·- ,.., .... c ..•. !:' ~• • CJ , Leicester-Nottingham Studies in Ancient Society VolumeS WHEN MEN WERE MEN The history of classical antiquity is a history of men. We have been taught to see it as rhe history of Western civilizmion, not simply as " history: just one of the many strands of a broader past which makes us what we arc today. This volume questions the deep-set assumption that men's history speaks and has alwo~ys spoken for all of us. by exploring the story of chrs· sical antiquity as an explicitly masculine story. H'hen Men Were Merr covers a wide range of periods and plaL-es. from Archaic Greece through Classical Athens to Imperial Rome and Roman Egypt. It employs a variety of critical approaches and methodologies and focuses on a broad range of source material to examine masculinity in the classical world. Among the topics explored are gender diiTcrcntiation in Archaic Greece, the 'maclri.mro' of the Athenian Empire. the masculinity of the Hellenistic king and the Roman emperor. the male body in Roman Egypt. masculinity and male social roles in Roman Boiotia. and soldiers. masculinity and power in Republican and Imperial Rome. When Mrrr Were Men presents a beautifully illustrated and innovative study of masculine dominance in the classical world. Un Foxhall is Reader in the School of Archaeological Studies at the University of Leicester. She is the co·editor. with A. S. E. Lewis. of Ju.'itifh-ations not Justife: The Political Context t~f' /_uu- in Anc·ient (ireec-c• (1996). John Salmon is Senior Lecturer in Ancient History at the University of Nottingham. He is the author of Weultlry Corinth (1984). and co-editor, with Gro~ham Shipley, of l/umarr LarrdS<·apes in Clt~s.•irtll Antiqrrily (1996). WHEN MEN WERE MEN Masculinity, powe1' and identity in classical antiquity Edited by LIN FOXHALL and JOHN SALMON London and New York First published 1998 by Routledge I I New Fetter Lane. London EC4P 4EE Simultaneously published in the USA and Canada hy Routledge 29 West 35th Street, New York, NY 10001 Routledge Ud is a Taylor &. Franci.v Gro11p company C 1998 selection and editorial matter. Lin FoxhaU and John Salmon; individual chapters. the contributors The right of Lin Foxhall and John Salmon to be identified as the Authors of Ih is Work has been asserted by them in accordance with the Copyright, Designs and Patents Act 1988 Typeset in Times by Routledge . Printed and bound in Great Britain hy Diddles Ltd. Ouildford and King's Lynn All right!! reserved. No part of this book may be reprinled or reproduced or utilised in any form or by any electronic. mechanical. or other means. now known or hereafter invented, including photocopying and recording, or in any information storage or retrieval system, whhout permission in writing from the publishers. Briti:th Library Cataloguing in PuMicalion Dota A calalogue record for this book is available from the British Library l~lbrary of Congre.s.f Cataloging In Publicatio11 Data When Men were Men: masculinity, power and identity in classical antiquity, cdiled by Lin Foxhall and John Salmon. p. em. -(Leicester-Nottingham Studies in Ancient Society: v. 8) Includes bibliographical references and index. I. Masculinity-History. 2. Men-Greece. 3. Men-Rome. 4. Civili1.ation, Cla.uical. I. Foxhall. Lin. II. Salmon. J. B. iii. Series: J..eiccstcr-Nottingham Studies in Ancient Society: v. 8. HQI090.7G8W49 1998 305.3 I '09 -dc2 I 98-14169 CIP ISBN 0-415-14634-8 Contents List of figures vii Notes on contributors ix Preface xi Introduction LIN FOXHALL A brief history of tears: gender differentiation in Archaic Greece 10 HANS VAN WEES 2 The machismo of the Athenian Empire-or the reign of the phaulu.<? 54 PAUL CARTLEDGE Violence, masculinity and the law in classical Athens 68 NICK FISHER 4 Sex and paternity: gendering the foundation of Kyrene 98 E!REANN MARSHALL 5 The masculinity of the Hellenistic king Ill JIM ROY 6 Sexing a Roman: imperfect men in Roman law 136 JANE F. GARDNER v CONTENTS E>pericncing the male body in Romun Egypt 153 DOMINIC MONTSERRAT Imperial cult: engendering the cosmos 165 SUSAN FISCHLER 9 The cube and the •quare: masculinity and male social roles in Roman Boiotia 184 JILL IJARRIES 10 'All that may become a man·: the bandit in the ancient novel 195 KEITH HOI'WOOO II Arms and the man: •oluiers, masculinity and power in Repuhtican and Imperial Rome 205 RICHARD ALSTON Bibliography 224 lndell of ancient authors 248 General index 254 vi Figures 1.1 Female mourning gestures: Late Geometric 21 1.2 Male mourning gestures: Late Geometric and Early Protoatlic 22 1.3 Prothesis, LGl krater 23 1.4 Procession with mourning charioteer, El'A bowl 24 1.5 Procession with mourning hoplite, MPA 'Hoplites' bowl, Aigina Museum 24 1.6 Mourners with children, seated at the bier 25 1.7 Kneeling mourners 25 1.8 Female mourning gestures: Early Protoattic 26 1.9 Funeral dancers and mourners. EPA amphora 27 1.10 Prothesis, two fragments of MPA mug 28 1.11 Prothesis. MPA mug 29 1.12 Female mourner. MPA thymiaterinn stand 30 1.13 Figurine of female mourner from Rhodes. 670-660 BC 31 1.14 Figurine of female mourner from Thera. 650 RC 32 1.15 Head of female mourner as vase attachment, late seventh century BC 33 1.16 Head of female mourner as va.~e auachment, 590 RC 34 1.17 Black-Figure prothesis, 500 llC, funerary plaque 35 1.18 Prothesis. three views of LGII oinochoe 37-9 1.19 Prothesis, Roeotian Subgeometric hydria. 680-670 oc 40 2.1 The Eurymedon Oinochoe 58-9 2.2 The Archenautes Stamnos 65 5.1 Seleukos I from the Villa of the Papyri at Herculaneum 115 5.2 Pyrrhos of Epiros from the Villa of the Papyri at llerculaneum 116 5.3 A Kleopatra from the Villa of the Papyri at Herculaneum 125 7.1 P. Oxy. 3070 156 8.1 Agrippina crowns Nero 168 8.2 Agrippina and Claudius 177 vii