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TeequaRio 4(;gR &oRoo{ 2Z9 f8Ranoeffor cRve. 1/eraeg OZ112 c9re~arK, c9re~ Wofume Z1 · 1041 81u6enla Acknttwtedjtffttttt1 7iJ: M;: JaokftJn Mt SfaokhtJaft Mi Gttt!ttck Mi Rtltf! Sfadtnff,, Brtan MttJ!eJ; Mtchet lJ. Rttdltf! Cttver lJeJ!tjtt: lJemetrtu J; StmjJktn J; OCPedicatitJn A quiet storm walked into the reservation of the Indians. A storm that stirred emotion, awakened conciousness, and breathed life into the building. The storm created energy, brought forth joy, and held out a helping hand to a tribe that appeared to be sleep walking without direction or purpose. This storm connected itself to the adolescent mind of its occupants and said, " Ufe is important, you are important, create your place and stamp your seal onto a dream, that can become a tangible reality through faith, diligence, and perserverance. I see the child in you that wants to become that young man or young lady. Full of promise, drive, and ae complishment." Education is not a mere book to be held, or a teacher waiting at the door of your unconciousness to unlock the buried treasure or a desk waiting to be occupied, or a hallway awaken by inner voices, or a sport combating victory and defeat or activities that float on the senses of the human body. It is a fabric woven by young minds and carefree, connected by the craftmanship of the sentinels who guard and nurture the arteries that travel through this delicate material to create a fine work of art that can withstand life trials and tribulations and come out victorious. We call this quiet storm Ras Baraka and it is to him we dedicate our book but we do not forget those other quiet storms that have ruffled our feathers, the faculty and staff of our formidable reservation . r9ur 'Principal WEEQUAHIC HIGH SCHOOL To The Class of 2005 "In Pur uit of Exc Hence" Congratulati n for achieving this mil tone in your p r anal pur uit of exc Hence. Our Aim a alway , has b en to provide a afe environment that fo ter an appreciation of div r ity, pr mote re p ct, value teamwork, recognize the contribution of tudents and taff, enc urag acad mic achi v ment and cial re pan ibility, whil mp w ring you to become active participant who can thrive in an ever-changing world. Our G al ha b n t c ntinu t nurture a de ire f r lif 1 ng 1 aming by imparting up n you the abilitie to think critically, apply knowledge creatively to n w ituation , communicat eff ctively, utilize technology, and to view per onal welln from a holistic per pective. Our Reward i th hared pirit of Indian pride that I e in your ey a we ay ur farewells. Much f your pr paration and development ha occurr din our building, in our n ighb r ho d and in our comrnmunity. w is the test. It i no long r a t t f academic achi vement. Thi te t place a premium on the development of your strength of character, lf-m tivation and y ur individual pur uit f excellence. Your ultimat r ward f r alway triving t d your be t, n matter what ob tacle ca t into your path , will b a lif of happine and ucce . ~....f:and G d Spe d! G.~ Ronald Ras Baraka -}VIa n !J have told you that lif ~ hard. t i. ·'Til y told y u that the1·e would be rna ny ob fuel . Til t' at' ! Tlz ,. will be nzan y that doubt you becau. of who y u cu· , wh re you corn.e f1 1n, tlz nut ·ic youli.rten to, the food yon eat, the way yon toolk and th pa.r.;; ion.· of yozM· Ilea tt. Jn.cff ,. nz nzbe1· yozu· nzind i.· yozu· g reate:-;t a.<>.'>et, don't alxrndon it. We li L in a L ~~·y precaYiou. · ti nz . Tlz world i.<; changing 1·ight l :jo1· yozu· ;·y ey . t ~· yozu· clwll.eng to nwke ')that tlz chang ·a,. ptngr· · ·i on ·. Th ~·zu· wodd i.·plaguedzvith ,pove;1y,andinequality. zu· UXIr,di.~· jobi todo. nudhingaboutit. tayfoczu;edand taytntetoyozu· Ilea rt. Hail, Hail cla.c.;.<.; of .:200.5! .Elizabeth Haden enio1·.·, .f't v already tornm~lnl . Di ,. tlz futnr your k1wz ledg can bring y u, and clz 1 i h the tin iu yout· lif -long journey. ...1 1ay y zu·life-zvith fond men t~i and ch ; · hed frienm hip filled z ith happin ~ andy zu· g l bla· 1n zvitlz u Gloria Pinckney -Ren rnber in lif no rnatteJ· what you do alway stt~i for oo tlz t. Don't be af!nid to take ri. ·ks. u1~ onnd yozu·self with 1 iti 1 ple who want nw1 ut of life than tlz i1· pr zt . ·ituation. D n't let a nyon ell . y 1u· lif fo1· y u. D n't lz 1 and wait for sonLeth ing to happen. Know y nr talent an.d nwke it hapJ n f ;· y u. i ;ythi?zg in life your all. tand up for 1 what you bel. in. The door of pportun ity ar open to you. Just ha faith and belie and n · gi up. Re1n n7her g1 te ~ He that i. in y u, than lz that ~ in tlz z rld. _r;; Can Be lJtJnt If !JOlt f!tlnk- 11 otr. art 6caftn If ott art,· IfI f ott !lttnk 11 ott dart nor. If tJ!t dtJn 'f: !f r !f Oft 'rl tr:JJe ftJ win, 6ttf !It tnk If ott can JtJ abnoJ!/ a etncft If ott wtJn ·r: if! J oft !It ink-!J ott i!t toJ e. If Oft 'vt loJf. FtJr tJ!tt in !Itt wtJrtd If Oft i!t flnd S!tcctJJ 6tfjtnJ wi!lt a fellow;; witt .!f;'J aft in tlte Jtate of 1ntnd. Fttl!man!J a race tJ toJf. Ere even a race tJ rtat And man! f a coward 0at!J Ere even fttJ wtJrk 6tjltn Tlttn~ 6tfj and !ftJ!tr dttdJ wtt!g rtJw Tlttn~ Jmatt and fjtJ!t fatt 6elttnd, Tlttn~ rftar !I tJ!t can, and !f tJ!t wttf: .!!'1 aft tn !Itt Jfa!e tJ/ ;ntnd if! f tJtt !It in& !J tJtt are tJtt!ctaJJtd, /! tJtt are: VtJtt ve f}tJf ftJ !lttn~ ltijlt ftJ rift: VtJtt 'vt jtJf !tJ 6t Jure tJ/ !J tJttrJt!f 6tftJrt VtJtt can ever win a (Jrize. Life; 6affte dtJe in t atwa!!f f}tJ TtJ !Itt JtrtJnf}tr tJr faJftr ;nan: Bttf ltJtJntr tJr fa!tr, !Itt ;nan wlttJ wlnJ ]} !Itt fetttJw w!ttJ rltin&J Itt can. 6

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