Where Do We Stand in Requirements Engineering Improvement Today? First Results from a Mapping Study Daniel Méndez Stefan Wagner Maya Daneva Fernández, Saahil UniversityofStuttgart UniversityofTwente Ognawala [email protected] [email protected] TUMünchen,Garching stuttgart.de mendezfe,[email protected] ABSTRACT exist secondary studies that deal with the larger context of 7 Requirementsengineeringprocessimprovement(REPI)ap- SPIbutnonesofarforimprovingREconcerningallitspar- 1 proaches have gained much attention in research and prac- ticularities. We aim to consolidate the current understand- 0 tice. Sofar,however,thereisnocomprehensiveviewonthe ing about the state-of-the-art by conducting a systematic 2 research in REPI in terms of solutions and current state of mapping study of all publications on RE process improve- n reported evidence. This paper aims to provide an overview ment. In this paper, we report on our results and focus, as a on the existing solutions, their underlying principles and a first step, on categories of publications according to re- J their research type facets, i.e. their state of empirical ev- search type facets, the contribution phases, paradigms and 9 idence. To this end, we conducted a systematic mapping theirunderlyingprinciples. Thecompletedataandanalysis 1 study of the REPI publication space. This paper reports can be found in [4]. on the first findings regarding research type facets of the ] contributions as well as selected methodological principles. 2. STUDYDESIGN E Wefoundastrongfocusintheexistingresearchonsolution Our study design follows the standard procedures of a sys- S proposals for REPI approaches that concentrate on norma- tematicmappingstudy[5]. Wedidthisinconjunctionwith s. tiveassessmentsandbenchmarksoftheREactivitiesrather the methods of a systematic literature review which entails c than on holistic RE improvements according to individual a further in-depth analysis of selected publications. [ goalsofcompanies. Weconclude,sofar,thatthereisaneed tobroadentheworkandtoinvestigatemoreproblem-driven 1 2.1 ResearchQuestions REPI which also targets the improvement of the quality of v To systematically describe the state-of-the-art, we will an- the underlying RE artefacts. 7 swerthefollowingresearchquestionsonREPIpublications. 9 4 Keywords RQ1: Of what type is the research? Asafirststep,we 5 Requirements Engineering Process Improvement, System- willclassifytheREPIpublicationsaccordingtotheresearch 0 atic Mapping Study type facets as described by Wieringa et al. [8]. A research . 1 type facet is an abstract description of the activity stage in 0 1. INTRODUCTION the engineering cycle that is in scope of a contribution. We 7 alsoaimtospottrendsinthefacetsofREPIpapersoverthe Requirements engineering (RE) aims at the discovery and 1 years. Welisttheavailableresearchtypefacetcategoriesin specificationofrequirementsthatunambiguouslyreflectthe : Tab. 1. v purpose of a software system. Thus, RE is an important i factor for productivity and quality. Given the practical X RQ2: Which process improvement phases are con- importance of RE, it remains a complex discipline driven r by uncertainty [2] which eventually makes RE hard to in- sidered? Havingclassifiedtheoverallcontributionsaccord- a ingtotheirfacet,wewanttoknowwhetherthosecontribu- vestigate and even harder to improve [3]. Even though a tionstakeaholisticviewonREPIorwhethertheyfocuson significant number of contributions have been made in the selected improvement phases only. We distinguish between research field of requirements engineering process improve- (a)Analysis wherethefocusliesonanalysisandassessment ment (REPI), we do not have exhaustive knowledge about of a RE, (b) Construction where the focus lies lies on the the proposed solutions, the problems they address and the (re-)design of a RE process and, thus, on the actual im- state of evaluation and validation of these solutions. There provement realisation, (c) Validation where the focus lies onthevalidationofanimprovementendeavour,and(d)RE ProcessImprovementLifecycle(REPI-LC)wherethecontri- butiontakesaholisticviewonallphasesand/orongeneral metrics and measurements. RQ 3: What paradigms do the publications focus on? We distinguish between activity-oriented and artefact- orientedparadigmsbasedonwhetherthepublicationsfocus onimprovingthequalityoftheactivitiesthatformapartof contributiondataaretechnicalreportsandacademicstudies Table 1: Definitions of research type facets [8]. informofPhDtheseswhichoftendonotformapartofthe Validation Techniquesinvestigatedarenovelandhave searchresultspaceintheabovelistedsources. Wesearchfor paper not yet been implemented in a large scale such contributions using Google Scholar which has a wider industrial or academic setting. Evaluation Techniquesareimplementedandevaluated spanthatindexestitleslocatedinrepositorieslikeuniversity paper in a large scale industrial, academic or databases and other independent publications. other real world setting. Solution A solution to a problem is proposed, ei- 2.4 InclusionandExclusionCriteria proposal ther novel or an extension to an existing solution. Once we have a set of contributions from the publication Philoso- It proposes a new way of looking at exist- databases,weusealistofinclusion(IC)andexclusion(EC) phical ing problems by re-structuring the field in criteria(describedinTab.2)onthisdatasetbeforetheanal- paper formofataxonomy,conceptualframework ysis and voting stage. or systematic literature review. Opinion The authors present their opinion on a paper problem space with a critical view on one Table 2: Inclusion and exclusion criteria. or more solutions described by other re- IC The paper directly relates to REPI. 1 searchers trying to tackle the problem. IC The title and abstract refer to REPI. 2 ExperienceItprovidesaretrospectiveviewontheau- IC The keywords contain related words. 3 paper thors’ experience in developing, applying IC The contribution addresses the research ques- 4 and evaluating a certain technique in the tions, i.e. it field of engineering process improvement. ...introduces, discusses, compares, or evalu- Explo- It deals mainly with the problem space ates... ratory withabird’seyeviewofthecommonprob- ...approaches or experiences, terms and con- paper lems faced by various solutions proposed. cepts and/or metrics to... ...improve (assess and/or implement and/or evaluate)requirementsengineeringprocessesor artefacts. theREprocessesoronimprovingthequalityoftheREarte- EC The paper addresses SPI in general (without facts created. If contributions do not differentiate between 1 clear linkage to RE). the paradigms (e.g. when providing a set of metrics and EC The topic does not address approaches, studies 2 measurements)orsimplyincludeideasdealingwithnoneof or experiences for improving requirements en- thetwoparadigmsinparticular,thenwewillnotassignthe gineering but new approaches and techniques contribution any paradigm focus. that are claimed to improve RE as an effect of applying them (e.g. elicitation techniques). EC No scientific publication, i.e. PowerPoint pre- RQ4: Aretheunderlyingprinciplesofnormativeor 3 sentations, abstracts or posters. of problem-driven nature? We categorise a publication EC The contribution’s language is not English. 4 either as normative, where a given RE activity/artefact is EC The contribution is not available. 5 assessed and improved against a given external norm, or as EC The contribution appears multiple times in the 6 problem-drivenwheretheimprovementisconductedagainst result set (see below). company-specific goals and problems (see also [6]). EC7 Thecontributioninvestigates(industrial)prob- lems in RE to be addressed by research to im- prove RE. 2.2 StudySelection AsPetersenetal.[5]recommended,westartedourmapping Among contributions where the same approach is reported, study with an exhaustive search of a publication database weonlychooseonetoincludeinourstudy;e.g.PhDtheses with the key concept terms in REPI. We did a pre-analysis formingacumulativereportofvariousapproaches. Wetreat of a selected set of key publications in the REPI area and papers where several techniques or approaches are reported made a map of the chief search terms that seemed closely as a single contribution. Systematic literature reviews are related to these papers. Next, we performed snowballing treated as philosophical papers [8] because they define and ontheselectedpublicationsassuggestedbyKitchenhamet organise existing concepts and approaches taking a novel al. [1]. This gave us a large initial dataset with a list of key view. In case of metrics being introduced in a paper that publications and the main concept keywords. We can now can be applied to both artefact or activity orientation, we formthesearchquerystringsandmodifythembasedonthe set the paradigm to ”N/A”. Table 3 gives numbers of pa- quality of the search result set (as compared to the initial pers at each stage of data processing. Results seen are all dataset). the results returned by the database search in the top 20 pages. Included papers are the ones that were kept after 2.3 DataCollectionProcedures filteringtheseenresultsintheanalysisstagebymakinguse Our data collection procedure is an automated search on of the inclusion and exclusion criteria in Tab. 2. We then established web databases including ACM Digital Library, undergothefirstroundofvotingwherewefurtherfilterout SpringerLink, ScienceDirect and IEEE Xplore. more publications based on their relevance to our research questions so as to derive the Relevant result set. Weusethekeywordspresentintheinitialdatasettodefine search query terms. Lists of prominent contributors in the domain and their publications are a control mechanism to 2.5 AnalysisandVotingProcedure filteroutirrelevantsearchresultsandtweakthesearchstring Wedidastagedvotingprocedureonthesetof58papers,as correspondingly. Another set of notable additions to the indicatedinTab.3. Eachseniorresearcher(Daneva,M´endez yetproposedforthecontractionphase,i.e. therealisationof Table 3: Dataset summary. actualimprovementforecastsidentifiedinananalysisphase. Database Total Results Name results seen Included Relevant ACM 81 81 23 15 3.3 ContributionParadigm(RQ3) SpringerLink 349 349 31 11 We found that 48 out of 58 papers presented the activity- ScienceDirect 132 132 12 2 oriented paradigm as the one adopted in REPI. In 7 out of Google 276 276 16 11 the 58 papers we could not find enough evidence indicating Scholar IEEE Ex- 2,819,217 275 18 15 thekindofparadigmadoptedasthefocuswas,forexample, plore onmetricsandmeasurementsusedinvariousREPIphases. Misc. 4 4 4 4 However,itremainedunclearifmeasurementssupportedac- Total 2,820,059 1117 104 58 tivityorientedorartefact-orientedREPI.Thefocusofmost contributions lies on normative improvements focusing on the RE activities carried out. This is in tune with our ob- and Wagner) worked individually to categorise every pub- servation that many contributions are an extension of the lication according to the research type facets, the lifecycle initialworkproposedbySawyeretal.,thus,thosecontribu- phase,thetwoparadigmsandthetwounderlyingprinciples. tions focus on how to assess RE processes against a given The voting procedure allowed us to put forward arguments normconsistingofproposedREbestpracticesconsideredto regarding our respective choices on assigning a paper to a comprise an external notion of“good RE”. category of relevance to the RQs. Once each researcher’s individual categorisation was over, the researchers got to- 3.4 ContributionPrinciple(RQ4) gether to compare and contrast their categorisations until Fig. 2 reports our findings on the classification of the prin- reachingagreement(occasionallybasedonin-depthanalysis cipleandmapsthemagainsttheparadigms(RQ2). 41out of the paper). Each voting stage ended with a consensus- driven discussion among the three researchers on assigning categories to a paper on which there were disagreements. N/A We conducted the voting procedure over four stages yield- ing at each stage the agreement level in the classification Artefact subsequently shown: Orientation 1st stage: 53.4 % (31/58) 2st stage: 72.4 % (42/58) 3st stage: 86.2 % (50/58) Activity Orientation 4st stage: 100 % (58/58) Normative Problem-Driven 3. RESULTS We present our findings structured according to our RQs. Figure 2: Paradigms and principles. 3.1 ResearchTypeFacet(RQ1) of 58 papers fall in the normative category where the fo- Fig.1,rightside,showsthedistributionofthecontribution cusliesmostlyonimprovingactivitiesratherthanREarte- over the years and according to their research type facets. facts. The papers in this category mostly deal with sets of 41 out of 58 publications analysed were solution proposals best practices as external norms where the current state of or evaluation papers. We can see a lack of retrospective RE in a company is assessed and aligned with those best analysis in the form of experience reports which we con- practices. sider important given that especially RE and, thus, its im- provementstronglydependsonsubjectivity(beliefs,desires, 4. CONCLUSION fears, experiences and expectations), but in general a regu- In this paper, we presented first results from a mapping lar distribution over solution proposals and evaluation pa- study on the current state of REPI. Based on 58 primary pers. Overall,themapsuggeststhebeginningofresearchin studies,weshowedthatmostcontributionsfocusontheim- this area on basis of Sawyer et al. [7] introducing the REPI provement of RE activities while the improvement of RE based on a set of what they consider to be best practices. artefacts is barely discussed. In addition, most improve- The results also indicate that most of the proposed REPI ment approaches focus on a normative improvement where approaches focus on extending the basic ideas introduced external norms of best practices are taken as a reference. bySawyeretal. andgroundingREPIonbestpractices(see Considering that most contributions focus on assessments also subsequent RQs). rather than on realising an improvement, we conclude that availablecontributionsprovidemeanstorateandassessthe 3.2 Phaseofcontribution(RQ2) currentstateofREincompaniesagainstanexternalnorms 38outofthe58publicationsfallundertheanalysisphase of of activity-centric best practices of which most arise from the REPI lifecycle. Fig. 1, left side, shows the distribution initial contributions made by Sawyer et al. [7]. of the publications over all the phases and depicts which researchtypefacetareinscope. Themapsuggeststhatmost Ourstudyfurtherrevealedthatveryfewexploratorypapers of the papers focus on the analysis phase while little seems havebeenpublishedinREPI.Thismeanswehaverelatively 38 2 16 2 6 3 Exploratory 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 9 4 Experience 1 1 1 1 4 1 Opinion 1 1 1 Philosophical 1 1 18 2 3 1 Solution 1 3 4 1 1 5 2 3 3 1 24 11 5 1 Evaluation 2 1 1 3 4 3 1 2 17 1 1 Validation 1 1 2 Analysis Construction REPI-LC Validation 1996 1998 2000 2002 2004 2006 2008 2010 2012 Contribution Phase Distribution per Year Figure 1: Facet distribution according to years and lifecycle phases. little evidence (and hence, knowledge) about the full range publications of leading REPI authors. of problems that organisations face. In turn, the general applicability of the solution proposals might well be com- Second,itmightbepossiblethatwecollectivelycategorised promised. For example, as currently RE is applied more apaperinawrongway. Wecounteredthisbyimplementing and more to new domains (e.g. smart city systems), we afour-stagevotingprocedurefocusedonargumentation,re- think it would be unrealistic to assume that the solutions peated reviews and consensus building. We therefore think proposals would catch up with the REPI needs of organi- the risk of this threat is minimal. Yet, the RE paper classi- sations executing projects in those domains. We therefore fication in [8] has not been created with systematic reviews call for more exploratory studies in REPI to identify and in mind, and at times we found it difficult to categorise a betterunderstandcommonproblemsfaced. Next,wefound paper to only one facet. very few (3 out of 58) papers taking an artefact-oriented perspective on REPI. Clearly, aspects such as effectiveness 5. REFERENCES and efficiency of RE activities are related to activities and [1] B. Kitchenham, O. Pearl Brereton, D. Budgen, this might explain the massive amount of papers adopting M. Turner, J. Bailey, and S. Linkman. Systematic activity-oriented paradigm for REPI. However, are the RE literature reviews in software engineering - a systematic activitiesactuallyproblematicintherealworld? Infact,em- literature review. In IST. piricalREpapersreportofproblematicartefacts(e.g.spec- [2] D. M´endez Ferna´ndez, S. Wagner, K. Lochmann, ifications, models). We assume that the activity-oriented A. Baumann, and H. de Carne. Field Study on paradigmisstudiedsooftenbecauseithasestablisheditself Requirements Engineering: Investigation of Artefacts, through the“best-practice”movement. Last, we found the Project Parameters, and Execution Strategies. IST. majority of papers were of normative nature. It is tempt- [3] M´endez Ferna´ndez, D. and Wieringa, R. Improving ing to assume this finding is traceable to the established requirements engineering by artefact orientation. In “best-practice”thinking in the software industry. However, PROFES’13. Springer. even best practice gurus (e.g. Capers Jones) suggest that [4] S. Ognawala, D. M´endez Ferna´ndez, and S. Wagner. problem-driven improvement might yield greater benefits Requirements engineering improvement today - a than a big-bang best-practice based approach. systematic mapping study. TUM-I145. [5] K. Petersen, R. Feldt, S. Mujtaba, and M. Mattsson. We therefore think that investing in problem-driven REPI Systematic mapping studies in software engineering. In that also considers the quality of RE artefacts would be EASE’08. worthwhileandnecessarytofullyunderstandthebroadspec- [6] F. Pettersson, M. Ivarsson, T. Gorschek, and trum of REPI possibilities. P. O¨hman. A Practitioner’s Guide to Light Weight Software Process Assessment and Improvement Planning. JSS, 2008. Limitations. There are two main limitations of this map- [7] P. Sawyer, I. Sommerville, and S. Viller. Requirements pingstudy: First,thepossiblebiasintheselectionofpapers process improvement through the phased introduction for inclusion as our access to relevant sources depended on of good practice. SPI and Practice. theappropriatenessoftheusedsearchstrings. IntheREPI area,abroaddiversityoftermsisusedwhichimpliesarisk [8] R. Wieringa, N. Maiden, N. Mead, and C. Rolland. that we might have missed some relevant studies. We took Requirements engineering paper classification and extra steps to counter this risk by analysing keywords and evaluation criteria: a proposal and a discussion. In RE’06. Copyright ACM. This is the author’s version of the work. It is posted here for your personal use. Not for redistri- bution. The definitive Version of Record was published in Proceedings of the 8th ACM/IEEE International Sympo- siumonEmpiricalSoftwareEngineeringandMeasurement, http://dx.doi.org/10.1145/2652524.2652555.