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Why Noncompliance: The Politics of Law in the European Union PDF

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WHY NONCOMPLIANCE WHY NONCOMPLIANCE The Politics of Law in the European Union Tanja A. Börzel CORNELL UNIVERSITY PRESS ITHACA AND LONDON This book is available in open access form as the result of a grant from the Freie Universität Berlin. Cornell University Press gratefully acknowledges this generous funding that made it possible to open this publication to the world. Copyright © 2021 by Cornell University The text of this book is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution- NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License: https:// creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/. To use this book, or parts of this book, in any way not covered by the license, please contact Cornell University Press, Sage House, 512 East State Street, Ithaca, New York 14850. Visit our website at cornellpress.cornell.edu. First published 2021 by Cornell University Press Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data Names: Börzel, Tanja A., 1970– author. Title: Why noncompliance : the politics of law in the European Union / Tanja A. Börzel. Description: Ithaca [New York] : Cornell University Press, 2021. | Includes bibliographical references and index. Identifiers: LCCN 2020013043 (print) | LCCN 2020013044 (ebook) | ISBN 9781501753398 (paperback) | ISBN 9781501753404 (ebook) | ISBN 9781501753411 (pdf) Subjects: LCSH: Law—European Union countries. | Effectiveness and validity of law—European Union countries. | European Union countries—Politics and government—Philosophy. | Compliance. Classification: LCC KJE5087. B67 2021 (print) | LCC KJE5087 (ebook) | DDC 341.242/2—dc23 LC record available at https://lccn.loc.gov/2020013043 LC ebook record available at https://lccn.loc.gov/2020013044 Contents List of Figures and Tables vii Preface and Acknowledgments xi List of Abbreviations xv Introduction: The Politics of Noncompliance 1 1. Infringement Data and Noncompliance 13 2. Power, Capacity, and Politicization 35 3. Why Some States Comply Less Than Others 61 4. Why There Is No Growing Noncompliance 96 5. Why Noncompliance Is Sector Specific 140 Conclusion: The Limits of Regulatory Governance 171 Appendix 1. Summary Statistics 193 Appendix 2. Correlation of Independent Variables 197 Appendix 3. Dependent and Independent Variables and Their Operationalization 201 Appendix 4. Robustness Tests 209 Appendix 5. Interaction Effects 213 Notes 215 References 225 Index 257 Figures and Tables Figures 1.1. Stages of the infringement proceedings and compliance mechanisms 20 1.2. Number of infringements by stage, EU-28, 1978–2017 28 1.3. Average number of reasoned opinions per year and member state, EU-28, 1978–2017 30 1.4. Reasoned opinions relative to violative opportunities per year, EU-28, 1978–2017 31 1.5. Annual reasoned opinions against directives relative to legislative production by policy sector, 1978–2012 33 3.1. Annual average of reasoned opinions by member states, EU-15, 1978–2017 63 3.2. Annual reasoned opinions of new members compared to old member states 67 3.3. Power, capacity, and noncompliance in the EU-15 82 3.4. Power, capacity, and noncompliance in the new member states (EU-10 + 2) 90 4.1. Letters of formal notice and reasoned opinions, absolute numbers, 1978–2017 97 4.2. Deepening, widening, and loosening 101 4.3. Legislation in force, 1978–2017; regulations and directives compared 103 4.4. Reasoned opinions by directives and regulations, 1978–2017 105 4.5. Reasoned opinions according to types of violation and relative to violative opportunities, 1978–2017 106 4.6. Adoption of amending directives versus new directives, 1978–2015 107 vii viii Figures And TABles 4.7. Adoption of Commission directives compared to other directives, 1978–2015 109 4.8. Official infringements for non-notification, nonconformity, and improper application of Internal Market directives, 1988–2012 114 4.9. Annual average number of preliminary rulings per member state, 1978–2018 115 4.10. Assessment of one’s country’s membership in the EU (EU population), 1973–2015 123 4.11. Adopted and infringed directives compared, 1978–2009 126 5.1. Total number of reasoned opinions per policy sector, 1978–2017 141 5.2. Percentage share of officially infringed directives in relation to all directives adopted by policy sector, 1978–2012 144 C.1. The PCP model reassembled 174 A5.1. Voting power, bureaucratic quality, and Euroscepticism 213 Tables 1.1. Types of EU law violations 14 2.1. PCP in a two-level compliance game played across two stages 56 3.1. Power, capacity, and politicization (EU-15, 1979–2012) 78 3.2. Power, capacity, and politicization (EU-25, 1979–2012) 93 4.1. Novelty, delegation, and noncompliance (EU-15, 1978–2009) 130 4.2. The 10 most infringed directives 134 5.1. Policy type, regulatory logic, and noncompliance (EU-15, 1981–2012) 161 A1.1. Official infringements (reasoned opinions) against directives by member states, 1978–2012 193 A1.2. Independent variables and their transformation (country) 194 A1.3. Official infringements (reasoned opinions) per directives, 1978–2009 195 Figures And TABles ix A1.4. Independent and control variables and their transformation (issue) 195 A1.5. Official infringements (reasoned opinions) against directives by policy sector, 1981–2012 195 A1.6. Independent and control variables (sector) 196 A2.1. Member states 198 A2.2. Time 199 A2.3. Policy sectors 200 A3.1. Member states 202 A3.2. Issue 204 A3.3. Sector: Dependent and independent variables and their operationalization 206 A4.1. Power, capacity, and politicization (EU-15, 1979–2017) 209 A4.2. Power, capacity, and politicization (EU-27, 1979–2017), with EU-15 dummy 210 A4.3. Novelty, delegation, and noncompliance (EU-28, 1978–2015) 211 A4.4. Policy type, regulatory logic, and noncompliance (EU-28, 1981–2017) 211

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