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what's going to happen to us -ffnet 6883936 PDF

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Preview what's going to happen to us -ffnet 6883936

what's going to happen to us? by Evilkat23 Category: How to Train Your Dragon Genre: Angst, Family Language: English Characters: Hiccup Status: In-Progress Published: 2011-04-07 03:11:53 Updated: 2011-08-22 02:58:16 Packaged: 2016-04-26 11:33:59 Rating: T Chapters: 10 Words: 11,463 Publisher: www.fanfiction.net Summary: Hiccup made it through 2011 can Ivan, Adam and Lawrence make it through 877 A.D.? Can Ivan convince the rest of the Viking clan that he's not a sorcerer for looking exactly like Hiccup? And more importantly can they all go home in one piece? real sequel! 1. Chapter 1 **Summary: Hiccup made it through 2011 can Ivan, Adam and Lawrence make it through 877 A.D.? Can Ivan convince the rest of the Viking clan that he's not a sorcerer for looking exactly like Hiccup? And more importantly can they all go home in one piece?** Ivan yawned as he walked out of his room. He stretched and popped his back. It was too early for him to be up. Ivan sat down at the table and looked over at Hiccup's room and smiled. The smaller brunette wouldn't be up for some time now. Ivan sighed he looked over in the living room where Toothless laid sprawled out on the floor Purring with each breath. Ivan chuckled and looked out the window the sun was just about to come up. Sighing, Ivan started to walk over to the fridge and looked inside. He grabbed the milk jug and started to drink from it. After a few gulps he put the cap back on and put the jug back into the fridge. Ivan then shut the fridge and walked over to the couch. Sitting down he turned the T.V. on and flipped though the channels. "oh! Invader Zim is on!" the eighteen year old exclaimed. (**A/N it still takes place two years in the future!)** After a few minutes Ivan felt his eyes shut he then lost the battle and fell back to sleep. **Xxx0000ooooxxxxx IVAN'S P.O.V** I woke up and looked around the T.V. was still on and so was Invader Zim. In fact a new episode just started. I got up and looked at the clock, it was now ten O' clock there was no sign of Hiccup being out. I looked over to Toothless to see he was still fast asleep. I sighed and walked over to Hiccup's door. "Hiccup? You ok?" I asked there was no reply. I opened the door to see Hiccup he was still asleep I was just going to let him sleep until I noticed the redness in his cheeks. I walked over and put a hand on his head. I quickly drew it back Hiccup was burning up! I sighed and walked out of the room. I grabbed some paper and a pen and wrote a quick note for Hiccup. Then I left the apartment and walked to the drug store. I kicked a stone out of my way and watched it tumble a few times before it came to a halt. It took about ten minutes to get to the store when I walked in I was greeted by two familiar faces. "Oh Dr. Gordon, Adam what a surprise" I said was I walked past them in the store "Ivan how's your brother?" Dr. Gordon asked following me. I sighed "sick, that's why I'm here to get some medicine for him" "What does he have?" "Most likely a fever…." "Did you check his temperature?" "Nope, felt his head though pretty hot…" "Did he have a sore throat?" "Don't know" "Headache?" "Don't know" "Stomachache?" "Don't know" "My god man!" I rolled my eyes and picked up a bottle of orange medicine not bothering to read the name. Dr. Gordon grabbed the bottle from my hands and put it back on the shelf. "Ivan if you don't know the symptoms of your brothers sickness then you're just like a blind man!" Dr. Gordon exclaimed. I sighed "look, Dr. Gordon I know you mean well but I don't have the heart to wake him just to see if he has a headache" "Then let me have a look at him" "What?" "I am a Doctor Ivan…right Adam?...Adam?" Dr. Gordon and I started to look around we found Adam was doing his own thing looking at the different beers in the corner. "That's why he was so quite….anyways….c'Mon Ivan let me look at him again it's my job…" I sighed then I put my hands up in the air "alright….alright you can look at him" "Thank you just give me a half an hour to get some things at my house" "Ok" Dr. Gordon went over to Adam they exchanged a few words then walked out of the store. I put my hands in my pockets and walked out myself. After ten minutes I was back home. I unlocked the door and walked inside. Toothless was the first to greet me I began to scratch him behind the ears "hey Toothless…."the dragon then let out a whine. "Toothless I know he's sick…I have someone coming over in a half n hour and he's going to look at Hiccup….but you need to not be in the living room or Hiccup's room you're going to stay in my room" Toothless nodded at me even though I didn't get to the part where I ask him if he understood "good" I walked away from the dragon and walked into Hiccup's room. "Hiccup you awake?" I peeked in, Hiccup was still fast asleep. I sighed and sat on the edge of his bed. I put my hand on his shoulder and lightly shook him "Hiccup?" Hiccup let out a moan he opened his eyes halfway and stared at me. "whaaa?…what time is it?" he asked he tried to sit up but I stopped him. "Don't move you have a fever…" "I'm a Viking! We don't let fevers stand in our ways!" Hiccup yelled as he got out on the other side of the bed he stood up then fell down. "Your prosthetic is in the corner" I said before he could ask. Hiccup put both of his hands on the bed and supported himself up. "God Hiccup you gave yourself a nose bleed" I said as I walked over. I picked Hiccup up and put him back on the bed. "Odin…I can't even stand! I'm a mistake!" "Hiccup your missing a leg! You can't blame yourself for not being able to walk" It took me a few minutes to understand what was going on. I found out that Hiccup's fever was making him think he was in Viking times again. I sighed "Hiccup listen someone is coming over to check on you he's our Doctor…remember Dr. Gordon?" "Why do you look like me?" I hung my head and sighed how I was going to keep him quite about being a Viking if he can't even remember me? **Sorry it took so long! First the internet shut down on me! then I had school work to do…Here is the official Sequal!** 2. Chapter 2 **Summary: Hiccup made it through 2011 can Ivan, Adam and Lawrence make it through 877 A.D.? Can Ivan convince the rest of the Viking clan that he's not a sorcerer for looking exactly like Hiccup? And more importantly can they all go home in one piece?** **(Ivan's P.O.V)** I managed to get Hiccup back to bed he didn't ask any more questions hell he fell asleep as soon as his head hit the pillow. I walked into the living room, I looked for Toothless luckily he wasn't in here. I sat down on the couch and sighed things just aren't what they used to be between me and Hiccup. Yeah sure we are still pretending to be brothers but….Hiccup's been so distant. He refuses to tell me about how school went...and he's refusing to tell me about what was bothering him. I think he's being bullied…..I hope not because if he is I'm going to give that bully a piece of my mind. I heard a knock at the door and got up. I looked though the peep hole and saw Dr. Gordon and Adam. I opened the door and smiled. "Hello" I said. "Come in" Dr. Gordon and Adam came into the apartment and looked around. "Yes, where is Josh?" Dr. Gordon asked "he's in his room, follow me" Adam and Dr. Gordon followed. I opened the door and faked a smile "Josh we have company" Hiccup moaned threw the covers over his head. I walked over and shook him a little "Josh…wake up" "That's not my name!" Hiccup yelled I cringed then turned to Dr. Gordon. "He's probably delusional" I half-lied. Dr. Gordon nodded "yes, some people do suffer from that when sick" thank god he bought it. I pulled the covers off him. He looked at me then closed his eyes. I bit my lower lip. Dr. Gordon took something out of his pocket. It was a thermometer, "ok Josh open your mouth" Hiccup opened his eyes and turned to Dr. Gordon. "I told you that not my name…." "Ok what is your name then?" "Hiccup" I mentally slapped my face this wasn't turning out good. "Ok Hiccup open your mouth" "Again Dr. Gordon he's just delusional" Dr. Gordon laughed "not my first time dealing with a delusional person…just do as they say and it'll be a breeze" Believe it or not Hiccup did open his mouth. Dr. Gordon put the thermometer in and Hiccup closed his mouth. "Ivan, Adam I need to be alone with Josh for a few minutes can you wait out in the living room" we both nodded and left. I sat down on the couch and sighed. "God I hope he's ok" I said taking a deep breath. Adam sat down next to me "don't worry Ivan Larry knows what he is doing" I looked at Adam and raised an eyebrow. "Larry?" I repeated. Adam nodded, "yes, Larry" "Ok….." was all I could say. "So Adam how come whenever I see Dr. Gordon you're around?" I asked. Adam smiled, "I'm his assistant" he said still smiling I just nodded "ok but aren't you supposed to call him Dr. Gordon? Not Larry" I waited for a reply but he just smirked. "I'm also his boyfriend" My jaw dropped, Adam reached across the couch and put it back up. "Don't want flies flying in their now do we?" I could only mutter one word "how?" Adam smiled. "it started off when I was hit by a car a couple months back…..Larry was my doctor at the time….he said I was lucky to have survived….I had to stay in the hospital for five days….then came time for the bill I was poor and had no money…so Larry said that I could pay off my bills if I became his assistant then I could pay off the bill and somewhere along the way I became his boyfriend" Adam shrugged like it was normal. I opened my mouth to say something but was interrupted by a loud crash coming from MY room. Adam looked over there then back at me "what was that?" He asked raising an eyebrow. I took a sudden interest in the ceiling thinking of a lie. "Well I guess I'll have to find out myself…"Adam stood up and walked over to my room. I jumped up and tackled him to the ground he landed with a thud….. He was in pain for a few seconds after he composed himself he only said one word. "Ow!" I cringed again "Sorry man, but there's a dog in there and he doesn't like strangers!" I lied. Even though Adam was on the floor I could tell he was glaring. "You could have told me instead of tackling me!" "Sorry I panicked!" "Well the apology makes it better!" I could feel the sarcasm in his voice. After a few seconds of silence Adam spoke "Ivan?" he asked. "Yes?" "GET OFF OF ME!" "Sorry!" I yelled realizing I was still on his back. We both got up Adam popped his back cringing with every pop. "God" he breathed as he finished. I was about to apologize again but just then the ground started to shake. The stuff on the walls was falling off. The TV hit the ground braking as it did so. I held on to the couch Adam did the same. "Earthquake!" Adam yelled as the ground shook harder. "Hiccup!" I yelled. I started to run over to the room I stopped when I saw Hiccup he was just standing there his eyes where lifeless he looked well somewhat dead. Hiccup walked over to my room and opened the door. I have forgotten all about the earthquake when I saw what was on the other side. Adam must have followed me because I heard him gasp behind me. I blinked and rubbed my eyes hoping it was an illusion but it wasn't. I was staring at what looked like a field everything was perfect it was almost sparkling and the ground wasn't shaking. I stood there not knowing what to do. That's when Hiccup walked right though it the weird thing was I didn't see him on the other side! I turned to Adam, I saw that Dr. Gordon was right next to him too. "You guys saw that two right?" I asked they both nodded I began to notice that the shaking gotten harder. I looked at the field and noticed that it was slowly disappearing. Without thinking I ran right into it. I started to scream because I was falling down. Dr. Gordon and Adam followed because I heard their screams right before I passed out. 3. Chapter 3 **Summary: Hiccup made it through 2011 can Ivan, Adam and Lawrence make it through 877 A.D.? Can Ivan convince the rest of the Viking clan that he's not a sorcerer for looking exactly like Hiccup? And more importantly can they all go home in one piece?** **Hiccup P.O.V** What's going on? Where am I? Where is Ivan? Why can't I move! My mind started to reel as I looked up at the blue sky, but I couldn't move….. I desperately tired but I got nothing I felt like I was half asleep. I suddenly saw something in the corner of my eye it was moving towards me. When it got closer I realized it was a person not just any person it was ASTRID! I had to be losing my mind…. "Stoic he's over hurry he's barely alive!" She yelled she started to run towards me. When she gotten close enough she gotten on her knees and made sure I was still breathing. "Don't worry Hiccup help is on the way! Just stay awake!" I felt pain sweep across my back as she tried to sit me up. "Stoic!" she screamed, I became aware of heavy footsteps hitting the earth. Dad, Gobber, and Toothless came into my vision. I wanted to say something…I wanted to see where Ivan was and if this was all a dream….or was Ivan all a dream. I felt my dad scoop me up in his arms. I realized I had a little control over my mouth. I could only say one thing… "I….van" Dad looked at me. "Everyone quiet! Say that again Hiccup" I saw the blackness creep in vision. I had to one last time "I…van" "I van? What is an I van Hiccup? Hiccup? Stay awake on me son! Stay wake….please" the last thing I saw was Ivan looking at me from two years back when James tried to kill me I don't know why though. **IVAN'S P.O.V** I opened my eyes and groaned who turned on the lights? I flipped over on my stomach and smelled the sweet grass…..sweet grass? I opened my eyes I was in fact in a field of tall sweet grass. I got up and wiped the grass off. "So it wasn't a dream" I whispered to myself. "Hiccup!" I exclaimed in a whisper. I began to look around I couldn't see much over the grass. I started to run looking for a way out of the grass. "The crop circle was false people just wanted a way out!" I growled as I finally freed myself from the grass. I began to walk though a forest. It took me a few minutes to find out that something was following me. I put a hand in my pocket and felt the cold steel of a knife. The very same knife I took from Gary two years ago. With one swift movement I took the knife out and aimed it at the thing…my knife hit the ground. I was staring at a dragon but it wasn't Toothless, this dragon was bigger than Toothless and red it had gigantic claws. It gotten closer to me and started to sniff me it soon started to rub against me. "G-Get off!" I began to frail around trying to get the dragon off me. I fell flat on my back when I got a good look at it I smiled. "So Toothless isn't the only dragon anymore!" the dragon started to rub against me again I began to think why the dragon was doing this that's when it hit me Hiccup said something about dragons going crazy over this type of grass the grass I was in I wreaked of it. I slowly got up and put my hands out. "Good, Good stay back please…" I bent down and picked up my pocket knife and put it back in my pocket. The dragon took in a deep breath then growled. "Whoa, whoa! What?" I yelled the dragon used its head to point to my pocket. "You don't like my knife?...ok I'll just….do this…" I took my knife out and tossed it in the sweet grass. I then ran off when the dragon was distracted. "Great now I'm defenseless…" I muttered was I walked into the strange wilderness. The more I walked the more I realized the forest was getting thicker. I began to feel uncomfortable. Suddenly something caught my eye it was a shadow of a person I smiled. "Hey! Hey! Can you help me I'm lost-NO! Don't run hey! HEY!...JERK!" I yelled as the shadow ran off. I was about to let out a sigh when I became aware of something behind me. I didn't have a knife on me so I couldn't really threaten it…. I held my breath in as it started to walk closer to me. About three inches away from me I heard a twig snap I turned around and was about to punch the mysterious thing but stopped myself when I saw it was a girl. Blond hair, blue eyes, her hair was in a brad and a silver axe in one hand but it dropped to the ground when she saw me. her mouth was a gape I smiled and lightly and lifted her jaw up so it was closed "you might want to shut that don't want bugs flying in your mouth" I said. Her jaw dropped again. "Okaaaay….I'm lost and-WHOA!" the girl picked up her axe and started swinging at me. Luckily I ducked just in time. "Hey! Stop swinging at me!" I said as I had to duck for the second time. I fell to the ground with a thud. The girl stood above me and used the butt of the axe to hit my stomach. I let out something between a choke and a scream. "What the hell is your problem lady!" I growled. The girl was about to do it again but luckily I grabbed the axe before she could. "Stop! God! I just wanted to know where I was!" I said as I held the axe. I gave the girl a swift kick causing her to fall I then managed to take the axe out of her hand. I took the axe and threw it…it hit a nearby tree and stayed like that. "I'm sorry but just don't attack me like that…what is your problem anyway?" I asked. I looked at her eyes they were the size of dinner plates. "Will you stop looking at me like that it's sorta creeping me out" the girl continued to stare at me I rolled my eyes. "You don't even speak English do you….damn!" I put my hand in my pocket and took out my cell phone. "Man! I don't even have a bar! I need help" I put my phone back in my pocket and turned my back to the girl. I began to mumble to myself "great…no service…no English speaking people" I suddenly felt a very heavy weight on my back…. "Get off me you psycho chick!" I yelled as the girl put me in a head lock. I sunk my teeth into her arm. She let out a scream of pain. We both fell to the ground, I fell face down I heard her coming back at me I quickly kicked her in the stomach causing her to double in pain. I gave her a swift punch across the face she hit the ground holding her bleeding nose "bitch" I growled as I walked away. I heard a twig snap behind me. I growled and turned around only to get hit in the head with the butt of a sliver axe…..I blacked out after that….. 4. Chapter 4 **Summary: Hiccup made it through 2011 can Ivan, Adam and Lawrence make it through 877 A.D.? Can Ivan convince the rest of the Viking clan that he's not a sorcerer for looking exactly like Hiccup? And more importantly can they all go home in one piece?** **IVAN P.O.V** I felt my arms sway side to side and my legs did the same. I opened my eyes to see that the ground was moving but I wasn't moving. I realized I was on someone shoulders whoever it was stopped "Stoic you're not going to believe this!" A female exclaimed I lightly turned my head and saw blond in a braid I realized it was the girl who attacked me. Before another word came out of her I attacked… "You bitch!" I screamed I then kneed her in the stomach causing her to double over in pain. I fell to the ground but I quickly regained myself. I saw a big man both bigger and wider than any person I have ever seen before in my life. He had the thickest beard I have ever seen too it was bright red and tied in multiple sections. Something about him reminded me about Hiccup. He looked at me like I turned into an axe-murder right in front of him. He then started to charge at me as quickly as I could I took out my cell phone and pointed it at him knowing it wasn't going to do anything. To my amassment he stopped. "Back! Back! I got a cell phone!" I soon pointed it at all the people around me they all backed off. "Now…would someone would kindly tell me where I am?" I asked as I put the cell phone down but not away. Another man who had blond hair stepped forward, he had a long mustache that was braided I realized he was missing a leg and an arm. "Why don't you tell us who you are first?" I put my cell phone up again in case anyone tried anything. "my name is Ivan Newlands…I don't know how I got here all I know is that there are three more people with me I don't know where they are and one is sick…I need a map and I need to know where I am…." The man with the thick beard and red hair spoke up. "Why do you look like my son?" I shook my head "I don't know what you're talking about!" I yelled back holding my cell phone tighter than ever I was afraid I was going the crush it if that was possible. The man walked up to me I pointed my phone at him but he just took it out of my hand and crushed it with one hand. I stared at him wide eyed "you…you broke my cell phone….." I said in disbelief. "You threatened my tribe…." "Yeah but you didn't-Did you just say tribe?" I yelled. "I am the leader of the Hairy Hooligans my name is Stoic the Vast and you better account my as such" "Stoic? Why does that name sound familiar?" I asked myself then it hit me like a ton of bricks "Stoic! That was the name of Hiccup's father!" I yelled out loud without thinking. Stoic growled at me "how do you know my son?" he yelled "what do you mean 'your son'? Hiccup's father died" I said with a shrug then my smile went away "Right? No…No! that's impossible I-I can't be in Hiccup's time period!" "What do you mean Time Period?" Stoic yelled getting angry with me. Before I could speak several voices piped up. "He's a sorcerer!" "That's why he looks like Hiccup!" "He's here to kill us all!" "Someone get Toothless!" I began to look around and started to panic. "No! I'm not I know Hiccup he's my friend!" "Really? prove it!" came a voice from my left I saw a dark hair man around Hiccup's age he had on an Viking helmet…almost everyone had on a helmet. I began to feel cornered, everyone was yelling even louder at me. I covered my ears I didn't like this, I didn't like this one bit…. I suddenly heard it a roar but not just any roar a night fury's roar, Toothless's roar. Toothless caused everyone to go quiet I smiled at the dragon he walked up to me and purred I smiled and hugged him. "The dragon probably doesn't know the difference between Hiccup and This…Thing!" the dark haired boy yelled I glared at him. "I know you did not just call me a 'thing'" I said with pure venom in my voice. He took out a knife and pointed it at me I took one look at it and realized that was the knife I threw into the sweet grass! It was my knife! "You don't have a weapon this will be easy!" he said with a laugh everyone back away from us. I heard Toothless grow land smiled at him "you tend to forget Toothless _I'm_ not Hiccup" I winked at the dragon and walked up to the Teenager. Before we started I looked at Stoic "if I win will you take me to Hiccup?" I asked he nodded I nodded back and looked at the teenager. We started to circle each other "what's your name?" I asked he pointed the knife at me "Snotlout!" I smirked Hiccup told me about him he's not that coordinated he should be easy to beat. Snotlout charged at me I quickly ducked down and rolled. I got up behind him. He turned around he raised his hand but I managed to grab it with one hand and took my knife back with the other. I smiled and put the knife in my pocket I wasn't going to need it. Snotlout charged at me again and I quickly stepped to the side and stuck my foot out causing him to trip and fall. I walked up. Snotlout rolled over on to his stomach before he could stand I grabbed him by his vest and glared at him. He tried to get out of my grasp but I held him tightly. I smiled and pushed him to the ground "get out of here!" I barked he didn't need to be told twice. I turned to Stoic "ok I won" I tried not to laugh at everyone's facial expressions. I heard Toothless laugh I quickly coughed still trying to hold it in. Stoic opened his mouth but before anything came out another voice came in. "Ivan!" I turned my head and smiled "Adam…..Dr. Gordon you're both OK!" I yelled running up to them "Ivan where are we?" "You're not going to believe me even if I told you…" Adam and Dr. Gordon looked at each other then back at me wanting answers. I looked at Stoic and sighed "deals a deal!" I said putting my hands on my hips. Stoic nodded and mentioned me to follow I did the same with Adam and Dr. Gordon but Stoic stopped me "I said you could see my son! Not those two!" "what? Ivan you should be focused on finding Josh! Not this guy's son!" Adam yelled. I bit my lip and sighed I knew the secret wasn't going to last forever. "Adam Dr. Gordon there is something you two should know…." **OK! please do not throw something at me! let me explain! the internet was out for a long time and i couldn't update! i'm sorry! *dodges '_harry potter and the goblet of fire'_ book* WHO THREW THAT!** 5. Chapter 5 **Summary: Hiccup made it through 2011 can Ivan, Adam and Lawrence make it through 877 A.D.? Can Ivan convince the rest of the Viking clan that he's not a sorcerer for looking exactly like Hiccup? And more importantly can they all go home in one piece?** **IVAN P.O.V** "So let me get this straight…." Adam said taking a deep breath as I told him, Dr. Gordon and involuntarily the entire village of Berk the story of me and Hiccup I did left out a few parts because the village

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