzerland, and in some Scandanavian countries. More than anything, I think that Europeans believe that it's their cultural identity that is being threatened. Modern European states were built on the idea of mono- ethnicity. . . . Europeans are not shocked by the idea of ethnic division and partition. This is also the reason why right-wing 12 Preface parties have succeeded in creating an image of immigrants as an underclass of undeserving members of society. Recent polls show that xenophobia is gaining respectability. Over two-thirds of those polled admitted to being a little racist, and 33% admitted they were very racist or quiet racist. ... There are also many much more worrisome signs, what former Swiss President Ruth Dreyfuss called the return of the repressed in European politics. She meant that all of a sudden we see an acceptance of ultra-right-wing language and platforms that have been rejected since World War II, and this made me think about what I believe is Europe's dirty secret: its continuing reluctance to come to terms with the worst crime ever committed against humanity, and which happened on its territory by Europeans against Europeans half a century ago, ... the Holocaust. And I think it's this reluctance by Europe to come to terms with its past that makes it much more difficult for it to confront its new racism. I agree with Ms. Poggioli that continuing to evade the Holocaust's cause will not do; finally, it must be addressed. After all, how can a physician treat a disease he has not even diagnosed? Thus, the moral challenge of the Holocaust towers over all our futures. But how approach such a gigantic subject? It is not just the senselessness of the thing that so puzzles us: the Holocaust was monumental in its sheer evil. It even appears to have been evil for the sake of evil. To comprehend such a phenomenon, where do we start? Historically speaking, the questions themselves started virtually tumbling over each other at the moment when Allied troops first entered the death camps as liberators and found themselves facing gaunt, hollowed out, survivors strewn around huge mounds of corpses. United State General Omar Bradley recounted as follows the shocking scene when he first entered a camp in Poland: "The smell of death overwhelmed us even before we passed the stockade. More than 3,200 naked, emaciated bodies had been flung into shallow graves." And as reported by Richard J. Evans in his 1989 book In Hitler's Shadow (p. 5), an American GI recalled of his entry into the Nordhausen camp, that there were "piles of skeletal corpses, amid which the living were still lying, weak, lice-ridden, starving, and apathetic." Complicating the intrinsic difficulties of understanding such monstrosities have been the persistent contrary attempts at obfuscation by some historians (discussed at length in In Hitler's Shadow, and in Deborah Lipstadt's 1993 Denying the Holocaust) to prevent precisely that objective, 13 Preface and to keep the roots of the Holocaust, if not the reality of the Holocaust itself, in the dark. In other words, the search to find the Holocaust's origins has also had to contend with a very active effort to confound it. Nonetheless, a number of approaches to explaining the Holocaust have been tried, ranging from the sublime to the ridiculous. Unfortunately, none has stood the test of time. Perhaps the commonest sublime explanation has been that science (or Us consequences, such as modernity) caused this hell on earth. Science has long been routinely blamed for having caused the Holocaust, even though no accusation could be further from the truth. In 1993, the German historian Detlev Peukert (in the book Reevaluating the Third Reich, edited by Thomas Childers and Jane Caplan) expostulated upon "The Genesis of the 'Final Solution' from the Spirit of Science." Four years before, sociologist Zygmunt Bauman had published his Modernity and the Holocaust, saying (p. 61), "racism is unthinkable without the advancement of modern science. ... Racism is strictly a modern product. Modernity made racism possible." Essentially similar charges had been prominently made by the German historians Michael Stunner and Ernst Nolte during the mid-1980's. But even before that, the German-Jewish philosopher and Nazi refugee to the United States, Leo Strauss had long been making the same charge against science. Strauss was a student of the Nazi philosopher Martin Heidegger, a disciple of Hitler's leading legal theoretician Carl Schmitt, and himself the leading philosopher inspiring America's conservative Reagan Revolution during the 1980's. He was a hero to many within the Reagan Administration. During Hitler's reign, Heidegger and Schmitt proudly promoted Naziism as an essential response to what they both viewed as the socially corrosive challenges of modernity and science. All of these politically conservative intellectuals, from the time of Hitler to the present, have agreed: science caused the Holocaust. They did not all agree, however, that the Holocaust was bad; the outright Nazis amongst them seem to have felt that it was either all right or excellent. However, none of them liked either science or modernity. One might think that with so many proponents, the thesis that science caused the Holocaust would surely have been documented in extensive detail. Remarkably, it has never been documented at all. Even more amazingly, only one person even so much as attempted to do so: Daniel Gasman, in his speculative and poorly informed 1971 The Scientific Origins of National Socialism. The reason for this failure to document is amazingly simple: the assertion is false, as will herein be documented in full. Philosophers and social "scientists," such as historians, have accepted it 14 Preface on nothing more than faith, and proceeded to build their analyses upon it. How fitting a basis on which to condemn science: religion, which is to say faith itself, makes yet another jab at science, its epistemological foe. Some of the proponents of this attack against science have even held that only a more religious Germany will be safe against a return of Naziism. We shall show that that would be like injecting cyanide into a person in order to "cure" his cyanide poisoning. Adolf Hitler famously scapegoated Jews as the source of Germany's problems. Historians and others favorable toward religion have similarly scapegoated science as the source of the Holocaust. Both scapegoatings are based on frauds, as the present work will also show. However, science as the "cause" of the Holocaust has been only one among the many insupportable "theories" put forth to explain this horror. As mentioned before, the Holocaust's cause remains a mystery, despite the passage now of more than a half-century after the event. Why did it happen? Why did Hitler do it? Why did the German nation do it? Even today, no one really knows. One reason for the mystery is that—just as with the science-scapegoating "explanation"—none of the obvious or easy "explanations" withstands even cursory investigation. For example, consider the genocide as a possible military device. Obviously, the Holocaust occurred within the context of a World War; yet it actually drained the attention of Hitler and of his fighting forces away from the war-effort, needlessly hardened the worldwide opposition to Germany, and transformed into outright enemies talented people who might otherwise have been neutral or even supportive as "patriotic Germans." Judged purely as a military tactic, the Holocaust was at best dubious, and at worst counter-productive. Horst von Maltitz perceptively observed in this regard in his 1973 The Evolution of Hitler's Germany (p. 171), that "railroad transport trains carrying Jews from the West to extermination camps in Poland were given priority over trains for urgently needed troops and war supplies. Moreover, skilled Jewish laborers, desperately needed in the munitions plants in occupied Poland, were carted off to extermination centers, in spite of strong objections by plant managers." And according to the Polish Ambassador, Jan Ciechanowski, in his 1947 Defeat in Victory (p. 179), he had personally handed U.S. President Roosevelt in the White House on 28 July 1943 a memo that, "The unprecedented destruction of the entire Jewish population is not motivated by Germany's military requirements. Hitler and his subordinates aim at the total destruction of the Jews before the war ends and regardless of its outcome." The basic question thus is posed: what was the relationship 15

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