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Preview Weekly Compilation of Presidential Documents 1996-01-08: Vol 32 Iss 1

Weekly Compilation of Presidential Documents Se tee Monday, January 8, 1996 Volume 32—Number 1 Pages 1-19 Contents Addresses and Remarks Ce ications to Federal Agencies Palestine Liberation Organization, Adm. Arleigh A. Burke, funeral service—10 memorandum—14 Budget negotiations—3, 6 Radio address—2 Interviews With the News Media St. Monica’s Episcopal Church—14 Exchanges with reporters Briefing Room—6 Bill Signings Cabinet Room—3, 4 Oval Office—6 District of Columbia appropriations legislation, Notices statement—13 Continuation of Libyan emergency—8 ICC Termination Act of 1995, statement—1 Proclamations Ce ications to Congress Death of Admiral Arleigh A. Burke—6 Statements by the President Cyprus, letter transmitting report—13 Iraq, letter reporting—11 See also Bill Signings Israeli loan guarantees, message transmitting Death of Adm. Arleigh A. Burke—5 report—5 Supplementary Materials Libyan emergency, message on continuation— Acts approved by the President—19 Checklist of White House press releases—18 Netherlands-U.S. tax protocol and report, Digest of other White House message transmitting—9 announcements—17 Romania, message on trade—9 Nominations submitted to the Senate—18 WEEKLY COMPILATION OF regulations prescribed by the Administrative Committee of the Federal Register, approved by the President (37 FR 23607; 1 CFR Part 10). PRESIDENTIAL DOCUMENTS Distribution is made only by the Superintendent of Docu- ments, Government Printing Office, Washington, DC 20402. Published every Monday by the Office of the Federal Reg- The Weekly Compilation of Presidential Documents will be ister, National Archives and Records Administration, Washing- furnished by mail to domestic subscribers for $75.00 per year ton, DC 20408, the Weekly Compilation of Presidential Docu- ($132.00 for mailing first class) and to foreign subscribers for ments contains stat ts, ges, and other Presidential $93.75 per year, payable to the Superintendent of Documents, materials released by the White House during the preceding Government Printing Office, Washington, DC 20402. The week. charge for a single copy is $3.00 ($3.75 for foreign mailing). The Weekly Compilation of Presidential Documents is pub- There are no restrictions on the republication of material lished pursuant to the authority contained in the Federal Reg- appearing in the Weekly Compilation of Presidential Docu- ister Act (49 Stat. 500, as amended; 44 U.S.C. Ch. 15), under ments. Week Ending Friday, January 5, 1996 Statement on Signing the ICC bill falls short of my Administration’s much Termination Act of 1995 bolder proposal for extensive deregulation of transportation industries. December 29, 1995 Regulatory reform of the Nation’s trans- I have today signed into law H.R. 2539, portation industries has been an outstanding the “ICC Termination Act of 1995.” In my success. Beginning with air cargo deregula- State of the Union address this year, I called tion in 1977 and continuing with sweeping upon the Congress to terminate the Inter- rail and trucking reforms over the past 15 state Commerce Commission (ICC). I also years, much of the stranglehold of govern- called for further reductions in unnecessary ment regulation has been broken. Today, regulations. This legislation is consistent with only about 20 percent of all domestic freight those goals, but it does not go far enough. transportation is regulated, compared with The bill eliminates the ICC, transferring 75 percent 20 years ago. These reforms have many of its functions to a new Surface Trans- reduced the cost of transporting everything portation Board (STB) located within the we buy and use. They have also enabled U.S. Department of Transportation (DOT). The producers and retailers to employ “just in bill reduces some ICC functions, including time” manufacturing and inventory systems those that overlap with DOT with regard to to save many billions of dollars in overseeing safety and insurance require- warehousing and distribution costs. ments in the trucking industry. With the sun- The Congress had an opportunity to build set of the ICC and the consolidation of motor on this success but, instead, provided for only carrier functions at DOT, the bill will very modest reform. While this legislation produce moderate budget savings. eliminates a number of obsolete and unnec- The bill will also help provide a smooth essary functions of the ICC, it still exempts transition now that appropriations for the transportation industries from many of the ICC have been terminated. And the bill em- disciplines of competition. These exemptions powers the new STB to promote deregula- are no longer justified in today’s strong and tion administratively on a case-by-case basis. competitive market economy. I call upon the Board to use this authority For example, the Nation’s trucking indus- to the fullest extent to benefit consumers and try has enjoyed antitrust immunity for collec- facilitate economic growth. tive ratemaking for the last 47 years. Con- I am also satisfied that the Congress ad- tinuation of this immunity reduces potential dressed my Administration’s strong objec- benefits to consumers and protects ineffi- tions to earlier versions of this legislation, cient carriers. This bill also maintains special which would have severely curtailed labor merger standards for railroads. The railroad protection for railroad employees adversely industry should be subject to the same merg- affected by certain railroad transactions, in- er standards as other transportation indus- cluding mergers. And I note that the final tries. version of the bill continues intact the impor- The bill vests the Chairman of the Surface tant rail reforms of 1980, which have helped Transportation Board with the authority to improve rail service and bring the railroad appoint “officers and employees of the industry back to profitability. Board.” The Appointments Clause of the Nevertheless, I am disappointed in this Constitution, Art. II, sec. 2, cl. 2, permits bill. While it eliminates the ICC, it creates the Congress to vest the appointment of infe- a new independent agency, the STB, within rior officers in the head of a department. Be- the Transportation Department. Overall, the cause the Board is “established within the ] 2 Dec. 30 / Administration of William J. Clinton, 1995 Department of Transportation,” it is a bu- achievement. The key to our strength is eco- reau or component of a department, and can- nomic opportunity for every American. In not be a department unto itself for purposes 1995, the ingenuity and hard work of our of the Appointments Clause. Accordingly, it people has kept the economy growing, steady would be unconstitutional for the Chairman and strong. In the past 12 months the econ- to appoint persons to serve as “officers” in omy created 1% million new private sector the constitutional sense. Therefore, I am jobs. In every month the unemployment rate signing this bill with the understanding that has been below 6 percent. All told, since it does not authorize the Chairman to ap- 1993, we Americans have created nearly 8 point “officers” in the constitutional sense. million new jobs. The stock market has bro- The bill provides for the authorization of ken every record. The deficit dropped for the appropriations for the Board to expire after third year in a row, for the first time since 3 years. During this period, my Administra- Mr. Truman was President. Long-term inter- tion will monitor the regulatory activities of est rates continue to fall, bringing lower the Board to determine whether it should mortgage payments for working families and continue and whether further reforms would more affordable credit for small businesses be beneficial. My Administration remains and consumers. committed to continued deregulation of the A growing economy and lower interest transportation industry. rates are why a million new Americans be- William J. Clinton came homeowners for the very first time in 1995. There were more new businesses in- The White House, corporated this year than in any previous December 29, 1995. year. And here in Washington, in spite of all Note: H.R. 2539, approved December 29, was of our differences, we made some real assigned Public Law No. 104-88. This statement progress on an important issue, political re- was released by the Office of the Press Secretary form. At long last, Congress passed a law on December 30. which applies to themselves the same laws they impose on the private sector. And at long last, after 3 years of effort, the Congress The President’s Radio Address passed lobby reform legislation, banning gifts December 30, 1995 to Congressmen and requiring extensive dis- closure about the activities of lobbyists. Good morning. Tomorrow is New Year's Eve, a time for celebration, friendship, and Most important, our communities all over hope. Nineteen ninety-five has been a good America are coming together around our val- year for our country, and the coming year ues again. In city after city, in State after can be even better. State, violent crime is down; the welfare and In Washington, we all know this has been food stamp rolls are down; the poverty rate a year of serious differences and profound is down; even the divorce rate is down; and debate over our Nation’s future direction. for 2 years in a row now, the teen pregnancy But if we remain true to our values, we will rate has dropped. prove once again that in America we can have It hasn’t always been an easy year for serious differences without leaving deep divi- America. There have been moments that sions. We know our Nation is strongest when tested our national community. In the wake we're true to our fundamental values, giving of the terrible bombing in Oklahoma City, every American the opportunity to make the which took the lives of 169 people, our Na- most of their lives, remembering the duty we tion reached out and recognized the bonds owe to our parents and our children, preserv- that hold us together. Out of the ashes of ing our families and our communities, keep- that tragedy a new sense of national spirit ing America the strongest force for peace and took hold. We affirmed once again that all freedom in the world. Americans are in it together. We recognized In our effort to advance these values, 1995 once again that we can’t love our country and has been a time of real progress and concrete hate our Government. Administration of William J. Clinton, 1995 / Dec. 30 3 And a strong America has been the world’s met well into the evening with Speaker Ging- strongest force for freedom, peace, and de- rich and Majority Leader Dole. And in just mocracy in 1995. Our brave men and women a few moments I will sit down with them today are in the snows of Bosnia, helping to again, along with the Democratic congres- uphold the peace agreement to end the worst sional leaders. bloodshed in Europe since World War II. We are making real progress. We know And from the cobblestone streets of North- that our work is not done. We know we have ern Ireland to the sands of the Middle East, much to do, so that the American dream will a strong America has helped to bring peace remain alive for every citizen and so that we to regions long torn by strife. can come together as a people and so that Yes, 1995 has been a good year for Amer- America can remain the strongest force for ica. Our people have accomplished a lot. And peace the world has ever seen. it goes without saying, we still have one major So on this New Year’s, let’s resolve that task to finish to top off the accomplishment we will balance the budget, but that we'll of this year. We have to finish the job of bal- do it in a way that will keep our country grow- ancing the budget and to do it in the right ing and that will be true to our basic values. way. That is, we'll balance the budget without gut- As you know, for the last 2 weeks the Con- ting Medicare and Medicaid, without deeply gress has refused to pass legislation that cutting education or the environment, with- would keep the Federal Government open out raising taxes on working families. Let’s to serve the American people. This has never resolve to reopen the Government and do happened before for this length of time in it now. And let’s resolve to act without rancor the whole history of the Republic. And it’s or partisan bitterness in the spirit of the new been very hard on three-quarter of a million year and in the interests of the American public servants who have to pay rent and util- people. ities and mortgage payments and buy food. Nineteen ninety-five has been a year when And they're losing pay at holiday time. And we've been true to the best of America. If it’s also cut off services for millions of Ameri- we'll just work hard and work together and cans who depend upon them. follow our values, 1996 can be even better. This Tuesday, if the Government is not Hillary and I want to wish you and your fami- open, cleanup efforts will be stopped cold lies a happy and healthy New Year. at 32 toxic waste sites in neighborhoods Thank you for listening. around our country. Next week, Federal funds for unemployment insurance will begin Norte: The address was recorded at 9:44 a.m. in to run out, forcing States to scramble to find the Oval Office at the White House for broadcast ways to keep helping workers who have lost at 10:06 a.m. their jobs. And the Meals on Wheels program to our senior citizens won't go forward. Every day, 9 of 10 workplace safety complaints go Remarks Prior to a Meeting With unanswered. And every day 2,500 people can’t get guaranteed home mortgages. Every Congressional Leaders and an day, thousands of young people looking for Exchange With Reporters college loans can’t apply for them. If ever December 30, 1995 we needed a reminder that our Government is not our enemy, this is it. Let me be clear: I am committed to bal- Budget Negotiations ancing the budget. Our administration al- The President. | want to be brief today ready has cut the deficit nearly in half, and because we're getting off to a little late start. I am determined to finish the job. For weeks We've got a lot to do. I have three things I’ve been working in good faith with Repub- to say: I think we made a good start yester- licans and Democrats in Congress to find day; we’re making progress; and I believe we common ground, to balance the budget in need to open the Government. I hope we a way that reflects our values. Yesterday | can agree to do all that. 4 Dec. 30 / Administration of William J. Clinton, 1995 Bosnia order to do that, I think we've got to get Q. Sir, do you know any more information this whole thing worked out. But I thought on the soldier who was wounded in Bosnia? we had a great start last night. And with you The President. Our reports are sketchy, all’s permission, I think we can get a lot more and I have tried to get an update, but what done in the next few hours. I do know is that there were apparently two Q. Mr. President, is the message from the vehicles and four soldiers involved. Only one Democrats basically that they don’t trust was seriously hurt, and he has been you? medevaced to Croatia, in a hospital there, The President. We've got to go to work. and we understand he’s in stable condition. Thank you very much. But mines have always been our biggest NOTE: The President spoke at 11:35 a.m. in the concern, and we're working very hard on it, Cabinet Room at the White House. In his re- but that’s what happened. And we'll continue marks, he referred to Spec. Martin J. Begosh, to monitor it ot do the best we can. The USA, wounded when his vehicle hit a land mine mission itself is going very well. The people in Bosnia on December 30. A tape was not avail- have received our soldiers very well, and I'm able for verification of the content of these re- very well satisfied with the progress. And I’m marks. obviously very sorry this happened, but they’re making good progress on the mine Exchange With Reporters Prior to a problem, but it’s going to be difficult to get Meeting With Congressional Leaders rid of them all. December 31, 1995 Budget Negotiations Q. [Inaudible|\—the measure to get the Budget Negotiations workers back that’s going to get through Con- Q. Mr. President, are you close to a deal ess? today? Senator Dole. Well, it passed the House. The President. Let me tell you where we We hope we can pass it in the Senate today, are today. We had a very long discussion yes- so make some progress. terday. We discussed almost all the issues Senator Daschle. We tried to pass a clean where we had differences on our plans finan- CR, one without any conditions. And that cially, in terms of the dollars. And this morn- was objected to, but I hope we can work ing we're going to have an extensive discus- something out. sion of the Medicare policy. And then we’re Q. But isn’t the fact now that the Demo- going to give our staffs some instruction. crats are holding things up? We're going to meet again on Tuesday, and Senator Daschle. Not at all. As a matter we're going to do our best to work through of fact, as I said, we passed a continuing reso- this and come to an accord. lution—we had no conditions. It sent people My New Year’s wish is that we'll get this back to work, and that was objected to. So balanced budget plan, and we'll do it in a we're not trying to hold amps |u p here. way that protects the things that we care We hope we can get some sort of an agree- about, the Medicare, the Medicaid, the edu- ment as early as today. cation and environment, the other issues. Q. Well, what's it going to take to get a And we've been working at it. I’ve been very deal? well pleased, and I think we’ve been some- Speaker Gingrich. Well, let me just say what successful because we haven't said very something. I think the President had a much about it. We've just pt to keep work- right—we’re glad to have you all in. We have ing until we reach an accord. a lot of work to do. We made, I thought, Q. Mr. President, will you touch on—{in- real progress last night. It is not easy. We audible |—negotiations have very significant areas we have to work Q. Will you leave town today without re- on, but I thought the spirit was very positive. opening the Government, of the three—— We don’t just want to get the Federal work- Speaker Gingrich. I'm sure we'll be talk- ers back, we want to get them paid. Ard in ing about that, that’s one of the things we Administration of William ]. Clinton, 1996 / Jan. 2 5 want to get done and get agreed to. So we’re courage, legendary reputation, and selfless trying to work out how to get the Federal service. employees back to work. We'd also like to Last summer, as I prepared for the 50th get them paid. I think that’s an integral part anniversary of the commemoration of V-] of getting them back to work. But as the Day and the end of the war in the Pacific, President said, I think, frankly, most of our I had the honor and privilege of having din- success so far has been that we've been in ner with Admiral Burke. I benefited then this room talking with each other and not from his wise counsel, as had previous Pyesi- getting involved in negotiating in public, and dents before me. Courageous and gallant, he I think we've made a lot of progress. was renowned for his heroism and leadership Q. To follow on that, sir, is it healthy to during the Pacific battles of World War II, have the House Speaker talking on CNN yes- from Cape St. George and the Solomon Sea terday on the —— to Leyte Gulf and Okinawa. During his 6- Speaker Gingrich. Oh, that is nonsense. year tenure as Chief of Naval Operations in I told the President on Friday that I was so the pivotal years of the cold war, Admiral favorable about him in answering their big Burke’s vision ensured a balanced and versa- question on “Evans & Novak” that I thought tile Navy to help deter world war and re- he’d want to see it. The fact is we’re working spond to whatever crises might come. The very well together. I was asked a question U.S. Navy, in naming one of its most power- about the campaign next year, and I suspect ful class of surface ships after “31-Knot if you ask Mr. Gephardt or Vice President Burke,” has ensured that his name wil! ride Gore about how they'll campaign next year, the seas as a reminder in the coming century they'll give you similar answers. We're nego- of an indomitable destroyerman and naval tiating very well from a Government stand- leader who stood for freedom and the excel- point in here, and I think we have a lot to lence needed to defend it. be proud of. Our New Year’s wish ought to To Admiral Burke’s wife of 72 years, Ro- be that we get this done and give the Amer- berta, his family and friends, and to the Navy ican people a balanced budget and the Gov- community, I extend my heartfelt condo- ernment paid for and back to work. lences. We will remember him as one of Senator Dole. The Senate is going to America’s finest sailors and most capable meet at noon; we'll try to pass something to military leaders. help the Federal employees. Q. Are you closer? Message to the Congress Senator Dole. Oh, we're about 6 feet apart. [Laughter] Transmitting a Report on Loan Senator Daschle. We'll be a lot closer in Guarantees to Israel a couple of hours. [Laughter] December 30, 1995 The President. We're working at it steady. Happy New Year everybody. To the Congress of the United States: Enclosed is an unclassified report on the Note: The exchange began at 9:50 a.m. in the Loan Guarantees to Israel Program and on Cabinet Room at the White House. A tape was economic conditions in Israel, as required by not available for verification of the content of this section 226(k) of the Foreign Assistance Act exchange. of 1961, as amended (Public Law 87-195), and section 1205 of the International Secu- Statement on the Death of Admiral rity and Development Cooperation Act of 1985 (Public Law 99-983). Arleigh A. Burke January 1, 1996 William J. Clinton The White House, We mourn the passing today of Adm. December 30, 1995. Arleigh A. Burke, U.S. Navy (Retired), whose dedicated and exceptional career is cherished Note: This message was released by the Office by everyone who knew of his extraordinary of the Press Secretary on January 2, 1996. 6 Jan. 2 / Administration of William ]. Clinton, 1996 Exchange With Reporters Prior toa title 36 of the United States Code, that the Meeting With Congressional Leaders flag of the United States shall be flown at half-staff upon all public buildings and January 2, 1996 grounds, at all military posts and naval sta- Budget Negotiations tions, and on all naval vessels of the Federal Q. Mr. President, is this the meeting at Government in the District of Columbia and which you're going to start making some throughout the United States and its Terri- compromises on the most contentious issues? tories and possessions until interment. I also The President. Well, I'm looking forward direct that the flag shall be flown at half- to it, and I hope we can reach an agreement. staff for the same period at all United States I want to compliment the Senate on voting embassies, legations, consular offices, and to reopen the Government today for the next other facilities abroad, including all military several days while we attempt to finalize this, facilities and naval vessels and stations. and I hope the House will follow suit. That's In Witness Whereof, I have hereunto set a very good sign, and I’m looking forward my hand this second day of January, in the to the meeting tonight. year of our Lord nineteen hundred and nine- Q. Will the House follow suit, Mr. Speak- ty-six, and of the Independence of the United er? States of America the two hundred and twen- Speaker Gingrich. Well, our Members tieth. will be back by noon tomorrow, and we hope William J. Clinton to meet with all of them and brief them on tonight’s meeting and whatever happens to- [Filed with the Office of the Federal Register, morrow morning and maybe get something 8:45 a.m., January 4, 1996] done during the day tomorrow. I think if we can both get movement on the balanced NoTE: This proclamation was published in the budget and get the Government back to Federal Register on January 5. work, and paid for, that really would be a good step in the right direction. Remarks on the Impact of the Q. Will you encourage them to take the Senate bill? Budget Impasse and an Exchange Speaker Gingrich. We're going to have With Reporters a good meeting tonight, and we'll report to January 3, 1996 the Members what happened when they get back tomorrow. The President. Good afternoon. I have just finished meeting with my Cabinet to re- Note: The exchange began at 6:15 p.m. in the ceive an update on the consequences of the Oval Office at the White House. \ tape was not Government shutdown that Congress has im- available for verification of the content of this ex- posed on the American people and on the change. hardworking public employees who are now working without pay and the many who want Proclamation 6860—Death of to work but are not permitted to return to Admiral Arleigh A. Burke work. Each day this shutdown continues, the consequences grow worse. January 2, 1996 Before I get into some of the specific By the President of the United States things that came out of the Cabinet meeting, of America let me remind the American people that this shutdown is not caused by the fact that the A Proclamation congressional leaders and I have not yet As a mark of respect for the memory of reached agreement on a balanced budget Admiral Arleigh Burke, one of our Nation’s plan or on all the appropriations for this year. foremost naval heroes, I hereby order, by the In fact, it is part of an explicit strategy by authority vested in me as President of the Republicans to shut the Government down United States of America by section 175 of to get their way on budget and tax issues. Administration of William J. Clinton, 1996 / Jan. 3 7 This has never been done before. It is not tigations into 3,500 potential cases of pension a natural disaster. It is an unnatural disaster fraud have ground to a halt. borne of a cynical political strategy. Two weeks ago when a mill burned down It is long past time to reopen the Govern- in Massachusetts, workers received imme- ment. I am pleased that after 2 weeks of this diate assistance for child care, transportation, shutdown, the Senate Republicans have and job training. Last week when 2,000 work- voted to reopen the Government, putting the ers lost their jobs from a Rhode Island fac- interest of our country ahead of politics. Our tory, the Labor Department could not re- budget talks are proceeding seriously and in spond at all. good faith. I have been impressed by the ef- Medicaid funding that goes to pay for forts made on all sides, including those by nursing home care, pregnant women, the dis- Senator Dole and by Speaker Gingrich and abled, and poor children will be exhausted Leader Armey and Senator Daschle and Mr. by the end of this month. Every day we are Gephardt. We are working together in good unable to process 2,500 applications for faith. This shutdown is not speeding our mortgage insurance. That means now a back- talks. It is only casting a shadow over them. log of 20,000 people who are losing their Let me report to you some of the specific home loans, many of them losing their examples of harm already caused by the shut- chance to buy their new homes. Funds to down. This week, the Meals on Wheels pro- pay for drugs, food, and supplies at veterans gram for senior citizens will run out of hospitals run out today. And 170,000 veter- money. Half the Head Start programs in the ans did not receive their December edu- country will run out of money within the cational benefits. month. The Centers for Disease Control At FEMA, an agency that has been univer- tracking system cannot accurately keep up sally praised by Republicans and Democrats with the flu outbreak in the Midwest. On alike, the emergency food and shelter pro- an average day, 260 small businesses are gram for people facing disasters has run out being denied $40 million in capital, loans that of funds. And according to Director James would create new jobs for Americans. We Lee Witt, some State emergency manage- are not able to enforce our trade laws to pro- ment agencies have actually had to shut their tect our workers and our products. We're not operations. We can only hope that they will able to weatherize homes in this winter to not suffer a disaster while this occurs. protect the elderly from the cold. The Secretary of State reports that this Yesterday, the Environmental Protection shutdown is adversely affecting the national Agency shut down toxic waste cleanups at 32 security of the country. We are running the sites across America. Every day, 240 calls to risk of not being able to maintain our diplo- the Drinking Water Contamination Hotline macy abroad. And this shutdown, frankly, is now go unanswered. The EPA’s efforts to injuring the reputation of the United States prevent cryptosporidium from contaminating around the world. People wonder what is city water supplies, something that proved a going on. deadly threat in the city of Milwaukee, have The shutdown has been especially dev- been badly delayed. EPA enforcement ef- astating to hundreds of thousands of dedi- forts have completely stopped. cated public servants who work for the Amer- Medicare contractors who serve our elder- ican people through the Federal Govern- ly are not being paid. Many of them now ment. Some of them have actually had their are dipping into their own pockets to keep phones cut off or can no longer pay for child health care coming, but they won't be able care because they are working without pay to do it for long. Ten States have run out or because they are not permitted to work. of the funding they use to run our unemploy- Some of those are so dedicated to their mis- ment insurance program, and 15 more will sion that they've actually tried to go to work soon do so. and had to be run off. Ninety-five percent of all workplace safety It’s time to stop holding the Federal work- activities have been shut down. All sweatshop ers hostage in this process. As the Secretary enforcement has been stopped. And inves- of State says, this is not how a great country 8 Jan. 3 / Administration of Wiiliam J. Clinton, 1996 behaves. And as I have said for months and tional emergency to deal with the unusual months and every day since this shutdown and extraordinary threat to the national secu- occurred, this is not how to balance the budg- rity and foreign policy of the United States et; it is not influencing our talks; we ought constituted by the actions and policies of the to reopen the Government. Government of Libya. On January 8, 1986, Again, let me say I’m convinced both sides by Executive Order No. 12544, the President want to balance the budget. We have dif- took additional measures to block Libyan as- ferent philosophies about how to do so. sets in the United States. The President has Based on the a and hours we've spent transmitted a notice continuing this emer- working together, I’m convinced we can do gency to the Congress and the Federal Reg- it. But it is wrong—it is deeply wrong to shut ister every year since 1986. the Government down while we negotiate The crisis between the United States and under the illusion that somehow that will af- Libya that led to the declaration of a national fect the decisions that I would make on spe- emergency on January 7, 1986, has not been cific issues. As I said, this is only casting a resolved. The Government of Libya has con- shadow over our talks. I will continue to do tinued its actions and policies in support of everything I can in good faith to reach an terrorism, despite the calls by the United Na- agreement. But it is wrong to shut the Gov- tions Security Council, in Resolutions 731 ernment down. (1992), 748 (1992), and 883 (1993) that it Again, let me compliment the Senate on demonstrate by concrete actions its renunci- abandoning that process and voting to open ation of such terrorism. Such Libyan actions the Government while we continue to work, and policies pose a continuing unusual and and ask the House to follow suit. extraordinary threat to the national security Thank you very much. and vital foreign policy interests of the Unit- Q. Mr. President, House leaders ed States. For these reasons, the national Q. What about your role in this, Mr. Presi- emergency declared on January 7, 1986, and dent? the measures adopted on January 7 and Janu- Q. Is there anything you can do to bring ary 8, 1986, to deal with that emergency, the workers, some workers back? must continue in effect beyond January 7, The President. Well, I have worked with 1996. Therefore, in accordance with section our people, obviously, at OMB to explore 202(d) of the National Emergencies Act (50 every conceivable option to bring them back. U.S.C. 1622(d)), I am continuing the national And I will continue to do that. I have done emergency with respect to Libya. This notice everything that I have been told I can legally shall be published in the Federal Register do, and we are exploring some other options. and transmitted to the Congress. As other options come up, I will do whatever William J. Clinton I can. I think this is very wrong. The White House, But they also deserve to be paid. And the January 3, 1996. American people need to know that those who are not working are not out there idle [Filed with the Office of the Federal Register, of their own choice. They want to be here. 8:45 a.m., January 4, 1996] They want to be working, and we ought to give them a chance to do it. Norte: This notice was published in the Federal Register on January 5. Note: The President spoke at 3:19 p.m. in the Briefing Room at the White House. Message to the Congress on the Continuation of the Libyan Notice—Continuation of Libyan Emergency Emergency January 3, 1996 January 3, 1996 To the Congress of the United States: On January 7, 1986, by Executive Order Section 202(d) of the National Emer- No. 12543, President Reagan declared a na- gencies Act (50 U.S.C. 1622(d)) provides for

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