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501946 I LAMOR UM THIRD EXTENSION AND MODIFICATION AGREEMENT ‘THIS AGREEMENT. nade oad entered imo 3s ofthe 80th day of June, 2004, by and hence WHEELIE BLOCK DUILDING, LLC, having is prineypal plsec of businoss at elo The Kicenks Group, 1001 Cherry Street Centre, Suite 308, Colimbia, Missood 65201 (ercinatice ctovred « a3 "Bonower” whether one or more persons) und FIRST BANK with is Fice wt 11901 Olive Romlevard, St Louis. Missouri 63144 (heceinalier ceferied (0 as "Lender") WITRKESSETIE amount of Ono wil Lender extended certain Financing to Beosrower in the Million Five Hondced Seventeen ‘Thousaa Dollars «SST 040) he" WHERTAS, Brewer excevteal and delivered versin promissory nove ihereinser Fefered to as dhe "Note”} ta evidence the Lown forthe sum of One Mullion Fave Hundred, Seventeen Thousand Dollars (51,517,000.00} dated July 1, 1998, payable te the otdor af Lender ‘on June 30, 2001, wilh interes 28 doseribed therein: WITERTIAS, te Nite was meh! pursuant so ihe Hirst Moditieation and Extension Agveement dated Merch t, 1998, ihe “int Modisution”): WIIERBAS. the Nate was further moxlified! purstunt to ahe Sevonel Magfification and Falension Agreement dated June 30, 2001, (Cae °Sécund Moulication”) fe Note, tse Lies ‘Mudilication, and the Second Medification are hereinafter refered (0 a8 the “Note"); WHEREAS, the Nove is secured hy. among viher thingy, certain Deed of Trust and Sccurity Agreement exceuted by Bortuwer dated Jaly L. 896, snd zecoriled in Bok 34329 ac Page | in the Recorder's affise a Pitkin County, Colorado which constinais 2 Hieron Ure real stare described a EabiiL a, atucheel herele snd mcorpornted herein ‘bercinatter refered to sé she "Morzage"), WHEREAS, the snout of $1,212,526.01 is now unpaic and unsstisfied WHEREAS, Hosrowor is naw the owner ofthe realestate covered by the Mortguge described herein: and. WHEREAS, Boniwer desires ly renew, extend anil mchly the Nove and Mortgage 08 herein stated, NOW, THEREFORE, in cons-deration ofthe extension of the time of payment of the ptineipal sam, the forbearance of Lender Irom exercising eerlsin rights and reraedics, ancl ceria baer goo and valusb'e consideration she rece'gt and sulficicney of wick 29 hereby acknoprleilged, but suhicet 1 all che conditions and provisions contained inthe Note, the Morqege, and all piber docucnenis evidencing ar securing the Tagn (he "Loan Documests"), se ean wie Temifer une ile sucess an ‘xcept as herein moditied, Borrower hereby signs as Falla: so1946 AAO J. All capitalized forms used ierein, except as modified heeeby shall have the sarme reanings a sel oth in Use Coan Dovamens, 2. ‘The Maturity Date of the Note is hareby exterded trom Tune 20. 2004, to June 20, 2007, at whieh time che Note shall mature and he payahle without nouise ar cermand 3. Axor uhe dite hereof the ovrstanding principal under che Note shall he repaid i equal monly installaents uf Five Those tught Handed Hive Dalla (85,805.00), 4, ior te maturity. whether by aeseleratin ar aiherwise, interes; shall continue co ve poguhle a the rate specified in the Note on the Ist day of eae! wont 5. Bemusver specifically understncls and ngroos that Levi is consenting 1 the foregoing cxtonsioa and modification of be Note in celianee cpun all ef The security previcusly pledged zo Lender as security for the repayment af she Nole, inclucing, but na limited to che continuing validity and enforceabuligy of the guaranties oF ¥. Stanley Kroetke anu Ann W. Kroenke dite Fuly 1, 996, and of Mock Haleeman and Tons 8. Haldeman dated func 24, 1996, a8 conticned by Consents andl Reallicmaticns each dated ss of March 6, £998, and Jone 30, 2001, thersinatier collostively refered co asthe "Guacautors"). Bowser further acknowledges sul agrees thatthe effectiveness of this Extension and Modification Agneta ix expmsl y ‘sondilfoneal upon the receipt by Lender of contimations of guarantees from: the Gasrantors all am tom aod substance suiuclory Wt Lander in Lender’ aie tiserction, 6. Boreovr acieby contims saul ctilies Ure Noe, und any agreement securing or ‘ela tu the Note us renewed modified heroby, This is 4 renewal and modification of the Now: anu nuvarep'acement ar novation thereof, If for any season tais Agceement is invalid che Note shall be enforceable aceanding to as cmggal lorme ae Rereistore amen, 7. Bowower shall zeuburse Lender fer all expenses, including reunomuhle storey! fees incurred hy Lender in enmnecticn with ths transaction 8. Rowoser mpreaenls In Lender and agioos that the lien ofthe eviginal Morgane acd the covenants 2ad agicements therein, and inte Nule and ather ohligitions sosured thereby, ‘excep! ns heroin modified, shall bo and eotnaia in full fonoe wad elect, subject 1 all The outlitioas snd provinoms eamlainei ia the Nate, the Mortgage, the Loan Documscts. oc any ‘ther decumens evileneing or securing the [cum 8. —_Bowowar shall obtain a title eniisreement ro tac loon policy of tle insures ia favor of Lender confiumaing the ovneeshiq the Property hy Torre om upon ke effective dale thereat to th elate ai the Tocording of this Agreement and adding sis Agreement to Schedule A of Sach loan palicy of tile murance. Such tle-endorsement stall 8 in forum and substance satisfactory to the Lendr an shall contain nn exceptions lo tlle having priority over The Tien of the Momigage #3 amended hescay Merle aig 2 OOS Lo, Barner represents ts Lender that Bomawer ha ta defenses, set-off, claims, sctions, causes of action, damages. demands or any other elximis of amy kind or nature srhalscever, whether asserled dr unasnertsd, aginst Lender ws uf the dite heveot with respect to any action previously taken or nor ceken by Lender. ‘Without fniting the gonoralicy af the foregoing. Borcosser waives, roleasce and forever dischauges Leuder and Londer's employees, agents, officers and ditcetars thom and against any and all ights, claims, action, causes of ution, damages, derminds, ieidental ar eamsequent ia cages and all other elainas of whalscever nature which may now exist on which may Teter xcue srarise U.Lal any dealing between thein occurring OF be befare the de of this Agreement 1. Bosuwer Further acknowledges und agrees that the fender is spect Realy relying ‘apon the representations, warranlos. acé agrosuncats contained herein sad cha this Agiecmeat is being executed by Barrawer aid delivered to Lendo: as a matsvial tadacoment to the Leader to forbear from cxerersing contractual remedies «vailable to Lender, mcluding foreclosure. satachmen|, ad gnasecuien in eallecion af tne wutsumeling indehetdness ude the Nise wn all securily intecests, encumbrances, liens, deeds of cust, moriguges aul ober Taber] soousity therfore, 12, Borrower spuosents aad wavrants to Lender that ao Bvent af Default, er default exiss under the Note, the Momgage, the Laun Dacimenrs, or amy other decuments cvidencing or sevuving the Coat as of the date haze. 1. Thiy Agreement shull nox be deemed lo conshute an sllertion, waiver, annulment, or variation of my of the lerms and conditions of the Note {se heretofore amended), the Menfyage, the Taian Dicurents. or any other dhicuments evidencing ar securing Uhe Tan except as expiessly sot forth hewwin. Any term or eundition of the Now: the Morage, the Loan Documents, or ary athe docurnents svidentcing or scenting che Loau that is inconsistcnc with Lis Agreement is deemed modified ls he eamsistent herewith. 1 forumy reuson, this Agreement is invalid, the Note shall be enforceable in accordance, veh ws original form as hesekslone amended. 1d. The sbligatigns eviderced in his Extension and Modification Agroeuient ao secured hy a Deel ol Trust aad Security Agreement executed vin Taly |. B06, hich iy a Tien cm the Property (aad which may he secused by acher property 15. No anwndineat, modification, supplement terniesdive, cots or waiver of ang provision of this Agreement. ror conscar to any depen: thereévorn, vl: any event be effective unex the sume isin seriling atl signed hy the purty nyuinel siaom enforcement of the same 3 sought. Any waiver of any provision olf this Agreeunent and way exnisent Lo any departurs from the erts of say provision of this Agrecmeat is tobe elTeutive any in Ue specific instance und lr the specie purpose for sehich given. KIARA 2. litent of any provisions nerew: 13, For purpenes of execeting this Agseemont, a document for agnacure puge therelo} signed und trarsmnited ly Lacsimile machine os telecopict i ta br wreuted us an rig document. Tis signarts of any for purposes heeel i to he considezed xs an ‘original signature, wn the decurnentiramyaalie is to be considered to have the sume hinding, effect as un criginal sigiature on 2 osiginal document, At che reques: funy pur. ung faximile or tlecopy document ito be teexecuted in original form by the partes whe execuled Le facsimile or telecopy decument, No pany may raise the uve ofa Carsimile neachine or telecoples or the fact chat any signateze ws tasted Unugl the use af 8 faimile oF Ueleeapier macnn ab u defense lo the enforcement of this Agecement or any arnandment or ler document executed in compliance. with chix Paragrapa. 18, This Ageeament may be executed by the parties cm amy numaher of separ countensars, and afl such zosterpurts xb executed consttute ane agitement bindieg on all the pris notwastcding th ll tbe parties are act signatories to the same ccwterpstt 19, “This Agreermen entice agrcement among the purl perluining ts the subject cial hereof and supersedes all prior agieements. letters of mont, understandings, pnegetiations and discvssians of the parties, whether azul or writen 20, The purfies will exueule and uclive: such festhor instrumests a de auch further sets and things as may be required Ip cxrry oul the ietemt and purpose a lis Ageeement 21, ‘This Agreoment und the rights and obtigutions of the pastes bereunder are to be governed by und! comsirued ancl inerprered in aceorcance with the laws of the State of Colorale applicuble la camtracts male anu to be pecforened wally sitin Colorado, without regard tn choive or contlict of lawa rules. 22, Any provision ofthis Agrecment whuch is prohibated, unenforevabie or nol aquthonzod an any jundiction is, as 1 such jurisdiction, ineffective ce the extent of any such robibition, unenforceability or nenauthorization wichant invalzdabmng the remamaing prov Were on affecting the vaiidiy, enfovceability or legeity of such provision in any other {utisciction, unlost the mcffeetivencss al such provision wauld result in such & material chang {3 ta cause completion e¢ the-transactions cardempluted hereby tle unreasensble, 23, All provisions af chis Aggeement ae binding upon, inure 18 the benefit of ame are ‘enforceable hy or against the parties ana Lacie wespeclive hein, excvunns,admniisteatra or ache: legal cepresentarives ond porrnilted succensors and assigns OMAL AGREERMIENTS OR COMMITMENTS TO LOAN MONEY, EX! CREDIT, OR TO FOREBEAR EROM ENPORCING REPAYMENT OF A DENT. INCLUDING #2OMISES TO EXTEND OR RENEW SUCI DEBT ARE NOT eh Mee Mig“ 4 (EMV ENFORCEABLE, TO PROTECT YOU (BORROWER(S)) AND US (CREDITOR) FROM MISUNDERSTANDING OR DISAPPOSNTMENT, ANY AGREEMENTS REACH COVERING SUCH MATTERS ARE CONTAINED IN THIS WRITING, WITCH IS THE COMPLETE AND EXCLUSIVE STATEMENT OF THE AGREEMENT BETWEEN US, EXCEPT AS WE MAY LATER AGRER IN WRITING TO MODIFY IT, UN WETNFSS WHEREOP, the undersigned uve cansed this iostammet to be excevted eal above writen waneyh Hock BOLDIN. Lc, Wy 7 Junged tabi company iain W- as ofthe tay und yar fi 7. Siooley Krone, Mevabe By: Merk Tustin, In, Member GEG Glut — Mari Wdeman, President FIRST BANK MLA UNM ss lessui, eh sete PLR eoaT 8. SUSIbOF foe , iGalyor Kane t aah \ Oo tis [ebay of but 2004, befare me appeared E. Seauley Gronke, one havent 1 cae peldon Gevebedin and who exceed the foregoing ins asa Member of Wheeler Block Buildings LLC, 4 Colorado linsted iabshty overpay, ca ackaowledged that ke executed the sume us che tree axt and Wee of vad Tried lability ‘company and is acung for and on hokull nf and uy a Member ofthe said limited lability company. IN TESTIMONY WHEREOK, | have heseunto sel my hand and aifixed my official seal at my office inthe county or city and state aforesaTk chy wad year lust baw sition Aide * NOTARY SEAL™ Som eg ay ble Bogre Coun. i, shone Bator sa pine searronCal acecte » $8 Couuhyoe Pitas 3 Oh thin’ of Late. 2004, hefore me appeared Mark Haldeman, lus me kas to Be the person descuibou ta aud wha exocuted the Faregomng instrament, as resident of Mark fostin, Ine. a Momber af Whoeler Bloch Building, LLC, a Colorado Hmited Fability vorepuny, and ackovowledged thal he exevuted the same asthe free ast and deed of said Linsted lability campany and s4id corporation 1s ating for and on hehall of ead earparation as a ‘Member ofthe said limived lability company’ orary Publ IN TESTIMONY WHEREOF, [ have korcunto set my hand ond aftined my ofticia seal sin the county or city and state aforesaid, the day and year last abave writen, y wt 129 cHyannetAve, Carbondale, CO 81623 MIQUE SUATROP MISSOURI) iach tan y 8s. COUNTY OF ST.TOTIS > On this 15 aby ot , 2008, ere me appeared Paik singin cet ay oman usnina ee Present af Fest Bank. a id Pateick G. Higgins acknowledged That he execu the samme in hohal€ of said corporst.on by authority of the Rourd al Directors of the ‘corporation ual ucknowledged said instrument 19 be the foe act mul teed a said competion AN TESTIMONY WHEREOF, I have heceunto set my hand and affixed my official seal Al my-office in the couny wr city and ste aforesaid, the day sael yeas lage ebove.wnten, bene Murebin. ecay Pubic >My Teun Expites:_=! — cel Ney Pi Bre Stl Spor sion eae doa ve conta be Ba 25 | PxTABIT NORTHERLY 25 FEET OF LOIS AND §, BLOCK $8, CITY AND TOWNSITE OF ASHEN, EXCHPI, LE WOSTERLY | FOOT OF THE NORTHERLY 24 FEET OF $AID LOT R AS. DESCRIBED IN INSTRUMENT RECORDED IN ROOK 30 AT PAGE 572, TOGBTHER WITH A PARTY WALL. AGHELMINT IN REGARD TO THE WESTERLY 1 FOOT OF THE. NORTHERLY 25 FRET OF STD LOT R, RECORDED IN BOOK 46 AT PAGE 229, COUNLY OF PITKIN, STATE OF COLORADO wt UAV TIAA

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