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Who's Afraid and Other Strange Stories PDF

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WHO'SA FRAID? andO theSrt raSntgoer ies j j j j j j j j j j j j j j j j j j j j j j j j j j j j j j j j j j j j j j j j j j PHILIPAP P EARCE and OtheSrrt anSgoetr ies IllustbryaP teetdMe erl nyczuk VIKINGK ESTREL VIKINC KFSTRFL PenguiBno oksL tdH,a rmondsworMtihd,d leseExn,g land VikinPge nguiInn c4,0 West2 3rdS treeNte,w YorkN,e w YorkJ OOJOU,. S.A. PengumB ookAsu straLltidaR, i ngwoodV,i ctorAiuas,t ralia PcngumB ooksC anJ.Lduan itc2d8,0 1J ohnS treeMta,r khamO,n tariCoa,n adaL JRI B4 PenguiBno oks( N.Z.L)t d1,8 2-19W0a iraRuo ad,A ucklantod, New Zealand hr;rp ublish19e Sd6 Text copyriPghhitl©i pPpeaa rc1e�},7 81,9 811,9 82.1 9831,9 84,1 9851,9 86 lllustracuoopny.r.i,g hPte©t e!\r1 clnyc.:1z9u8k6, Alln ghtr<e.s ervWeidt.h oulti mititnhger ighutnsd ecro pyright reservaebdo ven,o p ano ft h1psu blicatmiaoybn e rcproducslt'odr,ei dno rm troducicndt ao r etriesvyaslt em, ort LJil,..,miJnt, t1effdlo,}r mo rh y: 1nmye ans( electrronneicch,. HJical, photocopyriencgo,r dionrog- therwiswei)t,h outth ep nor writtpecnr mtssoifoh no tht hec opyrigohwtn era nd the; lhopvueh li�ohfctr h thso ok Typesemt 1 2/' 4� ahonb y NorthurnhcrlParnedsL st dG,a tcshcTaydn,c a nd� 'ear PrintiendG reaBtr itahiyn RicharCdl ay( TheC haucePrr c>LSt)J B,u ngayS,u ffolk BrrtishC aLttublroiagnPru uymb gl HD·aattau m PearcPeh,i lippa Who·..,A fratadn?d o thesrt ransgteo ries VikinKge strfeilc tion I.T itle H2l,,91[J4] l'Z7 Contents A ChrisPtumdadsiI nmgp rowvietKshe eping I Samanatnhtdah e Ghost II A Prinicne Another Place 22 BlaEcyke s 34 TheR oaidWt e nBty 46 Auntie 59 HisL ovinSgi ster 70 Who'Asf raid? 79 Mr Hurrel's Tallboy ss TheH irn 96 TheY elloBwa ll ro8 A ChrsimtasP udding Imprvoesw iht Keeping It wbaosi lingw-ehaotth eTrh.et aloll dh oussei mmered ands eethienda lathee at-waTvhee.N appefra mily shartehdue s eo ft hgea rdebnu,tt odaiytw ass hadiaenrd coolfeorrt hemt os taiyn doorisnt, h eibra semeflnatt . Therteh elya ay boubtr,e athless. 'Iwi shs,a'i Edd dy',Iw i s-h' 'Goo n,s'a ihdi fsa the'rW.i sfho arp rivastwei mming­ poolo,ra p rivaitcee -crfeoaumn taoiran p ,r iv-a'tH ee gavuep ,t ooh ot. 'Iw ish-s'a iEdd dya,n ds toppaegda in. 'Got ot heP arkE,d dy,s'a ihdi sm othe'rA.s ikf t he dogu pstawiorusl ldi kaew alka,n dt akhei mt ot heP ark wityho uS.e ef rientdhse rTer.y t hes wingfso ra biotf a.u ,. 'No,s'a iEdd dy'.I w ishI c oulmda kea Christmas pudding.' I Hisp arensttsa raetdh imt,o os tupefibeydh eatto b e properalmya zedH.e s aid':Ik nowy oua lwaybsu yo ur Christmpausd dinMgu,m ,b utw e coulmda keo neI.t wouldnb'ett o oe artloym ake. onneo w.W e coulIdw .i sh wec ould.' 'Now?s'a ihdi sm othefra int'lIyan.l tlh ihse atA?n d why?T heb oughptu ddinhgasv ea lwaybse ena lrli ght, havent'hte y?' 'Ir emembesra,i'Md r Napper',m yg rannayl ways madeh ero wnC hristpmuadsd inAglsw.a ys.' 'Yoaun dy ougrr annsya!i'Md r sN apper. 'Shmea des everaatol n ceI.r emembetrh emb oiling awayi nh erk itchfeonhr o urasn dh ourasn dh ourSsh.e madet heema ralnyd s tortehde mW.h enC hristcmaamse , shes ervead p uddinkge ptf romt hey eabre forHee. ' sighesdm,a ckehdil si p'sA.C hristpmuadsd iinmgp roves witkhe eping.' MrsN appehra dc losheedr e yesa,p parenitnsl lye ep; butE ddyw asl istening. 'Weu setdo h elwpi tthh ep uddingssa,iM'dr Napper. 'Wea lhla da t urant s tirrtihnemg i xturYeo.uw isheads yous tirrbeudty, o u mustsna'ywt h at your wawsi.sh Andt hew ischa met rubee fotrheen exCth ristmas.' 'Yesc,r'i Eeddd y'.T hati'tIs!w antto s tiarn dt ow is­h tow ish-' 'Welsla,i'hd i mso thewri thhe re yessh ut',iw fe e ver makeo uro wnC hristmpausd dinigtw, o n'bte d urinag heat-wave.' 'Ij uswti sh-E'd dyb egan again. 'StoiptE ,d dys!a'i hdi mso thewra,k inugpt ob es harp. 'Got ot heP arkH.e rem'osn eyf oirc e-cream.' WhenE ddyh adg oneh,i sf athseari d':T haste ttled him!' Hism othesra id':T hied eatsh egye tC!o mea ndg one ina m inutteh,o ug.h.. 'T heyb otdho zed·off. 2

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