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EPJ manuscript No. (will be inserted by the editor) What can we learn from the directed flow in heavy-ion collisions at BES RHIC energies? Yu. B. Ivanov1,2 and A. A. Soldatov2 1 National Research Centre ”Kurchatov Institute” (NRC”Kurchatov Institute”),Moscow 123182, Russia 2 National Research Nuclear University ”MEPhI” (Moscow Engineering Physics Institute),Moscow 115409, Russia 6 1 Received: date/ Revised version: date 0 2 Abstract. Analysis of directed flow (v1) of protons, antiprotons and pions in heavy-ion collisions is per- n formed in the range of collision energies √sNN = 2.7–39 GeV. Simulations have been done within a a three-fluid model employing a purely hadronic equation of state (EoS) and two versions of the EoS with J deconfinement transitions: a first-orderphase transition and a smooth crossover transition. The crossover 5 EoS is unambiguously preferable for the description of the most part of experimental data in this energy 1 range. The directed flow indicates that the crossover deconfinement transition takes place in semicentral Au+Aucollisions in awide range ofcollision energies 4<√sNN < 30 GeV.The obtained resultssuggest ] that the deconfinement EoS’s in the quark-gluon sector∼should b∼e stiffer at high baryon densities than h those used in thecalculation. The latter findingis in agreement with that discussed in astrophysics. t - l c PACS. 25.75.-q , 25.75.Nq, 24.10.Nz u n [ 1 Introduction and the wiggle-like behavior of the excitation function of 1 themidrapidityv1slopewereputforwardasasignatureof v Thedirectedflow[1]isoneofthekeyobservablesinheavy theQGPphasetransition.However,theQGPEoSisnota 2 ion collisions. Nowadays it is defined as the first coeffi- necessarily prerequisite for occurrence of the midrapidity 90 cient, v1, in the Fourier expansion of a particle distribu- v1 wiggle[13]:Acertaincombinationofspace-momentum tion,d2N/dy dφ,inazimuthalangleφwithrespecttothe correlationsmay result in a negative slope in the rapidity 3 reaction plane [2,3] dependence of the directed flow in high-energy nucleus- 0 nucleus collisions. . 1 d2N dN ∞ The directed flow of identified hadrons—protons, an- 0 = 1+ 2v (y)cos(nφ) , (1) 6 dy dφ dy n tiprotons, positive and negative pions—in Au+Au colli- ! 1 nX=1 sions was recently measured in the energy range √sNN : =(7.7-39)GeVbytheSTARcollaborationwithintheframe- v where y is the longitudinal rapidity of a particle. The di- workofthebeamenergyscan(BES)programattheBNL i rected flow is mainly formed at an early (compression) X Relativistic Heavy Ion Collider (RHIC)[14]. These data stage of the collisions and hence is sensitive to early pres- r suregradientsintheevolvingnuclearmatter[4,5].Asthe havebeenalreadydiscussedinRefs.[15,16,17].TheFrank- a furt group [15] did not succeed to describe the data and EoS is harder, stronger pressure is developed. Thus the to obtain conclusive results. Within a hybrid approach directed flow probes the stiffness of the nuclear EoS at [18], the authors found that there is no sensitivity of the the early stage of nuclear collisions [6], which is of prime directed flow on the EoSand, in particular,on the occur- interest for heavy-ion research. rence of a first-order phase transition. One of the possi- In Refs. [7,8,9], a significant reduction of the directed ble reasons of this result can be that the initial stage of flow in the first-order phase transition to the quark-gluon the collisionin allscenariosis describedwithin the Ultra- phase(QGP)(theso-called”softest-point”effect)waspre- relativistic Quantum Molecular Dynamics (UrQMD) [19] dicted, which results from decreasing the pressure gradi- in the hybrid approach. However, this initial stage does ents in the mixed phase as compared to those in pure not solely determine the final directed flow because the hadronicandquark-gluonphases.Itwasfurtherpredicted UrQMDresults stilldiffer fromthose obtainedwithin the [10,11,12] that the directed flow as a function of rapid- hybrid approach[18]. ity exhibits a wiggle near the midrapidity with a nega- tive slope near the midrapidity, when the incident energy In Refs. [16,17] the new STAR data were analyzed is in the range corresponding to onset of the first-order within two complementary approaches: kinetic transport phase transition. Thus, the wiggle near the midrapidity approachesoftheparton-hadronstringdynamics(PHSD) 2 Yu.B. Ivanov,A.A. Soldatov: What can we learn from thedirected flow [20] and its purely hadronic version (HSD) [21]), and a present in a local space-time region. The freeze-out pro- hydrodynamic approach of the relativistic three-fluid dy- cedure starts if ε < ε . The freeze-out energy density tot frz namics(3FD)[22,23].Incontrasttootherobservables,the ε = 0.4 GeV/fm3 was chosen mostly on the condition frz directed flow was found to be very sensitive to the accu- of the best reproduction of secondary particle yields. racy settings of the numerical scheme. Accurate calcula- DifferentEoS’scanbeimplementedinthe3FDmodel. tions require a very high memory and computation time. A key point is that the 3FD model is able to treat a de- Due to this reason in Refs. [16,17] we failed to perform confinement transition at the early nonequilibrium stage calculations for energies above √sNN = 30 GeV within of the collision, when the directed flow is mainly formed. the 3FD model. In this workwe apply a purely hadronic EoS[26], an EoS Inthepresentpaperweextendtheanalysisperformed withacrossovertransitionasconstructedinRef. [27]and in Refs. [16,17] within the 3FD model. We succeeded to an EoS with a first-order phase transition into the QGP perform simulations at √sNN = 39 GeV, which allow us [27]. These are illustrated in Fig. 1. Note that an onset to strengthen conclusions on the relevance of used EoS’s, ofdeconfinementinthe 2-phaseEoStakesplace atrather in particular, on the stiffness of the EoS at high baryon high baryon densities, above n 8 n . In EoS’s compati- 0 densities in the QGP sector and outline the range of the ble with constraints on the occu∼rrence of the quark mat- crossover transition to the QGP in terms of collision en- ter phase in massive neutron stars, the phase coexistence ergy. starts at about 4 n [28]. As it will be seen below, this 0 excessive softness of the deconfinement EoS’s of Ref. [27] isanobstacleforproperreproductionofthe directedflow 2 The 3FD model at high collision energies. The 3FDapproximationis aminimal wayto simulate the early-stage nonequilibrium state of the colliding nuclei at 20 high incident energies. The 3FD model [22] describes a T=10, 100, 200 MeV nuclearcollisionfromthe stageof the incident coldnuclei crossover EoS approachingeachother,tothefinalfreeze-outstage.Con- 15 2-phase EoS trary to the conventional one-fluid dynamics, where a lo- hadr. EoS ) calinstantaneousstoppingofmatterofthecollidingnuclei N m is assumed, the 3FD considers inter-penetrating counter- 010 streamingflowsofleadingbaryon-richmatter,whichgrad- n ( ually decelerate each other due to mutual friction. The P/ basic idea of a 3FD approximationto heavy-ioncollisions 5 is that a generally nonequilibrium distribution of baryon- rich matter at each space-time point can be represented as a sum of two distinct contributions initially associated 0 with constituent nucleons of the projectile and target nu- 0 4 8 12 16 20 clei.Inaddition,newlyproducedparticles,populatingpre- n/n dominantly the midrapidity region, are attributed to a 0 third, so-called fireball fluid that is governed by the net- Fig.1. Pressurescaledbytheproductofnormalnuclearden- baryon-free sector of the EoS. sity (n0 = 0.15 fm−3) and nucleon mass (mN) versus baryon Atthefinalstageofthecollisionthep-andt-fluidsare density (scaled by n0) for three considered EoS’s. Results are eitherspatiallyseparatedormutuallystoppedandunified, presentedforthreedifferenttemperaturesT =10,100and200 while the f-fluid, predominantly located in the midrapid- MeV (bottom-up for corresponding curves). ity region, keeps its identity and still overlaps with the baryon-richfluids to a lesser (at high energies) or greater (at lower energies) extent. In particular, the friction be- Inrecentpapers[23,29,30,31,32,33,34]alargevariety tween the baryon-rich and net-baryon-free fluids is the of bulk observables has been analyzed with these three only source of dissipation at this final stage because each EoS’s:thebaryonstopping[23,31],yieldsofdifferenthadrons, separate fluid is described by equations of the ideal hy- theirrapidityandtransversemomentumdistributions[29, drodynamicswiththe right-handsidescontainingfriction 30,32], the elliptic flow of various species [33,34]. This with other fluids. All the observables in the 3FD model analysishasbeendoneinthesamerangeofincidentener- are composed of contributions from all three fluids. Of gies as that in the present paper. Comparison with avail- course,relativefractionsofthesecontributionsdependon able data indicated a definite advantage of the deconfine- multiple factors, in particular, on the rapidity range.The ment scenarios over the purely hadronic one especially at freeze-out is performed accordingly to the procedure de- high collision energies. As an example, excitation func- scribedinRef.[22]andinmoredetailinRefs.[24,25].This tionsofaveragetransversemasses( m m)ofprotons, T h i− is a so-call modified Milekhin scheme that conserves the antiprotons and pions are presented in Fig. 2. This quan- energy, momentum and baryon number. The freeze-out tity characterizes the transverse radial flow in the reac- criterionisbasedonalocalenergydensity,ε ,definedas tion and hence is relevant to the directed flow discussed tot a sum of contributions fromall (p-, t- and f-) fluids being here. In Fig. 2 the 3FD results on m are confronted T h i Yu.B. Ivanov,A.A. Soldatov: What can we learn from thedirected flow 3 0.5 3 Results ] p V 0.4 e G The3FDsimulationswereperformedformid-centralAu+Au [ m 0.3 collisions, i.e. at impact parameter b = 6 fm. In Ref. [45] - hadronic the values of the impact parameter corresponding to the 〉T0.2 1st order tr. experimentalrangeof10–40%mostcentralcollisionswere m obtained using a Monte-Carlo Glauber calculation. The 〈 crossover rangeofb 4.7–9.4fm was found. This rangemanifested 0.1 ≈ p very weak collision-energy dependence. The mean value ] V of this range is b 7 fm, which is usually used for e0.4 h i ≈ G representative calculations for this centrality bin, see e.g. m [0.3 PHSD/HSD calculations in Ref. [16]. The Glauber cal- culation [45] was based on a Woods-Saxon density profile - 〉 withthediffusenessparameter 0.5fmandresultedinthe mT0.2 AGS/SPS total hadronic cross-section for≈Au+Au collisions σ 〈 STAR AA ≃ 720 barns. Within the 3FD model the initial nuclei are 0.1 representedby sharp-edgedspheres,i.e.with zero diffuse- p ] ness.Thisisdoneforstabilityoftheincidentnucleibefore V0.3 e collision[22].Underthisapproximationthetotalhadronic G m [ TAhue+rAefuorec,rowses-hseacvteiotnotaucrcnosrdoiuntgltyoscbaeleσtA3hFAeDm≃ea5n80vablaurenosf. 〉m- T0.2 p - ftmhe. iTmhpisacjtusptaifiraems oetuerrcahsohicbe3FoDfit≈hehbrei(pσrA3eFsAeDn/tσaAtiAve)1/b2. F≈ol6- 〈 p + lowing the experimental conditions, the acceptance p < T 0.1 2 GeV/c for transverse momentum (p ) of the produced 2 5 10 20 50 T particlesisappliedtoallconsideredhadrons.Thedirected (cid:214) s [GeV] flow v (y) as a function of rapidity y at BES-RHIC bom- NN 1 barding energies is presented in Fig. 3 for pions, protons Fig. 2. Average transverse mass (minus particle mass) at and antiprotons. midrapidityofprotons(p),antiprotons(p¯)andpions(π)from central(b=2fm)Au+Aucollisionsasfunctionsofthecollision Asseen,thefirst-order-transitionscenariogivesresults energy. Experimental data are taken from Refs. [35,36,37,38, for the proton v1 which strongly differ from those in the 39] for AGS, [40,41,42,43] for SPS and [44] for BES-RHIC crossover scenario at √sNN = 7.7 and 19.6 GeV. This energies. is in contrast to other bulk observables analyzed so far [23,29,30,31,32,33,34]. At √sNN = 39 GeV the directed flowofallconsideredspeciespracticallycoincidencewithin thefirst-order-transitionandcrossoverscenarios.Itmeans to old AGS/SPS data [35,36,37,38,39,40,41,42,43] and thatthe crossovertransitionto the QGP has been practi- also compared with new data from the STAR collabora- callycompleted at√sNN = 39 GeV.It alsosuggeststhat tion[44].Ontheaverage,thecrossoverscenariostilllooks the region 7.7 √s 30 GeV, where the crossover NN preferable, though these new STAR data are somewhat ≤ ≤ EoSprovidesthebest(althoughnotperfect)overallrepro- below those from SPS (for protons and antiprotons). It duction of the STAR data, is the region of the crossover could seem that the crossover and hadronic scenarios re- transition. produce (or fail to reproduce) the antiproton STAR data The crossover EoS is definitely the best in reproduc- to the same extent. However, the slope of the crossover curve is definitely more adequate to the data. The first- tionoftheprotonv1(y)at√sNN ≤20GeV.However,sur- prisinglythe hadronicscenariobecomespreferableforthe order-transition scenario certainly fails for protons in the energyregionwhereonsetofdeconfinementtakesplacein protonv1(y)at√sNN >20GeV.Asimilarsituationtakes placeinthePHSD/HSDtransportapproach.Indeed,pre- thisEoS.Theobservedstep-likebehaviorofthe m exci- h Ti dictions of the HSD model (i.e. without the deconfine- tationfunctionsoriginatesfrompeculiaritiesofthefreeze- ment transition) for the proton v (y) become preferable outin the 3FD model,as itis discussedin Ref.[30]inde- 1 at√s > 30 GeV [16], i.e. atsomewhat higher energies tail.Thephysicalpatternbehindthisfreeze-outresembles NN thaninthe3FDmodel.Moreover,theprotonv predicted the process ofexpansionof compressedand heatedclassi- 1 bythe UrQMDmodel,ascited inthe experimentalpaper cal fluid into vacuum, mechanisms of which were studied [14] and in the recent theoretical work [15], better repro- both experimentally and theoretically. The freeze-out is ducestheprotonv (y)dataathighcollisionenergiesthan associated with evaporation from the surface of the ex- 1 the PHSD and 3FD-deconfinement models do. Note that panding fluid and sometimes with the explosive transfor- theUrQMDmodelisbasedonthehadronicdynamics.All mation of the strongly superheated fluid to the gas. theseobservationscouldbeconsideredasanevidenceofa The physical input of the present 3FD calculations is problemintheQGPsectorofaEoS.Atthesametimethe described in detail in Ref. [23]. antiprotondirectedflowat√sNN >10GeVdefinitely in- 4 Yu.B. Ivanov,A.A. Soldatov: What can we learn from thedirected flow 00..0024 prSoTtoAnRs anStiTpArRotons SSpTTioAAnRRs pp-+ a√gsrNeeNm=ent39–GweitVh.inItthiseefinrcsotu-orardgeinr-gtrbaencsaituisoenastcezneraorioneatt- baryon density the QGP sector of the EoS’s is fitted to v1 0 the lattice QCD data and therefore can be trusted. The -0.02 39 GeV crossoverscenario,aswellasallotherscenarios,definitely fails to reproduce the antiproton v (y) data at 7.7 GeV. 1 The reason is low multiplicity of produced antiprotons. 0.02 The antiproton multiplicity in the mid-central (b= 6 fm) v1 0 Au+Aucollisionat7.7Gevis 1withinthedeconfinement -0.02 27 GeV scenarios and 3 within the hadronic scenario. Therefore, the hydrodynamicalapproachbasedonthe grandcanoni- 19.6 GeV calensembleiscertainlyinapplicabletotheantiprotonsin 0.02 this case. The grand canonical ensemble, with respect to v1 0 conservationlaws,givesasatisfactorydescriptionofabun- hadronic dantparticle production in heavyion collisions.However, -0.02 crossover whenapplyingthestatisticaltreatmenttorareprobesone 1st-order tr. needs to treat the conservation laws exactly, that is the 0.02 11.5 GeV canonical approach. The exact conservation of quantum v1 0 numbers is known to reduce the phase space available for particle production due to additional constraints appear- -0.02 ing through requirements of local quantum number con- servation.Anexampleofapplyingthecanonicalapproach 0.02 7.7 GeV to the strangenessproduction canbe found in [46] anref- erences therein. v1 0 -0.02 Thepionsareproducedfromallfluids:nearmidrapid- ity 60% from the baryon-rich fluids and 40% from -0.04 ∼ ∼ -1 0 1 -1 0 1 -1 0 1 the net-baryon-free one at √sNN > 20 GeV. Hence, the y y y disagreement of the pion v with data, resulting from re- 1 Fig. 3. The directed flow v1(y) for protons, antiprotons dundantsoftnessoftheQGPEoSathighbaryondensities, and pions from mid-central (b = 6 fm) Au+Au collisions at is moderate at √sNN > 20 GeV. In general, the pion v1 √sNN = 7.7–39 GeV calculated with different EoS’s. Experi- islesssensitivetothe EoSascomparedtothe protonand mental data are from the STARcollaboration [14]. antiproton ones. As seen from Fig. 3, the deconfinement scenarios are definitely preferable for the pion v (y) at 1 √sNN < 20 GeV. Though, the hadronic-scenario results dicates a preference of the crossover scenario within both are not too far from the experimental data. At √sNN = the PHSD/HSD and 3FD approaches. 39GeVthe hadronicscenariogiveseventhe best descrip- This puzzle has a natural resolution within the 3FD tion of the pion data because of a higher stiffness of the model. The the QGP sector of the EoS’s with deconfine- hadronic EoS at high baryondensities, as compared with ment [27] was fitted to the lattice QCD data at zero net- that in the considered versions of the QGP EoS. baryon density and just extrapolated to nonzero baryon Thus,allthe analyzeddatatestify infavorofaharder densities. The protons mainly originate from baryon-rich QGPEoSathigh baryondensities than those used inthe fluids that are governed by the EoS at finite baryon den- simulations, i.e. the desired QGP EoS should be closer to sities.Thetoostrongprotonantiflowwithinthecrossover the used hadronic EoS at the same baryon densities (see scenario at √sNN > 20 GeV is a sign of too soft QGP Fig. 1). At the same time, a moderate softenning of the EoS at high baryon densities. In general, the antiflow or QGP EoS at moderately high baryon densities is agree- a weak flow indicates softness of an EoS [6,7,8,9,10,11, 12,13]. Predictions of the first-order-transition EoS, the ment with data at 7.7 <√sNN < 20 GeV. ∼ ∼ QGP sector of which is constructed in the same way as Here it is appropriate to mention a discussion on the that of the crossover one, fail even at lower collision en- QGPEoSinastrophysics.InRef.[47]itwasdemonstrated ergies, when the QGP starts to dominate in the collision that the QGP EoS can be almost indistinguishable from dynamics,i.e.at√sNN >15GeV.Thisfactalsosupports thehadronicEoSathighbaryondensitiesrelevanttoneu- the conjecture on a too∼soft QGP sector at high baryon tronstars.Inparticular,thisgivesapossibility toexplain densities in the used EoS’s. hybridstarswithmassesuptoabout2solarmasses(M⊙), At the same time, the net-baryon-free (fireball) fluid in such a way that “hybrid stars masquerade as neutron is governed by the EoS at zero net-baryon density. This stars” [47]. The discussion of such a possibility has been fluidisamainsourceofantiprotons(morethan80%near revived after measurements on two binary pulsars PSR midrapidity at √sNN > 20 GeV and b = 6 fm), v1(y) J1614-2230[48] and PSR J0348+0432[49] resulted in the of which is in good agreement with the data at √sNN > pulsar masses of (1.97 0.04)M⊙ and (2.01 0.04)M⊙, re- ± ± 20 GeV within the crossover scenario and even in perfect spectively. The obtained results on the directed flow give Yu.B. Ivanov,A.A. Soldatov: What can we learn from thedirected flow 5 us anotherindicationof arequiredhardeningofthe QGP reproductionoftheantiprotondv /dy whilethoseathigh 1 EoS at high baryon densities. baryondensities(protonslope)shouldbestifferinorderto achieve better description of proton dv /dy. A combined 1 effect of this excessive softness of the QGP EoS and the 0.4 reducing baryonstopping results in more and more nega- protons NA49 tiveprotonslopesathighcollisionenergies.Thisisinline =0 0.2 E895 with the mechanism discussed in Ref. [13]. The pion flow y STAR |y partially follows the proton pattern, as discussed above. d Therefore, the pion v slope also becomes more negative /1 1 v 0 with energy rise.As for the poor reproduction ofthe pro- d ton v1 slope at low energies (√sNN < 5 GeV), it is still questionable because the same data but in terms of the -0.2 transversein-planemomentum, P ,arealmostperfectly 0 h xi reproduced by the crossover scenario [17]. It is difficult 0 to indicate the beginning of the crossover transition be- = |yy-0.1 hadronic cause the crossover results become preferable beginning dv/d1 -0.2 c1rsot sosrodveer rtr. wHiotwhevreelra,ttivheelybelgoiwnncinolglisoifotnheencerrogsiseosve(r√tsrNanNsit>ion3cGaneVb)e. antiprotons approximately pointed out as √sNN 4 GeV. ≃ Of course, the 3FD model does not include all factors -0.3 0.15 determining the directed flow. Initial-state fluctuations, pions which in particular make the directed flow to be nonzero 0 0.1 STAR p+ even at midrapidity, are out of the scope of the 3FD ap- y= STAR p- proach. Apparently, these fluctuations can essentially af- | y d 0.05 fect the directed flow at high collision energies, when the v/1 experimental flow itself is very weak. Another point is d 0 so-called afterburner, i.e. the kinetic evolution after the thehydrodynamicalfreeze-out.Thisstageisabsentinthe -0.05 conventional version of the 3FD. Recently Iu. Karpenko 2 4 6 8 10 20 40 constructed an event generator based on the output of (cid:214) s [GeV] the 3FD model. Thus constructed particle ensemble can NN befurtherevolvedwithintheUrQMDmodel.Preliminary Fig.4. Thebeamenergydependenceofthedirectedflowslope results[52]showthat suchkind ofthe afterburnermainly at midrapidity for protons, antiprotons and pions from mid- central (b = 6 fm) Au+Au collisions calculated with different affects the pion v1 at peripheral rapidities. At √sNN < 5 GeV,themidrapidityregionofthepionv isalsoaffected. EoS’s. The experimental data are from Refs. [14,51,50]. 1 The slopeofthe directedflowatthe midrapidityis of- 4 Conclusions tenusedtoquantifyvariationofthedirectedflowwithcol- lisionenergy.Theexcitationfunctionsfortheslopesofthe Inconclusion,the crossoverEoSis unambiguously prefer- v distributions at midrapidity are summarized in Fig. 4, ableforthethemostpartofexperimentaldatainthecon- 1 where earlier experimental results from the AGS [50] and sidered energy range, though this description is not per- SPS [51] are also presented. As noted above, the best fect. Based onthe crossoverEoSof Ref. [27], the directed reproduction of the data is achieved with the crossover flow in semicentral Au+Au collisions indicates that the EoS. The proton dv /dy within the first-order-transition crossoverdeconfinementtransitiontakesplaceinthewide 1 scenario exhibits a wiggle earlier predicted in Refs. [8,9, rangeincidentenergies4<√s <30GeV.Inpart,this NN 11,12]. The first-order-transition results demonstrate the wide range could be a co∼nsequenc∼e of that the crossover worst agreement with the proton and antiproton data on transition constructed in Ref. [27] is very smooth. In this dv /dy. The discrepancies between experiment and the respect,thisversionofthecrossoverEoScertainlycontra- 1 3FD predictions are smaller for the purely hadronic EoS, dicts results of the lattice QCD calculations,where a fast however,the agreementfor the crossoverEoSis definitely crossover, at least at zero chemical potential, was found better though it is far from being perfect. As seen from [53]. Fig. 4, the rising transparency of colliding nuclei makes Athighestcomputedenergiesof√sNN >20GeV,the the proton v slope to be close to zero even for compara- obtained results indicate that the deconfinement EoS’s in 1 tively hard hadronic EoS. the QGP sector should be stiffer at high baryon densities Theabovediscussedproblemsofthecrossoverscenario than those used in the calculation, i.e. more similar to reveal themselves also in the dv /dy plot. At high en- thepurelyhadronicEoS.Thisobservationisinagreement 1 ergies (√s > 20 GeV), the slopes also indicate that with that discussed in astrophysics. NN the used deconfinement EoS’s in the quark-gluon sector In view of this similarity of the QGP and hadronic at zero baryon chemical potential are quite suitable for EoS’s at high baryon densities a question arises if we can 6 Yu.B. Ivanov,A.A. Soldatov: What can we learn from thedirected flow use the directed flow to detect the deconfinement tran- 22. Yu. B. Ivanov, V. N. Russkikh, and V. D. 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