WHY RELIGION MATTERS T F H S HE ATE OF THE UMAN PIRIT A D IN AN GE OF ISBELIEF Huston Smith To the memory of our daughter, Karen Senyak, and her adopted Judaism, which sustained her in her ordeal with sarcoma cancer; to Antonio Banuelos, our youngest grandchild, who bids to see more of the third millennium than will the rest of our family; and for Kendra, this love poem by the sixth Dalai Lama: I asked so much of you In this brief lifetime, Perhaps we’ll meet again In the childhood of the next. CONTENTS vii ACKNOWLEDGMENTS PREFACE viii INTRODUCTION 1 PART ONE: MODERNITY’S TUNNEL 7 CHAPTER 1. Who’s Right About Reality: Traditionalists, Modernists, or the Postmoderns? 11 Modernity’s Cosmological Achievement. Postmodernism’s Fairness Revolution. The Traditional Worldview. CHAPTER 2. The Great Outdoors and the Tunnel Within It 23 Worldviews: The Big Picture. The Decisive Alternative. Weighing the Alternatives. Sweetening the Sour Apple. How Much Is at Stake. Conclusion. CHAPTER 3. The Tunnel as Such 42 The Flagship Book. The Tunnel in Question. A Disqualified Universe. Conclusion. iii CONTENTS CHAPTER 4. The Tunnel’s Floor: Scientism 59 The Flagship Book. Tracking Scientism. Spinoza’s Conatus. Of Rocks and Pebbles. From Warfare to Dialogue. Colonizing Theology. The Tilt of the Negotiating Table. CHAPTER 5. The Tunnel’s Left Wall: Higher Education 79 The Flagship Book. What Happened. The Pull of Science on Other Disciplines. From Nonbelief to Disbelief. The Ineffectiveness of the Theological Response. The New Professionalism. Conclusion. CHAPTER 6. The Tunnel’s Roof: The Media 103 The Flagship Book. Kansas Update. The General Picture. Who Pays the Piper? Conclusion. CHAPTER 7. The Tunnel’s Right Wall: The Law 121 The Flagship Book. Employment Division v. Smith. The Religious Freedom Restoration Act. Marginalizing Religion. Handling Creationism. Conclusion. PART TWO: THE LIGHT AT THE TUNNEL’S END 135 CHAPTER 8. Light 137 The Physics of Light. Light Subjectively Experienced. Conclusion. CHAPTER 9. Is Light Increasing: Two Scenarios 145 God Is Dead. The Eyes of Faith. Clearing the Ground. CHAPTER 10. Discerning the Signs of the Times 154 Straws in the Wind. Counterculture and the New Age Movement. Four Modern Giants Revisited. iv CONTENTS CHAPTER 11. Three Sciences and the Road Ahead 174 Physics. Biology. Cognitive Psychology. CHAPTER 12. Terms for the Détente 187 A Glimpse of David Bohm. Science Rightly Defined. The Limits of Science. Division of Labor. The Cow That Stands on Three Legs. CHAPTER 13. This Ambiguous World 205 Life’s Cosmic Inkblot. A Sidewise Glance at the Social Scene. CHAPTER 14. The Big Picture 213 The Great Divide. Subdivisions. A Hierarchical Reality. Topdown Causation and the Multiple Degrees of Reality. Return to the Inkblot. CHAPTER 15. Spiritual Personality Types 234 Characterology. Ubiquity. The Atheist: There Is No God. The Polytheist: There Are Many Gods. The Principle of One-Way Mirrors. The Monotheist: There Is One God. The Mystic: There Is Only God. CHAPTER 16. Spirit 255 The Self/World Divide. Tacit Knowing. Spirit and Its Outworkings. Consciousness and Light. Happy Ending. EPILOGUE We Could Be Siblings Yet. 272 INDEX 279 v About the Author Other Books by Huston Smith Cover Copyright About the Publisher ACKNOWLEDGMENTS It is a pleasure to record here my gratitude to those whose assis- tance has made this book possible. The Rockefeller Foundation granted me an idyllic month to begin my work at its Conference and Study Center in Bellagio, Italy. Stephen Mitchell and Philip Novak have critiqued the entire typescript. Nik Warren and Jonathan Wells, respectively, have coached me where physics and biology enter the book. My editor, John Loudon, and my agent, Thomas Grady, have been friends and helpers throughout. Eric Carlson, Keith Chandler, Neal Grossman, Sarah Lewis, Robert Sprich, and Lance Trumbull have researched a number of facts and references. To all of these my sincerest thanks. I hate to think how much poorer this book would have been without their help, but none of them should be held responsible for the use I have made of their services. My wife, Kendra, was a zealous accomplice in the last stages of revision. Years ago I told her that an important part of a wife’s role is to keep her husband from making a fool of himself. Sweetly she promised, “I’ll try.” vii PREFACE Iwould place these pages last except that beginning with them may increase the chance that the reader will hear me out. I think I have a different window onto the world, one that enables me to see things that others do not. I was born into a loving family whose parents committed their lives to the highest calling they could conceive—that of being missionaries to China. Sacrifices were to be expected, and (in the disease- ridden China of that time) they arrived on schedule; their firstborn died in their arms on his second Christmas Eve. My parents did good things. In the town they chose for their lifework there was no education for girls, so their first act was to start a girls’ school. Now coeducational, it has become the most important primary school in the town. The most important thing I inherited from my parents was faith. Its substance made me, on average, a trusting person, and its content can be stated equally simply: we are in good hands, and in gratitude for that fact we do well to bear one another’s burdens. On coming to America for college, I brought that faith with me, and the rest of my life has been a struggle to keep it intact in the face of modern winds of doctrine that assail it. If those winds were powered by truth, I would bow to them, but as I have not found them to be so, I must point that out. viii