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Almehmi, Ammar, M.D., M.P.H.; Amer Malas, M.D., Collins, Amie N., M.D.; William D. Rose, M.D. - Toxic F.A.C.P. - Thrombotic Thrombocytopenic Purpura Shock Syndrome in an Adult Male Secondary to Following Cardiovascular Surgery: A Case Report Puncture Wound Mar/Apr 64 Nov/Dec 234 Almehmi, Ammar, M.D., M.P.H.; Amer Malas, M.D., Combes, John R., M.D.; Robert J. Fanning, Jr., D.O., F.A.C.P.; Mohammed Yousufuddin, M.D., F.R.C.P;; F.A.C.C.; Deborah H. Ruppert, R.N. - West Virginia J. Gregory Rosencrance, M.D., F.A.C.P. - Methadone- Coalition for Quality Health Care Presents Results of Induced Torsade de Pointes in a Patient With Normal “Gap in the Mountains” Project Baseline QT Interval Mar/Apr 59 July/Aug 147 D’Alessandri, Robert M., M.D.; James E. Brick, M.D.; Almehmi, Ammar, M.D., M.P.H.; Alfred K. Pfister, M.D., John F. Brick, M.D. - Maountainner Doctor Television in F.A.C.P.; Ronald McCowan, M.D., F.A.C.C.; Susie Matulis, West Virginia M.D., F.A.C.P. - Implantable Cardioverter-Defibrillator May/June 92 Infection Caused by Tsukamurella Sept/Oct 185 Deci, David M., M.D. - Chronic Subdural Hematoma Presenting as Headache and Cognitive Impairment After Bates, Mark C.,M.D.;Jennifer Molano, MSIV; Mary Ellen Minor Head Trauma Pauley, R.N., M.S.N., C.-F.N.P. - Internal Carotid Artery May/June 106 Flow Arrest/Reversal Cerebral Protection Techniques ” Mar/Apr 60 Dunsworth, Teresa S., Pharm.D., B.C.P.S.; Michelle A. 7 Nuss, M.D.; D. Michael Elnicki, M.D.; Eugene H. Makela, ~) Bates, Mark C., M.D.;William A. Peterson, M.D., Pharm.D., B.C.P.P. - Utilizing CIWA-Ar to Assess Use of F.A.C.0.G.; Subodhsingh Chauhan, M.D., M.R.C.O.G.; Benzodiazepines in Patients Vulnerable to Alcohol ales Jennifer C. Lee; David P. Hernandez, M.D., F.A.C.O.G. - Withdrawal Syndrome -_ Team Approach With Gynecologists Taking the Lead Role Jan/Feb 21 in Selecting Patients for Uterine Artery Embolization = Sept/Oct 182 Ehrlich, Peter F., M.D.; James C. Helmkamp, Ph.D.; <q Samuel Swisher-McClure, B.A.; William C. Manley, R.N.; Brehm, John G., M.D., F.A.C.P.; Karen Hannah, M.B.A.; Kimberly Horn, Ed.D.; Luba Leontieva, M.D. - A Brief Patty Ruddick, R.N., M.S.N., A.P.R.N.-B.C.; Charles — Summary of Alcohol Intervention Research at West Schade, M.D., M.P.H. - Physician Supply in Key Medical Virginia University From 1998-2003 o Specialties in West Virginia Hospitals, 2001-2004 July/Aug 143 July/Aug 132 x Brehm, John G., M.D., F.A.C.P.; Stephen M. Smith, M.D., Elitsur, Yoram, M.D.; Zandra Lawrence, M.T. - The Prevalence of Obesity and Elevated Liver Enzymes in eb) F.A.C.P. - West Virginia Medical Institute: The Quality Children at a University Gastroenterology Clinic Improvement Organization for West Virginia <—) Sept/Oct 178 Mar/April 67 — Elnicki, D. Michael, M.D.; Michelle A. Nuss, M.D.; Teresa Brick, James E., M.D.; John F. Brick, M.D., Robert M. S. Dunsworth, Pharm.D., B.C.P.S.; Eugene H. Makela, D’Alessandri, M.D. - Mountaineer Doctor Television in Pharm.D., B.C.P.P. - Utilizing CIWA-Ar to Assess Use of West Virginia rT May/June 92 Benzodiazepines in Patients Vulnerable to Alcohol Withdrawal Syndrome © Brick, John F., M.D.; James E. Brick, M.D., Robert M. Jan/Feb 21 © D’Alessandri, M.D. - Mountaineer Doctor Television in N West Virginia Fanning, Robert J. Jr., D.O., F.A.C.C.; John R. Combes, M.D.; Deborah H. Ruppert, R.N. - West Virginia Coalition May/June 92 for Quality Health Care Presents Results of “Gap in the Buckner, Bobby J., B.A.; Vasil Parousis, M.D.; William Mountains” Project Tarry, M.D.; Stanley Zaslau, M.D. - Strangulation Injuries Mar/Apr 59 of the Glans Penis: A Case Series Sept/Oct 187 Hannah, Karen, M.B.A.; John Brehm, M.D., F.A.C.P.; Patty Ruddick, R.N., M.S.N., A.P.R.N.-B.C.; Charles Schade, Butler, Wayne M., Ph.D.; Gregory S. Merrick, M.D. - Rectal M.D., M.P.H. - Physician Supply in Key Medical Function Following Permanent Prostate Brachytherapy Specialties in West Virginia Hospitals, 2001-2004 Jan/Feb 18 July/Aug 132 Chang, Thomas H., M.D., F.A.C.S. - Laparoscopic Haque, Reyaz, M.D.; Farrukh M. Jalisi, M.D.; Anthony P. Treatment of Morgagni-Larrey Hernia Morise, M.D.; Abnash C. Jain, M.D. - Primary Jan/Feb 14 Percutaneous Balloon Pericardiotomy May/June 102 Chauhan, Subodhsingh, M.D., M.R.C.O.G.; William A. Peterson, M.D., F.A.C.O.G.; Mark C. Bates, M.D.; Jennifer Hassan, Mariam, B.S.; Ronald R. Scobbo, M.D.; Thomas C. Lee; David P. Hernandez, M.D., F.A.C.0.G. - Team W. von Dohlien, M.D.; Syed Islam, M.B.B.S., Dr.P.H. - Approach With Gynecologists Taking the Lead Role in Serum TSH Variability in Normal Individuals: The Influence Selecting Patients for Uterine Artery Embolization of Time of Sample Collection Sept/Oct 182 July/Aug 138 256 WEST VIRGINIA MEDICAL JOURNAL Almehmi, Ammar, M.D., M.P.H.; Amer Malas, M.D., Collins, Amie N., M.D.; William D. Rose, M.D. - Toxic F.A.C.P. - Thrombotic Thrombocytopenic Purpura Shock Syndrome in an Adult Male Secondary to Following Cardiovascular Surgery: A Case Report Puncture Wound Mar/Apr 64 Nov/Dec 234 Almehmi, Ammar, M.D., M.P.H.; Amer Malas, M.D., Combes, John R., M.D.; Robert J. Fanning, Jr., D.O., F.A.C.P.; Mohammed Yousufuddin, M.D., F.R.C.P;; F.A.C.C.; Deborah H. Ruppert, R.N. - West Virginia J. Gregory Rosencrance, M.D., F.A.C.P. - Methadone- Coalition for Quality Health Care Presents Results of Induced Torsade de Pointes in a Patient With Normal “Gap in the Mountains” Project Baseline QT Interval Mar/Apr 59 July/Aug 147 D’Alessandri, Robert M., M.D.; James E. Brick, M.D.; Almehmi, Ammar, M.D., M.P.H.; Alfred K. Pfister, M.D., John F. Brick, M.D. - Maountainner Doctor Television in F.A.C.P.; Ronald McCowan, M.D., F.A.C.C.; Susie Matulis, West Virginia M.D., F.A.C.P. - Implantable Cardioverter-Defibrillator May/June 92 Infection Caused by Tsukamurella Sept/Oct 185 Deci, David M., M.D. - Chronic Subdural Hematoma Presenting as Headache and Cognitive Impairment After Bates, Mark C.,M.D.;Jennifer Molano, MSIV; Mary Ellen Minor Head Trauma Pauley, R.N., M.S.N., C.-F.N.P. - Internal Carotid Artery May/June 106 Flow Arrest/Reversal Cerebral Protection Techniques ” Mar/Apr 60 Dunsworth, Teresa S., Pharm.D., B.C.P.S.; Michelle A. 7 Nuss, M.D.; D. Michael Elnicki, M.D.; Eugene H. Makela, ~) Bates, Mark C., M.D.;William A. Peterson, M.D., Pharm.D., B.C.P.P. - Utilizing CIWA-Ar to Assess Use of F.A.C.0.G.; Subodhsingh Chauhan, M.D., M.R.C.O.G.; Benzodiazepines in Patients Vulnerable to Alcohol ales Jennifer C. Lee; David P. Hernandez, M.D., F.A.C.O.G. - Withdrawal Syndrome -_ Team Approach With Gynecologists Taking the Lead Role Jan/Feb 21 in Selecting Patients for Uterine Artery Embolization = Sept/Oct 182 Ehrlich, Peter F., M.D.; James C. Helmkamp, Ph.D.; <q Samuel Swisher-McClure, B.A.; William C. Manley, R.N.; Brehm, John G., M.D., F.A.C.P.; Karen Hannah, M.B.A.; Kimberly Horn, Ed.D.; Luba Leontieva, M.D. - A Brief Patty Ruddick, R.N., M.S.N., A.P.R.N.-B.C.; Charles — Summary of Alcohol Intervention Research at West Schade, M.D., M.P.H. - Physician Supply in Key Medical Virginia University From 1998-2003 o Specialties in West Virginia Hospitals, 2001-2004 July/Aug 143 July/Aug 132 x Brehm, John G., M.D., F.A.C.P.; Stephen M. Smith, M.D., Elitsur, Yoram, M.D.; Zandra Lawrence, M.T. - The Prevalence of Obesity and Elevated Liver Enzymes in eb) F.A.C.P. - West Virginia Medical Institute: The Quality Children at a University Gastroenterology Clinic Improvement Organization for West Virginia <—) Sept/Oct 178 Mar/April 67 — Elnicki, D. Michael, M.D.; Michelle A. Nuss, M.D.; Teresa Brick, James E., M.D.; John F. Brick, M.D., Robert M. S. Dunsworth, Pharm.D., B.C.P.S.; Eugene H. Makela, D’Alessandri, M.D. - Mountaineer Doctor Television in Pharm.D., B.C.P.P. - Utilizing CIWA-Ar to Assess Use of West Virginia rT May/June 92 Benzodiazepines in Patients Vulnerable to Alcohol Withdrawal Syndrome © Brick, John F., M.D.; James E. Brick, M.D., Robert M. Jan/Feb 21 © D’Alessandri, M.D. - Mountaineer Doctor Television in N West Virginia Fanning, Robert J. Jr., D.O., F.A.C.C.; John R. Combes, M.D.; Deborah H. Ruppert, R.N. - West Virginia Coalition May/June 92 for Quality Health Care Presents Results of “Gap in the Buckner, Bobby J., B.A.; Vasil Parousis, M.D.; William Mountains” Project Tarry, M.D.; Stanley Zaslau, M.D. - Strangulation Injuries Mar/Apr 59 of the Glans Penis: A Case Series Sept/Oct 187 Hannah, Karen, M.B.A.; John Brehm, M.D., F.A.C.P.; Patty Ruddick, R.N., M.S.N., A.P.R.N.-B.C.; Charles Schade, Butler, Wayne M., Ph.D.; Gregory S. Merrick, M.D. - Rectal M.D., M.P.H. - Physician Supply in Key Medical Function Following Permanent Prostate Brachytherapy Specialties in West Virginia Hospitals, 2001-2004 Jan/Feb 18 July/Aug 132 Chang, Thomas H., M.D., F.A.C.S. - Laparoscopic Haque, Reyaz, M.D.; Farrukh M. Jalisi, M.D.; Anthony P. Treatment of Morgagni-Larrey Hernia Morise, M.D.; Abnash C. Jain, M.D. - Primary Jan/Feb 14 Percutaneous Balloon Pericardiotomy May/June 102 Chauhan, Subodhsingh, M.D., M.R.C.O.G.; William A. Peterson, M.D., F.A.C.O.G.; Mark C. Bates, M.D.; Jennifer Hassan, Mariam, B.S.; Ronald R. Scobbo, M.D.; Thomas C. Lee; David P. Hernandez, M.D., F.A.C.0.G. - Team W. von Dohlien, M.D.; Syed Islam, M.B.B.S., Dr.P.H. - Approach With Gynecologists Taking the Lead Role in Serum TSH Variability in Normal Individuals: The Influence Selecting Patients for Uterine Artery Embolization of Time of Sample Collection Sept/Oct 182 July/Aug 138 256 WEST VIRGINIA MEDICAL JOURNAL Helmkamp, James C., Ph.D.; Samuel Swisher-McClure, Juckett, Gregory, M.D., M.P.H. - Travel Medicine 2005 B.A.; William C. Manley, R.N., Kimberly Horn, Ed.D.; Luba Nov/Dec 222 Leontieva, M.D.; Peter F. Ehrlich, M.D. - A Brief Summary of Alcohol Intervention Research at West Virginia Kandzari, Stanley J., M.D.; Elizabeth Gail Roberts; Linda University From 1998-2003 Vona-Davis, Ph.D.; Dale R. Riggs; Barbara J. Jackson; July/Aug 143 Hesam Hohseni, M.D.; David W. McFadden, M.D. - COX-2 Inhibition and Cancer: Experimental Findings and Clinical Hernandez, David P., M.D., FA.C.O.G.; William A. Correlates Peterson, M.D., F.A.C.0.G.; Mark C. Bates, M.D.; May/June 96 Subodhsingh Chauhan, M.D., M.R.C.O.G.; Jennifer C. Lee - Team Approach With Gynecologists Taking the Lead Kyer, Paul D., M.D.; Mark C. Bates, M.D.; Cyrus Role in Selecting Patients for Uterine Artery Embolization Kavasmaneck, MSIV; Ali AbuRahma, M.D.; Bradley Crotty - Sept/Oct 182 Stent-Supported Angioplasty Correction of Symptomatic Hill, Nancy L. - A Medical Legend: James L. Critical Carotid Angulation Cunningham, M.D. Jan/Feb 22 Mar/Apr 52 Lawrence, Zandra, M.T.; Yoram Elitsur, M.D. - The Hohseni, Hesam, M.D.; Elizabeth Gail Roberts; Linda Prevalence of Obesity and Elevated Liver Enzymes in Von-Davis, Ph.D.; Dale R. Riggs; Barbara J. Jackson; Children at a University Gastroenterology Clinic Stanley J. Kandzari, M.D.; David W. McFadden, M.D. - Mar/April 67 COX-2 Inhibition and Cancer: Experimental Findings and Clinical Correlates Lee, Jennifer C.; William A. Peterson, M.D., F.A.C.O.G.; May/June 96 Mark C. Bates, M.D.; Subodhsingh Chauhan, M.D., M.R.C.O.G.; David P. Hernandez, M.D., F.A.C.0.G. - Team Horn, Kimberly, Ed.D.; James C. Helmkamp, Ph.D.; Approach With Gynecologists Taking the Lead Role in Samuel Swisher-McClure, B.A.; William C. Manley, R.N., Selecting Patients for Uterine Artery Embolization Luba Leontieva, M.D.; Peter F. Ehrlich, M.D. - A Brief Sept/Oct 182 Summary of Alcohol! Intervention Research at West Virginia University From 1998-2003 Leontieva, Luba, M.D.; James C. Helmkamp, Ph.D.; July/Aug 143 Samuel Swisher-McClure, B.A.; William C. Manley, R.N.; Kimberly Horn, Ed.D.; Peter F. Ehrlich, M.D. - A Brief Islam, Syed, M.B.B.S., Dr.P.H.; Ronald R. Scobbo, M.D.; Summary of Alcohol Intervention Research at West Thomas W. von Dohlen, M.D.; Mariam Hassan, B.S. - Serum TSH Variability in Normal Individuals: The Influence Virginia University From 1998-2003 of Time of Sample Collection July/Aug 143 July/Aug 138 Linger, Barry T., Ed.D.; J. Gregory Rosencrance, M.D., Jackson, Jeffrey, B., M.D.; Susan C. Touma, M.D.; Amy B. F.A.C.P.; Michael J. Schott, M.S., M.L.S. - Using PDAs Norton, M.D. - Keratosis Pilaris in Pregnancy: An During the Internal Medicine Clerkship Unrecognized Dematosis of Pregnancy? Nov/Dec 236 Jan/Feb 26 Lore, Charles E., B.A., MSIV; Jonathan Mobley, M.D.; Jackson, Barbara J.; Elizabeth Gail Roberts; Linda Vona- Stanley Zaslau, M.D. - Fibroepithelial Polyp of the Ureter Davis, Ph.D.; Dale R. Riggs; Hesam Hohseni, M.D.; Presenting Incidentally in a Patient With a Diverticular Stanley J. Kandzari, M.D.; David W. McFadden, M.D. - Abscess COX-2 Inhibition and Cancer: Experimental Findings and Mar/Apr 70 Clinical Correlates May/June 96 Makela, Eugene H., Pharm.D., B.C.P.P.; Michelle A. Nuss, M.D.; D. Michael Elnicki, M.D.; Teresa S. Dunsworth, Jain, Abnash C., M.D.; Farrukh M. Jalisi, M.D.; Anthony P. Pharm.D., B.C.P.S. - Utilizing CIWA-Ar to Assess Use of Morise, M.D.; Reyaz Haque, M.D. - Primary Percutaneous Benzodiazepines in Patients Vulnerable to Alcohol Balloon Pericardiotomy Withdrawal Syndrome May/June 102 Jan/Feb 21 Jain, Abnash C., M.D.; Gary Swank, M.D.; Anthony P. Morise, M.D.; Stanley Schmidt, M.D. - Carbon Monoxide Malas, Amer M., M.D., F.A.C.P.; Ammar Almehmi, M.D., Poisoning: A Case Report of Reversible Cardiomyopathy M.P.H.; Steven J. Jubelirer, M.D. - Thrombotic Nov/Dec 228 Thrombocytopenic Purpura Following Cardiovascular Surgery: A Case Report Jalisi, Farrukh M., M.D.; Anthony P. Morise, M.D.; Reyaz Mar/Apr 64 Haque, M.D.; Abnash C. Jain, M.D. - Primary Percutaneous Balloon Pericardiotomy Malas, Amer M., M.D., F.A.C.P.; Ammar Almehmi, M.D., May/June 102 M.P.H.; Mohammed Yousufuddin, M.D., F.R.C.P.; J. Gregory Rosencrance, M.D., F.A.C.P. - Methadone- Jubelirer, Steven J., M.D.; Ammar Almehmi, M.D., M.P.H.; Induced Torsade de Pointes in a Patient With Normal Amer Malas, M.D., F.A.C.P. - Thrombotic Thrombocytopenic Baseline QT Interval Purpura Following Cardiovascular Surgery: A Case Report July/Aug 147 Mar/Apr 64 NOVEMBER/DECEMBER 2004, VOL.100 257 Manley, William C., R.N.; James C. Helmkamp, Ph.D.; Parousis, Vasil, M.D.; Bobby J. Buckner, B.A.; William Samuel Swisher-McClure, B.A.; Kimberly Horn, Ed.D.; Tarry, M.D.; Stanley Zaslau, M.D. - Strangulation Injuries Luba Leontieva, M.D.; Peter F. Ehrlich, M.D. - A Brief of th Glans Penis: A Case Series Summary of Alcohol Intervention Research at West Sept/Oct 187 Virginia University From 1998-2003 Pauley, Mary Ellen, R.N., M.S.N., C.-F.N.P.; Mark C. Bates, July/Aug 143 M.D.; Jennifer Molano, MSIV - Internal Carotid Artery Flow Mastromichaelis, Michael; Adam E. Perlmutter, D.O.; Arrest/Reversal Cerebral Protection Techniques Mar/Apr 60 Stanley Zaslau, M.D. - Emphysematous Cystitis: A Case Report and Literature Review Perlmutter, Adam E., D.O.; Michael Mastromichaelis, Nov/Dec 232 Stanley Zaslau, M.D. - Emphysematous Cystitis: A Case Report and Literature Review Matulis, Susie, M.D., F.A.C.P.; Ammar Almehmi, M.D., Nov/Dec 232 M.P.H.; Alfred K. Pfister, M.D., F.A.C.P.; Ronald McCowan, M.D., F.AC.C. - Implantable Cardioverter-Defibrillator Pfister, Alfred K., M.D., FA.C.P.; Ammar Almehmi, M.D., Infection Caused by Tsukamurella M.P.H.; Ronald McCowan, M.D., F.AC.C.; Susie Matulis, Sept/Oct 185 M.D., F.A.C.P. - Implantable Cardioverter-Defibrillator Infection Caused by Tsukamurella McCowan, Ronald, M.D., F.A.C.C.; Ammar Almehmi, Sept/Oct 185 M.D., M.P.H.; Alfred K. Pfister, M.D., F.A.C.P.; Susie Matulis, M.D., F.A.C.P. - Implantable Cardioverter- Peterson, William A., M.D., F.A.C.0.G.; Mark C. Bates, Defibrillator Infection Caused by Tsukamurella M.D.; Subodhsingh Chauhan, M.D., M.R.C.O.G.; Jennifer Sept/Oct 185 C. Lee; David P. Hernandez, M.D., F.A.C.0.G.- Team Approach With Gynecologists Taking the Lead Role in McFadden, David W., M.D.; Elizabeth Gail Roberts; Linda Selecting Patients for Uterine Artery Embolization Vona-Davis, Ph.D., Dale R. Riggs; Barbara J. Jackson; Sept/Oct 182 Hesam Hohseni, M.D.; Stanley J. Kandzari, M.D. - COX-2 Riggs, Dale R.; Elizabeth Gail Roberts; Linda Vona- Inhibition and Cancer: Experimental Findings and Clinical Davis, Ph.D.; Barbara J. Jackson; Hesam Hohseni, M.D.; Correlates Stanley J. Kandzari, M.D.; David W. McFadden, M.D. - May/June 96 COX-2 Inhibition and Cancer: Experimental Findings and Merrick, Gregory, S., M.D.; Wayne M. Butler, Ph.D. - Rectal Clinical Correlates Function Following Permanent Prostate Brachytherapy May/June 96 Jan/Feb 18 Roberts, Elizabeth Gail; Linda Vona-Davis, Ph.D.; Dale R. Riggs; Barbara J. Jackson; Hesam Hohseni, M.D.; Stanley Mobley, Jonathan, M.D.; Charles E. Lore, B.A., MSIV; J. Kandzari, M.D.; David W. McFadden, M.D. - COX-2 Stanley Zaslau, M.D. - Fibroepithelial Polyp of the Ureter Inhibition and Cancer: Experimental Findings and Clinical Presenting Incidentally in a Patient With a Diverticular Correlates Abscess May/June 96 Mar/Apr 70 Rose, William D., M.D.; Amie N. Collins, M.D. - Toxic Molano, Jennifer, MSIV; Mark C. Bates, M.D.; Mary Ellen Shock Syndrome in an Adult Male Secondary to Pauley, R.N., M.S.N., C.-F.N.P. - Internal Carotid Artery Puncture Wound Flow Arrest/Reversal Cerebral Protection Techniques Nov/Dec 234 Mar/Apr 60 Rosencrance, J. Gregory, M.D., F.A.C.P;. Ammar M. Morise, Anthony P., M.D.; Farrukh M. Jalisi, M.D.; Reyaz Almehmi, M.D., M.P.H.; Amer M. Malas, M.D., F.A.C.P; Haque, M.D.; Abnash C. Jain, M.D. - Primary Mohammed Yousufuddin, M.D., F.R.C.P. - Methadone- Percutaneous Balloon Pericardiotomy Induced Torsade de Pointes in a Patient With Normal May/June 102 Baseline QT Interval July/Aug 147 Morise, Anthony P., M.D.; Gary Swank, M.D.; Abnash C. Jain, M.D.; Stanley Schmidt, M.D. - Carbon Monoxide Rosencrance, J. Gregory, M.D., F.A.C.P.; Michael J. Poisoning: A Case Report of Reversible Cardiomyopathy Schott, M.S., M.L.S.; Barry T. Linger, Ed.D. - Using PDAs Nov/Dec 228 During the Internal Medicine Clerkship Nov/Dec 236 Norton, Amy B., M.D.; Jeffrey B. Jackson, M.D.; Susan C. Touma, M.D. - Keratosis Pilaris in Pregnancy: An Ruddick, Patty, R.N., M.S.N., A.P.R.N.-B.C.; John Brehm, Unrecognized Dematosis of Pregnancy? M.D., F.A.C.P.; Karen Hannah, M.B.A.; Charles Schade, M.D., M.P.H. - Physician Supply in Key Medical Jan/Feb 26 Specialties in West Virginia Hospitals, 2001-2004 Nuss, Michelle A., M.D.; D. Michael Elnicki, M.D.; Teresa July/Aug 133 S. Dunsworth, Pharm.D., B.C.P.S.; Eugene H. Makela, Ruppert, Deborah H., R.N.; John R. Combes, M.D.; Pharm.D., B.C.P.P. - Utilizing CIWA-Ar to Assess Use of Robert J. Fanning, Jr., D.O., F.A.C.C. - West Virginia Benzodiazepines in Patients Vulnerable to Alcohol Coalition for Quality Health Care Presents Results of Withdrawal Syndrome “Gap in the Mountains” Project Jan/Feb 21 Mar/Apr 59 258 WEST VIRGINIA MEDICAL JOURNAL Schade, Charles, M.D., M.P.H.; John Brehm, M.D., Tarry, William, M.D.; Bobby J. Buckner, B.A.; Vasil F.A.C.P.; Karen Hannah, M.B.A.; Patty Ruddick, R.N., Parousis, M.D.; Stanley Zaslau, M.D. - Strangulation M.S.N., A.P.R.N.-B.C. - Physician Supply in Key Medical Injuries of the Glans Penis: A Case Series Specialties in West Virginia Hospitals, 2001-2004 Sept/Oct 187 July/Aug 132 Touma, Susan C., M.D.; Jeffrey B. Jackson, M.D.; Amy B. Norton, M.D. - Keratosis Pilaris in Pregnancy: An Schmidt, Stanley, M.D.; Gary Swank, M.D.; Abnash C. Unrecognized Dematosis of Pregnancy? Jain, M.D.; Anthony P. Morise, M.D. - Carbon Monoxide Jan/Feb 26 Poisoning: A Case Report of Reversible Cardiomyopathy Nov/Dec 228 Vona-Davis, Linda, Ph.D.; Elizabeth Gail Roberts; Dale R. Riggs; Barbara J. Jackson; Hesam Hohseni, M.D.; Schott, Michael J., M.S., M.L.S.; J. Gregory Stanley J. Kandzari, M.D.; David W. McFadden, M.D. - Rosencrance, M.D., F.A.C.P.; Barry T. Linger, Ed.D. - COX-2 Inhibition and Cancer: Experimental Findings and Using PDAs During the Internal Medicine Clerkship Clinical Correlates Nov/Dec 236 May/June 96 Scobbo, Ronald R., M.D.; Thomas W. von Dohlen, M.D.; von Dohien, Thomas W., M.D.; Ronald R. Scobbo, M.D.; Mariam Hassan, B.S.; Syed Islam, M.B.B.S., Dr.P.H. - Mariam Hassan, B.S.; Syed Islam, M.B.B.S., Dr.P.H. - Serum TSH Variability in Normal Individuals: The Influence Serum TSH Variability in Normal Individuals: The Influence of Time of Sample Collection of Time of Sample Collection July/Aug 138 July/Aug 138 Yousufuddin, Mohammed, M.D., F.R.C.P.; Almehmi, Scott, Thomas F., M.D. - A Short History of Pediatric Ammar, M.D., M.P.H.; Amer Malas, M.D., F.A.C.P; J. Orthopedics in West Virginia Gregory Rosencrance, M.D., F.A.C.P. - Methadone- Jan/Feb 8 Induced Torsade de Pointes in a Patient With Normal Baseline QT Interval Smith, Stephen M., M.D., F.A.C.P.; John G. Brehm, M.D., July/Aug 147 F.A.C.P. - West Virginia Medical Institute: The Quality Improvement Organization for West Virginia Zaslau, Stanley, M.D.; Charles E. Lore, B.A., MSIV; Sept/Oct 178 Jonathan Mobley, M.D. - Fibroepithelial Polyp of the Ureter Presenting Incidentally in a Patient With a Swank, Gary, M.D.; Abnash C. Jain, M.D.; Anthony P. Diverticular Abscess Morise, M.D.; Stanley Schmidt, M.D. - Carbon Monoxide Mar/Apr 70 Poisoning: A Case Report of Reversible Cardiomyopathy Zaslau, Stanley, M.D.; Bobby J. Buckner, B.A.; Vasil Nov/Dec 228 Parousis, M.D.; William Tarry, M.D. - Strangulation Injuries Swisher-McClure, Samuel, B.A.; James C. Helmkamp, of the Glans Penis: A Case Series Ph.D.; William C. Manley, R.N., Kimberly Horn, Ed.D.; Sept/Oct 187 Luba Leontieva, M.D.; Peter F. Ehrlich, M.D. - A Brief Zaslau, Stanley, M.D.; Adam E. Perlmutter, D.O.; Michael Summary of Alcohol Intervention Research at West Mastromichaelis - Emphysematous Cystitis: A Case Virginia University From 1998-2003 Report and Literature Review July/Aug 143 Nov/Dec 232 NOVEMBER/DECEMBER 2004, VOL. 100 259

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