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Coefle Abmraatziningg 2Di0sc yoveearierss To God be the Glory! 20 yrs of community blessings productions 20 evangelism years of... smazing...upport a fruit calling message 1993 - 2013 To God be the Glory! 2nAA0owmnn1tieedt3ahs zto siyoiIsn foi ncgtauh e nsn De loh ei oso Lbmcpowrsorapa dGvotn’eesoyri, rt dbwwuie lnheadesia sy’tw ys2ssoi ! n0s f(ueoshgtlherdos e a wual irnsknes nev Hiie ttvto irosmes ertgsaas)hoarkaokrerysd e . - What Will Keep Yamazo1in.8g6d6isu.5c7o2v.e9r4 i5e7s.org Out of Heaven? Page 8 Eternal Airlift Gospel Shoe Company Page 14 21-day Challenge Page 28 O FA THN T H E L I N E DARE TO STAND SUMMER 2013 | VOLUME 19 | ISSUE 2 Our aim is to urge men and women to stand for truth and resist error. We pray that in . times of serious compromise . . our ministry will equip you s with solid information on e current end-time issues and i or To God be the Glor y trends, and encourage you t to live a life apart from s ...for His Fruit worldly influences. r u o y I have been a fan of AD for the last 4 years Volume 19 | Issue 2 since God used Dr. Veith's ministry to snatch Faith on the Line is published quarterly by Amazing Discoveries me from the jaws of atheistic evolution. I still cannot thank you enough for broadcasting his Managing Editor Wendy Goubej materials over the internet. If it had not been for your willingness to perform this ministry, I Associate Editor would still be an atheist and would probably Cailey Morgan Contributing Writers have killed myself in despair by now. Thank Dan Gabbert, Victor Gill, Walter Veith, you! - D. S. Nettie Gill, Joel Kratzke, Daniel Pel • 12 Copy Editors All my searching for the truth came full circle Tammie Burak when I discovered Prof. Veith's videos. At 59 years old I was baptized and am now a fol- Contact lower of Christ. - J. B. PO Box 189 • 7101C - 120th St Delta BC V4E 2A9 I used to be a master mason, but after watch- Canada ing you define the secret societies I no longer belong to any lodge. - T. M. PO Box 3140 Blaine WA * please note a CHANGE • 98231- 3140 to our mailing address, From the tapes we have purchased and USA effective April 1, 2013 watched over and over, we have been able to Tel share with our neighbours and church family 604-856-9457 we now have and are considering becoming Toll Free: 1-866-572-9457 members of the local SDA church. We thank Web you for your prayers. - J. A. www.amazingdiscoveries.org • Email In my quest to move forward in my walk with [email protected] God, I had reached the point that I was ready to scream if I heard one more explanation Subscription $25/yr for US and Canada of Nebuchadnezzar's dream in Daniel 2! Your $30/yr for International ministry has broken down that wall, and I am Copyright 2013 Amazing Discoveries. overwhelmed at the knowledge and wisdom Articles reflect the opinion of their authors. that has been made available to me and the Permission to quote excerpts is granted many others like me! Thanks. - R. W. where credit is given. continued on page 25 2 O FA THN summer 2013 T H E L I N E DARE TO STAND in this issue: ONCE AGAIN, CREATION MOVIE ATTRACTS WIDE 11 21-DAY CHALLENGE AMAZING DISCOVERIES INTEREST .......................... 28 4 Henry Stober Tammie Burak ........................ BEGINNINGS ..................... SEEKING AFTER A SIGN EVANGELISM UPDATE: 34 PART 3 ................................ LONGMONT, 6 Joel Kratzke COLORADO SERIES......... Nettie Gill WHAT WILL KEEP YOU 8 OUT OF HEAVEN? ............ Dan Wilson ETERNAL AIRLIFT GOSPEL SHOE 14 COMPANY .......................... Dan Gabbert 36 BOOK EXCERPT .............. Anne Askew Cross and Crown SHOULD CHRISTIANS BE by James D.McCabe, Jr. MEMBERS OF SECRET 18 SOCIETIES? ........................ Ellen White INTERVIEW WITH 42 WALTER VEITH ................. Amazing Discoveries 3 Message We believe that God has entrusted us with the Three Angels’ Message to spread to a world in great deception! It is a solemn and worthy calling and we recognize the honour entrusted to not only us, but to all God’s people living in these last days. It is a privilege to be permitted to share this important Amazing Discoveries: message and to provide truth to the many souls ensnared in Satan’s lies. We continue to pray for God to enable this message to reach further and further. Calling It was 20 years ago when the Goubej family said, “We have to do something more than just attend church on Sabbath.” They asked the Lord to use Beginnings their gifts, despite their limitations, and to show how they should serve. Soon after, they met Walter Veith, and God has kept their flame of passion for evangelism strong ever since. It has become a life calling, and the blessings of being in service for the Lord are precious. I n 1992, Wenzel and Dagmar Goubej took their daughter Evangelism Wendy and son Joshua on a vacation to South Africa with We marvel at the 20 years of amazing ventures God has sent us on. Through the many evangelistic and Dagmar’s brother, Stan Sedlbauer, and his family. One Sabbath, revival series that have been led by our speakers, they attended a German-speaking church where they were we have learned patience, endurance and trust in God, and have seen Him lead people to Himself. introduced to a newly-baptized Seventh-day Adventist and Pastor Victor Gill and his wife Nettie continue to former atheist who had taught evolution theory and zoology at faithfully lead missions in India and the Ukraine, but various universities in South Africa. His name was Walter Veith. there is still so much help needed! “As long as God gives me the strength, I will go again,” says Pastor Gill. Will you join him? After getting to know Walter a little better and hearing his Blessings personal testimony, the Goubej family was inspired to invite this dynamic Amazing Discoveries can only succeed because of God’s countless blessings. Since His faithfulness speaker to come to Canada and share his Genesis Conflict and Truth Matters during the very first lecture in 1993, to the donor last series with a secular audience. They felt impressed that this man’s message year who covered a year’s cost of satellite broad- casting in Australia, God has shown us His goodness and presentation style would ignite the world. After some thought and prayer, and continues to be our Provision and Guide. Walter accepted the invitation, and plans were set for a public campaign the Support following year: 1993. What could we do without you, our supporters and donors? With every prayer, every click on our web- With reckless faith, Wenzel, Dagmar and Wendy rented the Massey Theatre in site, and every program you view on our satellite station, you make Amazing Discoveries what it is. New Westminster, BC, which had seating for 1260 people. The Goubej family Whether through prayer, financial support, or simply was not alone in waiting for the evangelistic crusade with anticipation and sharing with your neighbor what you have learned through AD, your faithful support keeps us afloat in excitement. A small group of like-minded laymen shared in the dream, inspired times of discouragement or economic uncertainty. by the Goubej's story of this scientist turned creationist, and willing to step out Because of partners like you, demand for our work is in faith. The group prayed that God would impress people to attend. When growing, and the Three Angels’ Messages are echo- ing through the soundwaves of the world. Walter started his creation seminar, Productions the hall was filled to capacity for the We are so blessed to have our amazing speakers first time in its long history! who lend their voices and gifts of teaching to help us send God’s powerful message across the globe. Be- cause of the urgency of these last days, we’ve God demonstrated His presence in increased the number of recordings and series that some amazing ways during the series are released each year on DVDs and aired non-stop via satellite. of presentations. One evening, a burly Community group of Hell’s Angels, a motorcycle The work of Amazing Discoveries would not exist gang, strode down the aisle and sat without its dedicated staff. We thank the Lord for their willingness to lend their hands, heads, and down in the front row. “What would hearts, and let God use them as His instruments happen now? Were the bikers there with enthusiasm in order to reach more people with to cause a disturbance?” Wenzel the Gospel. Fruit wondered. The bikers listened quietly Our two decades of working the soil have been re- to Walter’s message that first night and warded by a harvest of souls coming to Christ, and countless others making life-reforming decisions. We returned to hear more the next night. are blessed to see many of our listeners and friends It was obvious the Holy Spirit was discovering physical and spiritual health through this ministry. working upon the hearts of these men. 4 amazingdiscoveries.org TO G O D B E T H E G LO R Y ! When Walter started to to sit down in an empty seat. Afterward, when everyone teach about the mark of had gone out to enjoy fellowship and refreshments, Walter the Beast and the identity found himself alone with the young man. As Walter put of the Antichrist, he noticed away the slides he’d used that evening, the young man that one seat was empty came up to him and wrapped his arms around him, just as in the front row. Part way he’d done when the menacing crowds were threatening through the lecture, a side to assault him in the Massey Theatre. door opened and a young Amazing Discoveries: man with Down syndrome Walter stopped what he was doing. He held the young entered the theater. Walter man at arm’s length and asked him, “Are you human or also noticed that some are you an angel?” Looking up, the youth pointed toward people in the audience heaven. Then he turned and walked away. were not happy about his Amazing Discoveries, the ministry that developed from message. At intermission, the Goubej family’s partnership with Walter Veith, is now they surged around him. One celebrating its twentieth year. The growth of the ministry is grabbed the microphone and announced, “The Papacy is not the a testament to God’s continued protection and guidance. Antichrist. This man is the Antichrist!” Walter feared that he would be Watch for more of the Amazing Discoveries story in assaulted. But, God would not allow His messenger to be harmed. future issues. As soon as the disruptions began, the Down syndrome youth climbed the stairs up to the stage, elbowed his way through the crowd surrounding Walter, and wrapped his arms around Walter in a protective embrace. No one dared assault him with this child blocking the way. Night after night, the young man To God be the Glory was there. Consistently the same seat remained empty each “ ...for His Fruit night until he came. Night after night, he came up to Walter and shielded him from harm. I left the SDA church when I was around 17 years old, but Wahtwnhrieemarevirl veeet eetsr om drts a ewcobaeovlol oimtesnhnhddeeem et .uy oreHoen nauedet ns .c maNcghboe uumroasrtucrtea httdnlh i hvaeaseicog se r avnoyrieedsnorsg .uoy uHtn fhn lotgaehewr elapcy rcirs.bt ooeMyytru.,e ia eWlWcdysta b,aao tle lthryte. eeohrE r upea fte trchwhelhtso aw esunsuni gitpgtrhheaah tt srthi,uto ef hcnoo’dhesrf cttihtthiahm.a imenvUeskeensei n .af b togInha rh sitcanauwk gdn letos aora.t st M iea ltfo lybowyt ,or m ho umtefoht nq eemt ,u hI apewhensa aabtdsdisoot iogaton ribsksv e oaeaoeuntnf mt dmm R2e ew5eydv. a seAncnolhotatm u tetohirdeonci snhcte o at ati dsmaunsilnddekedne, t tteId’ht ebr e astre taebgaeapoannleulnddyst limited abilities navigate the large city on his own via public from church that went through the book of Revelation, transportation? It would be impossible. but I still didn’t find the answers to my questions. For example, I was curious: “Who was Babylon? If this is such To Walter’s surprise, on the last night of presentations at the an important figure in the last days, where is the loud new location the young man with Down syndrome appeared cry? Why don’t we know about it?” again, unescorted, making his way to the front of the church I began reading everything I could get my hands on and listening to world events to try and fit the pieces together. I got my mom interested in all of this too, and it was through her research online that she found Amazing Discoveries and introduced me to your ministry. The first DVD series we watched was Total Onsla“ught by Walter Veith, which amazed me. Things made much better sense after this, and I learned many answers to my questions. My beliefs are strengthened and I am prepared for the shaking in the church that is coming. When I had left the church, I doubted that God was real. I am now 46, back in the church, reading my Bible and praying more, and am very much assured that there is a God who is real to me and always there for me. Y.K. 5 Evangelism Update: Longmont, Colorado Series Report by Nettie Gill Pastor Victor Gill and I travelled to Col- Some of our guests had real issues to overcome. One young orado for his most recent sermon se- lady is an alcoholic and needed special prayer for her addic- ries. We arrived in Denver on February tion. We visited her and prayed for her, claiming God’s prom- 19th, 2013. Our series was held in Longmont, ises of deliverance and victory in her life. As far as we know, Colorado at the First Baptist Church, which she has now been a month without alcohol. We continue to the Vista Seventh-day Adventist Church rents hold her up to the Lord, claiming victory in His name. each week for their worship services. Another gentleman, also an alcoholic, claims that ever since The Vista SDA Church has two evangelis- he began coming to the meetings he has not had the urge tic series every year. The church has grown to drink. His wife is so pleased that he doesn’t come home from a very small group to about seventy-five drunk from work anymore! They are both planning on being members to date. The whole church is very baptized, but feel they need to study more, as they had missed involved in evangelism in their city and sur- a number of meetings due to the husband’s work schedule. rounding areas. Another man, Mark [not his real neame], had a grandfather The first evening , the twenty-five non-mem- who was a Seventh-day Adventist. This grandfather had been bers present received the message of Daniel 2 an elder in the church and gave Bible studies to the people in well. We were pleasantly surprised to find that the community. When he died, Mark was the one who got the three of our guests were former Seventh-day Bible and all the Bible study filmstrips that his grandfather Adventists. There were a number of people had used. Mark attended the Vista series and felt God’s Spirit present who had attended the previous series calling to him. and some newly baptized members came to hear the message again and to become Mark had a smoking problem and really didn’t want to give it better acquainted with the messages of the up because he enjoyed smoking so much. But by the time the Three Angels. series was over, he had given up his tobacco and was baptized along with his ten year old son. We were very delighted to see many of these people returning night after night. We prayed Mark brought his mother along with him to several meetings. often for each of them by name. In addition to She had been a former Seventh-day Adventist, but had drifted daily prayer, Victor set aside two days a week away from the Church. At Mark’s baptism, she was moved by to fast and pray for those who were coming to the Holy Spirit and told me with tears streaming down her the meetings. face that she needed to make her commitment to God’s last day message and His remnant Church. We were delighted to see some people bringing their friends and family There was an older man who came quite regularly. He had To God be the Glory! members. Others stopped coming worked for NASA for thirty years and was involved with the 2 altogether. This saddened us, but we US shuttle program. Pastor Gill visited him in his home and continued to pray for them. learned that his parents had been Seventh-day Adventists. He was very attentive at the meetings and came faithfully until he We contacted many of these people got the flu. He became very ill before the series was over but by phone and visited some of them to we are confident that he will be part of the Vista SDA Church encourage them to continue to come before too long. foar mHiaszing... and hear the last warning message for evangelism this world. On the last Sabbath, we had five baptisms and one attendee was accepted into fellowship by profession of faith. There are 6 Continued on next page Complete Restoration by Dan Wilson Exploring Biblical stories and prophecies from Genesis to Revelation, Dan Wilson uncovers God’s ultimate message and desire for us in this 9-part, eye-opening series that spans human history and reveals God’s “big picture” plan. Revelation 14 forms the key text for this investigation into where we’ve come from, where we’re at today, and where we’re going. God wants to completely restore us from brokenness back into His image. DVD Series #880 DVD Titles: 881 - Babylon is Fallen This introductory message to the series reveals where we stand in earth’s history, Complete DVD set (9 videos): $108.00 where we came from, where we are going, and how that impacts how we live our lives today. (60 min) $14.00 Singles: 882 - The Hour of His Judgement 886- Give Him Glory Dan Wilson traces the theme of judgment from Genesis to Revelation, examining If you haven’t climbed Sinai with Moses, you’ve missed out on seeing the glory of our future in the light of the events of the past and the promises of God. In its God. God knew that what Moses and the people needed was a clearer picture of proper context, the judgment becomes the event most anticipated by the children Him. They needed to see His glory because people will never rise higher than the of God. (60 min) person they follow. The last message to the world delivered by the Three Angels 883 - The Everlasting Gospel includes giving God glory. How can we do that if we don’t even know what it means? (55 min) If we, the professed children of God, understood what this everlasting good news really is, it would reframe our picture of God and make us witnesses both by what we 887 - Worship Him verbally share about God and the way we live our lives. (50 min) By peeking into the past experiences of the true worshippers of God revealed to us in His word, we will learn clearly what God is looking for in His worshippers today. 884 - Restoration (45 min) We experience our brokenness and the brokenness of the world we live in day after day. What too few of us experience is the gift of restoration where life’s 888 - Maddening Wine experiences over time decrease our brokenness and reshape us back into the Despite all the labels, boundaries, borders, and prejudices dividing the human image of God. (60 min) family, there are only two groups: one that is drinking the maddening wine of Babylon mentioned by the Second Angel in Revelation 14, and a group that is 885 - Fear God? drinking something much more wholesome. (60 min) Have you ever wondered why the life story of one man takes up so much of the Bible? Are you aware that the best way to study the Bible is through the lives of 889 - The Third Angel the people in it? Abraham is perhaps equal to none in teaching us what it means Now we come to the most misunderstood portion of the Three Angels’ Messages. to fear God.(60 min) How can this ominous message be understood as good news? (45 min) order online at www.amazingdiscoveries.org I or call us at 1 866 572 9457 EVANGELISM UPDATE...- Continued from previous page another ten whom we believe will be joining shortly and We thank God for the way He has blessed during this there are many interests that will be followed up. series and we look forward to the time when the loud cry will go out and many more will be gathered in before The Vista Seventh-day Adventist Church has a fulltime Christ comes the second time. Bible worker and a wonderful pastor who will be doing the follow up for this series. The head elder has a Bible Study at Thank you for your continued support of Amazing Dis- his home every Friday evening that will also be a wonder- coveries and the prayers that support this ministry! God ful asset to the follow up that will be happening here. bless you all! Continued on next page 7 What will Keep You out of Heaven? by Pastor Dan Wilson Everyone goes to heaven or “Jesus looked at him and loved him. God’s promises on his own. He con- a better place when they die. ‘One thing you lack,’ He said. ‘Go, sell sidered adopting his most trusted everything you have and give to the servant, Eleazar, but God stepped in In our quasi-Christian North Ameri- poor, and you will have treasure in and said, “This man will not be your can culture, this expectation runs heaven. Then come, follow Me.’ ” heir, but a son who is your own rampant. But what if we’re not all going flesh and blood will be your heir” to heaven or a better place? In other words, the rich young ruler’s (Genesis 15:4). thinking went something like this, We have high Jesus Himself said the “I’m religious, so I should be good to Later, Abram even agreed with Sa- road to heaven is nar- go. I’m a good person, yet something rai’s plan that corresponded with the expectations, row and few find it. Just doesn’t seem right.” culture of the time and took Hagar, but what if our recently I attended a Sarai’s servant, as a concubine so expectations funeral for a lady who Abram’s Example that he could have children with was so turned off by re- her, a form of surrogate parenthood. hinge on the Abram, like the rich young ruler, ligion and angry at God Hagar became pregnant and their also had everything. He was wealthy choices we’re that, when dying of son, Ishmael, was born. and successful. He lived in the most cancer, she would not making now? developed part of the world. Ar- even permit the hospi- chaeologists tell us that he may have Fruit of the Promise tal chaplain to visit her even lived in a two-storey home with When Abram was 99 years old, the or let her Christian friends pray with indoor plumbing. His wife, Sarai, was Lord appeared to him and changed her. Despite all this, her family held a so beautiful that two kings wanted his name to Abraham. Genesis Christian funeral for her where we were her (Genesis 12:14; 20:1). 17:15-18 tells us that God told him, assured that not only was she going to “ ‘As for Sarai your wife, you are no heaven, she was already there. In addition, Abram had servants longer to call her Sarai; her name to spare. He lacked only one thing, will be Sarah. I will bless her and We have high expectations, but what if a son. Despite his success, he was will surely give you a son by her. I our expectations hinge on the choices childless in a culture that valued chil- will bless her so that she will be the we’re making now? What if they hinge dren (especially a male heir) higher mother of nations; kings of peoples on a choice that we as Christians aren’t than anything else. It was precisely will come from her.’ “ even considering? on this point that God tried him. “Abraham fell facedown; he laughed The Rich Young Ruler God said, “Go from your country, your and said to himself, ‘Will a son be In Mark 10:17-22, the rich young ruler people and your father’s household born to a man a hundred years old? asked Jesus the question that many of to the land I will show you. I will Will Sarah bear a child at the age of us ponder today, “What must I do to make you into a great nation, and I ninety?’ And Abraham said to God, ‘If inherit eternal life?” will bless you” (Genesis 12:1-2). only Ishmael might live under your blessing!’ ” Jesus responded, “You know the com- Decades passed and Abram had mandments.…” followed God’s instructions, but God always keeps His promises, and God appeared to not be fulfilling sure enough, Sarah and Abraham “ ‘Teacher,’ he [the ruler] declared, ‘all His promise. On several occasions, had their son Isaac right on sched- these I have kept since I was a boy.’ Abram attempted to accomplish ule, born to a mother incapable of 8 bearing children and to a father He only lacked one thing. Abraham Christ will Lead Us who never thought the day desperately wanted a son. It was the How do I know if I believe or would come. one thing he desired most, and yet he not? If my opinions and views don’t was completely incapable of acquiring agree with God’s Word and I default Several years later, God again came it on his own. back to my personal views and to Abraham. He asked him to do opinions, I’m an unbeliever. something we in our culture can’t By human standards, we too can understand, but which Abraham be successful without following What must I do to be saved if I could. The pagan culture he grew God. However, there is one thing find myself an unbeliever? I must up in sacrificed children to the none of us can do. We cannot produce let go of all my baggage, ideas, and gods. God asked Abraham to sac- a character like God’s. Just as it was opinions in order to follow Christ. rifice his son as a burnt offering on impossible for Sarah to have a baby in Mount Moriah (Genesis 22:2). her old age, it is fundamentally impos- He will lead me on a journey that sible for us to change our nature (see will end with a mountain top realiza- Years before, Ishmael and Hagar Jeremiah 13:23). tion that despite all the odds and had left because of the fighting and impossibilities: Jehovah Jireh—”The jealousy between Sarah and Hagar, A Subtle Deception LORD Will Provide.” and now God wanted Abraham to The delusion of religion is that give Him his only remaining child, Do not worry about your imperfections. it lowers the standard of what God’s the only child he and Sarah had, Worry about what path you are on. character is actually like. (Note the the child of God’s promise. Jesus bids you, “Come and follow Me” contrast between the religion of the Abraham obeyed. (Matt. 4:19). And you can be “certain religious elite in Jesus’ day, and the that God, who began the good work exalted walk to which Jesus called Parting company with his servants within you, will continue His work until them in Matthew 5.) And then, after before he and Isaac climbed the it is finally finished on having lowered the standard, the mountain where Isaac was to die, the day when Christ delusion leads us to believe we can Abraham told them, “We will go Jesus returns” (Philip- Do not worry make it on our own. and we will return.” On the mountain pians 1:6). about your top, they built an altar, the wood was placed on it, and Isaac voluntarily The undertone of most religions is that It’ s a lot more fright- imperfections. you cannot even get to God or the gods became the sacrifice. ening to follow God Worry about until you first become good. Herein lies into the unknown the failure of religion and the subtle what path you When Abraham raised his hand to than it is to be deception many Christians find them- slay his son, God intervened. “ ‘Do religious, but the are on. selves laboring under. not lay a hand on the boy,’ He said. results are infinitely ‘Do not do anything to him. Now I better. Heaven is not Abraham desired to have a son know that you fear God, because for everyone. It is only for those who and had the will and determination you have not withheld from Me your believe God can do anything, and then to make it happen at any and all son, your only son’ ” (Genesis 22:12). demonstrate this belief by following costs. He even wished God could be Him anywhere He leads. satisfied with Ishmael. We may have Abraham Abraham expected the desire to be good, and may God to bring Isaac believed God back to life (see even try everything to achieve it. These are the ones who follow the would make Hebrews 11:19). He Lamb wherever He goes. These were didn’t know exactly Recognizing that even our best efforts redeemed from among men, being it all work out. fall short, we hope God can be what was going to firstfruits to God and to the Lamb satisfied with less than perfect. happen or how it (Revelation 14:4). would unfold. All he knew was that The root of this deceptive thinking Isaac would be alive when it was over. is unbelief. We simply do not believe Abraham believed God would make it that God can do what He says He will all work out. Dan Wilson is a speaker at Amazing do. It is this unbelief that causes us to Discoveries and and a Pastor in Nova Is it possible that the events in Abra- make choices we think will make us Scotia, Canada. He has a BA degree in ham’s life were designed by God to lead “better” faster. theology/preministry. His newest series of lectures, ”Complete Restoration” has up to this point? Abraham had one cru- Unbelief will even make things op- just been released and is available at cial lesson to learn, and we are no differ- posed to God’s clear instructions amazingdiscoveries.org. You can also ent. Abraham was successful by human order it by calling 1-866-572-9457 (see appear logical—like taking a second standards on his own before he chose previous page for ad). wife to have a child. Unbelief is what to follow God on the long journey. keeps us out of heaven. 9 MAY WE RECOMMEND.... 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