Carleton University Learning in Retirement Program (Oct/Dec 2017) Israel/Palestine: Will it ever be solved? Welcome (back)!! Peter Larson Carleton University Learning in Retirement Program (Oct-Dec 2017) Israel/Palestine: Can it ever be solved? Outline Monday, Oct 30 - Introduction and basic elements Monday, Nov 6 - Who are the Palestinians, why are they unhappy and what do they want? Monday, Nov 13 – The history of anti-Semitism in Western Europe, Zionism and the creation of the State of Israel Monday, Nov 20 - Israel today: What does it mean to be a “Jewish State”? Monday, Nov. 27 - The issue of the Palestinian refugees Monday, Dec 4 – Canadian policy and conclusion Review of day 1 Geography Topography Review of day 1 Terminology • Palestinian • Palestine • Israel • Arab • Israeli • Arab Israeli • Palestinian citizens of Israel • West Jerusalem • East Jerusalem Review of day 1 Terminology • Jew • Jewish • “Two State Solution” • Zionism/Zionist • West Bank • Judea and Samaria • Refugees • Occupation • Disputed territory • Annexation Review of day 1 The two “narratives” Review of day 1 Jewish (Israeli, Zionist) Narrative • We have always been a tiny, persecuted people. • We have learned through experience that we can’t depend on others to protect us. • We have now returned to our ancestral lands, and we plan to stay. • All we want is for our neighbours to accept our right to exist as a Jewish state. Palestinian narrative • We have lived in an area called “Palestine” for thousands of years. • We were of mixed racial origin, and mixed religions (Christian, Muslim and Jewish) • Western countries oppressed Jews and helped them establish in Palestine. • Those Jews expelled us and confiscated our property. • We can accept Jews, but can’t accept Israel as a “Jewish State” – its our homeland. • We want an admission that what was done to us was wrong and that those wrongs have to be righted. Who are the Palestinians? Why are they frustrated? And what do they want, anyway? Peter Larson Chair Canada Talks Israel Palestine Who are the Palestinians? Why are they frustrated? And what do they want, anyway? Peter Larson Chair Canada Talks Israel Palestine Outline History – what was Palestine? Demography – who were the Palestinians? How many are there today? Geography - Where do they live today? Issues - What are their problems? Politics – What do they want? Conclusions