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TThhee LLeepipdiopdteorpoltoegircaollSoocgieitycal Society ooff JJaapapnan uttwt 7?ans, iopidSoc.Japan 48 (4):191-l98,November 1997 What istrue I),thima (LepidopteSraat,yridae?) motschulskyi Y. V, DuBAToLovi) and A. L. LvovsKy2) i) Siberia nZoologica lMuseum. Institu toef Animal Systematic asnd Ecology, Russian Academy of Sciences, Siberian Branch, Frunze street, 11, Novosibirsk 91, 630091 Russia 2} Zoologica lInstitu tReu,ssian Academy of Science sU,niversitetska ynaab., . 1,St-Petersburg1,99034,Russia Abstract A status of Satynis motschutskyi Bremer & Grey is discusse d.Lectotypes of Satyrus motsehulskyi and }IPthim aamphithea are designate d,studied and considered as conspecific, A valid name tbr M motschulskyi sensu Elwes & Edwards, 1893 is ,thus, Yl muitisthata Butler ,1883, stat, rev. A new subspecies, 1: muittstriata koreana ssp. n. is described fromKorea, Key words Satyrida e),[Pthim amotsehulskyi, )Cpthim aamphithea, lectotyp ene,w synonymy, new subspecies, Japan, China, Kerea, Prirnorye rerritory. }Pthima motschulskyi (Breme &r Grey, 1852) was only brief ldeyscribe dfrom North China, surroundings of Beijin g(Pekin ga)s ,"SZityrus motschulskyi". The type specimen has not been well figure ydet except fbr a poorly known and not a good figur eofMenetries (i855), and all conclusions about this species by differe nenttomologists have been, therefore, completely subjective. A few yeafs later }[Pthima amphithea Menetries, 1859 was describe don the basi sof the Maack collection from the Amur River basin ,but soon this species was synonymized with M motschulskp,i by Staudinge r(1892), In a firs rtevision of the genus based on the structure of the male genitalia Elwes & Edwards (189 3a)ccepted this point of view, They publishe da figur eof the rnale genitali oaf }i motschuZsRyi and prepared a key to the species. They censidered as Z motschutskyi"the specimens from Japan (Nagasa kKior)e,a (Fusa nC)h,ina (Kiukia Snhga,nghai) ,which are similar to one another in the male genitalia . Seitz (1906 p)r,obably taking account of this revision, also regarded all these butterfl iaess M motschulskyi. He published geod figure sof both sexes. Following these publications the majority of lepidopterologi swthos identifi ed}CPthima species by the structure of the male genitali raefer al 1the butterfi ioefs the type considered to }1 motschulsdyi. Hiura (1969 p)ointed out that the butterfl ifersom the mainland of Japan and the Japanese island T,sushima, in the strait ofthe same name between the Japanese island sand the Korean Peninsula ditfe rin the size of the maie sexual brand and androconial scales, and considered that they belong to two distinc tspecies. He applied Z motschulskyi to the Tsushima population ,separating the Japanese main]and population as Y. sp. Murayarna (196 9a)lso discovere din his revision of M motschutskyi sensu Elwes & Edwards (189 3th)at specimens from the continental part of East Asia diffe rfrom those from Japan. He describe dM niphonica from Honshu, the mainland ofJapan, as a new species, with a new subspecies }' :n. tsushimana from Tsushima I. But tsushimana was treated as a subspecies NII-Electronic Library Service TThhee LLeepipdiopdteorpoltoegircaollSoocgieitycal Society ooff JJaapapnan 192 V. V. DuBAToLov and A. L. LvovsKy of motschtilsltyi by Hiura (1970 a)nd, late rX niphonica was united with Z motschulskyi as a subspecies and tsushimana was included in the nominotypical subspecies of motschulskyi (Fujiok a19,75; Kawazoe & Wakabayashi, 1976) . A detaile dreview of this matter was publishedby Koiwaya (1994). It turned out that there are two }[Pthima species with similar wing pattern inhabiting Korea : one being X motschutskyi sensu Elwes & Edwards (l893 )th,e other }' :ohscura Elwes & Edwards, 1893. Later ZoLnycuTe was synonymized with the Amurian Xamphithea (UEmura ,1980; Lee, 1982) .The same point of view was accepted by North Korean lepidopteris(tCshu& Im, 1987). The works of Russian entomologists were not concordant with these opinions. Kurentzov (197 0and others) did not distingui sYhl motschulskyi sensu Elwes & Edwards (189 3a)nd }t amphithea, probably because there is only ene species ofthis group in the Russian territory. This opinion penetrate dto the catalogues of butterfl ioefs the fbrmer U. S. S. R. (Korshunov, 1972 ; Tuzov, 1993) , By courtesy of V. S. Kononenko and Yu. A, Tshistiako vin 1994 ,one ofus, Dubatolov, had an opportunity te study a book of Lee (198 2on) the Korean butterfiies, Checking the Russian specimens ef X motschulsdyi on conspecifity with the two species considered in the cited book, Dubatolov found out that they are conspecific to }' :amphithea sensu Lee (1982 ).All males lack a dark androconial spot on the fbrewing upperside, . As a result of this investigati oKnorshunov & Gorbunov (199 5m)entioned }1 amphithea only in a handbook of the butterfli oefs Asian Russia. Nevertheless ,the questio nof the proper names ofthe species ofthis group stil lremained open since the type specimens of the two mentioned taxa had not been studied so far . We have studied the type specimens of Yl motschulskyi and }1 amphithea, which are preserve din the collection of the Zoological Institut eof the Russian Academy of Sciences in St Petersburg, and designated the lectotypes. The lectotyp eof }: motschuZskyi (Fig s1,2) bears the fbllowin glabels :a golden ring, `LChina" (print eond yellow paper) ,"coll. Acad,!Petrop. "(print eond white paper), and additionally the labe l" ]KPthima/motschutskyi/Lectotyp u(sh"andwrit iofn gA. L. Lvovsky on red paper). The specimen was most probably caught by Mr or Mrs Gaschkeyitsch, because the material ofMr Tatarinoff was preserve din the collection of W. Grey. The male genital iaare shown in Fig, 7. The paralectotype is conspecific with the 1ectotype ;it bears the label :"k. Greya" ("collec- tion of Grey", in Russian) and additionally a red labe lwith the legend "Paralectotypus", The lectotyp oef X aimphithea (Fig 3s, 4) bears the fbllowin glabel s: `CMaack.", "coll, Acad./ Petrop. "(bot hprinte don white paper) ,"Lectotypus }CPthima!amphithea Menetries, 18591 design .Dubatolov et Lvovsky 1996", Its genital iaare shown in Fig. 8. In the collection of the Zoologica llnstitu ttheere are 3 more rnales of l amphithea, with the labels :"Ende Ching[an], 7-10 VII. 1857" and "colL Acad. Petrop, " Most probably ,all these specimens are syntypes, because they were collected before the descripti onof X amphithea appeared in 1859 and apparently were in E.Menetries 'hands at the time of preparation of the fir sdtescription. Maack (185 9w)rote in his book that he lef tthe Khingan Mountains (th eAmur River valley about 100 km upstream of the mouth ef the Sungari River) on 21-24 June according to the Julian calendar, which corresponds to 5-8 July of the Grigorian calendar. Therefor ewe consider the mentioned specimens to have been collected by Maack's expedition. NII-Electronic Library Service TThhee LLeepipdiopdteorpoltoegircaollSoocgieitycal Society ooff JJaapapnan What Is True1(Pthima motschuiskyi O. l93 tt tt ttt/ tt tttt t t tttit x.tv.v/ ee ueerf'ew y,ps,t -., v,s.t・l・ I.Sigpaw a Figs 1-6. }[Pthima spp. 1 .Z motsehulskyi, lectotype di of motschulskyi, upperside. 2. Ditto, underside. 3. M motschulskyi, 1e c t ot y p ecin y of amphithea. upperside. 4. Ditto, underside. 5. M muttistn'ata korean assp . n ., h o l o ty p e 6n, upperside. 6. Ditto ,under- side. Although both 1ectotyp edsiffe rsomewhat from each other in the wing pattern ,from the structure of the male genitali (aFi g7s, 8) they are undoubtedly conspecific with each other and with Z obscura. So we propose the fo11owin gsynonymy : SZityru smotschulgkyi Bremer & Grey, 1852= 1 Pthim aamphithea Menetries ,1859 ,syn. rev.= }IPthin zaabscura Elwes & Edwards, 1893, syn. n. However, due to a noticeable differen cien wing co!oration between the firs ttwo taxa, we consider them as differen tsubspecies. NII-Electronic Library Service TThhee LLeepipdiopdteorpoltoegircaollSoocgieitycal Society ooff JJaapapnan 194 V. V. DuBAToLov and A. L. LvovsKy 1?,thima (Breme&r Grey,1852)(Fig1s,2,7) motschutskyi motsehulsby' Etudes Sd4yus motschulskyi Bremer & Grey, t852 ,in Motschulsky , ent, 1 : 60 ; Bremer & Grey, 1853, Beitn Schmett nordL China: 8; Motschulsky, 1855, Enum Cbt;p A,nim.1: 47, pl. 6, fig 5., )Cpthima motsehulskyi : Fixsen ,lg87 ,in RomanofZ Me'm Lopid. 3 : 310 ; Ruhl, 1895 ,Patdeark .Gross- Schmett ihre Natutgesch : 570, IIPthim aobscura Elwes & Edwards, 1893 ,TiHan sent Soc. Lond. 1893 : 17 ,pl .2, fig 3.5 ; Seitz ,1909 ,in Seitz ,aross-Schmet tErde 1: 92. Syn. n, YPthim naareda motschulskyi : Staudinge r& Rebel, 1901 ,Cket Lepid palaearct haunengeb. 1 : 59. I7?thima motschulskyi motschutskyi : Kurentzov ,1970 . Buttecfli oesf the thr East USSR : 54. IPthima motschulskyi obscura : Kurentzov ,1970 ,ButteiMes oj ithe Rir East USSR : 54. 1[Pthima amphithea:Lee, 1982, Buttec17ie sof Konea:79, pl.52 ,figs183A-D;Chu & lm, 1987, ButterLfZl eosj 'Kereq: 183, pl. 57, fig .3. }Zpthima amphithea obscutu : Uemura, 1980, in Makibayashi et al., [CbtZ Pnap, IOth Anniu 7kekao Seininar]:212; Uemura, 1982, 71yO Ga 35: 135. }[Pthim aelongatum Matsumura, 1929 ,Ihseet amatsum, 3 : 142 ,Syn. n. X (=otscurias) by 1arger forewinglength motschulskyi motschulrkyi characterized size, being 22-23 mm in specimens studied (th ewing expanse being 40-41 mm), and more distinct lmayrbled pattem of the wing underside. This subspecies occurs in North China and Korea (fre mwhere 2 male specimens from Pung-Tung, O. Herz leg. f,rom the collection ZoologicalInstitutSet,Petersburg, of were studied). }lpthima motschulskyi amphithea Menetrids, 1859, stat. rey. (Fi g3s, 4, 8) }[Pthima amphithea MEnEtries, 1859, in Schrenck, Reisen Fbnschungen Amur-Lande 2 (1 ): 41, pl. 3, fig. 10; RUhl, 1895, Palaeark ,Grass-Schmet tthre IVdtrugesc h: .569; Korshunov & Gorbunov, 199S, Buttecfiie sfrom Asian Part Russia : 116. IiPthim aamphithea amphithea : Uemura, 1980 ,in ,Makibayashi et al., [Col ZPahp. 10th Annin 7lakao Sleminqr] : 212. Satynis motschulskyi : Staudinger ,i871 ,dna Lepia eutzrp. Fkeunengeb ,1 : 30, nec Bremer & Grey, 1852. }tPthim amotschulskyi : Staudinger ,1892, in Romanofl; Mi5m. Lopid. 6: 203; Ruhl, 1895, Palaeark. Gross-Schmet tthne Albturgeseh, ; 570 ; Korshunov, 1972, Ent Obazr .51 : 147 ,nec Bremer & Grey, 1852. }tPthim anaredo motsehulskyi : Staudinge r& Rebel, 1901, Cat Lepia lpainearet Ftiunengeb. 1 : 59, nec Bremer& Grey,1852. IPthima motsculsdyi amphithea : Seitz ,1906 ,in Seitz ,Gross-Schmet t,Entl e1: 92; Kurentzov ,1970, Buttei:f7 ioefs the fur East USSR : 54 ; Tuzov, 1993 ,Syn ,List Buttenj7i eexs-USSR : 28. Y: motschulslp,i amphithea is characterized by a small size (forewi lnegngt hof the 1ectotype being 20.5mm, wing expanse 34mm), almost even dark ground colour on the hindwing underside, with a network of hardly visible transverse line s.It inhabit sMiddle Amur and the Primorye tenitorie sin Russia . The transitio nzone between this and the former sub- species is stil] to be found. Beside sthe 1ectotyp ea number of specimens were studied from the Bikin River, Novokachalinsk, the Sini iRange north from Chernyshevka Gamov Peninsula and Cape Grebenchaty i(Khas aRnegion) in the collection of the Siberian Zoologica lMuseum, Institu toef Animal Systematic sand Ecology, Novosibirsk. Since it is not possible to use the name X motschuZrkyi fbr the species formerl yknown by this name (Elwe &s Edwards, 1893; Seitz ,1906; Murayama, 1969; Lee, 1982; Chu & Im, 1987; Koiwaya, 1994) it is necessary to use the oldest name among the remaining names, which were proposed fbr ditlere nstubspocies (Uemura 1,980 ; Inomata, l986) ,Hence the valid name bocomes M muttistriata Butler ,1883 (sta tr.ey.) proposed fbr the pepulations NII-Electronic Library Service TThhee LLeepipdiopdteorpoltoegircaollSoocgieitycal Society oofJfap anJapan What Is TrueYPthima motsehulskyi ? 195 7 B 8 Figs7-8 . Male genitalia of }(Pthima motschutskyi. 7. Lectotyp eof motschuls@i. 8. Locrtoty poef amphithea. (A: general view, B: valva). from Taiwan and East A subspecies that inhabits Korea, North-East and North China ( M motschulskyiChina.motschulsdyi sensu Murayama, 1969) is describe dhere as a new one. MPthim amultistriata Butler, 1883, staL rev. }[Pthitn amulttstriata Butler, 1883, Anra MtrgL nat HZst. (5 )12 : SO ; Elwes & Edwards, 1893 ,T}Jan sent. Soe, Lond, 1893: 18, pl .2, fig 3.6, }lpthim amoaschulsdyi mullriytriata : Uemura, 1980, in Makibayashi et at., [ Code Pap. iOth Anniv. 7Zikao Sleminar] :2-12, }[Pthim aarcuata Matsumura, 1919, 71!ousand insects oj 'Japan (Addit .3) : 699, pl ,53, fig .17. }[Pthima motschulskyi : Elwes & Edwards, 1893, 7)ans .enL Sbc. Lond. 1893 : 16, pl.2, fig .34, nec Bremer& Grey,1852. The nominotypical subspecies is characterized by the absence of the apical spot and by the presence of the dark androconial spot on the forewing upperside; the tornal spot on the hindwing upperside with ligh tring . We have not found significant differenc eisn the male genitali cstructure between X muidstn'ata and other subspecies. Material. 1 Taiwan, Togenkyo, Takao, 1996,10.12,H.Mayum{, DrKawata bred cJn, (receivferodm K,Maeda), }Pthima koneana (Fig5s,6) multistriata ssp. n. YPthim amotschulsdyi : Leech, I892 ,Buttenj7i fersom China ,.lapan and threa : 88 ; Elwes & Edwards, 1893, 7?ans ,ent Soa Lond, 1893; 16, pl.2, fig .34; Seitz 1,906 ,in Seitz G,ross-Schmet Lthct e1: 92, pl .34, row b, nec Bremer & Grey, 1852, }[Pthima motschulskyi motschulslp,i : Murayama, I969 ,7bhoku Konchu Kenkyu 4 : 18 ,pl .2, fig s1-8, NII-Electronic Library Service TThhee LLeepipdiopdteorpoltoegircaollSoocgieitycal Society ooff JJaapapnan 196 V. V. DuBAToLov and A. L. LvovsKy text-figs 3, 6, 9, ]2, ]5, 20, 21 ; Uemura, 1980, in Makibayashi et at., [Cbl ZPanp. 10th Anniv. 7kekao Sleminar]:212;Lee, 1982 ,Buttety7i eosf Kerea:78, pl.52 ,fig.182A-D;Chu & Im, l987, ButtediiesofKonea 182, 57,fig2., Bremer& Grey,1852. : pl. nec Butterfli eosf this subspecies (Fi g5,s 6) diffe rfrom the nominotypical one by the presenc eof the dark apical ocellus on the forewing upperside; from M multtstriata niphonica by the presence ofa dark androconial spot on the fbrewing upperside in males ; from M mutristriata tsushiMana by 1ess expressed patter nof transversal light lines on the wing underside, Unfbrtunately, we have had no opportunity to study the male genitali aof the Korean subspecies, becaus eboth specimens that we have received from K. Maeda lack abdomens. Material.Holotype. S Korea, Ryukado, Koryo, 1995.9,10,DtKawata bred cl, (recei vfreodm K.Maeda). Paratype. 1 cYi, the same data as holotype. Both holo- and paratypes are preserve din the collection of the Siberia nZoologica lMuseum, Institu toef Animal Systematics Ecology,Novosibirsk. and ' }Pthima Murayama, 1969, muttisniata niphonica stat. n. }Cpthima niphonica Murayama, 1969, 7bhoku Konchu Kenkyu 4: 18, pl.2, figs 9-12. text-figs l,4, 7, IO, 13, 16, 17; Hiura, 1970 ,Mem, natn. Set Mus,, 7bdyo 3: 282. 1?7thim amotschulskyi niphonica : Fukuda et al., 1972, insects 'LijI iin .lapan 3: 244; Kawazoe & Wakabayashi, 1976, Cbibured Ithts tButteijlie sof Jtipa n: 270. pl .59, fig s2a-2c ; Ueipura, 1980 ,in Maki'bayash iet al., [CbiZ Pnap. 10th Anniv, 7lrkao Seminar] : 212. }[Pthim amotschulsOi : Leech, 1892, Buttet:fii efsrom China, lapan, and Cbrea : 88 ; Elwes & Edwards, 1893 ,7ipan sent Soa Lond. 1893: 16, pl.2, fig 3.4; Ruhl, 1895, Pakieark Gross-Schmet ti,hre ?V17turges c: h5.70, nec Bremer & Grey, 1852. '. YPthima naredo niotschulskyi Staudinge r& Rebel, 1901 ,Cat Lepia palaearet fuunengeb, 1 : 59, nee Bremer& Grey,1852. }[Pthima sp. : Hiura ,1969, Sbea Publs dsaka Mus. nat Hist .1: 80. Xpthim amotsehuiskyi obscura : Kurentsov, 1970, ButtenjZie sof the Ftzr East USSR : 54, nec Elwes & Edwards, 1893. This subspecies is characterized by the absence ofthe dark androconial spot on the fbrewing upperside in males and by the absence ofthe light ring saround the apical spot ofthe forewing and the tornal spot of the hindwing upperside. Material.36n19, Japan,Honshu, Hyogo, Himeji-shi,1988.6. 18-20,S.Yamanaka (receivferdom T. Ftljioka). }Pthima muttistriata tsushimana Murayama, 1969 ,stat. n. }lpthima niphonica tsushimana Murayama, 1969 ,lbhoku Konehu Kenlp'u 4: 20, pl.2, fig s13-16, text-figs 2, S, 8, 11, 14, 18, 19. r:pthima motschutskyi tstashimana : Hiura ,1970 ,Mbm. natn. Sct Mus, 7bdyo 3: 282, ; Fukuda et al., 1972 ,Ihsect s'Lijl iin .Ibpan 3: 244. I7)thima moAschulslp,i : Hiura, 1969 ,Seea Publs ()saka Mus. nat. Hist .1 : 80, nec Bremer & Grey, lg52. }[Pthim amotsehutskyi motschulskyi : Fajioka, 1975, Buttenj7ie sof lapan [Tex t: ]245, 298, pl .123 ,figs 42-51 ; KawazoE & Wakabayashi, 1976 ,Cbloured Ithis Btuttediie osf Japan : 270, pl. 59, fig s2d-2fl This subspecies is characterized by the presence ofthe dark androconial spot on the fbrewing upperside in males, light rings around the spots on the upperside, and by a well expressed patter nof transversa lligh tline son the wing underside. Material.2 6i2 \,Japan,Tsushjma I.,Izuhara-machi,Yora-nai-in,l986.6.12,S,Yama- NII-Electronic Library Service TThhee LLeepipdiopdteorpoltoegircaollSoocgieitycal Society ooff JJaapapnan What Is True }[Pthima motschulskyi 7 . 197 naka (recei vferdom T. Fujioka);2c7, Sasuna, ]991. 10. 20, Dr Kawata bTed;3 cl 1 5!, Toyotama, 1995.9,13,H.Tanisawa (receivferdom K Maeda), Acknowledgments We wou]d like to express our gratitude to Mr H. Yoshimoto for valuable advice, searching and preparing copies of the main literatur e(Elwe &s Edwards, lg93 ; Hiura, 1969, 1970 ; Murayama, 1969 ; Uemural 1980 ; Koiwaya, 1994) ; to Dr K, Maeda for sending a copy of a part of Inomata' sbook (lnomat a19,86) on X motschulskzyi in the old sense and for the specimens of Z muitistriata, X mu. koteana, M mu. tsushimana ; to Prof Dr T. Fujioka fbr the specimens of }: mu. tsushimana and }' [mu. niphonica ; to Mr I .I .Lyubechansky and Dr D. V. Logunov fbr carrying the type material from St-Petersbu rtgo Novosibirsk ,We are also gratefu 1to DrO, Kosteri nfbr usefu1 advice and correction ofthe English version of the paper. References Bremer, O. & W. Grey, 1852, in Motschulsky ,V. de, Diagnoses de Lepidopteres nouveaux trouves par MM. Tatarinoff et Gaschkewitsch aux environs de Peking. Eude sent. 1: 58-67. 1853. Beitrag eiur SchmetterUngs-Fkeu ndaas nordikhen China. 22pp. St Petersburg. , Butler, A. G. 1883. 0n a third collection of Lepidopter amade by Mr, H, E, Hobson in Formosa. Ann. Mtigt nat Hist .(5) "2: 50-52. Chu,D.-L. & H.-A.Im, 1987. [ButterLoMfesKorea]. 248pp., 72pts.Pyongyang.(InKorean). Edwards, H. Y. & J. Elwes, I893. A revision of the genus XPthim awi,th special references to the characters afforded by the male genitalia . 7?ans, enL Soc. Lond. 1893: 1-54, pls 1-3. Fixsen, C., 1887. Lepidoptera aus Korea. In Romanotl; N, M. (Ed.) M,tim Lopid .3: 233--35 6.pls 13-15. Fajioka ,T., 1975. ButterLM leosf Jkepan .[Text ]1.1, 312pp. 137 pls; [Legen dfsor figures ].142 pp. Tokyo. (In Japanese), Fukuda, H.,Kubo, K.,Kuzuya,T.,Takahashi,A.,Takahashi,M., Tanaka, B,& M. Wakabayashi,1972. Butterfii esi.nsect sL'ijl !in Japan 3: i-xvi ,1-278 ,pls 1-56. 0saka. (I nJapanese). Inomata, T., 1986. Atlas qf 'the Japanese Buttefj7ies .500pp., 86pls. Tokyo. (In Japanese). 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Staudingo,r0.& H. Rebel,1901. Cα’αのg der 五epidopteren  des palaeαrcttSchen  Faunengebtetes. 1   TheiL  FamiL  Papillonidae−Hepialidae. xxxii ,411pp . Berlin. ’ U6mura, Y,,1980, [Notes on  the genus }pthima  HUbner ,1 81 8 of the Oriental region ].  In Makibayashi ,   1.,Shinkawa, T.&M . Kogure (Eds),[Coilecti oonf Papers on Rh 〔)patocerolo gpyresente dto celebrate   lOth A nniversarJ ノ (ゾ Takao  Seminar ]:207・−217. Yokohama .(In Japanose).      ,1984.Alist of the 】「pthima species (Lepidopter,a Satyr{dae)describe dby Matsumura, with   lectotyp edesignation. s Tンδ σ【z 35: 135−137. Tuzov, V. K.,1993.  The synon ン厩 c ム醜 〔ゾ the βμ飽 晦 5 ノ}om 漉θ ex 一σ∬ R.73 pp. Moscow . 摘 要 Ypthima  motschulSkyi (Bremer & Grey)の正体 と韓国産ウラナ ミジャ ノメの亜種記載 (V. V. Dubatolov and  A. L Lvovsky) St−Petersburgのロ シ ア科学アカデ ミー動物学研究室に保管されてい る 3  r媚 motsehulSkyi  Bremer & Grey,1852と Ypthima amphithea  Men6tri}s,1859の模式標本を調べ た結果,それらは同一種であるこ とが分かっ た.両タクサ の後模式標本とそれ らの ♂ 交尾器 を図示 した.チョ ウセ ン ウラ ナ ミジャ ノ メの学名は Ypthima  motschulSkyi (Bremer & Gray)となるが,中国北部お よび韓国の もの を原名亜種, 沿海州の もの を亜Pt amphithea  MEnetries とした .沿海州の亜種は原名亜種よ りも小型,後翅裏面は 全体に暗 く,波状模様もあまり明瞭でない .Y. motschulSkyi がチョ ウセ ン ウラナ ミジャ ノメの有効名 となる関係で,ウラナ ミジャ ノ メの有効名に は台湾か ら記載された LmultiStriat aButle,r1883が昇格 する.原名亜種は台湾及び中国東部に産し,日本本土亜種は η励 oη’oα Murayama ,1969,対馬亜種は tsushimana  Murayama ,1969となる.韓国産は tStLshimanaよりも裏面の波状紋の発達が弱い点で 区別 され るが ,Y. obscura  Elwes & Edwards ,1893, Y. elongatum  Matsumura ,1929はい ずれも motscutSkyi の シノニ ム で,韓国産 multtStriat α の亜種名として適格な ものが ない ため,新亜Pt korean assp. n.を記 載 した. [文責:吉本 浩] (Aocepted May  23,1997) Published by the Lepidopterological Societ yof Japan, c/oOgata  Building,2−17, Imabashi 3−chome , Chuo−ku, Osaka,541 Japan 一 NNI工I工-EElleoetcrotniroonic  LLiibrbarryary  Service

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