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DOMAIN-VALUED MAXITIVE MAPS AND THEIR REPRESENTATIONS 0 PAULPONCET 1 0 2 ABSTRACT. The recent extensions of domain theory have proved par- n ticularly efficient to study lattice-valued maxitive measures, when the a targetlatticeiscontinuous. Maxitivemeasuresaredefinedanalogously J to classical measures with the supremum operation in place of the ad- 3 dition. Building furtheron thelinksbetween domain theory and idem- potentanalysishighlightedbyLawson(2004),weintroducetheconcept ] N ofdomain-valuedmaxitivemaps,whichwedefineasa“point-free”ver- G sion of maxitive measures. In addition to investigating representations ofmaxitivemaps,weaddresssomeextensionproblems. Ouranalysisis . h carriedoutinthegeneralZframeworkofdomaintheory. t a m [ 1. INTRODUCTION 1 v Maxitive measures, defined analogously to classical (additive) measures 8 5 with thesupremum operation in placeof the addition, havebeen firstintro- 1 ducedbyShilkret[61],andrediscoveredandexploredbydifferentcommu- 0 nities,inparticularbymathematiciansinvolvedincapacitiesandlargedevi- . 1 ations(e.g.Norberg[50],O’BrienandVervaat[52],Gerritse[25],Puhalskii 0 0 [57]), idempotent analysis and max-plus algebra (e.g. Maslov [45], Bel- 1 lalouna [10], Akian et al. [3], Del Moral and Doisy [17], Akian [2]), fuzzy : v sets (e.g. Zadeh [68], Sugeno and Murofushi [62], Pap [53], de Cooman i X [15], Nguyen et al. [48], Poncet [54]), or optimisation (e.g. Barron et al. r [9], Acerbi et al. [1]), thus many examples of such measures can be found a in the literature. For instance, if E is a metric space, the Hausdorff dimen- sion and the Kuratowski measure of non-compacity are maxitive measures on the power set of E. See Falconer [23], Pap [53], Nguyen et al. [48] for furtherexamples. Manyothertermsexisttoexpressthesame(orasimilar)concept,some- times more popular, yet the term “maxitive”, coined by Shilkret, still has ourpreferencebecauseofitsanteriority. Date:January3,2010. 2000 Mathematics Subject Classification. 06A12, 06A15, 06A75, 06F99, 18A99, 28B15,28C15,03E72. Keywordsandphrases. domains,continuouslattices,Z-theory,max-plusalgebra,trop- icalalgebra,idempotentanalysis,maxitivemeasures,Maslovmeasures,capacities. 1 Deep connections exist between idempotent analysis and order theory or lattice theory, since maxitive measures with values in ordered semirings have been considered early [45]. Similar connections have been developed between fuzzy set theory and order theory, when [0,1]-valued possibility measures have been replaced by lattice-valued possibility measures (see Greco [29], Liu and Zhang [38], de Cooman et al. [16], Kramosil [35]). Morerecently,itappearedthatthebranchofordertheorydealingwithcon- tinuouslatticesplayedacrucialroleforthestudyoflattice-valuedmaxitive measures. This discovery may be granted to Heckmann and Huth [31, 32], interested in fuzzy set theory, category theory and continuous lattices, and to Akian [2], favouring applications to idempotent analysis and large devi- ations. Connections between idempotent mathematics and continuous lat- tices(ordomaintheory)alsoariseintheworkofAkianandSinger[4],and aresurveyedbyLawson[36]. This paper is a contribution to the strengthening of these links. Its goal istodevelopthetheoryofposet-valuedmaxitivemeasureswiththetoolsof domain theory. We undertake our analysis in the general Z framework of domaintheory(seeBandeltandErné[6]). Section 2 gives basic definitions and concepts linked with domains and continuous posets, in the less known general framework of Z-theory. Sec- tion 3 introduces the notion of maxitive maps and gives characterizations, while Section 4 focuses on extension theorems. Our maxitive maps take valuesinapartiallyorderedsetwhichmaynotbeacompletelattice. When continuity assumptions on this poset are required, we use the tools of Z- theory introduced in Section 2. Section 5 is dedicated to residuated maps andcompletelymaxitivemaps,thedefinitionsofwhichlookverycloseand often coincide. In Section 6 we look at the structure of the set of maxitive maps. 2. A PRIMER ON Z-THEORY FOR CONTINUOUS POSETS AND DOMAINS A poset or partially ordered set (P,6) is a set P equipped with a re- flexive, antisymmetric and transitive relation 6. Let us denote by Po the category of all posets with order-preserving maps as morphisms. A subset selection is a function which assigns to each poset P a certain collection Z[P] of subsets of P called the Z-sets of P. A subset system is a subset selectionZsuchthat i) atleastoneZ[P]hasanonemptymember, ii) for each order-preserving map f : P → Q, f(Z) ∈ Z[Q] for every Z ∈ Z[P], the point ii) meaning that Z is a covariant functor from Po to Set (the cate- gory of sets) with Z[f] defined by Z[f](Z) = f(Z) if Z ∈ Z[P], for every 2 order-preservingmapf : P → Q. ThisdefinitionwasfirstgivenbyWright et al. [66]. The suggestion of [66] to apply subset systems to the theory of continuous posets is followed by Nelson [47], Novak [51], Bandelt [5], Bandelt and Erné [6], [7], and this research is carried on by Venugopalan [64], [65], Xu [67], Baranga [8], Menon [46], Shi and Wang [60], Erné [19], [22] among others. Conditions i) and ii) together ensure that each Z[P]containsallsingletons. The basic example of subset system is the set of directed subsets of P. This subset system is behind the classical theory of continuous posets and domains, see the monograph by Gierz et al. [28]. Here are some further examples: (1) WithZ[P]thesetoffilteredsubsetsofP,onegetsthesubsetsystem dual to the previous one. It is used for instance by Gerritse [26], Jonasson[34],AkianandSinger[4]. (2) Z[P] is the set of all singletons of P. With this subset system the way-above relation y ≫ x (defined below) reduces to the partial ordery > x. (3) Taking Z[P] to be the set of all subsets of P works well for inves- tigating completely distributive lattices, see Erné [20]. Completely distributive latticeswerefirstexaminedbyRaney[58],[59]. (4) Z[P] is the set of chains of P. A series of papers are about that case, see Markowsky and Rosen [43], and Markowsky [40], [41], [42]. With the Hausdorff maximality theorem, relations between directed-completeposetsandchain-completeposetsandthederived notions of continuity are very strong and are explored by Iwamura [33],Bruns[11],andMarkowsky[39]. (5) The case when Z[P] is the set of finite subsets of P is investigated by Martinez [44], and is linked with the abstract convexity theory developed in van de Vel’s monograph [63]. See also Frink [24] and Erné[18]. Rather than Z, we shall often deal with the subset selection F (or ↑Z), defined by F[P] = {↑Z : Z ∈ Z[P]}, where ↑Z is the upper subset generatedbyZ,i.e.↑Z := {y ∈ P : ∃x ∈ Z,x 6 y}. TheelementsofF[P] are the F-sets, or the (Z-)filters, of P. F is not a subset system in general, butitsatisfiesthefollowingconditions: i) atleastoneF[P]hasanonemptymember, ii′) for each order-preserving map f : P → Q, ↑f(F) ∈ F[Q] for every F ∈ F[P]. AsubsetselectionFderivedfromasubsetsystemZasabovewillbecalled afilterselection. Notethat,likeZ,Fisfunctorial,i.e.F[g◦f] = F[g]◦F[f] 3 for all order-preserving maps f : P → Q and g : Q → R, if one naturally definesF[f](F) =↑f(F)forallF ∈ F[P]. The first three examples of subset systems given above lead to the fol- lowingfilterselections,respectively: (1) F[P]isthesetoffilters(inthesenseof[28])ofP, (2) F[P]isthesetofprincipalfiltersofP, (3) F[P]isthesetofuppersetsofP. We now introduce the way-above relation, which in our context is more relevantthantheusualway-belowrelation. Thus,ournotionsofcontinuous posets and domains are dual to the traditional definitions. The way-above relationhasalreadybeenusedtostudylattice-valueduppersemicontinuous functions, see for instance [26] and [34]. We say that y ∈ P is way-above x ∈ P, written y ≫ x, if, for every F-set F which has an infimum, x > F implies y ∈ F. We use the notations ↓↓x = {y ∈ P : x ≫ y}, ↑↑x = {y ∈ P : y ≫ x}, and for A ⊂ P, ↓↓A = {y ∈ P : ∃x ∈ A,x ≫ y}, V ↑↑A = {y ∈ P : ∃x ∈ A,y ≫ x}. The poset P is continuous if every element is the F infimum of elements way-above it, i.e. ↑↑x ∈ F[P] and x = ↑↑x for all x ∈ P. P is a domain if it is a continuous poset such that everyF-sethasaninfimuminP. Forourthreeexamplesofsubsetsystems, V thenotionofcontinuousposetstranslatesasfollows: (1) P iscontinuousifandonlyifitP is(dually)continuousintheusual sense, (2) everyposetiscontinuous, (3) P iscontinuousifandonlyifitiscompletelydistributive(ousuper- continuous). A poset P has the interpolation property if, for all x,y ∈ P, if y ≫ x, there exists some z ∈ P such that y ≫ z ≫ x. For continuous posets in the classical sense, it is well known that the interpolation property holds, see e.g. [28, Theorem I-1.9]. This is a crucial feature that is behind many important results of the theory. For an arbitrary choice of Z, however, this needs no longer to be true (see the counterexample below). Deriving suf- ficient conditions on Z to recover the interpolation property is the goal of the following theorem. The subset selection F is union-complete if, for ev- ery V ∈ F[F[P]] (where F[P] is considered as a poset ordered by reverse inclusion ⊃), V ∈ F[P]. As explained in [19], this condition embodies thefactthatfiniteunionsoffinitesetsarefinite,⊃-filteredunionsoffiltered S setsarefiltered,etc. Thefollowingtheoremrestatesaresultdueto[51]and [6]initsdualform. Wegivetheproof hereforthesakeofcompleteness. Theorem 2.1. If F is a union-complete filter selection, then every continu- ousposethastheinterpolation property. 4 Remark 2.2. In the context of Z-theory, many authors (see [51], [6], [64]) callstronglycontinuous acontinuousposetwiththeinterpolation property. Proof. Let P be a continuous poset, and let x ∈ P. We need to show that F ⊂ ↑↑F, where F denotes the F-set F = ↑↑x. For this purpose we first prove that ↑↑F is an F-set. Write ↑↑F = ↑↑y = V, where V is the y∈F collection of subsets contained in some ↑↑y, y ∈ F. Considering the order- S S preserving map f : P ∋ y 7→ ↑↑y ∈ F[P] (recall that F[P] is ordered by reverse inclusion) and using Property ii′) above, we have V =↑f(F) ∈ F[F[P]]. Since F is union-complete, one has ↑↑F = V ∈ F[P]. Since P is continuous, S x = ↑↑x = F = y = ( ↑↑y) = ( ↑↑y) = ↑↑F. y∈F y∈F y∈F ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ [ ^ The definition of the way-above relation and the fact that ↑↑F ∈ F[P] give y ∈ ↑↑F = ↑↑(↑↑x), for all y ∈ ↑↑x. Eventually we have shown that P has the interpolation property. (cid:3) Alltheexamplesofsubsetssystemsmentionedaboveareunion-complete. It remains an open problem to exhibit a continuous poset with respect to somesubsetsystemwhichdoesnotsatisfytheinterpolation property. Weshouldstressthefactthatthemachineryofcategorytheoryisjustified as long as relations between posets are examined. If a single poset P is at stake,havingjustacollectionofsubsetsofP atdisposalcouldbesufficient, asintheworks[5],[7],[67](wheretheletterMisusedforthecollectionof selected subsets). In the present work, however, we hope that the relevance ofusingfunctorial (filter)selectionswillbemadeclear. ThefunctorsZandF,whicharedefinedonthecategoryPo,couldequally be defined on Qo –the category of quasiordered sets with order-preserving maps– or on some subcategory K of Qo. Recently some attention has been given to the subset selection defined on the category Lat of lattices and se- lecting prime (or semiprime) ideals, in order to handle aspects of complete lattices concerning prime and pseudo-prime elements. This led to Zhao’s concept of semicontinuous lattices, see [69]. Zhao notices that this theory can not be reduced to the theory of Z-continuous posets, since the choosen subset selection appears not to be a subset system, an apparent drawback being that the derived way-below relation is not included in the partial or- der of the lattice. Following Zhao’s work, Powers and Riedel [56] propose to give up the traditional use of subset systems, and introduce the notion of Z-semicontinuous lattices, with Z a subset selection. Actually, it seems that the categorical aspects could be maintained in this case, if one no- tices that the selection of prime (or semiprime) ideals of a lattice leads to 5 a contravariant functor Z : Lat → Set, where for every lattice-morphism f : L → L′ one defines Z[f] : Z[L′] → Z[L] by Z[f](P′) = f−1(P′) for everyprimeidealP′ ofL′. 3. MAXITIVE MAPS In this section we rely on the concept of maxitive measures to define maxitive maps. Such a “point-free” approach may be compared with the works of de Cooman et al. [16] and Comman [14]. These maxitive maps takevaluesinaposet(apartiallyorderedset),whichmaynotbeacomplete lattice. When continuity assumptions on this poset are required, we use the toolsofZ-theoryintroduced inSection2. In this section, F is a union-complete filter selection, and E/E and L/L are order extensions. An order extension Q/P is a pair (P,Q) such that Q is a complete lattice, P ⊂ Q is equipped with the induced order, and if A ⊂ P has a supremum (resp. an infimum) in P, then it coincides with its supremum(resp.itsinfimum)inQ. Definition 3.1. An L-valued maxitive map on E is a map v : E → L such that (1) v g = v(g ), j j ! j∈J j∈J _ _ for all nonempty finite families (g ) of elements of E whose supremum j j∈J liesinE. IfE isajoin-semilattice, amapismaxitiveifandonlyif (2) v(g ∨g′) = v(g)∨v(g′), for all g,g′ ∈ E with g ∨g′ ∈ E, but this equivalence no longer holds for general E, as the following counterexample shows. Let E be the seven- elementposet{a,b,c,α,β,γ,z}, where a,b 6 α, b,c 6 β, c,a 6 γ, a,b,c 6 z, and no other relation holds. Now take L = {0,1} and v(z) = 1, v(g) = 0 if g ∈ E \ {z}. Then v satisfies (2) but is not a maxitive measure since 1 = v(z) = v(a∨b∨c) 6= v(a)∨v(b)∨v(c) = 0. In the particular case where L is the positive cone of a lattice-ordered group R (i.e. L = {t ∈ R : t > 0}) and E is a join-semilattice, the im- portant property that arises should be enhanced. Whenever v : E → R and g,g ,...,g ∈ E,weclassicallydefine(seeChoquet[12])∆ ...∆ v(g) 1 n g1 gn byiteratingtheformula∆ v(g) = v(g∨g )−v(g). Thenv isalternating g1 1 ofinfiniteorder (orjustalternating) if (−1)n+1∆ ...∆ v(g) > 0, g1 gn 6 for all n ∈ N∗, g,g ,...,g ∈ E. Harding et al. [30, Theorem 6.2] enun- 1 n ciatethateveryR -valuedmaxitivemeasureisalternatingofinfiniteorder. + Nguyen et al. [49, Theorem 1] give the same statement based on a combi- natorialproof. ThisisactuallytrueforeveryL-valuedmaxitivemap,asthe following proposition states. Proposition 3.2. Assume that E is a join-semilattice and L is the positive cone of a lattice-ordered group. Every L-valued maxitive map on E is alternating. Proof. Let v be an L-valued maxitive map on E. Let g ,...,g ∈ E, and 1 n define v (g) = −v(g), v (g) = (−1)n+1∆ ...∆ v(g). By induction on 0 n gn g1 n ∈ N∗theproperty“v (g∨g′) = v (g)∧v (g′)andv (g) = 0∨(v (g)− n n n n n−1 v (g )) > 0,forallg,g′ ∈ E”canbeshownwithoutdifficulty. (cid:3) n−1 n In a poset P, a lower set is a subset A ⊂ P such that A =↓A, where ↓A := {y ∈ P : ∃x ∈ A,y 6 x}. Inthispaper,anidealofaposetP should beunderstoodastheemptysetoralowersetI suchthat Φ ∈ I,forevery nonempty finite subset Φ of I whose supremum exists in P. Such an ideal W is not necessarily directed, so this differs from the standard definition (see forinstanceGierzetal.[27]). The next proposition, which is inspired by Nguyen et al. [49], provides a generic way of constructing a maxitive map from a nondecreasing family ofideals. Proposition3.3. Let(I ) besomefamilyofidealsofE suchthat,forall t t∈L g ∈ E,{t ∈ L : g ∈ I }isanF-setwithinfimum. Definev : E → Lby t (3) v(g) = {t ∈ L : g ∈ I }. t If (I ) is right-continuous, in^the sense that I = I for all t ∈ L, t t∈L t s≫t s thenv ismaxitive. T Remark 3.4. Assuming that {t ∈ L : g ∈ I } is an F-set for all g ∈ E t makesthefamily(I ) necessarilynondecreasing. t t∈L Proof. Let v be given by Equation (3). Obviously, v is order-preserving, so it remains to show that, for all finite family {g } of elements of E j j∈J such that g ∈ E, and for every upper bound m ∈ L of {v(g )} , j∈J j j j∈J we get m > v( g ). Let s ≫ m. One has g ∈ I for all j ∈ J, W j∈J j j s thus g ∈ I . This implies g ∈ I = I . Eventually j∈J j Ws j∈J j s≫m s m m > r ∈ L : g ∈ I = v( g ),sov ismaxitive. (cid:3) W j∈J j r W j∈J j T n o WhVen the rangWe L of the maxitiveWmap is continuous, one can remove the assumption of right-continuity of the family of ideals. This leads to the conversestatementasfollows. 7 Proposition3.5. AssumethatLisacontinuousposet. Amapv : E → Lis maxitive if and only if there is some family (I ) of ideals of E such that, t t∈L forallg ∈ E,{t ∈ L : g ∈ I }isanF-setwithinfimumand t v(g) = {t ∈ L : g ∈ I }. t In this case, (I ) is right-contin^uous if and only if I = {g ∈ E : t > v(g)} t t forallt ∈ L. Proof. If v is maxitive, simply take I = {g ∈ E : t > v(g)}, t ∈ L, t which is right-continuous since L is continuous. Conversely, assume that Equation (3) is satisfied. Let J = I . (J ) is a nondecreasing t s≫t s t t∈L family of ideals of E such that J ⊃ I for all t ∈ L. Moreover, (J ) is t t t t∈L T right-continuous thanks to the interpolation property, and by continuity of Lonehasv(g) = {t ∈ L : g ∈ J }. UsingProposition3.3,v ismaxitive. t Assume that (I ) is right-continuous. The inclusion I ⊂ {g ∈ E : t > t t V v(g)} is clear. If t > v(g), we want to show that g ∈ I , i.e. g ∈ I for t s all s ≫ t. So let s ≫ t > v(g). Equation (3) implies that g ∈ I , and the s inclusionI ⊃ {g ∈ E : t > v(g)}isproved. (cid:3) t 4. EXTENSIONS OF MAXITIVE MAPS From Proposition 3.5 we can deduce the following corollary, which is useful to extend a maxitive map to the entire complete lattice E. This improves Heckmann and Huth [32, Proposition 12] and Akian [2, Propo- sition 3.1], the latter being derived from Maslov [45, Theorem VIII-4.1], but it must be pointed out that all these works only deal with set functions. Henceforth,Fisagainaunion-completefilterselection,andE/E andL/L are order extensions. The set E∗ denotes the collection of all a ∈ E such that↑a∩E = {g ∈ E : g > a}isanonemptyF-setinE. Thisensuresthat the set ↑{v(g) : g ∈ E,g > a} is a nonempty F-set (in L) itself. Note that E∗ ⊃ E,sinceF[E]containsallprincipalfilters. Corollary 4.1. Assume that E is a join-semilattice and L is a domain. Let v beanL-valuedmaxitivemaponE. Themapv∗ : E∗ → Ldefinedby v∗(a) = v(g) g∈↑a∩E ^ ismaxitive,thisisthemaximalmaxitivemapextendingv toE∗. Proof. Ifv isdefinedbyEquation(3),letI∗ = {a ∈ E∗ :↑a∩I 6= ∅} =↓I . t t t Then (I∗) is a nondecreasing family of ideals of E∗. For all a ∈ E∗, t t∈L {t ∈ L : a ∈ I∗} = {t ∈ L : g ∈ I } is an F-set in L, since t g∈↑a∩E t F is union-complete. Then the fact that v∗(a) = {t ∈ L : a ∈ I∗} and S t Proposition3.5showthatv∗ ismaxitive. (cid:3) V 8 ThiscorollaryalsogeneralisesaresultduetoKramosil[35,Theorem15.2], who supposes that L is a complete chain (hence necessarily a continuous completesemilattice). The following proposition is adapted from Kramosil [35, Theorem 15.1] (the proof is very similar, so is not given here). E denotes the collection ∗ {a ∈ E : ∀g ∈ E,g ∧ a ∈ E}. If E is distributive and E is a join- semilattice, then E is a join-semilattice. If E is a meet-semilattice, then ∗ E ⊂ E andE isameet-semilattice. ∗ ∗ Proposition 4.2. Assume that E is distributive and L is directed-complete. Letv beanL-valuedmaxitivemaponE. Themapv : E → Ldefinedby ∗ ∗ v (a) = v(g) ∗ g∈↓a∩E _ ismaxitive,andthisistheminimalextensionofv toE . ∗ 5. COMPLETELY MAXITIVE MAPS AND RESIDUATED MAPS Inthissection,wecomparethenotionsofresiduatedmapandcompletely maxitive map. Completely maxitive maps enlarge the usual notion of com- pletely maxitive measure or possibility measure. Residuated maps are re- lated to adjoint pairs and Galois connections, see Erné [21]. First we need some definitions related to the order extension E/E. An ideal of E/E is an ideal of E. A principal ideal of E/E is an ideal of E such that there is somea ∈ E withI =↓a∩E. Let v : E → L. v is completely maxitive (or is a sup-map) if v(g) = v(g ), for every family (g ) of elements of E whose supremum g j∈J j j j∈J lies in E. In particular, every completely maxitive map is maxitive. v is W residuatedonE/E ifI := {g ∈ E : t > v(g)}isaprincipalidealofE/E, t forallt ∈ L. Inthefollowing lineswegivetwocharacterizationsofresiduatedmaps. Proposition 5.1. Let v : E → L. Then v is residuated on E/E if and only ifthereissomemapw : L → E suchthat v(g) 6 t ⇔ g 6 w(t), forallg ∈ E,t ∈ L. Proof. Toprovethe‘only if’part,takew(t) := I . (cid:3) t Proposition 5.2. Let (I ) be some family oWf principal ideals of E/E t t∈L such that, for all g ∈ E, {t ∈ L : g ∈ I } is an F-set with infimum. Define t v : E → Lby v(g) = {t ∈ L : g ∈ I }. t 9 ^ Writing I =↓a ∩ E, (I ) is right-continuous if and only if (a ) is t t t t∈L t t∈L right-continuous (or Scott-continuous), in the sense that a = a for t s≫t s allt ∈ L,andinthatcasev isresiduatedonE/E. V AmodificationofProposition3.5wouldobviouslyleadtoasimilarchar- acterizationofresiduatedmaps. Proof. Similartotheproof ofProposition 3.3. (cid:3) Now we are able to draw a link between the notions of residuated map andcompletelymaxitivemap. WeshallsaythatalatticeP ismeet-continuous if x∧ I = ↓x∩I, forallidealsI withsuprema,a_ndfora_llx ∈ P. Theorem 5.3. Let v : E → L. If v is residuated on E/E then v is com- pletely maxitive. Moreover, if E is meet-continuous or E is complete, the converseholds. Proof. Assume that v is residuated on E/E. Let (g ) be a family of j j∈J elements of E such that g := g ∈ E. Since v is residuated, the set j∈J j I := {h ∈ E : v(g) > v(h)} is a principal ideal of E/E. Hence there is W somea ∈ E suchthatI =↓a∩E. Sinceg ∈ I,g 6 aforallj ∈ J,which j j implies g ∈ I. Hence v(g) 6 v(g ). This shows that v is completely j∈J j maxitive. W Now assume that v is completely maxitive. Let t ∈ L and I = {g ∈ E : t > v(g)}. Clearly I is an ideal. Let us show that I is principal on E/E. Leta = I ∈ E. Ifg ∈ I theng ∈↓a∩E. Converselyletg ∈↓a∩E. Then, if E is meet-continuous, g = g ∧a = g ∧ I = ↓g ∩I ∈ E, and using W the fact that v is completely maxitive we get v(g) = v(h) 6 t, i.e. h∈↓g∩I W W g ∈ I. If E is complete, then a ∈ E, and thanks to the complete maxitivity W ofv wegeta ∈ I,henceg ∈ I. (cid:3) 6. STRUCTURE OF THE SET OF MAXITIVE MAPS Let F be a union-complete filter selection. Basically, one could say that thestructureofthesetM ofmaxitivemapsv : E → Lfollowsthestructure of their common range L. We say that a poset P is complete if every F-set of P has an infimum in P. Recall that a domain is a poset which is both completeandcontinuous. Lemma6.1. AssumethatLisadomain. ThenM isacompleteposet,and theinfimumofanF-familyinM coincideswiththepointwiseinfimum. 10

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