L ooking orward Looking ack TROSPECT '9 w For Reference an-Hanson Not to be taken Regional High School from this library Franklin Street MA Whitman, 02382 (617) 447-7020 SaraSchlieff, PresidentoftheSeniorClass, looksforwardintothemirrorwhilelookingbackatthecamera. Sara, who ranforClassPresidentasateam withJessieMageras Vice-President, wasthefirstofW-Hstudentstorunasateam. SaraandJessie'sgoalsfortheirsenioryearweretopromoteschoolspirit,communication,andclasstogetherness.Look- ingtothefuture, SaraaimstoheacounselorinashelterforrunawaysandJessielooksforwardtopursuingamedical career,perhapsasasurgeon. SENIORS SENIORS . . . Follow-upwinnersofthe Mr. andMrs. Whitman- Hansoncontestinclude: KaseyStankewicz, Kellie Ring, BillFrazier, JimMar- nell, JessieMager, Giw Giaquinta, andErinHurley. HiespiritoftheirPanther Prideisseenin thesmilesof thesewinners whowere selectedbasedon their schoolspirit. Above: Mr. andMrs. Whitman-Hanson, Craig KowalskiandLauren Phillips. Right: Kellie Ring, Class of1995Secretary, looks fom'ardtoa successfulfouryearcollege stint studyingfashion asshe thinks back witha smile aboutheractiverole in the Class of1995. MORS SENIORS ... Thestuds ofthe eighth grade Whitman semi areTodd Harriman, Jim Fordham, Billy Frazier, John Burrows, andChrisToomey. - i SPECIAL J eg ^'oon „ Janice Cheneyand Dan Godwin take onelastsnapbeforetheysetoutfora greatjjjp^. 03 e/> ')\/ulmm-J((uiAeti &Usgioaa£ <3c6oo£ fu/ti&i 'rtom 8Ludp. f2. t994 <-Mt! cfie/niide family in \Paniide-. LHtMttcnudttU 6:30 ft.00 CD u 03 Left: PaulaGillis, Katie Crosby, Michelle Ahl and April Healyarrive in style. Ryan Baker, Joe Healy, Correy Egan panics o| and Eric Runci looking broken nail, while Amy, Gooood! Berry and Julie Laine rush to her siojg^or moral surj^ port! f ^ \ y Aleigh Diotte and her boyfriend Aaron Taylor patiently pose for their parents before the big niaht. MAGIC mb on the table, not a plate in sight, where's Karen Sullivan and Julie chTcken and beef? Holdon tothe night. accasmile bigforthecamera StadTS'Newcomb gets a cramped foot! OOCW! ullinan says tc He"aTher Fowler Steve Phillips and Carl hon I think you shouLlildd lay1 Milestotallychillin] offthecandy!" Above: It's the gang! Kelly Con- nolly, Jill Cannon, Lauren Belden, Alison Barron, Erin Salamone, Lynne LeClerc, ErinHurley,Chris- tine May. ar^j^sa Mucci, ask Right: MarkO'Donnellasks "Wheredid4|^HSs go9" Becky Eaton, "How many more pictures do we have tohavetaken?" 3ssieMager, .ynne Le- Clerc, Stacy Col^n and Traflkwill- hauck ask, "Arewehappy orwhat?!" Karen Sullivan, Aimee Taylor, Kellie Ring, Tiffany Scott, and Gina Giaquinta. The Ros Bifgang showingtheirpearlywhites!