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Contents of Volume 29. 2006 WEST EUROPEAN POLITICS Founding Editors Vincent Wright* Gordon Smith Editors Klaus H. Goetz, University of Potsdam Peter Mair, European University Institute Florence Gordon Smith, London School of Economics and Political Science Martin Lodge, London School of Economics and Political Science Editorial Board Rudy Andeweg, University of Leiden Kenji Hirashima, Unive Tokyo Stefano Bartolini, EU'I, Florence Liesbet Hooghe, University of North Vernon Bogdanor, Brasenose College, Oxford Carolina, Chapel Hill Tanja Borzel, Free University of Berlin Herbert Kitschelt, Duke University Martin Bull, University of Salford Jan-Erik Lane, University of Geneva Sabino Cassese, niversity of Rome Wolfgang Linder, University of Berne César Colino, U NED, Madrid Darina Malova, ¢ omenius University Hans Daalder, The Hague Bratislava Russell J. Dalton, University of California Moshe Maor, Hebrew University Jerusalem Mark Donovon, University of Wales Yves Meny, EU1, Florence Béla Greskovits, Central European University Wolfgang C. Miiller, University of Mannheim Budapest Jon Pierre, University of Gothenburg Anna Grzymala-Busse, University of Thomas Poguntke, University of Bochum Michigan Martin Khodes, University of Denver Mark Hallerberg, Emory University Susan Scarrow, University of Houston Jack Hayward, Hull University Vivien Schmidt, Boston University Knut Heidar, University of Oslo Mary Volcansek, Texas Christian University Adrienne Heritier, EU1, Florence Fort Worth West European Politics is a refereed journal that publishes scholarly articles in the fields of European government, politics and public policy The journal focuseson political developments in individual countries, cross-country comparative analyses, and the study of European integration notably the relations between the European Union (EU) and its member states. Since the mid 1990s, WEP has covered the new democracies of Central Europe and the Baltics. in addition to its long-standing interest in Western, Southern and Norther I urope WEP publishes regular Election Reports and the Editors welcome suggestions by prospective authors WEP publishes thematic special issues. The Editors encourage the submission of special issue proposals that are of interest to a broad political science readership 4 comprehensive 25-year index of all articles and reports published in WEP during the period 1978 to 2002 has been published as a separate issue in 2004 Articles submitted to WEP must not be under consideration for any other publication at the same time Manuscripts and enquiries to the Editors should be submitted electronically to Professor Klaus H Goetz. Email: westeuropeanpolitics(a Ise.ac.uk Word is the preferred format Books for review and all correspondence reading book review and review articles should be addressed to Dr Martin Lodge Reviews Editor, West European Politics, Department of Government, LSE Houghton Street, London WC2A 2AE, UK. Email m.lodge‘a Ise.ac.uk Statements of fact or opinion appearing in WEP are solely those of the authors and do not imply endorsement by the editors or publishers VOLUME 29 NUMBER I JANUARY 2006 Is There a European Electorate and What Does It Look Like? Evidence from Electoral Volatility Measures, 1976-2004 Daniele Caramani Does Internationalisation Blur Responsibility? Economic Votingé and Economic Opte nness in 15 European Countries José Fernandez-Albertos Beyond France’s 2005 Referendum on the European Constitutional Treaty: Second-Order Model, Anti-Establishment Attitudes and the End of the Alternative European Utopia Gilles Ivaldi Changing French Military Procurement Policy The State, Industry and ‘Europe’ in Jean Joana the Case of the A400M and Andy Smith “New Politics’ in German Labour Market Policy? The Implications of the Recent Achim Kemmerling Hartz Reforms for the German Welfare State and Oliver Bruttel The Partisan Politics of Gold: Switzerland and the Sale of Gold Mark E. Duckenfield Research Notes Does the EU Cause Domestic Developments? Improving Case Selection in Europeanisation Research Markus Haverland Governing at the Frontier of the European Commission: The Case of Seconded National Officials Jarle Trondal Effects of Campaign Spending in an Open Bart Maddens, List PR System: The 2003 Legislative Bram Wauters, Elections in Flanders/Belgium Jo Noppe and Stefaan Fiers Elections in Context Choosing the Least-Worst Government The British General Election of 2005 Thomas Quinn BOOK REVIEWS rhe Presidentialization of Politics: A Comparative Study of Modern Democracies Edited by Thomas Poguntke and Paul Webb George W. Jones Losers’ Consent: Elections and Democratic Legitimacy By Christopher J. Anderson, Andre Blais, Shaun Bowler, Todd Donovan and Ola Listhaug Gianfranco Pasquino Comparing Political Communication. Theories, Cases and Challenges Edited by Frank Esser and Barbara Pfetsch Katrin Voltmer Learning From Comparative Public Policy: A Practical Guide Richard Rose Wade Jacob Law and Governance in Postnational Europe: Compliance beyond the Nation—State Edited by Michael Ziirn and Christian Joerges Oliver Treib Europeanization and Regionalization in the EU’s Enlargement to Central and Eastern Europe: The Myth of Conditionality By James Hughes, Gwendolyn Sasse and Claire Gordon Jan Zielonka Complying with Europe: EU Harmonization and Soft Law in the Member States By Gerda Falkner, Oliver Treib, Miriam Hartlapp and Simone Leiber Ulf Sverdrup L’Europe face au defi populiste By Cecile Leconte Sally Marthaler Domestic Budgets in a United Europe: Fiscal Governance from the End of Bretton Woods to EMI By Mark Hallerberg James D. Savage Reshaping Economic and Monetary Union: Membership Rules and Budget Policies in Germany, France, and Spain By Shawn Donnelly Karl Kaltenthaler Globalization and European Integration: The Changing Role of Farmers in the Common Agricultural Policy By Marjoleine Hennis Carsten Daughjerg Environmental Policy in Europe. The Europeanization of National Environmental Policy Edited by Andrew Jordan and Duncan Liefferink Aike Mueller The Politics of Coatemporary Spain Edited by Sebastian Balfour Salvador Parrado Nordic Politics: Comparative Perspectives Edited by Knut Heidar Nicholas Aylott Challenges to Consensual Politics. Democracy, Identity, and Populist Protest in the Alpine Region Edited by Daniele Caramani and Yves Mény Johannes Pollak Muslims and the State in Britain, France and Germany By Joel S. Fetzer and J. Christopher Soper Maarten Vink Staat und Globalisierung. Das Politikfeld Bankenregulierung im internationalen Vergleich By Andreas Busch lan Bartle Trade Unions and the State. The Construction of Industrial Relations Institutions in Britain, 1890-2000 By Chris Howell Patricia Van den Eeckhout Parting Ways: The Crisis in German—American Relations By Stephen F. Szabo Gary Anderson VOLUME 29 NUMBER 2 MARCH 2006 Actors and Venues in Immigration Control: Closing the Gap between Political Demands Gallya Lahav and Policy Outcomes and Virginie Guiraudon Formulating Policy National Models, Policy Types, and the Politics of Immigration in Liberal Democracies Gary P. Freeman Elites and the ‘Organised Public’: Who Drives British Immigration Politics and in Paul Statham Which Direction? and Andrew Geddes The Extreme-Right and Immigration Policy-Making: Measuring Direct and Indirect Effects Martin A. Schain Implementing Policy Street-level Democracy: How Immigration Bureaucrats Manage Public Opposition Antje Ellermann Excluding Illegal Migrants in The Netherlands Between National Policies and Local Implementation Joanne van der Leun International Pviicy-Making Shifting Up and Out: The Foreign Policy of European Immigration Control Sandra Lavenex The Myth of Free-Riding: Refugee Eiko R. Thielemann Protection and Implicit Burden-Sharing and Torun Dewan Shaping International Migration Policy The Role of Regional Colleen Thouez Consultative Processes and Frederique Channac VOLUME 29 NUMBER 3 MAY 2006 Contesting Europeanisation: Agents, Institutions and Narratives in British Monetary Policy Jim Buller UK Corporate Governance: To What End a New Regulatory State? Alistair Howard Policy Coordination in the European Metropolis: A Meta-Analysis Fritz Sager Gender Equality in Germany: Comparing Policy Change across Domains Angelika von Wahl National Business Associations under Stress Lessons from the French Case Cornelia Woll Why Social Partnership Matters: Irish Policies for Work-Life Balance Kate Nicholls Institutions and Coalition Formation Sven-Oliver Proksch and The German Election of 2005 Jonathan B. Slapin Elections in Context Germany Votes for Deadlock: The Federal Election of 2005 Peter Pulzer Norway’s Storting Election of September 2005: Back to the Left? Nick Sitter The Portuguese 2005 Legislative Election: André Freire and Return to the Left Marina Costa Lobo BOOK REVIEWS Restructuring Europe: Centre Formation, System Building, and Political Structuring between the Nation State and the European Union By Stefano Bartolini {ndrew Moravesik Voter Turnout and the Dynamics of Electoral Competition in Established Democracies since 1945 By Mark N. Franklin Georg Lutz The European Voter Edited by Jacques Thomassen Paul Whitele) Representing Women? Female Legislators in West European Parliaments By Mercedes Mateo Diaz Judith Squires Maestri della scienza politica Edited by Donatella Campus and Gianfranco Pasquino Stephen Hellman From Elections to Democracy: Building Accountable Government in Hungary and Poland By Susan Rose-Ackerman Europe Undivided: Democracy, Leverage and Integration after Communism By Milada Anna Vachudova Vesselin Dimitro\ The Europeanization of Central and Eastern Europe Edited by Frank Schimmelfennig and Ulrich Sedelmeier Karen Henderson The EU and Territorial Politics within Member States — Conflict or Co-operation? By Angela Bourne Paolo Dardanelli French Relations with the European Union Edited by Helen Drake Jack Hayward 599 The French Exception Edited by Emmanuel Godin and Tony Chafer Julie Gervais 600 Germany and East-Central Europe: Political, Economic and Socio-Cultural Relations in the Era of EU Enlargement By Steve Wood {gnes Bator) Germany, Poland and Europe: Conflict, Cooperation and Europeanisation By Marcin Zaborowski Radoslaw Zubek Citizenship in Britain: Values, Participation, and Democracy By Charles Pattie, Patrick Seyd and Paul Whiteley Michael Bruter New Labour: A Critique By Mark Bevir Rodney Barker Multicultural Politics: Racism, Ethnicity and Muslims in Britain By Tariq Modood James Hampshire The Government of Scotland: Public Policy Making after Devolution By Michael Keating Martin Steven 606 Ireland and the European Union: Nice, Enlargement and the Future of Europe Edited by Michael Holmes Brian Girvin Negotiated Governance and Public Policy in lreland By George Taylor Maura Adshead EU Accession Dynamics and Conflict Resolution: Catalysing Peace or Consolidating Partition in Cyprus? By Nathalie Tocci Joseph S. Joseph 609 Fusing with Europe? Sweden in the European Union By Lee Miles Jonas Tallberg 610 Gendering Spanish Democracy By Monica Threlfall, Christine Cousins and Celia Valiente Fernandez Paula Cirujano The Territorial Politics of Welfare Edited by Nicola McEwen and Luis Moreno Katerina Linos Health Governance in Europe: Issues, Challenges, and Theories Edited by Monika Steffen Sabina Stiller Citizenship: The History of an Idea By Paul Magnette Kristin Stromsnes Surviving Global Change? Agricultural Interest Groups in Comparative Perspective Edited by Darren Halpin Holger Meyer European Regulation of Consumer Product Safety By Christopher Hodges Henry Rothstein Courts Crossing Borders: Blurring the Lines of Sovereignty Edited by Mary L. Volcansek and John F. Stack, Jr Daniel M. London VOLUME 29 NUMBER 4 SEPTEMBER 2006 Erratum Party Subsidies and the Freezing of Party Competition: Do Cartel Mechanisms Work? Susan E. Scarrow Trade Union Strategies and Change in Neo-Corporatist Concertation: A New Century of Political Exchange? Oscar Molina The Council of Europe: Interest Groups Silke M. Trommer and Ideological Missions? and Raj S. Chari Managing Europe from Home in Dublin, Athens and Helsinki: A Comparative Analysis Brigid Laffan The Push and Pull of Ministerial Jorn Fischer, André Kaiser Resignations in Germany, 1969-2005 and Ingo Rohlfing Muslims, South Asians and the British Mainstream: A National Identity Crisis? Rahsaan Maxwell Europeanisation and Territorial Valeria Fargion, Representation in Italy Leonardo Morlino and Stefania Profeti Reorganising Adjustment: Finland’s Emergence as a High Technology Leader Darius Ornston Elections in Context The Italian Election of May 2006: Myths and Realities James L. Newell The Polish Elections of 2005: Pure Chaos or a Restructuring of the Party System? Radoslaw Markowski BOOK REVIEWS Dilemmas of European Integration: The Ambiguities and Pitfalls of Integration by Stealth By Giandomenico Majone Damian Chalmers The Politics of Electoral Systems Edited by Michael Gallagher and Paul Mitchell Peter Mair Democratic Challenges, Democratic Choices: The Erosion of Political Support in Advanced Industrial Democracies By Russell J. Dalton Svivia Kritzinger The New Transnational Activism By Sidney Tarrow {nn Zimmermann Building Europe’s Parliament: Democratic Representation Beyond the Nation State By Berthold Rittberger Richard Whitaker Citizens of Europe? The Emergence of a Mass European Identity By Michael Bruter Holli A. Semetko The Judicial Construction of Europe By Alec Stone Sweet Jeffrey Kenner Varieties of Capitalism and Europeanization: National Response Strategies to the Single European Market By Georg Menz Jonas Pontusson The Boundaries of Welfare. European Integration and the New Spatial Politics of Social Protection By Maurizio Ferrera Wolfram Lamping Ideas and Welfare State Reform in Western Europe Edited by Peter Taylor-Gooby Stein Kuhnle States of Liberalization. Redefining the Public Sector in Integrated Europe By Mitchell P. Smith Susanne K. Schmidt Limits of European Citizenship: European Integration and Domestic Immigration Policies By Maarten Vink Fiorella Dell’Olio Universities and the Europe of Knowledge: Ideas, Institutions and Policy Entrepreneurship in European Union Higher Education Policy, 1955-2005 By Anne Corbett Nikolaos Zahariadis Popular Protest in East Germany, 1945-1989 By Gareth Dale Jan Palmowski The French Communist Party during the Fifth Republic: A Crisis of Leadership and Ideology By Gino G. Raymond Jim Cordell The Politics of the [rish Civil War By Bill Kissane Richard English The Politics of Northern Ireland: Beyond the Belfast Agreement By Arthur Aughey Feargal Cochrane Racist Extremism in Central and Eastern Europe Edited by Cas Mudde William Downs The Politics of European Union Enlargement: Theoretical Approaches Edited by Frank Schimmelfennig and Ulrich Sedelmeier Constructing the Path to Eastern Enlargement: The Uneven Impact of EU Identity By Ulrich Sedelmeier Peter Vermeersch Europe and the Recognition of New States in Yugoslavia By Richard Caplan Tim Haughton Partisan Interventions: European Party Politics and Peace Enforcement in the Balkans By Brian C. Rathbun Nebojsa Vladisavljevi¢é

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