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What is ACES? / En quoi consiste CCNE? PDF

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Preview What is ACES? / En quoi consiste CCNE?

How is a ACES considers three sources of information ACES A before making a recommendation to the recommend- Minister. These are: STANDARD FOR ation • supporting documentation provided by the Ministry of the Environment; ENVIRONMENTAL made? PROThCTJON • information and submissions received Wh4t during a consultation program with the public and others; and What is ACES - the Advisory Committee on Environmental Standards - is an • the knowledge and experience of the ACES? independent advisory body responsible for individual members of ACES. Is recommending to the Minister of the A report containing a recommendation and Environment sound, ptactical standards for the tatton;sle for that recommendation is sent environmental contaminants. to the Minister of the Environment for ACES? ACES also advises the Minister on: policies, consideration. principles and procedures to be used in the development standards; research related to The report also contains a summary of public the development of standards; and what input and explains how this input was substances should receive priority for the. considered by ACES. setting uf a standard. At the request of the Minister, ACES reviews documentation prepared by the What After the Minister of the Environment makes Ministry and consults the public before it a decision, the report prepared by ACES is ONTARiO LEG SLATIVE LIBRARY makes a recommendation on ike proposal to happens made public along with the decision of the RECEIVED the Minister. next? Minister. In its annual report, ACES summarizes its Copies of the decision and the report are sent (7 activities and identifies issues related to to all those who participated in ACES' C standard setting that need to be addressed. consultation program and to anyone else who requests them. ACES is an agency of the Ontario Ministry of the Environment. For further information or to be put on our mailing list, contact: ACES Ontario Ministry of the Environment Who is on In developing its recommendation to the 135 St. ClairAvrnue West Minister of the Environment, ACES Toronto, Ontsrio M4V lPS ACES? considers pertinent scientific, legal, economic and socio-cultural issues. Therefore, the Telephone: 1416) 314-9265 membership of ACES is made up of (call collect if outside Toronto) individuals from different parts of Ontario Fax: (416) 314-9270 with a wide range of knowledge and Mark Goldberg, Ph.D. DABT experience in these areas. Chair The members of ACES are appointed by the Beth Savan, Ph.D. Minister for three year terms. Vice Chair A complete membership list is available from ACES. wm U iS tma Pn Copyright Provisions and Restrictions on Copying: This Ontario Ministry of the Environment work is protected by Crown copyright (unless otherwise indicated), which is held by the Queen's Printer for Ontario. It may be reproduced for non-commercial purposes if credit is given and Crown copyright is acknowledged. It may not be reproduced, in all or in part, for any commercial purpose except under a licence from the Queen's Printer for Ontario. For information on reproducing Government of Ontario works, please contact ServiceOntario Publications at rri ir' ETABLIR Comment Le Cornite consultatif cur lea normea LLINC environnemencalea consulte tmis sources avant DES sont elaborees d'elaborer des recommandariona a Is ministre, soic: NORMES POUR les lea documents juacificatifa foumis par Ic ministère de L'Environnemenc; LA PROTECTION recomman- DE L'ENVIRONNEMENT dations? • lea renseignements cc les mCmoirea reçus au En quoi cours du processus de consultation du public cc d'aurres organismes; et En suoi Lene vCiroomnniettm ceonntaaulelsta etiaf r SoUTn loerag annoirsmmees relevant du • les connaLssances er l'expcrrisc des membres du consiste ministére de I'Environnemenr tIe l'Oncario. Cornice. consiste II s'agit dun cornice consultatif indépendant qui a On redige alon un rapport concenant une pour mandac de presenter a Ia miniscre tIe recommandarion sur an projer et Fe bien-londe de l'Environnemenr des recommandarions sur cette recommandacion, rapport qui sera envoyé a Ia l'ecabliaaemenr de normes environnemenralea minLsrrede l'Environnensenc pour fins d'etude. CCNE? rigoureuses, mais realistes. Dc plus, Ic rapport comprend un compte rendu ale Ia consultation do public et explique comment Ic Dc plus le Cornice conaulcatifsur lea normes fruit de Ia consultation a éré incorporé a Ia environnementales coriseille Ia ministre en cc qui recommandac ion du Cornité. conceme lea politiquea, les principes et lea marches a suivre dana l'Claboration de normes ainai que lea recherches qui méneront a I'etablissernent tIe Qu'arrive-t-il La miniarre de l'Environnemenr prend une decision normes cc lea sukcances prioriraires. propos du pm jet. apeS quol It rapport du ComirC A Ia demande de La mthisrre, Ic Comire erudie lea ensuite? consultacifsur lea normes cnvironnemenraies ear rendu documenra prepares par Ic Miniscere er consulce It public, de méme que Ia decision qui a ete prise. public avant de faire des recommandations ila On envoic one copie deli decision et du rapport a roes miniscre sur Ic projet. ceux qui ont parcicipé La consultation ainsi qu'a cous Le rapport annuel du Comite consuiratif sur lea ceux qui en onc talc Ia dernande. norines environnemenrales donne Ic bilan tIe sea Pour obrenir de plus amples renseigncmenrs ou pour acrivicés et met en relief lea questions que soulCve macnrc vocre nom sur Ia lisce de distribution, s'adrcsaer letablissemenc de normes. au: Qui sont les Locsque Ic CosnitC prepare lea recommandarions qu'il Ministèrc de l'Environoemenr de l'Qntario présentera ala minisrre de l'Environnemenr, il nenc 135, avenue St. Clair Quest membres compte des questions perrinences d'ordre scientiuique, Toronto (Ontario) M4V IFS dtCNE? puridique, économique cc socio-culturel. Téléphone: (416) 314-9265 C'esr pounjuoi lea membres du Cornice viennenc de (appclezafraisviresde I'extCrieurde Toronto) routes lea regions de l'Onrario cc représenrenr un grand Cvenrail de connaiasances et d'experclse dana ces TClécopieur: (416) 314-9270 domathet Mark Goldberg, Ph.D. DABT CCNE Lea membres do Comire consultarif sur lea normea Préstdent environnemencales SonS nomcnés par Ia miniarre cc leur mandac eat de trois ans. Beth Savan, Ph.D. Vice-presidenre du CCNE On peuc se procurer Ia Liste complete des membrea au on Envimncnental bureau do ComitC consulcarif sur lea normes Standanla environnementales. Cornice consukatif @Ontaño sur lea normes envimnoementales N

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