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What Is Marxism-Leninism? PDF

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ABC of Sociaaln d PoliticKanlo wledge VladimiBru zuev VladimiGro rodnov PROGRESSP UBLISHERS MOSCOW Transltaedf rom the Russianb y SergeCih ulaki EditoriBaola rdo ft heS eriesF:. M . Volkov( Chief Editor), Ye.F . Gubsky (DeputyC hiefE ditor)F,. M . Burlatsk,y V. V. KrapivinY,u . N. Popov,V . V. Soboelv,F . N. Yur­ lov,V . D. Zotov B.E ysyesB,. I' opo4HOB qTo TAKOE MAPK CH3M-AEHHHH3M? Ha artzJtUiicKRo3'Mb iKe Hs,l.l,aTeAbCTB«oIl porpecc»1, 987 Englisthr anlsatio©n Progress Publishe·r1s9 87 Printedi n theU nionef SovieSto dalisRte publics 0104000-0-103087 _ B 87 014(01)-87 CO NTENTS To theR eader 5 Introducti.o n 9 ChapteOrn e.T HE EMERGE NCE OF MARXISM, AND STAGES IN ITS DEVELOPMENT 1 1 UtopianS ocialism· 12 The Founderso fM arxism 17 Leninis-ma New Phasei nt he Developmenotf Marxism 40 ChapteTrw o.P HILOSOPHICAL PRINCIPLES OF MARXISM-LENINISM 53 I.D IALECTICAL MATERIALISM 56 Matter, IPtrso pertiaensd ItsF ormso fE xis- tence. 56 MaterialiDsita lectics 66 Theoryo f Knowledge 79 IL HISTORICAL MATERIALISM 83 Mode ofP roductioonf M ateriaWle alth-the PrincipaFla ctori·n the Developmento f Society 83 ClassesC,l assS trugglaen d the St.a te 92 SociaClo nsciousneasnsd Ideolog.y 99 The Roleo ft heP opular Masasneds oft heI n- dividuailn History 103 4 Contents TheS ignfiicancoef M arxits-LeinnisPthi loso- phy 105 Chapter TTHhEr eEeC.O NOMI C FOUNDATI ONS OF MARXISM-LENINISM 107 RealmsP oliitcaElc onomvS tudies I0 7 The EconomicD octrinoef Karl Marx 11O Imperialismt heH ighseta ndF inalS tageo f Capitalism 126 PoliticEaclo nomyo fS ociiaslm 146 ChaptFeoru rT.H E THEORY OF SCIENTIFIC CO M MUNISM 160 Emergecnea ndS ubstanocfeS cietnifiCco m- mumsm 161 The World-HistorMiics sino oft he Working Class 166 Theoryo f SocailisRt evolution 175 GeneraLla ws Governintgh eT ransitioofn DifefrenCto untriteos S ociiaslm,a nd Diffe- rentF ormso fT hisT ransition 183 ChaptFeirv eM.A RXISM -LENINISM TH E POW­ ERFUL FORCE FOR THE REVOLUTIONARY RENOV ATION OF THE WORLD 194 GreatO ctobera nd Real Sociiaslm 196 The WorldS ysteom fS ocailismt heD ecisive Forcoef t heR evolutionTarrayn sformatioofn the\ .Yorld 219 InternatiCoonmamlu nisatn dW orkign-Class Movement 233 NationaLli beratiMoonv ement 253 Marxism-eLniinsm on thPer oblemso fW ar andP eace 275 Glossary 296 To theR eader Thed ayi s fanroot f wfh enm an­ kinwdi leln ttehrtwe e ntyr-scftei n­ turNye.w b roadh orizoofsn osc io­ ecnoomica ndn atiopnraolg ress aroep eniunpbg e ofrteh ep eoples oft he Iwd.o r Ourc entwuirlygl od owni nh is­ torays a perioofdm omentous revoluticohnaan.rgT yeh eG reat OctobeSro cliiasRte voilounti n Russuisah eedri ns ociaolnio surm planeTth.eS ovieUtn ionn ow builadd se vepleods coialsioscti ety inw hicthh ew okrinmga ni st o becomfeor,t hfie rstti mien his­ toryt,h et ruem asteorf his counttrhye,b uildoefhr i sl ei.f Toda,ym anyo thecro untarnide s peoplaerseb uildai nnge wj ust. sociseitdbyey s idweih tt hUeS SR. 6 What: IsM arxism-Leninism? The ignoblceo lonisayls teomf i mperialhiassm falleanp artw,i tht hep eopleosfA siaA,fr icaa nd LatiAnm ericeam barkinugp ont hep atho fi nde­ pendents ocio-econoamnidc p oliticdaelv elop­ ment.T he internatiwoonrakli ncgl ashsa sm ade considerahbelaed wayi n thes trugglaeg ainst monopoly capdiotmailn ation. Allt heseh istorcihca ngehsa vep rovedt he validiotfyt h eg reatessotc io-iptoilcdaolc trionfe ourt ime:M arxism-LeniniIstmsi. n exhaustible strengltihe isn i tsa bilittoyc onstantly develop ande nriciht selEfa.c hn ew generatifoinn disn thidso ctriannes wertsoa lilm portapnrto blemosf contemproaryl ife. Everym an,e vernya tioinst hem akero fi tosw n happinesist,sf ortu,nj eustiacned peacefluilf e. Todayn,o otheprr obleims m orei mporatntt han thato f ensuring rmiagnht'tos a lifei np eacea nd freedom. Thisa ndo thesro cio-econiosmsiucae rse e luci­ datedi n thep resenSte rieAsB C ofS ociaaln d PolitiKcnaolw ledgceu rrentrleyl easbeyd P rog­ ressP ublishers. Itc onsisotfs t wentyb ooksc overinvga rious subjecwthsi chp rovidteh ek eyt ou nderstanding theh istorico-sdoecvieallo pmeonft thew orld. The booksc ovetrh eb asiics sueofst heM arxist- Leninitshte orayn d arew ritteinn a cleaarn d " simple languOangee d.o esn otn eeda nys pecial socio-polibtaicckaglr outnodu nderstatnhdec on- TO THE READIO:R 7 tents oft hesbeo oksb,e causteh eya rew ritteinna wayt hatth er eadehri mselmfa y comet o under­ stands ociailm perativaends theo bjectivlea ws governing wtohrel dr evolutionparroyc estsh,e lifoef n ationasn d, indeoefde ,v eryi ndividual. ReadoenSr o cSicailse nce Thiss erioepse nwsi thA made up ofe xcerpftrso mt hep rincipwaolr kso f KarlM arx,F rederiEcnkg elasn d V. I.L enin. Thisi sfo llowebdy thep opularwlryi ttebno oks WhaIts M arxisnmi-sLmeW?nh,ia Its S ocialism?, WhaItsC apitalWihsamIt?st , hS et atWeh?aI,tst he Par,ry ? What etcT.h e lasitn t hisse riiessa book, Ist hWeo rSlodc iSaylsitsetm ? whicho ffresa n his­ toriacn dt heoretical osftt huedg ye neisso ft he worlds ocialciosmtm unityT.h e books howsa new typeo fr elatiobnest weetnh ep eopleasn d countribeass edo n the principloefs s ocialist internationablriostmh,e rhocoodo,p eratiroens,­ pectf ort hei ndependenscoev,e reiganntdyn on­ interfereinnc et he affairosf one another. Eachb ooki nt hisse riheass gal ossaorfyp oli­ ticala nd socio-econotmeircm inologIyt. i s compileidn s ucha way thatt her eadecro uld easiluyn derstatn4de c ontenotfst heb ooksa nd couldw ithth eirh elps tudys timlolr ei nvolved problemosf o urt ime. The presesnetr iiessa ngleadt a llt hosuen pre­ judicerde aderwsh o are interienss toecdi aplr o­ blemsi,n t hed estinietsh eoiofrw n peoplaen do f mankindi n generaTlh.i sA BC of Sociaaln d 8 What lsM arxism-Liennsim? PolitKincoawll edwgiel l cooumite nm anyl an­ guageFsr.o m1 895,b ookisnt hisse riwersi,t ten byp rominent scShoovlihaeartvs be,e ecno ming ouitn E ngliSspahn,i sFhr,e ncPho,r tuguIetsael,­ ianG,r eekB,e ngaHliin,d iT,a mili, Swahili, AmhariMca,l agaasnyd,o thelra nguages. VictAofra nasiev, Membeorf t heU SSRA cademoyf Sciences ' Itnrodutcino Overt hec enturpieeosp,hl aev e been yeafrnoifrnr ge edjoums,t ice anda happlyi fTeh.ef ineasntd nobloefms etn w,h os awt hseu ffer­ inga ndh umiliaotfti hoenc om­ monf olakn dt hei njustices they werseu bjetcot,e dc noouptlu dut p witthh oer doefrt hintghsag te ner­ ateda llt hesien iquiTthieeys . calluepdo tnh eex ploitedt om asses risaeg aintshtet yranatnsdt he rich. Manyd octrainndme asn ys ocial ideaWlesr ec reataendd,m any wayasn dm eanwse rseu ggefstoerd theriera lisiantt ihoenn a meo f freedaonmdj ustfioctreh ,ec om­ ' monw eaHlo.w evenro,no ef t hem providweodr king peopal e with compatshsaw to ulsdh otwh etmh e 10 What IsM arxism-Leninism? onlyc orretc pattho a sociewthyo seh allmarks wouldb ef relea boru,p eacel,i beyr,e tquailyt and socijauls itce. Takinign t o accotuhnetp revisoe uxperieonfc e earliseorc ietaineds theiidre a,s KarlM arx (1 81-81883)a nd FrederiEcnkg els1 82(0 -1895) evolvead n ew revolutionsacriyei,nf titch eoriyn them iddloef t hen ineteecnetnthu ryT.h eigrr eat causew asc ontindu bey VladimiIrl yicLhe nin ( 81701-924.) Then ames of MarxL eannidgn a ver ise to the new doctrnie,c alleMda rxism-Leninwihsimc h you wilrle ada bouti n thibso ok.

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