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Why Invest? Support for Families and Carers Affected by Someone Else's Drug or Alcohol Use PDF

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Preview Why Invest? Support for Families and Carers Affected by Someone Else's Drug or Alcohol Use

Neighbours Associates ers Forum ar C al n hegio h tRe witds oped Midlan Friends hildren Significantothers DevelEast C ol Drugorcohuser Al e ? aty ed xtendedfamily Immedifamil Closefriends E t c e ff a ues nity ag mu s olle om i C C o h W 1 m u or F ers ar C al n hegio h tRe witds oped Midlan 0a DevelEast y 0 b d 1 0 e e es r’s ae tu v c s , t" eg la 0 u ffu l de ar ar 0 d 3a es n y e2 r bs 5ae’ 1 id u s v y eol t" lth rc ,l aeo ua effc 1 dl Naal e a r 2 4 s r e s m u 0u For l g Carers a al n t 0u h theRegio n r witds e d oped Midlan 0r 0c DevelEast a " p ,a 0 y 0m b 0 e d 5l b e , o t 0c 3r e p 3 ffe -f 0 as o u 0 n n 0 l eo e 5 r r h d d , o l l 1ic 2i h h l ca c 3 Impacts on adult family members5 Financial Difficul"esPhysical HealthVic"ms of crime•Give money and accumulate debt to prevent their •Extreme stress can lead to physical health problems •Money and property stolenloved one from commi!ng crime to fund their habitand insomnia•Strong correla#on between the use of drugs and•Difficulty in maintaining work due to stress•Physical abuse can be experienced from family alcohol and domes#c abuse. Where this comes from•Grandparents or other rela#ves may face the members, including children, or from external the hands of a child this is par#cularly trauma#cfinancial pressure of caring for a young childsources such as drug dealers•Will o$en not report if they are the vic#m of crimes•Paying for treatment for their loved one•Use of tobacco and other substances (including pre•Threats from drug dealers to pay off their loved scrip#on medica#on) to copeone’s debts Emo"onal stressPressure on family rela"onships•More likely to be diagnosed with depression and •Sec#ons of the family may remain unaware of other psychological problemswhat’s happening, crea#ng divisions•Grandparents may find themselves looking a$er a •Resentment, guilt, shame, judgment and a lack of young child who is themselves facing huge trust can lead to a fracturing of rela#onships and difficul#es, whilst simultaneously feeling like a difficul#es in family members becoming involved in failure as a parent to their childtheir loved one’s treatment Isola"onPressured into illegal actsS"gma•May not go out, or invite people around because of •Buying drugs to ‘manage’ their loved one’s supply•Don’t tell people anything for fear of being judged•Physically or emo#onally threatened or coerced into•Society makes a judgment and may shun the whole the unpredictability of their loved one’s behavior bringing drugs or contraband into prisonfamily because someone uses drugs or alcoholand the fear of what will happen•Whole family labelled as scum, loser, low-life•Lose contact with family and friends•Where grandparents are caring for young children their lives may change significantly from that of their friends, limi#ng their social opportuni#es•Creates addi#onal barriers to accessing support Developed with the4East Midlands Regional Carers Forum k e n e up wor ke on th upport e childrewould bethey s"ll m rm to familyillion a year6 57% of kinship carers gav or reduced their hours to tacare of a child 67%do not get financial s from local authori"es for thother than benefits which available to their parents if 8lived with them Developed with theEast Midlands Regional Carers Foru B a h 8 . e 1 h £ r e o t c i n r s e p st ofers i es"c viol d alcohol , with ‘alcohol comb dom useence en as 7nt’ e of ersoff se de e % de % n Thm 73 offento th48 depe 5 children9 Risk of social care involvementSocial behaviour & conductStrong correla#on between social care interven#onsHeightened emo#ons can be compounded where and parental drug or alcohol use. One study shows thatparents aren’t able to support the child to understand62% of children subject to care proceedings and 40% oflearned emo#onal responses and appropriate children placed on the child protec#on register are frombehaviour, leading to conduct problems including families with parental alcohol misuse aggression, offending, drug & alcohol etc. Child abuse & dysfunc"onal Own rela"onship with drugs family responses& alcoholParental alcohol and drug use is strongly correlated withMay use substances as a way of connec#ng with, andfamily conflict and domes#c violence and abuse. understanding, their parents. The use of drugs and Children o$en recognise the links between parentalalcohol as a coping mechanism may be normalised. drinking and the presence of conflict, violence and abuse. Isola"onEduca"on & achievementMay be bullied by other children. Where alcohol is School a&endance issues, stress, anxiety and involved they may also feel that there is nowhere forbehavioural issues may lead to a reduc#on in them to turn, since the use of alcohol is socially educa#onal achievement and aspira#ons, with theacceptable. They may face constant fear that they willpoten#al for long term economic impact and loss ofbe separated and taken away from their parents.poten#al. Missing out on childhoodMay miss out on what might be considered ‘normal’childhood experiences and a ‘normal’ child-parent rela#onship, with long reaching impacts on their own paren#ng. Developed with theEast Midlands Regional Carers Forum Impacts on Emo"onal NeglectMay be aware that they do not come first in their parents’ lives. The drug or alcohol use is at the centreof the family, not the child, which can lead to neglect. Secret KeepingParents o$en don’t talk openly to their child about thedrug or alcohol use, although children are aware thatsomething is wrong. If they are told, they may beasked to keep it a secret, leading to stress, anxiety andtrust issues. Addi"onal responsibili"es & roleconfusionMay have to take on caring roles for other siblings, orfor their parents, and may experience confusion when this role changes according to their parentsfunc#oning and recovery 6 0 0 1 s s m rt r u es 0bye ers For so d Car rug uuld c ,0ided provi Developed with theEast Midlands Regional o v d 0 w oe o rr pa ts 0 r c d e e l eb 0ra e d i m wc i v , o e o ts m 7 r i d p f in y 4 el ra ri a m a eh 7 ca yt l ef a r £ hy ee Tb ph 7 s r e b ar- r al C mo… h theRegion witds et fs Developed East Midlaners Forum m d r oe y e p l n p i m u n s a w fe o nv eir e i h e c Weh rt 8 h tg aln eei hb d ll ee vw rod m mpan Foru I ers ar C al n hegio h tRe creaseduc"vity atwork Developed witEast Midlands nd t Io r l p u d a 1 1 : n o s dn i r eoy s"t t e aae epci s b crcio n"s n Ir m a p e e p m p e d ha y ve shipsoutsime l "nd o s mi osi"oane h Pae h i eldt h ri a ns T i f 9

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