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When are Extreme Events the better predictable, the larger they are? PDF

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When are Extreme Events the better predictable, the larger they are? S. Hallerberg, H. Kantz Max Planck Institute for the Physics of Complex Systems N¨othnitzer Str. 38, D 01187 Dresden, Germany (Dated: February 3, 2008) We investigate the predictability of extreme events in time series. The focus of this work is to understand under which circumstances large events are better predictable than smaller events. Therefore we usea simple prediction algorithm based on precursory structureswhich are identified 8 usingthemaximum likelihood principle. Usingthereceiver operator characteristic curveas amea- 0 sure for the quality of predictions we find that the dependence on the event magnitude is closely 0 linkedtotheprobabilitydistributionfunctionoftheunderlyingstochasticprocess. Weevaluatethis 2 dependenceontheprobabilitydistributionfunctionanalyticallyandnumerically. Ifweassumethat the optimal precursory structures are used to make the predictions, we find that large increments n are better predictable if the underlying stochastic process has a Gaussian probability distribution a J function, whereas larger increments are harder to predict if the underlyingprobability distribution function has a power law tail. In thecase of an exponentialdistribution function we findnosignif- 9 icant dependence on the event magnitude. Furthermore we compare these results with predictions 2 of increments in correlated data, namely, velocity increments of a free jet flow. The velocity incre- ments in the free jet flow are in dependence on the time scale either asymptotically Gaussian or ] n asymptotically exponential distributed. The numerical results for predictions within free jet data a are in good agreement with the previousanalytical considerations for random numbers. - a PACSnumbers: 02.50.-r,05.45.Tp t a Keywords: timeseriesanalysis,extremeevents, extremeincrements,statistical inference,likelihoodratio d . s c I. INTRODUCTION same effect for earthquake prediction [5], prediction of i avalances in SOC-models [6] and in multiagent games s y Systems with a complex time evolution, which gener- [7]. In this contribution, we investigate the influence of h the probability distribution function (PDF) of the noise ate a great impact event from time to time, are ubiqui- p termindetailbyusingnotonlyGaussian,butalsoexpo- tous. Examples include fluctuations of prices for finan- [ nential and power-law distributed noise. This approach cialassetsineconomywithraremarketcrashes,electrical 1 activity ofhumanbrainwithrareepileptic seizures,seis- isalsomotivatedbythebookofEgans[8]whichexplains v that receiveroperator characteristics(ROC) obtained in micactivityoftheearthwithrareearthquakes,changing 5 signaldetectionproblemscanbeorderedfamiliesoffunc- weather conditions with rare disastrous storms, and also 2 tions in dependence on a parameter. We are now inter- fluctuations of online diagnostics of technical machinery 5 ested in learning how the behavior of these families of 4 and networks with rare breakdowns or blackouts. Due functions depends on the event magnitude and the dis- . to the complexity of the systems mentioned, a complete 1 tribution of the stochastic process, if the ROC curve is modeling is usually impossible, either due to the huge 0 used for evaluating the quality of predictions. 8 number of degrees of freedom involved, or due to a lack After defining the prediction scheme in Sec.IIA and the 0 ofpreciseknowledgeaboutthegoverningequations. This method for measuring the quality of a prediction in Sec. : is why one applies the framework of prediction via pre- v IIB, we explain in Sec. IIC how to consider the influ- cursorystructuresforsuchcases. Thetypicalapplication i X for prediction with precursory structures is a prediction enceontheeventmagnitude. InSec.IIDweformulatea constraint,whichhastobefulfilledinordertofindabet- r of an event which occurs in the very near future, i.e., a ter predictability of larger (smaller) events. In the next on short timescales compared to the lifetime of the sys- section, we apply this constraint to compare the quality tem. A classical example for the search for precursory of predictions of large increments within Gaussian (Sec. structures is the prediction of earthquakes [1]. A more IIIA),exponentialdistributed(Sec.IIIB)andpower-law recently studied example is the short term prediction of distributedi.i.d.randomnumbers (Sec.IIIC). We study strongturbulentwindgusts,whichcandestroywindtur- the prediction of increments in free jet data in Sec. IV. bines [2, 3]. Conclusions appear in Sec. V. In a previous work [4], we studied the quality of pre- dictions analytically via precursory structures for incre- ments in an AR(1) process and numerically in a long- range correlated ARMA process. The long-range corre- II. DEFINITIONS AND SETUP lationsdidnotalterthegeneralfindingsforGaussianpro- cesses, namely, that larger events are better predictable. The considerations in this section are made for a time Furthermore we found other works which report the series [9, 10], i.e. , a set of measurements x at discrete n 2 times t , where t = t +n∆ with a sampling interval There are different strategies to identify suitable precur- n n 0 ∆ and n N. The recording should contain sufficiently sorystructures. Wechoosetheprecursorviamaximizing ∈ many extreme events so that we are able to extract sta- a conditional probability which we refer to as the likeli- tistical information about them. We also assume that hood [11]. [25] The likelihood the event of interest can be identified on the basis of the otibosnerevxacteioednisn,ge.sgo.mbeyththreeshvoalldu,eboyf tahseuodbdseenrviantciroenasfeu,nocr- L(Yn+1 =1|x(n−k+1,n))= j(Yn+ρ1(x=(n1,kx+(1n,−n)k)+1,n)) (5) byitsvarianceexceedingsomethreshold. Weexpressthe − presence(absence)ofaneventbyusingabinaryvariable provides the probability that an event Yn+1 = 1 follows Yn+1. the precursor x(n k+1,n). It can be calculated numeri- cally by using the−joint PDF j((Y = 1),x ). n+1 (n k+1,n) 1 an event occurred at time Ourpredictionstrategyconsistsofdeterminingt−hoseval- Yn+1 = 0 nno+e1vent occurred at time (1) uliekseliohfooeadchis cmoamxpimonael.nt xi of x(n−k+1,n) for which the  n+1 This strategy to identify the optimal precursor repre-  sents a rather fundamental choice. In more applied ex- amples one looks for precursors which minimize or max- A. The choice of the precursor imize more sophisticated quantities, e.g., discriminant functions or loss matrices. These quantities are usually Whenweconsiderpredictionviaprecursorystructures functionsoftheposteriorPDForthelikelihood,butthey (precursors,orpredictors),wearetypicallyinasituation take into account the additional demands of the specific where we assume that the dynamics ofthe system under problem, e.g., minimizing the loss due to a false predic- study has both, a deterministic and a stochastic part. tion. The strategy studied in this contribution is thus Thedeterministicpartallowsonetoassumethatthereis fundamental in the sense that it enters into many of the arelationbetweenthe eventanditsprecursorystructure more sophisticated quantities which were used for pre- which we can use for predictive purposes. However, if dictions and decision making. the dynamic of the system was fully deterministic there would be no need to predict via precursory structures, butwecouldexploitourknowledgeaboutthedynamical B. Testing for predictive power system as it is done, e.g., in weather forecasting. In this contribution we focus on the influence of the Acommonmethodtoverifyahypothesisortotestthe stochastic part of the dynamics and assume therefore a quality of a prediction is the receiver operating charac- very simple deterministic correlation between event and teristic curve (ROC) [8, 12, 13]. The idea of the ROC precursor.Thepresenceofthisstochasticpartdetermines consists simply of comparing the rate of correctly pre- that we cannot expect the precursor to preced every in- dicted events r with the rate of false alarms r by plot- c f dividualevent. Thatiswhy we define a precursorinthis ting r vs. r . The rate of correct predictions r and c f c context as a data structure which is typically preceding the rate of false alarms r can be obtained by integrat- f an event, allowing deviations from the given structure, ing the aposterior PDFs ρ(x Y = 1) and (n k+1,n) n+1 but also allowing events without preceeding structure. ρ(x Y =0) on the p−recurso|ry volume. (n k+1,n) n+1 For reasons of simplicity the following considerations − | are made for precursors in real space, i.e., structures in the time series. However,there is no reasonnot to apply rc(δ,xpre) = ρ(x(n k+1,n) Yn+1 =1)dVpre(δ,xpre) − | the same ideas for precursory structures, which live in Z (6) phase space. InordertopredictaneventYn+1 occurringatthetime rf(δ,xpre) = ρ(x(n k+1,n) Yn+1 =0)dVpre(δ,xpre) (n+1) we compare the last k observations, to which we − | Z will refer as the precursory variable (7) x(n k+1,n) =(xn k+1,xn k+2,...,xn 1,xn) (2) Note that these rates are defined with respect to the to- − − − − talnumbersofeventsY =1andnoneventsY =0. with a specific precursory structure n+1 n+1 Thus the relative frequency of events has no direct in- xpre =(xpre ,xpre ,...,xpre ,xpre). (3) fluence on the ROC, unlike on other measures of pre- n k+1 n k+2 n 1 n − − − dictability, as e.g., the Brier score or the ignorance[14]. Oncetheprecursorystructurex isdetermined,wegive pre Plotting r vs r for increasing values of δ one obtains c f analarmforaneventY =1whenwefindthe precur- n+1 a curve in the unit-square of the r -r plane (see, e.g., sory variable x inside the volume f c (n k+1,n) Fig. 3). The curve approaches the origin for δ 0 and − → n the point (1,1) in the limit δ , where δ accounts Vpre(δ,xpre) = xpjre− 2δ,xpjre+ 2δ . (4) forthemagnitudeoftheprecurs→ory∞volumeVpre(δ). The j=n k+1(cid:18) (cid:19) shape of the curve characterizes the significance of the Y− 3 prediction. A curve above the diagonal reveals that the the term likelihood ratio refers only to the slope of the correspondingstrategyofpredictionisbetterthanaran- ROC curve at the vicinity of the origin as in Eq. (8). dom prediction which is characterized by the diagonal. Note, that one can show that the precursor, which Furthermore we are interested in curves which converge maximizes the likelihood as explained in Sec. IIA also as fast as possible to 1, since this scenario tells us that maximizesthe m andisinthis sense the optimalprecur- we reach the highest possible rate of correct prediction sor. without having a large rate of false alarms. That is why we use the so-called likelihood ratio as a summary index, to quantify the ROC. For our inference C. Addressing the dependence on the event problemsthelikelihoodratioisidenticaltotheslopemof magnitude theROC-curveatthevicinityoftheoriginwhichimplies δ 0. This region of the ROC is in particular inter- → We arenowinterestedinlearninghowthe predictabil- esting, since it corresponds to a low rate of false alarms. itydepends onthe eventmagnitudeη whichismeasured The term likelihood ratio results from signal detection inunitsofthestandarddeviationofthetimeseriesunder theory. In the context of signal detection theory, the study. Thus the event variable Y becomes dependent term a posterior PDF refers to the PDF, which we call n+1 on the event magnitude likelihood in the context of predictions and vice versa. This is due to the fact that the aim of signal detection 1 an event of magnitude η or larger is to identify a signal which was already observed in the occurred at time n+1 past, whereas predictions are made about future events. Y (η) = (9) n+1 0 no event of magnitude η or larger Thus the “likelihood ratio” is in our notation a ratio of  occurred at time n+1 a posterior PDFs.  ∆r ρ(xpre Y =1) Via Bayes’ theorem the likelihood ratio can be ex- c n+1 m = ∆r ∼ ρ(xpre|Y =0) +O(δ). (8) pressed in terms of the likelihood L Yn+1(η) = 1xpre f n+1 | | and the total probability to find events P Y (η)=1 . (cid:0) n+1 (cid:1) However, we will use the common name likelihood ratio Inserting the technical details of the calculation of the (cid:0) (cid:1) throughout the text. For other problems the name like- likelihood and the total probability (see the appendix) lihood ratio is also used for the slope at every point of we can see that the likelihood ratio depends sensitively the ROC. Since we apply the likelihood ratio as a sum- onthejointPDFj(x ,Y (η)=1)ofpecursory (n k+1,n) n+1 mary index for ROC, we specify, that for our purposes variable and event. − m(Yn+1(η),x(n−k+1,n)) = (cid:16)1−−∞R∞−∞∞dxd(xn−(nk−+k1+,n1),nj)(jx((xn−(nk−+k1+,n1),n,Y),nY+n1+(η1()η=)=1)1)(cid:17) 1−j(xj((nx−(ρnk(−x+ρ(k(1nx,+n−(1)nk,,nY+)kn1,,+Y+nn11),+()nη1))()=η)1=)1) , − R (cid:16) (cid:17) with j(x ,Y (η)=1)= dx j(x ,x ), (n k+1,n) n+1 n+1 (n k+1,n) n+1 − − ZM = x :Y =1 , (10) n+1 n+1 M { } and ρ(x )=j(x ,Y (η)=1)+j(x ,Y (η)=0). (n k+1,n) (n k+1,n) n+1 (n k+1,n) n+1 − − − Hence once the precursor is chosen, the dependence on (II) The definition of the event, e.g., as a threshold the event magnitude η enters into the likelihood ratio, crossing or an increment does change this depen- via the joint PDF of event and precursor. Looking at denceonlyinsofarasitentersintothechoiceofthe the rather technical formula in Eq. (10), there are two precursoranditinfluencesalsothesetonwhichthe aspects, which we find remarkable: integrals in Eq. (10) are carriedout. Both Y (η) n+1 and the set have to be defined according to the (I) The slope of the ROC curve is fully characterized M type of events one predicts. When predicting, e.g., by the knowledge of the joint PDF of precursory increments x x η via the precursory vari- n+1 n variableand event. This implies that in the frame- − ≥ able x , then =[a,b] with a(Y (η))=x +η n n+1 n work of statistical predictions all kinds of (long- M for the lower border and b(Y (η)) = for the n+1 range) correlations which might be present in the ∞ upper border. In order to predict threshold cross- time series influence the quality of the predictions ings at x via x one uses a(Y (η)) = η, n+1 n n+1 only through their influence on the joint PDF. 4 b(Y (η))= . PDFs, the likelihood and the total probability to find n+1 ∞ events ExploitingEq.(10)wecanhencedeterminethedepen- dence of the likelihood ratio and the ROC curve on the ρ (x ,η) = ρ(x Y (η)=1),(11) eventsmagnitudeη,viathedependenceofthejointPDF c (n−k+1,n) (n−k+1,n)| n+1 of the process under study. ρf(x(n k+1,n),η) = ρ(x(n k+1,n) Yn+1(η)=0),(12) L(η,x− ) = L(Y −(η)=|1x ),(13) (n k+1,n) n+1 (n k+1,n) − | − P(η) = P(Y (η)=1). (14) D. Constraint for increasing quality of predictions n+1 with increasing event magnitude We can then ask for the change of the likelihood ratio with changing event magnitude η. In order to study the dependence of the likelihood ra- tio on the event magnitude we are going to introduce a ∂ citoynsttorafiinndt ewvheincthsthhaevelitkoelifhuolfioldl iannodrdtehrettootfianldparobbeatbtielr- ∂η m(Yn+1(η),x(n−k+1,n))T0. (15) predictability of larger (smaller) events. Inordertoimprovethereadabilityofthepaper,wewill Thederivativeofthelikelihoodratioispositive(negative, first introduce the following notations for the aposterior zero),ifthe followingsufficientconditionc(η) is fulfilled. ∂ 1 L(η,x )) ∂ c(η,x(n−k+1,n))= ∂η lnL(η,x(n−k+1,n))− (cid:0) − 1 (Pn(−ηk)+1,n) (cid:1) ∂η lnP(η)T0. (16) − (cid:0) (cid:1) Hence one can tell for an arbitrary process, if extreme ofthedistributionoftheunderlyingprocessontheevent- events are better predictable, by simply testing, if the magnitude dependence of the quality of prediction. marginal PDF of the event and the likelihood of event Intheexampleswhichwestudyinthissectionthejoint and precursor fulfill Eq. (16). PDF of precursory variable and event is known and we canhenceevaluatec(η,x )analytically. Amathematical n expression for a filter which selects the PDF of our ex- III. PREDICTIONS OF INCREMENTS IN I.I.D. tremeeventsoutofthePDFsoftheunderlyingstochastic RANDOM NUMBERS process can be obtained through applying the Heaviside functionΘ(x x η)tothejointPDF.Thismethod In this section we test the condition c(η,x(n k+1,n)) is described inn+m1−orend−etail in the appendix. as given in Eq. (16) for increments in Gaussian,−power- Since in most cases the structure of the PDF is not law,andexponentiallydistributedi.i.d.randomnumbers. known analytically, we are also interested in evaluating We thus concentrate on extreme events which consist of c(η,x ) numerically. In this case the approximations of a sudden increase (or decrease) of the observed variable n the total probability and the likelihood are obtained by withinafewtimesteps. Examplesofthiskindofextreme “binning and counting” and their numerical derivatives events are the increases in wind speed in [2, 3], but also are evaluated via a Savitzky-Golay filter [17, 18]. The stock market crashes [15, 16] which consist of sudden numerical evaluation is done within 107 data points. In decreases. ordertocheckthestabilityofthisprocedure,weevaluate Wedefineourextremeeventbyanincrementx x exceeding a given threshold η n+1− n c(η,xn)alsoon20bootstrapsampleswhicharegenerated fromtheoriginaldataset. Thesebootstrapsamplescon- sist of 107 pairs of event and precursory variable, which x x η, (17) n+1 n − ≥ were drawn randomly from the original data set. Thus their PDFs are slightly different in their firstand second where x and x denote the observed values at two n n+1 moment and they contain different numbers of events. consecutivetimestepsandtheeventmagnitudeηisagain Evaluatingc(η,x )onthe bootstrapsamplesthus shows measured in units of the standard deviation. n how sensitive our numerical evaluation procedure is to- Since the first part of the increment x can be used n wardschangesinthenumbersofevents. Thisisespecially as a precursory variable, the definition of the event as important for large and therefore rare events. an increment introduces a correlationbetween the event and the precursory variable x . Hence the prediction of In order to check the results obtained by the evalua- n incrementsinrandomnumbersprovidesasimple,butnot tionofc(η,x ),wecomputealsothecorrespondingROCs n unrealisticexamplewhichallowsustostudytheinfluence analytically and numerically. 5 1 15 0 -1 -2 η=4.73 -3 10 1 0 η) )n η =4 ,n -1 η=3.33 ηc(,x 5 ηη = =186 c(x 0 .01 η=2.63 η =32 -0.1 0 0.2 η=0 0 -5 -0.2 -30 -20 -10 0 -5 -4 -3 -2 -1 0 x x n n FIG. 1: The condition c(η,xn) for the Gaussian distribu- FIG. 2: Comparison of the numerically evaluated condition tion as given by Eq. (21). The color shaded regions indicate c(η,xn)fortheGaussiandistributionandtheexpressiongiven the intervals [ ση, η/2] for which we can according to Eq. by Eq. (21). The black curves denote the evaluation of the − − 23 expect c(η,xn) to be positive. If xn < ση, η > 2√π analytic result in Eq. (21), the curves plotted with lines and and terms of the order of exp( (xn+ση)2)−are sufficiently symbols represent the numerical results obtained from the − small, the condition is also positive. If terms of the order original data set, and the dashed lines represent the results of exp( (xn+ση)2) cannot beneglected onealso might find obtainedfromthecorrespondingbootstrapsamples. Thegray − small regions in ( , ση]for which c(η,xn)<0. However, (greeninthecoloredplot)regionsindicatetheregime ση< −∞ − − the influence of these regions is neglectable, since our alarm xn< ση/2forwhichc(η,xn)ispositiveinthelimitη . − →∞ intervalisdefinedas[ ,δ]whichimpliesanaveragingover The numerical evaluation of c(η,xn) was done by sampling several possible values−o∞f the precursory variable. the likelihood and the total probability of events from 107 random numbers. Note that for both, the numerical evaluation of the condition and the ROC curves, we used only event mag- of the interval [ ,δ]. The total probability to find in- −∞ nitudesηforwhichwefoundatleast1000events,sothat crements of magnitude η is given by the observed effects are not due to a lack of statistics of the large events. 1 P(η)= erfc(η/2). (20) 2 A. Gaussian distributed random numbers Hence the condition in Eq. (16) reads In the first example we assume the sequence of i.i.d. 2exp z2 c(η,x ) = − random numbers which form our time series to be nor- n − π erfc(z) r (cid:0) (cid:1) maldistributed. Aswe knowfrom[4], incrementswithin Gaussian random numbers are better predictable, the + 1 exp −η42 1− 21erfc(z) , more extreme they are. In this section we willshow that √π erf(cid:16)c η (cid:17) 1 1erfc η their PDFs fulfill also the condition in Eq. (16). Ap- 2 (cid:0) − 2 2 (cid:1) x +ση plying the filter mechanism developed in the appendix with z = (cid:0)n(cid:1) (cid:0) (cid:0) (cid:1)(cid:1) (21) √2σ we obtain the following expressions for the a posteriori PDFs Fig. 1 illustrates this expression and Figure 2 compares x2 it to the numerical results. For the ideal precursor exp n ρc(xn,η)= 2√2(cid:16)π−σP2σ(2η(cid:17))erfc xnσ+√2ση , (18) xtonE=q.x(p2re1)=—−z∞ero,thseinccoenidnititohniscc(aηs,ex,nt)hiess—loapcecoorfdtinhge (cid:18) (cid:19) ROC-curve tends to infinity [4] and does not react to and the likelihood any variationin η. For any finite value of the precursory 1 xn+ση variable xn < 0 we have to distinguish three regimes of L(η,xn)= 2erfc σ√2 . (19) z = (xn +ση)/√2σ, namely, z → ∞ or z → −∞ and (cid:18) (cid:19) finally also the case z =0. Werecallthattheoptimalprecursorisgivenbythevalue In the first case we study the behavior of c(η,x ) for n of x which maximizes the likelihood. We refer to this a fixed value of the precursory variable ση < x and n n − special value of the variable x by x and find for the η . This implies that z and we can use the n pre → ∞ → ∞ likelihood according to Eq. (19) x = . Thus, in- asymptoticexpansionforlargeargumentsofthe comple- pre −∞ stead of a finite alarm volume δ here is the upper limit mentary error function 6 asymptotic expression of c(η,x ) hence reads 1 n s η erf(z) η n ctio 0.8 c(η,xn) ∝ 2 1− 21erfc(η/2) (cid:18) √pi + 2(cid:19) redi 0.6 −O(cid:0) exp(−z2) , (cid:1)xn <−ση. (24) p ect η=0 Since erf(z) tends to(cid:0)minus un(cid:1)ity as z the ex- orr 0.4 η=2 pression in Eq. (24) is positive if η >→2√−π∞and if we of c η=4 can assume the squared exponential term to be suffi- e 0.2 ciently small. If the later assumption is not fullfilled at one might observe some regions of intermediate values r of <x < ση, for which c(η,x) is negative. n 0 −∞ − Howeverthe ROCcurvesinFig.3suggestthatthe in- 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 fluence of these regions is sufficiently small, if the alarm rate of false alarms volume is chosen to be [ ,δ]. We can understand this −∞ effect,ifwekeepinmindthatweusetheinterval[ ,δ] FIG. 3: ROCs for Gaussian distributed i.i.d. random vari- −∞ as an alarm volumen. Hence we can expect that the in- ables. ThesymbolsrepresentROCcurveswhichwheremade fluence of the regions, where c(η,x ) is negative, is sup- via predicting increments in 107 normal i.i.d. random num- n pressed since we average over many different values of bers. The predictions were made according to the prediction x and the condition is positive as x . (Positive strategydescribedinSec.IIA. Thelinesrepresenttheresults n n →−∞ ofevaluatingtheintegralsinEqs.(6)and(7)fortheGaussian is meant here in the sense, that c(η,xn) approaches the case. Note that the quality of the prediction increases with value zero for xn = from small positive numbers.) −∞ increasing event magnitude. In the third case, for x = ση and hence z = 0 we n − findthatc(η,x )ispositiveifη >2 2 1 1erfc(η/2) . n π − 2 exp( z2) ∞ 1 3...(2m 1) In total we can expect larger incqrem(cid:0)ents in Gaussia(cid:1)n erfc(z) − 1+ ( 1)m · − , random numbers to be easier to predict the larger they ∼ √πz − (2z2)m ! m=1 are. The ROCs in Fig. 3 support these results. X 3π z , argz < (22) →∞ | | 4 (cid:18) (cid:19) B. Symmetrized exponential distributed random which can be found in [19] to obtain variables x η n c(η,x ) + , ση <x <0. (23) n n ∝ − σ 2 − The PDF of the symmetrized exponential reads This expression is appropriate for x > ση since the asymptotic expansion in Eq. (22) holnds on−ly if the argu- λ λ2 exp(−λxn) : xn >0, ρ(x) = exp( λx )= λ/2 : x =0, ment of the complementaryerrorfunction is positive. In 2 − | n|  n λexp(λx ) : x <0, this case c(η,xn) is larger than zero, if xn is fixed and  2 n n finite and ση <x < ση/2. Inthe se−condcasne,we−assumeη 1 to be fixed, x < with µ=0, σ =√2/λ.  n ≫ ση and x . Hence we can use the expansion in Applying the filtering mechanismaccordingto the ap- n − →−∞ Eq. (22) only to obtain the asymptotic behavior of the pendixwefindthejointPDFsofprecursoryvariableand dependence on η and not for the dependence on z. An event λexp( √2η 2λx ) : x >0, 4 − − n n j(x ,(Y (η)=1)) = λexp( √2η) : η <x <0, (25) n n+1  4 − − n  λ2 exp(λxn)− 41exp √2η+λ2xn : xn <−η <0,  (cid:0) (cid:0) (cid:1)(cid:1) 7 2 1 η=6.32 1 0 -1 ns o 0.8 0 cti λ) -0.4 η=4.62 edi η,x,n-0 .08 ct pr 0.6 c( --00..84 η=2.67 corre 0.4 η=η1=.04 0.4 η=0 of η=2.8 0 e 0.2 η=4.2 -0.4 at η=5.6 r -0.8 0 -12 -10 -8 -6 -4 -2 0 2 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 x p rate of false alarms FIG. 4: The numerically and analytically evaluated con- FIG. 5: The ROCs for symmetrically exponentially dis- dition for the symmetrized exponential. The black line is tributed i.i.d. random numbers show no significant depen- theresultoftheanalyticalevaluation accordingtoEq.(31), denceon theevent magnitude. The ROCcurveswere made the curves plotted with lines and symbols represent the nu- via predicting increments in 107 normal i.i.d. random num- merical results obtained from the original data set, and the bersandthepredictionsweremadeaccordingtothepredic- dashed lines represent the results obtained from the corre- tionstrategydescribedinSec.IIA. Theblacklineindicates sponding bootstrap samples. Note that for small values of theanalytically evaluated ROCcurvefor η=0. xn theconditionc(η,xn,λ)isforallvaluesofηclosetozero. the aposterior probabilities, λ exp( 2λx ) : x >0, (2+√2η − n n ρc(xn,η,λ) =  (2+λ√2η : −η <xn <0, (26)  (2+λ√2η 2exp(√2η+λxn)−exp 2√2η+2λxn : xn <−η<0,  λ2 exp(−(cid:0)λxn)((11−121(e1x+pη(−)λexxpn(−√√22ηη))))(cid:0) : xn >0,(cid:1)(cid:1) ρf(xn,η,λ) =  λλ2 expe(xλpx(2nλ)x((n11+−−√12−12(22e1ηx+)pη(2−)2λexxpn(−−√√−22ηη)))) :: x−η<<xnη <<00,, (27) 4(1 1(1+η)exp( √2η)) n −  −2 2 − the likelihood 1exp( √2η λx ) : x >0, 2 − − n n L(η,x ,λ) = 1exp( √2η λx ) : η <x <0, (28) n  2 − − n − n  1− 21exp(√2η+λxn) : xn <−η <0,  and the total probability to find events of magnitude η variable, the total probability to find events is given by 1exp( √2η) : x >0, 8 − n 1 η P(η) = √2ηexp( √2η) : η<x <0, (29) P(η)= exp( √2η) 1+ . (30)  4 − − n 2 − √2  38exp(−√2η) : xn <−η <0. (cid:18) (cid:19) If we are not interested in the range of the precursory Hence the condition c(η,x ,λ) reads n 8 −√2 1− (1−(112ex1pe(x−p√(2√η−2ηλ)x)n)) , xn >0,  (cid:18) −8 − (cid:19) c(η,xn,λ) =  −√2+ (1−√η2η)(1“−1−12√e4x2pη(e−x√p(2−η−√λ2ηx)n”)), −η <xn <0, (31)  −√12exp(λxn+√2η)(cid:16)1−12exp(√12η+λxn) + 1−38exp1(−√2η)(cid:17), xn <−η. Figure 4 comparesthe results ofthe numericalevalua- tion of the condition and the analytical expressiongiven 1 k=3 samples,xn = 0.0118 x = 0.0118 by Eq. (31). Since most precursors of large increments 0 n x = 0.0165 can be found among negative values, the numericaleval- n ) -1 uxant,isoinncoeficn(ηth,xisnlλim)ibtetchoemleiksewlihoorsoedfiosrnpootsviteirvyewvaellluseasmo-f x,kmin 0 .04 samples,xxnn == 00..00110044 pledfromthe data. Thisleadsalsotothe wide spreadof , n -0.4 k=6 xn = 0.0112 the bootstrap samples in this region. η,x -0.8 xn = 0.0119 ( 0.2 c samples,x = 0.0102 Figure4showsthatinthevicinityofthesmallestvalue -0.1 n x = 0.0102 of the data set, the condition c(η,xn,λ) is zero. As we -0.4 k=9 xnn = 0.0106 approach larger values of η, c(η,xn,λ) approaches zero -0.7 xn = 0.0109 inthe whole rangeofdatavalues. Thatis why we would -1 expect to see no influence of the eventmagnitude on the 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 quality of predictions in the exponential case. η The ROC curves in Fig. 5 support these results. The FIG.6: Theconditionc(η,xn,xmin,k)forthepower-lawdis- numerical ROC curves were made via predicting incre- tribution with lower endpoint xmin = 0.01 are plotted for ments in 107 normal i.i.d. random numbers according to constant values of the precursory variable xn. The sym- the prediction strategy described in Sec. IIA. The pre- bols represent the results of the numerical evaluation of cursor for the ROC-curves is chosen as the maximum of c(η,xn,xmin,k), the gray (colored) lines denote the ana- lytic results, and the black lines denote the result for the the likelihood according to Eq. (28), i.e., x = , pre −∞ corresponding bootstrap samples and the optimal precursor. so that the alarm interval is [ ,δ]. In summary there is no significant dependence on∞the event magnitude for For the “ideal” precursor xn = xmin = 0.01 all values of c(η,k,0.01) are negative. Hence one should expect smaller thepredictionofincrementsinasequenceofsymmetrical events to be better predictable. However, this effect is sensi- exponential distributed random numbers. tiveof thechoice of theprecursor. conditional PDFs of the increments: kx2k ρ (x ,η,x ,k) = min c n min k C. Pareto distributed random variables xkn+1 xn+ xkm+i1n kk2η P(η,k) − (cid:16) q (cid:17) (33) We investigate the Pareto distribution as an example k for power-law distributions. The PDF of the Pareto dis- 1 xmin tribution is defined as [20] kxk  − xn+xkm+i1nqkk2η!  ρ (x ,η,x ,k) = min − f n min xk+1  1 P(η,k)  n − (34) ρ(x)=kxk x (k+1) (32) min − k x min L(η,x ,x ,k) = . (35) n min for x [x , ) with the exponent k 3, the lower xn+ xkm+i1n kk2η min − ∈ ∞ ≥  q  endpointxmin >0,andvarianceσ = xkmi1n kk2. Filter- Within the range (xmin, ) the likelihood has no well − − ∞ ing for increments of magnitude η we findqthe following defined maximum. However, since the likelihood is a 9 1 1 k=3 s s n n o 0.8 o 0.8 cti cti di di e e r 0.6 r 0.6 p p ct ct k=9 e e corr 0.4 ηη == 04..06 corr 0.4 η = 0.00 of η = 9.2 of η = 4.00 e 0.2 η = 13.8 e 0.2 η = 8.00 at η = 18.4 at η = 16.00 r r 0 0 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 rate of false alarms rate of false alarms FIG. 7: ROC-plot for the power-law distribution with k =3 FIG. 8: ROC-plot for the power-law distribution with k =9 and xmin = 0.01. The symbols show the numerical results and xmin = 0.01. The symbols show the numerical results andthelinesindicatetheanalyticallycalculatedROCcurves. andthelinesindicatetheanalyticallycalculatedROCcurves. TheROCcurveswere madeviapredicting incrementsin 107 TheROCcurveswheremadeviapredictingincrementsin107 Pareto distributed i.i.d. random numbers. The predictions Paretodistributedi.i.d.randomnumbersandthepredictions were made according to the prediction strategy described in were made according to the prediction strategy described in Sec. IIA. Note that we tested only event magnitudes η, for Sec.IIA. TheROC-curvesdisplaythatinParetodistributed which we found at least 1000 events, so that the effects we i.i.d. random numbers smaller events are better predictable observe are not dueto alack of statistics of thelarge events. and large eventsare especially hard to predict. TheROCcurvesdisplaythatinParetodistributedi.i.d. ran- dom numbers with the lower endpoint xmin = 0.01 smaller events are better predictable and that large events are very smallerevents to be better predictable. The correspond- hard to predict. ing ROCcurvesinFigs.7, and8 verifythis statementof c(η,x ,x ,k). n min In summary we find that larger events in Pareto dis- monotonouslydecreasingfunction, weusethe lowerend- tributed i. i. d. random numbers are harder to predict point x as a precursor. The total probability to find min the larger they are. This is an admittedly unfortunate events of magnitude η is given by result,sinceextremelylargeeventsoccurmuchmorefre- quentlyinpower-lawdistributedprocessesthaninGaus- 1 η k siandistributedprocesses. Hence,theirpredictionwould P(η,k) = F k,2k,2k+1, , 2 1 2 −(k+1)rk−2! be highly desirable. (36) where F (a,b,c,x)denotesthe hypergeometricfunction IV. INCREMENTS IN FREE JET DATA 2 1 p F (a,b,c,x) with p=2, q =1. 2 q Using In this section, we apply the method of statistical in- ferencetopredictaccelerationincrementsinfreejetdata. Therefore we use a data set of 1.25 107 samples of the ∂P(η,k) k 1 × = 2P(η,k) localvelocitymeasuredintheturbulentregionofaround ∂η η  1+ η k k −  free jet [21]. The data were sampled by a hot-wire mea-  k+1 k−2  surement in the central region of an air into air free jet. (cid:16) q (cid:17) (37) One can then calculate the PDF of velocity increments a = v v , where v and v are the velocities n,k n+k n n n+k − and inserting the expressions (35) and (33) for the com- measured at time step n and n+k. The Taylor hypoth- ponents ofc(η,xn,xmin,k) we canobtainan explicit an- esis allows one to relate the time-resolution to a spatial alytic expressionfor the condition. In Fig. 6 we evaluate resolution[21]. Oneobservesthatforlargevaluesofkthe this expression using Mathematica and compare it with PDFofincrementsisessentiallyindistinguishablefroma the results of an empirical evaluation on the data set of Gaussian,whereasforsmallk,thePDFdevelopsapprox- 107 i.i.d. random numbers. imately exponential wings [22, 23, 24]. Fig. 9 illustrates Figure (6) displays that the value of c(η,x ,x ,k) this effect using the data set under study. Thus the in- n min depends sensitively on the choice of the precursor. For crementaldatasetsa providesuswiththeopportunity n,k the idealprecursorx =x allvaluesofc(η,k,x ) totestthe resultsforstatisticalpredictionswithinGaus- pre min min are negative. Hence one should in this case expect sian and exponential distributed i.i.d. random numbers 10 than in the Gaussian case shown in Fig. 11 (b). For k = 5 k=1 144theROCcurvesarefurtherapart,whichcorresponds k=3 to the results of Secs. IIIA and IIIB. k=10 )n 0 k=35 This example of the free jet data set shows that the - v+k kk==124845 snpiteucdifieccdaenpeanldsoenicnetohfethceasReOoCf ccuorrvreelaotnedthdeaetvaenstetmsabge- ρ(vn -5 characterizedby the PDF of the underlying process. 0 1 g o -10 l V. CONCLUSIONS -15 We study the magnitude dependence of the quality of -2 -1.5 -1 -0.5 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 predictionsfor incrementsina time serieswhichconsists v - v n+k n insequencesofi.i.d.randomnumbersandinacceleration increments measured in a free jet flow. Using the first FIG. 9: PDF of the increments an,k = vn+k vn with − partoftheincrementx asaprecursoryvariablewepre- k=1,3,10,35,144,285. Theblack linescorrespond toGaus- n sian and exponential PDFs with appropriate values for the dictlargeincrements xn+1 xn viastatisticalconsidera- − standard deviation or thecoefficient λ. tions. In order to measure the quality of the predictions we use ROC curves. Furthermore we introduce a quan- titative criterion which can determine whether larger or on a data set, which exhibits correlatedstructures. smaller events are better predictable. This criterion is We are now interested in predicting increments of the testedfortimeseriesofGaussian,exponentialandPareto accelerationa a ηintheincrementaldatasets i.i.d. random variables and for the increments of the ac- n+j,k n,k − ≥ a =v v . Inthe followingweconcentrateonthe celerationin the free jet flow. The results obtained from n,k n+k n − incremental data set a , which has an asymptotically thecriterioncomplynicelywiththecorrespondingROC- n,10 exponential PDF and the data set a , which has an curves. Note that for both, the numerical evaluation of n,144 asymptotically Gaussian PDF. Furthermore we focus on the condition and the ROC-plots, we used only event increments between relatively large time steps, i.e., j = magnitudesη forwhichwefoundatleast1000events,so 285, so that the short-range persistence of the process thattheobservedeffectsarenotduetoalackofstatistics does not prevent large events from occuring. As in the of the large events. previous sections we are hence exploiting the statistical In the sequence of Gaussian i.i.d. random numbers, properties of the time series to make predictions, rather we find that large increments are better predictable the than the dynamical properties. larger they are. In the Pareto distributed time series we We can now use the evaluation algorithm which was observe that in slowly decaying power laws larger events testedonthepreviousexamplestoevaluatethecondition are harder to predict, the larger they are. We find no forthesedatasets. TheresultsareshowninFig.10. We significant dependence on the event-magnitude for the find that at least for larger values of η the main features sequence of exponentially i.i.d. random numbers. of c(x ,η) for the exponential and the Gaussian case as While the condition can be easily evaluated analyti- n described in Sec. IIIA and IIIB are also present in the cally, it is not that easy to compute numerically from free jet data. For larger values of η, c(a ,η) is either observed data, since the calculation implies evaluating n,k larger than zero in the Gaussian case (k =144) or equal thederivativesofnumericallyobtaineddistributions. Us- to zero in the exponential case (k =10) in the region of ingSavitzky-Golayfiltersimprovedtheresults,butespe- interestingprecursoryvariables,i.e.,smallvaluesofa . ciallyinthelimitoflargerevents,wherethedistributions n,k are difficult to sample, one cannot trust the results of However, the presence of the exponential and the the numerically evaluated criterion. However, it is still Gaussian distributions is more prominent in the corre- possible to apply the criterion by fitting a PDF to the sponding ROC curves. For the free jet data set, the distribution of the underlying process and then evaluate predictions were made with an algorithm similar to the the criterion analytically. one described in Sec. IIA. Instead of a specific pre- Although the magnitude dependence of the quality of cursorystructure,whichcorrespondstothemaximumof predictionswasobservedindifferentcontextsandfordif- the likelihood, we use here a threshold of the likelihood ferentmeasuresofpredictability,inthiscontributiononly as a precursor. In this setting we give an alarm for an ROCcurveswereused. Inordertoexcludethepossibility extreme event, whenever the likelihood that an extreme thatthe effectis specific to the ROCcurve,future works eventfollowsanobservationislargerthanagiventhresh- should also include other measures of predictability. old value. Reviewing the results for the Gaussian case and the In the exponential case (k = 10) shown in Fig. 11(a) slowly decaying power law from a philosophic point of the ROC curves for different event magnitude η almost view one can conclude that nature allows us to predict coincide, although the range of η is larger (η (0,6.71)) large events from the most frequently occuring distribu- ∈

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