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Who owns the world's media?: media concentration and ownership around the world PDF

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Who Owns the World’s Media? 9780199987238-Noam.indb 1 05/10/15 9:16 PM 9780199987238-Noam.indb 2 05/10/15 9:16 PM Who oWns the World’s Media? Media Concentration and Ownership around the World El i M . Noa M a N d t h E i N t E r N at i o N a l M E d i a C o N C E N t r at i o N C o l l a b o r at i o N 1 9780199987238-Noam.indb 3 05/10/15 9:16 PM 1 Oxford University Press is a department of the University of Oxford. It furthers the University’s objective of excellence in research, scholarship, and education by publishing worldwide. Oxford New York Auckland Cape Town Dar es Salaam Hong Kong Karachi Kuala Lumpur Madrid Melbourne Mexico City Nairobi New Delhi Shanghai Taipei Toronto With ofces in Argentina Austria Brazil Chile Czech Republic France Greece Guatemala Hungary Italy Japan Poland Portugal Singapore South Korea Switzerland Tailand Turkey Ukraine Vietnam Oxford is a registered trade mark of Oxford University Press in the UK and certain other countries. Published in the United States of America by Oxford University Press 198 Madison Avenue, New York, NY 10016 © Oxford University Press 2016 All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmited, in any form or by any means, without the prior permission in writing of Oxford University Press, or as expressly permited by law, by license, or under terms agreed with the appropriate reproduction rights organization. Inquiries concerning reproduction outside the scope of the above should be sent to the Rights Department, Oxford University Press, at the address above. You must not circulate this work in any other form and you must impose this same condition on any acquirer. Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data Noam, Eli M. Who Owns the World’s Media?: media concentration and ownership around the world/ by Eli M. Noam and contributing authors p. cm. Includes bibliographical references and index. ISBN 978–0–19–998723–8 (hardcover : alk. paper) 1. Mass media—Ownership. 2. Mass media—Economic aspects. 3. Telecommunication—Ownership. 4. Telecommunication—Economic aspects. I. Noam, Eli M. P96.E25 W58 2015 338.4’730223—dc23 2014010928 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 Printed in the United States of America on acid-free paper Te International Media Concentration Collaboration is a group of scholars assembled by Eli M. Noam who have contributed country chapters to this volume. 9780199987238-Noam.indb 4 05/10/15 9:16 PM Contents Acknowledgments ix 4 Finland 61 List of Contributors xi Mikko Grönlund 5 France 80 Part oNE: iNtrodUCtioN Patrick-Yves Badillo, Dominique Bourgeois, aNd oVErViEW and Jean-Baptiste Lesourd 1 Introduction 3 6 Germany 107 Julia Bösch, Max-Josef Meier, 2 Project Organization and Philipp Rösch-Schlanderer, and Methodology 16 Achim Ekkehard Henning Wolf Part t Wo: MEdia CoNCENtratioN 7 Ireland 143 aroUNd thE World—CoUNtrY Roddy Flynn and Paschal Preston StUdiES 8 Italy 183 Giuseppe Richeri and Benedeta Prario a. EUroPE 9 Te Netherlands 206 3 Belgium 35 Joost van Dreunen Peggy Valcke, Jo Groebel, and Moritz Bitner •  v 9780199987238-Noam.indb 5 05/10/15 9:16 PM 10 Portugal 231 d. aSia-PaCifiC Paulo Faustino 23 Australia 703 11 Russia 276 Franco Papandrea and Rodney Tifen Elena Vartanova 24 China 740 12 Spain 311 Min Hang Juan P. Artero and Alfonso Sánchez-Tabernero 25 India 772 Anuradha Bhatacharjee, Liwei Wang, and 13 Sweden 338 Tapasya Banerjee Robert G. Picard, Mart Ots, and Madison Forsander 26 Japan 801 Kiyoshi Nakamura, Teruaki Asari, Yoshiharu 14 Switzerland 358 Ichikawa, Koichiro Hayashi, Hajime Yamada, Patrick-Yves Badillo and Dominique and Sho Yamaguchi Bourgeois 27 South Korea 827 15 Turkey 387 Daeho Kim and Seongcheol Kim Hüseyin Kemal Bayazit 28 Taiwan 847 16 United Kingdom 425 Yu-li Liu, Yuntsai Chou, Kuo-feng Tseng, Petros Iosifdis Ru-Shou Robert Chen, Yi-hsuan Chiang, and Ping-Hung Chen b. North aMEriCa E. MiddlE EaSt aNd afriCa 17 Canada 455 Dwayne Winseck 29 Egypt 883 Nagla Rizk 18 United States 500 Eli Noam 30 Israel 942 Amit M. Schejter and Moran Yemini C. l atiN aMEriCa 31 South Africa 986 George Angelopulo and Petrus H. Potgieter 19 Argentina 575 Guillermo Mastrini, Ana Bizberge, Part thrEE: SUMMariES and Martín Becerra aNd aNalYSES 20 Brazil 606 32 N ational Media Concentrations Sonia Virginia Moreira Compared 1017 21 Chile 641 33 European Trends 1042 Sergio Godoy E. Patrick-Yves Badillo, Dominique Bourgeois, and Jean-Baptiste Lesourd 22 Mexico 674 Juan Enrique Huerta Wong 34 M edia Industries in International and Rodrigo Gómez García Comparison 1054 vi  •  C O N T E N T S 9780199987238-Noam.indb 6 05/10/15 9:16 PM 35 T e World’s Major Media 38 Findings 1303 Companies 1109 General References on Media Ownership 36 T e Owners of the World’s Media 1180 and Concentration 1349 Index 1373 37 Analysis of Media Concentration 1243 C O N T E N T S  •  vii 9780199987238-Noam.indb 7 05/10/15 9:16 PM 9780199987238-Noam.indb 8 05/10/15 9:16 PM Acknowledgments THIS BOOK is a project that started out as a Jointly with his colleagues Mark Thompson, good and simple idea and then became better but Gordana Jankovic, and the Open Society Foun- more challenging. At its inception were friends dation’s then president, Arye Neier, OSF sup- and colleagues who became a mainstay of the ported this project throughout its progress. project—first, Koichiro Hayashi and Kiyoshi They warmly encouraged us, yet left us alone in Nakamura of Japan—who then supervised the conception, selection, and conclusion. work on East Asian countries. They were joined At Columbia Business School, many people by a French team—Patrick Badillo, Dominique contributed their talent and energy. Jason Buck- Bourgeois, and Jean-Baptiste Lesourd—who weitz, Associate Director of the Columbia Insti- recruited many of the European author teams, tute for Tele-Information (CITI), held this proj- as well as authored chapter 33, providing a ect together with an amazing combination of European summary. Together, and with Jason skills in research, management, technology, and Buckweitz, we formed the project’s executive law. He also coauthored chapter 36 on owner- committee. We also organized conferences that ship. Essential to the quantitative work was Paul brought together the author teams, held in New Mutter, the project manager at CITI, who sup- York, Paris, Brussels, and Yokohama. This proj- ported both data analysis and editing. He was ect would not exist without their encourage- assisted by teams of summer college interns and ment, contributions, and generosity. research assistants. Equally central to this project was Marius Paul succeeded Liwei Wang, who contrib- Dragomir, senior manager and publications uted to making the individual-country chap- editor of the Open Society Media Program. ters consistent by providing feedback to their •  ix 9780199987238-Noam.indb 9 05/10/15 9:16 PM

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