Nulliparous Parturients - What do we know about normal and abnormal labor for nulliparous parturients? Randall Morgan MD MBA Goals and objectives Define-normal 1st stage labor, abnormal 1st stage labor, failed induction, normal 2nd stage and abnormal 2nd stage Discuss opportunities to reduce unintended circumstances related to the diagnosis and management of labor Discuss opportunities for our practice to be consistent with the available medical literature I am a Medical student 1. 50% PG-1 2. PG-2 3. PG-3 4. PG-4 5. Attending completed 12% 12% 6. 9% 9% 6% residency 2001 or after 3% Attending completed 7. n... G-1 G-2 G-3 G-4 p... p... e P P P P m m stud g co g co residency prior to 2002 cal din din Medi Atten Atten The diagnosis of normal and abnormal labor has not changed over the past 60 years. 50% 50% True 1. False 2. e e u s Tr Fal Is vaginal birth with a healthy mom and baby the intended birth mode for women who labor (excludes preterm labor and women who are in labor & waiting to have their cesarean)? 83% Always 1. Sometimes 2. 17% Never 3. 0% ys es er a m v Alw meti Ne o S For women whom you induce, is cesarean section the intended mode of delivery? 84% Always 1. 14% Sometimes 2. 2% Never 3. ys es er a m v Alw meti Ne o S The active phase of labor begins at __ cm? 4 cm for nulliparous 67% 1. women 5 cm for multiparous 2. women 22% > 6m for both 3. 11% multiparous and 0% nulliparous women 4. Both 1 and 2 4 cm for nulli... 5 cm for multi... > 6m for both ... Both 1 and 2 Friedman’s Curve Nullipara multipara Prolonged latent phase >20 hours >14 hours Average 2nd stage 50 minutes 20 minutes Prolonged 2nd stage (with >2 hour (>3) > 1 hour (2 hour) epidural) Protracted dilation (95th <1.2 cm/hour < 1.5 cm/hour percentile) Protracted descent (95th < 1cm/hour < 2cm/hour percentile) Arrest of dilation * > 2 hours > 2 hours Arrest of descent* > 2 hour > 1 hour Prolonged 3rd stage >30 minutes 30 minute *adequate contractions > Friedman EA Dec 1955 200 Montevideo unites / 10 Obstet Gynecol 6(6):567-89 minutes for 2 hours Zhang Contemporary Labor Patterns Dec 2010 AJOBGYN Fig. 2. Average labor curves by parity in singleton term pregnancies with spontaneous onset of labor, vaginal delivery, and normal neonatal outcomes. P0, nulliparous women; P1, women of parity 1; P2+, women of parity 2 or higher.Zhang. Contemporary Labor Patterns. Obstet Gynecol 2010.