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Weed Science, 1994. Volume 42:687-688 Author Index—Weed Science, 1994 Abbas, Hamed K. ............ 487 Devine, Malcolm D Jorrin, Jesus Abu-Irmaileh, B.E. Di Tomaso, Joseph M Kennedy, Ann C. Adkins, Stephen W. ........... 353 Dionigi, Christopher P. Kenney, Michael J. Adkins, AndreaL............. 353 Donald, William W. ........ 502, 648 King, Charles A Al-Khatib, Kassim Dowdy, Robert H King, Robert P. Alaniz, Mario A Dunne, Cheryl L. Klingaman, Tracy E Anderson, Michael P. Dusky, Joan A Knezevic, Stevan Z. Dyer, William E errr 403 Eastin, E. Ford Koo, Suk J. Eberlein, Charlotte V. .......... Koskinen, William C 92, 233, 411, Ehlke, Nancy J. 446, 618 Bararpour, Mohammad T......... 553 Escobar, David E Kremer, RobertJ. 2.1... 0.00 ces 310 Barr, Andrew R Everitt, James H. RA REPU. 6606e0w 5oe o e 184 Barrett, Michael Fay, Peter K Larrinua, Ignacio M. Baziramakenga, R. Fernandez, Carlos J Leroux, Gilles D. Becker, Roger L Ferreira, Kenneth L Locke, Martin A. Bensch, Curtis N. Foley, Michael E. Loeppky, Heather A Blackshaw, RobertE. .......... 195 Forcella, Frank Lueschen, William E. Blossey, Bernd Frans, Robert E 438, 553 Lybecker, Donald W. Boerboom, Chris M PRG 4:5) 6. Scaoowei eee. a oe 658 Malecki, Richard A Bovey, Rodney W............. 658 Framier, TOMBE. 2 ww ce ee 168 Masters, Robert A eS ) 98 Fuerst, E. Patrick Maurice, Denise Boyette,C. Douglas ......... 44, 487 Gan, Jianying Maxwell, Bruce D. Bradshaw, LauraD. ........... 641 Gasper, John J McClelland, Marilyn Brecke, Barry J 556, 574 Gealy, DavidR. ..... 430, 482, 492, 579 McInnes, Kevin J Brewster, BilD.............. 430 Gillespie, Greg R McWhorter, ChesterG. ......... Briskin, DonaldP............. 255 Gunsolus, Jeffrey L Mekki, Mournir Brown, Blake A Gurusiddaih, S. Menendez, Julio Brule-Babel, AnitaL. .......... 123 Guttieri, Mary J Monks, David W. Buhler, Douglas D. . 92, 103, 205, 411, 618 Hanley, Kathleen Morrison, Ian N Burgard, Daniel J Hanson, Gordon E. Morton, Cathy A. Burnet, Michael W. M. Harker, K. Neil Mueller, Thomas C Burnside, Orvin C Harman, Wyatt L. Mullinix, Jr., Benjamin G Burton, James D. Harrison, S. Kent Mulugeta, Dawit Byrd, Jr., J.D. Hart, Quentin Murray, Leigh Callihan, R. H Hart, Jonathan J Neal, Joseph C. Cardina, John Harvey, R. Gordon er eee ree 601 Carrey III, V. Frank Hausler, Rainer E Moweem, Lamys. «6.s2ce .ewe s 608 Center, Ted D Hayes, Robert M. Nissen, Scott J. 158, 168 Chao, Jian Fu Heim, Dale R oY a 27 Hight,StephenD. ......... 128, 134 Hinz, John R. O’Donovan, JohnT......... 195, 385 Christopher, JohnT............ 468 Hoagland, Robert E Ogg, Jr., Alex G Clay, Sharon A. Holt, Jodie S. Oliver, Lawrence R Clay, David E Holtum, Joseph A. M Ouzts, Clark Coats, G. Euel Holtzman, Golde I. Owen, Micheal D.K. Coble, Harold D. 222, 227 Horak, Michael J. ............ 358 Poneleit, Charles G Corbin, Jr, BillyR. ........... 438 Horton, Diana oS eee e Cothren,J.Tom ............-. 333 Hsiao, Andrew I Pound, William E Cranmer, Brian K Isensee, Allan R Powles, Stephen B. . . . 153, 293, 369, 468 Crutchfield, Don A. Isiao, Andrew I. Putnam, Daniel H Davis, Michael R Jasieniuk, Marie Quick, William A De Prado, Rafael Johnson, III, W. Carroll Reddy, Krishna N De Haan, Robert L. Johnson, B. Jack Regier, Cecil Derksen, Douglas A Jorgenson, Michael D Richburg, III, John S. 687 AUTHOR INDEX Richerson,James V............ 115 Ce eer a Vencill, William K. Snipes, Charles E Villarreal, Ricardo Sorenson, Brent A. Wall, David A Gouna, mouraya ............-310 Walls, Jr., F. Robert Stephens, RandaliH. ..........S579 Wehtje, Glenn R. Sadeghi, Ali M. Sterling, Tracy M Weimer, Monte R Sanchez, Charles A Stoltenberg, David E. Weise, Stephan F. Schmidt, John W. Stougaard, Robert N. Weston, Leslie A. Schneegurt, Mark A en bo ee Scholes, Kimberly A. GN,DO ee ONE Whisenant, StevenG. .......... 658 Schreiber, Marvin M. Stroup, Walter W. Wicks, Gail A Schroeder, Dieter Sunderland, Shay L po) ee ee 316 Schroeder, Jill . Swanton, Clarence J. WU EE ue tiec@ Seper m 398, 601 Schweizer, Edward E Sweat, Jonathan K. Wiley, Gerald R Scott, Jon E Swinton, Scott M yo eee eee Seefeldt, Steven S Talbert, Ronald E Wolf, Dale D. Senesac, Andrew F. CO WH ENS i oe ae ee ee 285 Shafii, Bahman pe re Wyse, Donia... .......35,92,68 Sharma, M. Paul Thomas, A. Gordon Xie, Hai Sheng Shaw, David R. Thompson, Curtis R. pk, A ae e-ororear a e 233 OS SS 556, 574 INE Ey ko. 6 ss Xd ee es 629 Zahang, Zujie Shrefler, James W 556, 574 Van, Thai K Zimdahl, Robert L. Volume 42, Issue 4 (October-December) 1994 Weed Science, 1994. Volume 42:689-691 Subject Index—Weed Science, 1994 Absorption Cynodon dactylon Abutilon theophrasti Biexponential equation Cyperus esculentus .. . 378,398, 534, 601 AC 263,222 Biological control . . . . 44, 128, 134, 310, Cyperus rotundus ........ . 398,601 Acanthospermum hispidum 487, 492, 665 Acetolactate synthase 333 8, 44, 153, 172, 468 Brassica napus 184 Active transport Brassica rapa 385 Adjuvants Bromus tectorum Adventitious shoot buds Aegilops cylindrica Canonical discriminate analysis After ripening Capsicum annum Agressivity Carbon balance PERE ooet n se 8, 82, 424, 528 Carotenoids Depth of emergence Alachlor 27, 153, 233, 411 Desmodium tortuosum Alcohol ethoxylates Dicamba NE oa, 6.9% Ag wel So so Cassia obtusifolia ... . Diclofop Alopecurus myosuroides........ .340 Cassia occidentalis a PCeeE Te e Alternaria crassa Diclofop-methy] Centaurea solstitialis Difenzoquat Ea 6.5. ca a oe Pass 316, 523 CGA-154281 Amaranthus hybridus Digitaria ischaemum Amaranthus palmeri 316, 523 Chenopodium album Digitaria sanguinalis . . 216,222,541, Chisel plow erere ee 1 Amaranthus retroflexus . . . 103, 163, 327, 216, 222, 541, 411, 568 Chlorimuron Amaranthus spinosus 556, 574 Chlorophyll 103, 163, 327, 411, 568 Chloroplast DPX-PE350 556, 574 Chlorotoluron Droplet spread 103, 327, 541 Ambrosia artemisiifolia .. . 103, 327, 541 Ammonium sulfate Echinochloa crus-galli Antagonism a errree Clopyralid Efficacy Anthemis cotula Color-infrared photography Color-infrared video imagery Eichhornia crassipes Apocynum cannabinum Competition . . . 27, 35, 61, 172, 180, 364, Electrolyte leakage Aquaculture 385, 403, 534, 556, 568, 574, 579 Arabidopsis thaliana Eleusine indica Arachis hypogaea Conservation tillage Conventional-till Elytrigia repens ....... 8, 82, 424, Convolvulus arvensis Artemisia frigida Corn, sweet Cover crops Erythroxylum sp. Aryloxyphenoxypropanoate herbicides . 293 Critical period Crop oil concentrate Euphorbia esula Crop residue Euphorbia maculata Astragalus mollissimus Crop yield loss Cropping system Fagopyrum tataricum ......... «385 86, 316, 411, 462, 618 Cross-resistance FAGTA AVEFA . . 66, 195, 200, 327, 345, 353, 430 Crotalaria spectabilis Fecundity Avena fatua . 66, 195, 200, 327, 345, Cucurbita foetidissima Fenoxaprop 353, 430 Fertilizer shank placement SUBJECT INDEX Fiber quality Herbicide tolerance Mechanism of action First-order equation Herbicide translocation Meloidogyne incognita Flexible harrow I eee Membrane effect Fluazifop-P aeeee Membrane structure Fluid extraction Hoerl function Membrane transport Fluometuron Hordeum vulgare Membranes Fluorescence induction Host selectivity alteration Metabolism Fruendlich isotherms Hydrophobicity Metolachlor Hylobius transversovittatus Metribuzin Gaeumannomyces graminisD Hysteresis Microbial metabolites Microtitre plate assay Galerucella calmariensis Mode of action Galerucella pusilla Imazamethabenz Moisture stress Galium aparine Monomolecular growth model Genotype Imazaquin 249, 468, 635 Morphological characters Geosmin Imazethapyr 70, 158, 601 Germination Inheritance Germination criteria Interference « « «.o 21,30, 61, 180, 364, Multiple resistance Glycine max .... 61, 103, 205, 523, 608 385, 534, 553, 568, 574, 579 Mycoherbicide Glyphosate 27, 316, 333 IIE 0310.L ah wec g ek “0 8 263 Gossypium hirsutum. . . 13, 61, 210, 222, Zot Nicosulfuron 316, 438, 553 Nicotiana tabacum Ground water quality Nitrogen Groundwater contamination Nitrogen fertilizer Growth retardant Ipomoea coccinea No-tillage Growth stage Ipomoea hederacea Nozzle type Ipomoea lacunosa Herbicide absorption Ipomoea purpurea Herbicide activity Eo eee Organic matter Herbicide adsorption . . . 249, 438, 453, Organosilicone surfactant 629, 635 NRT osf ie enh ec x Ge cp me Orobanche ramosa Herbicide antidote Oryza sativa Herbicide carryover Jacquemontia tamnifolia Osmotic potential Herbicide concentration Herbicide cross-resistance a Panicum miliaceum Herbicide decomposition PESoa ee e PANMI Herbicide degradation Kochia scoparia .... . 50,172,316, Paraquat Herbicide deposition Parasitic weed Herbicide desorption Boca salivg .........«.« SSI Passive transport Herbicide drift 70, 110, 482 Leaf structure Pendimethalin ......... 27, 586, 601 Herbicide efficacy 398, 586, 658 Leaf water potential Penicillium expansum Herbicide formulation Perennial weeds Herbicide injury Pest interactions Herbicide leaching 86, 233, 411, 462, 586, 618 Leptochloa fascicularis Phenological characters Herbicide mechanism of action . . 148, 163 SESaeE ee en Phenylureas Herbicide metabolism Light intensity Phosphorous Light reflectance Phosphorous fertility Herbicide movement Linum usitatissimum. . . .. . . . . 57, PUI 6 licGrekg! asoe e ae 333 Herbicide persistence 92, 241, 618, Log-logistic model Photosystem II herbicides 446, 625 Lolium rigidum . . 153,293, 302, 369, 468 Herbicide placement in soil 153, 293, 302, 369, Picloram Herbicide removal from soil Lycopersicon esculentum .... . . 57,509 Pisum sativum Herbicide residue 195, 249, 438 134 Plant density Herbicide resistance . . . 50, 123, 153, 172, Lythrum alatum , 134 Plant mapping 195, 277, 293, 302, 340, Lythrum salicaria 134 Plant membranes 369, 430, 468, 548 128, 134 Planting date Herbicide sorption Plasmalemma 690 Volume 42, Issue 4 (October-December) 1994 WEED SCIENCE Pollen viability Silwet L-77 Tribenuron Potassium nitrate Soil moisture 358, 424 Trifluralin 123, 316 Primisulfuron Soil temperature. ............561 27,57, 141, Soil texture 184, 316, 333, 438 Pseudomonas fluorescens Soil water content Solanum ptycanthum Quinclorac Solanum tuberosum ... 70, 110, 446, 528 Quizalofop Solute transport Sorghum bicolor Rectangular hyperbolic yield function Sorghum halepense Relative humidity Remote sensing Spatial dependence Water binding in seed Rhizobacteria Spray additives Waterhyacinth weevil Ridge tillage Spray droplet size Weed biomass Rimsulfuron..............3.2 7 Spray retention Starch encapsulation Weed competition Row-crop cultivator Starch granule Weed composition Streptomyces tendae Weed control efficacy Safeners Sublethal rates Weed control Scarification Sulfometuron SEBEX Summer fallow Weed cross-breeding Supercritical CO, Weed density ... . 35,61, 103, 523, 528, Seed dormancy 200, 353, 358, 502 Surfactant Seed germination stimulation Sylgard 309 Weed dispersal Seed germination 50, 98, 358, 561 Synergism Weed distribution Seed longevity Weed interference Seed moisture Taeniatherum caput-medusae Weed management Seed viability Tank mixtures Weed management computer model Seedling emergence model Tetrazolium test Weed mapping Seedling regrowth Weed patches Sequestration Teucrium canadense Weed seed burial Sesbania exaltata Thidiazuron Weed seed production Setaria faberi Thifensulfuron Weed seed germination Setaria glauca Weed seedbanks Setaria viridis Tillage level Wetlands Time of emergence Wheat cultivar Tissue culture Tonoplast Translocation Xanthium strumarium 541, 601 Transpiration Zea mays 1, 103, 141, 168, 205, Triasulfuron 411, 568, 641 STATEMENT OF OWNERSHIP, MANAGEMENT AND CIRCULATION (Required by 39 U.S.C. 3685) Date of Filing-August 22, 1994. Title of Publica- tion-WEED SCIENCE; Publication No. 671-310; Frequency of Issue-quarterly; No. of Issues Published Annually-4; Annual Subscription Price-$60.00; Complete Mailing Address of Know Office of Publication-Weed Science Society of America, 1508 W. University Ave., Champaign, 6182 1-3133,; Com- plete Mailing Address of the Headquarters of General Business of the Publisher-Weed Science Society of America, 1508 W. University Ave., Champaign, 61821-3133,; Publisher-Weed Science Society of America, 1508 W. University Ave., Champaign, 61821-3133,; Editor-Robert L. Zimdahl, Weed Research Laboratory, Colorado State University, Ft. Collins, CO 80523; Owner-Weed Science Society of America, 1508 W. University Ave., Champaign, 6182 1- 3133,; Known Bondholders, Mortgagees, and Other Security Holders Owning or Holding 1 Percent or More of Total Amount of Bonds, Mortgages or Other Securities-none; A.Total no. copies printed (net press run), average 3,684, actual 3,663; B.Paid and/or Requested Circulation 1.Sales through dealers and carriers, street vendors and counter sales, average none, actual none; 2.Mail Subscriptions, average 2,947, actual 2,934; C.Total Paid and/or Requested Cir- culation, average 2,947, actual 2,934; D.Free Distribution by Mail, Carrier or Other Means, average none, actual none; E. Total Distribution(sum of C and D), average 2,947, actual 2,934; F.Copies not distributed 1.Office use, left over, unaccounted, spoiled after printing, average 737, actual 729; 2.Return from News Agents, average none, actual none; G.Total(sum of E and F-should equal net press run shown in A), average 3,684, actual 3,663. I certify that the above statement made by me are correct and complete. Robert A. Schmidt. Volume 42, Issue 4 (October-December) 1994

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