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Accepted by ApJ 1/16/12 PreprinttypesetusingLATEXstyleemulateapjv.5/2/11 WHAT SETS THE INITIAL ROTATION RATES OF MASSIVE STARS? Anna L. Rosen1, Mark R. Krumholz1, Enrico Ramirez-Ruiz1 Accepted byApJ 1/16/12 ABSTRACT Thephysicalmechanismsthatsettheinitialrotationratesinmassivestarsareacrucialunknownin current star formation theory. Observations of young, massive stars provide evidence that they form 2 in a similar fashion to their low-mass counterparts. The magnetic coupling between a star and its 1 accretion disk may be sufficient to spin down low-mass pre-main sequence (PMS) stars to well below 0 breakup at the end stage of their formation when the accretion rate is low. However, we show that 2 these magnetic torques are insufficient to spin down massive PMS stars due to their short formation n timesandhighaccretionrates. Wedevelopamodelfortheangularmomentumevolutionofstarsover a a wide range in mass, considering both magnetic and gravitational torques. We find that magnetic J torques are unable to spin down either low or high mass stars during the main accretion phase, and 9 that massive stars cannot be spun down significantly by magnetic torques during the end stage of 1 their formation either. Spin-down occurs only if massive stars’ disk lifetimes are substantially longer or their magnetic fields are much stronger than current observations suggest. ] Subject headings: stars: formation - stars: magnetic field - stars: massive - stars: protostars - stars: R rotation S . h 1. INTRODUCTION might evolve like those located around young, low-mass p stars (Chini et al. 2006). The disk transfers mass and - While there has been significant theoretical attention o to understanding the initial rotation rates of Sun-like angular momentum to the central protostar, which acts r stars, far less work has been done on more massive to spinitup. This transferofangularmomentum, along t with contraction of the protostar towards the main se- s stars. Since the stellar evolutionary path depends on a quence,suggeststhatyoungstarsshouldberotatingator the rate of mass loss and internal mixing, both of which [ near their break up speed, the rotationalspeed at which are enhanced by rotation (Bjorkman & Cassinelli 1993; the centripetal force at the equator balances gravity. 1 Maeder & Meynet 2010), our inability to predict initial Lin et al. (2011) found that gravitationaltorques pro- v rotationratesisalimitingfactorinstellarevolutionthe- hibit a star from rotating above 50% of its break 6 ory. Observations of young, massive stars provide evi- ∼ up speed during formation. However, the observed pro- 8 dence that they form in a similar fashion to their low- jected rotation rates of young low mass and some mas- 1 masscounterparts: via gravitationalcollapseofa molec- 4 ular cloud core (McKee & Tan 2003; Zapata et al. 2008; sive stars suggest that they rotate at a much lower frac- . Davies et al. 2011). These cloud cores are slowly rotat- tion. Observations of low-mass PMS stars suggest that 1 their rotation periods span a factor of 30 and ap- 0 ing but have very large radii, and thus have high ini- ∼ proximately half are slow rotators, rotating at about 2 tial angular momenta. This has led to the “angular 10%oftheirbreakupspeed(Hartmann & Stauffer1989; 1 momentum problem” in which the initial angular mo- Herbst et al.2007). Theobservedrotationalvelocitiesof : mentum of a cloud core is at least three orders of mag- v massivestarssuggestthattheyarespinningsignificantly nitude greater than the resulting star (Goodman et al. i faster than their low-mass counterparts. Wolff et al. X 1993; Bodenheimer 1995; Larson 2010) and must be re- (2006) studied a sample of young massive stars (M > distributed or removed during collapse. ⋆ ar Massive stars form in magnetized high-density turbu- 25 M⊙) and found that their median rotation rate was 20% of their break up speed. Huang et al. (2010) ob- lent gas clumps (Crutcher 1999) that are characterized served the projected rotational velocity distribution of by short core collapse times and high time-averaged ac- 220 young B stars and found that approximately 53.3% cretion rates (McKee & Tan 2003). Due to the high an- arerapidrotators,rotatingwithavelocitythatisatleast gular momentum content of the diffuse gas, material is 40% of their break up speed. How these initial rotation unable to be directly deposited on to the central object rates are achieved and their dependence on stellar mass andisinsteadcircularizedatadistancefarfromthestar, is still an unanswered question. resulting in a disk (Krumholz et al. 2007, 2009). Obser- Thephysicalmechanismresponsibleforcausingyoung vations, although rare, confirm that disks form around low-mass stars to be slow rotators has received consid- massiveprotostarsduring cloudcollapse(Cesaroni et al. erable attention over the last three decades. One pop- 2006, 2007; Chini et al. 2011) and the accretion onto ular theory is that during the T Tauri phase (experi- these disks is regulated at least in part by the magnetic field (Vlemmings et al. 2010). Furthermore, these disks enced by PMS stars with masses less than ∼ 3M⊙), when the accretion rate is low, M˙ a . 10−7 M⊙ yr−1 1Department of Astronomy and Astrophysics, Univer- (Hartmann et al. 2006), the magnetic connection be- sity of California Santa Cruz, 211 Interdisciplinary Sciences tween the star and its accretion disk can transport sub- Building, 1156 High Street, Santa Cruz, CA 95064, USA; stantial angular momentum away from the star, result- [email protected] 2 ROSEN ET AL. ing in spin rates well below break up in agreement andthe star-disk interaction,in 3. We state our results § with observations (Koenigl 1991; Armitage & Clarke in 4. Lastly, we discuss our results in 5. § § 1996). The fact that T Tauri stars have strong mag- netic fields, typically, several hundred G to several 2. MAGNETICTORQUES:THEORY&BACKGROUND kG (Johns-Krull 2007), long contraction timescales af- Protostarsembeddedincircumstellardisksaccretema- ter their main assembly, and long accretion disk life- terialfromanangularmomentum-richmassreservoir. If times support this spin down scenario (Bouvier 2007). thediskisKeplerianthespecificangularmomentumcon- However, Matt & Pudritz (2005) and Matt et al. (2010) tent of the circulating material, j = √GM r, increases ⋆ foundthatwhenthestellarmagneticfieldlinesopendue outwardandtheangularvelocityincreasesinwards. The to the differentialtwisting betweenthe starand disk the presence of a stellar magnetic field is able to disrupt the resulting rotation rates, while still below break up, are diskoutsidethestellarradiusandchannelthediskmate- higher than those of the slowest rotators. rialalongfieldlines. Spin-downtorqueswillbeconveyed Magnetic fields have been detected in a small sample to the star due to the differential twisting of the field ofyoungandevolvedOBstars. Thesefields arebetween lines threadingthe accretiondisk atradiiwhere the disk a few hundred G to several kG and typically have a rotates at a lower rate than the star. In this section we bipolar topology (Donati et al. 2006; Wade et al. 2006; give simple scaling arguments to demonstrate how spin Hubrig et al. 2008; Grunhut et al. 2009; Martins et al. evolution varies with stellar mass, before proceeding to 2010). The origin of these fields is poorly understood, a more detailed numerical model in 3. The derivation since the envelopes of such stars are radiative rather that follows is an oversimplification§and ensures maxi- than convective, excluding the possibility of a Solar- mum spin down via magnetic braking. We include this type dynamo effect (Moss 2001). The favored hypoth- section for the reader who is unfamiliar with the litera- esis for the presence of magnetic fields in massive stars ture. isthattheyarefossilfieldsthatwereeitheraccumulated The radial extent of the accretion disk can be altered or generated during star formation (Walder et al. 2011). if the protostar has a magnetic field. The magnetic field Alecian et al. (2008) discovered two very young B stars isabletotruncatethediskattheAlfvenradius(denoted withstrongsurfacemagneticfields. Theyfoundthatthe R ) where the magnetic pressure, B2/8π, balances the A youngerof the two is a rapid rotatorand situated in the ram pressure, ρv2, of the infalling material. Assuming firsthalfofthePMSphase,whereastheolderstar,which the stellar magnetic field is dipolar and the magnetic mightalreadybe onthe mainsequence,isaslowrotator field axis is aligned with the rotation axis of the star, most likely spun down via magnetic torques. the z component of the field in the equatorial plane at a Thisimpliesthatmassivestarslikelyhavestrongmag- distance r from the star is given by neticfieldspresentduringtheirformationandthatthese fields, due to coupling with the accretion disk, may be r −3 able to remove a substantial amount of angular momen- Bz =B⋆ (1) R tum from the star, producing spin rates on the zero- (cid:18) ⋆(cid:19) age main sequence (ZAMS) well below break up in a where B is the magnetic field strength at the stellar ⋆ similar fashion to their low-mass counterparts. How- surface. The location at which the magnetic pressure ever, massive stars reach the ZAMS very quickly since is able to truncate the disk, assuming spherical free-fall they have short thermal equilibrium timescales. They accretion, is also have higher accretion rates during their formation and their magnetic fields are weaker relative to their RA =2.26 B⋆ 4/7 M˙a −2/7 stellar binding energy as compared to low mass stars. R⋆ 2kG 10−7M⊙yr−1 They likely have shorter disk lifetimes than contract- (cid:0) (cid:1) (cid:16)−1/7 5/7(cid:17) ing low mass stars, since their disks are likely to be M⋆ R⋆ (2) × M⊙ R⊙ quicklyphoto-disintegratedduetotheirhighluminosities (cid:16) (cid:17) (cid:16) (cid:17) (Cesaroni et al. 2007). All of these factors make mag- whereM˙ istheaccretionrate. Inthe caseofdiskaccre- a netic spin-down more difficult. In this paper we explore tion, the truncation radiusis ingeneralsmaller than the whether the initial spins of massive stars are regulated valuegiveninequation(2)byafactoroforderunity. For by the interactionoftheir accretiondisk with the stellar simplicity and for the purpose of this section we neglect magneticfield. Tostudythis issuewemodelthe angular this factor in the following discussion. momentumevolutionforbothlow-massandmassivepro- If the stellar magnetic field lines are connected to the tostars by considering both magnetic and gravitational disk the differential rotation between the two will cause torques. Weapplythe star-diskinteractionmodeldevel- the field lines to twist in the azimuthal direction induc- oped by Matt & Pudritz (2005) (hereafter MP05)where ingtorquesonthestar. Thediskco-rotateswiththestar thestellarmagneticfieldisconnectedtoafiniteregionof at the location R (GM )1/3Ω−2/3 where Ω is the co ⋆ ⋆ ⋆ the accretiondisk,andthe twistingofthe magnetic field ≡ angular velocity of the star. The stellar field lines that linesduetothedifferentialrotationbetweenthestarand connectto the disk outside the R spin up the disk and co disk leads to a spin-down torque on the star. spin down the star. If the field lines connect to a signif- Thispaperisorganizedasfollows. Inthefollowingsec- icant portion of the disk outside of R the star can be co tion( 2),wegiveabriefintroductiontohowthepresence spun down to a velocity well below its break up speed. § of surface magnetic fields during the protostellar phase The stellar magnetic field lines threading an annulus can extract angular momentum from the star. We de- of the accretion disk with width dr will exert a torque: scribe our stellar angular momentum evolution model, which include a prescription for protostellar evolution dτ =B B r2dr (3) m φ z Initial Rotation Rates of Massive Stars 3 where B is the azimuthal component of the field gener- φ ated by the twisting of the field lines relative to the star and is given by Ω(r) Ω ⋆ B =B − (4) φ z Ω(r) whereΩistheangularvelocityoftheKeplerianaccretion disk. Integrating equation (3) from R to infinity the A total torque on the star due to the stellar magnetic field lines connected to the disk is τ = B⋆2R⋆6 R−3 2R−3/2R−3/2 . (5) m 3 A − co A (cid:16) (cid:17) The accretion of disk material at R adds angular mo- A mentum to the star at a rate τ =M˙ GM R . (6) a a ⋆ A Noticethatequation(5)copntainsbothspin-upandspin- down torques acting on the star due to field lines con- nectedtothediskwithinandoutsideofR ,respectively. co Inorderforthenetmagnetictorquetotransportangular momentum away from the star (i.e., τ < 0) R must m A be greater than R 0.63R . (7) A,min co ≈ In a system where the stellar parameters (M , R , ⋆ ⋆ B , M˙ ) are relatively constant there exists an equi- ⋆ a librium state, called the “disk-locked” state (Koenigl 1991;Armitage & Clarke1996;Matt & Pudritz2005),in which the stellar spin rate will adjust to its equilibrium value (i.e., when τ +τ = 0). Setting τ = τ the a m a − m Fig. 1.—Theequilibriumspinrateof astar as afractionof its equilibriumspinrate,asafractionofthebreak-upspeed break up spin rate (top panel), and the corresponding spin down (Ωbu = GM⋆/R⋆3), is t(itmeaelsdcaaslhee(dbolitntoem) sptaarnselt)oforera1chMe⊙qu(iblilbarcikumso.lidBloitnhe)staanrds3h0avMe⊙a Ω⋆,eq p=1 RA −3/2 0.014 M⋆ 1/2 M˙a saunrdfaacreeminaigtinaelltyicrofitealdtinsgtreantgbtrheaokf u2pk.GThweithhoarizdoinptoallarlinteopinolotghye Ωbu 2(cid:16)R⋆(cid:17) (cid:20) (cid:16)M⊙(cid:17) (cid:16)10−7M⊙yr−1(cid:17) tborpeakpaunpelrashteo.ws where the equilibrium spin rate is equal to the B⋆ −2 RA 7/2+1 . (8) × 2kG R⋆ Grunhut et al.2009)andassumek =0.27foraradiative Assuming that the m(cid:0)omen(cid:1)t of(cid:16)iner(cid:17)tia of th(cid:21)e star stays star(e.g.,n=3polytrope). Weadoptradiiof3R⊙forthe constant, the characteristic timescale to reach equilib- 1 M⊙ star (the typical radius of a T Tauri star of this rium is: mass) and 7.76 R⊙ for the 30 M⊙ star (ZAMS value). We consider only accretion rates where the equilibrium t =k2M R2 Ω⋆,eq−Ω⋆ (9) spin rate is below the break up rate. As the accretion ⋆,eq ⋆ ⋆ τ +τ rate increases, the equilibrium spin rate approaches the (cid:18) a m (cid:19) break up rate and the equilibrium timescale quickly de- where k is the dimensionless radius of gyration whose creases. We find that magnetic torques produce equilib- valuedependsonthestellarstructure. Equation(7)only rium spin rates below break up only for accretion rates hsuorldfascewmheangnRetAic>fielRd⋆s,trwenhgicthhaisbotvrueeaimf itnhiemustmarvahlause:a below M˙ a . 5×10−5 M⊙ yr−1, regardless of the stellar mass. In this regard, low- and high-mass stars are sim- 1/2 ilar. The typical mass accretion rates during the main B⋆ > 400 10−7MM˙⊙a yr−1 accretion phase, where the majority of the stellar mass (cid:16) 1/4 −5(cid:17)/4 is accreted, for low- and high-mass star formation are M⋆ R⋆ G. (10) 5 10−6 M⊙ yr−1 (Shu 1977) and 5 10−4 M⊙ yr−1 × M⊙ R⊙ (M×cKee & Tan2003),respectively. For×ouradoptedfield (cid:16) (cid:17) (cid:16) (cid:17) Figure 1 shows the equilibrium spin rate as a frac- strength,RA forthe 30M⊙ stariswithinthe stellarsur- tion of the star’s break up speed and the correspond- face at this accretion rate. In contrast, the disk is trun- ing time scales required for a 1 M⊙ star and a 30 cated very close to the stellar surface for the 1 M⊙ star, M⊙ star to reach equilibrium starting from rotation at leadingtoanequilibriumspinrateclosetobreakup. We break up, both as a function of the accretion rate. We concludethatdisktruncationdoesnotoccurformassive adopt surface magnetic field strengths of 2 kG simi- stars and is unimportant for low-mass stars during the lar to observations (Wade et al. 2006; Johns-Krull 2007; main accretion phase. At the lower accretion rates that 4 ROSEN ET AL. are likely to occur after the main accretion phase ends, torqueonthestarduetothecouplingofthestellarmag- we find that low- and high-mass stars differ in that the netic field with the surrounding accretiondisk described latterhavemuchlongerequilibrationtimescalesthanthe in 3.3. § formerduetotheirlargerinertia. Forexample,theequi- librationtimescaleforthe30M⊙ starforverylowaccre- 3.2. Accretion History tion rates is a significant fraction of its stellar lifetime, The accretion history of our protostars is divided into t = 5.9 Myr (Parravano et al. 2003). Furthermore, at ms twodistinctaccretionphases. Thefirstisthemainaccre- high accretion rates this timescale is comparable to the tionphasegivenbytheturbulentcoremodelfromMT03, star’sformationtimescale(McKee & Tan2003)suggest- whichdescribesanacceleratingaccretionrate,wherethe ing that massive stars are unable to reach spin equilib- majority of the stellar mass is accreted. This model as- rium. To further explore the consequences of this analy- sumes that the star-forming core is marginally unstable, siswefollowtheangularmomentumevolutionofmassive massive, and supported by turbulent motions. Next, we protostars to determine the physical conditions that are followthediskclearingphaseinwhichtheaccretiondisk required to spin them down by magnetic torques. isno longerbeing fedbythe coreenvelope. Theseaccre- 3. STELLARANGULARMOMENTUMEVOLUTION tion phases are described in 3.2.1 and 3.2.2. § § MODEL Thegoalofthisworkistodetermineiftheinitialrota- 3.2.1. Primary Accretion Phase: Core Collapse tion rates of massive stars can be regulatedby magnetic Wemodelthemassaccretionusingthetwo-component torques due to the interaction of the stellar magnetic core model of MT03 which assumes the central region field and surrounding accretion disk during formation. of a molecular cloud core is dominated by thermal mo- To this end, we construct a simple model to track the tionsandthecoreenvelopeisdominatedbynon-thermal mass, radius, and angular momentum content of accret- motions (Myers & Fuller 1992). This leads to a density ing protostars subjected to gravitational and magnetic distribution that is equivalent to the sum of a singular torques. We describe the elements of this model in the polytropic sphere and a singular isothermal sphere: following subsections. 3.1. Protostellar Model R kρ c2 ρ=ρ core + th (12) Wemonitorthespinandangularmomentumevolution s r 2πGr2 ! byfollowingtheprotostellarradiusandinternalstructure evolution during its formation with the use of the one- whereρ isthedensityatthesurfaceofthecore,R is s core zonemodelofMcKee & Tan(2003)(hereafterMT03)as thecoreradius,andc isthethermalsoundspeedwithin th updated by Offner et al. (2009). By treating the proto- the core and is assumed to be constant. We adopt the starasanaccretingpolytropeandrequiringconservation fiducial value of k =1.5 from MT03 in agreement with ρ ofenergy,theevolutionoftheprotostellarradiusisgiven observationsdescribingtheturbulence-supporteddensity by: profile of massive star forming cores (Caselli & Myers 1995; van der Tak et al. 2000; Beuther et al. 2002). dR ⋆ =2M˙aR⋆ 1 1−fk + 1 dlogβP The accretion rate onto the disk, which is supplied by dt M⋆ − agβP 2dlogM⋆ the backgroundcore, is: 2 (cid:16)R2⋆ (L +L L )(cid:17) (11) − GM⋆2 int I− D (cid:16) (cid:17) 2j 2 where M˙a is the accretion rate onto the protostar, fk M˙ φ⋆M⋆,f M⋆ + φ⋆,th is the fraction of kinetic energy of the infalling ma- a ≃ t⋆,ff " M⋆,f! φ⋆,nth! terial that is radiated away, β is the ratio of radia- P 2j tion pressure to the total pressure, a = 3/(5 n) is the coefficient describing the binding genergy of a−poly- ǫcoreMth (13) trope, L is the internal stellar luminosity, L is the × M⋆,f ! # int I rate of energy required to dissociate and ionize the in- 1/2 falling material, and LD is the rate at which energy is wheret⋆,ff = 3π/32Gρ isthefreefalltimeevaluated supplied from burning deuterium (Nakano et al. 2000). at Rcore, M⋆ is the currentstellar mass, M⋆,f is the final The model also includes a few discontinuous changes in stellar mass, a(cid:0)nd (cid:1) polytropic index and radius to represent events such as the onset and cessation of core deuterium burning and 3 2 kρ j = − . (14) the formation of a radiative core. We use the model 2 3 k parameters recommended by Offner et al. (2009) which (cid:0) − ρ(cid:1) are based on the detailed stellar evolution calculations The dimensionless constan(cid:0)ts φ, φ(cid:1) , and φ are of ⋆,th ⋆,nth by Hosokawa & Omukai (2009). We refer the reader to order unity and depend on k and the magnetic field ρ MT03 and Appendix B of Offner et al. (2009) for a de- strength. Theefficiencyfactor,ǫ ,describeshowmuch core tailed description of the model and protostellar evolu- of the core mass will end up in the star rather than be- tionary states. ing ejected by the protostellaroutflow and we adopt the We treatthe protostarasasolidbody tofollowits an- value of 0.5 from MT03, which is typical of both low- gular momentum content ( J = I Ω ). We evolve the mass (Matzner & McKee 2000) and high-mass star for- ⋆ ⋆ ⋆ stellarangularmomentumcontentbycomputingthenet mation (Cunningham et al. 2011). The parameter M th Initial Rotation Rates of Massive Stars 5 twist the connected field lines. This twisting will cause the magnetic field to undergo a rapid inflation leading to an opening of the field lines, effectively decreasing the size of the disk region that is connected to the stel- lar magnetic field (Lovelace et al. 1995; Uzdensky et al. 2002; Matt & Pudritz 2005). We now include this effect when calculating the net magnetic torque on the star with the use of the model developed by MP05, which is an extension to the disk-locking model first developed byGhosh & Lamb(1978)foraccretingneutronstarsand extendedbyKoenigl(1991)todescribethestar-diskcou- pling for magnetized T Tauri stars. 3.3.1. Magnetic Coupling to the Disk and the Connection State The effect of the opening of the magnetic field lines depends on the strengthof the magnetic coupling to the disk and how strongly the field lines can be twisted un- Fig.2.— Accretion history of protostars with final masses of til they are severed. The variable γ(r) = B /B de- φ z 0.5 - 50 M⊙, following equations (13) and (16), for our fiducial scribes the twisting of the magnetic field between the parametersgivenintable1in§4. star and disk. This twisting occurs rapidly so a steady describes the mass below which the thermal density dis- state configuration depends on how well the field cou- tribution dominates. For a core with surface density plestothe disk(i.e.,thebalancebetweenthedifferential Σ=M ǫ−1 /πR2 , M is defined as: ⋆,f core core th rotation and the tendency for the magnetic field to un- twist). Uzdensky et al. (2002) describe this coupling by M = 1.23 10−3 T 3 a dimensionless magnetic diffusivity parameter, th × 20K 1/2 × 30ǫMco⋆re,fM⊙ (cid:0) Σ30/(cid:1)2M⊙ (15) β ≡ Hηvt (17) (cid:16) (cid:17) k where Σ = Σ/ 1gcm−2 . We further assume that the 0 where η is the effective magnetic diffusivity and is of accretionrate onto the disk is the same as that onto the t the order of magnitude of the disk’s effective viscosity starandusethis(cid:0)valuefor(cid:1)ourprotostellaraccretionrate. (Lovelace et al. 1995), H is the scale height of the disk, and v is the Keplerian rotation velocity. MP05 assume 3.2.2. Secondary Accretion Phase: Disk Clearing k β is constant throughout the disk. The field is strongly Lateintheformationthecoreenvelopewillexhaustits coupled to the disk for values of β < 1 and weakly cou- reservoir of mass and no longer feed the accretion disk. pled for β > 1. Uzdensky et al. (2002) find that when We assumethatwe areleftwitha thin, Keplerianaccre- γ exceeds a value of order unity (defined by the critical tiondiskthatcontinuestotransfermassandangularmo- twistparameterγ )themagneticfieldwillbeseveredbe- c mentum to the central protostar. For simplicity and be- causethemagneticpressureforceassociatedwithB will φ cause observations of disks located around massive stars push outward and cause the dipole field loops to open. areverylimited,weassumethatthisresultsinadecreas- Themagneticfieldisconnectedtothediskonlyinthelo- ing accretion rate as a function of time which we model cationwhere γ γ . MP05usethevaluesβ =0.01and c asadecayingexponential(Collier Cameron & Campbell γ = 1 in the|ir|m≤odels, and we adopt the same fiducial c 1993; Yi 1994, 1995; Matt et al. 2010): values in this work. They suggest that β = 0.01 is the mostprobablevalueforaTTauriaccretiondiskwiththe M M˙ = De−t/ta (16) use of an α model prescription; however it is uncertain a ta that disks surrounding massive stars will have this same where M is the remaining mass in the accretion disk value. For example,massivestarsemitmoreionizingra- D (i.e., the total amount of mass that would accrete from diation which will yield a higher ionization fraction on t=0 )andt isthedecaytimescale. SinceM and the disk surface, causing β to decrease, but these disks a D t are→hi∞ghly unconstrained, we experiment with differ- are also more massive than those surrounding low-mass a ent values in 4. Figure 2 shows the accretion history, PMS stars and are therefore thicker, causing β to in- including both§the core collapse and disk clearing accre- crease. To accountfor our uncertaintyin this parameter tion phases, for stars with final masses of 0.5-50 M⊙. we experiment with different values in the following sec- tion. MP05show thatthe magnetic connectionbetween the 3.3. Star-Disk Interaction Model star and disk changes at a threshold value of the stellar In 2 we showed how the presence of a stellar mag- spinrate. Specifically,thestellarmagneticfieldwillonly § netic field can remove angular momentum from the star be connected to a small region of the disk within R if co as it accretes matter from an accretion disk. This de- the stellar rotation rate as a fraction of break up, scription assumed that the stellar field lines were con- nected at all radii of the disk larger than RA. However, Ω R3 the differential rotation between the star and disk will f = ⋆ =Ω ⋆ , (18) ⋆ Ωbu sGM⋆ 6 ROSEN ET AL. −7/2 3/2 R R β t t 1 = . (22) (cid:18)Rco(cid:19) " −(cid:18)Rco(cid:19) # ψf7/3 We assume the accreted disk material is quickly inte- grated into the structure of the star and adds angular momentum to the star at a rate given by equation (6) where R is replaced by R . This material acts to spin A t up the star. The magnetic connection over a range in radii in the disk can extract angular momentum from the star and transferittothedisk. Ifthesystemisinstate2thenthe magneticfieldisconnectedtothediskfromR toR = t out (1+βγ )2/3R which yields a net magnetic torque on c co the star: τ = B⋆2R6⋆ 2(1+βγ )−1 (1+βγ )−2 m 3βR3co c − c Fig.3.—Thetopleftpanelshowsthestellarradiusasafunction h ofstellarmassforstarswithmasses0.5-50M⊙. Theotherpanels 2(Rco/Rt)3/2+(Rco/Rt)3 . (23) show the stellar radius (top right), stellar period (bottom left), − andstellarspinrateasafractionofbreak up(bottom right)as a i functionoftimeforstarswithmasses0.5-50M⊙. Figure2shows If the system is in state 1 then the magnetic field is con- theaccretionhistories. nected to only a smallportion ofthe disk which leads to a negligible torque on the star, so we set τ = 0 follow- m falls below: ing Matt et al. (2010). Note that equation (23) reduces to equation (5) for the limiting case of no field opening (γ ), marginal coupling (β = 1), and a disk that f < 1−βγc γcψ , (19) isctr→unc∞ated at the Alfven radius (RA) and extends to where (cid:0) (cid:1)(cid:0) (cid:1) infinity. ψ 2B⋆2R⋆5/2 (20) Parameter FiducialValue ≡ M˙ √GM Σ 1gcm−2 a ⋆ MD 0.02M⋆,f is a dimensionless parameterthat relates the strengthof ta 106 yr the magneticfieldtothe accretionrate. This connection B⋆ 2kG state, which MP05 denote as state 1, will result in no β 0.01 spin-down torques transferred to the star. If f exceeds γc 1 this value then the system is in state 2 which is charac- terized by a magnetic connection on either side of R co TABLE 1 resulting in both spin-up and spin-down torques acting Table of fiducialvaluesused forour model parameters. on the star. 3.3.2. Magnetic and Accretion Torques 4. RESULTS The twisting of the magnetic field by the differential Theinitialstar-formingcorepropertiesaredetermined rotation between the star and disk causes torques to be by the core mass (M ), core density profile (k ), and conveyed between the two. The twisting of the mag- core ρ core surface density (Σ). These parameters control the netic field within R leads to spin-up torques whereas co accretion rate for the primary accretion phase as de- the fieldlines connectedto the diskoutside ofR actto co scribedin 3.2.1. Weinitiallycreatea“pre-collapse”ob- spindownthestar. Ifthemagneticfieldisstrongenough § then the disk will be disrupted by the stellar magneto- ject with a mass less than 0.01M⊙ which grows in mass withtheaccretionrategivenbyequation(13). Whenthe sphere where the magnetic stress is able to maintain the accretion rate within the disk. At this location, denoted object reaches a mass of 0.01 M⊙ we initialize our pro- tostellar and angular momentum evolution model and by R , the magnetic stressis largeenoughto removethe t assume the protostar is initially rotating at 1% of its excess angular momentum and funnel the disk material break up speed. When the protostar is initialized, it is along the magnetic field lines. This material and its an- immediately spun up since the accretionrate is large, so gular momentum is transferred to the star. If R > R t co our chosen value for the initial rotation speed is unim- the magnetic stress hinders the accretion rate. portant. We solve equation (11) with the fourth-order The location of R depends on the connection state of t Runge-Kutta scheme of Press et al. (2007) and update the system. In state 1 the truncation radius is the angular momentum of the star by computing the R =(γ ψ)2/7R . (21) net torque on the star arising from the accretion and t c ⋆ magnetic torques described in 3.3.2. We use this re- § In state 2 the truncation radius is given by sult to update Ω . We cap the stellar rotation rate at ⋆ Initial Rotation Rates of Massive Stars 7 50%ofbreakup,alimitimposedbygravitationaltorques (Lin et al. 2011). The fiducial values used for our model parameters are given in table 1. 4.1. Effect of the Star-Disk Magnetic Interaction Figure 3 shows the radial and rotational evolution for stars ranging in final stellar mass from 0.5 - 50 M⊙. These models were simulated with the fiducial param- etersgivenintable 1. The disk-clearingaccretionphase is assumed to last 3 Myr, although as discussed in § 1, this assumption is almost certainly not correct for high mass stars. As we show below, using a shorter disk clearing timescale for the massive stars would only strengthen our results. We choose to run the disk clear- ing phase for three decay time scales because accretion disks around low-mass stars survive for several million years (Herbst et al. 2007), with an accretion rate that likely decreases with time. The swelling in radius by a Fig.4.—Snapshots ofthestellarradius(upper left),disktrun- factor of three, shown in the upper plots of Figure 3, cationradius(upperright),stellarperiod(lowerleft),androtation is a result of the star transitioning from a convective to rateas afractionofbreakup(lower right)as afunctionofstellar radiative core (Hosokawa & Omukai 2009), which redis- masstakenatdifferenttimesduringthediskclearingphaseforour tributes entropy within the star. For the stars presented fiducial case. The timesinthelegend representthe timethat has elapsedsincethediskclearingphasebegan. Thepointslocatedin in Figure 3 this occurs in the primary accretion phase the bottom right panel represents the minimum mass of stars ro- for the most massive stars (M⋆,f 15 M⊙) and during tatingat&20%ofitsbreakupspeed. Weusethisasanindicator ≥ thediskclearingaccretionphaseforthe0.5,1,and5M⊙ ofthetransitionbetween slowandfastrotators. stars. Ifthejumpinradiusoccursduringthemainaccre- tion phase, it causes the star to immediately slow down, fields are weaker relative to their stellar binding energy but the star is almost instantly spun back up because of as compared to low mass stars. the high accretion rate. In the case of the 5 M⊙ star, Figure 4 shows snapshots of the stellar radius, disk this jump in radius also significantly decreases the spin truncationradius,stellarperiod,andstellarrotationrate rate of the star, but since it occurs when the accretion as a fraction of break up as a function of stellar mass rate is much lower the star only gradually spins up as it taken at different times during the disk clearing phase. contracts and accretes material. In contrast, for the 0.5 First consider the upper left panel, showing radius ver- and1 M⊙ starsmagnetic torquesare ableto continueto sus mass at different times. The R M relation toward − spin down the star after the jump in radius occurs. We whichthemodelsconvergeathighmassistheZAMS;by notethatMatt et al.(2010)producedSun-likestarswith 3Myrallstarsabove 2M⊙ havereachedit. Atsmaller ∼ faster rotation rates ( 20 40% of break up) perform- masses, the maximum radius occurs at a mass that cor- ∼ − ing a similar analysis. We report a lower rotation rate responds to stars that have just made the convective- for our 1 M⊙ protostar because it has a different radial radiativecoretransitionatagiventime. Thisvalueshifts history than the stars produced by Matt et al. (2010). to progressively smaller masses at later times. Our 1 M⊙ protostar contracts more slowly than the 1 AninterestingfeatureofFigure4isthatthestellarro- M⊙ protostar model used by Matt et al. (2010). After tationratesasafractionofbreakupshowabimodaldis- 3 Myr, our model gives a radius of 3.8 R⊙ as compared tribution: starswithM⋆,f .1M⊙rotateat 10%oftheir ∼ to Matt et al. (2010)’s 3 R⊙. At times <1 Myr, the breakupspeedwhereasstarswithM⋆,f &6M⊙ arerapid ∼ model radii can differ by factors of 2. The larger radii rotators. In between these plateaus (i.e., the “transition ∼ in our model produce more spin-down. The differences region”) the rotation rates as a fraction of break up in- inpredictedradiilikelyarisebecauseourmodelaccounts creaseswithstellarmass. Furthermore,astimeincreases for the extra entropy provided both by deuterium burn- wefindthattheratioofrotationspeedtobreakupspeed ing and by ongoing accretion, while Matt et al. (2010)’s decreasesonbothplateaus,butthatthisdecreaseismore does not. We do warn, however, that there are signifi- noticeable for the fast rotator plateau. This is because cant uncertainties in how much of the accretion entropy thestarslocatedonthefastrotatorplateauhavealready is actually absorbed by the star, and differing assump- reachedtheZAMSandarenolongercontractingwhereas tions on this point can produce significant differences in thoselocatedontheslowrotatorplateauareeasytospin radial evolution (Hosokawa et al. 2011). down because of their low inertia, even though they are We find that the torques that arise from the star-disk still contracting towards the ZAMS. In contrast,we find magnetic interaction are unable to spin down both low- that the rotation rates as a fraction of break up of the mass and massive protostars during the main accretion stars in the transition region increases with time. This phase,but are importantduring the disk clearing phase, suggeststhatthemagnetictorquesconveyedbythestar- especially for low-mass stars. Low-mass stars begin to disk interaction are unable to counteract the increase in spin down the instant the disk clearing accretion phase the stellar spin rate due to contraction for stars in the begins whereas it takes approximately 2 Myr to begin transitionregion. However,oncethesestarshavereached tospindownmassivestarsforourchosenfiducialvalues. the ZAMS magnetic torques do become important. The Thissuggeststhatmassivestarsaredifficulttospindown points locatedin the bottomrightpanelofFigure4 rep- due to their larger inertia and because their magnetic resents the minimum mass of stars rotating at &20% of 8 ROSEN ET AL. Fig.5.—Sameasfigure4butallquantitiesareshownatatime Fig.6.—Sameasfigure4butallquantitiesareshownatatime of3Myr,andwevaryΣasindicatedinthelegend. of3Myr,andwevaryMD asindicatedinthelegend. their break up speed. We use this as an indicator of the transition between slow and fast rotators, which we discuss further in 4.3. § 4.2. Sensitivity to Model Parameters Intheprevioussubsectionwefoundthatmassivestars aremuchmoredifficulttospindownthanlow-massstars. This causes low-mass stars to become slow rotators and massive stars to be rapid rotators, yielding a bimodal distributioninstellarrotationspeedsasafractionofthe break up speed. To explore if this qualitative result is sensitivetoourchosenmodelparameters,wevarycertain parameters while holding the other parameters fixed. In the figures that follow we see that by varying certain parameters we do not lose this feature, but only alter it. 4.2.1. Varying Σ Figure 5 shows the final stellar radius, disk truncation radius, stellar period, and rotation rate as a fraction of Fig.7.—Sameasfigure4butallquantitiesareshownatatime break up as a function of final stellar mass for different of3Myr,andwevaryta asindicatedinthelegend. valuesoftheinitialcoresurfacedensity,Σ. Theaccretion rateduringthemainaccretionphaseincreasesforhigher disk clearing accretion phase. Increasing MD increases Σ,sovaryingthisvalueaffectstheaccretionhistoryonly the accretion rate during the disk clearing phase, thus during this phase. We findthat this parameterhaslittle increasing the accretion torque. A larger accretion rate tonoeffectonthefinalspinrateofthestarsbecausethe also causes the disk to be truncated closer to the star, magnetic torques are unimportant during this accretion effectively reducing the net spin down magnetic torque. phase. The very minor differences that do appear arise This is because the stellar magnetic field lines will con- becausethevalueofΣaffectsthetimeatwhichastarofa nect to a greater portion of the disk within Rco yielding given final mass reaches the swelling phase: the swelling greater spin up magnetic torques on the star while the phase of the star occurs earlier in time at lower Σ. For magnetic spin downtorques remain unchanged. We find each value of Σ used in our models there is a slight kink that altering MD changes the location and shape of the in between M⋆,f 3 6 M⊙ and the location of this transition between the slow and fast rotation plateaus, kink decreases in≈mas−s for smaller values of Σ. Stars butthequalitativeresultthatrotationratesarebimodal, to the right of this kink experience the jump in radius, withslowrotationatlowmassandrapidrotationathigh discussed in 4.1, before the end of the main accretion mass, remains unchanged. Also note that the models phase wherea§s those to the left experience the swelling converge in the limit MD 0. → during the disk-clearing accretion phase. However, the net effect on the stellar rotationrate is obviously minor. 4.2.3. Varying ta Figure 7 shows the final stellar radius,disk truncation 4.2.2. Varying MD radius, stellar period, and rotation rate as a fraction of Figure 6 shows the final stellar radius, disk trunca- break up as a function of final stellar mass for different tionradius,stellarperiod,androtationrateasafraction values of the disk decay time scale, t , used for equation a of break up as a function of final stellar mass for dif- (16) . Smaller values of t , as compared to our fiducial a ferent values of the initial disk mass, M , used for the value of 1 Myr, correspond to a higher initial accretion D Initial Rotation Rates of Massive Stars 9 Fig.8.—Sameasfigure4butallquantitiesareshownatatime Fig.9.—Sameasfigure4butallquantitiesareshownatatime of3Myr,andwevaryB⋆ asindicatedinthelegend. of3Myr,andwevaryβ andγc asindicatedinthelegend. rate that declines more rapidly for the disk clearing ac- twist before opening, also increasing the size of the con- cretion phase. This yields lower final spin rates at the nected disk region. For the case where γ (i.e., c endof3Myr. However,theoverallshapeofthedistribu- field lines are allowed to twist to large valu→es w∞ithout tion of final spin rates as a function of stellar mass does opening), the field lines will connect to the whole disk not change. outsideR . This willleadtoagreaterspindowntorque. t The case where β = 1 and γ = reduces to the case 4.2.4. Varying B c ∞ ⋆ describedinsection2. Figure9showsthatasβ increases Figure 8 shows the final stellar radius, disk truncation for γc = 1, all stars have lower rotation rates. However radius, stellar period, and rotation rate as a fraction of the two plateaus still remain. break up as a function of final stellar mass for differ- ent values of the stellar magnetic field strength. Clearly, 4.3. The Characteristic Mass for the Slow to Fast a larger magnetic field strength provides a greater spin Rotator Transition downtorqueonthe star,yieldingsmallerfinalspinrates In this work we have found a robust division between asafunctionofmass. Ascanbeseeninthisfigure,stars slowandfastrotators. Specifically,wefindthatlow-mass above M⋆,f & 2M⊙ require surface fields greater than stars (e.g., stars with M⋆ . 1M⊙) are slow rotators, 1 kG to experience any significant spin down torques easily spun down via magnetic torques that arise from and do not become slow rotators, Ω⋆/Ωbu . 0.1, un- the star-disk interaction, and rotate at 10% of their less the field reaches ∼10 kG. Magnetic fields this large breakupspeed,whereasmassivestars(e.g∼.,M⋆ &6M⊙) have only been detected in the chemically peculiar (e.g., are preferentially fast rotators. This is because massive helium strong) Ap/Bp stars (Borra & Landstreet 1979; stars are difficult to spin down due to their larger iner- Oksala et al. 2010). Generally, as the field strength in- tia and because their magnetic fields are weaker relative creases the final spin rates decrease, but the qualitative to their stellar binding energy as compared to low mass divisionbetweenslowandfastrotatorsremains. Wealso stars. Furthermore, this division is also dependent on findthatthissametrendinrotationratesasafractionof the R-M relationship. The stars located on the fast ro- breakupoccursasthefieldlines becomeweaklycoupled tator plateau have reached the ZAMS by the end of the to the accretion disk, while holding the magnetic field main accretion phase or early on during the disk clear- strength fixed, as discussed next. ing phase;whereas,the starslocatedonthe slow rotator plateauareshrinkingtowardsthe ZAMSforthe entirety 4.2.5. Varying β and γc of the disk clearing phase. Likewise, the stars located in Figure 9 shows the final stellar radius, disk truncation the transition region are contracting towards the ZAMS radius, stellar period, and rotation rate as a fraction of forasignificantportionofthediskclearingphasebutare break up as a function of final stellar mass for different contractingmuchfasterthanthelow-massslowrotators, values of β and γ . These parameters describe the cou- leading to the sudden rise in rotation rates as a fraction c pling and connection of the stellar magnetic field lines of break up. to the accretion disk (i.e., the location where the field Tofurtherillustratethedivisionbetweenslowandfast lines open and disconnect from the disk). A larger β rotators for each of our model parameters, in figure 10 for a given γ increases the extent of the connected disk weplotthe minimumstellarmassatwhichthe starends c region. This is because the coupling of the stellar field accretionrotatingat20%ofitsbreakupspeed,whichwe lines to the disk acts to resist the twisting of these lines call M . Eachpanelshowshow M depends onthe in- 20 20 duetothedifferentialrotationbetweenthestaranddisk. dividualparametersinourmodel(whilesettingtheother Thus, weaker field coupling will lead to a greater spin- parameterstotheirfiducialvalues). Thetoppanelsshow downtorque acting on the star leading to lowerrotation that M decreases by only a small amount as the disk 20 rates as depicted in Figure 9. Likewise, a greater γ for lifetime (i.e., the amount of time the disk survives and c agivenβ willallowthefieldlinestoexperienceagreater supplies mass to the starduring the disk clearingphase) 10 ROSEN ET AL. or disk decay time scale increases. We also see that this characteristic mass, as a function of the initial core sur- face density, is relatively constant as indicated by the nearly horizontal line on the middle right panel of fig- ure10. Incontrast,M spansalargermassrangeaswe 20 varytheinitialdiskmassusedforthesecondaryaccretion phase as shown in the middle left panel. This is because the accretion rate, and therefore the accretion torque, is proportional to the disk mass used in our model. We find that as M 0 the values of M become constant D 20 → but we notice that M decreases most as the disk mass 20 increasesfrom 10−3 10−2 M . The divisionbetween ⋆ ∼ − slow and fast rotators slowly decreases in stellar mass for initial disk masses above 10−2 M . Even though ⋆ ∼ varying this parameter leads to larger variations in M 20 as compared to the top panels, it does not change the qualitative division between slow and fast rotators. Thebottompanelsoffigure10showhowthe slow-fast rotator division is affected by the stellar magnetic field strength and the coupling of the stellar magnetic field lines to the disk, which are the parameters that are re- sponsiblefortheremovalofangularmomentumfromthe star. The black solid lines in these panels show that the division between the slow and fast rotators (i.e., M ) 20 divergesforlargemagneticfieldstrengths(B &4.5kG) ⋆ or weak field coupling (β & 0.05) for a disk clearing ac- cretion phase that lasts for 3 Myr. This is because no stars will be rotating at or above 20% of their break up speed at the end of 3 Myr for such high values of B ⋆ or β. For comparison, and also because we expect disks to have shorter lifetimes around massive stars, we also includethe valuesofM at0.5Myrafterthe diskclear- 20 ing phase began (teal dotted lines). We find that M20 Fig. 10.— This figure illustrates the sensitivity of the model is larger at shorter times because these stars are still parameters. The y-axes show the minimum stellar mass where contracting towards the ZAMS. At 0.5 Myr stars with f ≥0.2, denoted as M20, fordifferent parameters as indicated on thex-axes. Exceptforthetopleftplot,theblacksolidlinesindicate massesgreaterthan 5M⊙ havereachedthe ZAMS,as that these values were taken for a disk lifetimeof 3 Myrs. In the ∼ indicatedby the kink andfasterincreaseofM20 inthese bottompanels,thetealdashedlinesshowthevalueofM200.5Myrs plots for the 0.5 Myr case. afterthebeginningofthediskclearingphaseforcomparison. 5. DISCUSSION (2005) observed the rotational velocities of B stars lo- catedinhighstellardensityclustersandcomparedthem We have shown that massive stars are fast rotators at to field stars of similar age ( 12-15 Myr). They found birth and that their initial rotation rates are unlikely ∼ that, on average, the cluster stars had larger rotational to be regulated by the star-disk magnetic interaction. velocities than the field stars in their sample and that We have found that magnetic torques can only effec- only the most evolved cluster stars had similar rota- tively spin down massive stars that have low accretion tional velocities as their field star counterparts. Like- rates, long disk lifetimes, weak magnetic coupling with wise, Wolff et al. (2007, 2008) observed that massive the disk, and/or surface magnetic fields that are signifi- cantly larger than what current observational estimates stars (e.g., M⋆ & 6M⊙) found in clusters characterized by a high stellar density are faster rotators than their suggest. We thus conclude that their initial rotation similar mass counterparts located in lower density clus- rates are likely regulatedby gravitationaltorques. Since ters. These studies concluded that the initial spin rates massive stars arrive on the main sequence as fast rota- of these stars depend on the initial star-forming envi- tors,theirvariationinrotationratesasafractionoftheir ronment since these stellar ensembles, which have sur- break-uprateislikelyaresultofevolutionaryspindown, vived as bound clusters, likely form in molecular clouds due to stellar expansion and/or angular momentum loss characterized by high surface densities. Furthermore, via stellar winds while on the main sequence. Wolff et al.(2007)comparedthedistributionoftherota- tional velocities of B stars in both young and older high 5.1. Observational Implications densityandlowdensityenvironmentsanddidnotdetect A topic of current debate is whether the distribu- a significant evolutionary change. tion of the projected rotational velocities of massive In agreement, Huang et al. (2010) compared the rota- stars depend on birth environment or if this property tion rates of cluster and field B stars and found that, is only affected by evolutionary spin down (Strom et al. on average, cluster stars tend to rotate faster than field 2005; Dufton et al. 2006; Huang & Gies 2006, 2008; stars. However,bygroupingthe starsbysurfacegravity, Wolff et al. 2007, 2008; Huang et al. 2010). Strom et al. anageproxy,theyfoundthereislittledifferencebetween

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