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What FIREs Up Star Formation: the Emergence of the Kennicutt-Schmidt Law from Feedback PDF

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Preview What FIREs Up Star Formation: the Emergence of the Kennicutt-Schmidt Law from Feedback

MNRAS000,1–14(2016) Preprint10January2017 CompiledusingMNRASLATEXstylefilev3.0 What FIREs Up Star Formation: the Emergence of the Kennicutt-Schmidt Law from Feedback M. E. Orr1(cid:63), C. C. Hayward2,3,1, P. F. Hopkins1, T. K. Chan4, C.-A. Faucher-Gigu`ere5, R. Feldmann6, D. Kereˇs4, N. Murray7, and E. Quataert6 1TAPIR, Mailcode 350-17, California Institute of Technology, Pasadena, CA 91125, USA 2Center for Computational Astrophysics, Flatiron Institute, 162 Fifth Avenue, New York, NY 10010, USA 3Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics, 60 Garden Street, Cambridge, MA 02138, USA 7 4Department of Physics, Center for Astrophysics and Space Science, University of California at San Diego, 9500 Gilman Drive, 1 La Jolla, CA 92093, USA 0 5Department of Physics and Astronomy and CIERA, Northwestern University, 2145 Sheridan Road, Evanston, IL 60208, USA 2 6Department of Astronomy and Theoretical Astrophysics Center, University of California, Berkeley, CA 94720-3411, USA 7Canadian Institute for Theoretical Astrophysics, 60 St George Street, University of Toronto, ON M5S 3H8, Canada n a J Draftdate:10January2017 7 ] A ABSTRACT We present an analysis of the global and spatially-resolved Kennicutt-Schmidt star G formation relation in the FIRE (Feedback In Realistic Environments) suite of cosmo- h. logical simulations, including halos with z = 0 masses ranging from 1010 – 1013 M(cid:12). p WeshowthattheKennicutt-Schmidt(KS)relationemergesrobustlyduetotheeffects - of feedback on local scales, independent of the particular small-scale star formation o prescriptions employed. This is true for the KS relation measured using all of the gas r t and using only the dense (molecular) gas. We demonstrate that the time-averaged s KS relation is relatively independent of redshift and spatial averaging scale, and that a [ the star formation rate surface density is weakly dependent on metallicity ( Z1/4). Finally, we show that on scales larger than individual giant molecular clo∝uds, the 1 primary condition that determines whether star formation occurs is whether a patch v of the galactic disk is thermally Toomre-unstable (not whether it is self-shielding): 8 onceapatchcannolongerbethermallystabilizedagainstfragmentation,itcollapses, 8 becomes self-shielding, cools, and forms stars. 7 1 Key words: galaxies: star formation – instabilities – opacity – galaxies: evolution – 0 methods: numerical. . 1 0 7 1 1 INTRODUCTION 2010). Understanding what regulates the efficiency of star : v formation and results in the observed Kennicutt-Schmidt Xi Understanding star formation and its effects on galactic relationisthereforekeytounderstandingtheformationand scaleshasbeenintegraltoassemblingthestoryofthegrowth dynamics of galaxies. Some authors (e.g. Thompson et al. r and subsequent evolution of the baryonic components of a 2005; Murray et al. 2010; Murray 2011; Ostriker & Shetty galaxies.Observationally,therateatwhichgasisconverted 2011;Faucher-Gigu`ereetal.2013;Hayward&Hopkins2015; into stars is characterized by the Kennicutt-Schmidt rela- Semenovetal.2016)arguethatstarformationislocally ef- tion, which is a power law correlation between the star for- ficient, in the sense that tens of per cent of the mass of a mation and gas surface densities in galaxies that holds over gravitationallyboundgasclumpwithinaGMCcanbecon- severalordersofmagnitude(Schmidt1959;Kennicutt1998; verted into stars on the local free-fall time, and that local see Kennicutt & Evans 2012 for a recent review). stellar feedback processes – including supernovae, radiation Numerous studies of the Kennicutt-Schmidt relation pressure,photoheatingandstellarwinds–muststabilizegas have shown that star formation is inefficient on galactic discsagainstcatastrophicgravitationalcollapse,therebyre- scales, with only a few per cent of a galaxy’s gas mass be- sulting in the low global star formation efficiencies that are ing converted to stars per galactic free-fall time (Kennicutt observed. However, others claim that star formation is lo- 1998;Kennicuttetal.2007;Daddietal.2010;Genzeletal. cally inefficient, with only of order a few per cent of the massofclumpsbeingconvertedintostarsonafree-falltime (cid:63) E-mail:[email protected] (cid:13)c 2016TheAuthors 2 M. E. Orr et al. independentoftheirdensity(Krumholz&Tan2007;Padoan 2 2 1995). 4 In either scenario, the Kennicutt-Schmidt law is con- 1 1 sidered to be an emergent relation that holds on galactic 0 scales and results from a complex interplay of the phys- 2 0 ical processes that trigger star formation and those that 1 − regulate it. It has also been argued and observed that the c] −1 Kennicutt-Schmidtrelationbreaksdownbelowsomelength- kp 0 2 [ − and time-scales (Onodera et al. 2010; Schruba et al. 2010; y 2 − Feldmann & Gnedin 2011; Calzetti et al. 2012; Kruijssen 3 − & Longmore 2014). Calzetti et al. (2012) found that the 2 3 − 4 − Kennicutt-Schmidt relation breaks down due to incomplete − sleanmgpthlinsgcaolfesstoafr-lfeosrsmtihnagnm∼ole1cuklpacr.cFloeulddms’amnanssetfuanlc.t(i2o0n1o2n) 4 −5 −4 − claim that this breakdown on sub-kpc scales occurs due to 6 5 the stochastic nature of star formation itself. Furthermore, −4 −2 0 2 4logΣHI−+H2logΣ˙−(cid:63) Kruijssen&Longmore(2014)arguethatthevarioustracers x[kpc] ofgascolumndensityandstarformationratesurfacedensity Figure 1. Example of one of our maps, made from a Milky- requireaveragingoversomespatialandtemporalscales;con- Waymasssimulatedgalaxyatz≈0(galaxym12ifromHopkins sequently, when sufficiently small length scales are probed, etal.2014),with100pcpixels.Neutralhydrogensurfacedensity, a tight correlation between the star formation rate surface ΣHI+H2 [M(cid:12) pc−2] and instantaneous gas star formation rate densityandthegascolumndensityshouldnotbeobserved. Σ˙(cid:63) [M(cid:12) yr−1 kpc−2]arecoloredinbluesandreds,respectively. UnderstandingthescaleswheretheKennicutt-Schmidtlaw Spiral arms and increasing density towards the galactic core are holdsthereforeinformsourtheoriesofstarformationaswell. clearly visible, and the instantaneous star formation rate is seen OnthelengthscaleswheretheKennicutt-Schmidtrela- tocloselytracethedensestgasstructures. tiondoeshold,thecanonicalpowerlawofthetotalgasrela- tionisΣ ∝Σ1.4 withΣ beingthestarformationrate SFR gas SFR surface density and Σ being the total gas surface density gas (Kennicutt1998).However,therehasbeenmuchdebatere- gardingthepower-lawindexoftherelationanditsphysical becomessteeperowingtothemetallicitydependenceofthe origin;thepreviousliteraturehasfoundKennicutt-Schmidt gas column needed to self-shield molecular gas. relations ranging from highly sublinear to quadratic (Bigiel Large-volume cosmological simulations often use the etal.2008;Daddietal.2010;Genzeletal.2010;Feldmann Kennicutt-Schmidt law as a sub-grid prescription for star et al. 2011, 2012; Narayanan et al. 2012; Shetty et al. 2013, formation, both because of the prohibitive computational 2014a,b;Becerra&Escala2014).Someofthedisagreement complexity of including all of the physics relevant on the owestotheparticularformulationoftheKennicutt-Schmidt scales of star-forming regions, and their inability to resolve relation considered, such as whether Σ (total atomic even the most-massive giant molecular clouds ∼ 106 M HI+H2 (cid:12) + molecular hydrogen column) or Σ (molecular column (e.g. Mihos & Hernquist 1994; Springel & Hernquist 2003). H2 alone) is employed (e.g. Rownd & Young 1999; Wong & Even idealized disk simulations that have resolution on the Blitz2002;Krumholz&Thompson2007),withtheΣ rela- order of 100 pc, but are unable to resolve a multiphase H2 tiontypicallyhavingslope∼1.Therelationmayinprinciple ISM, employ star formation prescriptions that assume low alsodependonthestarformationtracerused(e.g.Hα,far- starformationefficienciesa priori orimplementKennicutt- infrared,orultraviolet).Furthermore,therearequestionsas Schmidt laws indirectly (Schaye & Dalla Vecchia 2008). It to whether the index depends on spatial resolution – even has been shown that assuming a power-law star formation on scales larger than the length scale below which the re- relation on the resolution scale can imprint a power-law re- lation fails altogether – or if there are multiple tracks to lation of identical slope on the galactic scale (Gnedin et al. the Kennicutt-Schmidt relation, each with different slopes 2014), demonstrating the importance of employing physi- acrossseveraldecadesingassurfacedensity(Ostrikeretal. cally motivated sub-grid star formation prescriptions that 2010; Liu et al. 2011; Ostriker & Shetty 2011; Feldmann produce kpc-scale relations with the ‘correct’ slope if the et al. 2011, 2012; Faucher-Gigu`ere et al. 2013). relevantphysicalprocessescannotbetreateddirectly.With It has also been suggested that the Kennicutt-Schmidt advancesincomputingpower,andtheabilitytoexecutein- relation may evolve with redshift or have a metallicity de- creasinglycomplexsimulationswithmorephysicsathigher pendence (Bouch´e et al. 2007; Papadopoulos & Pelupessy mass resolution, simulations have only recently been able 2010; Gnedin & Kravtsov 2011). These are not entirely in- to predict the Kennicutt-Schmidt relation generically as a dependent quantities, as metallicity generally increases as result of the physics incorporated in the simulations at the galaxies process their gas through generations of stars over scales of molecular clouds (e.g. Hopkins et al. 2011, 2013a, cosmictimescales.Becausethepresenceofmetalsresultsin 2014; Agertz & Kravtsov 2015). Simulations with realistic moreefficientgascooling,andcanthusaidinthetransition feedbackphysicsthatresolveGMCscalesareabsolutelycrit- from diffuse ionized and atomic species to dense molecular icaltounderstandingtheKennicutt-Schmidtrelationdueto gas (Hollenbach & Tielens 1999), Krumholz et al. (2009b) itsemergentnatureandthemultitudeofcompetingphysical havearguedthatthereisametallicity-dependentgassurface effects involved spanning a wide range of scales. density cutoff below which the Kennicutt-Schmidt relation In this paper, we explore the properties and emer- MNRAS000,1–14(2016) Kennicutt-Schmidt on FIRE 3 genceoftheKennicutt-SchmidtrelationintheFIRE1(Feed- • The molecular fraction f is calculated as a function H2 backInRealisticEnvironments)simulations(Hopkinsetal. of the local column density and metallicity using the pre- 2014).Specifically,byproducingmockobservationalmapsof scription of Krumholz & Gnedin (2011), and the molecular thespatially-resolvedKennicutt-Schmidtlaw,weinvestigate gas density is used to calculate the instantaneous SFR (see the form of the relation when considering several different below). tracers of the star formation rate and gas surface densities, • Finally,weidentifyself-gravitatingregionsusingasink and we characterize its dependence on redshift, metallic- particle criterion at the resolution scale, specifically requir- ity, and pixel size. The FIRE simulations are well suited ing α ≡ δv2δr/Gm (< δr) < 1 on the smallest resolved gas for understanding the physical drivers of the Kennicutt- scale around each gas particle (δr being the force softening Schmidt relation as they sample a variety of galactic envi- or smoothing length). ronments and a large dynamic range in physical quantities (chiefly, gas and star formation rate surface densities), and Regionsthatsatisfyalloftheabovecriteriaareassumedto theydirectly(albeitapproximately)incorporatestellarfeed- have an instantaneous star formation rate of ρ˙ =ρ /t , ∗ mol ff backprocessesthatmaybecrucialfortheemergenceofthe i.e. 100 percent efficiency per free-fall time. As a large frac- Kennicutt-Schmidt relation. tion of the dense (n > n ), molecular (f ∼ 1) gas is crit H2 not gravitationally bound (α > 1) at any given time, the global star formation efficiency (cid:15) is less than 100 per cent ((cid:15)<1)despitetheassumedlocal,instantaneous starforma- 2 SIMULATIONS & ANALYSIS METHODS tion efficiency per free-fall time being 100 per cent. We will In the present analysis, we investigate the star formation show below that the Kennicutt-Schmidt relation, with its properties of the FIRE galaxy simulations originally pre- much lower global, time-averaged star formation efficiency sented in Hopkins et al. (2014), Chan et al. (2015), and ((cid:15) (cid:46) 0.1), emerges as a result of stellar feedback prevent- Feldmannetal.(2016),whichusedtheLagrangiangravity+ ing dense gas from quickly becoming self-bound and form- hydrodynamicssolvergizmo(Hopkins2013)initspressure- ing stars and disrupting gravitationally bound star-forming energy smoothed particle hydrodynamics (P-SPH) mode clumps on a timescale less than the local free-fall time. We (Hopkins 2013). All of the simulations employ a standard stressherethattheemergentKennicutt-Schmidtrelationis flat ΛCDM cosmology with h ≈ 0.7, Ω = 1−Ω ≈ 0.27, not a consequence of the star formation prescription em- M Λ and Ω ≈ 0.046. The galaxies in the simulations analyzed ployed in the simulations. b in this paper range in z ≈ 0 halo masses from 9.5×109 In Appendix A we demonstrate this explicitly. We ran to 1.4×1013 M , and minimum baryonic particles masses severaltestsrestartingoneofthestandardFIREsimulations (cid:12) m of 2.6×102 to 3.7×105 M . For all of the simulations, with varying physics and star formation prescriptions. For b (cid:12) the mass resolution is scaled with the total mass such that anyreasonablesetofphysics,onlyvariationinthestrength the characteristic turbulent Jeans mass is resolved. Conse- of the feedback affected the galactic star formation rates, quently, the simulations are able to resolve a multiphase because the simulated galaxies self-regulate their star for- ISM, allowing for meaningful ISM feedback physics. This is mation rates via feedback. A number of independent stud- crucial because the vast majority of star formation occurs ies have also shown that once feedback is treated explic- in the most massive GMCs due to the shape of the GMC itly,thepredictedKennicutt-Schmidtlawbecomesindepen- mass function (Williams & McKee 1997). dent of the resolution-scale star formation criterion (Saitoh Thestellarfeedbackphysicsimplementedinthesesimu- etal.2008;Federrath&Klessen2012;Hopkinsetal.2012b, lationsincludeapproximatetreatmentsofmultiplechannels 2013c,a,b, 2016; Agertz et al. 2013). of stellar feedback: radiation pressure on dust grains, su- To quantify the spatially resolved Kennicutt-Schmidt pernovae(SNe),stellarwinds,andphotoheating;adetailed relationinthesimulations,weanalyzedatafromsnapshots description of the stellar feedback model can be found in spanning redshifts z = 0 − 6. The standard FIRE snap- Hopkinsetal.(2014).Starparticlesinthesimulationseach shots from Hopkins et al. 2014 and the dwarf runs in Chan represent individual stellar populations, with known ages, et al. (2015) are roughly equipartitioned amongst redshift metallicities, and masses. Their spectral energy distribu- bins z ∼3−6, 2.5−1.5, 1.5−0.5, and <0.5, whereas the tions, supernovae rates, stellar wind mechanical luminosi- snapshots of halos from Feldmann et al. (2016) have red- ties, metal yields, etc. are calculated directly as a function shifts evenly spaced between 2 < z < 6 (these were run to of time using the starburst99 (Leitherer et al. 1999) stel- only z ∼ 2). To compare the snapshots with observational lar population synthesis models, assuming a Kroupa (2002) constraintsoftheKennicutt-Schmidtrelation,wemadestar IMF. formation rate and gas surface density maps of each snap- Inthesesimulations,thegalaxy-andkpc-scalestarfor- shot’s central galaxy. We summed the angular momentum mation efficiency is not set by hand. Star formation is re- vectors of the star particles in the main halo of each snap- strictedtodense,molecular,self-gravitatingregionsaccord- shot to determine the galaxy rotation axis and projected ing to several criteria: along this axis to generate face-on galaxy maps. The pro- jected maps were then binned into square pixels of varying • The gas density must be above a critical threshold, size, ranging from 100 pc to 5 kpc on a side. Only parti- ncrit ∼ 50 cm−3 in most runs (and 5 cm−3 in those from cles within 20 kpc above or below the galaxy along the line Feldmann et al. 2016). of sight were included in the maps (this captures all of the star-forminggas,butexcludesdistantgalaxiesprojectedby chancealongthesameline-of-sightinthecosmologicalbox). 1 http://fire.northwestern.edu An example of the resulting maps can be found in Figure MNRAS000,1–14(2016) 4 M. E. Orr et al. 1, which shows maps of the gas surface density and the in- each pixel, including the gas metallicity4 Z, the Keplerian stantaneousstarformationratesurfacedensityinthem12i velocity v , and the dynamical angular velocity Ω, defined c simulationfromHopkinsetal.(2014),atredshiftz≈0with here as 100 pc pixels. v (GM(<R))1/2 Using the star particle ages, we calculated star forma- Ω= c = , (1) R R3/2 tion rates averaged over the previous 10 and 100 Myr, cor- rectingformasslossfromstellarwindsandotherevolution- where R is the galactocentric radius of the pixel and M(< ary effects as predicted by starburst99 (Leitherer et al. R) is the total mass enclosed within that radius (and G 1999). We also considered the instantaneous star formation is the gravitational constant). These quantities allow us to rate of the gas particles (defined above). A time-averaging investigate the dependence of star formation on gas phase interval of 10 Myr was chosen because this approximately metallicity, approximate the optical depth of star-forming corresponds to the timescale traced by recombination lines regions,andrelategalacticdynamicaltimestostar-forming such as Hα, whereas UV and FIR emission traces star for- regions. mation over roughly the past 100 Myr (e.g. Kennicutt & Inouranalysiswetreatpixelsfromallsimulationsand Evans 2012).2 The instantaneous star formation rate of the all times equally, unless otherwise stated. However we wish gas particles covers a larger range of star formation rates to ensure that only well-resolved pixels contribute. Recall- because it is not constrained at the low end directly by the ing that each of our simulations has a fixed baryonic par- mass resolution of our simulations; it is a continuous quan- ticle mass, m , we discard pixels which contain <3 gas b tity intrinsic to the gas particles themselves. This quantity particles; for a pixel size l, this means only gas surface best demonstrates the direct consequences of feedback on densitiesΣ >3×10−3M pc−2(m /1000M )(l/kpc)−2 gas (cid:12) b (cid:12) the gas in situ by locally tracing the star formation rate, will be considered. However, in the example above (m ∼ b whereas the other two SFR tracers are more analogous to 1000M , l ∼kpc), the observed Kennicutt (1998) rela- (cid:12) observables. tion gives a typical star formation surface density Σ ∼ SFR Thegassurfacedensitytracerswerealsochosenonthe 10−7M yr−1kpc−2 at this minimum Σ , so in∼10Myr, (cid:12) gas basis of observable analogues, including all gas, neutral hy- theexpectednumberofm ∼1000M starparticlesformed b (cid:12) drogen gas (total HI + H column, accounting for metal- willbejust0.001.Obviously,thedistributionofstarforma- 2 licity and He corrected), and “Cold & Dense” gas which tionrateswillnot,then,beresolved(evenifthesimulations wespecificallydefinehereandthroughoutthispaperasgas capturethemeanstarformationratecorrectly,thediscrete with T < 300 K and n > 10 cm−3. These roughly corre- natureofstarformationmeansonly1in1000pixelswillhave H spond to the total gas, atomic + molecular gas (HI+H ), a star particle, while 999 have none). We therefore adopt a 2 and cold molecular gas reservoirs observed in galaxies. We more appropriate criterion: (1) we first calculate the mean have checked that the approximation for the molecular gas Σ perpixelfromeachsimulation,foralltheirpixelswith SFR component(T <300K,n >10cm−3)yieldsmoleculargas agivennumberofgasparticles(fixedΣ );(2)weestimate H gas fractions similar to themolecular fractionf calculatedin the average number (cid:104)N (∆t)(cid:105) of star particles this would H2 (cid:63) gizmo itself. We have opted to use the aforementioned ap- produceinthetime∆t(10or100Myr,asappropriate);(3) proximation rather than reconstruct the f predicted by if this is <1(=N ), we discard all pixels which contain H2 min,(cid:63) the Krumholz & Gnedin (2011) model (which not output this number or fewer gas particles. For the example above, inthesnapshots)asthef modelassumesasimplifiedge- for ∆t = 10Myr (100Myr), this requires > 500 (> 100) H2 ometryattheresolutionscale,thatcangetthelocaloptical gas particles per pixel for a “resolved” star formation rate. depthquitewrong,3 andamoredetailedanalysisofthetrue We have repeated this exercise using instead the observed molecular fraction of the gas would require a careful radia- Kennicutt-Schmidt relation (instead of the predicted one), tivetransferpost-processing,whichweleavetoalaterwork. to estimate the resolved thresholds, and find it gives nearly We acknowledge that because of the rather strict density identical results. We have also verified that changing the and temperature criteria, and the lack of any consideration threshold N by an order of magnitude in either direc- min,(cid:63) to the local UV field or the geometry of the gas, we may tion does not change any of our conclusions here; we note underestimate the molecular gas column by up to a factor toothattheaveragestarformationratesfromlow-resolution of a few. simulationscontinuetoagreewellwithourhigher-resolution Other quantities are calculated as the mass-average in simulations down to (cid:104)N (∆t)(cid:105) as low as ∼0.001. (cid:63) Comparingwithobservations,wecompiledtheresolved Kennicutt-Schmidtobservationsfromalargenumberofpa- 2 Directly computing SFR indicators from the simulations (e.g. pers at various resolution scales commensurate with our mockobservationalmaps(Kennicutt1998;Kennicuttetal. Hayward et al. 2014; Sparre et al. 2015) rather than computing the SFR averaged over the past 10 or 100 Myr would provide a 2007; Bigiel et al. 2008; Genzel et al. 2010; Bothwell et al. moreaccuratecomparisonwiththeobservedKennicutt-Schmidt 2010; Onodera et al. 2010; Verley et al. 2010; Shapiro et al. relation,butdoingsowouldconsiderablyexpandthescopeofthis 2010; Wei et al. 2010; Daddi et al. 2010; Shi et al. 2011; work,soweleaveittoafuturestudy. Lisenfeld et al. 2011; Boquien et al. 2011; Tacconi et al. 3 Forthepurposesofourstarformationcriteria,however,thisis 2013; Freundlich et al. 2013). We then represent the range for the vast majority of cases not an issue. Due to the steep- ofthecompileddatawithshadedcontours,includingtheex- ness of the exponential attenuation of the local UV field, we care only whether, strictly speaking, the gas is optically thin or thick. Not necessarily how thin or thick, as any optical depth τ (cid:29)1effectivelyyieldsexp(−τ)(cid:28)1,andτ (cid:28)1similarlyyields 4 Inthispaper,wetakesolarmetallicitytobeZ(cid:12)≈0.0142when exp(−τ)≈1. scalingmetallicities(Asplundetal.2009). MNRAS000,1–14(2016) Kennicutt-Schmidt on FIRE 5 AllGas NeutralHydrogen Cold&DenseGas 2]) 1 − R pc 0 F k S 1 1 vg. yr− −2 A (cid:12)− M r 3 y [ − M R F 4 10 (ΣS −5 og − ObservationalDataRange ObservationalDataRange l 6 − ) 1 2] c− 0 R p F k 1 S 1− − t. yr 2 s − n (cid:12) I M 3 Gas ˙Σ[(cid:63) −−4 ( g 5 o − l 6 − 1 0 1 2 3 4 1 0 1 2 3 4 1 0 1 2 3 4 − − − log(Σ [M pc 2]) gas − (cid:12) Figure 2.Kennicutt-SchmidtrelationintheFIRErunsin1kpc2 pixels,binnedbyΣgas,forseveralgasandstarformation“tracers”. Neutral(andmolecular)hydrogenis∼ΣHI+H2,andCold&DensegasincludesparticleswithT<300KandnH>10cm−3 (∼ΣH2). The gas instantaneous star formation rate is calculated directly from the gas particles in each pixel, whereas the 10 Myr average star formationrateiscalculatedfromtheyoungstarparticlesineachpixel.Linearaveragevaluesofthepixeldistributionareplottedinbins of gas surface density, with error bars denoting the 5-95% range of resolved star formation in the bins. The yellow and green shaded regionsdenotetheobservationaldatarangefromthestudiesenumeratedin§2.Thestarformationrelationsderivedin§4.1and§4.2are plotted with dashed black lines, using the fiducial values assumed there and Σ(cid:63) = 102 M(cid:12) pc−2. The simulations robustly reproduce a resolved Kennicutt-Schmidt relation in broad agreement with observations, regardless of the particular star formation or gas tracer considered. tentofthestarformationdistributions(determinedbyeye) are taking pixels at a given star formation rate and moving for two tracers of gas surface density (Σ and Σ ). themtolowergassurfacedensities(totheleft)byreducing HI+H2 H2 Nodistinctionismadebetweenthemanyestimatorsofstar whatgascontributestotheoverallgascolumndensity.The formation rate used in the aforementioned papers; they are restrictionsarenon-linear:athighsurfacedensities,thegas taken at face value. is predominately molecular, and added restrictions do lit- tle to change the participating gas column, whereas at low surface densities, relatively little of the gas column may re- main after making these additional cuts. Little difference is 3 KENNICUTT-SCHMIDT RELATION IN THE seenbetweenthestarformationdistributionsinΣ −Σ SFR gas SIMULATIONS spacewhenconsideringthesurfacedensitiesofallgasversus neutral gas (first and second columns of Figure 2) because 3.1 Dependence of the Kennicutt-Schmidt the contribution of ionized gas to the total gas column is Relation on Star Formation and Gas Tracers small in regions where significant star formation is occur- Figure 2 demonstrates the broad emergence of the ring. In contrast, there is a marked change in slope of the Kennicutt-Schmidt power law relation, irrespective of spe- Kennicutt-Schmidt relation when moving from the surface cific choice of star formation or gas tracer, in the FIRE density of neutral hydrogen gas to that of Cold & Dense simulations. Two of our star formation rate tracers, the 10 gas (T < 300 K, nH > 10 cm−3), with the slope shifting Myr-averaged and gas instantaneous star formation rates, from ∼ 1.7 to ∼ 1.2 for the gas instantaneous star forma- yield very similar Kennicutt-Schmidt relations. The points tion rate. This is due to the fact that significant amounts denote the linear average of the star formation rate distri- of star formation can occur in “small” pockets of molecular bution. The error bars in Figure 2 denote the 5% to 95% gas, relative to the overall gas column, yielding a shallower inclusion interval in the distribution of the star formation slope than when considering neutral gas. rates of pixels in that bin of gas surface density. Broadly speaking, all of our various formulations of More restrictive gas tracers (e.g. taking gas with T < the Kennicutt-Schmidt relation in the FIRE simulations 300 K and n > 10 cm−3 instead of all neutral hydrogen agree with the corresponding spatially resolved observa- H gas) yield shallower power-law slopes. This is intuitive be- tional data, as represented by the shaded regions in the cause by placing more restrictions on the gas column, we panels of Figure 2. There is some offset between the sim- MNRAS000,1–14(2016) 6 M. E. Orr et al. AllGas NeutralHydrogen Cold&DenseGas 2]) 1 − R pc 0 F k S 1 1 vg. yr− −2 (cid:15) = 1 MyrA [MFR(cid:12)−−43 (cid:15)(cid:15) == 00..10 1 10 (ΣS −5 og − ObservationalDataRange ObservationalDataRange l 6 − ) 1 2] c− 0 R p F k 1 S 1− − t. yr 2 s − n (cid:12) I M 3 Gas ˙Σ[(cid:63) −−4 ( g 5 o − l 6 − 2 1 0 1 2 2 1 0 1 2 2 1 0 1 2 − − − − − − log(ΣgasΩ[M yr−1 kpc−2]) (cid:12) Figure3.Elmegreen-SilkrelationintheFIRErunsin1kpc2pixels,inthestyleofFigure2.Linesofconstantstarformingefficiencyare plotted,with(cid:15)=(0.01−1).Thesimulatedgalaxieshavekpc-scalestarformationefficienciesincreasingfrom∼1%(allgas)to∼10% (Cold&Densegas)asdensergastracersareselected. ulations and observations for our Cold & Dense gas surface 3.1.2 100 Myr Averaged Star Formation Rate density, which may indicate that our approximation under- InFigure4,weseeaclearflatteningofthe100Myr-averaged estimates the true molecular gas column, but they agree in starformationratesurfacedensityrelativetothe10Myrav- form with the observed range of molecular gas data. More- erage,forbothneutralhydrogenandmoleculargascolumns over, the distribution of star formation rates in the FIRE at low gas surface densities, Σ (cid:46) 1 M pc−2. This is simulationsoverlapwiththeDampedLyαSystems(DLAs) gas (cid:12) ascribable to effects discussed in §3.2 and §3.4, where indi- observed at high redshift by Rafelski et al. (2016). Though vidualorsmallnumbersofyoungstarparticlesarescattered weappeartoseeanaloguestothesesystemsat1kpc2 pixel into regions of very low gas surface density that are not ac- sizes,weleaveittoafutureworktoinvestigatethedetailed tually forming stars. Moreover, dynamical changes in star- physical properties of these systems. forming regions over the averaging period (100 Myr) cause gas complexes to dissipate and produce small numbers of star particles left in now-diffuse galactic environments. At high gas columns, Σ > 10 M pc−2, the 100 Myr aver- gas (cid:12) agestarformationratesurfacedensitiesagreewellwiththe 3.1.1 Elmegreen-Silk Relation (Alternative KS Law) shorter time-scale estimators. Alternatively, in Figure 3, we probe the global efficiency of gas turning into stars in a dynamical time according to 3.2 Pixel Size Dependence Σ˙(cid:63) =(cid:15)ΣgasΩ, (2) The Kennicutt-Schmidt relation that we find in the FIRE simulationsdoesnotappeartohaveasignificantdependence where (cid:15) represents the “star formation efficiency” on kpc onpixelsize(i.e.mapresolution)forpixelswithsufficiently scales; this relation is known as the Elmegreen-Silk rela- resolvedgasandstarformationratetracers((cid:38)fewgas/star tion (Elmegreen 1997; Silk 1997). For both the neutral hy- particlesperpixel),asshowninFigure5.Overtherangeof drogen and Cold & Dense gas surface densities for which pixel sizes we investigate, 100 pc - 5 kpc (0.01 - 25 kpc2), we have observations to compare with (where (cid:15) ranges be- the slope of the power law varies only weakly between ∼ 1 tween10−3−1),weseesystematicagreement.Wefindkpc- and∼4/3.AtthelowendoftherelationinΣ ,weexpect gas averaged star formation efficiencies of (cid:15) ∼ 0.01−0.1 con- the scatter to grow as Poisson statistics become important sistently for our entire range of star formation rate surface when only a few star particles are present in the pixels on density.Dashedblacklinesindicateconstantefficienciesbe- average. However, because we exclude poorly-sampled pix- tween 0.01 and 1. Without feedback, one would expect to els,thissimplymanifestsasalowerlimittotheplottedΣ gas see (cid:15)∼1. for smaller pixels sizes (c.f. §2). MNRAS000,1–14(2016) Kennicutt-Schmidt on FIRE 7 100MyrAverageSFR by the stochastic nature of the star formation in the simu- lations. ObservationalDataRange 1 ) 2]− 0 3.3 Redshift Independence c p k 1 1 WefindnosignificantredshiftdependenceoftheKennicutt- − − r SchmidtrelationoftheFIREgalaxies.Therelation’sinsen- y (cid:12) 2 sitivity to redshift in the simulations can be seen in the M − [ top panel of Figure 6, where the snapshots are colored by FR 3 redshift bin (z < 0.5, 0.5−1.5, 1.5−2.5, 3−6), and the S − Σ g( 4 10 Myr-averaged ΣSFR and neutral gas surface density are lo − considered. Some scatter is seen in the average values be- tweenredshiftbins,butanydependenceonredshiftismuch 5 NeutralHydrogen − smaller than the range of the data itself. The absence of ObservationalDataRange anyredshiftdependencepersistsforallmeasuresofstarfor- 1 mationrate.Thoughtheabsoluteamountofstarformation 2c])− 0 vstaarriefsowrmitahtiroendsrhaitfet,stuhrefaccoerrdeelantsiiotnybreemtwaeinens cgoanssciostluenmtn. and p k 1 1 − − r y 3.4 Metallicity Dependence (cid:12) 2 M − [ We see in the bottom panel of Figure 6 evidence of a weak SFR −3 dependence on metallicity for the Kennicutt-Schmidt rela- Σ ( tion in the FIRE runs. For all gas surface densities, more g 4 lo − metal-rich gas exhibits elevated star formation rates, with anadmittedlylargescatter.Interestingly,noneofourforms 5 Cold&DenseGas − ofthe Kennicutt-Schmidtlawexhibit anotablemetallicity- 2 1 0 1 2 3 dependent cutoff in star formation, as some models pre- − − log(Σgas[M pc−2]) dict (Krumholz et al. 2009b). For our 10 and 100 Myr- (cid:12) averaged star formation rates, this may be an issue of ade- Figure 4.Kennicutt-Schmidtrelationforthe100Myr-averaged quatelysamplingstarformationratesinthe“cutoff”regime starformationratein1kpc2 pixels,asFigure2.The“observed” of Σ˙ ∼ 10−(3−4) M yr−1 kpc−2. However, for the well- contours are those measured with ∼10 Myr tracers in Figure 2. (cid:63) (cid:12) resolved instantaneous star formation rate, the form of the At high Σgas, the ∼ 10 and ∼ 100 Myr estimators agree well. starformationrelationdoesnotchangeatallforanyofthe AtlowΣgas,theΣSFR fromthe∼100Myrtracerflattens.This appearstostemfromabreakdowninthecorrelationbetween100 metallicitybinsinthe“cutoff”regimethatKrumholzetal. Myr-oldstarsandtheobservedgastracers,eitherfrommigration (2009b) find. The instantaneous star formation rate tracer, orotherdynamicaleffects(e.g.mergersorstrongoutflowevents). as with the averaged star formation rate tracers, presents higher star formation rates for metal-enriched gas even at these low gas surface densities, but the change is smooth, rather than a “threshold” effect. Figure 7 illustrates the strength of the metallicity de- Broadly,ourresultsareinagreementwithobservations pendence. Binning pixels by gas surface density Σ and at various pixel sizes, in spite of our likely systematic un- gas normalizingbytheaveragestarformationrateineachΣ derestimation of column density in our “molecular” (Cold gas bin, we find that star formation rate surface density in- & Dense) gas. However, given our mass resolution, at our creases weakly with metallicity, across all Σ bins. This smallestpixelsize(100pc),noneofoursimulationsareable gas presentationofthedatanormalizesouttheΣ dependence toadequatelysamplestarformationatgassurfacedensities gas (cid:46)10 M pc−2, where observations exhibit the largest scat- tohighlightthemuchweakerZ dependence.Aby-eyefitof (cid:12) a power law with slope 1/4 is plotted as a dashed black ter.Atleastthreeprocessescausethecorrelationofthestar line. This slope is much shallower than the slope derived forminggasandyoungstarparticlestobreakdownonscales in §4.2 but on the order of the predicted metallicity depen- lessthanl∼500pc.(1)Therelativevelocitiesbetweenstar denceofSNefeedback’smomentuminjection(rangingfrom forminggasandtheyoungstarstheyproducecausethemto ∼ 1/10−3/14; Cioffi et al. 1988; Martizzi et al. 2015)5. wanderintodifferentpixels,thustheybecomeuncorrelated onapixel-by-pixelbasis,whenv ∼l/∆t.For100pcpixels p and100Myrtimebins,thisisarelativevelocityofonly∼1 km s−1 (10 km s−1 for ∆t ∼ 107 yr), so we would expect 5 As described in Hopkins et al. (2014), when SNe explode in regionssuchthattheircoolingradiiwillbeunresolved(common significant scatter to arise from this effect at the smallest in the lower-resolution simulations here with particle masses (cid:38) pixel sizes. (2) Dynamical processes affecting gas and star 104 M(cid:12)),theejectaareassignedaterminalmomentumbasedon particles, like dispersion of GMCs, major mergers, or SNe, thedetailedindividualexplosionmodelsfromCioffietal.(1988), over the time bin (i.e. 10 –100 Myr) cause greater fluctua- which scale as pt ∝Z3/14. However, the metallicity dependence tionsfromthepowerlawaverageaspixelsizedecreases.(3) in Figure 7 persists if we restrict only to our highest-resolution When considering small (< 1 kpc) pixels, scatter is caused simulations. MNRAS000,1–14(2016) 8 M. E. Orr et al. ) 1 2]− 0.1kpc 0.5kpc 1kpc Observations c 0 p 5kpc k 1 1 − − yr 2 (cid:12)− M 3 [ − R 4 F − S Σ 5 ( − g o 6 l − 2 1 0 1 2 3 2 1 0 1 2 3 2 1 0 1 2 3 2 1 0 1 2 3 − − − − − − − − log(Σ [M pc 2]) mol − (cid:12) Figure5.PixelsizedependenceoftheKennicutt-SchmidtrelationintheFIREsimulations.Σ isthesurfacedensityofCold&Dense mol gas(T <300K,nH>10cm−3);ΣSFR isthe10Myraveragedstarformationratesurfacedensity.Plottedpointsanderrorbarsareas inFigure2.Greenregionsdenotesobservationsatappropriateresolutionforcomparisonfrompapersenumeratedin§2,withthe1kpc observations used for both 500 pc and 1 kpc, as a number of the source observations lie between those two resolutions. Star formation relations derived in §4.1 are plotted with dashed black lines using the fiducial values assumed there and Σ(cid:63) =102 M(cid:12) pc−2. For each pixelsize,thereisathresholdinΣ belowwhichstarformationispoorlyresolvedgivenevenourhighestmassresolution,asdescribed mol in§2.Abovethisthreshold,thesimulatedgalaxies’KSrelationexhibitsnosystematictrendwithpixelsizedespitedynamicalprocesses thatmightbeexpectedtobreakdownthecorrelationsbetweenyoungstarsandgasonsmallscales(prominentatsmallpixelssizes). Though the scatter within bins is quite large, this weak de- with σ being the turbulent velocity and Ω being the lo- T pendence is rather robust. calorbitaldynamicalfrequency.Weareconcernedwiththe largest eddies, which contain most of the turbulent energy. Hence, the timescales of turbulent energy dissipation scale ast ≈t ∼H/σ ∼Ω−1.Equatingtheseratesoftur- 4 PHYSICAL INTERPRETATION eddy diss T bulent momentum injection and momentum dissipation in On the scales of tens or hundreds of millions of years, it gas, we find, is possible to understand star formation as an equilibrium Σ˙ (P /m )≈σ Σ /t , (3) process(ongalacticscales)inwhichtheinputsofeithermo- (cid:63) (cid:63) (cid:63) T gas diss mentuminjectionfromstellarfeedback(athighgassurface substitutinginourrelations,thisyieldsastarformationrate density) or energy from photoheating (at low gas surface of, density) balance gravitational collapse. (cid:18)P (cid:19)−1 Σ˙ ≈σ ΩΣ (cid:63) . (4) (cid:63) T gas m (cid:63) 4.1 High Gas Surface Density Regime Relating σ Ω back to the disk surface density with a T In our analysis, there is a marked transition in the star modified Toomre-Q parameter (Toomre 1964), formation rate distribution at gas column densities above (cid:112) κ c2+σ2 Σ ∼ 100 M pc−2. Above this threshold, almost all the Q= s T , (5) gas (cid:12) πGΣ gasformsstarsonorveryneartheKennicutt-Schmidtpower disk √ law. Here, supernova feedback becomes an increasingly im- where κ is the epicyclic frequency ∼ 2Ω for galactic po- portant mechanism for injecting momentum into the ISM, tentials, cs is the sound speed, Σdisk ≈ Σgas +Σ(cid:63) is the asthemassiveyoungstarsproducedareembeddedindense disksurfacedensity.Hereweincludetheself-gravitycontri- molecularenvironmentstowhichtheycaneffectivelycouple. bution from the collisionless stellar component of the disk, Astarformationrelationcanbederivedconsideringthe whichiscorrectuptosomeorderunityprefactor.Assuming limit wherein the ISM is supported against collapse by tur- that we are turbulently rather than thermally supported, (cid:112) bulent pressure (Ostriker & Shetty 2011; Faucher-Gigu`ere c2s+σT2 ≈σT. Substituting this in we find, et al. 2013; Hayward & Hopkins 2015; Torrey et al. 2016). π (cid:18)P (cid:19)−1 Here, stellar feedback injects momentum into the ISM at a Σ˙ ≈ √ GQ (cid:63) Σ (Σ +Σ ). (6) rate per area proportional to Σ˙ (P /m ), where (P /m ) (cid:63) 2 m(cid:63) gas gas (cid:63) (cid:63) (cid:63) (cid:63) (cid:63) (cid:63) is the characteristic momentum injected per mass of young Adoptingafiducialvaluefor(P /m )of∼3000kms−1 (cid:63) (cid:63) stars formed, and is dissipated in the mass of nearby gas (e.g. Ostriker & Shetty 2011; Faucher-Gigu`ere et al. 2013; per area Σgas on some characteristic timescale related to Kim & Ostriker 2015; Martizzi et al. 2015), this yields the coherence time of the turbulent eddies t , where eddy t ∼l /σ ,l beingthespatialscaleoftheeddy (cid:18) P /m (cid:19)−1(cid:18)Σ (Σ +Σ )(cid:19) eddy eddy eddy eddy Σ˙ ≈3.3×10−2 (cid:63) (cid:63) gas gas (cid:63) Q and σeddy the turbulent velocity σT. As we are consider- (cid:63) 3000km/s 104M2(cid:12)pc−4 ing an approximately disk-like environment for star forma- M yr−1kpc−2. (7) tion in the high gas surface density regime, the largest ed- (cid:12) dies will likely have length scales on the order of the disk For the gas-dominated regime, where Σ (cid:29) Σ , we gas (cid:63) scale height H (Martizzi et al. 2016), so l ∼H∼σ /Ω, recover a quadratic relation for star formation. Similarly, eddy T MNRAS000,1–14(2016) Kennicutt-Schmidt on FIRE 9 1 z 3 6 ∼ − z 2 1 2])− 0 z∼1 kpc z<∼0.5 )R(cid:105) 1− 1 ΣSF 0 yr − /(cid:104) (cid:12) R M SF [ 2 Σ 1 R − g( − F o ΣS l −1<logΣHI+H2≤0 log( −3 −2 01<<llooggΣΣHHII++HH22<<12 Redshift 2<logΣHI+H2<3 4 − 3 2 1 0 1 1 − − − 0<Z(cid:48)<0.1 log(Z/Z ) (cid:12) 0.1<Z <0.5 2kpc])− 0 02.5<<Z(cid:48)Z(cid:48)(cid:48)<2 Fb10yigΣMuHryeIr+-a7Hv.2eSratatagre1foΣkrpSmcF2aRtpinoixnoerrlmasatiezliezd.eedPpoebinnydtestnhacereeaovanevremargaeegtaeΣllviSacFiltuRye,sibnoinfenathechde 1yr− −1 ΣfoHrmI+aHti2onbiinn.eEarcrhorbbina.rsAdweneoatkedtehpee5n-d9e5n%ceraonngmefeotralrleicsiotlyveisdsseteanr (cid:12) forallgassurfacedensities,asdemonstratedbythedashedblack M [ 2 lineofslopeΣSFR∝Z1/4. R − F S Σ g( 3 Schmidt relation at moderately high surface density in the o − l FIREsimulations.Remarkably–giventhesimplicityofthe Metallicity derivation–whenEquation7isusedonapixel-by-pixelba- 4 − 0 1 2 3 sistopredictstarformationratesfromΣHI+H2 andΣ(cid:63),the predicted rates are nearly identical to the 10 Myr-averaged log(Σ [M pc 2]) HI+H2 (cid:12) − and instantaneous star formation rates, extending down to Σ ≈10−1 M pc−2. Figure 6. Kennicutt-Schmidt relation binned in redshift and HI+H2 (cid:12) metallicity at 1 kpc2 pixel size. In both panels, within their re- spective redshift and metallicity bins, average values of the 10 4.2 Low Gas Surface Density Regime Myr average ΣSFR are plotted in bins of ΣHI+H2, in the style of Figure 2. Yellow region denotes appropriate observations and At the other extreme of galactic environments, we consider dottedlinesderivedstarformationrelations,asinFigure2.Top thelowgassurfacedensityregimeinwhichgasissupported Panel: Simulation snapshots binned by redshift, with markers by thermal – rather than turbulent – pressure. We expect denoting different epochs. No significant dependence on redshift thistransitiontooccurforΣ (cid:46)10M pc−2;seeOstriker is seen – the range of data in each bin is greater than any sys- gas (cid:12) et al. (2010) and Hayward & Hopkins (2015) for details. In tematic difference between them. Bottom Panel: Pixels from snapshots binned by gas metallicity, with markers indicating in- thisregime,astarformationequilibriumratecanbederived tervalsinZ(cid:48)=Zgas/Z(cid:12).Thoughweakcomparedtodatarangein by balancing photoheating from young stars with gas cool- eachbin,ametallicitydependenceofΣSFRisseenatallΣHI+H2. ing.Atextremelylowgassurfacedensities,whereΣgas (cid:28)1 Nometallicity-dependentcutoffisevident. M pc−2, the metagalactic UV background itself may be- (cid:12) come the predominant source of heating, requiring no star formationatalltomaintainathermalpressureequilibrium (Ostriker et al. 2010). should the stellar component dominate, as may be the case As derived in Ostriker et al. (2010) as an “outer-disk” instellarsystemswitholderpopulations,alawlinearinΣ gas law,wecanbalancephotoheatingwithradiativegascooling. isfound;thisappearstobeingoodagreementwiththeslope For ionizing and photo-electric photons dominating the gas of the Kennicutt-Schmidt relation seen in the FIRE runs. heating, the heating rate per area is TheobservedweakmetallicitydependenceseeninFig- ures 6 & 7, combined with the result shown in the lower E˙ f βL heat = abs (cid:63) =f β(cid:15)c2Σ˙ , (8) leftpanelofFigureA1,whichshowsexplicitlythatthestar l2 l2 abs (cid:63) formation rate varies with the strength of feedback, can be where f ((cid:46)1) is the fraction of the emitted photoheating partlyexplainedbyaweakdependenceofthefinalmomen- abs photonsabsorbedbysurroundinggas,β ∼0.1isthefraction tum injection from SNe feedback on the metallicity of the ofionizingradiationemittedbyyoungstars(Leithereretal. surrounding gas, e.g. (P /m )−1 ∼ Z0.114 (Martizzi et al. (cid:63) (cid:63) 1999), and (cid:15)∼4×10−4 is the fraction of rest-mass energy 2015). radiated by stars in their lifetimes. On the other hand, the The Kennicutt-Schmidt relation predicted by a cooling rate per area is turbulence-supported model assuming that the stellar sur- face density Σ(cid:63) (cid:29) Σgas, with its approximately linear E˙cool = ΛneniV ≈ ΛZngΣgas , (9) power-lawslope,agreesremarkablywellwiththeKennicutt- l2 l2 µ MNRAS000,1–14(2016) 10 M. E. Orr et al. 4 0.8 DefaultPhysics Unstable Stable 102 3 3 0.4 102 2c])− 2 Self-shielding 2 0.0 2pc]− p 1 k M(cid:12) 1 Non-self-shielding c] −0.41yr− [(cid:12) 0 nts [kp 0 0.8 M(cid:12) /Zgas −1 101 101 Cou y −1 −1.2 Σ[SFR Z − g as 2 2 lo Σg − − 1.6 log( −3 −3 −2.0 −4 Star-formingAnnuli No3Self-S2hieldi1ng 0 1 2 3 −1.2 5 Non-star-formingAnnuli 100 100 3 − − − x[kpc] − 2 1 0 1 2 3 0.8 − − log(Q˜uthne−rmshailelded) 2 0.4 2]− c p 1 0.0 k Finisgtaubrielit8y.dCeotmerpmairniseosnthoefwohnesethteorfseelffif-csiheinetldsintagrofrorgmraavtiitoantio(nseael kpc] 0 0.41yr−(cid:12) §4.3). For each radial annulus in each galaxy (500 pc wide an- y[ − [M n(Euqli., a1t3)eaacnhdtΣimgeasZfrgoams/Zz(cid:12)=. W0.5e−pl0o)t,awehemateamsuarpe Qo˜futhnte−hrmeshainleuldmed- −1 −0.8 ΣSFR bcoelroro-fcopdixeedlssowsitthar-efaocrhmvinagluaenonfuQl˜iutahnre−ermsrheaidleld(emdeaanndΣ˙Σ(cid:63)g>as1Z0g−as3/ZM(cid:12)(cid:12), −2 −11..62 log kpc−2 yr−1)andnon-star-formingannuliareblue.Q˜un−shielded 3 − istheToomre-Qparameterifthegaswerepurelythertmhearlmlyalsup- − 2.0 ported with T =104 K; this indicates whether the gas could be Onl3ySelf2-Shie1lded0GasC1anCo2llapse3 −1.2 thermally stabilized against gravitational instabilities if it were 3 − − − x[kpc] notself-shielding.ΣgasZgas/Z(cid:12) isaproxyforopticaldepth,ap- 0.8 proximating whether or not the gas is self-shielding to ionizing 2 radiation. Vertical and horizontal dotted red lines indicate the 0.4 2]− c aQitmnhnaen=Ktutiror1luianmscatkcrhaleeoboanflizlrovilttayeyrtsoyetaclihfnlc-.rguse(hsr2Σhsi0egoal0adlr9dsiobnaua)gtnn,–fiddreix.tsQee˜hp.duteeghncZers−trae(cid:48)imsvlvhfaiea-itnslleayhdldt.iieeΩBodlnd.la∼aiTnclkhg1ine,dtshoeotvnrateetsbseneihdtliottolhlyifdnoisuendtgaiesthrrhiiaofvttoweherdess- y[kpc] 01 −0.00.41[Myrkp−(cid:12) 1 0.8 R collapse,whichthenproducesdenseself-shieldingclumps. − − SF Σ 1.2 g −2 − lo with Λ ∼ 10−22 erg s−1 cm−3 being the net cooling rate 1.6 (Robertson&Kravtsov2008);n ,n ,andn beingtheelec- 3 − e i g − tron, ion, and gas number densities; and V ∼l2h being the 2.0 − volumeofgasconsidered.Equatingtheheatingandcooling −3 −2 −1 0 1 2 3 rates, we find x[kpc] Σ˙ ≈ ΛZngΣgas . (10) Figure 9. Demonstration of the importance of gravitational in- (cid:63) f µβ(cid:15)c2 stabilityversusself-shieldinginstarformation.OneMilkyWay- abs mass simulation, m12i presented in Hopkins et al. (2014), was Furthermore, we have n = ρ /µ ≈ Σ /2hµ and g gas g(cid:112)as restarted from z ≈ 0.07 and rerun with three sets of physics, h ≈ c /Ωinthethermallysupportedlimit,as c2+σ2 ≈ s s T the default physics implemented in the FIRE runs (top), one cs. Thus, we have ng ≈ΣgasΩ/2csµ, and Σ˙(cid:63) becomes withbothself-shieldingandcoolingbelow104 Kdisabled(mid- ΛZΩΣ2 Σ ZΩ(cid:18)Σ (cid:19)2 dle),andonewhereshieldedgashadnormalpropertiesbutnon- Σ˙ ≈ gas = 0 gas , (11) shielded gas had a large artificial pressure floor, effectively dis- (cid:63) 2f µ2β(cid:15)c2c f Σ abs s abs 0 ablinggravitationalfragmentationuntilthegasfirstbecameself- where Σ ≈ 2µ2β(cid:15)c2c /Λ ≈ 4 M pc−2, assuming T = shielding(bottom).Coloredpixelsindicatetheextentandinten- 0 s (cid:12) 104 K, for which c ≈ 12 km s−1. Scaling this to approx- sity of star formation since the runs were restarted in the form s imately Milky-Way values (Ω ≈ v /R ≈ 220 km s−1/R, ofthe500Myraveragedstarformationratesurfacedensity.The c star formation largely has the same structure with or without Z ≈Z ), we have (cid:12) self-shielding, as long as fragmentation is allowed (gas can still (cid:18) Z (cid:19)(cid:18)10kpc(cid:19)(cid:18)Σ (cid:19)2 1 isothermally collapse and meet the star formation criteria). But Σ˙ ≈1.3×10−3 gas whenonlyannuliinagalaxywhichareentirelyself-shieldingcan (cid:63) Z R Σ f (cid:12) 0 abs fragmentorcollapse,onlythecentral∼kpcofthegalaxy(where M yr−1kpc−2. (12) thegasisentirelymolecular)efficientlyformsstars. (cid:12) MNRAS000,1–14(2016)

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