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what we live for outdoor 20 13 PDF

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Online catalog: http://marketing.scott-sports.com/2013outdoor All rights reserved © 2012 Scott Sports Specifcations subject to change without notice. Products shown may not be available in all regions, please check with your local Scott retailer for availability. W H A T W E L I V E F O R Scott Sports | CH-1762 Givisiez | Switzerland | Phone : +41 26 460 16 16 >> | SCOTT-SPORTS.COM A very special thanks to our photographers: Action photos: Mike Schirf | Markus Greber Product photos: Fred Leiser | Etienne Perrenoud | BL Vision 2 0 1 3 OUTDOOR 2013 ATHLETES TEAM TRAIL SCOTT (FR) TEAM TRAIL SCOTT (INTERNATIONAL) PASCAL GIGUET (FRA) CHARLES DUBOULOZ (FRA) MARCO STURM (GER) THOMAS BOSNJAK (AUT) MONIKA FÜHRHOLZ (SUI) DAMIEN PIQUEMAI (FRA) ALEXIS TRAUB (FRA) MARCO DE GASPERI (ITA) DAVID GIRARDET (SUI) MORGAN ARRITOLA (USA) NICOLAS PIANET (FRA) CELINE LAFAYE (FRA) ADAM KOVACS (HUN) STEPHAN WENK (SUI) MEGHAN ARBOHAST (USA) MOUNTAIN GUIDES JOSEPH GRAY (USA) RALF WEBER (SUI) STEPHAN SIEGRIST (SUI) JEAN-YVES FREDRIKSEN (FRA) LUCA ROLLI (ITA) At Scott, we live to be outdoors. We are driven by the experience of being active in the elements of nature’s playground, savoring the confrontation with each landscape; 365 days a year, anytime, anywhere. Our product range mirrors the versatility and challenge of the outdoor environment from one corner of the globe to the other. Since 1958 we’ve WILLIAM EMERSON (USA) followed our compass of “Innovation – Technology – Design” to create products that stand up to the test of the most challenging environments, helping athletes and adventurers push the limits of what’s possible. FELIX BERCHTOLD (AUT) ANDREAS MILLINGER (AUT) FLORY KERN (GER) This workbook represents our latest evolution of products for the outdoor market. Scott Outdoor: it’s WHAT WE LIVE FOR. C O N T E N T S technology_04 sizing & fits_05 men’s Jackets & pants_12 men’s tRail_23 women’s Jackets & pants_28 women’s tRail_40 INNOVATION TECHNOLOGY DESIGN Running shoes_48 packs & bags_58 sunglasses_62 casual appaRel_68 03 OUTDOOR 2013 CONTENTS functionality DRYOSphERE dRyospheRe fabRics pRovide a wateRpRoof/windpRoof/bReathable baRRieR, pRotecting you fRom the elements. this technology acts as a shield against wateR and wind, while enabling vapoR to escape, keeping you dRy and comfoRtable in any condition. DRYOzONE DWR dRyozone dwR is the fiRst line of defense against the elements. this wateR Repellant technology sheds wateR, pRotecting the fabRic fRom satuRation, keeping you dRy in the wettest conditions. DRYOxCELL dRyoxcell fabRics aRe designed to dRy fasteR, pRotecting against satuRation. this quick dRy technology woRks by wicking moistuRe away fRom the skin and dispeRsing it in the fabRic oveR a laRgeR aRea. this acceleRates the time it takes to evapoRate, keeping you dRy and confoRtable, longeR. DUROxpAND duRoxpand technology pRovides you with the fReedom of move- ment and comfoRt needed while facing the elements. this 4-way stRetch fabRic allows foR betteR Range of motion duRing any activity. DUROfUzE duRofuze fabRics pRotect you against the Rough and Rugged out- dooRs. this double weave technology enhances the fabRic’s duRa- bility and offeRs abRasion-Resistant qualities. DUROShADE duRoshade fabRics offeR pRotection against the sun. this technol- ogy shields you fRom the sun’s haRmful uv Rays, keeping you safe outdooRs foR a longeR peRiod of time. SCOTT ALL-YEAR ROUND RepResent functional pieces in scott’s technical outeRweaR intended foR yeaR Round use. no matteR what the season is, the pieces selected as all yeaR Round pRovide peRfoRmance and veR- satility. ODOR RESiSTANT look foR this icon foR fabRics that have anti-odoR pRopeRties. some fabRics aRe natuRally odoR-Resistant, while otheR gaRments use polygiene® oR chitosante tReatment pRocesses. these tReat- ments aRe natuRal, enviRonmentally-fRiendly agents that aRe used to tReat fabRics, allowing gaRments to be micRobial, bacteRial and fungal Resistant. 04 OUTDOOR 2013 TECHNOLOGY fabRic technology size chaRt int’l S M L XL XXL GORE-TEx® us S M L XL XXL gaRments engineeRed with goRe-tex® pRoduct technology aRe duRable, wateR and wind- pRoof combined with optimized bReathability, built to maximize pRotection and comfoRt. geRmany 44/46 46/48 50/52 54/56 58 GORE-TEx® pRO uk 34/36 36/38 40/42 44/46 48 gaRments engineeRed with goRe-tex® pRo pRoduct technology aRe built foR maximized Rug- fRance 38 40 42 44 46 gedness and aRe ideal foR extReme and extended use. GORE-TEx® ACTivE CM INCH CM INCH CM INCH CM INCH CM INCH gaRments engineeRed with goRe-tex® active pRoduct technology aRe built foR extReme chest 92-96 36-38 96-102 38-40 102-106 40-42 109-114 43-45 116-122 46-48 bReathability and aRe ideal foR highly aeRobic, done in a day activities. waist 74-79 29-31 79-84 31-33 84-89 33-35 92-96 36-38 98-104 38-40 WiNDSTOppER® SOfT ShELL windstoppeR® soft shells offeR total windpRoofness with maximum bReathability, combin- hip 92-96 36-38 96-102 38-40 102-106 40-42 106-112 42-44 114-119 45-47 ing the comfoRt of a soft mid-layeR and the wateR Resistance of a shell in one gaRment. inseam 80 31.5 82.5 32.5 85 33.5 87.5 34.5 90 35.5 windstoppeR® soft shells keep you comfoRtable with the fReedom of movement you need foR enhanced peRfoRmance in a wide Range of activities and weatheR conditions. pOLARTEC® ThERMAL pRO int’l XS S M L XL polaRtec® theRmal pRo® high loft fabRics take insulation to a new level by maximizing waRmth without weight, compRessibility and bReathability. they aRe the most technically us 0 2 4-6 8-10 12 advanced of the polaRtec® insulation fabRics, achieving the utmost veRsatility and peR- geRmany 34/36 36/38 38/40 40/42 44/46 foRmance undeR extReme conditions. uk 6/8 8/10 10/12 12/14 14/16 pOLARTEC® pOWER STRETCh® polaRtec® poweR stRetch® fabRics featuRe body-hugging 4-way stRetch and aRe veRy fRance 36 38 40 42 44 bReathable. it keeps you dRy when you sweat and pRovides waRmth without weight. CM INCH CM INCH CM INCH CM INCH CM INCH SpECTRM™ 10.12 ShELL fABRiC spectRm 10.12 integRates a woven substRate with an 10,000mm/12,000bR layeR, Resulting in an chest 79-84 31-33 84-89 33-35 89-94 35-37 96.5-101.5 38-40 101.5-106.5 40-42 exceptionally bReathable and wateRpRoof high quality fabRic. an eco dwR finish is also waist 61-66 24-26 66-71 26-28 71-76 28-30 76-81 30-32 84-89 33-35 applied to the shell foR additional wateR Repellency and pRotection against satuRation. hip 86-91.5 34-36 91.5-96.5 36-38 96.5-101.5 38-40 101.5-106.5 40-42 109-114 43-45 pRiMALOfT ECO pRimaloft eco insulation uses post -consumeR Recycled mateRial to cReate a high loft, inseam 77.5 30.5 77.5 30.5 79 31 81 32 84 33 theRmally efficient, eaRth -fRiendly insulation . MERiNO WOOL meRino wool is a supeR-soft, itch-fRee natuRal fibeR sheaRed fRom meRino sheep. this natu- Rally elastic, duRable fabRic exhibits moistuRe and odoR management pRopeRties as well fit DefinitionS as uv pRotection. DURACLiMB® scott has engineeRed fouR fits to offeR a tRuly customized line, duRaclimb is made of 7% elastane, 47% polyesteR and 46% plyamide. this 4-way stRetch fabRic Reflecting a sinceRe focus on the paRticulaR needs of each individual. offeRs gReat fReedom of movement and comfoRt. duRaclimb soft-shell mateRial is abRa- sion Resistant and wateR Repellent, while offeRing a uv pRotection of upf 50+. ChiTOSANTE® chitosante is a natuRal anti-odoR and antimicRobial composed of chitosan, a deRivative naRRow cut lines, of chitin, the stRuctuRal element found in the exoskeleton of cRustaceans such shRimp, peRfoRmance cut lines pRoducing an cRab and lobsteRs; it is both biocompatible and biodegRadable. the chitosante tReatment pRoducing an active fit. athletic fit. on peRfoRmance textiles is veRy effective foR wicking and moistuRe management. COOLMAx® coolmax® fabRic is the peRfoRmance fabRic that includes an effective fibeR-based mois- tuRe management system. the system can move peRspiRation away fRom the body, and thRough the fabRic, wheRe it can evapoRate quickly, allowing the weaReR to feel cooleR tRaditional cut lines Roomy cut lines but and moRe comfoRtable. and styling, pRoducing a not baggy, pRoducing a CORDURA® classic fit. comfoRtable fit. stylish duRability and lightweight stRength, Resistant to teaRs, scuffs and abRasions. 05 OUTDOOR 2013 TECHNOLOGY WOMEN MEN SULPHUR YELLOW TANGO RED PURPLE JAvA BROWN INK GREY Men’S coloR StoRy #1 paRachute pop 3, 2, 1… pop. there’s nothing more exhilarating than the seconds before the chute opens: then, you can enjoy the view: rich hues of summertime alpenglow, the accent of alpine wildf owers, and inf nite slabs of granite, all seen from above. 06 OUTDOOR 2013 COLOR STORIES GREEN FLASH TILE BLUE ZAFFRE BLUE INK GREY BLACK Men’S coloR StoRy #2 spRing skyline the receding snowline brings with it reams of possibility, uncovering endless hours of trail, crags to be conquered, and a stunning backdrop behind it all. 07 OUTDOOR 2013 COLOR STORIES CYPRESS GREEN ATOmIC ORANGE FIERY RED TANGO RED BURGUNDY Men’S coloR StoRy #3 solstice sunset the longest day of the year is an epic time of celebration with a rich array of colors. from strawberries to sunburn: the essence of summer. 08 OUTDOOR 2013 COLOR STORIES GERANIUm PINK BURGUNDY CYPRESS GREEN OLIvE DRAB ARUBA BLUE woMen’S coloR StoRy #1 Joli JaRdin a pleasant scent, a subtle richness of visual cues, the alpine garden of mid-summer’s delight. 09 OUTDOOR 2013 COLOR STORIES BLUE ATOLL ZAFFRE BLUE TANGO RED RASPBERRY PINK LImE YELLOW woMen’S coloR StoRy #2 popsicle punch a sugar rush of happy hues mixes with a hint of adventure, making a collection of shades that complement long days, short nights, and endless possibility. 10 OUTDOOR 2013 COLOR STORIES

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