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Preview Who Conquered the New World? Or Four Centuries of Exploration in An Indehiscent Capsule

/ WHO CONQUERED THE Ewan} Joseph NEW WORLD? OR FOUR CENTURIES OF AN EXPLORATION IN INDEHISCENT CAPSULE Abstract We track botanical conquest from Oviedo (who met Columbus in 1490 and visited Santa Marta, present Colombia, We in 1515) to the corporate botanical garden at the close of the 19th century. also recognize the foreign correspondent of the 16th century; the solitary missionary-naturalist of the 17th century; the apologist of systems (who advocates member schemes of classification) in the 18th century; and the naturalist-collector, then often a of a government- sponsored expedition in the 19th century. We making taxonomy and grown History? are history. Plant "great pine cone; the plant in large is not a purely descriptive science, history, fields [in Veragua, Panama] from shoots that grow is it is same deviously directed toward a conclusion. History out of the pifia [and] plants last for three or "^ rests on archives of two sorts: books published from four years, always producing fruit. (See Fig. 1.) mummies archives, and plant ticketed or labeled Pineapple was transplanted by Guaranies of south — Ananas and entombed in herbaria. The conquest of the Brazil and Paraguay the word a Tupi- is — New World by the explorers who observed and Guarani name via other Amerindians probably reported begins with Columbus who met Oviedo down the Orinoco avenue of penetration to the We two years before Columbus set headline Caribbean. The Portuguese had dehvered as far sail. it the sixteenth century for commentators on the as Goa on the Indian Ocean during the sixteenth its plants observed; the seventeenth century by the century. But pineapple was not the staple food that who now missionaries collected seeds and, and then, maize was, ''the most important of foods for all men By specimens; the eighteenth century by apologists of and their livestock.''^ the late sixteenth were systems, collecting exhibits to support their schemes; century the peoples of central Africa raising the nineteenth century by the collector-ex- maize, manioc, peanuts, and squashes, Ameri- field all who we know who plorer not cabinets of but can domesticates, but do not exactly curiosities, filled, museums who which by the twentieth century would those phyto-conquestadors were, delivered the how So overflow. foodstuffs, or early they arrived. dispro- movement omnia was Floras, faunas, history, everything flows, portionate the west-to-east that When New Jieurit. did the sea bean, Entada gigcts^ Vavilov listed 640 World plant domesticates first take the Gulf Stream across the Atlantic? The soft but only 50 of African origins.^ wood Weeds from warmer had pithlike of cuipo or quipo {Cavanillesia pla- tropical or climates tanifolia)^ a relative of celba^ for centuries had arrived in the Mediterranean from even before the Marco World been washed on the Azores by tempests. Indeed, days of Polo, and these Old emigrants 1494 these waifs were gathering evidence for what in arrived in Hispaniola in on the 17 ships of remember Columbus's day was looked upon as shoreless Columbus's second voyage. (Do you the still When he was coasting among the Bahamas Santa Maria, PintUy and Nina from your school- seas.^ The Nina on the of his four voyages, Columbus wrote: book history days? returned to Hispan- first many many On men wom- and 1494.) board were 1,200 (no believe there are plants trees iola in **I which are worth a lot in Spain for dyes, and for en) taken abroad to build the settlement near weed when medicines and spicery; but do not recognize them, Isabela.^ Imagine the seeds that arrived I me which gives great Pineapple as a do- rootcrowns of the grape vines and sugar cane from grief.''^ mesticate from the Mosquito Coast was described, Spain and her possessions were planted. for example, by Columbus's son Ferdinand as a Bixa, the body paint of jungle Indians, in mod- Missouri Botanical Garden, P.O. Box 299, Louis, Missouri 63166, U.S.A. St. ' Ann. Missouri Bot. Card. 78: 57-64. 1991 58 Annals of the Garden Missouri Botanical jos to find this ^^Canella alba'* or "Ispingo.'''' when Gonzalo Pizarro chronicled that they were Cayambe^ **on the skirts of a volcano," evidently day two did not cease to rain for a single for it He months. said the Spanish "received great in- much became and jury, of their clothing rotten." In the vicinity of Suniaco the Indians went naked, Pizarro concluding, ''they go naked because the much country so hot, and rains so that clothes is it No become specimens from Spanish rotten."'^ this Pizarro period was probably Joseph de exist. It who 1747 Jussieu in collected a sterile spec- first imen Lamarck Lauras quixos and that labeled Here preserved in the Paris herbarium.'^" at the Henk Missouri Botanical Garden, van de Werff is complex piecing together history four centuries this after Pizarro. Although Santa Catalina Island was discovered 1542 off the southern California coast in October San by Cabrillo, there was no botanist aboard the La Salvador and was or consort. Victoria, its it 300 Gambel years before William botanized on the island in 1847.'^ The University of Padua, not Ca- Spain, opened the botanic garden In brillo's first The Europe nearly a half century after Columbus.'* next botanic gardens, Leyden (1590) and Mon- tepellier (1592), featured materia medica exhibits FlGURE Pineapple grown and 1697 1. illustrated in economy at the botanic garden in Amsterdam. This drawing served or plants involved in the of the nation. as a basionym in the description of the pineapple by American plants were grown at Oxford, which Linnaeus in the Species Plantarum in 1753. opened garden 1621, 1635, and Paris in in its The Uppsala in 1655, great surge of living collec- Kew 1759 advanced and her 13 tions with in ern times has been sublimated into coloring for satellite gardens throughout the far-flung British cheese and margarine. In 1526 Oviedo said the Empire. In due course there was a particular one — make Caribs "paint their bodies [and] themselves outside the British crown Shaw's Garden, created hideous [with] various figures on their faces and in the image of Kew. other parts of the body [thinking] they look good The growth of botany, systematic botany par- in in and besides they like the appearance of the ticular, depends on the comparative forms of flow- it, paint.** Gaspard Bauhin cited Oviedo, and from the ers afforded in a botanic garden. Just as vegetation dehiscent capsule of annatio placed in the ge- types are mapped by so-called indicator species, it When named neric group, Castanea."* Linnaeus botanic gardens stake the growth of horticulture Bixa commemorated orellana he Francisco Orella- and advance taxonomy. Notable are the Chinese na, taking his flag from Plukenet who had pictured studies nurtured by Arnold Arboretum's Chinese Bixa by other name achiote. "^ Alexander Smith, plantings. its We Museum employed Economic Kew, Mexico and Lima opened in the at con- recall that City New Treasury Botany and 1553 and 1555, and trlbuted to the of of Lindley universities in that the Moore. Smith wrote that Bixa paint [was] almost World's herbal, though not published for four first their only article of clothing." Perhaps Bixa gave centuries, dates from 1552. the Badianus It is "Red Man/' mod- the designation MartU5cr/p^''^ This Aztec herbal records such Tidings were circulated in Pizarro's time that a ern concepts as the relation of hummingbirds to cinnamon grew on sort of the east slope of the the tubular scarlet flowers for example, Loese/ia of, northern Andes. "The Land of Cinnamon" was coccinea (Polemoniaceae). There are puzzles: the placed as east of Quito, and Orellana was aroid huacalxochitel, meaning "basket flower," dis- Tom accompany patched to Francisco Pizarro's brother was illustrated for value in curing angina. its me Gonzalo on an expedition to a province called Qui- Croat "presumably a fanciful rendition tells it is Volume Number Ewan 59 78, 1 Who New 1991 Conquered World? the some The of Philodendron,^'' tendrils in the draw- ing are unnatural; a few aroids do have lobed leaves, but none has blades close to those pictured. Many narrow-endemic philodendrons occur in Mexico, and so, in twentieth century thinking, Among an ''perhaps represents extinct species." it Badianus Manu- other engaging illustrations in the script are the very earliest illustrations of American cacti, a cereoid and an opuntia.'^ Remarkably this 552 herbal notes on Old World immigrants: offers 1 Rumex, OxallSy and Cynara cardunculus. Early New World Parthenium records of hysterophorus^ mombin and such {Spondias purpurea fruits as Mexican L.) are in this herbal. The Franciscan Andre Thevet was on the friar coast of Brazil in November 1555.'^ Later he sailed along the Florida coast and reached the Gulf of St. Lawrence. Thevet's Canadian journal was cited by Linnaeus Bibliotheca botanica where in his (1747), was the first of what Linnaeus listed as '*'*per- it egrinationes Americaniy Thevet antedated Jacob 78 Cornut's Canadian account by years, but Cornut 30 The offered about plant descriptions. indehis- cent capsules of the attractive genus Thevetla bring Panama him to mind. (The Flora of describes these A distinctive fruits as "drupes.")'^ century before ri -m Linnaeus^^ **Ahovay'' was included by Gaspard Figure 2. Pepper Tree of Chile illustrated by Feuillee Bauhin Pinax under *'Pomiferae Arbores" in 1714, introduced into California during the Mission in his Period. and Under together with genipat durion. a six-word polynomial Bauhin cited Jean de Lery, Protestant who pastor visited Brazil the year after Thevet, Before we leave the foreign correspondents of and who noted the fruit of Ahovay (Thevetia) as the sixteenth century, a word about Old World a crepitaculum, Latin for rattle. Domestic uses of preconceptions that have us with some every- left plants are the chronicled by the sixteenth day misnomers. For centuries maize was known as first century herbalists Clusius and L'Obel. The Tupi- Turkey wheat, the American bison called is still nambas of Brazil wore Thevetia "shells" as anklets buffalo, and the (spotted) jaguar, the Tupi Guarani When in their dances. the barber-surgeon John name, has prestigious advertising value, neverthe- Gerard produced his Herball or Generall Historic less, the Old World association, el tigre, the is When name of Plantes for British readers, the year Shakes- popular Latin American today. the "Henry IV" was on Gerard American agave was named became "Amer- peare's the the stage, the it flgured a woodcut of Thevetia, the "Indian Morrice ican aloe." David Quinn called these "products of an Morocco dance "^^ The Greek word bells," in allusion to the exotic wishful thinking. for a spiny He much theme. said their "rattling sound doth plant kaktos^ appropriated for the cactus. John is 9^ delight" the Indians. 20 Lindley knew our avocado as Alligator pear, "pear Only one of the several herbalists of the sixteenth going back to Oviedo from shape. 24 its Who American was were century included discoveries, so slow the solitary missionary-naturalists of the spread of plant lore. Brunfels included no Amer- the seventeenth century? First let us mention John ican headlines, not even holy wood, Guaiacum Banister of the York River region of Virginia. 25 Had Reverend beyond 38 or sanctum^ the prized antisphyilitic, the Banister lived his officinale which by 1530 was selling briskly. Fuchs alone of years. North American natural history would have New World the herbalists illustrated two squashes taken a very different course indeed. Banister took and maize. ^' By 1583 Clusius of Antwerp, who his M.A. degree at Oxford in 1674 and became He profited from his residence in a port city on the clerk and chaplain at Magdalene College, stud- North Sea, mentioned the "White beans of Gua- ied and collected especially the surviving plants temala" and "dama de noche."^^ brought back from the York River area that had 60 Annals of the Missouri Botanical Garden earlier been noticed by John Tradescant between England, John Harrison, invented the chro- in first 1632 and 1654. From 1678 to 1692, when Ban- nometer to enable ships to determine longitude at ister was accidentally shot while collecting on the sea. The use of the chronometer was opposed by Roanoke River, two-thirds to three-quarters of the the astronomer royal, Nevil Maskelyne, and so it plants described by Banister from Virginia were was not used on the Endeavour by Captain Cook, new. Leonard Plukenet had 89 of Banister's draw- It became crucial in later voyages. '** The chronom- ings finely engraved and reproduced in his Phy- eter and the sextant enabled expeditions to reach tographia, with the Latin descriptions. However, and to map charted shores accurately. The harvest he failed to credit Banister with 11 of these, mostly of those expeditions would be sorted by the still those received in England after Banister's death. numbers of their stamens and into new gen- pistils Plukenet's Banister records were an important con- era and species according to Linnaean classes. tribution to the writings of Linnaeus 50 years later. The description and classification of new plants When New Linnaeus quoted Gronovius works World wake or the of in the followed in the of such Ray, Morison, Plukenet, Petiver, and Dillenius for applied botanical activities as the culturing of silk- records of Virginia plants, he was quoting Banister worms on leaves of mulberry The founding trees. and was basing his newly described species on one of the Colony of Georgia said to have rested on is of Banister's drawings or descriptions, ahhough three needs; an asylum for debtors and persecuted Linnaeus The monk rarely attributed these him. garden growing to Protestants; a for the of trial silk, (1660-1732) Louis Feuillee explored Martinique, wine grapes, and drug plants; and a relief of pop- Caracas, and elsewhere before visiting the coasts ulation pressures in the Old World. ^" Old Ebenezer, of Chile and Peru between 1707 and 1712, ob- a sterile and unattractive spot about 21 miles from serving especially the ports of Concepcion, Tal- Savannah and about four miles below the present cahuano, Coquimbo, and Callao. Linnaeus cited town of Springfield, Effingham County, was settled plants from the illustrated journal of Feuillee, but in the spring of 1734 by 78 Salzbergers. George no specimens are known. The pepper tree, so well Genzmer described them as ''simple folk, pious, known southern was from in California, cited Feuil- industrious, uneducated, impoverished by confis- lee as Schinus molle where the trivial epithet is cation and exile, and bewildered by their situation without meaning, a mistake for malli, the native on the Georgia frontier." Baron von Reck and name vernacular (See Reverend Johann in Chile.-'' Fig. 2.) Bolzius led a ''tour of observation The (1646- Catholic missionary Charles Plumier into the adjoining country [to Savannah] sponsored 1704) visited Martinique and Haiti in 1689 with by Governor Oglethorpe.^' Old Ebenezer had proved — Joseph Donat 1736 moved Surian, physician-pharmacist.^' Sur- unsatisfactory in the settlers to a ian returned to France the next year with a plant high ridge and founded New Ebenezer. Central to my collection, which preserved in ten books in the mentioning Ebenezer the appearance 1756 is in is museum natural history in Paris. Instead of col- of an almost entirely overlooked botanical paper made lecting plants Plumier about 6,000 line draw- published Ilamburgisches Magazin enumer- in ings and prepared early descriptions of the plants ating 87 plants, mostly economic or potentially observed. These were the bases of four botanical useful species: the report of the Reverend Bolzius. 32 works published between 1693 and 1760. They Dr. William Houstoun botanized the West in Burman who were completed by Johannes wrote Indies, Vera Cruz, and the Spanish Main on behalf the later descriptions. of Sir Hans Sloane and the Chelsea Physick Gar- The eighteenth century may be marked by the den.^^ His premature death in Jamaica, August 14, advocates or apologists for the two historic systems 1733, brought an end to the plan of Oglethorpe of plant classification launched in that century. The and the South Sea Company, by whom Houstoun Sexual System espoused by Linnaeus, and its im- was retained as a physician, for shipping plants pact, has been skillfully told by Frans Stafleu in and seeds from tropical America to West Indii and his Linnaeus the Llnnaeans {\91 \\ with some ports, to Charleston, and to the "Colony of Georgia references to the succeeding scheme, the emerging in America/' Some West Indian plants reached my Natural System of Jussieu. I summarized in the Savannah plantations from Houstoun's trav- "PlantCoUectorsin America: Backgrounds many for Lin- His energies other regions and the els,^* in naeus" 1970,'" we new made known in but await a capsulated review species he discovered and by American of the collectors and sources that con- Philip Miller indicate that the history of Georgia tributed to Jussieu's natural arrangement. botany would have been very had he different lived. Linnaeus known Systema Naturae Men well for his of the nineteenth century at watersheds is published in 1735. The same year a clockmaker around the world who directed the flow of knowl- — Volume Number Ewan 78, 61 1 Who New 1991 Conquered World? the edge from explorations included Barton, Humboldt, dertaken for scientific purposes in the [nineteenth] many the Hookers, the de Candolles, Martins, Engler, century." As as 6,500 plant specimens, as Torrey, and Gray. Humboldt's enquiry into many well as living plants and seeds were sent to Munich, fields is "unlikely ever to be surpassed, for thor- Zoological collections included 85 mammals, 350 oughness, perseverance, curiosity, courage, and birds, 116 fishes, and 2,700 insects. Seeded by sheer force of intellect/'^^ Humboldt's was the the plant collections was the epic Flora Bras- last moment when in history an individual could master iliensis. Martius, then of age 46, prompted by the all branches of science. WiUiam Jackson Hooker, ill-fated EndUcher, in 1840 launched the first of as did S. F. Baird in this country, implemented the 130 fascicles, which in 20,733 pages made 15 own 46 field naturalists, often out of their pockets, to volumes. Martius completed fascicles by his Kew W. assemble at the records of global exploration. death in 1868. A. Eichler and Ignatz Urban Witness, for example, that George Gardner, M.D., continued to edit the Flora to completion in its aided by Hooker, from 1836 to 1841 wrote 36 1906. Sixty five botanists of nine European nations letters, some 18 and 24 pages long. Gardner's contributed their accounts to Flora Brasiliensis.'^ I comments may in his Brazilian Travels (1846) are often surprise us read Asa Gray's It to letter to to the point: the Rio botanic garden, Gardner wrote, George Engelmann 1863 that "Martius not in is "^^ promenade is ''more a than a Botanic Garden. a very remarkable botanist, but good." Gray then Kew who Joseph Dalton Hooker, cultivated after added Martius a genial, philosophical soul ''is (full saw his father's seeding, the international values of Plato, etc.), a good explorer, has worked up the man of colonial floras, still of first-line usefulness, for Palms, etc., and a wonderful for the amount is West the Indies, Hongkong, British India, and so he knows on a vast number of different subjects The Pyramus forth. elder de Candolle, Augustus philology, antiquities, philosophy, id genus et de Candolle, first used "endemique" in 1820.^^ His omne. ^^ Gray had first met Martius on his Eu- — Prodromus, published from 1823 to 1873, with ropean tour in 1839 Gray was 28, Martius, 45, 4( his son, Alphonse, involved British and continental a small man, not so as I" says Gray, ''quite tall authors. "Prodromus literally means the northeast thin, but very good looking. ''^^ They met at the wind which blows for eight days before the rising Royal Cabinet in Munich, once a Jesuit College, of the dogstar," wrote Willis Linn Jepson. "The then containing the immense which library, ac- work was intended as a forerunner of that natural cording to Gray was one of the two largest in the system which would sometime appear though in effulgent world, the collections except for the Bra- The Prodromus glory. blew for fifty years but zilian plants ''make no great show after that of . . . the dogstar has not yet risen.''*** Vienna." After his visit to the botanic garden. Gray GeopoHtics dictates exploration. Banks and So- dined at the "house of Martius," met his "very lander were not welcomed when they visited Rio intelligent and pleasant" wife, and their four chil- de Janeiro in 1769, and later Humboldt was for- dren. The party then retired to the royal chapel, bidden to enter Brazil, then in tight control of listened to the chapel musician on the piano ''play Portugal. But Napoleon's invasion of Spain in 1807 to perfection," then, says Gray, to crown Mar- all. independence movements The my set off in America. tins seized his fiddle, quite to surprise, and Many tables turned in Portugal. left Lisbon for an played with great spirit." 44 emergent Brazil. The capital was moved from Bahia For the Brazil of Spix and Martius that never will to Rio de Janeiro in 1808; Brazil was opened to return, listen to their "first night in the open air ^* English commerce, and the botanic garden was not from far Rio: founded in that same year. For the succeeding At Retiro, a miserable fazenda, lying sideways from decades parade a veritable of field-collecting ex- swampy Marcos, narrow surrounded S. in a valley, plorers from Europe went Included were to Brazil. by woody we mountains, passed the night the first in Langsdorff, Sellow, Saint-Hilaire, Pohl, Claussen, open The uraponga had ceased strangely air. his d'Urville, Mawe, Bowie, Burchell, Cunningham, sounding notes, the swarms of grasshoppers com- menced, monotonous many as night set in, their chirp, at and more, a parade unmatched perhaps in intervals interrupted by the notes of a large frog, The the annals of botanical exploration.^^ sixth resembling a drum, the lament of the capueira, and German naturalist in the decade was Karl Friedrich the dull cry of the goatsucker. Affected by the con- Philip von Martius, born in Erlangen, northern stantly returning impressions, we felt ourselves In a mood strange and solemn Bavaria. Martius was joined by the zoologist Johann in the lonely wilderness, which was when further increased the filament, with Baptist von Spix.*" They traveled 1,400 miles from all the splendour of the southern constellations, 1817 1820, on an until expedition "that certainly beamed on the dark forest, and millions of shining among ranks the most important enterprises un- beetles fluttered in luminous circles through the 62 Annals of the Garden Missouri Botanical many hedges, at length a heavy rain veiled all in dark- the work of botanists including one, Rafin- till ness. esque, with whom he disagreed; he wrote an ex- we The next mountains over which passed are many emplary and he prepared pioneer state flora; and The road sometimes lower, rise at intervals. is new government- descriptions of species for the cut very deep in the soil, which consists of red clay, very narrow, and when two troops of mules meet, sponsored Mexican Boundary Survey and the Pa- is as often happens, dangerous. This kind of road Railway Reports. Torrey was 55 when they It cific however, welcome luxurious because in forests, is, were begun. *^ confining travellers to one narrow path, prevents all man Asa Gray was a of sound scholarship, broad from being quickly overgrown, as would otherwise it was culture, and of compelling personality, yet he happen.*^ Wood, preeminence. Alphonso with jealous of his No single botanist in this country accomplished neither the talents nor the advantages of Gray, so much in the Nineteenth Century to create the competed successfully in the textbook field.''* The image of American botany as did Asa Gray. John edition of Wood's C/a55 fiooA:o/fio/afij( 1845) first Torrey, botanist, chemist, and mineralogist, dif- promptly sold out, the second edition and subse- fered from Gray, though they had characteristics quent printings from stereotyped plates held their in common. Both had a deeply religious turn of popularity. All the while the author was traveling mind, although have always suspected that Asa and learning new He made a major revision floras. I Gray attended Church as a proper Bostonlan, in 1861, and others followed throughout his life- whereas Torrey, a more retiring Christian, seldom time. Altogether between 800,000 and one million mentioned his religious associations. Both took copies of Wood's botanies were sold. Henry Nich- medical degrees, and both preferred the magnifying olas Bolander, author of a catalogue of limited lens to the stethoscope. 46 popularity on the plants of San Francisco area JohnTorrey wrote Professor A. P. deCandolle (1870), wrote enviously to Asa Gray in 1866, to "What Wood?"^^ Geneva on January 1837, 'Whenever can be done with Professor to at 6, I is my time continue work on Florae Amer- Columbus Ohio bryologist Leo Lesquereux wrote find to I icae Septentrionalis on which have been engaged to Professor Bolander in 1864 about an endemic I We now much '*We were concerned for several years past. are doing in feature of California: greatly N. America to perfect the Flora of our country." about your shocks of earthquake and happy to At this time he was expecting Gray to join the know that you had escaped a living burial or some- who Wilkes Exploring Expedition. **Dr. Gray has thing of that sorte."^' Who my New World? worked by side for nearly three years past, conquered the For the nat- is He was no to be the botanist. well qualified for the uralist there real conquest, only a quest, is situation. The United States can well afford to And the search continues. In 1841 George Ben- . . . send out expedition as we have 50 millions of tham named the genus of plants Heliamphora this our treasury and have paid our debts. based on Schomburgk's collection from Rorai dollars in all known hope we shall yet have a national botanic gar- Today nine heHamphoras are from the Gua- I The den, .*^ Gray, however, declined, and together yana Shield." pigeonholes of this garden's . . they proceeded with the Flora. herbarium hold verified undescribed taxa. What The Flora of North America was planned, fos- of those ''indehiscent capsules''? taught I monument, taxonomy tered, and stands today as Torrey's plant at Tulane, disseminating the def- which Gray helped to raise. Gray worked hand in inition that a capsule was dehiscent except when glove with Torrey, as Bentham and Hooker worked was indehiscent, for example, in the Brazil nut. it Europe 1838 The American Herbert Huntnigton Smith across the Atlantic. Gray's trip to in naturalist was the trip of an American botanist to visit wrote of the ''nut-capsules five inches in di- first . . . museums European expressly study type spec- ameter and weighing two or three pounds; to falling come imens essential to the writing of a flora. a hundred feet or more, they crashing through many By 1867 Asa Gray had branches cannon and bury themselves loyal followers the like balls, You with an almost idolatrous devotion. Frequent ref- often six inches deep in the ground. can imag- erences in letters between botanists to ''the Good ine,'' said Herbert Smith, "that a man's skull would Doctor Gray*' attest to the fraternity of spirit. Gray be small proof against such a missile. "^^ He had had created a garden, a garden of living and dried gone to Brazil at age 19 with his Cornell professor, plants, and by this time a garden of memories. C. F. Hartt, in 1870 and later collected off and It ay fairly be said that he had even built an empire. on until 1902 in South America, Mexico, and the To summarize Torrey's influence: he contributed West Indies. In 1910 Smith became curator of Museum to a sound taxonomy of the Cyperaceae; he fostered the Alabama of Natural History. Deafness Volume Number Ewan 78, 63 1 Who New 1991 Conquered World? the overtook him in time, and as he was walking on americana L.; yellow, from bark of Bixa. See Hand- book South American March 1919 of Indians, Julian H. Steward, 22, along a railroad track he failed Amer. editor,' (Bur. Ethnol. Bull. 143, 1948). 7 To to hear an approaching locomotive. get back "^^ umes. vol one to of those indehiscent capsules, the poet Ca- 9. Diagnostic phrase-names of Bauhin: Arbor Mexi- BC tullus in the first century wrote about what he ocana fructu castaneae coccifera. Pinax (1671), 419. called a chest"; he called a capsula with ''little it 10. Leonard Plukenet, Almagestum botanicum (London, no mention of indehiscence. John Lindley, master 1696), 272. pL 209, 4. fig. lexicographer, stressed the splitting in 1830, just Thomas 11. A(lexander) S(mith) in John Lindley and Leeuweuhoek 1693 as in wrote of the ''capsula Moore, Treasury Botany^ of revised edition (London, breaking upon the ripening of the seed."'*^ Longmans, Green, 1889), 148. Who knows who conquered America? Can J2. Clements R. Markham, Expeditions into the Valley really Amazons^ 1639 of the 1539, 1540, (London, Hak- we encapsulate the story indehiscently? Definitions Soc, 6-7. luyt 1859), Omnia The drawn flow. pictures of Barro fleurit. 12a. For Joseph de Jussieu in Ecuador see Arthur B. do Rio Negro by Wallace and Spruce are different Steele, Flowers for the King (Durham, North Car- from the Manaus saw 1985. How long the olina, Duke Univ., 1964), 20-22; Frans Stafleu, in will I and Linnaeus Linnaeans New the (Utrecht Intern. Assoc. World remain "new"? Capsules generally 278-279. Plant Taxonomists, 1971), For Jussleu's crack open, but what about the lecyths? They rot. association with Lamarck see Ludwig Diels, "Bei- Time short and the water Unfortunately is rises. trage zur Kenntnis der Vegetation und Flora von one lifetime seems hardly enough to allow a scholar Ecuador," Bibliotheca Botanica 116, (Stuttgart, 1937), 48. mastery of every aspect of huge subjects full like Ewan, Ewan, 13. **Early History** in editor, Short J. J. Dutch these. Peter Gayl, historian said: "History History of Botany in the United States (New York, who an endless debate and he delights debates is in Hafner, 1969), 28. Nuttall commemorated Gambel with historians enjoys the spice of historical writ- in 1848 as Gambelia speciosa from his Santa Cat- = may made now ing." But, as Samuel Johnson "I alina collection in February, 1847, but said, freely, Galvezia speciosa (Nutt.) A. Gray. Witmer Stone, without shame, leave some obscurities happier to "Philadelphia to the coast in early days, and the industry, or future information," 1850'' development of western ornithology prior to Condor 18 3-14. 11-12. (1916): T. Palmer, pp. S. "Notes on persons whose names appear the no- in Notes menclature of California birds" Condor 30 (1928): 2. Samuel Eliot Morison, Admiral of the Ocean Sea: 261-307, 278. Howard Campbell, "William Gam- p. New a Life ofChristopher Columbus (Boston, Little Brown, bel, Naturalist" Mexico Wildlife 26(6) (Nov.- 1942) 2 volumes. 60. One volume edition (1942) Dec. 1978): 2-9, mentions Gambel's passing through 1: lacks the chapter notes. St. Louis in April-May 1841, enroute to Indepen- 3 Ibid. 325. dence, Missouri, but his diary any) 1: (if is lost. 4. Quoted in Carl O. Sauer, Early Spanish Main 14. Ewan, "Notable living collections and botanic gar- J. (Berkeley, Univ. California, 1966), 133. Morison, dens*^ in Ian MacPhail, Hortus Botanicus, the Bo- is*' map Ewan, Garden and Book Morton 2: 70, see with dates following 68. tanic the (Lisle, Illinois, p. J. 118—119. "The Columbian discoveries and the growth of bo- Arboretum, 1972), W. tanical ideas with special reference to the Sixteenth 15. Emily Emmart, Badianus Manuscript (Balti- Century" in First Images of America. The Impact more, Johns Hopkins Univ., 1940). Martin de la New ofthe World on the Old, Fredi Chiappelli, editor Cruz, author of the Aztec text, latinized by Juannes DC, 807-812. Datura (Berkeley, Univ. California, 1976), Ref- Badianus. PI. 20, 224, meteloides p. is erences on pineapple, 812, note 1 4. Recent ac- not D. arborea L. PL 30, p. 234, Philodendron is counts: Francisco Oliva-Esteva and Julian A. Stey- perhaps P. pseudoradianatum Matuda but "not very Xanthosoma Thomas ermark, Bromeliaceaes of Venezuela, Native and close," not fide Croat (pers. Cultivated (Caracas, Armitano, 1987), 100-101; comm.). Freddy Leal, "On the history, origin and taxonomy 16. John M. Fogg, "Two early cactus pictures," Cac- Jr., of the pineapple," Interciencia 14 (1989), 235- tus and Succulent Jour. 52 (1980): 267. 241. 17. Andre Thevet, Les Singularitez de la France ant- W. 5. Alfred Crosby, Columbian Exchange. Bio- arctique (Paris, 1558), Paul Gaffarel, annotated edi- Jr., logical and Cultural Consequences of 1492 (West- tion, 1878. P. Fournier, "au Bresil. Andre Thevet, port, Connecticut, Greenwood, 1972), 171, 192. cordelier," Les Voyageurs naturalistes du clerge 6. Ibid., 1985. franqais avant la Revolution (Paris, Lechevalier, 102- 11-21. Morison, 116. 1932), 7. 2: 8. Sterling A. Stoudemire, editor, Oviedo's Natural 18. Annals Missouri Bot. Garden 57 (1970): 92. New History ofthe West Indies, 1526 (Chapel Univ. 19. The widely cultivated, World, narrow-leaved. Hill, North Carolina Studies Romance Languages and showy-flowered Thevetia peruviana (Pers.) K. Schum. Lit- eratures, 1959), 33. Amerindians used three body was one of three components of Cerbera in Linnaeus, PL 208-209. The New World paints: red, from bija or urucu or achiote with vari- Sp. (1753), second T now ant spellings, the of Bixa; bluish black, from ovate-leaved "yoyote" or "yoyotl" ahouai fruit is name jagua, or genip, genipapi, or jenipapeiro, Genipa (L.) A. DC. Linnaeus adopted the Indian given 64 Annals of the Garden Missouri Botanical Ewan 44-47. mThevex'sSingularitezde antarctique France 34. (1969), See note 29. la la Amazon 66. The Old World Cerbera manghas 35. Robin Furneaux, The (London, H. Hamil- (1588), third, now understood to comprise three elements, ton, 1971), 97. L., is according to Herbert Huber in M. D. Dassanayake 36. Hooker correspondence, volume 68, Royal Botanic and F. R. Fosberg, Flora of Ceylon (Washington Garden, Kew. G. Gardner, Travels in the Interior and New Delhi, 1983) 4: 53, 54. Such involved of Brazil 1836-1841 (London, Reeve, 1846), histories of Linnaean species are not unusual. 34. Portuguese edition, (Sao Paulo, 1975), 31. 20. John Gerard, Herball (London, 1633, Johnson 37. Diet, des Sci. Naturelles (1820) 18: 412. "emaculata" 1545-1546. 38. W. Jepson, High School Flora for California ed.), pp. L. 2 Crosby, 77. See note 4. See also Finan, ''Maize (Berkeley, Assoc. Students, 1935), 6. 1 1 J. J. . W. the great herbals/^ Annals Missouri Bat. Garden 39. F. Pennell, "Historical sketch," in F. Verdoorn, in and America 35 (1948) 149-191. Plants Plant Sciences in Latin (Wal- 35- 22. Joseph Ewan, ''The Columbian discoveries and the tham, Massachusetts, Chronica Botanica, 1945), growth of botanical ideas with special reference to 48. Images America, 40. Nelson Papavero, Essays on the History of Neo- the sixteenth century'' in First of edited by Fredi Chiappelli (Berkeley, California, Univ. tropical Dipterology (Sao Paulo, Univ., 1971) 1: 807-812, 65-69. California Press, 1976), 2: n. 4. 23. David Beers Quinn, "New geographical horizons: Lit- 41. L Urban in G. F. P. von Martins, Flora brasiliensis 635-658, 637-638. 210-228. erature" in Chiappelli, Pp. (1906) (Pt. 1 I): 86-87. Asa Gray 24. Stoudemire, See note 7. 42. Jane Loring Gray, editor. Letters of (Bos- & 25. N. Ewan, John Banister and his Natural ton, Houghton-Mifflin, 1893) 2: 215. J. 1678-1692 232-233. History of Virginia, (Urbana, Illinois, 43. Ibid. 1: 44. 234. 1970). Ibid. 1: & 26. Feuillee's diagnostic phrase name, Mutli foliis non 45. B. von Spix C. F. P. von Martius, Travels in J. serratis, appears under Schinus areira L., Sp. pi. Brazil in the Years 1817-1820. (London, Long- 284-285. 389, characterized by entire leaflets, the usual vari- man, etc., 1824) 1: ant noticed in California. The Botanical Magazine 46. Ewan, "Only ten feet less" in J. E. Gunckel, J. 3339 (1834), drawn from a greenhouse plant Current Topics in Plant Science (New York, Aca- pi. 155-160. with serrated leaflets, the Linnaean S. molle. Feuil- demic Press, 1969), is Ewan lee's works were noticed by in Herharist 47. Torrey, Jan. 6, 1837, to A. P. de Candolle, Ar- J. J. 25 (1959), 60-64, and in Amer. Fern Jour. 50 chives, Conservatoire Jardin Botanique Geneve. (1960): 26-32. 48. See M. Johnston, Jour. Arnold Arbor. 24 (1943): I. 237-242. 27. Ewan, "Plant collectors in America: backgrounds J. Wood, 1810-1881, Linnaeus" Essays Biohistory (Utrecht, 49. Publications of Alphonso listed for in in Regnum Veg. 71. 1970) 22, 50. Fournier, 53-59 mAgric. Library Notes (1927) 2: 95-100. Charles W. "A 50 Dartmouth (see note 16). Typification problems reviewed by Lyon, Edition Best Seller" J. T. and W. T. Stearn, Taxon 23 (1974): 188- Alumni Mag. 31 (March 1939), 18, 81-83. Gillis Ewan 190. Urban, Symholae antillanae (Berlin, 1898) 50. (1969), 44. See note 12. I. J. 62. 51. Leo Lesquereux, Columbus, Ohio, 13 April 1864, to 3: 28. See note 26. H. N. Bolander. Bolander papers, Bancroft Library, 29. C. Beaglehole, Exploration ofthe Pacific (London, Univ. California, Berkeley. J. & Garden A. C. Black, 1934, 3rd edition. 1966) and Life 52. Julian Steyermark, Annals Missouri Bot. of Captain James Coo^ (Stanford Univ. Press, 1974), 71 (1984): 302. Amazon and passim. 53 Herbert H. Smith, Brazil. The the 30. Ewan, "Silk culture in the colonies, with particular Coast (New York, Scrihners, 1879), 311. Jean de J. Novus reference to the Ebenezer colony and the first local Laet described the tree, called totocke in Orbis flora of Georgia" Agric. Hist. 43 (1969): 129-141. (1640), 632. Humboldt praised de Laet's "remark- 31. Kristian Hvidt, Von Reek's Voyage. Drawings and able description," see Ewan (1976), 812 and note Journal of Philip Georg Friederich von Reck (Sa- 3. Bertholletia fruits are "functionally indehiscent'' vannah, Ga., Beehive Press, 1980), esp. 7-25. P. to the ground, the seeds held inside by the small- fall A. Strobel, Salzburgers and other Descendents (Bal- ness of the opercular opening or "plug" until the 90- timore, 1855, reprint, Athens, Georgia, 1953), agoutis gnaw open the fruits, eat a few seeds, i.e. may 124. Pastor Henry Melchior Muhlenberg, mentioned the "Brazil rmts," disperse others which even- & as a visitor, not to be confused with botanist Rev. tually germinate. See Scott A. Mori G. T. Prance, Henry Ernest Muhlenberg, who did not Georgia. Chapter 6 in R. E. Dickinson, editor, Geophysiology visit 6989. 32. Ewan (1970), 140-141. See note 29. of Amazonia (New York, Wiley, 1987), Auk 637-638. 33. E. Dandy, Sloane Herbarium (London, British 54. T. S. Palmer, (1920): J. Mus. (Nat. Hist.) 1958), 139-140. Urban, 3: 62. 55. Anton von Leeuwenhoek, Phil. Trans. 17 (1693): See note 26 706.

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