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When Boundaries Betray Us: Beyond Illusions of What is Ethical in Therapy and Life PDF

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"POIGNANT AND COURAGEOUS CARTER HEYWARD HAS . . . — SHOWN WARRIOR-LIKE SPIRIT." MIRIAM GREENSPAN WHEN BOUNDARIES BETRAY BEYOND ILLUSIONS OF WHAT ETHICAL THERAPY IS IN AND LIFE HEYWARD c Digitized by the Internet Archive 1 2013 in http://archive.org/details/whenboundariesbeOOheyw_0 h b ( 3 e D B F c r c i WHEN BOUNDARIES BETRAY US BEYOND ILLUSIONS OF WHAT IS ETHICAL IN THERAPY AND LIFE CARTER W H E Y A R D i HarperSanFrancisco ADivisionofHarperCoW'insPublishers Acknowledgmentismadeforthefollowing:Poetry©1984byAudreLorde, excerptedfromtheessay,"Age,Race,Sex,andClass,"SisterOutsider,TheCrossingPress, Freedom,CA.Anexcerptfrom"OnLies,SecretsandSilence"byAdrienneRich©1979 byW.W.Norton&Company,Inc. whenboundariesbetrayus:BeyondIllusionsofWhatIsEthicalin Therapy andLife.Copyright©1993byCarterHeyward.Allrightsreserved.PrintedintheUnited StatesofAmerica.Nopartofthisbookmaybeusedorreproducedinanymannerwhat- soeverwithoutwrittenpermissionexceptinthecaseofbriefquotationsembodiedin criticalarticlesandreviews.ForinformationaddressHarperCollinsPublishers,10East 53rdStreet,NewYork,NY10022. FIRSTEDITION LibraryofCongressCataloging-in-PublicationData Heyward,Carter. Whenboundariesbetrayus:beyondillusionsofwhatisethic—alintherapyandlife/ CarterHeyward;forewordbyJanetL.Surrey. 1sted. p. cm. Includesbibliographicalreferences. ISBN0-06-063895-8(cloth) ISBN0-06-063896-6(pbk.) — — 1.Psychotherapy Mor—alandethicalaspects Casestudies. 2.Psychotherapistand patient Casestudies. 3.Heyward,Carter. I.Title. RC480.8.—H48 1993 92-54536 174'.2 dc20 CIP *HAD 987654321 93 94 95 96 97 10 Thiseditionisprintedonacid-freepaperthatmeetstheAmericanNational StandardsInstituteZ39.48Standard. ) In lovingmemory ofAudrehorde (1934-1992 Idedicate this book to my teacher, the incomparableBettySmith Broder, myremarkable mother, MaryAnn, andall thesisters tryingto heal together Women have to thinkwhether we want, in our relationships with each other, thekind ofpower that canbe obtainedthroughlying. Women have been driven mad, "gaslighted," for centuries by the refutation ofour experience and our instincts in a culture which validates onlymale experience. Thetruth ofourbodies and ourminds has been mystified to us. We therefore have a primary obligation to each other: not to undermine each other's sense ofrealityfor the sake ofexpediency; not to gaslight each other. Women have often felt insane when cleaving to the truth of ourexperience. Our future dependsonthesanityofeachofus, andwe have a profound stake, beyond the personal, in the project ofdescrib- ing our realityas candidlyand fullyaswe can to each other. Adrienne Rich, On Lies, Secrets, andSilence Contents Acknowledgments ix ForewordbyJanet L. Surrey xiii Introduction 1 PARTONE: Wounding in Therapy 21 February to September1987: RememberingSophie 24 September1987to January 1988: YearningtoBe-friend 64 January to may 1988: Rememberingthe Violence 83 june to September1988: Leavingto Survive 99 PARTTWO: TapestryofHealing 109 first pattern: Voice 113 second pattern: Mutuality 125 third pattern: Earthcreature 138 fourth pattern: Compassion 145 fifth pattern: Ambiguity 166 PARTTHREE: Some Ongoing Issues 175 Responses Miriam Greenspan: On Professionalism 193 BEVERLYW. HARRISON 206 PEGGY HANLEY-^HACKENBRUCK 212 SUSAN DEMATTOS 214 JIM LASSEN-WILLEMS 2l8 APPENDIX: Compassionate Re-membering: Spirituality, Sanity, and Moralityin a DismemberedWorld 224 Notes 248 Selected Readings 253 Acknowledgments There is noway to acknowledge everyone involved in develop- ing this project because all whose lives have in significant, even small, ways touched mine since 1987have affected the psychospiritualwrestling that thebook explores. I hope I will be able to thank each ofyou in per- son as our paths maycross in the future. I want to name here those who read the manuscript in one ofits earlier drafts and offered critical re- sponses. They include participants in three courses at the Episcopal — Divinity School: members ofmyspring 1991 christology seminar Peta Blake, Judith Carpenter, Norene Carter, Pat Colenback, Mariel kinsow Esu Lackey, Mary Meader, Rhea Miller, Margaret Montjane, Yon Pak, IX

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