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..... • ,. - .. , . cmc . D~ NOT TE TABLEIF CIITEITS !·~~:· . ~ ',;'_•• ;~:-: .. ~~-,~~ : ,,. : ..... ','••1 When we enter the world of Wellesley High School, it seems sometimes that our days are set up to run like . We get eac orning, come to school, attend our classes, to lunch, par ·c ipate in after school activities, go horn , complete homev ork and fall asleep only to wake up e next morning to do it all over again. On th surface, it appears th, tour lives are structured to run ith this machine-like egularity \ and Howeve oks the slightest b t beneath the surfac , 1t becomes · nevi ta clear how ' these ~, r years really re. Every ing chan es: body, min , personal interest and the orld around us. M tally, physically and motionally, w are not the we were when sta · this j ey. . _ While the daily conditione respon e of moving to the next class at sound of a bell may see somewhat , it's the innerworkingsofeac · classroom that provide our minds with new , to process. Learning and dealing with-new-cm \ ts helps • us maintain our "gears" an~orb life's ex erie es, which always seem to bejri . It is in this senye' that days pass by. .. bl'"'t really, -!.; ~ - the "CLOCKWORK; we feel is merely a p-ieans of order where every four, minute and second , f the day • CLOCKWORK L. Stirrat, C. Ca tellucci, and H. Schwartztein wear ing their new soccer out fits for team spirit. Classes uch as yearbook. pictured here, tarted off the year with group di cu ion and lots of enthusiasm. Ms. Boswell teaches a clas of parents during Back to School ight held on September 30. (Center:) R. Boghosian, M. Anthony, H. Sporer, and M. Larkan take a break from their group project to mile for the camera. (Bottom Left:) A. Gates and M. Sporer practic ing their line for the One Act Play auditions. Clubs andactivitie havealways been popular at Welle ley High and everyone was excited to get involved again thi year. 4 Once again the classrooms are filled with students ... out at Back to School Night. S eptember 1, 2004 was Although coming back to the first day of an excit school is hard, most people ing new· year. Coming back looked forward to it. Junior to school is a thri1ling mo Matt Crane explains, "I like ment for everyone. The getting back to a normal new Freshman are starting chedule. It's nice to have a their high school experi little more tructure in your ence, while the Sophomores life." Everyone also enjoys become more experienced eeing all their new and veterans, the Juniors are of old teachers along with be ficially upperclas man, and ing reacquainted with their the Senior get to spend their old friend . Freshman Peter last year together. The school Engen was mo t excited to year starts with a whirlwind start high school becau e, "I of activities such a sports couldn't wait to get involved games and club meetings. with all the offered ports However, back to school ac and clubs." The 2004-2005 tivities were only planned school year started with bano for the students· teachers en 0 a the WHS community pre- joyed a breakfast thrown by pared for another succe sful the National Honor Society year. and parents were encouraged to spend an exciting evening (Left) Mr. Hamilton, J. Barbieri, A. (Above) A sign is hung in the McCauley, and T. Henry chatting at cafeteria over the freshman section the ational Honor Society teachers to show school spirit, created by breakfast. held to show teacher ap a business class promoting their preciation. product. 5

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