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White Papers Submitted to the AAS 2016 Task Force on Education Task Force Members PDF

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Preview White Papers Submitted to the AAS 2016 Task Force on Education Task Force Members

White Papers Submitted to the AAS 2016 Task Force on Education Task Force Members: Nancy Brickhouse Kim Coble Pamela Gay David Helfand Sarah Higdon Charles Liu (Chair) Alice Olmstead Ed Prather Travis Rector Alex Rudolph AAS Staff Liaison to the Task Force: Gina Brissenden White Paper Submission to the AAS Education Task Force** (**Note: White papers were submitted in many different forms; when content was submitted as text in an email, a document was created on behalf of the author(s)) Page Author Last Names Title* (*Note: When authors did not provide a title, one was created on their behalf.) 1 Arcand White Paper on the Power of Images in Astronomy Communications & Education 3 Berriman White Paper: Application of Professional Data Processing Tools in E/PO Work 5 Biermann Astronomy’s Role in International Relations 7 Bridgman An Important Component for Addressing Pseudo-Scientific Claims in Astronomy and other Physical Sciences 10 Brinkworth, Byrd Skaer, Prescod- Building an Inclusive AAS - The Critical Role of Diversity and Inclusion Training Weinstein, Teske, & Tuttle for AAS Council and Astronomy Leadership 17 Brissenden Diversity and Education: They Are Linked! 18 Bruning Assessment of Educational Impact 19 Burchheim AAS should embrace the Small-Telescope, Non-Traditional Research Community 21 Clarkson, Bord, Swift, Rasmussen, Sustaining Educational and Public Outreach Programs in Astronomy Matzke, Murrell, LoPresto, Campbell, Clubb, & Salliotte 24 Coble, Bellovary, Brinkworth, The AAS Astronomy Education Board’s Role in Implementing Inclusive Burgasser, Holley-Bockelmann, Astronomy Recommendations Faherty, Isler, Mink, Moreno, Murphy, Norman, Rigby, Rudolph, & Stassun 28 Coble, Arvidsson, Grin, Grube, & AAS-Sponsored Astronomy Education Partnerships with MSIs Trouille 29 Connelly, Kastner, Kartaltepe, Education and Public Outreach Activities Hosted and Supported by the Richmond, Robinson, Vazquez, Laboratory for Multiwavelength Astrophysics at the Rochester Institute of Almeda, & Punzi Technology 34 Cruz Briefing Memos 43 Dcruz Professional Development, Education Research, and Meeting Costs 45 DeVore Why foster and support education and outreach aimed at the public? 47 Dixon How to Be a Better Professor to Your LGBT+ Students 48 Feldmeier The AAS and United States Planetariums: More Communication, More Cooperation, and Future Opportunities 50 Fienberg 1 Professional-development workshops on teaching and learning 62 Fienberg 2 “Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it.” 63 Forman Working to Establish a Resource Archive for Use in Developing Astronomy Courses 64 Foukal Science in Our Time 71 Fraknoi, Morrison, & Wolff A Free High-Quality Open-Source Textbook in Astronomy 72 Fraknoi & Wentzel Astronomy Education and the American Astronomical Society 92 Fraknoi 1 A Role that Fits the AAS like a Glove: Training Early Career Astronomers for Both Teaching and Outreach 94 Fraknoi 2 What Education and Outreach Work Should the AAS Be Engaged in? 96 Fraknoi 3 Publishing Papers on Astronomy Education Research and Practice: An Ongoing Dilemma 100 Garmany AAS Education Task Force White Paper about Education Outreach to the Native American Community 101 Geller The State of Education and Public Outreach in Astronomy and Today’s State of Affairs Compared to that of a Half Century Ago 103 Genet & Trimble Small Telescope Research Communities of Practice 105 Gorkavyi The Popularization of Astronomy through Books and Movies 107 Gugliucci, Crowl, Tan, Ribaudo, Astronomy Education at Small Institutions Bochanski, Hamilton, & Clarkson 113 Helfand Graduate and Undergraduate Education and EPO 115 Hintz White Paper for the Implementation of Educations Endeavors for the American Astronomical Society 118 Holbrook & Traweek White Paper on African American Astronomy Graduate Students 120 Hooper White Paper on Improving Mentored Experiences in Research in Astronomy and Physics 125 Howard White Paper for Education/Professional Development 127 Hunter Increasing Diversity in Astronomy and Physics 128 Jenks Making the AAS More Relevant, and Known of, to Younger Astronomers 130 Kamenetzky & Crossfield How Smooth is the Transition from Academia to Industry? 131 Kamenetzky Availability of AAS Job Register Statistics 132 Keeton & Ballentine Lessons from a Structured Program for Undergraduate Research 135 Keohane Platform to Share Our Ideas and Classroom Materials 137 Kuchner Marketing for Scientists 139 Lesyna White Paper about SETI Courses for Students 140 Liss, Sokal, Beaton, Johnson, & the Dark Skies, Bright Kids! and the Value of Repeated Interactions with DSBK Team Elementary School Students 143 Lloyd-Ronning & Fryer Achieving More Inclusive Science Education 145 Lutz Astronomer Involvement in Their Local Community of Astronomy Educators and with National Organizations 147 Masters On the Use of Real Data 148 Mathews, Kadooka, Armstrong, Hawaii Student / Teacher Astronomy Research Nassir, Meech, Gal 152 McDaid The Right Balance 153 McIntosh 1 Freshman University Pre-STEM Program 154 McIntosh 2 A Bridge to the Stars: High School-to-College Pipeline to Increase STEM Diversity 156 Michaud Gemini Observatory’s “Practical” Vision for Local Outreach 158 Muna Astroinformatics and Astronomy of Tap 160 O'Connell Professional Development, EPO, and Education Reform 162 Olmsted & Chambers Enabling Instructors as Partners an Undergraduate Instructional Change 165 Olmsted & Prather The Need to Understand Success in Preparing the Next Generation of Astronomers 166 Pasacoff Preparing Students for the 2017 Total Solar Eclipse Across America 167 Pearson An Online Video Series for Young Children Suitable to Formal and Informal Learning Environments 169 Perera & Buxner Establishing a Presence on YouTube for Formal and Informal Astronomy Education 174 Prather Framework to Guide the AAS Education Task Force’s Decision-Making Regarding Educational Programs for the AAS 176 Rebull Getting Educators Involved in Authentic Astronomy Research 183 Rector The Need to Develop Evidence-Based Teaching Practices in AAS Members 184 Rehnberg & Nevin Going Above & Beyond: A Cross-Disciplinary Planetarium Program 187 Rudolph (Lack of) Diversity in Graduate Education in Astronomy 189 Sanders, Kohler, Villar, Faesi, & Transitioning Undergraduates to Research Careers: Introducing the the Astrobites Collaboration Astrophysical Literature in Bites 194 Scott & Schaefer Public Outreach and Educator Professional Development at Towson University: Baltimore Project ASTRO" 197 Short OpenStars: Web-based Pedagogical Computational Modeling for Astronomy Education and Public Outreach 199 Shupla Educator Professional Development in Astronomy 201 Siemiginowska Relevance of Astrostatistics and Astroinformatics to Education 203 Smith Ways Scientists Can Meaningfully Participate in Education and Outreach 204 Storrs Teaching with a Planetarium 207 Summers & Eisenhamer The Scientist-Educator Partnership 209 Swift Thacher Observatory 211 Towner 1 AAS Members’ Engagement with the Public and Public Policy 213 Towner 2 Undergraduate Recruitment and Retention 215 Ubach Public Outreach 216 Wilds Concern about the Quality of Results of Education in Astronomy and the Effectiveness of Astronomical Educational Outreach 218 Wolf-Chase Outreach to the “Science Apprehensive Public” 220 York & Masters A Comment on Outreach for STEM Oriented Students 222 Zingale, Timmes, Fisher, & O’Shea The Importance of Computation in Astronomy Education White Paper on the Power of Images in Astronomy Communications & Education Kimberly K. Arcand, Chandra X-ray Center, Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory (SAO) Introduction Images have the potential to convey powerful messages to the public. In astronomy, images of space are particularly important as they can serve as powerful tools of communication, education, and inspiration. However, the public’s understanding and trust in the veracity of these images is paramount. In an age of easy manipulation of images, and frequent separation of the image from its context, the question arises as to what is perceived as “real” by those viewing images for science communications. Research that seeks to study the concept of "image as truth" in astronomy and related science communications, which also effects representation of such data in educational environments, is a critical component of any forward- looking strategic plan or vision. We argue it is essential in understanding how the astronomical community can use these images as vehicles to deliver the concepts of scientific discovery and the associated excitement to the widest possible audiences. Background The Aesthetics & Astronomy group (A&A) at SAO is comprised of astrophysicists, astronomy image development professionals, educators, and specialists in the aesthetic and cognitive perception of images working together to examine how astronomical images are perceived and how they communicate science to the public, whether to educators, students, experts or non-experts. To our knowledge, there is no other research group of its kind, filling a needed role in studying our relationship with and reaction to images of space and beyond. Since its inception in 2008, A&A has published findings related to expert/non-expert differences in perceptions, misconceptions held by the public, emotional responses to images, the use of processed color in images, and how best to communicate content to educate and engage the public, among others (see Smith et al; Arcand et al references). Research Questions One aspect of the A&A research program is that it continues to evolve and expand its scope as new lines of questioning reveal themselves based on the findings that are uncovered. There are some common themes in the research that include questions as such: 1. How much do image viewers trust that what is depicted in an image is an accurate representation of the science? 2. How persuasive is the image in terms of visually conveying the intended message? 3. What text information best communicates the intended message for an image, and for which audience(s)? Underpinning such research is the knowledge that astronomical data can translate into powerful imagery for the public. There is also much discussion in this age of Photoshop about what is “real” in images (Rossner & Yamada, 2004; Schwartz, 2003). Solution In its eight years of existence, the A&A group has conducted several studies involving many thousands of participants. The result of these efforts has been dozens of talks and articles, as well as research papers that have appeared in peer-reviewed journals such as Science Communication, Curator, and Studies in Media and Communication. While this work has laid the foundation for what could be a burgeoning field of study, much remains to be done. The A&A project seeks both additional partners and new sources of funding to examine how to continue its study of this area to better understand how viewers of varying levels of expertise interact with and 1 perceive images from science. Ultimately, this would help establish how best to build confidence in the veracity of the images and comprehension of the scientific information accompanying them. Establishing the perceptions, misperceptions, emotional reactions, and comprehension of images that have been designed to communicate with the greater public regarding astronomy and related sciences could improve relationships with those topics. Providing initial guidelines on how images and their accompanying text can better communicate the science associated with these important areas should be an area of focus. By developing such “best practices” guidelines, the A&A project has the goal of helping all of those involved with creating and disseminating astronomical images to optimize their efforts and achieve the most desirable results. References Arcand, K.K., Watzke, M., Rector, T. Levay, Z.G., DePasquale, J., Smarr, O. “Processing Color in Astronomical Imagery”, Studies in Media and Communication, December 2013. Arcand, K. K.; Watzke, M.; Smith, L. F.; Smith, J. K. “The Aesthetics of Astronomy: Exploring the Public's Perception of Astronomy Images and the Science Within” Astronomical Data Analysis Software and Systems XX (ADASSXX) Evans,, I.N, Accomazzi, A., Mink, D.J. & Rots, A.H. (eds). Vol 442, p179-187. 2011. Arcand, K.K., Watzke, M., Smith, L, Smith, J.K "Surveying Aesthetics & Astronomy: A project exploring the public’s perception of astronomy images and the science within" Communicating Astronomy with the Public. Issue 10 December 2010. Rossner, M., & Yamada, K.M. (2004). What's in a picture?: The temptations of image manipulation. Journal of Cell Biology, 166, 11-15. Schwartz, D. (2003). Professional oversight: Policing the credibility of photojournalism. In L. Gross, J.S. Katz, & J. Ruby (Eds.), Image Ethics in the Digital Age (pp. 27-51). Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press. Smith, L. F., Arcand, K. K., Smith, J. K., Smith, R. K., Bookbinder, J. (2015). Is That Real? Understanding Astronomical Images. Journal of Media and Communication Studies, 7(5), 88 - 100. Smith, L.S., Arcand K.K, Smith, J.K, Smith, R.K, Bookbinder, J., Watzke, M. "Examining Perceptions Of Astronomy Images Across Mobile Platforms" JCOM Science Communication Journal. March 2014. Smith, L.F., Smith, J.K., Arcand, K.K, Smith, R.K., Bookbinder, J., & Keach, K. (2010). Aesthetics and astronomy: Studying the public's perception and understanding of non-traditional imagery from space. Science Communication, (Vol. 33, No. 2, pp. 201-238). Strauss, A., & Corbin, J. (1998). Basics of qualitative research (2nd ed.). Newbury Park, CA: Sage. 2 White  Paper:  Application  of  Professional  Data  Processing  Tools  in  E/PO  Work.     Bruce  Berriman  (IPAC,  Caltech)   Senior  Scientist,  IPAC   PI,  Montage  Image  Mosaic  Engine     May  27,  2016.     Introduction     Amateur  astronomers  and  educators  asked  whether  they  could  run  the  Montage   image  mosaic  engine  on  the  Windows  platforms  preferred  by  these  user   communities.  Yet  Montage  was  intended  as  a  tool  for  professional  astronomers,  and   was  only  designed  to  run  on  common  *nix  platforms.  Thus  I  have  become  interested   in  how  professional  tools  can  be  extended  to  support  E/PO  efforts.    The  Montage   team  has  begun  development  of  a  Windows  based  version,  an  effort  that  is  raising   some  interesting  issues  I  would  like  to  bring  to  the  attention  of  the  Society.  Please   note  that  I  am  a  Senior  Scientist  at  IPAC,  I  work  heavily  in  the  software  and   technology  side  of  astronomy,  and  I  do  not  teach  and  am  not  connected  formally   with  the  educational  community.       History:  Building  an  E/PO  Version  of  a  Professional  Tool.     Amateur  astronomers  and  communities  of  educators  with  access  to  small   telescopes,  generally  used  by  middle  and  high  school  students  (e.g.  through  the   Skynet  network),  have  requested  a  version  of  Montage  that  ran  on  Windows.  This  is   needed  because  these  telescopes  are  equipped  with  only  small  CCD  chips  where  a   single  images  covers  only  part  of  an  extended  source.  Creating  a  Windows  enabled   version  itself  is  not  difficult  with  the  Cygwin  Windows  emulator.  What  complicates   the  effort  is  that,  while  these  communities  create  data  in  FITS  files,  these  files   contain  no  image  footprint  information  (WCS  headers),  and  no  image  calibration,   both  assumed  by  Montage.    We  only  learned  this  through  contacts  with  educators   involved  in  the  NASA/IPAC  Teacher  Archive  Research  Program  (NITARP).    We  were   referred  to  them  by  the  NITARP  lead  at  IPAC.    Armed  with  this  knowledge,  we  have   become  positioned  to  generate  a  tool  that  is  valuable  to  educators  –  we  are  using   astrometry.net  to  derive  WCS  information,  and  developing  approximate  calibration   techniques.    We  were  only  able  to  understand  the  needs  of  these  communities   through  collaborations  with  experienced  educators.  Our  technical  goal  is  to   integrate  Montage  into  the  image  processing  packages  used  by  educators  to  enable   maximal  take-­‐up.       How  Can  the  Society  Help  Support  This  Type  of  Work?     We  had  to  spend  a  lot  of  time  trying  to  connect  with  educators.  Had  NITARP  not   been  based  at  IPAC,  we  may  well  never  have  made  these  essential  connections   and  never  understood  the  educators’  needs.   3 This  raises  the  question  of  how  astronomers  wishing  to  connect  with  E/PO   communities  to  support  the  use  of  professional  software  can  do  so,  especially  as  NSF   proposals  require  a  strong  E/PO  program.  This  may  be  especially  important  for   early  career  astronomers  who  have  yet  to  develop  an  extensive  professional   network.  I  would  ask  the  Society  to  consider  the  role  they  play  in  helping   astronomers  connect  with  E/PO  communities.    For  example:   • Hold  workshops  on  best  practices  for  developing  outreach  versions  of   professional  applications.    These  can  be  supported  by  e.g.  successful  cases   studies  and  a  set  of  best  practices.     • A  “Clearing  house”  to  facilitate  collaborations?  One  approach  may  be  a   registry  of  E/PO  specialists  who  wish  to  collaborate  with  astronomers.   Another  may  be  to  supporting  “calls  for  collaborators”  when  astronomers  are   developing  an  E/PO  program.       4 Astronomy’s Role in International Relations White Paper (via email text) Peter L. Biermann (MPI) <[email protected]> Looking into the far future the most important aspect is the international competition among different countries for the best, and that includes getting young people motivated from at least age 3 or even earlier. In the far distant future the economies may be ranked by sheer size of population, and if so, then the US will be rank 4, after China, India and Europe. However, as well illustrated by my own family's experience, the US is unique in nurturing the young and gifted. That is a very special US strength, which the US needs to build on, to recognize and support the young. What the US is doing very badly is in the cost of all these steps of education, which means that it gets very few of the best and brightest from among those who cannot possibly afford even the very first step. How could a young woman in northern Myanmar even know about Wellesley College, let alone know about options for funding? Ditto someone from rural Mississippi. That very first step is very haphazard, and the prospective cost is debilitating. Another step where the US is quite irrational is giving a work permit after finishing college, after the quality of someone has been recognized. There are outstanding young people whom their international company moves to the UK or some other country, when for no good reason the US refuses to issue a work permit. From my experience the conclusions are three-fold: 1) The US should do a whole lot more to motivate, educate, and integrate the very young among its own population, including not just the MINT topics, but also the humanities, since the US needs people who speak and understand other languages and cultures (not understanding other countries can lead to trillion dollar mistakes, and hundreds of thousand of people killed). Such efforts ought to begin at age 3 or even earlier. 2) The US should offer much more generous fellowships to aspirants from itself as well as other countries, with a dedicated program to identify the best and brightest from a really young age. 3) The US should offer to keep the best and the brightest after they finish their education. It ought to be the decision of the young whether they want to go back, move on to another country, or stay in the US. They should be lured not kicked. Astronomy has the advantage to cover all of physics (higher energy particles than the LHC at CERN; higher energy neutrinos than any accelerator; gravitational waves impossible in any Lab; and photons from the very early universe). Astronomy provides the motivation for very many academic pursuits, especially in physics, chemistry and 5 mathematics. But Astronomy also provides a superb international environment, with a large fraction of all marrying someone from another country, often another continent, with any children then multi-national and multi-language citizens. So Astronomy can play a unique role. 6

roots in older claims (young-Earth creationism, Velikovsky, etc.) .. http://www.aip.org/sites/default/files/statistics/faculty/africanhisp-fac-pa-123.pdf . Will Clarkson 1 , Don Bord 1 , Carrie Swift 1 , Eric J. Rasmussen 1 , Dave Matzke 1 ,.
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