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Weekly Compilation of Presidential Documents Monday, January 8, 2001 Volume 37—Number 1 Pages 1-16 Contents Addresses and Remarks Communications to Federal Agencies—Continued Breast and Cervical Cancer Prevention and Treatment Act of 2000, celebrating Providing Loans to Small Businesses Facing enactment—S High Energy Costs, memorandum—3 New York, memorial service for Jack Notices McAuliffe in Syracuse—7 Continuation of Libya Emergency—13 Radio address—1 Senator Hillary Clinton, swearing-in Proclamations reception = |} To Extend Nondiscriminatory Treatment Normal Trade Relations Treatment) to the Communications to Congress Products of the Republic of Georgia—1 Apportionment population for each State, Statements by the President letter transmitting statement—14 Convention on the Safety of United Nations Comprehensive Nuclear-Test-Ban Treaty, and Associated Personnel, message John M. Shalikashvili’s report—14 transmitting—5 Judic ial vacancies—4 Libya, letters on national emergency National Drug Control Strategy, report—12 Rome Treaty on the International Criminal Communications to Federal Agencies Court—4 Keeping the Heating Fuel Distribution Supplementary Materials System Open, memorandum—3 Acts approved by the President—16 Potential Electricity Shortages in Western Checklist of White House press releases—16 States memorandum—2 Digest of other White House Preventive Health Services at the Federal announcements—15 Workplace memorandum i1i] Nominations submitted to the Senate—16 Editor’s Note: The Weekly Compilation of Presidential Documents is also available on the Inter- net on the GPO Access service at http:/Avww.gpo.gov/nara/nara003. html WEEKLY COMPILATION OF gulations prescribed by the Administra tive Committee of the Federal Register appprroovveedd byb y tl the Prreessiiddeenntt ((33 7 FR 23607 1 CFR Part 10 PRESIDENTIAL DOCUMENTS Distribution is mace only by the Superintendent of Docu- ments, Government Printing Office, Washington, DC 20402. Put ished every Monday by the Office of the Federal Reg The Weekly Compilation of Presidential Documents will be ster, Nat ional Archives ind Records Administration, Washing: tur mshed ma | to domestic subscribers for $80.00 per year t mnr D< 20408, the Weekly ( raru y tllaattvki or f Presidential Docu- $137.00 for mailing + first class) and to foreign subscribers for contair t ] ts, messages and other Presidential $93.7 5 per year, payable to the Superintendent of Documents, the White House during the preceding Government Printing Office Washington DC 20402. The charge for a single copy is $3.00 ($3.75 for foreign mailing The Weekly Compilation of Presidential Documents is pub There are no restrictions on the republication cf material ished pursuant to the authority contained in the Federal Reg- appearing in the Weekly Compilation of Presidential Docu- iste Act (49 Stat. 500 as amended 44 U.S.C. Ch. 15), under ments Week Ending Friday, January 5, 2001 Proclamation 7389—To Extend |) Nondiscriminatory treatment (normal Nondiscriminatory Treatment trade relations treatment) shall be extended (Normal Trade Relations Treatment) to the products of Georgia; and 2) The extension of nondiscriminatory to the Products of the Republic of treatment to the products of Georgia shall Georgia be effective as of the date of signature of December29 , 2000 this proclamation. In Witness Whereof, | have hereunto set By the President of the United States of America my hand this twenty-ninth day of December, in the year of our Lord two thousand, and A Proclamation of the Independence of the United States of 1. The Republic of Georgia (Georgia) has America the two hundred and twenty-fifth. made _p rogress, since its emergence trom William J. Clinton communism, toward democratic rule and the creation of a free market economy. Georgia [Filed with the Office of the Federal Register, has also made considerable progress toward 12:32 p.m., January 2, 2001] respecting fundamental human rights con- Note: This proclamation was published in the sistent with the objectives of title IV of the Federal Register on January 3. This item was not Trade Act of 1974 (the “Trade Act’) (19 received in time for publication in the appropriate U.S.C. 2431, et seq.). Further, I have found issue Georgia to be in full compliance with the freedom of emigration requirements under the Trade Act. In 1993, Georgia concluded The President’s Radio Address a bilateral trade agreement with the United December 30, 2000 States and in 1994 concluded a bilateral in- vestment treaty with the United States Good morning. The year 2000 is drawing Georgia acceded to the World Trade Organi- to a close at a moment of great progress, zation (WTO) on June 14, 2000. The exten- prosperity, and peace for America. But while sion of unconditional normal trade relations we have many reasons to be thankful, good treatment to the products of Georgia will weather is not one of them. permit the United States to avail itself of all Terrible ice storms in the Southern Plains rights under the WTO with respect to Geor- States have left more than a dozen people gia. dead and thousands without heat a elec- 2. Pursuant to section 3002 of Public Law tricity. Two days ago I declared that an emer- 106-476, 114 Stat. 2101, 2175, and having gency exists in Arkansas and Oklahoma so due regard for the findings of the Congress théi t Federal aid can be made immediately in section 3001 of that law, I hereby deter- available to help families in those States. mine that title IV of the Trade Act should Now a major snowstorm is rolling into the no longer apply to Georgia. Northeast, and weather experts tell us that Now, Therefore, I, William J. Clinton, this November and December are shaping President of the United States of America, up to be among the coldest on record. All acting under the authority vested in me by this, along with the increased demand for en- the Constitution and the laws of the United ergy that has accompanied unparalleled eco- States, including but not limited to section nomic growth, is putting enormous pressure 3002 of Public Law 106-476, do hereby pro- on the energy supplies Americans need to claim that: heat their homes and businesses. Dec. 30 / Administration of William J. Clinton, 2000 Fortunately, we're far better prepared for Fourth, I am asking the Small Business this winter energy challenge because of ac- Administration to reach out to small busi- tions we took this fall and the new steps J nesses with high energy costs to make them am taking will ensure that we remain pre- aware of special SBA loans that will allow pared. In late September, I directed the De- them to stretch out their energy payments. partment of Energy to exchange 30 million That could be a big help for businesses trying barrels of crude oil from the Federal Govern- to get through this cold winter. ment’s Strategic Petroleum Reserve. This None of us can control the weather. But was a step to prevent a supply crisis that all of us are responsible for how we respond would have had a particularly harsh effect to and prepare for it. With the actions I am on heating oil inventories in the Northeast. taking, the Federal Government is fulfilling At the time, many said that using the Stra- its responsibility. Across theN ation, Ameri- tegic Petroleum Reserve to help Americans cans are doing their part: snowplow drivers heat their homes was a terrible idea, that it are working late into the night; emergency would never work. Well, now we have the shelter workers are offering a warm place to results. I’m pleased to report that inventories sleep for families whose homes are without of crude oil are up and prices have dropped power; younger neighbors are bringing hot substantially, from $37.to $26 a barrel. Home food to their older neighbors and shoveling heating oil prices also have fallen in recent their walkways. weeks, and supply shortfalls have been cut The worst weather always seems to bring by more than half. out the best in the American people. If we But even though heating oil prices have continue to work together and bring out the begun to ease, the cost of heating a home best in each other, we'll get through this cold still is too high, especially for families on low weather just fine and usher in a new year and fixed incomes. That's why I’m releasing of unlimited promise for our great Nation. $300 million in funds from our Low Income Thanks for listening. Home Energy Assistance Program. Along with similar funds I released earlier this fall, NoTE: The address was recorded at 4:50 p.m. on we've now devoted more than $850 million December 29 in the Map Room at the White to assist families who can least afford to bear House for broadcast at 10:06 a.m. on December the burden of high energy prices this winter. 30. The transcript was made available by the Of- The simple lesson we've learned again and fice of the Press Secretary on December 29 but again is that the best way to meet challenges was embargoed for release until the broadcast. is to stay ahead of them.S o I am taking some new steps to prepare for more cold weather Memorandum on Potential this winter. First, I'm directing the Depart- ments of Energy and Transportation to make Electricity Shortages in extra efforts to keep navigation lanes in U.S. Western States harbors free of ice for ships bringing in heat- December 30, 2000 ing oil. I'm also asking them to work with States to relieve bottlenecks on our Nation’s Memorandufmor the Heads of Executive roads, rivers, and pipelines. Departments and Agencies Second, in the Northwest, which is experi- Subject: Potential Electricity Shortages in encing tight electricity supplies, I am asking Western States all Federal facilities to join those in California that are already reducing their electricity Increased demand for electricity during consumption during peak hours. zh is will cold winter weather can make it a challenge help to keep lights and heat on 1 homes for electric utilities to meet the demand of and businesses across the West. their customers and keep lights on and their Third, Energy Secretary Richardson has homes and businesses warm. Currently, the extended an emergency order to powerplants supply of electric power is tight on the West providing electricity to California to keep the Coast due to record demand for electricity. power flowing in that hard-hit State. The region faces the possibility of electricity Administration of William J]. Clinton, 2000 / Dec. 30 3 shortages in some areas, which would put tem, I direct the Secretaries of Energy and both consumers and businesses at risk. Transportation to work together and take all The Federal Government is among the reasonable measures to keep the harbors largest consumers of electricity in Western open and the delivery trucks on the roads. States. It is important that the Federal Gov- If shipping channels freeze, the Coast Guard ernment lead by example in taking energy shall be a to keep them open to the conserving steps to reduce the risk and sever- extent possible. The Department of Trans- ity of power outages. Therefore, I direct that: portation shall inform State and local govern- e All managers of all Federal buildings in ments and private companies as a propriate Washington and Oregon join those in about the criteria and procedures for obtain- California and take steps to reduce con- ing waivers from hours of service regulations sumption of power to the maximum ex- in order to increase trucking capacity for tent practicable consistent with public emergency fuel deliveries and shall respond health and welfare, and that of employ- to such requests as quickly as possible. ees; and Finally, the Department of Energy's Of- Federal agencies coordinate with other fice of Energy Emergencies shall coordinate State and local government agencies to closely with the Department of Transpor- minimize the use of electricity in all tation’s Emergency Transportation Rep- government buildings in Washington, resentative to address any other transpor- Oregon, and California. tation problems as they arise in order to keep When the Federal Government, State gov- heating fuel moving through the distribution ernments, businesses, and consumers work system to the consumer. together to use electricity wisely, we can re- William J. Clinton duce the risk of power shortages in the short term and keep the power on. William J. Clinton Memorandum on Providing Loans to Small Businesses Facing High Energy Costs Memorandum on Keeping the December 30, 2000 Heating Fuel Distribution System Open Memorandum for the Administrator oft he December 30, 2000 Small Business Administration Subject: Providing Loans to Small Businesses Memorandum for the Secretary of Energy, Facing High Energy Costs the Secretary of Transportation, Commandant oft he United States Coast Increased demand for energy and a colder Guard than normal winter has led to higher than normal energy costs. Because many small Subject: Keeping the Heating Fuel businesses lack significant capital reserves, Distribution System Open they may lack the resources or cash flow to When inclement weather strikes and the meet higher energy bills. demand for heating fuel rises, the distribu- In order to assist such businesses, I am tion system through which fuel is delivered directing you to begin aggressive outreach is often placed at great strain. Freezing har- programs to potential borrowers, SBA lend- bors delay the delivery of critical fuel sup- ers, and other partners to make them aware plies, and the demand for heating fuel deliv- of the SBA lending and technical assistance eries rises, increasing workload of drivers programs that are available to assist small who deliver fuel to homes and_ businesses. businesses that may need assistance in meet- Last winter, for example, critical deliveries ing energy bills. SBA-guaranteed loans offer of heating oil were delayed as harbors froze eligible small businesses sufficient cash to and barges were unable to reach their docks. continue to meet their immediate energy In order to minimize the likelihood of bot- needs and will allow them to spread their tlenecks in the heating fuel distribution sys- energy payments over a longer period than 4 Dec. 30 / Administration of William] . Clinton, 2000 the payment period typically provided by will not only exercise authority over per- their vendors. sonnel of states that have ratified the treaty but also claim jurisdiction over personnel of William J. Clinton states that have not. With signature, however, we will be in a position to influence the evo- Statement on the Rome Treaty on lution of the court. Without signature, we will the International Criminal Court not. Signature will enhance our ability to fur- December 31, 2000 ther protect U.S. officials from unfounded The United States is today signing the charges and to achieve the human rights and 1998 Rome Treaty on the International accountability objectives of the ICC. In fact, Criminal Court. In taking this action, we join in negotiations following the Rome more than 130 other countries that have Conference, we have worked effectively to signed by the December 31, 2000, deadline develop procedures that limit the likelihood established in the treaty. We do so to reaf- of politicized prosecutions. For example, firm our strong support for international ac- U.S. civilian and military negotiators helped countability and for bringing to justice per- to ensure greater precision in the definitions petrators of genocide, war crimes, and crimes of crimes within the court’s jurisdiction. against humanity. We do so as well because But more must be done. Court jurisdiction we wish to remain engaged in making the over U.S. personnel should come only with ICC an instrument of impartial and effective U.S. ratification of the treaty. The United justice in the years to come. States should have the chance to observe and The United States has a long history of assess the functioning of the court, over time, commitment to the principle of account- before choosing to become subject to its ju- ability, from our involvement in the Nurem- risdiction. Given these concerns, I will not, berg tribunals that brought Nazi war crimi- and do not recommend that my successor nals to justice, to our leadership in the effort submit the treaty to the Senate for advice to establish the International Criminal Tribu- and consent until our fundamental concerns nals for the former Yugoslavia and Rwanda. are satisfied. Our action today sustains that tradition of Nonetheless, signature is the right action moral leadership. to take at this point. I believe that a properly Under the Rome Treaty, the International constituted and_ structured International Criminal Court (ICC) will come into being Criminal Court would make a profound con- with the ratification of 60 governments and tribution in deterring egregious human rights will have jurisdiction over the most heinous abuses worldwide ‘and that signature in- abuses that result from international conflict, creases the chances for productive discus- such as war crimes, crimes against humanity, sions with other governments to advance and genocide. The treaty requires that the these goals in the months and years ahead. ICC not supersede or interfere with func- tioning national judicial systems; that is, the ICC prosecutor is authorized to take action Statement on Judicial Vacancies against a suspect only if the country of na- January 3, 2001 tionality is unwilling or unable to investigate allegations of egregious crimes by their na- The most fundamental right of American tional. The U.S. delegation to the Rome democracy is the right to equal justice under Conference worked hard to achieve these the law. Whenever our citizens knock on the limitations, which we believe are essential to door of justice, they have a right to expect the international credibility and success of a judge to answer. Unfortunately, too many the ICC. courts around the country are in a state of In signing, however, we are not aban- emergency because of judicial vacancies. In doning our concerns about significant flaws these places justice is being delayed. The in the treaty. In particular, we are concerned people’s appeals are not being heard. That that when the court comes into existence, it is simply unacceptable. That’s why today I Administration of William J. Clinton, 2001 Jan. 3 5 renominated eight highly qualified appellate ratification, subject to an understanding and court nominees for vacancies that are consid- a reservation, the Convention on the Safety ered by the U.S. Judicial Conference to be of United Nations and Associated Personnel judicial emergencies. adopted by the United Nations General As- They are Roger Gregory of Virginia, nomi- sembly by consensus on December 9, 1994, nated to fill a vac: ancy on the United States and signed on behalf of the United States Court of Appeals for the Fourth Circuit; of America on December 19, 1994. The re- Judge James Wynn of North Carolina, nomi- port of the Department of State with respect nated for the fourth circuit; Enrique Moreno to the Convention is also transmitted for the of Texas, nominated for the fifth circuit; information of the Senate. Judge Helene White of Michigan, nominated Military peacekeepers, civilian police, and for the sixth circuit—the longest waiting others associated with United Nations oper- nominee; Kathleen McCree Lewis of t Michi- ations are often subject to attack by persons gan, nominated for the sixth circuit; Bonnie who perceive political benefits from directing Campbell of Iowa, nominated for the eighth violence against United Nations operations. circuit; Barry Goode of California, nomi- The world has witnessed a serious escalation nated for the ninth circuit; and James Duffy of such attacks, resulting in numerous deaths of Hawaii, nominated for the ninth circuit. and casualties. This Convention is designed Together, these nominees have waited a total to provide a measure of deterrence against of 4,757 days for Senate action—that’s more these attacks, by creating a regime of uni- than 13 years combined. Only one of them versal criminal jurisdiction for offenses of this has even received a hearing. And two—the type. Specifically, the Convention creates a nominees from Hawaii and North Carolina— legal mechanism that requires submission for are from States with no current representa- prosecution or extradition of persons alleged tion on the appellate court, even though to have committed attacks and other offenses under Federal law every State should have listed under the Convention against United such representation. Nations and associated personnel. It is my sincere hope that we can work This Convention provides a direct benefit with the Senate in a bipartisan spirit to get to United States Armed Forces and to U.S. these nominees confirmed. The qualifica- civilians participating in peacekeeping activi- tions of these nominees are not in question. ties by including within its coverage a num- All of them are highly rated and respected. ber of types of operations pursuant to United They also represent the kind of diversity that we all know enhances fairness and con- Nations mandates in which the United States fidence in our courts. and U.S. military and civilians have partici- In a nation that prides itself in the fair and pated in the past. If the United States were expeditious rule of law, the people have a to participate in operations under similar right to expect that judicial emergencies are conditions in the future, its forces and civil- treated with the urgency they demand. So, ians would receive the benefits created by I urge the new Senate to give these nominees this instrument. The Convention covers not the simple up or down vote they deserve only forces under U.N. command, but associ- without further delay. ated forces under national command or mul- tinational forces present pursuant to a United Nations mandate. In situations such as we Message to the Senate Transmitting have seen in Somalia, the former Yugoslavia, the Convention on the Safety of and Haiti, certain attacks on these associated United Nations and Associated forces would now be recognized as criminal Personnel With Documentation acts, subjecting the attackers to prosecution January 3, 2001 in or extradition by any State that is a party to the Convention. As a result, the inter- To the Senate of the United States: national community has taken a significant I transmit herewith, with a view to receiv- practical step to redress these incidents. In ing the advice and consent of the Senate to doing so, we recognize the fact that attacks 6 Jan. 3 / Administration of William J. Clinton, 2001 on peacekeepers who represent the inter- Clinton. [Laughter] I resisted all temptation. national community are violations of law and I didn’t take one of those little Kodak cam- cannot be condoned. eras in there. [Laughter] I did everything I By creating obligations and procedures could to avoid spoiling what was, for me, one that increase the likelihood of prosecution of of the truly wonderful moments in my life those who attack peacekeeping personnel, and our family’s life. So, for all of you who this Convention fulfills an important objec- helped Hillary over this last almost year and tive under my Directive for Reforming Mul- a half, I want you to know I am profoundly tilateral Peace Operations of May 1994, grateful to you. which directs that the United States seek ad- You also have taken a huge load off my ditional legal protections for United States mind. [Laughter] Because, you know, for 30 peacekeeping personnel. years, I’ve been guilt-ridden that I, when Hil- The recommended legislation, necessary lary came to Arkansas and married me, that to implement the Convention, will be sub- I kept her out of a career in politics that she mitted to the Congress separately. should have had. So I don’t have to feel bad I recommend that the Senate give early about it anymore. [Laughter] And I really and favorable consideration to this Conven- thank all of you for doing that. I say it laugh- tion subject to the understanding and res- ingly, but I’m dead serious about it. I have ervation that are described in the accom- always felt that Hillary had the best combina- panying report of the Department of State, tion of mind and heart and passion and and give its advice and consent to ratification. strength about the issues that we have always cared about than anyone I ever knew. William J. Clinton And | also believe that the American peo- The White House, ple understand now that there really is a con- January 3, 2001. nection between the ideas you have and the NoTe: An_ original Was not available for level of commitment you have to imple- verification of the content of this message menting them, and what happens out there in the country. And if you have any doubt, you're about to find out. [Laughter] Be- Remarks at a Swearing-In Reception cause—{applause|—wait a minute—I say Honoring Senator Hillary Clinton that in all seriousness. There were, in this January 3, 2001 election, which was so closely fought out in so many places, there are real differences be- Thank you. First of all, Senator Schumer tween the way we view the world. And they has got to go to New York, and one of the are honest and heartfelt. But at least our things that I did not completely solve as ideas have been tested for 8 years, and most President was the minor congestion we of them have worked pretty well. sometimes have at our airports. [Laughter] Quite apart from the enormous personal So let’s give Senator Schumer a big hand, pride I have in Hillary, and the enormous because he’s got to go. [Applause] Thank gratitude I feel and the incredible—just you. sheer happiness that we all felt today, I am Well, I want to thank Walter and Thelma gratified to know that when my term of serv- and Cathy. Thank you, all of you who worked ice as President ends, there will be one more on this wonderful party for Hillary tonight. magnificent voice sticking up for the folks I want to thank the pe ople of New York for that are too often forgotten and the causes being so good to my wife and to me and Al that have too often been left behind. Gore for § years. I'll leave you with this thought. Public This is a special day for Hillary's mother service, like a political campaign, is a team and her brothers and my family, but espe- sport. It’s not like tennis; it’s not something cially for Chelsea and me. We were in the you play by yourself. It’s a team sport. And Senate gallery today at noon, Chelsea and even if you get to be quarterback, no matter I were, holding hands, trying to keep from how good you are, you'll lose if you don’t laughing out loud and embarrassing Senator have a good team. I have been blessed to Administration of William ]. Clinton, 2001 have supporters like you, people like you, all jack McAuliffe was a cheerful giver. over this country. Don’t ever forget it’s a Whether it was in risking his life in the Pa- team sport. You stick with Hillary, and you cific or leading campaigns here to build a guys will do great things for A church for his neighbors or schools for the Thank you, and God bless + Kids or cheering ond giving to Notre Dame r the Democratic Party or spending time Note: The President Spok > at $:43 in par ting all the lessons to his children that Grand Ballroom at the M: vl wer Hot you heard about or just buying a round at remarks, he referred to recept or the local bar, he was a cheerful giver. and Thelma Kaye. The transcript «clea: And every time I was around him, I felt Office of the Press Secretary also inc! better. And so did you, and that’s why you're remarks of Senator Clinton here today. He gave more to us than any of us outside his family gave to him. And we Remarks at a Memorial Service fer showed up to say, “You gave us a lesson in Jack McAuliffe in Syracuse, syne We loved you for it, and we're grateful.” York 1r s e to say a little something shout his es to the Democratic Party. He was the January 4, 2001 county Democratic treasurer here for dec- Millie; John, Joe, Tom, Terry; all the f rmily aaes. And he started Terry out as a political and the A reverend clergy. | fundraiser when he was 6 years old. I’ve want to thank the people who came with us heard this story—no matter how many times, today: our leader, Dick Gephardt, and his i never get tired of it. wife, Jane, and Senator Dodd and ¢ ongress- When Terry was 6, on the night of the man Coelho. Onondaga County Democratic dinner, his Hillary and I are here because we dad sat him down at a card table outside the liked Jack Mohan. And I know ballroom at the Hotel Syracuse and said, ple will say, “Well, the President “Don’t let anybody in who hasn't paid.” cause Terry did so much for him.’ Laus ghtee r| Terry immediately found his true 1 I came for Joe. I thought we ough Calil: a | r litfe . [Laughter] And you know, an Irish-Protestant Support group Ih ere in this when Le> got up hove. the first words out of church. [Laughter] his south were that his Republican brother One wonderful nun reached over to a paid. [Laughter] So thanks, Jack, you did during communion and said, “] iank you s good much for what you did for Ireland ! saic i'll always be grateful because Jack showed “I had to do it It’s about time we starte: me sou iething about going through life and getting along.” staying young by never losing your enthu- I want to say just a few things. | spent siasm. You know, he didn’t take—he was very quite a bit of time thinking about\ w hat I proud of Terry’s role in politics, but he didn’t would Say in my couple of minutes. Mosi of think it meant that he was now too good to what I wanted to s iy has been said. But vou do the basic work of politics. He was out know, when a great huma li being asses : putting up yard signs for Hillary in this away, people search around in their minds era.i ign when he was 83 years old. And I for some part of the Scripture that captures think he was pretty pleased at the way things that person. We talked about it a jot alread came out. today. Proverbs says, “A happy heart doeth good like medicine, but a broken spirit drieth I also like the fact that he didn’t lose his the bone’”—that God loves a cheerful gives spirit when it didn’t all work the way he That’s what Jack McAuliife was. thought it should. I mean, he thought Notre it was more blessed to give than to receive Dame should never lose, and he had what But nothing is more distasteful than someone in this year turned out to be a bizarre idea: who’s out there doing good and wants vou He thought all votes should actually be to know it every miiute of the day counted. [Laughter] Jan. 4 / Administration of WilliamJ .C linton, 2001 But he just kept chugging along, you think are profoundly important, and I thank know? And he made me even feel better her. about all of that. And as Hillary said, Janice Lachance, at Terry, of all the things you've done for me, the Office of Personnel Management, has turns out none of them was better than the kept us on the forefront of employers, in set- chance you gave me to be your father’s ting a good example. And she, in the 11th friend. His memory will always bring a smile hour—e ven later—announced that we were to the face of all of us who knew him, and going to have parity for mental health, some- we'll always miss him. But I rejoice in the thing that Tipper Gore has worked so hard fact that Jack, the cheerful giver, is in his for and something that you have made real rightful place, where the road is always rising for the Federal employees and their families. and the wind is always at his back, and he And I thank you for that. is always in the holloowf God's hand. I'd also like to thank someone who never Thank you, Jack. gets mentioned, but has literally done vir- tually—is responsible for virtually everything I have done on health care for 8 years, Mr. Note: The President spoke at 11:45 a.m. at the Cathedral of the Immaculate Conception In his Chris Jennings. Thank you, Chris, wherever remarks, he referred to Jack McAuliffe’s widow you may be. Thank you. Millie, and their children, John E., Jr Joseph R I, too, want to thank our friends Anna Thomas J., and Te: ence Mc Auliffe: and former Eshoo, Louise Slaughter, Sherrod Brown, Congressman Tony Coelho Rosa DeLauro for joining us today, and for all those who worked with them on this im- portant legislation and for all the things that Remarks Celebrating the Enactment they have tried to do. Hillary mentioned the of the Breast and Cervical Cancer genetic discrimination law. I think that’s very Prevention and Treatment Act of important. And there’s lots of interests 2000 arrayed against Louise and the others who January 4, 2001 are trying to pass this bill. And I won't be around to help you, but we’ve got a better Thank you very much. Well, first, I think distribution in the Congress for people who we all should thank Tonia again for coming would like to pass that. And I'll say more all the way from Oklahoma, where it’s been about this at the end of my remarks. hazardous even to drive around, if you've But as I imagine, what we want people been seeing—{laughter|. Oklahoma and my to find out about themselves and their condi- native State of Arkansas have been one big tions and what we can do to lengthen life icicle for the last several days. And she came and improve the quality ofl ife, it’s only going all the way up here to try to make sure that to work if we have some protection against no other woman ever has to go through what discrimination. When you find out something she has, and I think she did a terrific job. that you really need to know but somebody I'd also like to thank Senator Clinton— will use against you, you wind up having God, what a kick—|{laughter|—this is the more people in the same shape Tonia was first time I’ve been able to say that; I’m still if we pe rmit genetic discrimination. In- getting used to saying that; I kind of like it, re of lengthening life, we’re going to cut you who has been such a vital part short work lives and a lot of other problems of all the progress we've made in women and if we don’t pass it. So I urge you all to please children’s health here in the United States hang in there with this vast group and try and throughout the world and who will con- to pass a bill against genetic discrimination tinue to lead on these issues in the United so that we can move on to the next chapter States Senate. of this grand struggle. I thank, as Hillary did, Secretary Shalala Now, mostly what we’re here to do today for all she has done, right up until the 11th is to mark the progress that we've made in hour. Just a few days ago, we were announc- women’s and children’s health—thanks to ing our medical privacy regulations, which | the dramatic increase in funding for research

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