WESTERN INNERWORKINGS Sangteal Soilality Seies WtsSTBRN 'Western Inner Workings, Volume 1 INNER The Sangreal Sacrament, Volume 2 WORKINGS Concepts of Qabalah, Volume 3 Sangreal Ceremonies and Rituals, Volume 4 Sangreal SodalitY Series Volume 1 William G. GraY SAMUEL WEISER, INC. York Beach, Maine Contents Published in 1983 by Samuel Weiser, Inc. Box 672 Introduction ix York Beach, Maine 03910 Behind Our Beliefs .......1 1 2 The Cult of Kingship ... .17 @ William G. Gray 3 Sacrificial Circles ........33 4 Greatness of the Grail , . . ,49 All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced 5 Individual Identity . .. .. . .63 or transmitted in any form or by "oy -."or, electronic or 6 The Art of Abra-Melim ......,,77 mechanical,_including photocopy, without permission in writing 7 Abra-Melim Again ..... . .93 from the publisher. Reviewers who wish ,o ioor. brief passages in The Mysteries of Melchizadek . . 109 connection with a review written for inclusion in a'm^glzine, .98 The Simplicity of Brother Lawrence .. .123 newspaper or broadcast need not request permission. 10 Paganistic Principles .....139 tt Cycles ...157 Cosmic rsBN 0-87728-560-8 72 Cycles Continued .......173 13 Still Cycles . ..... 191 Library of Congress Catalog Card Numb er: g2-62g46 t4 Sacred Ceremonialism ...207 MediationandMeaning... .....223 15 Typesetting by Positive Type Valedictory ......239 Printed in the United States by Maple-Vail Publication of this series was made possible by the sangreal Foundation, Inc. Also by Wm, G. Gruy Abo*t the author Inner Traditions of Magic The Ladder of Lights Magical Images of the Tree Magical Ritual Methods An Outlook on our Inner 'Western w"y The Rite of Light The Rollright Ritual Wm. G. Gray was born in Middlesex, United Kingdom, at The Sangreal Sodality Series 2:t0 p.m. on the 25th of March, 1913. Astrologically this gave him: (in four volumes) Sun in Aries, Moon in Scorpio, and Leo rising. Seasonal Occult Rituals On his father's side, Bill Gray comes from a long line of A Self-Made by Magic churchmen with his grandfather being an Anglican rector and his The Talking Tree heritage extending back to Archbishop Walter de Gray of York' The Tree of Evil His mother was Scottish-American and in mid-life became a prominent astrologer. This was young Bill's first introduction to the o..ult and througl his mother was able to meet many members of the Golden Dawn and other esoteric grouPs. He joined the British Army as a corrununications technician and served several years in Egypt where he came into contact with additional material relevant to the Inner Tradition' Shortly after his return home, England became involved in World War II and Bill's military outfit was immediately trans- ferred to France where he was in action until evacuated during the Dunkirk disaster. It was at this time that he swore to devote the remainder of his life to the Western Spiritual Way of Life. After the holocaust, his health broke and he was invalided from the British forces. For a short period, Wm. G' Gray was a member of the Society of the Inner Light. This organization was founded by Dion Fortune , the author of many books on the 'we stern Tradition which had been of great help to him in his early occult studies. Bill Gray's own especial mentor was a Rosicrucian associate of ,,papus,,' Dr. Gerami Encausse. To this advanced initiate, Bill Gray attributes his own psycho-spiritual development. Wm. G. Gray did not corrunence writing until the late 1960's when he wrore an essay on eabalah purely foithe benefit of a few close associates. They were so enthusiastic about the article that he Introduction was encouraged to expand it into what is now one of the classics of Qabalistic literature, Ladder of Lights. when Israer Regardie was asked to re ad the manuscript, he was full of praise in aJclaiming it both unique and original. Since that time wm. G. Gray has writieo eight more books about the Qabalah and the wesrern Tradition before undertaking the present Sangreal Sodality series. . Wm. G. Gray is married to an ex-service woman who, like his mother, is a professional asrrologer. He established himself as a Th* book condenses what might be called a chiropodist in the west country of England and there has devoted unique experiment in spiritual sociology. It presents a centerline his free time to the study and advancernent of the w'estern Inner approach to our hereditary or so-called "secret" spiritual tradition Tradition. 'Western as people who have evolved our own special culture from the entire field of consciousness available to humans following aaaaaaaaaoa particular paths of progress during the course of our existence on this earth. SANGREAL SODALITY chapters are being organized All cultural developments are dependent on two main throughout the western world. If you would like infJrmalion on abilities: an ability of literdcy, which enables humans to think in organizing your own please write: terms of descriptive ideology, and numeracy, which enables us to "r:on, think in terms of relative valuations. By combining these two Wm. G. Gray abilities correctedly, we are able to process our consciousness in c/o Samucl Weiser, lnc. ways which have the end effect of making us not only the people we P.O. Box 612 are but, more importantly, the sort of people we want to become. York Beach, Maine 03910 Behind all the apparently variant and conflicting spiritual systems which humans of Western origins have adopted in their search for individual and collective identity, lies a single and genetically inheritable strain of inner awareness which might indeed be termed "occult, " or hidden, because so fe w people are objectively conscious of it. It is that precise awareness which this work is intended to awaken in those who hold it latently, or to sharpen and focus it for those in whom it may be stirring already. X . WESTERN INNER WORKINGS Introduction o xr First, in this book, we shall deal with the purely literate side of our appeared unaware of, or unwilling to develop the wealth of inner tradition, then later on we hope to tackle the numerate poteoti"l already present within themselves as a genetic spiritual concepts which take us closer to the spiritual structures of our lnherit"nce of the Wesrern world. So they took what seemed to be natures. the easiest way out of their difficulties and grabbed at anything This literary legacy of our Western Inne r Way is vast and exoric and available that looked like a ready-made remedy for their constantly enlarging though it has become increasingly repetitive in inner deficiencies. recent times. Much of our modern esoteric literature is little more This can be compared to people living in areas of enormous than a persistent rehashing of previous publications. Granted, there wealth in terms of natural resources while developing none of them, is a need to present valid old themes in terms of our times, but there and surviving by dependency uPon other countries which have also e xists an ad nauseam point at which otherwise intelligent interest processed and marketed their natural resources. As any economist in any topic is reached and plain boredom with over-exposure too*r, this inevitably leads to social stagnation and ultimate prevents real progress and possibly valuable new discoveries being degeneration of national character. The spiritual equivalents of this made. We seem to be hovering dangerously near that mark in this *orr. still. From both a material and spiritual viewpoint, the "rJ fin de siecle period. There are magic circles and vicious circles, but healthy state of any community is best preserved by organizing and when the two become coincidental, no good is boded for anyone developing its inherent resources until these become as self- caught within them. So in order to provide a liberating stream of sufficient as possible, and surplus-exchangeable also. The ideal thought leading out of stagnating pools of pedantry, this series of condition for a complete human community would be total self- Sangreal studies which deal with specifically vital points of our sufficiency, a state more difficult to materialize than perpetual 'Western Way is herewith offered. motion. These writings do not claim to reveal startling occult secrets In our times it is not unheard of to enounter communes of concealed for centuries by mysterious "Masters" or other superior usually young people who claim with justifiable pride that they are superpeople calmly controlling the destiny of this world from their virtually self-supporting. On investigation, however, this generally mountainous hide-outs or from hidden planets lurking in distant means that they grow their own farm produce, carry out ProPerty corners of Cosmos. What they afford is an opportunity for self- maintenance , and possibly make their own clothing. Commendable selective training along the central spiritual lines which hold our 'enough, but nothing more than any rural population might have esoteric cultural heritage together as a whole. This, in turn, affects donel.ttet a few cenruries back. It is all roo frequently found that the lives and future of us all as a distinct species of life on this planet. our mode rn back-to-the-landers are embracing foreign philosophies For many years, rhe publishing market of the English and and Oriental outlooks on life which are at considerable variance European literary world have been flooded with a variety of books with indigenous spiritual systems. Not that this is wrong per se , but dealing with Oriental occultism. This has proved of great interest only that it.n"oui"g"t undue dependence on imported ideology and and attracted a considerable number of devotees, disciples, and neglects the cultivation of our inborn genetic consciousness' what might be termed sub-culturalists, all seeking spiritual It might be better for all of us if more esoterically inclined satisfaction which they evidently could not obtain from existing people realized deeply enough that we do indeed have a specifically "orthodox" religions and established mystical systems. There are Western Inner Way quite apart from any established religions or two main reasons for this. One is that such resources proved sectarian organizations. Those are but branches stemming from that inadequate to supply the urgent spiritual needs arising in the souls of Tree of Life which grows out of the inner ground whence our those who were incarnating in the West. The other is that such souls spiritual roots cornmence their climb towards Ultimate Light' . xii WESTERN INNER IVORKINGS Introduction a xrtt Surely it is time that some souls already incarnate recognize the questions at the end of each chapter. This together with the various significance of a spiritual factor bound up with their own blood which e'*er.ise, and practices suggested in the text, will make an entire was once called the Sang Real or Blood Royal. This is our inner training as fully detailed and valid as any you might exPect inheritance which of itself offers what used to be termed saluation to find*in" osoor-rc.a lled "occult" or "Mystery" Schools of our Present for whoever belongs with it and follows the Quest for immortal times. The main difference between anything you might be taught identity which it encourages in the hearrs that bear it consciously. by such "esoteric associations" and what you hold in. your hands The present collection of writings has been assembled and no* i, this: Whereas an organization would impose disciplines on co-ordinated principally for the purpose of alerting souls of that you and provide personal .o.oor"g.*.nts or criticisms regarding class into action. Each chapter may be considered as a separate yoo, io thi, case you will need to be capable of doing.that thread of one single theme connecting our inner lives together like ior yo"uffrr*etlrf,, guided by whatever "inner contacts" you may make in an unbreakable blood-link between family members of a common the course ofloo, studies and practices. In other words, you will be faith. If this work fulfils but a fraction of that function, it will have entirely responsible for your own Progress' 'There served an unique purpose. really is an "Organization" behind this work you are If You, in particular, whose eyes and mind are at this moment invited to participate in, but iiis a purely spiritual one in essence. engaged with these words, should know instinctively whether or yoo *oold pr.f., to find it in some kind of physical form at.a later not this applies to you as a living soul. Perhaps you don'r know i"t", th.o iou, togrth.r with others of similar inclination, will have exactly why, in terms of technical explanations or complicated to provide it *,iith the means of such manifestation through verbal statements, but this is where you must rely on your heart yoorr"lrr.r. That is exactly the opposite of what has usually rather than your head. The Sangreal is something you either belong ir"pp.o.d in previous times. Hitherto, various concerns have with by birth and blood inheritance, or you do not, but might yet e*i"od"d or other tyPes of training courses for claim it if you would. There is nothing to prevent your attaining it attracting "forersr.hrp moerrmd.bnecresh ip, then selecting suitable graduates for in due course if you truly intend to. So if you are uncertain where initiatioriinto the society itself. Here, you are being provided with you stand at the moment, it will do you no harm to read on and training materials which, if you are capable of handling.them probe possibilities, will it? will enable you to construct a Society, or,consolidation Although the material contained in these chapters is not "aomrorn.g. iiyts, successful students resulting in what can only be termed a exactly a "course" in the usual sense of the word, it should be "sangreal Sodality" of Western esotericism' treated as if it were in order to obtain the best value from it, Boiled down to basics, this amounts to an attemPt at forming otherwise it will amount to little more than information which a conscious linkage on marerial levels of life between all who could be obtained elsewhere by spending the necessary time, sincerely feel or b.li.rre that their spiritual Past' Present, and future trouble, thought, and resources needed to accumulate and assemble is bound up with the Western, rather than an Eastern Inner it. Even information cannot be collected without expenditure of all Tradition. Th"t is to say, those who "have it in their blood," and those essentials, plus considerably more time than it takes an really belong by simply being the souls they are, regardless of what average reader to follow it second hand. So you cannot very well section o, .olt may be claiming their attention during their present lose on that score, can you? incarnations. whether they call themselves Rosicrucians, Druids, Hence the intention is to place this book before you so that it pagans, Qabalists, or anything else of a distinctive 'western nature' can be handled as a work program, with carefully calculated ,,r.i Lut branches as it were, of something much greater than "r. xiv. WESTERN INNER WORKINGS Introduction o xv and inclusive of all sectarianism. This is our 'western soul, or Ethos, 3. Euening exercises, which amount either to the ones in which we participate perforce of our birth within it. Therefore recommended in each Chapter/Lesson, or straight forward medita- its nature is both normal and narural to our very existence. tion on the chosen topic. In any case, a short write-up of results That is the standpoinr on which the Sangreal Sodaliry should be made as a sort of report in what used to be called a depends: a kind of superloyalty above alr sectional iiterert, to rhe "Magical Diary." An ordinary desk diary would do if it had enough Life-P_rinciple which produced us as a distinct species of people on ,p""., but the conventional thing to use is a loose-leaf file where sthtrisu cptluarnee to, -fh 1h"ui"mg aan iptya ratiscu ara rw fhuonlcet;i otno t od efvueifloil pi na nthde ' c,upltiiivra"tae ethaech a smhoeuetn tcsa nw briett eadnd eedv einry p droapye.r sequence and ruled according to consciousness of the fundamental life purpose so that we shall 4. Sleep subject. This is the selected subject which is "slept become berter able to serve rhe evolutionary ends of life itserf as on" so that the deeper aurareness contacted subconsciously during Deity, or however otherwise anyone sees such an uldmate to the night can deal with it effectively and produce interesting universal existence. reactions when connected to normal waking consciousness during - Now you who are reading this may not be interested in any the morning meditation. It is usual to pick these subjects from the such end-aim, in which case be assured there wiil be plenty in the lesson in hand. way of esoteric informatio-n and subject matter to k..p your mind These events will form the skeleton of a spiritual framework occupied for the sake of intellectual pursuit Assuming, on which to build the "inner stronghold" needed to contain the however, tllj too may be inclined to i"k. the"l othneem. e seriously increasing consciousness of anyone who involves himself in this kind enough to follow it through to the end ofyour endeavours, here is of self-development. Since they need somewhat more detailed what you are advised to do. description, this is what they actually entail: First of all, assess your life style and obligations, and then 1. Having read the material of the Chapter/Lesson in hand, make the best arrangemenrs you can for devotiig th.'-ioi-,r- choose ten or more distinct items from it that esPecially interest you required time and aftention to these spiritual studiel you will need and make a list of them. They do not have to be the same as the set about five minutes in the morning, f.* ,..onds at lunch_break, questions at all. In fact, it is best if they are not, but rather derive " and some twenty minutes or so in the evenings, quite aside from fiom some points that you have thought of for yourself in your ordinary reading time. Remember alway-s, it'is best to do a tonnection with the lesson. You can select them in any order you minimum of work regularly each day, rarher than a lot one day and like, but only one is to become the "subject for the Day." You may nothing for many days afterwards. By all means, ke.p on. j"y write it on a piece of paper and put it under your pillow if you think week solely for recreational purposer, a crear -oith for you"r that might help. Having duly "slept on it," bring it to mind as soon normal vacation per annum. your dai"lyn dp rogram should be 6uilt after rising as you conveniently cen, and work with it in this way: around the following fixed points: Put yourself carefully in the Weste rn meditational position. l. A moming meditation consisting of five or so minutes of This means no more than sitting comfortably on the firm seat of a concentration upon a topic chosen from the current lesson or chair which has an upright back or none at all. A dining chair or chapter studied the previous evening. kitchen stool will be fine. Face a West Quarter. The spine is to be . - 2. Mid-day Inuocatio-n, or a very brief but inrense spiritual kept erect, feet flat on the floor beside each other, thighs about signal sent from the depths of your soul toward *h"t rr., Ioo., right angles to the legs below the knee. The hands rest lightly on the Power you believe or hope may be trying to help guide your thighs, usually palms down and fingers extended. The head may be individual life along its best path. bent slighdy forward, eyes closed with inner gaze aimed at the XVi . IVESTERN INNER'fi/ORKINGS Introduction o xvii bridge of the nose. Breathing shourd be srow and regurar. peace and mental acknowledgement to your "Inner Contacts" however seems quiet in a dim light away from noise is best b.rt ."", plugs and an best to you, then get on with your mundane life. ehyeeamdpahsokn mesa yw biteh ussueidta ibf len emeduesdic. aSl oomre sfionndi cit b hac"lkpgfrrol"utnod ,w ebaurt your "s2p.i rSitoumale stiimgnea iln" ttohe w mhiadtdelvee or fi nthnee rd ainy flaureonucned nyoouon h, ospeen dm oauyt everyone has to find what is best for themselrr.r. OJep lounging bc helping your human efforts at living as a worthwhile soul. This chairs or couches with soft cushions will most definitery notb,e right takes longer to describe than to do. It consists of deliberately for western meditation, nor will lying in bed and a.."'-ing orL, clearing your mind momentarily from material affairs, and sending satisfactory substitute. " out a sharply defined thought aimed at your "lnner Instructors" {hen you feel entirely settled, fix your whole concentra_ who are responsible for guiding you along your Life Path. You may tion on the chosen topic and try to hord it in mind for at reast five use a mentally worded formula if you like, providing it is short, minutes. You may certainly do this dressed in pyjamas and dressing succinct, and emphatic. There must be no vagueness or dissimula- gown, or any other pre-brealcfast style you f^n y, but you must be tion about it. A "forceful fling" is the basic idea. Do not attempt to correctly postured and mentally pr.p"i.d fot t*t uri.r.*.r.ir.. elaborate the exercise with extended prayers or anything else. The mtlsaek ae "api nbgeri er"f ntoo tme ark the time iit hyoeu qwuaanlitt yto ,a bnudt adt. fththe e- nodi o,f ti.t methodology itself is important here. What is vital is that you -concerning manage to clear your mind for those few seconds needed to perform mtoe tdhi.et asGteio t nh(.rG eToeho issdt a)c:na dnSa tbredeas d:dyo naen "dn tciloyn bsyta enst taimwaatriennge sress uolrfs tahcec otrodpinicg, otrhofeu wt ipnorearskc taaicnnedd, apacentodivp ilttehie.a sTt. hyPiosru ew fdeiolrla ibtta lyks,eo iittnh gsahet oniutu lidftiy tb seb iundt o wmneiat hnay my wiodua pyr rsen smosruimgrehastl coupled with a feeling of inner expansion concerning it, porribly suggest themselves. For instance, you might blow your nose slowly, with a new sense of its relevance or an increasing apprJciatiin of its wipe glasses, look as if you were consulting papers, or even tie a significance; shoelace. With a little practice it can all be done in ten or fifteen . ,4 (Average): Awareness of a drift from the subject, and a seconds, but it is quite a valuable part of your training. continual need ro keep re-focussing the mind with ,o*"".ffo.i,bu, 3. In the evening you will need enough time for your on the whole satisfied with the value of effort expeod.d; ' exercises and written work. This consists of a short write-up on the (P-oor): Total drift from the matter to othe, lines of subject of the day for your diary. Think it over for a few minutes, thought, difficulty in focussing the mind with any .i"riry, then try to condense your thoughts into as few words as possible awareness of disinte rest or inability to conrrol th. **kiog, of yo"r,ra, with the most meaning in them concerning your subject. Do not use consciouIstn emssu. sDt ibssea triesfmacetmiobne wreidth t hyaout rsthelifs. applies to a normal vpahgrausee,o ilmogpyr.e cRiseem etemrmbesr, tdhoe nooldt triammeb lgeu iodar necme pgloivye ne xttora vtraaginaenet mindstate' !f you are remporarily affected by'ihysical ri.r.""r, ., journalists; "Take a whole chapter and compress it into a few extremes of mental stress, do not attempt th. .*.r.ir. but for the paragraphs. Take those and reduce them to a single sentence. Thcn sake of diary continuity simply *rite 3 by the date. take that and boil it down to a single word. If you can succeed with D_o not try to think out any results of your early meditation. this, then you are made because all you have to do is make whole That will come later' Make everything as concentrated as you can sentences from a few words, and long articles or stories from a for thcse few moments, then let it ,inf rnto your subconsciousness. sentence or so, " Date the diary entry, note the time and qu"lity.rr"lu"rioo, -"k. It is the principle of the thinking processes which is "