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What Mean These Bones?: Studies in Southeastern Bioarchaeology PDF

244 Pages·1991·12.069 MB·English
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Preview What Mean These Bones?: Studies in Southeastern Bioarchaeology

What Mean These Bones? WWhhaatt MMeeaann These Bones? These Bones? ~~ SSttuuddiieess iinn SSoouutthheeaasstteerrnn ~~ BBiiooaarrcchhaaeeoollooggyy EEddiitteedd bbyy MMaarryy LLuuccaass PPoowweellll,, PPaattrriicciiaa SS.. 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EE7788..SS6655WW4433 11999911 8899--2200445555 997755''..0011--ddcc2200 CCIIPP * Contents Figures vii Tables viii Acknowledgements xi 1. Introduction 1 Mary Lucas Powell, Patricia S. Bridges, and Ann Marie Wagner Mires 2. Bioarchaeology and Subsistence in the Central and Lower Portions of the Mississippi Valley 7 Jerome C. Rose, Murray K Marks, and Larry L. Tieszen 3. Ranked Status and Health in the Mississippian Chiefdom at Moundville 22 Mary Lucas Powell 4. Health and Cultural Change in the Late Prehistoric American Bottom, Illinois 52 George R. Milner 5. Mississippian Cultural Terminations in Middle Tennessee: What the Bioarchaeological Evidence Can Tell Us 70 Leslie E. Eisenberg 6. Skeletal Evidence of Changes in Subsistence Activities Between the Archaic and Mississippian Time Periods in Northwestern Alabama 89 Patricia S. Bridges 7. Biomechanical Adaptation and Behavior on the Prehistoric Georgia Coast 102 Clark Spencer Larsen and Christopher B. Ruff 8. Sifting the Ashes: Reconstruction of a Complex Archaic Mortuary Program in Louisiana 114 Ann Marie Wagner Mires 9. The Prehistoric People of Fort Center: Physical and Health Characteristics 131 Patricia Miller-Shaivitz and Mehmet Ya~ar i§can 10. Status and Health in Colonial South Carolina: Belleview Plantation, 1738-1756 148 Ted A. Rathbun and James D. Scurry 11. Bioarchaeology in a Broader Context 165 Bruce D. Smith 12. Out of the Appendix and Into the Dirt: Comments on Thirteen Years of Bioarchaeological Research 172 Jane E. Buikstra References Cited 189 Contributors 221 Index 225 * Figures and Tables Figures 1-1 Geographical Location of Sites 3 3-1 Spinal Tuberculosis (Pott's Disease) 44 3-2 Caries Sicca of Endemic Treponematosis 45 4-1 The Probability of Dying (qx) for the Moorehead Phase Kane Mounds (KM) Population and the Sand Prairie Phase East St. Louis Stone Quarry (ESLSQ) Population 58 4-2 Distribution of Mortality Between the Ages of 0 to 5 Years in the Moorehead Phase Kane Mounds (KM) Population and the Sand Prairie Phase East St. Louis Stone Quarry (ESLSQ) Population 60 4-3 The Sacrum and Fifth Lumbar Vertebra from a Moorehead Phase Skeleton from Kane Mounds 64 5-1 Map of the Averbuch Site 72 5-2 Skeletal Distribution of Vertebral and Long Bone Lesions 74 5-3 Active Periosteal Apposition on Subadult Long Bones (6 Months to 1.5 Years) 75 5-4 Relative Frequencies of Active and Healed Tibial Lesions by Age Group 77 5-5 Resorptive Lesions in the Thoracic Vertebrae of a Female (30 to 34 Years) 78 5-6 Bilateral Cribra Orbitalia in a Subadult (3.5 to 4.5 Years) 80 5-7 Porotic Hyperostosis in an Averbuch Female (18.5 to 19.5 Years) 81 5-8 Relative Frequencies of Orbital and Cranial Lesions by Age Group 82 5-9 Male and Female Mortality at Averbuch 86 * Figures and Tables viii 6-1 Maximum Bending Strength of Male Femora 94 6-2 Torsional Strength of Female Humeri 95 7-1 Bones Subjected to (a) Bending and (b) Torsion Around a Neutral Axis 103 7-2 Percentage Decline in Femoral (a) Subtrochanteric and (b) Mid shaft Cross-sectional Properties in Comparison of Georgia Coastal Preagricultural and Agricultural Groups 108 8-1 Cowpen Slough: Site Plan 117 8-2 Plan View of Test Units Within the Delimited Cemetery Area 118 8-3 Plan View of the Distribution of Burial Modes Within Features 120 8-4 Plan View of Burial Features 120 8-5 Demographic Distribution of Individuals Within Features 121 8-6 Mortality Graph Representing the Number of Individuals Dying Within Each Age Category, Sexes Combined (N = 17) 124 8-7 Processing of Individuals Following Death 125 9-1 Mound and Pond Complex 132 9-2 Reconstruction of the Charnel Platform with Burial Bundle 133 9-3 Cranial Pathology at Fort Center 139 9-4 Cranium (#B69-45) with Possible Treponemiasis, Displaying Nod- ular and Serpiginous Cavitation 140 9-5 Pyogenic Osteomyelitis in a Femur 142 9-6 Postcranial Pathology 144 9-7 Pseudopathology 145 10-1 Burial Distribution at Belleview Plantation, South Carolina 152 10-2 Frequency Distribution of Lead Content in Skeletal Populations from Virginia, Georgia, Maryland, and Belleview Plantation, South Carolina 160 Tables 1-1 Chronology of Sites 4 2-1 Dental Caries in Adults in Central and Lower Mississippi Valley 11 2-2 Adult First Molar Mean Wear Scores in the Central and Lower Mis- sissippi Valley 12 2-3 Percentages of Adult Infections and Porotic Hyperostosis in the Lower Mississippi Valley 14 2-4 Percentages of Adult Infections and Porotic Hyperostosis in the Central Mississippi Valley 16 2-5 Stable Carbon Isotope Values from the Ozark Highlands and Cen tral Mississippi Valley 18 3-1 Mortuary Analysis of Moundville Burials 25 * Figures and Tables ix 3-2 Modeled Expectations of Variability in Biological Dimensions of Ranked Status at Moundville 26 3-3 Demography, Status, and Skeletal Representation at Mound- ville 28 3-4 Moundville Postcranial Skeletal Metrics 30 3-5 Maxillary First Molar: Mean Wear Scores 31 3-6 Maxillary Second Molar: Mean Wear Scores 32 3-7 Mandibular First Molar: Mean Wear Scores 33 3-8 Mandibular Second Molar: Mean Wear Scores 34 3-9 Teeth Carious or Lost Antemortem in Adults 36 3-10 Prevalence of Enamel Hypoplasia by Ranked Status 38 3-11 Skeletal Evidence of Anemia 38 3-12 Anatomical Distribution of Fractures by Sex 39 3-13 Trauma Cases by Age, Sex, and Status 40 3-14 Age Distribution of Proliferative Skeletal Reaction 42 3-15 Biological Dimensions of Ranked Status at Moundville: Modeled Expectations vs. Observations 47 3-16 Ranked Status, Diet, and Health at Chucalissa, Dallas/Hixon, Etowah, and Moundville 48 4-1 American Bottom Mississippian Phases and Population Change Over Time 57 4-2 Skeletons with Cribra Orbitalia or Porotic Hyperostosis 65 5-1 Percentages of Active and Healed Porotic Hyperostosis Cases by Age and Sex in the Averbuch Skeletal Series 83 5-2 Comparative Life Expectancies 87 6-1 Changes in Diaphyseal Indexes 92 6-2 Changes in Biomechanical Variables 93 6-3 Index of Bilateral Asymmetry: Females 97 6-4 Index of Bilateral Asymmetry: Males 98 7- 1 Frequency of Preagricultural and Agricultural Adult Articular Joints Affected by Degenerative Joint Disease 109 8-1 Human Burials at Cowpen Slough: Demographic and Mortuary Data 119 8-2 Frequency of Features by Number of Individuals Across Burial Modes 122 8-3 Distribution of Age Categories Across Burial Modes 123 8-4 Sex Distribution of Adults Across Burial Modes 124 9-1 Age and Sex Composition of Cranial Sample from Fort Center 135 9-2 Cranial Metrics of Fort Center Adults 135 9-3 Cranial Metrics: Comparative Data from Florida Sites 136 9-4 Postcranial Metrics: Comparative Data from Florida Sites 136 9-5 Paleopathology at Fort Center 138

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