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WHY I AM NOT A MOSLEM Other Materials Available By Dr. Peter S. Ruckman: * Bible Believer’s Commentary Series * Beginning and Advanced Bible Study Material * In-Depth Apologetics * Numerous Pamphlets of Selected Topics * Variety of Gospel Tracts * Audio Cassettes * Video Cassettes Also Available: * AV 1611 Bibles * Study Helps * Concordances * Biographies * Evangelism Material * Material by Other Authors and Speakers For FREE Current Catalog write: BB BOOKSTORE P.O. Box 7135 Pensacola, FL 32534 W h y I A m N o t a M o s l e m BY PETER S. RUCKMAN B.A., B.D., M.A., Th.M., Ph.D. BB BOOKSTORE P.O. Box 7135 Pensacola, FL 32534 Dedication To every American citizen (saved or lost, male or female, Black, Brown, or White) who is more interested in finding the truth (John 14:6,8:43-47) than “making friends and influencing people” by a “purpose driven” life based on “possibility thinking.” Introduction The fastest growing religion in the world to­ day is supposed to be “Islam”; that is, if you judge it by the number of mosques being put up by the millionaire Arabs in America, Europe, and England and by the decrease of Protestants and Catholics due to their rejection the Holy Bible. The Catho­ lics first rejected it back in A.D. 325. Nearly all the Protestants rejected it after World War II, and many of them before that about the time of the Civil War. The world’s fastest growing religion, due to Arabic millionaires, buildings, and stupid Ameri­ cans who can’t read (especially College people), is due to a number of facts that are not often men­ tioned. In the first place, any Mohammedan is al­ lowed four wives, if he wants them, plus slave girls (we will get into that later). Naturally, no Mohammedan trying to hide under false cover and work his way into the American or European sys­ tems is going to be bold enough to practice the latter (although they do practice polygamy in sev­ eral European countries). These days, they take over countries about the same way the Catholic Church took over the Philippines and South and Central America between 1600 and 1800. You come in with a pious religion, gradually, and then work into the government structure until you control the governments. We call these governments Church- States. As the fastest growing religion, Moham­ medanism has tremendous appeal to fornicating killers like Cain, who killed his brother “because his own works were evil, and his brother’s righ­ teous” (1 John 3:12). There are no terrorists in orthodox “Islam.” They recognize no such word. The press may call somebody that, but it doesn’t mean anything. Your modern “Moslem” terrorist is a hero, and if he is killed, he is a martyr. If you don’t believe it, ask any genuine “Moslem” in the Middle East. Don’t ask one over here; they’ll lie like a dog. They have to lie until they get control, at least that is how it always has been. Now, if you like to kill people that disagree with you (and that is one of the characteristics of the old Adamic nature), Mohammedanism is an excellent religion. You can invent any alibi. As a matter of fact, the history of “Islam” is Moslems killing each other for centuries because they dis­ agreed in theological or political points, while at the same time, claiming that their opponents went to Hell because they were disobeying Allah. Both sides claimed they were killing the other for the glory of Allah. That is what happened in the Crusades (A.D. 1100-1270). You had Roman Catholics killing Mos­ lems for the glory of Mary, and you had Moslems killing Catholics for the glory of Mohammed and Allah. Jesus Christ warned His disciples about this in the New Testament (John 16:1-4) more than 500 years before Mohammed was born. In a system where you can fornicate with a number of women at the same time, legally (like the sex perverts who want to have legal marriages to fornicate), and at the same time kill anybody who makes fun of your religion, then you’ve got a very convenient excuse for any hot-tempered, fleshy, stupid, demon-possessed killer. It’s a nice setup. The fact that all Mohammedans are mono­ theists—their continual theme upon which they harp day and night—doesn't really mean anything when one considers the people who murdered God’s Son were monotheists (Deut. 6:4). Sometimes you for­ get that the unsaved Jews, like the Mohammadeans, were also pork abstainers, that they also prayed a number of times during the day, and they had strict rules and regulations about rituals. Monotheists kill each other in the name of their God (1 Sam. 5:1- 2). At least that is the judgment of history (1 Sam. 17:45-48). In this little discussion, I am telling you why I am not a Mohammedan—the real name for all “Moslems.” Nobody has to agree with it; nobody has to go along with it. This is my testimony. I am simply telling you why I am not a “Moslem.” It certainly isn’t because of ignorance. I’ve been through that Koran about seventeen times, and I have five different versions in my house, with three of them in Arabic. I get my other mate­ rial from Lahore, the official publishing company for all Islamic material. If I disagree with you and you disagree with me, it’s not because I haven’t studied what you studied (and probably more). I understand that there are different editions of the Holy Hadith and how they originated and how they were edited in order to get the best one: Bukhari’s. I’ve been an ardent student of “Islam” for many, many years. I also was taught to read when I was young, so I don’t have to plead illiteracy, like Moham­ med. He said that he dictated a book that was dic­ tated to him because he couldn’t have read it if it had been shown to him. At least that is what most of the Arab Imams say. They say he was illiterate. One: no Mohammedan could prophesy any­ thing historical because there are no prophecies in the Koran, except those taken out of the Old Tes­ tament. Mohammed, as a “prophet,” was a ridicu­ lous joke. He was called that by his followers. But neither Allah nor Mohammed could tell you about anything, in detail, that took place in history after Mohammed died (A.D. 632). Everything either of them said comes from the Old Testament, except the non-historical passages which deal with the White Throne Judgment—the Last Day—which takes place after time is over (notice Rev. 20:11- 15). Two: after all the hot air about the “Shahadah” and “Ramadan” and “Mecca” and “doing good” and “no compulsion in religion,” these poor, igno­ rant Mohammedans do not get any assurance about salvation from their founder, their “prophet,” their leaders, their teachers, or their “god.” I have met, in my time, thousands of people who knew where they were going when they died and could pro­ duce it in writing and could give you the name of the Author who wrote the writing. No author’s name is found anywhere in the Koran. Not one writer who wrote any part of it dared put his name on paper, so it doesn’t appear. No Moslem has assurance of salvation of eternal life when he dies. He is promised a chance to fornicate with several dozen virgins if he makes it to Paradise— by works. But not even Mohammed claimed to know where

This is the testimony of a man who has read through the Koran seventeen times, and has been an ardent student of “Islam” for many years. Being familiar with the material put out by the official Islamic publishing company in Lahore, Pakistan, Dr. Ruckman presents the reasons why he rejects Mohamm
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