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What is the Name of this Book? - Smullyan PDF

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Preview What is the Name of this Book? - Smullyan

of Dracula Smullyan “Raymond | het | “WHAT IS THE NAME OF THIS BOOK? by Raymond M. Smullyan...is the most original, most profound, and most humorous collection of recreational logie and math problems ever written. Tt eoniains more than 200 brand new puzzles, all concocted by the ingenions author, interspersed with mathematical jokes, lively ancedotes, and mind-bending paradoxes, and culminating in a remarkable series of story problems thut lead the reader into the very heart of Kurt Gidet's revolutionary work on undeeidability.” ‘Martin Gardner, Scientific Arsericon puss “Tnow introitiee Professor Sraulivan who well preve to you that either he doesn't exis or yon, don's exis, but 0% wom" Tene whieh” ~-Logivium Meo Fitting ‘Which is hetier, eternal happiness om = ham sanchrich? It would appear that sternal happiness is hetter, bt this fx relly net sof After all, nathiny is better than etermal happiness, upd a ham sandwich ik certsinly heller thon net ing. Therefore a bam sandwich is bolter then eternal happiness. A train leaves frou Buston to New ‘York, An hour later a train leaves from, New York to Hotton, The two traincare olin at evaelly the same speed. Which train will be nearer to Heston when they meet? Aman was looking ata portrait. When ‘asked whore portrait, he ceplied: “Brothers and sisters have I none, but this man’s futher & my father's son.” ‘Whur picture wns he baicing al? If problems such as ese intrirue you, ‘hen flex vour rate. with this eneriai Ing merageric of over 200 mind-bending logieal puzzlers, rarudoxes, and diver sions! Presented ina lively eonversutional stvle with ancedotes and whimsical Dius- ‘Walions interspersed threusou, this fas inating group of riddles ehallenzes your rewonity powers an] common sense. Businning with fon-filled monkey tricks upd classi brain teasers with Aevlish nu Lwists, Raymon Srmullyan— Iiighly respectud Professor of Matberati- eal Luge and profesional mugieiun— (rote on ik Pa fotos fom fone aides you through a lygeal labyrinth to ‘uo comple, challensine probiotns that eve ino same ofthe deepest paratnyas of Ingic and ret. theory, including Godel's rovolotionury theorem nf undeeidabilit A buxt of engaging cluruelers rangisst from Wonderland ice, tho Jubber wooly. Twodledee und Tsrcedleduan, 10 Inspeator Craig of Sootland Yard, Tract Ia, werewolves, and evon combier—pre- sent the prnblema in a ively, eaptinating raanner. Detailed solotians to thew por ler are given at the end of wash chapter for, for the most challer gine problems. Lhe explanations Gilley: inmedistely ‘A bighiy entervaining, but por tant eonteibutien to. medern_lopteal thought, WHAT IS THI NAME OF THIS ROK? ix guaranteed ta delight intrigue, ard sometimes perplex ili duals who just ai Jove toatroleh Their minds! orn in New York City, Raymond Stoullyan reewived his MS. al the University of Chieays and his PRD. al Prinecton Uaivorsity, He has taught at Daroweuth, Princeton, and is currendly en ‘he facut of Lehman Cellege, New York, LY. In aetdition to being, Professcr of Mathematival Logi, he hss performer: a professional waiician. Tho anthor of Ina af hig mn inelvding, THE TAO TS SILENT, he has alsa enntribted. tn ceolletiee works on touthemtabie an contributor to Seientifie: Ameria xed other ratarines, Jacket Ves Uy Hal Big ‘Pato te Biche Span PRENTICE-HALL, “Boglewoul Chis, BS Also bs Rayricad M Sradiyure HRORY OF FORMAL SYSTANE lst onsen Loate ‘WHE-TAG 18 SILEX Raymond MM, Smullyam Wipah the waneg Tai oo The Piaf aan spe Late S's Heme Sn i ern Ne or bck Yo seve naar by ae sme et rerio rn eneate 2 Re Det verte el a alieaoe Fae Dedicated to Linda Wetzel and Joseph Becando, whose vise counsels have been invaluable, Part Onee LOGICAL RECRFATIONS 1. Fooled? 2, Puzzles and Moukey Tricks Solutions 8. Knights and Knaves Salotiune 4, Alice in the Fovest af Forgetfulness Soletions Part Two « PORTIA'S CASKETS AND OTHER MYSTERIES 5. The Mystery of Portia's Caskets Satesinen 8, From the Filos of Inspector Craig Sohtioes 7. How to Avoid Worewolves—And Other Practical Bits of Advice Soletions 8 Loyic Puzzles Solutio 9, Belliniex Cellini? Sofuions art Three ¢ WEIRD TALES 10. ‘The Island of Baal 11, The Island of Zombies 12, Ts Dracula Stil ative? Solutions Contents a x ey 110 4s wa 15 12 149 153 158 169

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